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What This CEO Says on Nov.7, 2015

Could Revolutionize Modern American Medicine…

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Your fast action today could be the most lucrative

market move you’ve ever made…

Dear Reader,

On Saturday, November 7, a CEO you’ve likely never heard of will step up to the podium.

He’ll look out across a sea of faces.

In the crowd, he’ll see competing CEOs. And famous Ph.D. scientists.

Standing at that podium, he’ll be in front of the most respected names in his industry.

When he starts speaking, he could change forever everything we think we know about one of the most frightening diseases in world history.

What he has to say could revolutionize modern medicine for reasons I’ll show you here today.

The market frenzy his comments create could also make you incredibly wealthy.

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That’s because, when the markets open on Monday, November 9, the stock of the company this CEO leads could explode rapidly higher.

Right now, this tiny stock trades for less than $9.00 a share.

Its closest “competitor” trades over $200 a share.

If this CEO’s presentation on November 7 goes as well as I expect, starting Monday, November 9, you could take part in an epic share price explosion.

I’m talking about the chance at gains of as much as 2,150% or more as this tiny company rockets from under $9.00 to $200 and beyond.

Now, no investment is guaranteed and these kinds of gains could take time to pile up, but my research shows me this company’s announcement could spark huge gains for those who take fast action.

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That’s right. Today you can get 100 shares of this stock for less than $900. Starting Monday November 9, $900 might not even get you in the door.

Now of course I don’t expect you to take this prediction on faith.

That’s why I’ll show you all the research right here in this note which proves this off-the-radar, sub-$9.00 company’s stock could be about to shoot remarkably higher.

You’ll see peer-reviewed data from world class journals like Neuropathology, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and The Journal of Neuroscience.

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First, here are two important dates you need to know. One is, of course, Monday, November 9.

If you’re holding shares of this company when the markets open that morning, you could be in for the wealth-ride of a lifetime.

The second date is Friday, November 6. That’s the date I have to hear from you by if you’re interested in this offer to learn more about the opportunity you’re about to see.

If what I’ll show you below comes true, investor demand for shares could grow to a fever pitch between the CEO’s comments on Saturday, Nov. 7 and the market open on Monday, Nov. 9.

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If you’re on board ahead of time… you’ll be in position to collect potentially life-changing gains.

If you’re scrambling to buy come Monday morning, you could get locked into an outright bidding war for available shares.

That’s just how big I expect the reaction to this CEO’s presentation could be.

After his comments on Saturday, November 7, the entire investing world is going to split into two groups.

Those who were in ahead of time. And those who missed out.

I’m writing to you today because I want you in the first group.

I want you in the group who acts early enough for the chance to turn a small stake in this company into a fortune.

Here are the important details you need to see right away…

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If You Buy Just One Stock For the Next Year,

This is the One This CEO’s company might control what we come to view as the breakthrough of the decade.

Over 5 million Americans, in fact, suffer as I write from the disease this company aims to treat.

Actually, “treat” isn’t the right word.

If this company’s trial results continue to progress as well as early reports indicate, this company’s breakthrough could actually “reverse” the disease.

What we’re dealing with here… for the first time in modern medical history… is the potential ability to take a disease with no cure and no good treatment…

… and stop it in its tracks. That’s the big picture.

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This advance, it goes without saying, could be unprecedented. No one has ever seen anything like this before. Remember, I’ll show you peer-reviewed data from journals like The

Journal of Neuroscience, Neuropathology, andThe Proceedings of the National

Academy of Sciences to back this up.

And as you may have already guessed, I’m talking about Alzheimer’s disease or AD.

Over 5 million Americans have it today.

AD is devastating. It’s a horror on aging.

If you’ve seen AD up close in family or friends, I don’t have to describe it to you.

Simply put, AD steals away memories and vitality. It takes away a person’s very self.

According to The Alzheimer’s Association, a person’s chance of developing AD doubles every five years after age 65.

At age 85, in fact, there’s a 50 / 50 chance a person has some form of cognitive decline dementia.

