

ABBE , ELFRIEDE, The Plants oj VirgiZ’s Georgics: Commentary and Woodctits(Dorothy Burr Thompson)

ABEL, KARLHANS, IXe PZatitusproZoge (George E. Duckworth)ADCOCK, F. E., Caesar as a Man oj Letters (David Breslove)- Caesar as a Man oj Letters (J. E. A. Crake)

The Greek and Macedonian Art oj War (Malcolm F. McGregor)- Roman Political Ideas and Practice (S. E. Smethurst)- Thzuydides and his History (C. w. J. Eliot)ADKINS, ARTHUR W. H., Merit and Responsibility: A Sttidy in Greek VaZties

(F. E. Sparshott)ADRIANI, A., Annuaire du Mz&e G&o-Romain (1935-1939) (A. C. Johnson)AFRICA, THOMAS W., Rome oj the Caesars (C. P. Jones)ALEXANDER, W ILLIAM HARDY, Maius Opus (Aeneid 7-12) (H. L. Tracy)e The Tacitean “Non Liquet” on Seneca (A. E. Raymond)- L&s Annaetis Seneca: De Bene$ciis L&-i V1.I (D. F. S. Thomson)ALF~LDI, ANDREW, A Conflict oj Ideas in the Late Roman Empire

(C. D. Gordon)ALLAN, D. J., The PhiZosophy oj Aristotle (P. F. McCullagh)ALLEN, JAMES T. and GABRIEL ITALIE, A Concordance to Euripides

(G. M. A. Grube)AL L E N, W. SI D N E Y, VOX Latina: A Gtiide to the Prontinciation oj Classical

Latin (Niall Rudd)AMIT, M., Athens and the Sea: A Study in Athenian Sea-power

(Malcolm F. McGregor)ANDREW, S. O., Homer’s Odyssey (S. M. Adams)ANDREWES, A., ProbotiIezuis: Sparta’s Contribtition to The Techniqtie oj

Government (M. E. White)ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AM E R I C A, CataZogue oj V&a/ Aids

(M. E. White)ARNOTT, PETER D., An Introduction to the Greek Theatre

(Geoffrey B. Riddehough)ARROWSMITH, WILLIAM, Petronius: The Satyricon (G. Bagnani)The Athenian Agora: A Gtiide to the Excavations (J. Walter Graham)AUSTIN, R. G., P. VergiZi Maronis Aeneidos Liber Secundus (D. 0. Robson)AVENARIUS, GERT, Ltikians Schrzyt ZUY Geschichtsschreibung (Lionel Pearson)BACON, HELEN H., Barbarians in Greek Tragedy (H. L. Tracy)BADIAN, E., Foreign C/ienteIae (264-70 B.C.) (E. T. Salmon)- Sttidies in Greek and Roman History (E. T. Salmon)BAILEY, D. R. SHACKLETON, Towards a Text oj Cicero: Ad Atticurn (Lily

Ross Taylor)BALSDON, J. P. V. D., Roman Women: Their History and Habits

(S. E. Smethurst)BANKS, THEODORE HOWARD , Sophocles: Three Theban Plays (D. J. Conacher)BARKER, ERNEST, Social and PoZiticaZ Thotight in Byzantium jrom Jzutinian I

to the Last PaZaeoZogu (Glanville Downey)BARRETT, W. S., Eu-ipides: Hippobtos (D. J. Conacher)BAYET, JEAN, Cic&on: Correspondance, Tome V (S. E. Smethurst)BEARE, W., The Roman Stage: A Short History oj Latin Drama in the Time of

the Republic (E. A. Dale)




















BEAUJEU, JEAN, Minucizu F&x: Octavius (C. Douglas Ellis)BEAZLEY, J. D., The Development oj Attic Black-Figwe (Cedric Boulter)BELLINGER, ALFRED R., Essays on the Coinage oj AZexander the Great


(Irwin L. Merker) 19.93BENOIT, P., J. T. MILIK, and R. DE VAUX, Discoveries in the Jadaean Desert

II: Les Grottes de Mwabbaat (F. M. Heichelheim)BERRY, EDMUND G., Emerson’s Plutarch (Moses Hadas)BIEBER, MARGARETE, The SctiZptwe oj the HeZZenistic Age (F. E. Winter)BIRLEY, ANTHONY, Lqe in Roman Britain (D. Fishwick)BLAIKLOCK, E. M., The MaZe Characters oj Ewipides (S. E. Smethurst)BLEGEN, C ARL W., HAZEL PALMER, and RODNEY S. YOUNG, Corinth XIII.-



The North Cemetery (Cedric G. Boulter)BLOCH, RAYMOND, The Origins of Rome (Robert J. Lenardon)- Tite-Live et Zes premiers WcZes de Rome (R. L. Calvert)BLUCK, R. S., PZato’s Meno (John M. Rist)BL~MEL, CARL, Der Hermes eines PraxiteZes (Mary Wallace)BOAK, ARTHUR E. R., A History oj Rome to 565 A.D. (M. E. White)BOARDMAN, JOHN, The Greeks Overseas (M. E. White)BOLTON, J. D. P., Aristeas oj Proconneus (C. J. Herington)BOND, G. W., Ewipides: HypsipyZe (B. R. Rees)BONNER, S. F., The Eduation of a Roman (D. F. S. Thomson)- Roman DecZamation in the Late RepubZic and Early Empire

