  • 8/16/2019 Avinash Resume 7042016


    AVINASH DESHPANDEMobile: +974-77226910 / Landline:+974 44588897  E-Mail:

    [email protected]

    S trategy & Business Develo!ent Dire"tor

      #e"iient o$ t%e Strategic Leadership Award by t%e orld H#D 'ongress $or (lobal E)"ellen"e int%e *eld o$ Balan"ed S"ore"ard 'urrently Loo+ing $or Dire"torate assign!ents in Sales and Business

    Develo!ent , 'ororate Strategy lanning and to asso"iate !ysel$ it% an organi.ation t%at

    rovides oortunities to $urt%er develo innovative/ leaders%i & !anagerial s+ills


    'o!eten"y Matri)

    Managerial S+ills

    Business Develo!ent

    Sales and Leaders%i

    Planning and Mar+eting

    Strategi" Planning

    Sales Manage!ent


    Best Pra"ti"e


    'ontinual I!rove!ents

    De"ision Ma+ing

    E)e"utive 'oa"%ing &


    0un"tional S+ills

    Business , Pro"essI!rove!ent

    Sales & Mar+eting

    Strategy Design 1erations Manage!ent

    'ororate 'o!!uni"ation

    Business 2rans$or!ations

    Manage!ent #eorting

    Audit , 'o!lian"e

    2raining & Develo!ent

    2ea! Manage!ent

    Brie$ Pro*le

    18+ !ea"s o# ove"a e$pe"ience as a %&siness eade"' awa"d winning

    s("a(egis( and o"gani)a(iona ("ans#o"ma(ion speciais(. *$pe"(ise in

    posi(ioning o"gani)a(ions #o" g"ow(h %! ga(he"ing and in(e"p"e(ing

    in#o"ma(ion' iden(i#!ing imp"ovemen( oppo"(&ni(ies' and es(a%ishing

    poicies and p"ocesses (ha( d"ive ecienc! and ,&ai(!. p"oic eade"'

    !e( independen( se#-s(a"(e" commi((ed (o (he p"incipes o# ,&ai(! on a

    deadine. cnowedged #o" capaci(! (o inspi"e eeva(ed pe"#o"mances#"om (eams' and deveop s("ong' o!a "ea(ionships hep#& in

    ("ans#o"ming o"gani)a(ions.

    &siness eveopmen( 3anage" wi(h mo"e (han 10 !ea"s o# ma"e(ing

    and saes managemen( e$pe"ience' wi(h pas( 6 !ea"s wo"ing #o"

    3owasaa(' (he &%ic "anspo"( o. o# a(a". *$pe"ience inc&des

    deveoping and managing new p"od&c( ines. eading (he ("a(eg! and

    &siness eveopmen( depa"(men( managing a 50+ miion pe" !ea"

    saes "even&e and s&pe"vising &p (o 15 ma"e(ing associa(es. "oven

    "eco"d o# s&ccess' mee(ing and e$ceeding p"ojec(ions #o" man!


    10+ !ea"s o# senio" managemen( e$pe"ience can %e %enecia in

    posi(ioning dive"se (echnoogies (o enhance p"o(oco in a"eas o# p"og"am

    managemen(' con("ac( adminis("a(ion' "eso&"ce managemen(' pe"sonne

    adminis("a(ion and c&s(ome" se"vice. ossess e$ceen( eade"ship'

    o"gani)a(ion' comm&nica(ion' p"esen(a(ion' c"i(ica (hining and ana!(ica

    sis which can hep %"ing a%o&( c&(&"a changes in !o&" o"gani)a(ion.

    aving "eceived "ecogni(ion #o" end-to-end i!le!entation o$ I2IL

    Best Pra"ti"e ro"esses' designing t%e Servi"e Manage!ent

    Strategy and organi.ational "erti*"ation on IS1 Standards #"om

    p"es(igio&s cien(s in sia and (he ;&# "egion' vinash was awa"ded wi(h?@ e! mem%e" "esponsi%e #o" accee"a(ing s("a(egic %&siness deveopmen( ac(ivi(ies'

    managing a (eam o# aes *$ec&(ives' on("ac(s 3anage"s and "od&c( eveopmen( e$ec&(ives and  s&ppo"(ing (he *$ec&(ive 3anagemen( in achieving (he vision' mission and s("a(eg! #o" &%ic "anspo"(. Bmp"oving in(e"na and e$(e"na comm&nica(ions and moni(o"ing (he o"gani)a(ions pe"#o"mance agains(

    ("a(egic goas'even&e a"ge(s ' op ine /o((om ine and aes an. Bnc"eased p"iva(e hi"e and even( "even&e #"om 15 3 (o 47 3 wi(hin one !ea"'

    achieving mo"e (han 70Co# saes pan %! "ecogni)ing need (o inc"ease ead gene"a(ion and ca (o cose "a(io #o"p"iva(e hi"e con("ac(s and even(s (o mee( high (a"ge(s.