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That’s the harsh reality.

There are no drugs currently on the market that stop AD. It cannot be reversed.

AD, therefore, is the biggest opportunity in drug research on earth today.

Analysts at UBS have predicted an effective new drug at stopping, reversing, or even slowing down AD symptoms would be worth $67 billion a year.

That projection would make a blockbuster AD drug one of the most successful drugs in history right out of the gate.

And that’s exactly the kind of drug we might have on our hands today.

The CEO giving the presentation on Saturday, November 7 will release full Phase 2A clinical trials data and preliminary 2B data on his company’s Alzheimer’s drug.

Early 2A results, as I’ll show you, have shaken Alzheimer’s research to its foundation.

Fuller 2B data could do the same… pave the way for wide Phase 3 study… and ignite a mega-run in interest for this company’s stock.

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I’ll show you everything you need to know to get in position in just a moment.

First, here’s the size of the problem, and why a real solution is so critical not only to millions of patients, but also America’s future.

If We Don’t Stop AD by 2050, It’s the End of EVERYTHING in

America The Alzheimer’s Association has published data suggesting the total costs of treating Alzheimer’s in America today is over $226 billion.

By 2050, when up to 14 million Americans are predicted to have some form of the disease…

… and when America will have over 80 million citizens over the age of 65…

The yearly Alzheimer’s care costs to society could eclipse $1.5 trillion.

That’s per year.

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That’s two-and-a-half times the yearly U.S. Defense budget in today’s dollars.

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Or almost as much as the yearly cost of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid… combined.

That’s the total yearly healthcare cost of one disease… just a generation from today.

If we don’t fix Alzheimer’s now, in other words, the disease threatens to destroy the entire country.

The burden of increasing costs combined with the lack of effective treatment make Alzheimer’s the most pressing healthcare crisis of the generation ahead.

What you just read is the biggest untold story in American medicine today. You don’t see this story in the press. Doctors don’t talk about it.

But if AD continues to tighten its grip on America, it could mean the end of our country’s ability to maintain any kind of budget.

The statistics on AD… when you line them up… are simply jaw-dropping.

Again, you’re not going to hear this discussed by any mainstream source.

The Alzheimer’s Association recently pointed out that between 2000 and 2010, for instance, breast cancer deaths dropped in America by 2%.

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Prostate cancer deaths fell 8%.

Heart disease deaths dropped 16%. Stroke deaths fell 23%.

Alzheimer’s-related mortality in that span increased a shocking 68%.

The reason for this is simple.

Doctors are getting better and better at saving us from what used to be the biggest killers.

More folks today survive what used to be devastating illnesses.

Which means more people live longer… and eventually develop Alzheimer’s.

But no effective treatment exists to battle AD.

AD is the end. AD is the death sentence no scientist has figured out.

And it threatens the foundations of our society if we don’t act on it now.

That HUGE pressing problem, you guessed it, is also a HUGE, historic, unprecedented opportunity.

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The first company to market with a real Alzheimer’s solution, in other words, will become a mega-titan overnight and make early investors into millionaires just as fast.

Which is exactly where the tiny company I want to tell you all about today comes in…

Here’s Why This Sub-$9.00 Company

Has The Best Chance to Stop Alzheimer’s In Its Tracks

The sad truth about AD in America today is that nothing can stop it.

The best available drugs simply mask symptoms for a short time.

Then, most of the patients taking those drugs have to stop taking them because the side effects become so bad.

Without the drugs, AD continues to get worse.

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For most, that’s it: Take a drug for a few months to hopefully slow the disease. Then stop due to crippling side effects.

That ’s what makes this sub-$9.00 company ’s new drug so special. For the first time in history, we may have an AD drug on our hands that stops and reverses the symptoms of the disease.

Here’s the important point:

Phase 2A testing of this drug took a small group of patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s symptoms and put them on the drug for 36 days.

83% of patients had a positive response, and the cognitive skills / memory testing of those patients increased 4x over the current “standard of care” drug.