19.32315.1842 0 . 3 4 717.147

6.299 . 1 9 3



(W. Leonard Grant)BOVIE, SMITH PALMER, VirgiZ’s Georgia (H. Bennett)- The Satires and Epistles of Horace (Niall Rudd)BOWRA, C. M., ProbZems in Greek Poetry (Leonard Woodbury)- The Greek Experience (M. E. White)- Greek Lyric Poetry from AZcman to Simonides (Leonard Woodbury)BRELICH, ANGELO, GZi Eroi Greci: Un ProbZema Storico-rehgioso (J. A. Philip)BRINK, C. O., Horace on Poetry: ProZegomena to the Literary EpistZes




14 .59

(G. M. A. Grube)BROADHEAD, H. D., The Persae oj Aeschyhs (H. G. Edinger)BROCK , J. K., Fortetsa: EarZy Greek Tombs near Knossos (F. H. Stubbings)BRONEER, O., Corinth 1.4: The South Stoa (F. E. Winter)BROOKE, IRIS, Costtime in CZassic Greek Drama (F. E. Winter)BROUGHTON, T. ROBERT S., with MARCIA L. PATTERSON, The Magistrates

of the Roman Repz&Zic I (Gilbert Bagnani)- The Magistrates oj the Roman RepuHic II (G. Bagnani)BROWN, FRANK EDWARD, EMELINE H ILL RICHARDSON, and L. RICHARDSON,

JR., Cosa II: The TempZes of the Arx (F. E. Winter)BRUUN, PATRICK, Studies in Constantinian ChronoZogy (C. D. Gordon)BU C H A N A N, JAMES J., Theorika: A Study oj Monetary Distrihtions to the

Athetiian Citizenry daring the Fyth and Fowth Centuries B.C.(C. W. J. Eliot)





18.166BUCK, CARL DARLING, The Greek Dialects: Grammar, SeZected Inscriptions,

GZossary (James W. Poultney)BURN, A. R., PericZes and Athens (W. P. Wallace)- The Lyric Age of Greece (M. E. White)BURTON, R. W. B., Pindar’s Pythian Odes: Essays i? Interpretation

(Douglas E. Gerber)

10.1273 . 1 1 317 .46

BURY, J. B., and RUSSELL MEIGGS, History of Greece (F. M. Heichelheim)CALLAWAY, JOSEPH S., Sybaris (M. E. White)C A M P B E L L, A. Y., Ezwipides: HeZena (Robert J. Getty)

17.1528 . 1 6 27 .1216 . 1 1 9


- Horace: Odes and Epodes (H. L. Tracy)CARNEY , T. F., A Biography of C. Marius (E. T. Salmon)CARRI~RE, JEAN , Th&og?zis de Migare (L. E. Woodbury)- Thhgnis: Po2mes Ugiaques (L. E. Woodbury)CARY, GEORGE, The MedievaZ AZexander (Truesdell S. Brown)CARY, M. and JOHN WILSON, A Shorter History of Rome (J. E. A. Crake)CASSON, LIONEL, The Ancient Mariners: Seafarers and Sea Fighters of the

Mediterranean in Ancient Times (Mabel Lang)CERAM, C. W., Gods, Graves, and SchoZars: The Story of ArchaeoZogy

(J. Walter Graham)- The Secret of the Hittites (John and J. B. Garstang)CERFAUX, L. and J. TONDRIAU, Le CuZte des Souverains dans Za CiviZisation

G&co-Romaine (D. Fishwick)CHADWICK, JOHN, The Decipherment of Linear B (L. R. Palmer)CHARLESWORTH, M. P., The Roman Empire (Robert J. Getty)CHARTIER, MGR. EMILE, Po&e Grelque (Joseph Lalibertk,, A. H., and HENRY PHILLIPS , JR., A New Greek Reader (J. A. Philip)CHILDE, V. GORDON, New Light on the Most Ancient East (Winifred Needler)CLARK, DONALD LEMEN, Rhetoric in Greco-Roman Education (S. F. Bonner)CLARKE, M. L., CZassicaZ Education in Britain ~500-1900 (D. F. S. Thomson)CLAUSEN, W., A. Fe?-si FZacci Saturarum Liber; Accedit Vita (L. A. MacKay)CLES-REDEN, S IBYLLE VON, The Buried PeopZe: A Study of the Etruscan

WorZd (D. 0. Robson)COHN-HAFT, L., The PubZic Physicians of AnGieat Greece

(W. Kendrick Pritchett)COLLINGE , N. E., The Structure of Horace’s Odes (Niall Rudd)COOK, R* M., Greek Painted Pottery (Cedric G. Bouiter)COOPER, CHARLES GORDON, An Introductioti to the Latin Hexameter