    e"#o"med gap ana!sis and %&siness assessmen( coo"dina(ed "eso&"ces' and deveoped

  • 8/16/2019 Avinash Resume 7042016


    p"ojec( pans (o conve"( and p"omo(e %&siness g"ow(h wi(h new! ac,&i"ed cien( con("ac(s.&ccess#&! conve"(ed ove" 20 cien( "msand (h"ee aia(es "ep"esen(ing 18 3 in ann&a "even&e (o (he o"gani)a(ion. Bns(i(&(ed as!s(ema(icapp"oach (o saes ("aining and con(in&a! imp"oved ma"e(ing me(hodoog!.

    eive"ed a +15 C "even&e gain wi(hin 6-mon(hs' which ena%ed a %&siness ve"(ica

    Dp"evio&s! ope"a(ing a( ossE (o achieve i(s ha# !ea" saes "even&e o# 53 . e"#o"med and "epo"(ed wee! F mon(h! managemen( &pda(es on sco"eca"d %! an(icipa(ing

    ope"a(iona Bss&es' iden(i#!ing so&(ions and highigh(ing pe"#o"mance ("ends (o avoid con("oa%ep"o%ems

    Hig%lig%ts: wa"ded %! (he *$ec&(ive i"ec(o" #o" %eing ?ne o# es( *mpo!ee (wice in a "ow D2010-11 F 2011-12E

    #o" eGec(ive p"ocess "e-enginee"ing and co"po"a(e pe"#o"mance managemen( impemen(a(ion &ccess#&! "oed-o&( o"gani)a(ion wide:

    aanced co"eca"d go( awa"ded #o" deni(ion' ("aining' impemen(a(ion and ins(i(&(ionai)a(iono# a pe"#o"mance managemen( s!s(em in (he o"gani)a(ion

    &siness "ocess deni(ion p"ojec( H as a ead "ojec( 3anage" *s(a%ishing (he "ojec( 3anagemen( ?ce D3?E

    May56-Nov567: Aroana 'onsulting/ Dubai/ ;AE as I2-(overnan"e 'onsultant#ole: anded (he compan!Is c&s(ome" %ase en(aiing &%ai &mini&m' J eecom' *mi"a(es' *(ihad i"wa!s and a

    n&m%e" o# high p"oe cien(ee ac"oss J*

    ey ProCe"ts Handled as I2 Servi"e Se"ialist: &%ai &mini&m DJE #o" BB / B? 20000 "eadiness and ce"(ica(ion &sing aanced co"eca"d.

    &%ai iicon ?asis D?E #o" B? 27001 and J eecom #o" B e"vice 3anagemen( and e"#o"mance


    0eb56-May56: NII2 2e"%nologies/ Mu!bai/ India as 8uality Pro"ess Analyst - SEP(#ole: &pe"vised (he managed se"vices domain #o" impemen(a(ion o# BB p"ocesses #o" compiance o# B? 20000

    and B? 27001 (anda"ds oc&men(ed and impemen(ed (he compe(e &ai(! ss&"ance "og"am #o" managed se"vices domain #o" (he

    cien( - a(a cen("e ope"a(ions #o" ?B3 D emen(E a( ..K..' Kope"ai"aneHig%lig%ts: Bnvoved in 1rganisational 'erti*"ation $or IS1 =66> & IS1 =6666 $or Mu!bai lo"ation in  AovL07 F

    ecL07 "espec(ive! #"om B Bndia "oved s&ccess#& in end-to-end i!le!entation o$ IS1 =66> & IS1 =6666 Standards "eceived

    'erti*"ation $ro! BSI Bndia wi(hin a pe"iod o# 6 mon(hs &ccess#&! "erti*ed $or IS1 766>:=666 Surveillan"e Audit wi(h Me"o Aon on#o"manceIs in ?c(L07

    *ssa!ed a s(ea" "oe in ro"ess i!rove!ent and develo!ent initiatives $or H#/ 'o!!er"ial

    Servi"e 1rgani.ation and Internal 'o!!uni"ations 1rgani.ation #o" 3&m%ai oca(ion since &gL07

    May56- 0eb56 at 1range Business Servi"es 9MS' Del%i/ India@ as 8uality Assuran"e Analyst (lobalNetor+ 'ontrol/ 'usto!er Netor+ 1erations/ (urgaon

    >o"ed wi(h 0ran"e 2ele"o! DEFuant@/ Mu!bai as a Servi"e 'oordinator $ro! MayG6-ul56

    #ole: >o"ed as an Internal Auditor #o" (he 70 &di(s Dg"eed &pon "oced&"es &di( "ojec(E cond&c(ed

    Bn(e"na &di( %ased on 70 F ?B g&ideines wi(h *$(e"na &di(o"s D3 3c;ad"e!s Bnc. 3inneapois'JE iaised wi(h Nied e"vice *nginee"s Dgo%a!E and ens&"ed speed! F ecien( "eso&(ion (o cien(Is ,&e"ies and

    g"ievances Bmpa"(ed ("ainings on:

    Bn(e"na (oos &sage and p"ocess impemen(a(ion o#( is "aining #o" Ae(wo" ?pe"a(ions s(aG inc&ding midde managemen(

    oc&men(ed and impemen(ed (he en(i"e &ai(! ss&"ance "og"am #o" (he Ae(wo" ?pe"a(ions en(e"

