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Astrological Services

Horoscope with Predictions will include following:• Lagna Kundali• Rashi Kundali• Spashta Graha (Planetary Positions)Vivaha MelanVivaha Samasya Nivaran

We give Computerized /manual Kundali which consist of following things:• Janma Kundali, Rashi Kundali, Bhavachalit Kundali,• Hora, Dreshkana, Saptamansh, Navamansh, Dwadashansh, Trishansh Kundali• Dashansha, Shodashansha, Shathyansha, Chaturthansha, Vishansha, Chaturvishansha, Bhansha, Khavedansha, Akshavedansha Kundali• Spashta Graha (Planet Details)• Spashta Bhava (Table of Houses)• Planetary Aspects (Graha Yog), Planetory Strength• Mahadasha upto 3 Levels (Mahadasha, Aanterdasha, Vidasha)• Nakshtra Gochara Chart.Predictions will be about Personality, Education, Career, Marriage & Married Life, Children & Health, and Wealth. But first we will see what are the Different Rashi’s, Planet’s and 12 Houses and there importance.

Vedic Astrology is an ancient Indian science which explains planetary motions and positions with respect to time and their effect on humans and other entities on earth. Vedic astrology can be traced thousands of years back. Early Vedic astrology was only based on the movement of planets with respect to stars, but later on it started including zodiac signs as well. According to Vedic astrology there are 27 constellations made up of 12 zodiac signs, 9 planets and 12 houses with each house and planet representing some aspect of human life.

Moon SignMoon sign or Rashi is one of the basic and defining parameters used in Indian astrology. Since Moon changes its sign after every 2 & 1/4 days, the vedic astrologers use its movement as a base parameter instead of Sun which moves from one house to next in a month's time. In Vedic Astrology the placement of the moon in a particular sign in the birth chart represents the Moon sign for the native.There are twelve Rashis which is as follows:

Mesha, Vrishabh, Mithuna, Karka, Simha, Kanya Tula Vrischik Dhanus Makar Khumbha Meena

PlanetsIn Vedic Astrology, we have 7 planets, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, two lumanaries Sun and Moon and 2 shadowy planets. All these are termed as Navagrahas . The

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energy of these planets influences our everyday lives. The planets move at varying speeds. Moon completes the zodiac cycle in 27 days, Sun in 365 days (1 year), Saturn is slowest planet in the zodiac.Sun: The Sun is the source of life for the solar system. It represents the conscious mind, will, ego, vitality, leadership, power, and authority. It rules important people, royalty, nobility, and the head of state, the government and the father. It signifies expressions of confidence such as sports, the theater, and romance. It stands for our genuine, authentic self, and our ability to radiate and shine.It rules the fifth sign, Leo, and the fifth house. Its cycle is equivalent to the Earth's year.Key Words: Powerful, Dignified, Natural leader and loves to be starPhysical attributes: Head, Heart, Vitality, Circulation right eye.Gemstone: Ruby.

The Moon: The Moon is the complement of the Sun, reflecting its light onto the Earth and governing its tides and cycles. Seen from Earth, the Sun and Moon are equal in size. The moon symbolizes our subconscious mind, habits, feelings, moods, instincts, reflections, and aspirations. It nurtures growth and protects life and represents fluctuation, the feminine and the common people and their needs. It also represents Mother, women, perceptual mind, emotions, nurturing, feeling, family, the public, protecting.It rules the fourth sign, Cancer and the Fourth House. It orbits and Earth and the zodiac every twenty-eight days, and it completes one cycle between new moons every twenty-nine and one-half days.Key Words: Sensitive, Domestic nurturing, SentimentalPhysical attributes: Lungs, Breasts, Stomach, Womb, Left eye.Gemstone: Pearl.

Mars: Mars is the red planet. It is the first leading us outward toward the stars, representing our desire to venture outward. Mars is energetic, impulsive, and active. It stands for enterprise, adventure, enthusiasm, zeal, courage athletic and mechanical skill, and sexual desire. It brings war, violence, quarrels and accidents. It signifies machismo, the armed forces, pioneers, brothers, fire, surgery, police, military, courage, energy, independence and discord.It rules the first sign, Aries, the eighth sign, Scorpio, and the First and Eighth Houses. Its period of revolution around the Sun lasts almost two years.Key Words: Energetic, Aggressive, Decisive, and InnovativePhysical attributes: Blood, Muscles, Stamina, and Strength.Gemstone: Red coral.

The Mercury: Mercury is the fastest planet and one of the smallest. It is closest to the Sun. Mercury is inventive, restless and curious. It stands for communication, media, thought, mobility, writing, and education. It is the symbol of youth, students, Intellect, speech, education, communication, writing, language, discrimination, logic, marketing, intelligence, understanding, knowledge, and civil servants.It rules the third sign, Gemini, the sixth sign, Virgo, and the Third and Sixth Houses. It orbits the Sun every eighty-eight days, over four times a year.Key Words: Alert, Inquisitive, Inventive, Logical

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Physical attributes: Nervous system, Skin, Mouth, Arms, Hands.Gemstone: Emerald.