Keep in mind, this preliminary Phase 2A data didn’t have optimized dosing. The treatment also wasn’t administered long-term.

For a small Phase 2A study, this was a profound and fascinating result:

83% of those who took the drug saw a benefit.

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And improvement in memory function was a robust 4x increase

over the current standard drug.

Imagine if there was a cholesterol drug or a blood pressure drug or a diabetes

drug that worked 4-times better than the current standard of care drug.

Blockbuster. Game-changer. Blow the doors off the barn investing opportunity.

That’s exactly what could be building here, for the first time in American medical history, with this revolutionary Alzheimer’s drug.

This is also exactly why the CEO’s presentation on Saturday, November 7 is so important.

Saturday November 7 is the End of the Beginning…

A New Frontier of Opportunity Awaits

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The event the CEO is speaking at on Saturday, November 7 is a collection of all the brightest minds in Alzheimer’s research.

In his comments, he’ll review Phase 2A data and release early Phase 2A, Part B data.

If Part B follows on the potential great success of 2A, a specific catalyst will be locked in place for an epic buying spree of this company’s stock come Monday morning.

In short, all the positive impacts of 2A could be confirmed.

If that’s what happens, in the weeks and months ahead, hundreds of patients could enroll in wide Phase 3 testing.

That’s when we’ll know for sure just how well this company’s drug works…

What the long-range forecast is…

And if this could truly be the game-changing drug poised to help every Alzheimer’s patient in America.

That could be too late, however, to make the biggest market gains from this company.

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That’s because the stock could shoot up so much, so fast, starting on Monday, November 9 that only those positioned before the full Phase 2 results are discussed will collect the biggest, most life-changing gains.

Now here’s more of what you need to know most urgently so you can make the best decision possible if you want in on this historic profit opportunity…

The Breakthrough Opportunity You’ve Been Waiting For…

This tiny company isn ’t a moonshot built on wild speculation.

The company’s Alzheimer’s drug has been in early testing for years… the company has over $13 million in cash on hand… and can fully fund its operations for over two years.

That’s more than enough time to see its AD candidate into Phase 3 testing, and hopefully benefit from increased awareness in its work.

Leaders of this company also have deep industry experience. They know how to move a drug along the path of testing and bring it to market.

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Company leaders have come from giants like Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Wyeth.

Leadership also has a stellar academic pedigree, coming from institutions like Harvard Medical School, The Cleveland Clinic, and Imperial College London.

In short, this tiny company and the data their CEO is set to release on Saturday, November 7 could change everything we know about how to treat Alzheimer’s disease.

Because they’ve been working their entire professional lives for a moment like this.

What I’m saying is the team is in place. The results are piling up. The data doesn’t lie.

And what the data says is we could be on the verge of the biggest breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer’s the world has ever seen.

Come Monday morning November 9, this breakthrough drug could be on the top of everyone’s radar.

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Your chance to buy shares today below $9.00 is a small, targeted bet you can make on rapidly increasing awareness for this company and their work.

By November 10, your gains could already be underway.

Now please also keep in mind – with small, fast-moving, volatile stocks like this – you have to be smart. NEVER use money you need to pay your mortgage or send your kids to school for ideas like this.

NEVER use money you might need really soon. ALWAYS start small and play it safe.

There is risk here, in other words. Make wise decisions. Be conservative. $900 for 100 shares is a fair and reasonable way to start.

According to my analysis, that amount of risk is worth it for the huge, historically unprecedented potential payoff with this situation brewing for November 7.

In the weeks after November 7, if the good news continues to pile up, your small starting stake could quickly double again and again.

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This is precisely how this small company could grow to the size of its nearest competitor, a company which currently trades over $200 a share.

Just growing from around $9 to the size of its $200-a-share competitor would be a 2,150% gain.

In time, that tiny stake could grow and grow until you have an epic pile of wealth that guides for family for generations to come.

Fortunes like this do happen.

They happened as all the famous giants grew. Companies like Pfizer, Merck, and Johnson & Johnson…

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It happened in tech with companies like Apple, Microsoft, Intel, and Dell.

