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An Intertech Course

Asynchronous Programming Techniques with .NET 4.5

Intertech’s Oxygen Blast Davin Mickelson, [email protected]

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Agenda1. Introduction to Multithreaded Programming2. Primitive Types3. Thread-Safe Collections4. Introducing the Parallel Library (TPL)5. User Interface (UI) Threading Techniques6. async and await7. Debugging Async Code in Visual Studio 2013

This presentation will roughly be 60 to 90 minutes

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How it works Why bother? Simple example with the Thread class Parallel Programming Design Patterns

1. Introduction to Multithreaded Programming

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Asynchronous Programming is performing two more processing tasks simultaneously Since the late 60’s

These threads of execution share the process's resources, but are able to execute independently

Synchronous processing is the opposite Complete task A, then complete task B, and so on

Also called Parallel programming, Concurrent programming, and Multithreaded programming Not exactly the same though…

Not unique to .NET Used in C, C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, etc.

How It Works

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It can make an application… Be more efficient (run faster), depending on the types of tasks More responsive Take advantage of multiple processors or processor cores

Why Not? It can make an application… Less efficient, depending on the types tasks Have more complexity Be tougher to test Be tougher to debug Riskier for common multithreaded programming hazards (deadlock,

race conditions, data corruption, etc.)

Why Bother?

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private static void Main(){ ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(Program.DoWork); Thread threadTwo = new Thread(ts); threadTwo.Name = "Buddy"; Console.WriteLine("Buddy thread current state now? {0}", threadTwo.ThreadState); //threadTwo.IsBackground = true; threadTwo.Start(); Thread.Sleep(100); Console.WriteLine("Buddy thread current state now? {0}", threadTwo.ThreadState);}

Simple Example with the Thread Class

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static void DoWork(){ // Simulating a time-consuming process Thread.Sleep(2000); Thread thisThread = Thread.CurrentThread;

Console.WriteLine("DW: Which thread is this? {0}", thisThread.Name); Console.WriteLine("DW: Buddy thread current state now? {0}", thisThread.ThreadState); Console.WriteLine("DW: Is Background thread? {0}", thisThread.IsBackground); Console.WriteLine("DW: Thread Priority? {0}", thisThread.Priority); Console.WriteLine("DW: Is ThreadPool Thread? {0}", thisThread.IsThreadPoolThread);}

Simple Example with the Thread Class

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SimpleThreadExample Creating a ThreadStart type is optional The thread dies when the method completes Primary thread won’t wait for background threads Calling Sleep() on second thread changes it’s state to

WaitSleepJoin Best not to mess with thread priority – perhaps lower the

priority of a runaway thread

Simple Example with the Thread Class (cont.)

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Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) (legacy) Uses BeginOpName(), EndOpName(), and IAsyncResult types Supports Polling, Waiting, and Callback methods

Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP) (legacy) Within a class, have a MethodNameAsync() method with a corresponding

MethodNameCompleted event Run xxxAsync() methods in background, keeping UI interactive Uses SendOrPostCallback delegate type

Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) (for new development) Based on System.Threading.Tasks.Task Uses a single method to launch. More later!

More design pattern information:

Parallel Programming Design Patterns

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Barrier Allows tasks to take turns processing an algorithm No thread gets left behind. Wait for other threads to take their turn

before continuing Interlocked

Allows simple thread safe ways to increment, decrement, compare, and exchange variables.

LazyInitializer Guarantees objects have been initialized, so long as they are needed

ManualResetEvent Notifies one or more waiting threads that an event has occurred

2. Primitive Types

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Monitor Allows the thread to create a lock over a specified object. Used to guard a critical section of code, where only one thread should ever

enter at a time The C# lock() and VB SyncLock() keywords use the Monitor class with the

Enter() and Exit methods Mutex

Mutually Exclusive lock the can be seen by other processes (running applications)

Can be used to control access to a resource shared by processes or synchronize activities between processes

Can also be used to prevent multiple versions of an app running simultaneously

An unnamed mutex is local to process. A named mutex are machine wide

2. Primitive Types (cont.)

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ReaderWriterLock Allows multiple threads to read an object while only one thread can write

to the object Often times faster than using a Monitor

Semaphore Limits the number of threads to access one or more resources

Thread Represents a thread of execution in an application

ThreadPool A variable-sized group of threads working to complete system tasks Each version of .NET released has modified the number of threads