(D. 0. Robson)Journey to Hesperia: From Aeneid I-VI (Winifred Alston)

COPLEY, FRANK O., ExcZusus Amator: A Study in Latin Love Poetry(L. A. MacKay)- Gaius VaZerius CatuZZus: The CompZete Poetry (A. Dalzell)CORNFORD, F. M., The Unwritten PhiZosophy and Other Essays

(G. M. A. Grube)Principium Sapientiae: The Origins of Greek PhiZosophicaZ Thought

(Leonard Woodbury)Cox, D. H., Coins from the Excavations at Curium, 193249.53

(Aline Abaecherli Boyce)CROOK, J. A., ConsiZium Principis (E. T. Salmon)CROSS, R. C. and A. D. WOOZLEY, PZato’s RepubZic: A PhiZosophicaZ

Commentary (F. E. Sparshott)CRUICKSHANK, J. S., A. S. MERRITT, and J. M. PORTER, The Rise of Western

Civz’Zization (A. S. Nease)CURTIUS, ERNST ROBERT , European Literature and the Latin MiddZe Ages

(J. Reginald O’Donnell)DALE , A. M., AZcestis (H. L. Tracy)DALE, F., Latin for Today: Book Four (David Breslove)DALE , G. M. C. and J. G. GORDON, A Workbook for Living Latin, First Year

(Winifred Als ton)DAMON, P. W. and W. C. HELMBOLD, The Structure of Propertius, Book 2

t T. W. Scrivin)























DAUBE, D., Forms oj Roman Legislation (E. T. Salmon)DAVIDSON, GLADYS R., Corinth XII: The Minor Objects (J. Walter Graham)DENNISTON, JOHN DEWAR and DENYS PAGE, AescZzyZus: Agamemnon

(S. M. Adams)DEWITT, NORMAN W., Epicurus and his PhiZosophy (E. G. Berry)- St. PauZ and Epicurus (F. W. Beare)DICKINSON, PATRIC, Kv-giZ: The &neid (Ann Dalzell)DIETRICH, B. C., Death, Fate, and the Gods: The DeveZopment of a ReZigious

Idea in Greek PopuZar BeZief and in Homer (DougIas E. Gerber)DODDS, E. R., The Greeks and the IwationaZ (G. M. A. Grube)- PZato; Gorgias (J. S. Morrison)

Pagan and Chistian in an Age of Anxiety: Some Aspects of Re1igiot.aExperience from Marcus AureZius to Constantine (John M. Rist)

DOREY, T. A., Cicero (S. E. Smethurst)DOVER, K. J., Greek Word Order (M. N. Kelly)- Thucydides, Book VI (Malcolm F. McGregor)- Thucydides, Book VII (Malcolm F. McGregor)DOWNEY, GLANVILLE, Ancient Antioch (G. L. Keyes)DRACHMANN, A. G., The MechanicaZ Technology of Greek and Roman

Antiquity (J. G. Landels)DREES, LUDWIG, Der Ursprung der Obmpischen SpieZe (Wallace McLeod)DUCKWORTH, GEORGE E., StructuraZ Patterns and Proportions in VergiPs

Aeneid (Alexander Dalzell)DUDLEY, D. R., Lucretius (Elizabeth M. McLeod)D6 RING , I NG EMA R, AristotZe’s Protrepticus: An Attempt at Reconstruction

(J. A. Philip)Duw, J. WIGHT, A Literary History of Rome from the Origins to the CZose of

the GoZden Age (Robert J. Getty)DUNBABIN, T. J., The Western Greeks: The History of Sicib and South ItaZy

from the Foundation of the Greek CoZonies to 480 B.C. (M. E. White)EARL, D. C., The PoZiticaZ Thought of SaZZust (R. E. Smith)- Tiberius Gracchus: A Study in PoZitics (J. E. A. Crake)ECHO LS, EDWARD C., Herodian of Antioch’s History of the Roman Empire

(C. D. Gordon)EDMONDS, JOHN MAXWELL, The Fragments of Attic Comedy I

(Maurice Platnauer)- The Fragments of Attic Comedy II (L. A. Post)EHRENBERG, VICTOR, and A. H. M. JONES, Documents _TZZustrating the

Reigns of Augustus and Tiberius (D. M. Shepherd)- SophocZes and PericZes (J. A. Davison)- Der Staat der Griechen I, II (J. A. S. Evans)EHRXH, ROBERT W., Relative ChronoZogies in OZd WorZd ArchaeoZogy

(J. W. Graham)EL S E, GERALD F., AristotZe’s Poetics: The Argument (D. P. de Montmollin)Entretiens Hardt 2: La Notion du Divin depuis Horn&e jusqu’ B PZaton

(Leonard Woodbury)Entretiens Hardt 5: Les Sources de PZotin (John M. Rist)Entretiens Hardt 4: Euripide (D. J. Conacher)Entretiens Hardt 7: Hhiode et son Influence (K R. Thompson)Entretiens Hardt 9: Vawon (E. Laughton)Entretiens Hardt IO: ArchiZoque (J. A. Davison)Everyday Life in Ancient Times (J. Walter Graham)













