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Australian business andimmigration solutions for Chineseresidents中国居民澳大利亚商务和移民服务介绍

Planning is your best protection专业规划,为您护航

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Australian business and immigration solutions | Planning is your bestprotection


Contents 目录

Section [标题] Page [页码]

Introduction [序言] 3

Australia China investment [澳洲移民环境] 4

Investor migration options [投资移民选择] 5

Application process [申请程序] 6

Deloitte Concierge service [德勤礼宾服务] 7

Deloitte services and support [德勤的服务与支持] 8

Chinese language section [中文介绍] 9–14

Deloitte contacts [联系我们] 15

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Australian business and immigration solutions | Planning is your bestprotection



Thank you for asking Deloitte to assist you with yourInvestor Visa application to Australia.

Australia welcomes Chinese investorswith capital and business skills whowant to migrate to Australia to establisha business, or who have a successfulrecord of managing their high net worthinvestments. As one of the largestprofessional services firms in the worldwith office locations throughout China,Deloitte provides the highest qualityimmigration, taxation and businessadvisory assistance to individuals whointend to migrate to Australia.

Deloitte has a strong working relationshipwith the Australian ImmigrationAuthorities and an outstanding recordof success with investor visa applicationslodged on behalf of our clients fromChina and worldwide. We understand thechallenges faced by our clients from Chinain meeting the immigration requirementsof the Australian Government. Our adviceis practical and aimed at delivering a quickand positive outcome.

The Deloitte team in Australia and Chinaspecialise in investor migration andtaxation advice, and includes Mandarinand Cantonese speakers. We understandthe migration, regulatory and commercialoperating environment in the Asia Pacificregion and the assistance available fromDeloitte extends beyond the initial visaapplication and our unique conciergeservice includes assistance on widerbusiness investment options in Australia.

Deloitte does not offer commissionsfor the immigration and taxation workwe undertake for our clients.Our clients receive the highest standardof professional services advice andassistance which is focussed on deliveringyour visa outcome to Australia.

Mark WrightDeloitte Global Immigration Leader

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Australian business and immigration solutions | Planning is your bestprotection


Australia ChinainvestmentBusiness investment is one path toobtaining the sought after benefitsof Australian permanent residence.Not only does Australia presenta stable economic and politicalenvironment in which to investbut it offers a unique and family-friendly lifestyle, a high standard ofliving, social mobility and excellenteducational opportunities.

As a Chinese investor lookingto obtain permanent residence,it is important to understandhow to succeed in the Australianbusiness environment. This is vitalnot only to meet the AustralianGovernment’s requirements forpermanent residence, but toensure that business opportunitiesare capable of generating long-term income and wealth.

The process, however, canbe complex.

Our Deloitte team can help:• Reduce the risk that your

application for permanentresidence is unsuccessfulwith our expertise in completingthe application process

• Provide high-quality advice as tostructuring your business andinvestments

• You meet all of Australia’sstatutory business obligations

• Advise you on your taxobligations and planning.

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Australian business and immigration solutions | Planning is your bestprotection


Investor migration options

The Business Innovation and Investment visaprogram is a two stage process:

Stage 1

The Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass188) provides temporary residence in Australia for up to four yearsand will allow the applicant and their family to move to Australia toundertake business or investment activity.

Stage 2

The Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa(subclass 888) provides permanent residence in Australia which canbe applied after the applicant has fulfilled the requirements of theirprovisional visa.

The subclass 188 visa has four streams:

1. The Business Innovation stream is for people who wish to own andmanage a new or existing business in Australia.

2. The Investor stream is for people who wish to make a designatedinvestment in an Australian state or territory and want to maintainbusiness and investment activity in Australia after the originalinvestment has matured.

3. The Significant Investor stream is for eligible applicants who arewilling to invest at least AUD5 million into complying investmentsin Australia.

4. The Premium Investor stream allows the applicant to move topermanent residence in a shorter timeframe and is for people whoare willing to invest at least AUD15 million into complying premiuminvestments in Australia and maintain business and investmentactivities in Australia.

Issues to consider

Before you consider applying for one of the Investor Stream visasto Australia it is important to determine whether there may be anyobstacles to your application. If the main applicant, and any memberof the family unit included in the application fail to meet applicationrequirements, the visa is unlikely to be granted. If any of the issuesdetailed below apply to you, it is important that you raise the issue withyour Deloitte advisor.


• All persons included in the application will be required to undertakea medical examination prior to their visa being issued.

• Do you, or any member of your family included in the applicationhave a medical condition that is likely to require ongoing supportfrom community or government services?

• Have you, or a member of your family been diagnosed withtuberculosis or any other serious infectious disease?


• All persons included in the application will be required to obtain apolice clearance certificate for all countries they have lived in forgreater than twelve months in the last ten years.