The Jupiter: Jupiter is the largest planet and turns on its axis the fastest. As the first of the huge, gaseous planets outward from the Sun, it presents expanding opportunities and widening horizons. It stands for wisdom, the higher mind, prophecy, organized religions, universities, law, ceremonies, and rituals. It establishes far-ranging connections between people and ideas. It is the planet of abundance, prosperity, generosity, joviality, fortune, optimism, finance, and world commerce, but it tends to excess, over-confidence, self-righteousness, and complaisance. It represents teacher, guru, children, husband, religion, meditation, wealth, faith, and hope, devotion to God, holy places, pilgrimages, optimism, expansion, growth, good fortune, and foreign travel.It rules the ninth sign, Sagittarius, the twelfth sign, Pisces, and the Ninth and Twelfth Houses. It orbits the Sun in just under twelve years.Key Words: Optimistic, philosophical, jovial, and liberal-mindedPhysical attributes: Liver, fat, spleen.Gemstone: Yellow sapphire.

The Venus: Venus is known as the loveliest and brightest planet. It is the Earth's closest neighbor toward the Sun, and represents our impulse to reflect, balance and evaluate. It brings love, peace, and harmony, and rules diplomacy, cooperation and strategy. It stands for beauty, nature, the arts, affection, social life, pleasure, happiness, wife, marriage, love, women, partners, gems, jewelry, flowers, music, harmony, relationships, cooperation, singing, creativity.It rules the second sign, Taurus, and the seventh sign, Libra, and the Second and Seventh Houses. It orbits the Sun every two hundred and twenty-five days.Key Words: Gentle, Lovable, Unselfish, Charming, CompanionablePhysical attributes: Face, Kidneys, Reproductive system.Gemstone: Diamond.

The Saturn: Saturn is the ringed planet that encloses and encircles what is within its realm. It defines limits, form and structure. It represents caution, conservatism, realism, pessimism, orthodoxy and old age. It brings depression, poverty, stagnation, restriction and misfortune. It elicits depth of thought, ambition, perseverance, and the desire for status. It represents the State, the Establishment, politics, organization and civil authority. It institutes discipline and repression, imposes order, and establishes justice. It signifies miners, land owner, officials, administrators, death, separation, stability, agriculture and mining. It represents the world and all its laws.It rules the tenth sign, Capricorn, the eleventh sign, Aquarius, and the Tenth and Eleventh Houses. Its orbit lasts twenty-nine and a half years.Key Words: Methodical, Patient, Disciplined, DutifulPhysical attributes: Bones, Nerves, Teeth, Chronic Illness.Gemstone: Blue sapphire.

Rahu : (Dragon’s head) It is a shadow planet. It represents worldly desires, material karma, psychology, foreign lands, fear, doubt, crime, drugs, alcohol, insanity, separation, adversities, harsh speech, attachment, unorthodoxy, addictions.

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Physical attributes: Chronic illness, mental illness, toxicity.Gemstone: Hessonite garnet.

Ketu : Dragon’s Tail It is a shadow planet. It represents spiritual liberation, mystical experience, perception, change, occult studies, astrology, rejection, accidents, sleep, dreams, psychic ability, confusion, loss, seclusion, and detachment, past life qualities.Physical attributes: Mental confusion, Accidents.Gemstone: Cat’s eye.


The zodiac according to Indian Astrology comprises of 360 degrees. There are 27 Nakshatras or constellations in it. Therefore, the value of each constellation is 13 degrees and 20 minutes when measured from the fixed initial point. Each Nakshtra is divided in padas or charan, every Nakshtra has 4 padas or charan. These 27 Nakshatras (constellations) complete the entire circle of 360 degrees of the zodiac.

The concept of Nakshatras is used in Vedic Astrology for accurate predictions and astrological analysis. Janamanakshtra is the Nakshatra in which the Natal Moon is placed at the time of birth. Janamnakstra gives insights to one's thinking patterns, characteristics of the person and calculating the dasha period. As per our Hindu Mythology, Moon had married all the 27 daughters of King Dakshan, who are the 27 nakshatras in the sky. But, Moon loved to spend time with only one his beloved queen Rohini Nakshtara, which is also the exaltation point for Moon. Other wives (Nakshtras) complained to their father (King Dakshan), repeated requested to Moon by King was unable to change Moon's nature, finally King Dakshan got angry and cursed Moon, causing it to wane in size. Moon started diminishing in size. Since the consequences of this were not good, all Devas intervened and requested King Dakshan to withdraw the curse. King was given assurance that Moon will visit all his wives, since the curse cannot be revoked completely, King Dakshan said Moon will regained his strength for half a month, that is the reason Moon transits all 27 nakshtras in a month, completing the zodiac orbit causing Amavasya and Poornima by waxing and waning in size.

1 AshwiniAshwini is governed by the Ashw ins, the twin horsemen.Characteristics- love animals and travelling. Loyal, trustworthy and reliable are having a magnetic personality. The Sun is exalted here and the horse is the preferred transport of the Sun God. Sun's exaltation in Ashwini is a reminder to the soul of their eternal connection.Attract people and are proud, self-sufficient and well organized. Helpful and guide others. Amazing grasping power is specialty. Perseverance is lacking in some cases. Fast in expediting the jobs. Have a great strength, energy and stamina. Rigid nature which may disturb family life.Inclination for architecture, interior designing, riding and sports. Accidents are common to people born under this nakshatra.