1 6 . 2 9 0









Excavations of the Athenian Agora: Picture Books, Nos. 1-4 (bh=y White)FAGLES, ROBERT, BacchyZides: CompZete Poems (J. A. Philip)FANFANI, AM I N T O R E, Poemi Omerici ed Economia Antica

(F. M. Heichelheim)FELDMAN, LOUIS H., Josephus IX: Jewish Antiquities XVIII-XX

(John Macpherson)FERNALD, HELEN, Chinese Pottery Figurines (M. E. White)Festschrift WiZhe1m Ens&n (F. M. Heichelheim)FESTUGI~RE, ANDR&JEAN, Persona2 Religion among the Greeks (G. L. Keyes)F I E L D, G. C., The Philosophy of Plato (Edmund G. Berry)FINE, JOHN V. A., Horoi: Studies in Mortgage, ReaZ Security, and Land Tenure

in Ancient Athens (John H. Kent)FINLEY, JOHN H., JR., Pindar and Aeschyhs (A. G. McKay)FINLEY, M. I., The World of Odysseus (H. G. Robertson)

The Portable Greek Historians (M. E. White)F ISHWICK, D., B. W ILKINSON, and J. C. CAIRNS, The Foundations of the

West (A. S. Nease)FLACELI~RE, ROBERT, Histoire Litthaire de Ia G&e (Maurice Lebel)FONTENROSE, JOSEPH, Python: A Study of Delphic Myth and its Origins

(Louis Moulinier)The Cult and Myth of Pyrros at De/phi (Michael H. Jameson)

FORDYCE, C. J., Catuhs: A Commentary (D. F. S. Thomson)FORSDYKE, SIR JOHN, Greece before Homer: Ancient Chronology and Mythology

(J. A. Davison)FORSTER, E. S. and D. J. FURLEY, Aristotle: On Sophistical Refutations; On

Coming-to-be and Passing-away; On the Cosmos (F. E. Sparshott)Fox, PENELOPE, Tutankhamun’s Treasure (Winifred Needler)FRAENKEL, EDUARD, Beobachtungen zu Aristophanes (C. J. Herington)FR~NKEL, HERMANN, Dichtung und Philosophic des f&hen Griechentums

(J. A. Davison)Wege und Formen Frchgriechischen Denkens (T. G. Rosenmeyer)

FRANKENBURG, M RS SYDNEY, Lath with Laughter (David Breslove)FRANKLIN, H. W. F. and J. A. G. BRUCE, A New Course in Latin Prose

Composition I (J. W. Scrivin)FRASER, P. M., Samothrace 11.1: The Inscriptions on Stone (W. G. Forrest)FRITZ, KURT VON, The Theory of the Mixed Constitution in Antiquity: A

Critical Anabsis of Polybius’ PoZiticaZ Ideas (S. E. Smethurst)FUKS, ALEXANDER, The Ancestral Constitution: Four Studies in Athenian

Party Politics at the End of the Fifth Century B.C. (J. R. Grant)GASTER, THEODOR H., Thespis: Ritual, Myth, and Drama in the Ancient

Near East (R. J. Williams)GEANAKOPLOS, D ENO JO H N, Greek Scholars in Venice (W. Leonard Grant)GELZER, TH O M A S, Der Epirrhematische Agon bei Aristophanes: Unter-

suchungen zur Struktur der Attischen A/ten Komcdie(Charles T. Murphy)

GERSHENSON, DANIEL E. and DANIEL A. GREENBERG, Anaxagoras and theBirth of Physics (J. A. Philip)

GERSHEVITCH, ILYA, The Avestan Hymn to Mitha (R. Morton Smith)GIFFORD, WILLIAM, JuvenaZ’s Satires (David Breslove)GOMME, ARNOLD WYCOMBE, The Greek Attitude to Poetry and History

(W. P. Wallace)A Historical Commentary on Thucydides, ~01s. I-111

(Malcolm F. McGregor)























- More Essays in Greek History and Literature (Malcolm F. McGregor) 17.310G O R D O N, ARTHUR E., guintus Veranius, ConsuZ A.D. 49: A Study based

ivpon his RccentZy Identa$ed SepuZchraZ Inscripfion(T. Robert S. Broughton) 8.119- PO&as VaZerius MessaZZa, Consul Suffect 29 B . C .

