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“I’m on the Edge of Glory, and I’m hanging on a moment of truth!” Highlands Summer Camps 2011 having been just that!

As we’ve explored The Great Adventure that God has in store for us, we’ve looked at many different truths that are

so important to each of us in our relationship with Christ. In a summer that brought with it much change at Highlands, we are truly blessed to serve a Creator that proves over and over to be sovereign—we’ve had an incredible staff that has shared the love of Christ with campers with a servant’s heart! We were blessed to have a strong core of returning summer staff for this summer and to add some very talented and energetic new staff as well. Throughout each week, campers experienced the love of Christ and the excitement of adventures through Bible Study, group games, exploring God’s creation on hike day, and conquering fears through high-adventure opportunities. Each day focused on a new truth—First, we “Saddled Up,” learning about what it is to start the Great Adventure God has called us to; next, we looked at God’s word to us through the “Pony Express;” mid-week, we all went “Trailblazing” and watched for signs that can help along our journey; “The Blacksmith Shop” showed us how God molds and forms each of us into an instrument that brings Him glory; our final stop on the Great Adventure explored the Christian Frontier and how, when these truths are put together, we can leave camp and return home to serve the Lord in new and exciting ways, always seeking to live on the edge of glory! Continued on page 5

the great adventure. . . on the edge of gloryReflections From a Camp Director

by Brian Leisher

partnerships make all the differenceFor over 14 years, Highlands has partnered with Respite Care of Loveland, to provide summer camp

experiences for some very special children and youth. This year, during staff training, our staff visited the Respite Care home. We were welcomed by these words from Michele Hynes . . .

Highlands Staff! Welcome to Respite Care! It’s about time you take a walk in our shoes, but I am sorry if they are a little snug because we here all know that your shoes are big ones to fill when on the

mountain! I have had the honor of going to camp for the past three years and hopefully will step foot again on the grounds this summer at least for a day. 4th time’s a charm right? Well actually, every time is a charm when it comes to camp week. It is seriously my favorite 6 days of the summer. It’s hard to pinpoint just one experience of why exactly the Highlands/Respite combo has changed my life because every moment is truly extraordinary. Our kiddos accomplish things at camp that they never dreamed possible. It’s a week where Zach arrives with a stroller and leaves completing over a mile hike up hill both ways on his own two feet reaching the top with a smile that could light up the mountain. It’s a week where Joseph challenges himself to participate in every activity while learning to tie his shoes. It’s a week where Matthew beams with delight over rain and horses, Brady is living the golf cart dream and Cassie steps out of her comfort zone to the social life of middle school. Continued on page 4

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more than we ask or imagine . . . 2011 is my 26th year of ministry. I spent 17 years in local congregations developing Christian Education programs and often I’m asked why I moved to Camp and Conference ministry. I tell folks that there are three reasons . . . . Campers (and guests) arrive early, they crawl over each other to sit at the front of worship, and they cry when it is time to go home. I want to be where kids (and grown-ups) want to be to grow in their faith! I’m a Christian Educator, and Summer Camp and retreats are some of the best places I know to grow in your faith!Recently, during Night Owl Camp, we took kids night climbing. One youth, a former adventure camper, had found rock climbing to be daunting and, in his words, our rock was “relentless”. But in the dark, with encouragement and help from staff and other campers he climbed to the top, rang the bell, paused for a moment, and rang it again in sheer exuberance! When he came down, he lay on the ground in his harness and said, “That’s the most fun I’ve ever had in my life!”I had the opportunity to assist with medications for campers quite a bit this summer. It gives you the opportunity to see a few campers every morning and evening and get to know them and hear about their day. On this same night of climbing I asked a camper how her week at camp had been. She said, “I conquered all of my fears this week!” Wow!At Highlands, we have experiences like these every week! Our hope is that at Highlands children, youth, adults, families will . . .

• Develop some practices of faith to nurture them• Discover a community of faith to sustain them• And experience some unique successes that will empower them as they face future challenges.