2 BharaniThe planet of art and beauty, the Venus, rules this nakshatra. The energy of Bharani is called krura, means cruel.

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This star is under the lordship of Venus and is within the sign of Aries, ruled by Mars. Bharani represents the character of Agni Rasi Tamo Guna.Characteristics-childish, blessed with long life, average physique with good dental line, creative in visual arts, photography, intelligent, witty, quite flexible, spontaneous and optimistic. Very courageous and never surrender. May arise problems in romance and misunderstanding with your partner.Inclination for-Military, Chemical industry, agriculture.

3 KritikkaKritikka is considered the nakshatra where power is born. This is the birth star of Chandra. The passivity of this nakshatra represents their ability to nurture power. Mythology describes Krittika as the foster mother of Kartik devata who is beautiful in appearance.Characteristics-magnetic personality, very popular, powerful built, hearty and vigorous. Determined and resolute, ability to cut through to the heart of the matter and tackle problems head on. Good leadership qualities and dangerous if provoked.Inclination for- Engineering, law, Military, medicine, business, interior decoration etc.

4 RohiniThis is the fourth nakshatra of the zodiac, ruled by the planet Moon. The word is derived from "Rohan" which means 'to bring into existence'.The other name of Rohini is Suravi - the celestial cow. Rohini' is the wife of Chandra who is said to have been fond of fine dress, cosmetics and décor and was the most beloved of Chandra or Moon.Characteristics-soft spoken, good adviser, popular, delicate features and a gentle nature. Witty, admirer of honesty and loyalty. Confidence winner. Family problems due to misunderstandings.Inclination for- Finance, trading, civil engineering and construction, architecture etc.You are also inclined towards intellectual activities and will continue to seek knowledge through out your life.

5 MrigashirsaThe word 'Mriga' means forests, a search, to wander in forests and a hunter and preceptor. Mrigashirsha is partly in Vrishabha and partly in Mithuna.Characteristics-Creative in fine arts, hobby of singing, very youthful, humorous, energetic,intelligent, very popular. You have a sharp intellect. Striking personality. Good in debate and oration. Very romantic.Impulsive and over confidence may lead to setbacks.Inclination for-Advertising, Communication, Sports, Environment campaigns.

6 ArdraArdra is ruled by Rudra, the fierce form of Lord Shiva who represents thunder. Ardra means wet or surcharged with water, that is fat. When the Sun enters Ardra the earth is said to be starting its menstrual course that is "Ambobachi".Characteristics-healthy, vigorous, handsome, helpful, quite intelligent, insensitive, impetuous, stubborn and not easily persuaded. Always domination will cause pain to your loved ones.Inclination for- Law enforcement, fire fighting, etc.

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7 PurnavasuThe word Punarvasu is derived from Puna+Vasu, which means return, renewal, restoration or repetition. Punarvasu Nakshatra brings about the return of energy and vitality.Characteristics-very honest, straight forward, bright, energetic, enthusiastic and charming. Attraction for religious activities and development. Helpful nature. Happy married life and a good family person.Inclination for-religious or spiritual career, acting and journalism.

8 PushyaThe word etymologically means "to nourish" and that again means to preserve, to protect, replenish, multiply and strengthen. Pushya Nakshatra increases our good karma and good efforts. The value of this Nakshatra for religious and spiritual practices is emphasized.Characteristics-Humorous, social, Soft spoken, spiritual, intelligent, self-sufficient, helping nature, straightforward.Inclination for-Medical profession, Social work, physiotherapy.

9 AshleshaIt is the birth star of Ketu. The force of Aslesha can be understood by its name Naga. Aslesha Nakshatra can be helpful if we have enemies but it can serve to give a person an inimical temperament as well. It all depends upon how the energy of this Nakshatra is used.Characteristics-resourceful, clever, flexible, the capability to transform, diverse interests and need constant stimulation. Many changes in the career. Excellent communication skills and good orators Very secretive by nature, unduly suspicious of people's motives. Your family life will be harmonious and you will make your partner the focal point of your life.Inclination for- politics, acting, writing or journalism.

10 MaghaMagha is ruled by the Ancestors. Magha is derived from Maghaban. Magha is the causes of brightness and light.Characteristics-top ranked, balanced, good decision maker ,organizer, mind, optimistic, commanding personality, very knowledgeable, strong leadership skills, tendency to be arrogant. Marital status is good but understanding with spouse is needed.Inclination for- trading, public or private sector jobs.

11 Purva PhalguniThis is the 11th nakshatra of the zodiac, ruled by the planet of arts and beauty, Venus. It is also called the Bhagadaivat Star. It is the symbol of the call for creation, it announces creation and development. Porvaphalguni brings about union and procreation on all levels. Poorvaphalguni is the symbol of good fortune and luck. It is the birth star of Vrahaspati.Characteristics-attractive and crowd puller, honest, non-corrupt, determined and ambitious. Soft hearted and nervous minded. Utmost care is necessary before starting a new venture. Good marital status.Inclination for- Legal practice and counseling.