Timer Calls a specified method at a specified interval

2. Primitive Types (cont.)

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Slim Primitives ManualResetEventSlim ReaderWriterLockSlim SemaphoreSlim

Introduced with .NET 4.0, these are usually preferred over their parent types, because: Usually safer from threading errors (deadlock, thread starvation, etc.) Easier/Simpler to use Less memory used Higher performance

2. Primitive Types (cont.)

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Introduced with .NET 4.0, these collections bring the BOBW for managing type-safe collections in a thread-safe manner

The classic .NET 1.0 System.Collections collections (ArrayList, Queue, etc.) did offer some thread safety with the Synchronized property

The .NET 2.0 generic collections are not thread safe at all Some of the Thread-Safe collections (BlockingCollection<T>)

using primitives to control access (SpinLock, SemaphoreSlim) while other collections (ConcurrentQueue<T>, ConcurrentStack<T>) just offer additional methods

3. Thread-Safe Collections

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Thread-Safe collections in System.Collections.Concurrent

3. Thread-Safe Collections (cont.)

Collection Name Description

BlockingCollection<T> Provides blocking and size-limiting capabilities for thread-safe collections

ConcurrentBag<T> Represents a thread-safe, unordered collection of objects.

ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue>

Represents a thread-safe collection of key/value pairs

ConcurrentQueue<T> Represents a thread-safe first in-first out (FIFO) collection.

ConcurrentStack<T> Represents a thread-safe last in-first out (LIFO) collection.

OrderablePartitioner<TSource> Represents a particular manner of splitting an orderable data source into multiple partitions.

Partitioner Provides common partitioning strategies for arrays, lists, and enumerables.

Partitioner<TSource> Represents a particular manner of splitting a data source into multiple partitions.

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Example: Stacker project uses ConcurrentStack<T> Note the use of TryPop() Learn more here:

3. Thread-Safe Collections (cont.)

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The Task Parallel Library (TPL) was introduced to simplify calling methods to perform work asynchronously Introduced with .NET 4.0, it saves a considerable amount of coding and

uses best practices for performance while preventing exceptions Located in the System.Threading.Tasks namespace

VS 2012 and newer automatically add the “using” statement at the top of the source code files:

4. Introducing the Parallel Library (TPL)

using System.Threading.Tasks;

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There are some interesting objects in the Tasks namespace! Task Task<TResult> TaskFactory Parallel

The Task class lies at the heart of the TPL Task call methods with a void return type Task<TResult> calls a method that returns a value

Understanding the lambda operator is critical for using the TPL

4. Introducing the Parallel Library (TPL) (cont.)

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.NET 2.0 introduced the anonymous methods for handling eventsa.MultipleOfFiveReached += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e){ Console.WriteLine("Multiple of five reached!"); Console.WriteLine("Object: {0}, EventArgs: {1}", sender, e);};

Since we know that the MultipleOfFiveReached event is based on the delegate, we can drop the delegate keyword

As well, since we need to pass in parameters, we will use the lambda operator to pass them in

Lambda Breakdown

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When you see the lambda operator, say to yourself, “…goes into…” for the arguments being passed into the code

a.MultipleOfFiveReached += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>{ Console.WriteLine("Multiple of five reached!"); Console.WriteLine("Object: {0}, EventArgs: {1}", sender, e);};

The Task type uses the lambda operator to call and pass values to anonymous instances of delegates The two most important delegates are Action and Func, located in the

mscorlib and System.Core assemblies These delegates are also the same ones use by LINQ Extension


Lambda Breakdown

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A Task represents an asynchronous unit of work It represents a chunk of code that is going to run separately while the

main chunk of code continues to execute A single Task appears to operate very much like a Thread:private static void Main(){ Task t = new Task(DisplayTime); t.Start(); // PROBLEM! Doesn’t wait to allow Task to finish!}

private static void DisplayTime(){ Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());}

Using Task

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The Wait() method will pause execution of the main thread until it has completed.

private static void Main(){ Task t = new Task(DisplayTime); t.Start(); t.Wait(); // PROBLEM SOLVED! Waiting until finished.}

private static void DisplayTime(){ Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());}

Using Task

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The Action delegate can be used to call the methodprivate static void Main(){ Task t = new Task(new Action(DisplayTime)); t.Start(); t.Wait();}private static void DisplayTime(){ Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());}