Paul wrote to the Ephesians: “God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” This summer, on our Great Adventure, God did more than we could ever imagine or guess or even ask in our wildest dreams!

I’m grateful to Brian Leisher as our Summer Camp Director, and to an incredible summer staff for a great summer! We’ve had a summer filled with faithful exploration of the great adventure of the life of faith! We’ve laughed and sung, played and hiked, and worshipped and studied in the beauty of God’s creation!

I look forward to new programs, designed by Scott Thompson, and to new partnerships in ministry. This newsletter is full of new and upcoming programs! I can’t wait to see what God might imagine next for Highlands! I hope you will be a part of those wild imaginings!Thank you for your partnership in ministry that makes all of this possible! Grace and Peace,

Maria ShupeExecutive Director

As You Are Planning Your Church Calendar, Please Keep in Mind . . . . Highlands takes reservations for guest groups up to 1 year in advance. Each year we are

getting busier with more inquiries from new groups that want to experience Highlands. We offer returning guest groups the first opportunity to secure dates for their retreat the following year. Our Presbyterian congregations receive the next opportunity to select available dates from the

calendar. Early planning can help insure that your congregation gets the dates you would like to have! Thank you for over 65 years of support!

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camper letterIn Week 6 of Summer Camp our Volunteer Director, Heather Merry, invited 4th & 5th Grade Campers to write a letter to God. With permission from Maleah, we share her letter with you . . .

Dear God,

I hope this letter gets to you in heven. It’s a very far place from hear. Thank you for everything I’ve done. Thank you so much for my new family. If you didn’t do that I wouldn’t be at Highalnds right now. I know writing a letter isn’t necessary, but I U so much more than words can say. You are the shadow that walks by me. You’re the light that shines everyday and the sould that watches over me. Mostly the spirit in my heart. You are my Wow and How of my life. Please give me good days. You God are the Son, The Father and the Holy Spirit that makes me happy. You are the best thing of my whole entire living life.

Let the angles sing and praise your holy heart. Please accept this letter. It took me a while but it was worth. I hope you love me too.

Love from the heart.Maleah

summer camp factsand figures

Total number of campers. - 382107 from The Presbytery of Plains and Peaks 89 from Denver Presbytery28 from other Presbyterian Churches around the nation68 1st Time campers 314 Returning Campers

173 Day Campers in Partnership Day Camps129 Day Campers who spent a day at Highlands.

financial update

On Friday, July 8th, Lynn Smit, Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of Plains and Peaks signed

mortgage papers for the refinancing of our debt on behalf of the Presbytery of Plains and Peaks. Under the terms of our refinancing, our rate is now fixed at 4.75%. We have established a $150,000 Line of Credit to help with cash flow. In addition, we increased our indebtedness by $100,000.00 in order to insure sufficient cash in hand for operations. As we worked on refinancing, we were advised by our bankers that we had paid down our debt at such a fast rate that it had hurt our operating cash flow. Our current debt is $1,690,394.00.

are you ready for christmas ?

Gotcha! Don’t panic, Christmas is four months away. Although it seems like a funny question to be

asking in August, here at Highlands as summer camp is coming to a close, we are already thinking ahead to the Christmas Party and Fund Raising Auction. Yes, due to the overwhelming success of last year’s auction, we are going to host another FUN! fund raising (live and silent) auction at this year’s Christmas Party on Saturday, December 3, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Please save the date and plan to celebrate Christ’s birth at Highlands.

We are looking for folks who would like to create something wonderful to donate for this year’s auction. The auction will not only raise much needed funds for Highlands, but it will also create a lot of fun for those looking to buy a special gift for a loved one or themselves. We are looking for all types of handcrafted items such as quilts, quilted items, artwork, photographs, knitted or crocheted items, woodworking items, etc.