12 Uttara PhalguniUttaraphalguni in the Vedic order is ruled by Bhaga, the God of happiness. The lords are Ravi

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and Budha, symbol is a bed. Uttaraphalguni indicates both the need for union and for organizing the resources gained through it.Characteristics-calm, composed, charming, flexible, morally strong, cheerful and confident. Arrogant, short tempered and too focused. Marital life is pleasant and contented.Inclination for- construction industry, hospitality industry, event planning, publicity management etc.

13 HastaCharacteristics-Striking personality, well-organized, well- built, helpful nature, creative, popular, emotional ,hard working and determined. Successful in creative jobs. Liking for travelling. Marital status is good.Inclination for-Handmade industry, creative arts etc.

14 ChitraThe symbol is the gem on the serpent's crest .It is anthropomorphically the forehead of Kalapurush.Chitra is ruled by Twashtar, the Cosmic craftsman. This is the "star of opportunity". Chitra reflects the world of maya and delusions, which they are to over come.In ancient time the star was known as the 'Star of Prosperity'. Chitra allows us to gain the fruit of our good karma that comes through righteousness. It has a highly spiritual energy and effect.Characteristics-very knowledgeable, sophisticated, distinguishing, well groomed, bold, intuitive, ambitious and popular, lover of beautiful things, concerned with political and social issues. Problems marital ,which need to be tackled tactfully.Inclination for- Research, coaching, the visual arts, designing, decorating etc.

15 SwatiThis Nakshatra is concerned with air, wind, breeze or knowledge of Akaash since Akaash is the abode of air. Swati Nakshatra can be destructive unless we learn how to use it to remove negativity.Characteristics-Very social, broad minded, intelligent, calm, determined, ambitious and helpful nature. Strong sense of justice and harmony.Attraction for religious or social and political work. Too much social work may create differences in family.Inclination for-medical jobs, chemicals, metal industry and travel industry.

16 VishakhaAnother name of this star is Radha, a compliment to Anuradha, the birth star of the Sun. Vishakha represents the powers of heat and lightning in the atmosphere. This is the "Star of Purpose".It has the Symbol of a leaf-decked triumphal gate. Vishakha does not give immediate results but perhaps greater long term gains. Indra and Agni here are related to agriculture showing the ripening effect of heat, rain and seasonal changesCharacteristics-charming personality, witty, popular, in the opposite sex members, genius, need constant mental stimulation, excellent communicator, crowd-puller, strong sense of justice and harmony.Inclination for- Journalism, sales and marketing, writing.

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Those born under this nakshatra are likely to have a very happy marital life and will make good marriage partners.

17 AnuradhaAnuradha Nakshatra gives balance in relationship, both honoring others and seeking ourselves to be honorable.Characteristics-Nice personality, jovial, social, high spirit, humorous, fun loving and beloved. Creative, Strong, determined and very ambitious.Characteristics-Sales and marketing, Astrology, Spiritual guidance and counseling, Business etc. Satisfactory married life but with an understanding with thw spouse.

18 JyeshthaJyeshtha means the eldest one, the senior most, the chief one, more excellent than, preferred one or someone or something supreme glorious.Characteristics-Skillful, full of vitality and energy, loving and generous, family person, successful early in life, good nature and crowd puller. Married life is happy and you will have very supportive spouses.Inclination for-interior designing, Engineering, Metallurgy, Chemical engineering, Architecture, construction etc.

19 MoolaMoola is ruled by Nirriti, the Goddess of destruction .The meaning of the word, Moola means the root. The Symbol is a bunch of roots tied together.Moola signifies roots, that is to say, everything of basic nature, its motion is finite and limited. Moola connotes the ideas of foundation, commencement, from the very bottom, the chief or principal city or the capital. Moola does not indicate fortune or luck.Characteristics-charming personality, flexible, liberal, stubborn, determined, very ambitious very competitive and goal oriented. Crowd puller. Married life is satisfactory .Inclination for- sailing ,politics, sales and marketing, finance, stock market, business, engineering etc.

20 Purva AshadaIt has the symbol of hand fan. People born in Poorvashadha are intelligent and convincing.Poorvashadha is ruled by the Waters. Poorvashadha provides us additional energy for our efforts. It is also known as the "Invincible Star". This nakshatra is associated with declarations of war.Characteristics-very generous, kind hearted, Charming, gentle nature and crowd puller. Hard worker with managing abilities, less ambitious. Married life satisfactory.Inclination for-Financial planning, social work, political jobs etc.

21 Uttara AshadaUttarashadha is introspective and penetrative and is concerned with intensiveness, the results of the latter being more permanent than the former. Uttaraashadha is the second part of the Nakshatra Sagittarius.Characteristics-highly educated, liberal and helpful. Very helpful and popular among friends. lucky in love and happy married life.Inclination for-Banking, Research, Teaching, Counseling, Intellectual activities, publishing etc.

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22 ShravanaShravana usually means "hearing". The symbol of Shravana is three foot-prints.It is the birth star of Saraswati. Shravana is ruled by Vishnu, the pervador. This is the star of listening, also called the "Star of Learning". The mercurial planet Moon owns this nakshatra.Characteristics-financially successful, satisfied, kind-hearted, considerate, neat and well organized.Skillful in leadership, good in business. Chances of bankruptcy if not taken care in financial affairs.Inclination for-management related jobs, charitable and social institutions, technical jobs etc. Marital status will be extremely successful.

