
Auschwitz /Birkenau!


The Location of Auschwitz/Birkenau was Oswiecim, Poland.

This was the main entrance ofBirkenau.

Estimated Number of People Attending the Camp!

Estimated Number of victioms:2.1 million to 2.5 million.

Estimated death: Over 4 million.

Not such a pretty sight huh?

Date! Established Date: May 26th 1940.

Liberation Date: January 27th 1945 by the Soviet Army.


Purpose For The Camp! To kill anyone who was not strong

enough to work. As soon as they walked in they were stripped and forced into a “shower” of gases. The gas was called Zyklon B.

The purpose was to kill. That’s why its called a “Death Camp”.

Interesting Facts! There was actually 3 sub camps to

Auschwitz. When Liberated the Nazis burned all

the evidence of what took place in Auswitz/Birkenau.

There were electric fences, if you were to touch it you would die right away.

The “seven dwarfs "attended Auswitz and survived!


Date Established/ Liberated!

The date bergen-belson was established-1940

It was liberated1944

1945 after liberation.

Purpose of the Camp!Bergen Belsen was also a death camp. It

was originally a camp prison for prisoners of war.

Interesting Facts!

Unlike Auschwitz it did not kill by showering the prisoners with gas, most of the prisoners were shot, hung, and starved to death.

It had several camps and the camps segregated the prisoners.

Even though this camp is not like the other ones thousands had suffered.


Location of the Camp!

Westerbork is located in the Netherlands. In Holland, right outside of Germany.

Date Established/Liberated

Westerbork was established in October 1939.

And it was liberated on April 12, 1945.

Free at last!

Purpose of the Camp!

Jewish people that tried to enter the Netherlands illegally were caught and sent to Westerbork. Most were form Germany.

From 1942 to 1944 Westerbork served as a transit camp for Dutch Jewish before they were deported to extermination camps in German-occupied Poland.

Interesting Facts.

Westerbork deported Jews to Auschwitz, Sobibor, Theresienstadt ghetto, and Bergen Belsen.

Most deported to Auschwitz and Sobibor were killed on arrival.

Westerbork camp had a "double life." Most inmates stayed in the camp for only a short time before being deported, there was also a "permanent" camp population of 2,000.

Westerbork was abandoned when allies troops approached the camp thus leading to liberation.

(work sited)Auschwitz/Birkenau-




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