
August Edition 2016

Akshat. Anant. Drasti. Shraddha. Cover by - Akshat Jain

(Every News In Gross for Masses )


Dahi Handi was held on 24th August,

2016, to celebrate Janmashtami. The

celebrations commenced with the morn-

ing prayer followed by a dance perform-

ance by the children of primary classes.

The arrival of the girls’ and boys’ Dahi

handi team, infused enthusiasm among

the students. The students cheered and

applauded both the teams, as they

broke into an impromptu dance to the

zestful dhol beats. The campus was

brimming with excitement and energy.

The ‘matki’ hung high above the

school cemented ground, decorated

grandly and festooned with balloons.

The boys formed the human pyramid

with great swiftness. The girls’ team

wasn’t far behind. It didn’t take them long to smash the

matki. The students, teachers and the support staff re-

joiced with a thundering applause and cheered as Lord

Krishna’s playful antics were reminisced. The grand af-

fair was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Pavithra Hollla

X Rose

BBPS NEWS August Edition 2016

Mock United Nation (MUN)

On 20 August 2016, the students of class 12 with assistance

from Social Studies teachers, Ms Madhu Singh and Ms An-

upama Marwade organised the second edition of MUN

(Mock United Nations) for students of classes X and XI. The agenda for the same was:-

”Reviewing the condition of minority groups in Asia and Africa” The first session started

at 9:30am with opening speeches made by several delegates, regarding problems faced by their

countries with respect to the agenda. Several motions were passed throughout the event . After

much discussion, a resolution was finally passed in majority, which brought the event to an

end. The delegates thoroughly enjoyed the session and

also took part in a short entertainment session. The win-

ners are as follows :

I position : Amartya Sinha, Delegate of France

II position : Amit Halyal, Delegate of United Kingdom

of Great Britain and Ireland

III position: Tanvi Vipra, Delegate of USA

Special Mention- Drasti Jain, Delegate of South Africa.

Janmashtami Celebration


RHYTHM AND BEATS XI-XII The Rhythm and Beats competition for classes XI and XII took place

on 26th August and was a spectacle. Each of the 7 teams representing

their classes fought for their place in the top with complete fervour and

left the audience and the judges in awe. Class XII Lily bagged first

place with their rocking rendition of the song Zinda. The mellifluous

girls of class XI Aster came second for their take on Jiya Re, while XI

Lily and XI Rose shared third place for their melodious covers of Sky

Full Of Stars and Love Yourself respectively. The winners of Rhythm

and Beats for classes IX and X also gave a special performance which

was liked by one and all. The event concluded by words of encourage-

ment by the judges and Avinash Sir.

Shraddha Pandey

XI Aster

“MUSIC” : Speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals

the heart and makes it whole, flows from the heaven to the soul.

August Edition 2016


An Inter House Debate Competition was organised for class IX.

The motion for the competition was: “Should driving license be given to citizens under the age

of 21? “ The competition had two rounds; the first was the introduction round where speakers had

to express their views, followed by the second round where the contestants were allowed to ques-

tion each other. Everyone came up with a different and new perspective. Different ways and ideas

were proposed, discussed and were argued upon to find an appropriate solution for the topic. The

students, judges and the teachers were in dilemma as all the contestants had valid arguments. The

competition was brought to an end with the announcement of results as Nandini Sain from

Kanishka House was awarded Best Speaker & Best Interjector followed by Devika from Pratap


-Nandini Sain

IX Lily


70th Independence Day was celebrated with a sense of pride on 15 August 2016.

Even rain couldn’t deter the young students from attending the flag hoisting cere-

mony. The students lined up in the corridors and viewed the entire ceremony, as the students

braved the showers from the sky to conduct the assembly suc-


The assembly started with the morning prayer which was fol-

lowed by Thought of the Day, News, B’day celebrations,

Speeches and Performances by students. Flag was hoisted by

Principal Sir. As the tricolor fluttered in the sky, the students

held their heads high, saluted and matched the tone to the na-

tional anthem with respect in their hearts.

After the assembly

students went to their respective classes, where they

wrote an essay related to Independence and Free-

dom. Chocolates were distributed among all the stu-


— Drasti Jain (XI L)

After 70 years of Independence, maybe the meaning of Independence and Freedom

has changed slightly for us. Maybe for us struggle isn’t protesting on the roads

with long processions, but expressing our views through social media, reaching out

to a wider audience.

Our forefathers have done their jobs; they have offered us freedom and made us

strong enough to rely on ourselves, to be our own rulers than being subjected to the

ruling by outsiders. It is now our job to reach the next level of progress and

‘freedom’. The dreams of our leaders can only be released when there is equality

for all in all fields.

There needs to be equality between Man and Woman, Rich and Poor, Privileged

and Underprivileged. Equality will lead to freedom from discrimination, poverty

and favoritism.

Only when there is equality can we as a nation progress and as citizens of a coun-

try feel truly free.

August Edition 2016

Independence Day

Independence and GenX

Independence Day

5 August Edition 2016

Why I fell in love with Haruki Murakami

“There's no such thing as perfect writing, just like there's no such thing

as perfect despair.”

I remember how a few months ago, as I contemplated picking up one of Haruki

Murakami’s works, namely a compilation of two of his first ever books

‘Pinball’, I973 and ‘Hear the wind sing’, I was told that it was only for

‘specific’ sort of a reader, that I would find it pretentious, slow and

unnecessarily elaborated, too philosophical and deep. I decided to completely

disregard these warnings and started reading ‘Hear the wind sing’.

It was nothing like I had ever read before, the writing style was impeccable, the

humour sporadically placed throughout the whole book and the story absolutely


After I finished Pinball, I started reading a compilation of his short stories

called ‘The Elephant Vanishes’ , each story in that book was more compelling

than the one before it. The moment I finished ‘The second bakery attack’ I

knew there was no going back. I had fallen in love with his Kafkaesque style of

writing. I do not think that after reading Murakami I will ever be able to look at

the world the way I did before. I have started noticing the little elements of

magic in the most mundane things. He mixes magical realism and science

fiction with a perfect pinch of fatalism.

His writing is profoundly complex and entirely accessible. So go ahead pick up

one of his books and tell me what you thought about them, I’ll probably be in

the library.

Suditi Jha

X rose

Haruki Maukami Books By Haruki Marukami




The school organised a field trip to Vividh Bharati (All India Radio)

(AIR), Borivali for the students of Class XI, Mass Media Studies. The

students were accompanied by their Mass Media Studies teachers,

Kumud Ma’am and Malvika Ma’am.

Once in, they were given a campus tour in groups of 15. The students

toured the live transmission studio and equipment room (where the

instruments or equipments relating to the above mentioned transmis-

sion were kept). Further, students watched a show being made, as the

presenter spoke while others helped execute it properly. The students

were also given a chance to speak and hear their recordings just like

real life Radio Jockeys. The students got an opportunity to record

their small presentations like a song, speech etc. and listen to its

broadcast. They also got the opportunity to meet the senior most radio

presenters of Vividh Bharati like Mr. Kamal Sharma and Ms. Manisha

Jain. The trip helped the students realise the importance of radio as a

means of Mass Communication and its role in the modern world. The

excursion provided the students with a wonderful opportunity to learn

outside the textbook.

-Drasti Jain(XI Lily)

Student of Mass Media Studies

August Edition 2016 Excursions

7 August Edition 2016

Aritra Roy, XI Rose

Aritra Roy, XI Rose

Shreya Walavalkar


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August Edition 2016

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