(T. Robert S. Broughton) 10.88- AZbum oj Dated Latin Inscriptions I (Gilbert Bagnani) 13.13GORDON, C. D., The Age oj AttiZa (E. A. Thompson) 16.289GOULD, JOHN, The DeveZopment 01 PZato’s Ethics (E. Harris Olmsted) 10.86GRAHAM, JAMES WALTER, Black-Figure and Red-Figure Greek Pottery

(M. E. White) 5.30- The PaZaces oj Crete (Machteld J. Mellink) 17.228GRANDJOUAN, CLAIR~VE, The Athenian Agora VI: Terracottas and PZastic

Lamps of the Roman Period (Frances Follin Jones) 17.154GRANT, MICHAEL, From Imperium to Auctoritas (E. T. Salmon) 2.56- Roman Anniversary Issues (E. T. Salmon) 5.119- Ancient History (M. E. White) 8.167- Roman ImperiaZ Money (Aline Abaecherli Boyce) 9.44- Roman Literature (Skuli Johnson) 9.130- Tacitus: On ImperiaZ Rome (C. D. Gordon) 11.42GRANT, W. LEONARD, Neo-Latin Literature and the PastoraZ (Millar MacLure) 19.336GRAVES, ROBERT, Lucan: PharsaZia (D. M. Shepherd) 11.183- The Greek Myths (Jay Macpherson) 12.15- The Comedies oj Terence (Alexander Dalzell) 17.322GRAZEBROOK, 0. F., Nicanor of Athens (Frances Norwood) 2.60Greece and Rome, 2nd s., vol. 4, no. 1: Symposium on Caesar

(J. Winifred Alston) 11.171GREEN, PETER, Essays in Antiquity (Geoffrey B. Riddehough) 15.178GREENWOOD, L. H. G., Aspects of Euripidean Tragedy (Gilbert Norwood) 8.34GR~GOIRE, HENRI, with P. ORGELS, J. MOREAU, and A. MARICQ, ,QJ Per-

shtions dans Z’Empire Romain (G. Korwin Lopuszanski) 7.158GREGORY, HORACE, Ovid: The Metamorphoses (Frances Norwood) 16.287GRENE, DAVID and RICHMOND LATTIMORE, The CompZete Greek Tragedies:

Euripides II; AeschyZus II (D. J. Conacher) 11.85and RICHMOND LATTIMORE, The Complete Greek Tragedies: SophocZes I

(R. M. H. Shepherd) 12.189GRONINGEN, B. A. VA N, Trait& 8Histoire et de Critiqtie des Textes Grecs

(J. A. Davison) 19.92GRIES, KONRAD, Constancy in Livy’s Latinity (Robert J. Getty) 3.115GRUBE, G. M. A., The Greek and Roman Critics (D. A. Russell) 20.262GUINAGH, KEVIN and ALFRED P. DORJAHN, Latin Literature in TransZatz’on

(Robert J. Getty) 7.156GUTHRIE, W. K. C., The Greeks and their Gods (Francis R. Walton) 6.22HACKFORTH, R., PZato’s Phaedrus (J. A. Philip) 7.151HADAS, MOSES, AnciZZa to CZassicaZ Reading (H. L. Tracy) 9.135HAIGHT, ELIZABETH HAZELTON, The SymboZism oj the House Door in CZassicaZ


of Greek and Latin Poetry (C. J. Herington) 19.153HAMMOND, MASON, The Antonine Monarchy (Tom B. Jones) 15.54- ARTHUR M. MACK, and WALTER MOSKALEW, T. Macci PZauti MiZes

GZoriosus (S. E. Smethurst) 18.247HAMMOND, N. G. L., A History of Greece to 322 B.C. (Malcolm F. McGregor) 14.245


HARDER, RICHARD, KZeine ScjZjten (Friedrich Solmsen)HARDY, W. G., The City of Libertines (S. E. Smethurst)- The Greek and Roman World (J. I%‘. Cole)HARKINS, PAUL W. and WALTHER RIESE, GaZen: On the Passions and Errors

of the Soul (D. de Montmollin)



20.93HARRISON, EVELYN B., The Athent’an Agora I: Portrait ScuZpture

(F. E. Winter) 11.43- The Athenian Agora XI: Archaic and Archaistic SctiZptzue

(Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway)Harvard Studies in CZassicaZ PhiZoZogy 63 (Martin Ostwald)HAUSRATH, A., Corpus FahZartim Aesopicartim I.2 (R. J. Williams)HAVELOCK, ERIC A., The Crzu$xion of InteZZectuaZ Man

(Gordon M. Kirkwood)


~ The LiberaZ Temper in Greek PoZitics (T. A. Sinclair)___--- Prdace to Plato (F. E. Sparshott)HEICHELHEIM, FRITZ M. and CEDRIC A. YEO, A History of the Roman PeopZe

(J. E. A. Crake)



17.230-- An Ancient Economic History from the PaZaeoZithic Age to the

Migrations of the Germanic, SZavic, and Arabic Nations II (Carl Roebuck)HEINZE, RICHARD, 2. Horahs FZacctis I-III (A. Dalzell)H E L M B O L D, WILLIAM C. and EDWARD N. O’NEIL, Phtarch’s @otations

(E. G. Berry)


14.253H E N R Y, P. and H.-R. SCHWYZER, PZotini Opera I: Porphyrii Vita PZotini,

Enneades I-111 (John M. Rist) 19.165HERGET, H. M., W. C. H A Y E S, E. A. SPEISER, RI C H A R D S T I L L W E L L, a n d