If you are interested in donating an item for the auction, please contact Jayne Sears at [email protected] or by calling her at 970-226-1949. We would love to have your wonderful item in hand by November 28th to facilitate the set-up for the auction. All of the proceeds from this auction will be used to continue Christ’s ministry at Highlands.

Begin Now to Plan Your Year-End Gift to Highlands

The tax law signed on December 17, 2010, allows taxpayers age 70½ or older to donate up to $100,000 from their IRAs directly to a charity for both 2010 and 2011 -- just as they’d been able to

do for the past few years. The amount of the charitable contribution is excluded from your taxable income. Several donors have taken advantage of this law to make year-end gifts to Highlands.

Please consult your tax advisor for details.

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milestone ride + ! Many thanks to. . . Cleon Kimberling and 29

other riders who joined us in celebration of Cleon’s 81st birthday on the Milestone +1 Ride. 120 donations raised $11,965.96 to meet our $10,000 matching grant to take the total to $21,965.96. Over 70 guests joined us for birthday lunch and a wonderful day of celebration. 50% of the funds raised will be used to provide scholarships for campers, and 50% will be used to underwrite the operations of Highlands . . . which benefit all of our campers and guests! This summer we have awarded over $12,000 in scholarships for Summer Camp.

many thanks

Many thanks to . . . Quilters who have recently provided new quilts for the

Retreat Center. Our guests love our beautiful handmade quilts and they are a lovely symbol of our gracious hospitality!

Partnerships Make All the Difference, continued from page 1But most importantly, it is a week where differences are accepted, valued and appreciated. The only stares our direction are the ones when we’re rocking a skit, Bryan is leading prayer or Ashli is prepping to knock a kickball homerun. The integration factor at camp is what warms my heart the most. The campers are so wonderful with our kiddos and it brings a tear to my eye…ok lots of tears during camp week. Fist pounds and high fives are a regular thing, cheers and support are always prominent and positive, and friendships are made that will leave a lasting impact for our Respite crew. At camp our kiddos are just that, kiddos, and that is what we strive for at Respite Care. We believe that a kiddo is a kiddo first and their disability comes second. It’s amazing to see that Highlands, both staff AND campers, has picked up the same philosophy for that week and that comes down to YOU. You all are truly remarkable people and I thank you for what you have done for me and the kiddos. You inspire me time and time again and camp would not be the same experience without you. Our kiddos look up to you as heroes, but you treat them as if they are the hero. So again, thank you. Thank you for making camp a place where kiddos can grow. Thank you for always welcoming everyone with open arms and positive attitude. Thank you for making that a week the best, most loving, most inspirational time it can be. I hope the partnership between Respite and Highlands will last for a long time because it’s really a special place and week where anything is possible.

As this newsletter goes to the printer, we are in the midst of Week 7 with Respite Care!We are so grateful for 14 years of this very special partnership!

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dear friends of highlands . . .

Highlands is hard to describe. It is the stuff of poetry and scripture, a place where so many opposites are joined. Highlands is a place of both old and new. Its 65 years of tradition are held in the very

walls of many of its cabins which, each year, are new in the eyes of the adults and children who stay in them. Highlands, old and new, is a place for each one, the many and the few. At Highlands in the scent of pine under a close, wide sky, visitors can know both individual challenges and grace and groups and communities of growth and change. Highlands is a place to appreciate tiny details and grand vistas, deep stillness and noisy, joyful praise. Highlands is a place of riveting present moments and past memories for a lifetime. Highlands is a place set apart from, and yet fully involved in, our daily human routine walked hand in hand with God.Beyond all opposites, Highlands is also the people who support these opportunities for all who come to stay. Highlands is an enthusiastic and tireless Maria Shupe, our Executive Director, and all the dedicated and inspired members of our year-round and summer staff who handle long lists of responsibilities and minister to each other and their guests with compassion, patience and grace.

Yes. Highlands is hard to describe even in very long sentences! May we each realize and give thanks for its unique and profound blessings. May we offer our prayers and gifts to God’s work in that place.