And energy companies like Exxon and Chevron.

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It even happened with consumer all-stars like Wal-Mart, Netflix, and Chipotle.

The difference is, when a new store opens or a new gadget comes out, lots of people make money and everyone’s happy.

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When a biotech company shoots for the stars, however, lives are saved and the world changes forever.

Investors of course get rich. But they also help people and make the world better.

That’s the chance you have today.

The chance to step inside what could be the most important development in modern American medicine.

The key is to get in on the biggest ideas with the most promise before the crowd. The key is to get in early – to get in while you can snag shares cheap.

That’s exactly the chance you have today with this tiny company.

The epic catalyst is sitting right out there in front of you.

When the CEO takes the stage on Saturday, November 7… there’s going to be a “before this” and “after this” moment…

After that speech, you could be on your way to the wealth-ride of a lifetime.

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Don’t miss this. You’ll kick yourself if you let this opportunity slide by.

These are the kinds of once-in-a-lifetime chances to profit you never forget about.

I should know… I research these kinds of ideas for a living, and I’ve never seen anything like this.

Finding Ideas Like This Tiny Alzheimer’s Company Is My Job…

and I Was Still Shocked Hello, my name is Ray Blanco.

I lead a small, elite-level market research advisory letter for Agora Financial in Baltimore called Agora Financial’s FDA Trader.

What I do at Agora Financial’s FDA Trader is follow the latest news and filings for the most promising drug development companies then alert my readers when significant milestones for those companies show potential to deliver huge, fast gains.

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A company releasing Phase 2 data, for example, and potentially clearing the final hurdle to Phase 3, like with the case of this tiny Alzheimer’s research company, can be an incredibly lucrative setup.

We know this drug works, for example.

That’s a leg up on most other drugs with dubious or statistically insignificant improvements on existing treatments.

Remember, this drug stands alone… and would be alone in the market… as the only drug with the potential to stop Alzheimer’s.

For the first time in history, this new treatment shows the potential to not only stop the progression of Alzheimer’s, but make the patient’s memory work better again.

That’s historic. It’s unprecedented.

It could be the biggest news to hit the Alzheimer’s research industry in history.

For the first time ever, those with the crippling diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease might have real hope for a better future.

You can’t put a price tag on that kind of potential…

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Now before we go any further, I know I need to slow down.

We can’t let all this excitement get us away from the hard science.

Here’s an inside look at what makes this tiny company’s Alzheimer’s drug so special.

I mentioned a moment ago I’d show you research published in The

Journal of Neuroscience, Neuropathology, andThe Proceedings of the National

Academy of Sciences.

It’s time I show you the details…

The Science is Clear – This is How This Tiny Company

Could Finally Defeat Alzheimer ’s In medical history to today, the FDA has approved four drugs specifically designed to treat Alzheimer’s.

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Like we discussed earlier, these four drugs typically only “mask” symptoms for about 6 – 12 months before the patients taking them have to stop due to side effects.

If you ever hear people who’ve seen Alzheimer’s firsthand talk about the cruel tragedy of current drugs, this is what they’re talking about.

The drugs do nothing to stop the disease. And they can make dealing with it worse.

Sadly, this is why some Alzheimer’s patients choose to forego drug intervention entirely and focus instead of making the best of the mental capacity they have while they still have it.

Making matters worse, the four drugs on the market today all use generally the same approach.

That approach recently failed again when three drugs, two from Roche and one from Eli Lilly, failed to deliver good results by targeting what’s called beta amyloid plaque buildup in the brain.

Most Alzheimer’s research is focused on amyloid plaques. The plaques gum up the works, the thinking goes, leading to “tangles” you may have read about, and memory declines.

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The new drug from the tiny company I want to tell you about today uses a different approach.

Without getting to far into the science, know that this new drug goes after what’s called protein mis-folding in the brain.

It also targets inflammation in the brain, oxidative stress, and what’s called mitochondrial dysfunction.