23 DhanishthaDhanishta is ruled by the Venus, the Gods of abundance. It is known as the “Star of Symphony". This nakshatra is owned by the fiery planet Mars. The symbol is a drum and tabla. Dhanishtha has two meanings in it - one is Dhana (riches) and the other is Dhvani (sound). Dhanishta builds upon the connections of Shravana and makes them more practical.Characteristics-highly intelligent, knowledgeable, skillful, passionate, good debater, skilled in business, music and dance. Marital life will be happy and satisfactory.Inclination for- computer industry, art-restoration, musicology etc.

24 SatabishaSatabhisha is ruled by the God of the cosmic waters. it is aslo known as the "Veiling Star". This nakshatra is about healing the human condition spiritually and physically. Satabhisha is the nakshatra owned by the node Rahu. This nakshatra is the large group of faint stars in the Water Bearer(Aquarius).Characteristics-need constant mental stimulation, controller of emotions, changeable and dangerous if provoked.Inclination for- Engineering, Mathematics, Accounts, Scientific research etc.

25 Purva BhadrapadaPoorvabhadrapada is ruled by Aja Ekapad, the one-footed serpent. The symbol is a double-faced man.Poorvabhadrapada raises up our spiritual aspiration in life and takes us out of the domain of selfish behavior.Characteristics-gutsy, charming, self sufficient, highly resourceful person, successful in attracting many friends and wealth. Very adaptable and has discriminating tastes. Marital life will be happy and spouse will be a constant source of strength and encouragement.Inclination for-trading, Banking and finance, Industrial management, international travel, gems and precious metals etc.

26 Uttara BhadrapadaPoorvabhadrapada is ruled by Aja Ekapad, the one-footed serpent.Poorvabhadrapada raises up our spiritual aspiration in life and takes us out of the domain of selfish behavior. This is a transformational nakshatra where they will sacrifice themselves for a higher cause, to make a difference in the world.Characteristics-intelligent, attractive, charming and outstanding, loving and merciful. Loyal to people and very helpful. Your marital life will be harmonious and satisfactory and children will

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be a source of joy and happiness.Inclination for- law, professional mediation, counseling.

27 RevatiRevati is governed by the nourishing form of the Sun God. Revati creates abundance through providing proper nourishment.This nakshatra indicates a journey, and may in fact represent our final journey from this life to the next, being the last and final nakshatra.Characteristics-ambitious, independent, very prosperous, attractive and sociable. Very charming and popular personality. Helping nature. Physical fitness conscious.Ignorance in financial affairs will land in debts. Your marital life will be very harmonious and your spouse, very compatible.Inclination for-Social work, Counseling, Psychology, Psychiatry etc.Ailments like-dental and orthopedic problems, ulcers, intestinal disorders.

Twelve Houses in horoscope

The houses of the horoscope refers to a twelve part division that begins with the Ascendant or your Rising Sign. The Ascendant/Rising Sign/First House cusp is calculated to an exact degree based on the precise moment of birth. To understand the full meaning of what your Ascendant says.

The twelve houses of the horoscope define different areas of our life. Each house refers to a specific aspect of life. Each house has what is called a natural sign and natural ruling planets. This is the sign and planet which are associated with that house in the natural chart beginning with Aries and ending with Pisces. Each signs/house consists of thirty degrees.

The 1st House - Ruler: Aries :Stands for: self, health, longevity, happiness, appearance, character, stature, temperament, prosperity, disposition, nature, personality, vitality, & vigour, success or failure in attempts, general well being persons asking question, fame ( Sun & Houses 10 ), beginning of life, child hood, environment, physical body.

The 2nd House - Ruler: Taurus :Stands for: wealth, death, speech, family, vision, education, learning, right eye, self-acquisition, face, material welfare, second marriage, teacher, lawyers, bankers, bonds, security, stock & shares, friends, documents, mortgages, negotiable & changeable assets, bank balance, gold, silver, ruby, pearls, money matters, acquisition by self, effort, worldly attainments.

The 3rd House - Ruler: Gemini :Stands for: stamina, courage, longevity, younger brother, perseverance, short travels, writings, relations, confusion of mind, vigor, pleasure, arms, servants, good qualities, large undertakings, mistress, neighbors, brokerage, commissions, ability, memory, mistress, intellect, interview, mental inclination, lower mind for material advancement, inclination to study, change of residence, signing of contracts or railway, papers, accounting, mathematics, editor, reporter, messenger, journalist, library, partition of property, printing press, communications, post offices,

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letter boxes, telephone, telegraph, television, teleprint, airmail, architect, astrology, writer, post, journalism, correspondence, publishing.

The 4th House - Ruler: Cancer : Stands for: Mother, happiness, pro-perty (hereditary, landed, constructed) conveyances, morel virtues (honesty and sincerity etc.), friends, education, peace of mind, comforts, acquisitions, general welfare, fondness, masses, fame, intelligence, savings, cattle, agricultural grains, trade, weather, residence, tent, pavilion, false allegations, where stolen property is kept, fields, farms, orchards, crops, mines, private affairs, secrets, secret life, in female’s nativity-sex life, sangama & sateetavama, popularity.

