
Auxiliary Task Drafts

By Mitchell Turner

Splash Page

Home Page

Tour Page

Information about the event

Ticket hyperlink button with rollover feature

Navigation bar with hyperlinks to the other pages in the website

News Page

Hyperlinks to stories on external websites

Navigation bar with hyperlinks to the other pages in the website

Social Media

Facebook widget for Mumford & Sons

Twitter widget for Mumford & Sons

Navigation bar with hyperlinks to the other pages in the website

Instagram widget for Mumford & Sons

Band PageNavigation bar with hyperlinks to the other pages in the website

Spry accordion containing an image along with information about the four band members of Mumford & Sons

The pannels are clickable so the user can choose which band member they want to look at

Video PageNavigation bar with hyperlinks to the other pages in the website

Embedded youtube video of our final music video

Music PageNavigation bar with hyperlinks to the other pages in the website

Embedded spotify playlist of Mumford & Sons latest album

The groups album covers which when clicked on play a 30 second preview of a Mumford & Son album

Store PageNavigation bar with hyperlinks to the other pages in the website

Image of the item which is for sale

Add to cart button

Marquee text

View basket button


Image of the album cover which placed over the original image which is used for the album

Reviews from magazines along with star rating

Copyright, website and hashtag

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