
Austria - France

Duration: 4 years

Age: 6 – 10 years

In this school you learn to write, to read and to solve some easy mathematical tasks.

Pupils can go on to „High School“ (4 years)

Or to „Grammar School“ (4 years)

standards in this school are sometimes higher. They also offer other language courses, such as Latin, French, Italian…

Students can now choose between:

Polytechnical school (1 year)Grammar school (another 4 years)Business school (5 years)Higher Technical school (5 years)

It last for one year only and here you get prepared for your job.

You can choose between

several different fields

(commercial, technical, …)

depending on what job

you will do after school

…you start working in a job as an apprentice.

This usually last for 3-4 years. each year you visit a vocational school for 6

weeks with special courses for your specific job.

Grammar school (from 14 – 18)

it concentrates on languages, sciences, general education..

Business School (from 14 – 19)

it concentrates on commercial subjects…

Higher Technical School (from 14 – 19)

there are different branches with concentrate on technical topics (mechanical engineering, electronics, construction, management…)

It offers 3 branches: mechanical engineering

industrial engineering

facility management

We get grades from 1 to 5:

1….very good





We have tests or exams

in nearly every subject.

If you get a bad grade,

you can ask your teacher

for an oral exam.

Cooperation in class is also very important

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