• Have you been charged and convicted of a criminal offence?

Supporting Documents

• The main applicant will be required to supply valid documentssupporting their visa application, including source and ownership offunds required to make the complying investment.

• All documents need to be genuine and accurate, and the fundsrequired to make the complying investment must be able to belawfully transferred to Australia.

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Australian business and immigration solutions | Planning is your bestprotection


Application processDetailed below is an indication of the steps involved in aBusiness Innovation and Investment visa.

The exact steps and tasks may vary according tothe application category. The Deloitte immigrationnetwork covers over 130 countries and comprisesapproximately 1,100 dedicated immigrationsubject matter experts, making Deloitte one of the

largest in-house corporate immigrationteams in the world, and considerably largerthan any immigration law firm or specialistimmigration provider.



Expressionof interest


Visa applicationlodgement

Processing Complyinginvestment

Visa decision

Timing1 week 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 12 weeks 1 week 1 week

Responsibility Deloitte/Client Deloitte/Client Deloitte Deloitte Deloitte/ClientDeloitte


Deloitte/Client/Fund manager



Tasks Providepersonalinformation(Client)Eligibilityassessmentand advice(Deloitte).

Sign EngagementAgreement (Clientand Deloitte)Providesupportinginformationand documents(Client).

Prepareand submitExpression ofInterest to theDepartment ofImmigration andBorder Protection‘DIBP’ (Client andDeloitte).

Prepareand submitnominationapplication withstate/territory(Deloitte)Successfulapplicants will beinvited to applyfor SignificantInvestment Visa.

Prepare and lodgevisa applicationwith DIBP (Clientand Deloitte).

Processing ofvisa applicationby DIBP.

Any questions orissues which ariseduring processingare addressed(Deloitte).

AustralianGovernmentinvite visaapplicant tomake complyinginvestment(Deloitte andClient) Complyinginvestment madewithin stipulatedtimeframe (Client).

Please Note: Timings detailed above can vary according to a range of factors including supply of relevant documents to Deloitte and Australian Immigration Authorities workloads.

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Australian business and immigration solutions | Planning is your bestprotection


DeloitteConcierge service

Our Concierge service provides clients with asingle point of contact to manage the processof moving to Australia. Our service can becustomised according to the needs of eachindividual client, and can include a rangeof services provided by Deloitte, as well asfacilitating a range of assistance fromexternal providers.

The Deloitte Concierge service removes theneed for clients to spend time locating theassistance required to relocate to Australia.





Concierge services include:

• Immigration and taxation assistance

• Business advisory services

• Accounting advice

• Assistance with relocation and initialsettlement in Australia

• Introduction to property andeducational consultants

• Introduction to financial services providers

• Airport collection and cityorientation services.





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Australian business and immigration solutions | Planning is your bestprotection


Deloitte servicesand support

Visas and immigration

• Preparation of a business plan in compliance with Australian immigration law

• Advice on visa eligibility, helping you apply for the type of visa that best meets yourpersonal circumstances and business ambitions

• Completion of temporary and permanent visa applications

• Dealing with the Australian immigration authorities

• End-to-end immigration assistance, working together with your legal and other advisersto meet your business needs.

Taxation advice

• Advice on the Australian taxation system

• China taxation advice and planning

• Personal tax planning and advice on resident/non-resident status

• Asset protection, superannuation, wealth management and estate planning services.


• Assistance with payroll, bookkeeping or introductions to local service providers

• Financial reporting and audit requirements

• Corporate and employer tax compliance services.

Business advisory services

• Workshops and training courses on investment into Australia

• Identifying potential investment targets based on your criteria

• Assistance in negotiations with potential Australian partners.

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我们忠心感谢您选择德勤协助您申请澳大利亚投资者签证。澳大利亚欢迎拥有资本和商业技术的中国投资者来澳开创生意,也欢迎曾经成功管理自己高净值投资的人士来澳。德勤是全球最大的专业服务机构 之一,我们在中国拥有遍布全国的办公室地点,可以为希望移民澳大利亚的人士提供优质的移民,税务及商业咨询服务。

德勤澳大利亚和德勤中国的团队专注于提供投资移民及税务的服务,同时具备中英文的语言能力。我们了解亚太地区的移民政策法规和商业运营 环境。我们的服务不仅限于办理移民签证,我们独特的礼宾服务也能为您选择在澳大利亚的投资项目出谋划策。


德勤不会从为客户提供投资移民及税务服务中收取佣金。我们致力于为客户提供最高水准的专业服务和支持,协助您取得澳大利亚签证。 赖智琨 (Mark Wright)

合伙人 – 全球移民事务负责人

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然而,这个过程非常复杂。德勤团队可以在以下方面提供帮助:• 由我们的专家协助完成申请程序


• 为您在澳大利亚的业务和投资架构提供高质量的咨询建议

• 协助您符合在澳大利亚经商须履行的法定义务

• 对您的纳税责任和税务筹划提供咨询。

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健康• 在签证申请审理结束之前,所有申请人包括随行家属都必须进行健康检

查。• 您或随行家属的健康状况是否可能需要澳洲社区或政府给于长期支持和

照顾?• 您或随行家属是否患过肺结核或其他严重的传染疾病?