Peace and Grace,Sandy ProutyHighlands Camp and Retreat Center Committee, Moderator

zip-line update . . .

After several delays by our contractor, we are hoping for an early fall completion of our Zip Line. The poles are in place,

and we look forward to installation of the line and training of our staff!

The Great Adventure, continued from page 1Over the summer, we were blessed by the generosity of many people who took time away from their busy lives to volunteer at Highlands! Without the willingness of these people, the quality of summer programming that we are able to offer our campers would not be possible. THANK YOU to all who volunteered to help make this summer such an incredible experience for our campers!I feel there is no better way to conclude than to let our campers tell you about their time at camp this summer. One horse camper stated that, “This week was extremely fun…I loved every minute of it!” Another camper penned the following, ”Highlands is a special place for everyone! You might be outgoing or shy…you might love the outdoors or never have made a s’more! But no matter—this is a place to notice God…a place that you can be YOURSELF as God knows you!”This final narrative embodies why we do what we do. I hope you can see the Spirit of God in the words of this middle school camper, just as I have in their challenge to other campers! “I really hope that your stay at Highlands helps you get closer to God. And I hope that you will let God guide you through your journey of life. Please notice that no matter what HE is there for you…Do as Jesus did—speak to the unspeakable, touch the untouchable, heal the unhealable, friend the unfriendable, notice the unnoticeable…” God is truly good all the time! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!Brian Leisher has been on summer staff for 11 summers. For the last 4 years he has been our Adventure Camp Director. This summer, Brian became our Director of Summer Camp.

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upcoming events at highlandsFall Work Day will be

Saturday, September 17th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.Join us as we close cabins and prepare for winter!

Lunch provided, email [email protected] to let us know you are coming!

Andrew Bentley will be working on his Eagle Project at Highlands.

Saturday, October 15th

This project will include replacement of the steps on the nature trail down to the creek. If you would like to help Andrew with this project,

please contact him at [email protected].

Highlands Senior High RetreatNovember 4 – 6, 2011

Mark your calendar and watch for details on our Website, Facebook and in the mail!

Highlands College Retreat – “The Next Level”January 1 – 3, 2012

Connect, imagine, energize, grow. Highlands was a spiritual home to you for many years; that sense of home and connection doesn’t have to stop when you graduate. Take time during winter break to reconnect with old friends and make some new ones. Highlands College Retreat will feature uplifting worship, great keynotes with a strong spiritual message, time for fellowship, recreation, and just hanging out with friends in a beautiful and relaxing setting. This event features housing, worship, and activities in Highland’s modern Retreat Center with all its amenities. The College Retreat is open to anyone from one to six years out of high school. Cost for the retreat is $160.

In Memory ofTerri Anderson

September 3, 1943 – July 15, 2011

For more than 19 years, Terri Anderson was a volunteer naturalist at Highlands. During those years many people of all ages, have taken a hike with Terri, learned the name of a flower, and smelled the

bark of a pine tree. With each walk, Terri opened our eyes to the beauty around us, and invited us to learn more about that beauty—whether it was a flower, or a butterfly, or some other discovery! Terri passed away on July 15, 2011. Terry was highly committed to ensuring that every child could have a summer camp experience. She requested that gifts in her memory be sent to the Highlands Scholarship Fund.

Hervey “Mac” MacferranJuly 7, 1928 - August 3, 2011

Hervey “Mac” Macferran was a long-time friend of Highlands, who served on the Highlands Camp Committee from 1999 to 2001. Mac was a passionate supporter of Highlands, well known for his

wooden “round tuits” that he passed along to many. These read “ Do you put things off? Now you can be helped! When you are asked to do something, have you ever thought or even said, “Yes, I’ll do it…when I get around to it.” Well, no longer do you have to think or say that! “You’ve now got a round

TUIT --- So Just do it!” Mac’s family have invited friends to make memorial gifts to Highlands in honor and memory of Mac.