Now each one of these targets I just mentioned deserves its own five pages of explanation.

We can’t go through all of the deep science here because the upcoming comments from the CEO on November 7 are what counts.

In short, we need to hear the CEO’s comments and get ready for November 9.

But please know that if you decide to take action today, I will show you all the science in deep detail.

For now, here are the highlights.

Data published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of

Sciences suggested that brain cells subjected to stress developed

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protein mis-folding, and that this type of treatment could un-do

that mis-folding over time.

Other data presented to the Society for Neuroscience showed how

this company’s treatment produced memory gains over time in an

Alzheimer’s model study group.

Results in Neuroscience and Neuropathology in 2013

demonstrated that the company’s drug could potentially provide

protection for the brain against the build-up of stresses that

negatively impact brain function over time.

And data published in The Journal of Neuroscience in 2014

showed that a certain type of receptor in the brain could be a target

for treatments that aim to stop all the stresses we’ve just discussed.

In short, just about any possible “stress” that could be a root cause of Alzheimer’s disease gets attacked by this company’s drug.

Again, I’ll show you all the science, but for now, think of what this company has accomplished so far like this:

In energy, experts talk about an “all of the above” approach.

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Those folks think we should go get oil. We should use coal. And we should use wind, hydro, and geothermal for power too.

“All of the above” means do everything you can. Leave no stone unturned.

That’s what this tiny company thinks when it comes to Alzheimer’s. They have an “all of the above” approach.

This company’s drug targets amyloid plaque buildup, but it doesn’t stop there. It also attacks protein mis-folding, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and inflammation.

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I’ll show you all the details point-by-point in a research paper I compiled called The Company That Could Revolutionize Modern American

Medicine Starting November 7, 2015.

I’ll send you a digital copy of this report today so you can do all your due diligence on this opportunity without delay. You’ll have the stock ticker in your hands in minutes…

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Right now, however, we should go back to what we could learn on Saturday, November 7 when the company CEO gives his presentation to a packed room full of his peers.

This is critical to your opportunity. You need to see this…

Then, we’ll go over what you need to do (it’s very simple) to be in position for a chance at the biggest gains starting Monday, November 9.

Details on the CEO’s Comments on Saturday, November 7

Phase 2 results can sometimes be split in two groups.

First, there’s 2A studies, where a small group of folks get a new drug for a short period of time to gather first-steps data on whether or not the drug works.

That’s what we have so far… the company released the 83% positive response and 4x better than standard of care data earlier this year.

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Phase 2B studies are similar, but longer. Technically, to be fully correct, what the CEO will talk about on November 7 is preliminary results from a Phase 2A “Part B” study.

In his comments, he’s going to give a preview of how well the drug works in the 2A study group over 3, 6, and 9 months.

He could also potentially discuss dosing.

This makes sense because after you figure out if a drug works or not, the next thing to figure out is how much to give patients and see how they fare over time.

The point is, there’s a huge fulcrum to what the CEO is going to say.

Think of it like the middle of a see-saw.

If the high positive response numbers and better performance numbers for the company’s drug hold over a long time period… interest and enthusiasm in the drug will shoot higher and market skepticism will fall lower.

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That’s the scenario I expect. That’s the scenario which could hand you huge, fast gains starting Monday, November 9… then bigger and bigger gains in the weeks and months ahead.

But why do I expect the best possible scenario?

Can you keep a secret?

I ask because this is the breaking news element to our story… and it’s precisely why your fast action today is so critical.

“Late Additions” Are For Good News…

That’s Key to Your Huge

Profit Potential The CEO is a “late addition” to the schedule of the conference he’s speaking at on November 7.

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The schedule came out… experts and other researchers signed up… the conference materials were sent to all the attendees.

Then this company got a late-breaking invite and a speaking time on Nov. 7.

Put yourself in the company’s shoes for a second.

You don’t push for a speaking spot last minute, you don’t go to the expense of traveling to the conference… unless you have something big, important, and positive to say.

Again, keep in mind this is just me making a prediction. But when you put all the evidence together, I think the reasonable assumption is a simple one.

