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Is the only solution to many



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All the enlightened down the ages have been teaching only

one thing awareness

• Awareness means cultivating Right mindfulness of one’s body, one’s feelings, one’s mind, and of mental objects.

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we cannot create anything higher than our own level of


• Awareness means to be in the moment so totally that there is no movement toward the past, no movement toward the future.

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Jon Kabat-Zinn, defines it as "the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment to moment"

Bishop et al. defines it as

"self-regulation of attention so that it is maintained on immediate experience, thereby allowing for increased recognition of mental events in the present moment" and "adopting a particular orientation toward one's experience that is characterized by curiosity, openness, and acceptance"  

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whatsoever happens through awareness is beautiful, and whatsoever happens

without awareness is ugly.

• Everything that happens in our life is filtered through our awareness. We then act in accordance with our present level of awareness. If our awareness is faulty, then our actions will be faulty.

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No two people have the same awareness or perception of reality.

• Although we perceive the same world, we interpret what we see differently. To the degree our awareness or perception is limited, our habits, thoughts and actions will also be limited. Our awareness is simply a combination of all the experiences, impressions and attitudes we have accumulated since birth. Our awareness can be summed up as our total life experience. Our awareness determines the clarity with which we perceive and understand everything that affects our life.

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if you are aware, you stop all your nonsense.

Awareness is observation without condemnation. Awareness brings understanding, because

there is no condemnation or identification but silent observation. If I want to understand something, I must observe, I must not criticize, I must not condemn, I must not pursue it as pleasure or

avoid it as non-pleasure. There must merely be the silent observation of a fact. - JK

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Awareness is like a light, problems are like a darkness, the presence of light is

enough to push the darkness out.

Awareness is surely critical because some of the major obstacles to clear thinking are within ourselves, i.e. our defenses, our emotions, our blind spots, past experiences, our values.

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What determines our behaviour is not objective reality (whatever that is) but our own subjective awareness of the world around us and of ourselves.

Unless individuals become aware of these learned habits they will be unable to change them so they will be maintained by the nonconscious processes.

Consciousness, or the awareness of oneself, is required skill

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Freud once said `One cannot fight an enemy one cannot see'

Unwanted or unacceptable thoughts, wishes, experiences, fantasies and so on are pushed out of awareness into the unconscious usually because they are causing too much guilt, anxiety or fear. Freud believed that almost all traumatic events of early life are repressed.

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Awareness enables people to make choices and control their existence

• Awareness is not obsessive. With self-acceptance comes our willingness to experience rather than to disown whatever may be the facts of our being at a particular moment.

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To the extent that awareness is blocked in either direction, life and

well-being are impaired

• With more consciousness we perceive more options, more opportunities, more paths to success, happiness, balance, and wealth. We also find more routes out of difficult circumstances. To perceive these new opportunities we need to live with more consciousness in our lives.

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• many cases, the lack of awareness about one's own inappropriate behavior may be the root of the problem, and corrective information could remediate the problem.

• Some researchers have characterized this as a performance or motivational deficit rather than a lack of knowledge or awareness.

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Levels of awareness• Level 1: Pre-awareness. Individuals are not aware of their responsibility

related to self-defeating attitudes or behaviors.

• Level 2: Awareness. Individuals are aware that they have some responsibility for the nature of their life experiences, relationships, and challenges, but they are uncertain about what to do to change and have not made a commitment to change.

• Level 3: Anticipatory. Attitudes and behaviors that illustrate that individuals are willing to commit to change for better self-directed health are candidates for proceeding with the development of a plan for change.

• Level 4: Action. This is the level at which individuals demonstrate a readiness to develop healthier attitudes and behaviors through the implementation of a plan for change.

• Level 5: Maintenance. Such individuals are fully aware of their responsibility and opportunity to direct their attitudes and behaviors in healthful and satisfying ways.

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Awareness is guided and directed by seven other factors

(1) the view one has of what is real, important, valuable, and useful

(2) how intention is used to initiate and sustain action in skillful ways;

(3) the nature of speech that can be either harmful or beneficial;

(4) the quality of action as it relates to ethical principles;

(5) one’s means of sustaining oneself in the world as livelihood;

(6) the degree and quality of effort employed to bring about change;and

(7) concentration as a focusing and supporting factor to mindfulness.

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Practice Mindfulness Meditation

The primary focus in Mindfulness Meditation is the breathing. However, the primary goal is a calm, nonjudging awareness, allowing thoughts and feelings to come and go without getting caught up in them. This creates calmness and acceptance.  Sit comfortably, with your eyes closed and your spine reasonably straight.  Direct your attention to your breathing.  When thoughts, emotions, physical feelings or external sounds occur, simply accept them, giving them the space to come and go without judging or getting involved with them.  When you notice that your attention has drifted off and is becoming caught up in thoughts or feelings, simply note that the attention has drifted, and then gently bring the attention back to your breathing. It's ok and natural for thoughts to arise, and for your attention to follow them. No matter how many times this happens, just keep bringing your attention back to your breathing.

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more you are aware, you are responsible for your life, the more you  responsible, the more

you will happy and inner peace within you.

• Thank you!

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