• 所有申请人包括随行家属,对于在过去10年中居住过12个月以上的国家,都必须向移民局提供一份该国警方出具的无犯罪记录证明。

• 您过去是否有过任何违法或犯罪行为?


• 主申请人需要递交真实有效的文件来支持签证申请,包括证明用于投资的资金其所有权和来源合法性的文件。

• 所有文件必须是真实和准确的,而且用于投资的资金可以合法地转账到澳大利亚。

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相关步骤可能会根据签证类别的不同而有所变动。德勤移民服务网络遍布130个国家,拥有 00多个移民专家。德勤是全球最大的提供企业移民的团队之一,规模大于任何移民法律公司及专业移民顾问公司。

客户评估 客户合约 向澳洲政府提交 州/领地政府提 递交签证申请 投资认证 签证申请审理 签证批准

移民意向书 名申请


时间跨度1周 2周 2周 2周 2周 》12 周 1 周 1 周



德勤 德勤 德勤客户






主要任务 提供个人信息(客户)资格评估及建议(德勤)




准备和递交签证申请给澳洲移民部( 客户和德勤)

审理签证申请(澳洲移民部)处理签证过程中出现的问题 (德勤)


申请人及随行家属的签证成功获批( 澳洲移民部)

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我们的礼宾服务为您移民澳大利亚提供一站式的服务。我们的服务可以根据您的个人需求量身定做,包含一系 移民列由德勤直接提供的服务,以及德勤协助协调第三方提供您所需要的其他服务。德勤礼宾服务为您省时省力, 让您无需亲自花费时间办理移民澳大利亚的其他事宜。



• 移民和税务协助• 商务咨询服务• 会计事务• 协调迁移及早期安居• 介绍房地产及教育顾问• 介绍财富投资顾问

• 机场接送及城市情况介绍。

税务 教育


商务并购 迁移顾问


德勤 第三方

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• 根据澳大利亚移民法规制定商务规划• 签证条件咨询,帮助您申请最适合您个人和经商发展需要的签证类别• 完成临时和永久签证申请• 与澳大利亚移民局交涉• 与您的律师代理和其他私人顾问合作,采取端到端服务,满足您的商务需求。


• 澳大利亚税务系统咨询• 中国税务及规划咨询• 居民身份与非居民身份的税务筹划咨询

• 资产保护,退休金,财产管理和遗产规划。


• 提供工资总额发放,薪金管理,记账服务,或介绍当地财会专业服务• 财务报告及财务审计的必要准备

• 公司和雇主税务稽征咨询服务。


• 举办在澳大利亚投资的知识讲座和培训课程• 根据您的具体情况选择潜在的投资项目

• 协助您与澳大利亚潜在的合作伙伴进行商务接洽和谈判。

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Australia 澳大利亚Mark Wright 赖智琨Partner (合伙人)T: +61 2 9322 7454E: [email protected]

Australia 澳大利亚Julia Qian 钱佳雯

Director (总监)T: +61 2 9322 5806E: [email protected]


China 中国Mark Ni 倪敏Partner(合伙人)Tax & Business Advisory Services税务及商务咨询T: +86 21 6141 1458E: [email protected]

China 中国 HuanWang 王欢Partner (合伙人)Tax & Business Advisory Services税务及商务咨询T: +86 10 8520 7510E: [email protected]

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This publication contains general information only, and none of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, its member firms, ortheir related entities (collectively the “Deloitte Network”) is, by means of this publication, rendering professional adviceor services. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your finances or your business, you shouldconsult a qualified professional adviser. No entity in the Deloitte Network shall be responsible for any loss whatsoeversustained by any person who relies on this publication.

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and itsnetwork of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms.

About DeloitteDeloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multipleindustries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte brings world-classcapabilities and high-quality service to clients, delivering the insights they need to address their most complex businesschallenges. Deloitte’s approximately 225,000 professionals are committed to becoming the standard of excellence.

About Deloitte AustraliaIn Australia, the member firm is the Australian partnership of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. As one of Australia’s leadingprofessional services firms. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and its affiliates provide audit, tax, consulting, and financialadvisory services through approximately 6,000 people across the country. Focused on the creation of value andgrowth, and known as an employer of choice for innovative human resources programs, we are dedicated to helpingour clients and our people excel. For more information, please visit our web site at

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Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.

© 2017 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.


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