On November 7, this tiny Alzheimer’s research company’s CEO is going to stand in front of every major researcher, peer, and competitor in his industry and say something groundbreaking.

It’s going to make the news. It’s going to ignite a firestorm of interest in the company’s stock, even among casual market-watchers.

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If you’re in ahead of time… safely holding shares before Friday, November 6… you could be in position to collect a potentially life-altering gain in a very short time.

Remember, just catching up to its nearest competitor in the Alzheimer’s drug research field means this sub-$9.00 company could hand you a 2,150% gain.

And you can buy shares of this company through your normal brokerage account, with just a few simple mouse-clicks. There’s no special jargon involved or expert knowledge needed.

Now here’s how to get started right now…

The Company That Could Revolutionize

Modern American Medicine Starting

November 7, 2015

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- In Your Hands Two Minutes From Now

The best part about everything you’ve just seen is that the urgent breaking news the Alzheimer’s drug development company CEO releases on November 7…

… is actually just the tip of the iceberg of your full profit potential.

That’s because, at my FDA Trader research service at Agora Financial, I target companies with huge promise moving from Phase 2 to Phase 3 trials… or receiving special designations and clearances from the FDA.

I confess, however, that I haven’t seen an opportunity as big or as urgent as this Alzheimer’s company.

The profit potential over time is simply off the charts, if this company’s drug turns out to be the blockbuster 5 million Americans desperately need.

Remember, market analysts at UBS said an Alzheimer’s drug that could slow or stop symptoms would be worth $67 billion a year.

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What do you think a drug that could actually reverse symptoms will be worth?

We’re talking history-making, game-changing gains and life-saving potential.

Right now you can claim your copy of The Company That Could

Revolutionize Modern American Medicine Starting November 7, 2015 and read it starting in about two minutes.

My team will send it directly to your chosen email as soon as you reply to this note.

Inside, you’ll learn - in simple, to-the-point language…

What makes this sub-$9.00 Alzheimer’s company so special -

including details on their Alzheimer’s drug… company

management… financial information… upcoming testing… and

future plans.

Plus you’ll get the ticker symbol for the stock and see how to

quickly, cheaply, and efficiently buy shares today so you’re ready

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for the news on November 7 and the huge profit wave that could

start on Monday, November 9.

As you saw here today, the CEO’s comments at the major conference on Saturday, November 7 could be a significant “before and after” milestone.

If the news he releases is as good as I expect it could be, being in ahead of November 7 could prove life-changing lucrative for you.

If you wait until “after” and try to get in, the $900 it takes today to secure 100 shares of this small company might not get you a seat at the table.

Your fast action right now, in other words, is the whole ball game. Are you in or out?

Here’s What You Need to Do Right Now to Get Started

First, as soon as you claim your copy of The Company That Could

Revolutionize Modern American Medicine Starting November 7, 2015, you’ll also begin a subscription to my FDA Trader service.

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You get a full year of Flash Alerts and Weekly Updates from me,

sent right to your email whenever I recommend a trade. You get

complete Buy and Sell instructions for every play so you’ll never

be left sitting around wondering what to do. These are quick and to

the point emails you can rely on for the straight story.

You’ll also get subscribers-only Reports, like the report I want to

send you today, when there’s an urgent situation you need to have

all the details on. These reports cover the deep science, testing,

trial results, business plans, and give you spot-on buying

instructions so you can make the best investing decision for your


Plus, you get full members-only website access, where you can

read and print any Alert, Update, or Report. It’s your viewfinder

into the world of breakthrough research. You can watch a story

build over time or compare one stock against another. The

website’s a research and data hub right at your fingertips.

At the site you can also review the entire FDA Trader model portfolio, track positions in real time, and dig in to the archives to see how the biggest tech stories we’re tracking change over time.

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I know this seems like a lot of information I’m sending your way. And it is.

That’s why, to help you get started as fast as possible with no bumps in the road, I’ll also send you The FDA Trader Bible.