RHYS CARPENTER, Everyday Life h Ancient Times (J.+ Walter Graham)HETTICH, E. L. and A. G. C. MAITLAND, Latin FandamentaZs

(David Breslove) ;: - , . . IHIGHAM, T. F., Orationes Oxonienses SeZectae (G. M. Story)HICHET, GILBERT, The CZassicaZ Tradition (Gilbert Norwood)- Poets in a Landscape (G. M. Story)HIGNETT, C., A History of the Athenian Constittition to the End of tht Fifth

Centzu-y B.C. (Malcolm F. McGregor)- Xtrxes’ Invasion of Gretct (J. R. Grant)HILL, G. F., R. MEIGGS, and A. ANDREWES, Sozucts for Grttk History bttwetn

the Persian and PeZoponnesian Wars (J. R. Grant)H ILL, IDA TH A L L O N, Tht Ancient City of Athens: Its Topography and

Monuments (J. Walter Graham)





9.35HOEKSTRA, A., Homeric Modt$cations of FormtiZaic Prototypes: StHdits in

the DtveZopment of Greek Epic Diction (W. McLeod)HOLLAND, L OUISE ADAMS, yams and tht Bridge (L. A. MacKay)HONORS, A. M., Gaitis: A Biography (Anthony J. Marshall)HOUSE, H UMPHRY, AristotZt’s Poetics (D. de Montmollin)HOWLAND, R ICHARD HUBBARD, The Athenian Agora Iv: Greek Lamps and

their StirvivaZs (J. W. Graham)



13.46HU D E, C. and O TTO LUSCHNAT, Thucydidis Historiat I

(Malcolm F. McGregor)HULL, D. B., Atsop’s FabZts: ToZd by VaZtritis Babrius (S. A. Handford)HUMPHRIES, ROLFE, Ovid: Mttamorphosts (Geoffrey B. Riddehough)H UXLEY, G. L., EarZ’y Sparta (M. E. White)HUXLEY, H. H., VirgiZ: Gtorgics I and IV (D. F. S. Thomson)INCORPORATED ASSOCIATION OF ASSISTANT MASTERS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS,



Tht Ttaching of CZassics (David Breslove) 8.148


JAEGER, WERNER, The Theology of the EarZy Greek PhiZosophers(M. D. C. Tait)- AristoteZis Metaphysics (J. A. Philip)JOACHU, H. H., Aristotle: The Ncomachean Ethics: A Commentary

(E. Harris Olmsted)


JO H N S O N, FRANKLIN P., The FarweZZ CoZZection (J. Walter Graham)JOHNSON, SKULI, SeZected Odes of Horace (W. D. Woodhead)JONES, J. WALTER, The Law and LegaZ Theory of the Greeks: An htroduction

(William E. Gwatkin, Jr.)


JOSEPH, H. W. B., KnowZedge and the Good in PZato’s Rep&h (J. A. DoulI)KAJANTO, 11~0, The Latin Cognomina (Ernst Pulgram)KASSEL, R UDOLF, AristoteZis De Arte Poetica Liber (D. de Montmollin)KATZ, SOLOMON, The DecZine of Rome and the Rise of MediaevaZ Europe

(M. E. White)



KENNEDY, E. C., Caesar: De BeZZo GaZZico I (S. A. Handford)KENNEY, E. J., P. Ovidi Nasonis Amores, Medicamina Faciei Femineae, Ars

Amatoria, Remedia Amoris (Geoffrey B. Riddehough)KIEFFER, J OHN S., GaZen’s Institutio Logica (D. de Montmollin)KIESSLING, AD O L F, RICHARD HEINZE, and ERICH BURCK, 2. Horatius

FZaccus I-III (A. Dalzell)



KIRK, G. S., The Songs of Homer (Wallace McLeod)KIRKWOOD, G. M., A Study of SophocZean Drama (Cedric H. Whitman)KITTO, H. D. F., Form and Meaning in Drama: A Sttidy of Six Greek PZays

and of Hamlet (G. M. Kirkwood)


- Sophocles: Dramatist and PhiZosopher (Cedric H. Whitman)KNOX, BERNARD M. W., The Heroic Temper: Sttidies in SophocZean Tragedy

(G. M. Kirkwood)


20.247KO E S T E R M A N N, ERICH, P. CorneZii Taciti Lihi qtii Supersunt I: Ab Excessa

Divi Auguti (Robert Samuel Rogers)_---- CorneZizu Tacitus: AnnaZen I (G. V. Sumner)KRANER, F., W. HOFMANN, H. MEUSEL, and HANS OPPERMANN,

C. hZii Caesaris Commentarii de BeZZo CiviZi (J. A. Philip)-- W. D I T T E N B E R G E R, H. ME U S E L, and HANS O P P E R M A N N, C. I&ii

Caesaris Commentarii de BeZZo GaZZico (J. A. Philip)K~HNS, RICHARD , The Hotise, the City, and the Jtidge (A. J. Podlecki)KURFESS, A., C. SaZZustizu Crispu (S. E. Smethurst)KYPARISSIOTIS, NIOVE, The Modern Greek CoZZection in the Library of the