The 5th House - Ruler: Leo :Stands for: Children, intelligence, wisdom, speculation, fame, positions, mind, emotions, 1st conception, sudden wealth, good morals, father, foresight, memory, enjoyment including sex, speculative tendency, flirtations and love affairs, good morals, deity, bhakti, knowledge of future service, publications, gains to wife, festive occasions, sports, recreations entertainment, amusements, wife’s partner’s dance, opera, lottery, gambling, betting, cards, race horse, shares, stock exchange, crossword puzzles, love affairs, religious mindedness, spiritual practices, rapes, society, romance, mantra siddhi, carnal pleasures.

The 6th House - Ruler: Virgo :Stands for: enemies, debts, diseases, misery, sorrows, wounds, worries, disappointments, illness, accidents, obstacles, scandals, mental, afflictions, injuries, imprisonment, cruel actions, house of deficiency & wants, service, gains, mental stability, wood, timber, stone, instruments, hospitals, prisons, punishment, execution of cruel orders, favorable result in competition, enemy of humanity, center of all six natural enemies of humanity viz., kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (infatuation), ahankara ( arrogance), eerksha (jealousy), loss in investment purchases made by partner, material prosperity, competition.

The 7th House - Ruler: Libra :Stands for: Wife, husband, death, sexual desires, marriage, foreign travels, children, general happiness, business partner, cure of disease, relationship, litigation second wife, recovery of lost property, vital power, hernia, sexual diseases, sexual passion or union, diplomacy and honor in foreign country, trade and speculation, marital happiness, business tact, description of thief, foreign affairs, social interactions, partnership in business, social & official status.

The 8th House - Ruler: Scorpio :Stands for: disgrace, degradation, sorrow, debts, death & its cause, impediments, longevity, legacies, gifts, unearned or hidden wealth, career, defeat, urinary trouble, punishment from govt., fear, loss of money from debts, hidden wealth, foreign travel, husband’s relatives, mangalaya (forladies), accidents, delays, dejection, disappointment, loss, obstructions, intense mental worry, wickedness, sin, killing a living being, wanderings, trouble to partners & brothers, mysticism, undisclosed affairs, house of mystery, occult science, travels.

The 9th House - Ruler: Sagittarius :Stands for: Dharma, fortune, wealth, father, son, religion, diety ( religious fervor), journeys,

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foreign travel, fame, higher mind-wisdom, sudden prosperity, wealth by way of patrimony, moral standards, virtues, gifts (daan), prosperity, charity, luck, husband’s fortune, issue in a female horoscope, faith, legal, charitable & religious professions, preceptors, teachers, sacrifices, pilgrimage, research, invention, discovery, exploration, methodical meditation, intuition, forethought, moral qualities, soubhagayasthana for females.

The 10th House - Ruler: Capricorn :Stands for: Occupation (Movable sign: indicate ambition, fame, recognition and makes native self-assertive, independent profession; fixed sign indicate firmness, determination, self-reliance, patience, fixity of purpose which is necessary or business; common sign indicate service), karma, respect, honor, foreign, travel, dignity, father, position, trade & commerce, action, political power, reputation, command, fame, success, status, authority, morality, maraca to parents, retirement from world, election, litigation, government jobs, rank, prosperity, prominence.

The 11th House - Ruler: Aquarius:Stands for: Gains (of money, knowledge), elder brother or sister, wealth, elevation of husband, longevity of mother, gain from father-in-law, friends, hops, wishes, aspirations, success in undertaking, election, litigation, speculation, discharge from hospital, ears, trade, society, community, recovery from illness, freedom from misery, ambitions, wishes, desires & their fulfillment, marriage, disease (being 6th from 6th injury house.

The 12th House - Ruler: Pisces :Stands for: Losses, expenditure, left eye, waste, extravagance, moksha, divine know- ledge, sexual enjoyment, foreign travels, secret enemies, sins, leaving one’s own place, fear from foes, being after death, feet, sleep, wandering, living abroad, troubles to partner, comforts fo bed, mental worry, lost goods never recovered, termination of appointment, hospitalization, discharge of debts, loss of wife, death of native, ability to renounce, disputes, misfortunes, profession, impediments, restraint, limitations, waste & extravagance, success through occult affairs, life in a foreign place, asylums.

Kundali Matching Services

Matching of Kundali is an essential part of one of the most sacred Hindu Vedic practice i.e. marriage. In order to accomplish the process of marriage in a successful way it is necessary that

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all the yardsticks set for an ideal Kundali matching are precisely met by the birth charts of the individuals agreed to marry each other.

Gun Milan is an integrated part of the kundali matching. It can reveal the major details regarding the natures of the individuals, affection, characteristic features, social communication etc. If these Gunas (qualities) are not compatible to each other then it can create hurdles in the marriage process. The preparation of Kundli Milan report is done after taking references from Nakshatras.

In the traditional marriages taking place in the Hindu society the importance of Kundali Milan cannot be overlooked under any circumstances. The matching of kundali determines various factors of a successful married life. With a successful matching the life partners will get bestowed with long life, luck in decision makings, strong finance, mutual affection, health and harmony, sexual compatibility and lot more. If unfortunately a marriage takes place even after Kundali mismatch then it is possible that couple would encounter adverse consequences even leading to divorce, remarriage, etc.