Using Task

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Using the Task.Factory.StartNew() method, we can shorten the code even more:

private static void Main(){ Task t = Task.Factory.StartNew(DisplayTime); t.Wait();}private static void DisplayTime(){ Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());}

Using Task

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The Func delegate can be used to call the method and return a value This code is becoming really long. Time for lambda! =>

private static void Main(){ Task<string> t = new Task<string>(new Func<string>(DisplayTime)); t.Start(); t.Wait(); Console.WriteLine(t.Result);}

private static string DisplayTime(){ return DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();}

Using Task

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Using the Task.Run() method and the lambda operator, we can shorten the code even further: No arguments are passed into DisplayTime()

private static void Main(){ //Task<string> t = new Task<string>(new Func<string>(DisplayTime)); Task<string> t = Task.Run<string>(() => DisplayTime()); //t.Start(); // No need to wait either! Console.WriteLine(t.Result);}

private static string DisplayTime(){ return DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();}

Using Task

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The Parallel class can be used to execute several tasks simultaneously With Parallel, you can use the Invoke(), For(), and Foreach() methods

Invoke() Creates tasks for you, calling the methods you specify For() loops a predetermined number of times ForEach() is perfect for cycling through an array or collection

Using Parallel

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private static void Main(){ //int iThreadCount = 3; // CHANGE THIS FOR FUN! int iOrderCount = 100; // CHANGE THIS FOR FUN! PlaceOrdersInStack(iOrderCount); //Thread[] myWorkers = new Thread[iThreadCount]; //for (int i = 0; i < iThreadCount; i++) //{ // myWorkers[i] = new Thread(ProcessOrdersInStack); // myWorkers[i].Start(); //} Parallel.Invoke(() => ProcessOrdersInStack(), () => ProcessOrdersInStack(), () => ProcessOrdersInStack()); Console.WriteLine("Main Thread Done!");}

Using Parallel.Invoke( ) with three tasks

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private static void Main(){ int iOrderCount = 100; // CHANGE THIS FOR FUN! PlaceOrdersInStack(iOrderCount);

// Display them individually Parallel.For(0, OrderStack.Count, (index) => DisplaySingleOrder(index));}

private static void DisplaySingleOrder(int iOrder){ Console.WriteLine("Order details: {0}", OrderStack.ElementAt(iOrder));}

Using Parallel.For( ) to display

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As a best practice, only the main thread should ever update the user interface Child threads/tasks should not be in control of the user interface or

block the user from interacting with it Whether it be a Windows Forms application, WPF application,

or Windows Universal application, you should consider using Tasks or the BackgroundWorker type

You can update progress to user or cancel the work Learn more here, including a code example:

5. User Interface (UI) Threading Techniques

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The async and await keywords were introduced with .NET 4.5 They make it even easier to perform asynchronous operations when a

User Interface (UI) is involved They allow a method (such as an event handler) that is running

on the primary thread to immediately return to allow the UI to remain interactive This same thread can also run another chunk of code (such as another

method) to process data. When the method has complete, this same thread can then update the

UI with the information

6. async and await

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private async void btnGetDate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ lblDate.Text = await GetTime();}

private async Task<string> GetTime(){ string sResult = await Task.Run<string>(() => { Thread.Sleep(5000); return DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(); }); return sResult;}

Using async and await in WinForms

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Use the new Debug windows in Visual Studio There are windows for threads, Tasks, and Thread Watches Note that these menu option are only available during a debug

session C++ developers also have a new thread debugger (C++ AMP)

with Visual Studio 2012 It can debug GPU threads for graphics!

7. Debugging Async Code in Visual Studio 2013

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7. Debugging Async Code in Visual Studio 2013

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Book: Pro Asynchronous Programming with .NET Apress, ISBN: 978-1-4302-5920-6

Book: Pro .NET Performance Apress, ISBN: 978-1-4302-4458-5

Book: Concurrency in C# Cookbook O’Reilly, ISBN: 978-1-44936-756-5

Book: .NET 4.5 Parallel Extensions Cookbook Packt, ISBN: 978-1-84969-002-5

Blog: Microsoft Parallel Programming with .NET


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Next Oxygen Blasts The Future of iPhone & iPad Programming with Swift

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Questions or Feedback?Patrick Schaber – [email protected]

Davin Mickelson – [email protected]

Thank You!

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