  • 8/20/2019 Audit of Co Op Soasdciety Maharashtra


    Audit of Co-operative Housing Societies in MAHARASHTRA

    Laws Applicable to Co-op. Housing Societies

    1) The Maharashtra Co-op. Societies Act, 1960 (MCS Act) – having 167 sections

    efective ro! "6#1#196" an$ The Maharashtra Co-op. Societies %&'es, 1961 –

    having 110 r&'es efective ro! "#1"#196.

    ") The nco!e Ta* Act, 1961 an$ %&'es.

    ) The Service Ta* Act an$ %&'es

    +) The o!a Sta!p Act or The n$ian Sta!p Act

    /) The n$ian Contract Act 17", Transer o ropert Act 1" 2 Sa'e o 3oo$s

    Act 190.

    6) 4a5 o 4i!itation.

    7) Circ&'ars, otications an$ $irectives iss&e$ ro! ti!e to ti!e the

    respective $epart!ents o co-operation.

    ) e'a5s o the Societ.

    9) Acco&nting Stan$ar$s – o'icies 2 3&i$e'ines.

    Types of Audit

    • Stat&tor a&$it s.1(1)

    • 8'ing S&a$ a&$it s. 1()()

    • %e-a&$it s. 1()(c)

    • nterna' a&$it

    Specic eatures of Audit

  • 8/20/2019 Audit of Co Op Soasdciety Maharashtra


    !ote" #All sections $ rules stated %erein below pertain to MCS Act and

    rules unless ot%erwise stated&.

    Chapter : o the MCS Act an$ Chapter : o the MCS %&'es $ea' 5ith A&$it,

    n&ir, nspection an$ S&pervision.

    1) Appoint!ent an$ 8ees

    • Sec.1(1)(a) – Certain societies to e a&$ite$ the %egistrar;s a&$itors.

    • Sec.1(1)() –

  • 8/20/2019 Audit of Co Op Soasdciety Maharashtra


    • %&'e 69(") – A&$it to e con$&cte$ or a'' the previo&s co!p'ete$ ears or

    5hich the a&$it has not een $one (provi$e$ no A&$itor appointe$ or

    A&$itor has resigne$).

    • Sec. 1(/) 2 %&'e 69() – esi$es a&$it report, A&$itor to s&!it A&$it

    Me!oran$&! in the prescrie$ or!at. 8or! 1 is a genera' or!at or a''

    tpes o a&$it. n a$$ition, separate or!ats prescrie$ or each tpe o 


    • %&'e 69(7) – S&!!ar o A&$it Me!oran$&! prepare$ the A&$itors

    re&ire$ to e rea$ in genera' !eeting.

    • %&'e 69(9) – Stat&tor A&$itor to a5ar$ a&$it c'assication (A, , C, =) to

    Societ ase$ on certain criteria. 8or this p&rpose, $ept. has iss&e$ certain

    g&i$e'ines (Cir.o.CC#A=T#A#>3#A.# o 199" $t. "9th ?&',199") o''o5e$

    Circ&'ar o. CC#A=T#A#AC#AC#1/#"00/ $ate$ 7th  ?an&ar "00/ iss&e$

    @onora'e Co!!issioner o Co-operation o Maharashtra.

    ) oos # %egisters re&ire$ to e !aintaine$ Bin a$$ition to reg&'ar oos o 


    Sec.'( ) Rule *+ "

    • %egister o Me!ers (8or! D;) – Sec. , %&'e "

    • 4ist o Me!ers in 8or! D?; – Sec.9, %&'e

    • %egister o shares

    • Min&te oos o genera' !eetings an$ oar$ !eetings.

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    • o!ination %egister.

    • %egister o a&$it oEections an$ rectications in 8or! D

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    H >n$er this hea$, Iin$ivi$&a's; !eans share capita' o a'' e*c'&$ing co-operative

    instit&tions an$ State 3overn!ent. >n$er Sec."", a r!, a p&'ic tr&st, a 'oca'

    a&thorit, a societ or an o$ corporate can eco!e !e!er.

    H Sec." – esi$es veriing the oos state$ hereineore, A&$itor has to ens&re

    that no !e!er ho'$s shares e*cee$ing 1#/ o the share capita' o the Societ or

    %s."0,000#- 5hichever is 'ess.

    H %&'e "0 - Shares can e iss&e$ in Eoint na!es. Minors an$ persons o &nso&n$

    !in$, inheriting the share o a $ecease$ !e!er, can a'so e a$!itte$ as

    !e!er thro&gh their 'ega' representatives or g&ar$ians.

    H Sec."9(")(a) – A !e!er cannot transer his shares &nti' he has he'$ it or one


    H Sec.0, %&'e "/ – o!ination is per!itte$, inc'&$ing no!ination o a !inor or a

    person o &nso&n$ !in$.

    H Sec."9 – Societ a''o5e$ to & ac its shares ro! its !e!ers on their

    resignation etc., &pto a !a*i!&! o 10J o the pai$-&p share capita' ever ear.

    H %&'e " – A!o&nt to e pai$ ac is ase$ on the va'&ation o his share, 5hich

    in no case can e*cee$ the a!o&nt pai$ or the p&rchase o those shares.

    H Sec."7 – There is a princip'e o I

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    (ii) %eserve 8&n$ 2

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    %&'e /1() – A &n$ create$ to ens&re $&e &'''!ents o MaEor repair 2 (i 

    g&arantee given 3overn!ent in respect o 'oans raise$ the societ.)

    (i) A$$itiona' 8&n$s (

  • 8/20/2019 Audit of Co Op Soasdciety Maharashtra


    (i) CashG-H %&'e 107C – Ma*i!&! cash ho'$ing 'i!its prescrie$ or certain

    societies. O*cess cash has to e $eposite$ in an approve$ an 5ithin $as.

    'i!its prescrie$ or Co-op. ho&sing societies, it is %s.00#-.

    (ii) a'ance 5ith

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    /) %ecticationG- Sec.", %&'e 7 – Nithin !onths ro! the $ate o the stat&tor

    a&$it report, the societ has to s&!it a %ectication %eport in 8or! D

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