Gun Milan or Horoscope Matching for match-making is done by referring to ‘Melapak Chart’ given in the Panchang (the Indian Almanac). This chart is considered on the basis of eight factors. These factors are known as 'Kuta'. The matching of these factors is known as Ashtakuta Guna Milap or 36 point match. Out of these thirty six factors, a minimum of eighteen should be matching (Gun Milan) to ensure compatibility.

The following factors are considered in order to access the prosperity in the married life of the couple:

Varna: It refers to the level of divine development of both male and female. Out of thirty-six points, it contributes one point to the Guna Milan. If both of them fall in the same Varna then it is considered very auspicious. It refers that the spiritual development is of the same kind. Both will have a close emotional link which is very significant in the formation of a new relationship. At times, both will rouse each other’s energies towards positive work. There will be a mutual assistance in common activities. It is during this mutual assistance that the emotional bondage would be felt. Additionally,family affairs may be well taken care of by both of them. Varna is of much importance. When it matches, it brings out the best in emotional and psychological response between the two.

Vasya: It suggests the degree of attractive control and amenability the wife or husband would be able to work out on the other. This is estimated as per the Moon sign system in Vedic Astrology. It measures dominance compatibility. It is allotted two points, out of the thirty six points in Horoscope Matching. It would be best if both their Moon signs are gracious to each other. This is a very good amalgamation for general reciprocated compatibility. Both of them will have many similar values and hence tend to be friends. Both of them will hold up each other’s imaginative self-expression.

Tara: It is for destiny compatibility and holds three points. Tara suggests the degree of auspiciousness and in-auspiciousness of the girl and boy for each other. It indicates interests and the aptitude to resolve problems through clear thinking and communication. If the Tara matches

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in the Kundli they can help each other to achieve goals and objectives by inspiring each other and sharing practical information.

Yoni: Yoni contributes four points out of the thirty six points in Gun Milan. Yoni means sex and this aspect implies sexual compatibility. It plays a key role in laying down the groundwork for marital happiness. It is conducive for emotional compatibility. If the Yoni matches, both of them will enjoy each other’s company in romantic relationship, games, sports and travel. They will have well-matched taste with respect to culture, art forms and social beliefs, regarding romance and sexual mores.

Grah Maitri: Grah Maitri gives a contribution of five points out of thirty-six points in the Gun Milan. It accesses the normal behavior, unpredictable compatibility and matching of views and interests of both male and female with each other. It is calculated on the basis of the Lord of the sign in which the Moon is situated. Here the religious, social and ethical values of running a family and maintaining a worthy home life are assessed.

Gana:Gana gives a contribution of six points out of the thirty-six points in Gun Milan. It has a bearing on the nature and character of the couple concerned. On the basis of the Moon Nakshatra, the person is categorized in three Ganas. These are:

• Dev (Divine)• Manushya (Human)• Rakshasha (Diabolical)

It is said if there is disparity in Gana, there will be quarrels and dissonance in relationships over financial management, inheritance and alimony settlements. There could be a possibility of dishonest or insincere association.

Nadi: Nadi provides eight points out of thirty-six points in total for Gun Milan. It is considered the most important amongst the aspects considered. It is believed that the pair having the same Nadi will have to endure hardship due to their child. Either there may be some offspring related problems or the girl or the boy will not able to sustain in childbirth. It takes a deeper look at the compatibility between the two - mental, religious, corporeal and sub-conscious. The Nadi inconsistency between two people is also called Nadi Dosha and generally regarded as a firm reason for denial of a marriage.

There are three different Nadis. These are:

• Adi (start)• Madhya (middle)• Antya (end)

These three represent Prakriti (nature) of an individual that is his/her body constitution. As per Ayurveda there are three different Prakritis. These are:

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• Kaph• Vaat• PitaBhakoot: Bhakoot or Bhukta contributes seven points out of thirty-six points in Horoscope Matching or Gun Milan. It accesses whether the pair will have the ability to achieve physical condition, accord, contentment, prolonged existence and prosperity, in order to live a happy life together. It is determined by comparing the arrangement of one's Moon Sign from the other's Moon Sign. If the combination is not harmonious, the couple may be dishonest and deceitful towards each other. At the same time, this may not be good for progeny either. There may be a danger of a miscarriage or premature demise of the child.Note: that while Gun Milan or Horoscope Matching is an integral part of matchmaking, but it is not the only thing that should be considered. Longevity, Health, Wealth, Children and overlapping Vimshottari Dashas are some additional considerations that should be looked at.


What is muhurta?

As per the Hindu Astrology, muhurta is an auspicious time selected for starting or performing an important event/action in life.

When is muhurta required?

Typically muhurta is selected for following important events/occasions in life:

Marriage, Thread Ceremony, Jawal (Mundan), Annaprashan, Naming ceremony, Baby Shower etc…Pooja Vidhi, Religious Functions,buying a new house, land, other property, vehicleStarting a new business, signing work contracts, partnership deeds etc…

Why is muhurta required?