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Rocky Mountain National Park: A Peak Experience

Discover one of America’s most magnificent national parks. Located in pristine wilderness where everything is above 8,000’ elevation, these lands have remained relatively unchanged through the centuries. Learn from expert guides and naturalists about the interconnectedness of nature, the record of human activity, what is being done to protect park resources, and what makes each season different and special. During walking and hiking field trips, explore living Rocky Mountain grandeur from grassy valleys to high peaks, prehistoric archaeological sites, the wetland ecosystem with 150 lakes and 450 miles of streams, and the rich abundance of plant and animal life. Other highlights include local culture and music inspired by the Rockies. There will be three distinct opportunities for “A Peak Experience,” in 2012:

Spring “Peak Experience,” April 29 – May 4, 2012:This program focuses on Spring flora and fauna as well as weather and climate with a field trip to the National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesa Lab. You’ll also encounter rustic life on a working ranch from 1873 and hear about mountain living from a local storyteller.

Summer “Peak Experience,” June 24 – 29, 2012:This program focuses on Summer flora and fauna including wildflowers, birds and butterflies as well as the engineering marvel of Trail Ridge Road with a bus field trip to experience amazing Rocky Mountain views from its 12,000-foot elevation.

Fall “Peak Experience,” September 16 – 21, 2012:This program focuses on Autumn flora and fauna as well as the history of the Pike’s Peak gold rush, Native American legends and lore, stories of frontier women, and night sky astronomy and star-gazing.

Summer Spectacular in the Colorado Rockies . . . an Intergenerational Program

June 17 – 22, 2012 & July 29 – August 3, 2012Grandparents and Grandchildren (ages 11-14 ) will share in the thrill of horseback riding, canoeing and hiking with your grandchild amid the craggy peaks and grassy valleys of Rocky Mountain National Park. Bond with a horse chosen just for you, learn basic horsemanship from an expert wrangler, then show off your skills on the trails. Meet a ranger from Rocky Mountain National Park who talks about the animal residents: moose, bighorn sheep, black bears, coyotes and cougars. Then join a ranger on a hike in the Wild Basin area, with its scenic lake, fields of wildflowers and a recovering, fire-charred forest. Develop another wilderness skill as you canoe scenic waters, keeping an eye out for eagles and hawks. Top off these adventure-filled days with wilderness stories around the campfire.

Summer Action in the Rocky Mountains

July 22 – 27, 2012Become a whitewater adventurer as you raft down the Cache la Poudre River, gather around the campfire and hear tales from a local storyteller. Study the wildflowers of the Rocky Mountains and try to spot specimens in bloom on a naturalist-led hike. Admire the beauty of the region from a unique vantage point on a horseback ride, and join a local historian and author who takes you on an excursion to the historic lodges of Rocky Mountain National Park. Learn about the night sky with expert astronomers. Discover the park’s Wild Basin area and hike to Calypso Cascades. The beauty of the Rocky Mountains is your summertime playground, where each day’s adventure presents unexpected encounters, fresh perspectives and a new learning experience.

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MISSIONThe mission of Highlands is

to provide gracious hospitality and quality Christian programs in a majestic mountain setting

and to nurture spiritual renewal and transformation in a safe and inclusive environment.

what’s inside:The Great Adventure ... On the Edge of Glory ......................... 1Partnerships make all the Difference ......................................... 1Executive Director Letter ............................................................. 2Camper Letter ................................................................................ 3Summer Camp Facts and Figures .............................................. 3Christmas Party & Auction Info ................................................. 3Financial Update ........................................................................... 3Milestone Ride and photos .......................................................... 4Highlands Camp committee Chairperson’s Letter ................... 5Zip Line update ............................................................................. 5In Memory of Terri Anderson ..................................................... 6Upcoming events .......................................................................... 6Fall Work Day Date ...................................................................... 6Sr. High Retreat ............................................................................ 6The Next Level – College conference ........................................ 6

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