This report shows you the four major scenarios that lead to FDA Trader gains. It shows you my complete background. It shows you exactly what to do to turn FDA-related news into the biggest possible gains.

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Alone, the FDA Trader Bible has a value of $1,500. It’s yours for free. Give it a quick read and you’re on your way… The best part is, you get to see everything, including your copy ofThe

Company That Could Revolutionize Modern American Medicine Starting

November 7, 2015 minutes from now.

And now that you’ve made it this far, I’ve got some huge news to show you…

This is news that, quite frankly, you may not have believed if I showed it to you earlier.

The Best FDA Trader Stocks Have “Multi-Stream”

Paths to Success The sub-$9.00 company I want you to know all about today is focused laser-like on their Alzheimer’s treatment.

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That drug alone, if it reaches full FDA approval and gets into the hands of patients who need it, could immediately be worth up to $67 billion a year, according to the UBS analyst report I’ve mentioned already.

But this tiny company’s potential doesn’t end there…

The company earlier this year got a major grant award from the Michael J. Fox Foundation to help speed along their Parkinson’s Disease research.

The company also has epilepsy, stroke, and depression drugs in pre-clinical testing, using the same “all of the above” approach to treating stresses in the brain that have proven so successful thus far in Alzheimer’s research.

The point is, this company has true “multi-stream” paths to long-term success.

If the company’s Alzheimer’s drug ends up a blockbuster, you can bet the rest of the pipeline of potential breakthrough treatments will get a boost.

That could lead to years and years of compounding profits for you.

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The best part is… and here’s the news… this isn’t my opinion. This is fact.

From Jan 1, 2014 to March 1, 2014, this company’s stock increased nearly 30% likely related to a report in Alzheimer’s Weekly that it might be more than 2x as good as the current standard of care drug.

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We know today it’s actually better than that. Early data says it could be 4x as good at protecting the brain.

Then, the stock went up more than 100% between June 1, 2015 and July 1, 2015 on the first release of Phase 2a data.

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This data was presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference.

The point is, the need for a treatment for AD that really works is so big, news alone can drive interest in this stock like wildfire.

November 7 could be a milestone in that regard. If all the Phase 2 data so far looks good, investor interest could shoot sky high.

2016 will have more and more dates like this. If you’re holding shares, you could be in for a rocket ride. One that turns a small stake to begin into a life-changing fortune.

Delivering you that kind of potential over and over again is exactly why FDA Trader exists.

Regular folks just like you - not scientists, doctors, or Ph.D. researchers - have profited over and over again from FDA Trader recommendations.

Here’s just a few examples of the happy readers I’m talking about…

I am up $4000 in only two weeks on [recommendation]…

— Brad H., Colorado Springs, CO.

I currently have a gain in excess of $2,500. Thank you!

— George S., Flagstaff, AZ.

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I did really well and exceeded the 92% with a gain of 101% on the portion I sold. My approach was different than

yours.I sold enough shares to take my initial investment off the table and half of my current profits.

— Keith B., New Orleans, LA.

I bought 100 shares at 53.58 on 9/2/14, and just sold them for 83.48, for a gain of $2,982 net after commissions. That is

a gain of 55.66% over 6 months! your rationale for selling now made perfect sense.

— Paul T., Naples, FL.

I want the next letter like this I get to come from you.

It all starts when you claim your copy of The Company That Could

Revolutionize Modern American Medicine Starting November 7, 2015 from me right now and get in position before Friday, November 6.

And here’s exactly why your fast action today on this urgent story comes with little risk.

Try FDA Trader and See if I’m Right About November 7

We Want You To Be 100% Satisfied With Your Agora Financial's FDA

Trader Subscription

Page 50: AVXL Promo Content

If you try FDA Trader today and find I’ve accurately predicted what the CEO of the breakthrough Alzheimer’s research

company says on November 7, you could be on your way to a fast 2,150% gain… then even bigger gains in the weeks


If I’m wrong, you can simply call my customer care team and they’ll send you a refund of your subscription price.