    Hig%lig%ts: *ssa!ed a e! "oe in initiating t%e 8uality Pro"ess and aid (he g&ideines #o" ,&ai(! meas&"es in

    o-o"dina(ion wi(h (he (op 3anagemen( ;o( p"omo(ion as ;o%a Ae(wo" 3anagemen( en("e ? and "eceived:

    E)"ellent A"%ievers Aard in 2004 E)"ellent A"%ievers Aard #o" 1utstanding 'usto!er Suort #o" 2005-2006

    P#EVI1;S E4PE#IEN'EMar56-Ar56: SI2EL India Pvt LtdJ/ Mu!bai3a"I0O-&gI0O &s(ome" e"vice "o#essiona H me"ica ?nine&gI0O-p"I04 eam ead - e echnica &ppo"(

    May577-0eb56: E!+ay 2ele"o!/ Mu!bai as Manager

  • 8/16/2019 Avinash Resume 7042016


    May57-Ar577: BPL Mobile/ Mu!bai as Sales 1erations Manager

    A'ADEMI' DE2AILS1995 Dilo!a in Hotel Manage!ent & 'usto!er Servi"e #"om ;a"wa"e Bns(i(&(e' Jnive"si(! o# 3&m%ai. 1998 BJ'o!J D*conomicsE #"om Jnive"si(! o# 3&m%ai' 3&m%ai


    ecipien( o#:

    ("a(egic eade"ship wa"d %! >o"d ong"ess H 22nd *di(ion #o" 201O -14

    "esiden(Ls wa"d %! (he "esiden( o# Bndia h"i hana" a!a ha"ma in 199O-94 ;ove"no"Is wa"d %! (he ;ove"no" o# (a(e o# 3aha"ash("a DBndiaE h"i &%"amanian in 1992-9O

    Kindly fnd the below annexure or Certifcations / Trainings / Personal Details etc! "

  • 8/16/2019 Avinash Resume 7042016


    KANNE4;#E K


    a"dwa"e echnica "o#essiona "aining a( B* Bndia v(. (d.' 3&m%ai in 2004

    o#(wa"e ppica(ion "o#essiona "aining a( B* Bndia v(. (d.' 3&m%ai in 200O

    O !ea"s omp&(e" "aining o&"se #"om Aa(iona Bns(i(&(e o# Bn#o"ma(ion echnoog!' A-BB

    3&m%ai in 1999


    e"(ied dvanced aes is (h"o&gh (he hape o&se DJni(ed KingdomE

    e"(ied Balan"ed S"ore"ard Pra"titioner  (h"o&gh he aadi&m Kapan-Ao"(on aanced co"eca"d

    "og"am e"(ied aanced co"eca"d (raduate (h"o&gh he aadi&m Kapan-Ao"(on aanced co"eca"d "og"am

    e"(ica(e in Po% na!sis' Po% *va&a(ion and ;"ade ("&c(&"es #"om he ;eo"ge >ashing(on Jnive"si(!

    choo o# &siness in PanI12 B e"(ied ?B "o#essiona e"(ica(ion in 3a!I09

    B3 Bmpemen(a(ion e"(ica(ion %ased on B? 27001 in 3a!I09

    BB vO No&nda(ion e"(ica(e in ?c(I08

    B? 20000 / B? 27001 p"ocess impemen(a(ion "aining in Aovem%e"/ ecI07

    BB v2 / i$ igma ?nine Bn(e"na "aining in ?c(I06

    a"%anes ?$e! / 70 in(e"na &di(o" "aining in AovI05


    oaching and eade"ship essen(ias wo"shop #o" *$ec&(ive oaching and eveopmen(

    a"(icipa(ed in o%e"( Kapan 3as(e" ass and "ac(ica >o"shop D e"(ica(ion oo( ampE in ecI12

    e"(ied aanced co"eca"d Bmpemen(a(ion >o"shop in P&nI11

    e"(ied *dwa"d e onoIs i$ hining a(s >o"shop in p"I11

    "ojec( 3anagemen( ?nine >o"shop in P&nI10 - D3B 3em%e"ship Q 1741578E

    &siness "ocess 3anagemen( Ao(a(ions >o"shop in PanI10


    Bnvi(ed as a Ke!no(e peae" %! >? ?A;* in N* 2014 #o" aanced co"eca"d and eade"ship

    ssocia(ed wi(h Strategy E)e"ution 'o!!unity in a(a" &nde" (he pa("onage o# DrJ David PJ Norton

    eive"ing p"esen(a(ion and ("aining #o" BAPM a(a"' A;?


    a(e o# i"(h : O1s( P&!' 1977ang&ages Known : *ngish' N"ench DasicE' "a%ic DasicE indi' 3a"a(hi' Konani and ;&ja"a(i3a"i(a (a(&s : 3a""iedAo o# ependen(s : ORisa (a(&s : a(a" esiden( Risa D?penE / 1-2 J. Risa"iving icense : vaia%eAa(ionai(! : Bndianasspo"( e(ais : ?n demand

    e"sona >e%si(e : www.avinashdeshpande.comined Bn p"oe : h((p://


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