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What is Autism?Autism is a serious developmental problem

called autism spectrum disorders (ASD) that can appear in early childhood that may happen before the age 3. Symptoms on Autism vary, many of the disorders affect a child ability to communicate and interact with others. Children diagnosed with autism are starting rise. It hasn’t been clear of this could be due to better detecting results or reporting of autism, increase in the number of cases, or both. There’s no cure for Autism but early treatment can make a difference in a child’s life with this


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Symptoms of Autism

Social Interaction: Fails to respond to his or her name, Poor eye contact, resists cuddling and holding, and seem to prefer playing alone.

Language: Starts talking later than age 2, has developmental delays in 30 months, can’t start conversation or keep one going, May repeat words or phrases, speaks with an abnormal tone or rhythm (singsong voice, robot like speech

Behavior: Moves constantly, develops specific Routines or Rituals, performs repetitive movements (rocking, spinning or hand-flapping), Fascinated by parts

of an object, Sensitive to light, sound, and touch

Young children have hard time sharing experience with others. When reading ex: they are unlikely to point at pictures in a book. Most

Children with autism have problems in 3 areas of development social interaction, language and behavior.

Symptoms vary so if two children with the same diagnosis may act differently and have different skills. Other children may develop normally for months or years, then suddenly become withdrawn, they are aggressive or lose language skills they've already learned. Each child with autism is

likely to have a unique pattern of behavior.

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Children with autism are slow to gain new skills or knowledge and some have normal high intelligence.

What are the causes?

Autism has no single, known cause. Complexity of the disease, the range of autistic disorders and the fact that no two children with autism are alike, there could be many causes.

GENECTIC PROBLEMS: Genetic problems. Number of genes appears to be involved in autism. Some may make a child more influenced to the disorder; others affect brain development or the way brain cells communicate. Each problem in genes may account for a small number of cases, but taken together, the influence of genes may be substantial. Some genetic problems seem to be inherited others happen suddenly.

ENVIORMENTAL FACTORS: Environmental factors: Many health problems are due to both genetic and environmental factor. Researchers are currently exploring whether viral infections and air pollutants plays a role. There’s No link between vaccines and autism. One of the greatest controversies in autism is centered on whether a link exists between autism and certain childhood vaccines, particularly the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. No reliable study has shown a link between autism and the MMR vaccination.

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What is the Risk Factors?Autism affects children of all races and nationalities but there are factors increases a child’s risks are: Your Child sex: Boys are 3 – 4 times likely to develop than girls

Family History: Family that has one or more child with Autism risk of having another child

with the same disorder, Other disorders: Children with Certain medical Conditions are at risk conditions include fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis which benign tumors develop in the brain, Tourette syndrome which cause seizures etc…

Parents Ages: Father being 40 or older may increase a child risk. Also between a children being born to older mothers with autism.

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Test/DiagnosisYour child to be diagnosed with autism, he/ she must

meet the symptom criteria spelled out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

Mental Disorders (DSM). This manual is published by the American Psychiatric Association and is used by mental health providers to diagnose mental conditions and by insurance companies to reimburse for treatment. To be diagnosed with autism, your child must have six or more of the following symptoms and two or more of those symptoms must fall under the social skills category.

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Treatment & Drugs

There is no cure for Autism the range of home-based and school-based treatments and interventions for autism can be overwhelming, but your doctor can help identify resources in your area that may work for your child.

Behavior and communication therapies: developed to address the range of social, language and behavioral difficulties. Some programs focus on reducing problem behaviors and teaching new skills. Other programs focus on teaching children how to act in social situations or how to communicate better with other people. Children don't always outgrow autism; they may learn to function well with the disorder.

Educational therapies: Children with autism often respond well to highly structured education programs. Successful programs often include a team of specialists and a variety of activities to improve social skills, communication and behavior. Medications: No medication can improve the core signs of autism, but certain medications can help

control symptoms. Antidepressants may be prescribed for anxiety. Antipsychotic drugs are sometimes used to treat severe behavioral problems.

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