University of Cincinnati: A CataZogtie (W. P. Wallace)KYTZLER, BERNHARD, Minuciu FeZix: Octavizu (C. Douglas Ellis)LAISTNER, M. L. W., The Greater Roman Historians (E. T. Salmon)LANG, MABEL and C. W. J. ELIOT, The At?zenian Agora: A Gtiide to the

Excavations (J. Walter Graham)






- The Athenian Citizen (Mary White)and MARGARET CROSBY, The Athenian Agora X: Weights, Measures,

and Tokens (Margaret Thompson)LARSEN , J. A. O., Representative Government in Greek and Roman History

(Malcolm F. McGregor)



LATTIMORE, RICHMOND, The IZiad of Homer (A. G. McKay)- AeschyZu: Oresteia (E. G. Berry)- The Poetry of Greek Tragedy (H. G. Robertson)LAUGHTON, ERIC, The ParticipZe in Cicero (E. Courtney)LAVENDER, EMERSON, FRANK B. LEWIS, and NORMAN SHEFFE, A Thouand



Ages (A. S. Nease) 20.87


LEEMAN, A. D., Orationis Ratio (S. E. Smethurst)- A Systematica Bibliography of Sallust (1879~1964) (G. M. Paul)LEHMANN, KARL, Samothrace 11.2: The Inscriptions on Ceramics and Minor

Objects (W. G. Forrest)LEHMANN, PHYLLIS W ILLIAMS, Roman Wall Paintings from BoscoreaZe in

the Metropolitan Musetim of Art (J. M. C. Toynbee)LEISHMAN, J. B., Translating Horace (G. M. Story)LEON, HARRY J., The Jews of Ancient Rome (F. M. Heichelheim)LESKY, ALBIN, Greek Tragedy (J. H. Quincey)LEVIN, SAUL, Aehs Aristides: Els ‘Phpqv, To Rome (M. E. White)LEVY, G. R., The Violet Crown: An Athenian Atitobiography (M. E. White)LEWIS, C. DAY, The Aeneid of Krgii (A. G. McKay)LEWIS , L. W. P. and E. H. GODDARD, Foundations for Latin Prose Composi-

tion (David Breslove)and L. M. STYLER, Fotindations for Greek Prose Composition

(David Breslove)LEWIS, MARTHA W. HOFFMAN, The Oficial Priests of Rome tinder the Julio-

Claudians (Arthur E. Gordon)LIDDELL, ROBERT, Aegean Greece (M. E. White)- Byzantium and IstanhZ (M. E. White)- The Morea (Mary Wallace)LIND, L. R., Latin Poetry in Verse Translation (Ellenor Swallow)LINDSAY, JACK, Song of a FaZZing World (J. W. Scrivin)L INFORTH, IVAN M., Religion and Drama in “Oedipus at CoZon&

(S. M. Adams)- Philoctetes: The PZay and the Man (H. L. Tracy)LISSNER, IV A R, The Liuing Past (J. W. Graham)LIVINGSTONE, SIR RICHARD W., The Rainbow Bridge and Other Essays on

Education (W. M. Hugill)LO B E L, EDGAR and DENYS PA G E, Poetartim Lesbiorum Fragmenta

(J. A. Philip)L~FSTEDT, EINAR, Roman Literary Portraits (M. E. White)LORIE, L. TH. A., Spiritual Terminology in the Latin Translations of the Vita

Antonii, with Reference to Fotirth and F$th Centtiry Monastic Literature(H. Van Ginkel)

LORIMER, H. L., Homer and the Montiments (J. Walter Graham)LOYEN, ANDRE, Sidoine ApoZZinaire et rEsprit prbcieux en Gaule atix dcrniers

JOZNS de Z’Empire (W. Leonard Grant)LUCAS, D. W., The Greek Tragic Poets (IX L. Tracy)LUCAS, F. L., A Greek Garland: A Selection from the Palatine Anthology

(W. P. Wallace)- Greek Drama for Everyman (R. M. H. Shepherd)LUCK, GEORG, The Latin Love Elegy (L. A. MacKay)LUGLI, GIUSEPPE and ITALO G I S M O N D I, Forma U&is Romae Imperatoram

Temporibus (G. Bagnani)LUSCHNAT, O T T O, Thcydidis Historiae I (Malcolm F. McGregor)MACDOWELL, DOUGLAS M., Athenian Homicide Law in the Age of the Orators

(Ronald S. Stroud)MA CKA Y, L. A., The Wrath of Homer (Rhys Carpenter)- Janas (Agnes Kirsopp Michels)MACKENDRICK, PAUL and HERBERT M. HO W E, CZassics in Translation

I-II (W. G. Hardy)




















- The Mate Stones Speak: The Story of Archaeology in Italy(M. E. White)