It is a natural desire of every one that any of the above events or occasions in our life should be trouble free any unwanted, unpleasant or sorrowful incident should not take place during these important events or occasions. If these events or occasions are started on a shubha muhurta (auspicious time), these events are completed peacefully.

What is the scientific importance of the Muhurta?

As you know the gravitational force between the planets of the solar system make a lot of difference on the living & nonliving things on the earth. e.g. the gravitational force between the Moon & the earth causes the high & low tides in the ocean.

Thus, muhurta is a typical combination of the planets in the sky which make a favorable effect on the human beings.

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There is an ancient principal told in ayurveda, “Ashtami Vyadhi nashini” which means that the medicine taken on the 8th day of a lunar month cures illness faster. The reason behind this is the distance between the Moon & the earth is the farthest on the 8th day of every month, because of which the liquid medicine remains stable in the stomach & thereby starts making effect faster & better.

PANCHANGA – SIGNIFICANCEThe Samskrita word “panchAnga” is made of two parts: pancha and anga. Pancha means five and anga means a limb or part. Thus the Panchanga is a document made of five parts. These five parts are:

Tithi (lunar day),Vara (day of the week),Nakshatra (lunar mansion),Yoga (luni-solar day) andKarana (half lunar day).

Tithi:The first element of the Panchanga is the tithi or lunar phase. This is perhaps the single most important element of the Panchanga. It is the building block for the lunar month. Simply stated a tithi is a measurement of 12 degrees of longitudinal separation between the sun and the moon. Another way to put it is to say that a tithi is the daily phase of the moon.The tithis are sequentially numbered from both the points of the new moon as well as the full moon. In this way, the shukla-paksha, begins with the day after amavasya. That is the first tithi, then the second tithi, the third tithi and so on up to the 15th tithi called poornima.After the full moon, the waning phase (krishna-paksha) again begins with the first tithi, the second tithi, the third tithi and so on up to the 15th tithi called amavasya. Afterwards the cycle repeats itself. In a solar calendar the solar day always begins at midnight whereas the lunar tithi can begin at anytime of the solar day. For practical purposes, however, the tithi that is present at the sunrise time is taken as the prevailing tithi for the entire day.On an average, a tithi lasts for only 0.95 of a solar day. These factors cause a lot of confusion between the lunar calendar and the modern solar calendar and hence in deciding festivals and Ekadashi.

Vara:-The second element of Panchanga is the day of week, called Vara. In Sanskrit the days of the week are clearly named after seven major astrological influences:


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The third element of the Panchanga is nakshatra. In Vedic astrology, Nakshatra or constellation is one of many factors considered for doing the accurate predictions. These nakshatras are 27 in numbers and together they comprises of 360 degrees in the sky from a fixed point. So the value for each nakshatra is 13 degrees and 20 minutes. The 360 degrees from a fixed point comprises 12 zodiacs and 27 nakshatras. In other words, nakshatra is a further sub-division of zodiac. So this method of prediction using nakshatra is considered more accurate in Indian astrology than the method of prediction using zodiac.The term Nakshatra is a combination of naks and shetra. In Sanskrit, naks means sky and shetra means region or area. So the meaning of this word is region or area of sky. In Vedic astrology, the predictive system is based on janma nakshatra.Janma nakshatra is the nakshatra where moon is placed at the time of the birth of the native. Janma nakshatra plays a importance role in deciding the person’s personality, appearance, nature, luck his personal and professional life and level of achievements during his life-span.Every Nakshatra is divided in to 4 sections. These sections are called charans or padas. The pada of a nakshatra is an important aspect in case of making prediction as they are different from each other in case of results.The following is a list of the 27 nakshatras.


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Yoga:A yoga is a planetary configuration, union or relationship. In Vedic Calendar, two types of yogas are listed. The first yoga is listed in the sankalpam (the two lines at the top of each day’s entries). It is the second item in the second line. This particular yoga, like the tithi, is an angle of the sun and the moon (the earth being the point of the angle). Yogas are another factor in determining the auspiciousness of the day. Just as there are twenty-seven nakshatras, there are twenty-seven yogas, known as the Yoga Taras of Nakshatras.


Karana:The fifth aspect of the Panchanga is karaNa which is half a tithi. There are two Karanas in each tithi. Since the tithis are 30 in number, one would expect there to be 60 karanas. But there are only eleven. Out of these, four are “fixed” karanas and seven are “repeating” karanas.The four “fixed” karanas are:

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The seven “repeating” karanas are:5. BALA6. BALAVA7. KAULAVA8. TAITILA9. GARAJA10. VANIJA11. VISHTI (OR BHADRA)

The first half of the first tithi (of the bright fortnight) is always kimstughna karana. Next, the seven repeating karanas repeat eight times to cover the next 56 half-tithis. The three remaining fixed karanas take up the remaining three half-tithis in order. Thus one gets sixty karanas from eleven.In addition to these five essential parts of the traditional panchanga, the following other elements may also be added:

MasaMASA – The Hindu year contains twelve lunar months, named after the nakshatra in which the full moon occurs:


Different parts of BhAratha desha start the year during different months. In general the year begins in the month of Chaitra, which is referred to as chAndra yugAdi.

Rutu( Season)Traditionally there are six seasons, each comprised of two months.The six seasons are:

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