They won’t hassle you and they won’t ask any questions.

In fact, you have 60 full days to test out FDA Trader and see how my research pans out.

If you don’t like it at any time for any reason, you can call right up until midnight on your 59th day and get your

subscription fee returned to you minus a 10% processing fee.

Why the processing fee?

Well, believe it or not, there are still people out there who are only out to “steal” our work. They buy the service, grab the

recommendations and then cancel…

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We’ve simply poured too many resources into this project to let these deadbeats get away with that. This 10% fee protects

the serious readers who choose to invest, while also discouraging fraud.

I’ll even go a big step further toward making sure you take action right now…

If the stock of the company led by the CEO giving the presentation

on November 7 doesn’t at least double in the next 12 months,

you can also call and request your subscription money back. That’s

right. At least a double in the next year, or you can get your FDA

Trader subscription fee sent back to you.

Both my guarantees are subject to 10% restocking fees. We must hold this 10% even if you decide to cancel your subscription so we can protect our customers against those who buy FDA Trader, read our reports, then take action and immediately cancel their subscription.

Of course, I know this doesn’t apply to you. But full disclosure demands I make the 10% fee clear. If you decide to cancel, you’ll get back 90% of what you pay today.

Now the question is… how much does it cost to get your copy of The

Company That Could Revolutionize Modern American Medicine Starting

November 7, 2015…

Page 52: AVXL Promo Content

… and a full year of FDA Trader Alerts and Updates?

The answer is just $1,600.

That’s a $900 savings off the published price of $2,500 for a full year.

No, I haven’t gone crazy. And no, this isn’t some kind of mind game.

I’m basically giving you $900 off to buy 100 shares of this tiny company before November 7.

Of course, you could choose to buy more or buy less than 100 shares. The $900 you save today is my way of showing you in real dollars and cents just how urgently you need to act.

I’m taking this bold step because I want my research and your participation to help play a role in what could be the biggest Alzheimer’s breakthrough in modern American medicine.

I want you to know how to collect all the benefits and acclaim of being in early on what could be the biggest biotech story of the decade.

And I want the tiny company behind this new drug to get all the attention they possibly can.

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If they end up stopping Alzheimer’s disease, this company might just save America’s future… on top of saving millions of lives.

You can get The Company That Could Revolutionize Modern American

Medicine Starting November 7, 2015and a full year of FDA Trader today for $900 off – just $1,600 - because I want you to have every chance to grab your piece of history.

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The 2,150% gains you could quickly collect are just the beginning…

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November 7 could change the entire conversation about Alzheimer’s… and I want to remove every barrier I can for you so you’re on the inside before then.

Simply click Subscribe Now below to get started.

You can review everything your order includes before it’s final.

And you can start reading your copy of The Company That Could

Revolutionize Modern American Medicine Starting November 7, 2015 in just minutes.

Remember - for the chance at the biggest possible gains - you need to be “on the inside” before Midnight Friday, November 6.

This note will no longer be available after that time, so click below right now to get started while this urgent and potentially historic opportunity is still fresh in your mind.

I look forward to welcoming you to FDA Trader!


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Ray Blanco Editor, Agora Financial’s FDA Trader October 23, 2015

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You Can Review Your Order Before it's Final

P.S. - Remember earlier we discussed this company’s Alzheimer’s drug showed an 83% positive response and increased memory performance 4x over the current “standard of care” Alzheimer’s drug?

If the results released on November 7 confirm that epic finding over 3, 6, and 9 months, it wouldn't surprise me if this company receives fast-tracking for future testing.

That’s right.

If this amazing data continues to pile up, we could be closer than ever before to a real weapon in the fight against Alzheimer’s.

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The gains you could see collect in that scenario would make your short-term 2,150% gain opportunity look like peanuts.

Time’s running out. When the CEO steps to the podium on November 7, you have to be in position already.

That’s why I’ve requested that this note disappear from the internet right at Midnight Friday, November 6. ClickSubscribe Now below to get started.

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You Can Review Your Order Before it's Final

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