MAGUINNESS, W. S., Cg2: Aeneid, Book XII (David Breslove)MARASTONI, A., P. Papini Stati Sihae (0. A. W. Dilke)MARSDEN, E. W., The Campaign o/GatigameZa (Eugene W. Davis)MARTIN, JOSEF, hcretius: De RerRm Natwu (A. Dalzell)MARTIN, R. H., Terence: Piiormio (M. Owen Lee)MASON , CORA, Socrates: The Man who Dared to Ask (J. Winifred Alston)MATTINGLY, HAROLD, Roman Imperial Civilization (C. D. Gordon)MAP, J~RGEN, Sexti Empirici Opera III: Adverszu Mathematicos I-VI

(P. H. DeLacy)MAULE, QUENTIN F. and H. R. W. SMITH, Votive Religion at Caere:

Prolegomena (D. 0. Robson)MCDERMOTT, W ILLIAM C. and WALLACE E. CALDWELL, Readings i?z the

History of the Ancient World (J. W. Cole)MCDO N A L D, ALEXANDER H U G H, Titi Livi Ab Vrbe Condita V: Libri

XXX&XXXV (R. M. Ogilvie)M CKA Y, K. J., The Poet at Play: KaBmachos, The Bath oj Paz/as

(K. H. Waters)MENDELL, CLARENCE W., Tacitas: The Man and his JVork (John Crook)MERITT, BENJAMIN D., The Athenian Year (A. E. Raubitschek)MERRIFIELD, RALPH, The Roman City of London (C. M. Wells)MICHELL, H., Sparta (Malcolm F. McGregor)MICHIE, JAMES , The Odes of Horace (M. Owen Lee)MIKKOLA, EINO, Isokrates (J* A. Philip)MILLAR, FERGUS, A Study of Cassizu Dio (E. T. Salmon)MIREAUX, EMILE, DaiZy Life z’n the Time of Homer (Cedric G. Boultcr)MOELLERING, H. ARMIN, Phtarch on Superstition (Edmund G. Berry)MONTMOLLIN, DANIEL DE, La Pot?tique d’Aristote: Texte primitzf et Additions

z&?rie~res (Leopold0 Palacios)MORROW, GLENN R., Plato’s Cretan City: A Historical Interpretation of t?ie

Laws (G. M. A. Grube)MURPHY, N. R., The Interpretation of PZato’s Repz.&ic (M. D. C. Tait)MURRAY, ROBERT DU F F, JR., The Mot27 of IO in Aeschyhs’ SuppZiants

(A. G. McKay)M USURILLO, HERBERT A., s.~., The Acts of the Pagan Martyrs: Acta

AZexandrinortim (J. F. Leddy)MYLONAS, GEORGE E., Ancient Mycenae: The Capita2 City of Agamemnon

(J. W. Graham)- EZeusis and the Ehsinian Mysteries (M. E. White)M Y N O R S, R. A. B., Cat&i Carmina (G. P. Gooid)- C. Phi Caecili Secundi Epistulawm L&i Decem (G. P. Goold)MYRES, S IR JOHN L., Herodotu Father of History (Richmond Lattimore)- Geographical History in Greek Lands (M. E. White)- Homer and his Critics (Wallace E. McLeod)NAIRN, J. A. and G. A. NAIRN, Greek through Reading (David Breslove)NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE, Everyday Life in Ancient Times

(J. Walter Graham)NEEDHAM, JOSEPH, Science and Civihation in China (Richard Robinson)NEEDLER, W INIFRED, Egyptian Mammies (M. E. White)NE S, D. VA N, Die Maritime Bildersprache des Aischy/os (A. G. M c K a y )NILSSON, MARTIN PERSSON, Greek Piety (G. M. A. Grube)























- Die He&en&&he SchtiZe (A. E. Raubitschek)- Geschichte der griechischen Religion (G. L. Keyes)NORWOOD, GILBERT, Essays on Euripidean Drama (D. J. Conacher)NOYES, ALFRED, Portrait of Horace (Robert J. Getty)O’BRIEN, ELMER, s.~., The EssentiaZ PZotinus (J. M. Rist)OIKONOMIDES, AL. N., The Two Agoras in Ancient Athens (R. E. Wycherley)OLDAKER, W. H., Aristophanes: Scenes from The Birds (David Breslove)OLIVER, JAMES A., The RuZing Power: A Study of the Roman Empire in the

Second Century after Christ tZtrozq$ the Roman Oration of AeZius Aristides(A. E. Rau bi tschek)




8.165OLLIER, FRAN~OIS, Xbsophon: Banquet, ApoZogie de Socrate

(D. de Montmollin)OSTROGORSKY, GEORGE, History of the Byzantine State (Glanville Downey)OSTWALD, MARTIN, AristotZe: Nicomachean Ethics (J. A. Philip)OTIS, BROOKS, VirgiZz A Study in CiviZized Poetry (A. G. McKay)OWEN, E. T., The Story of the IZiad (W. D. Woodhead)- The Harmony of AeschyZus (W. B. Stanford)PAGE, DENYS L., Sappho and AZcaeus: An Introduction to the Study of



Ancient Lesbian Poetry (J. A. Philip)- History and the Homeric IZiad (J. A. Davison)- Poetae MeZici Graeci (G. M. Kirkwood)PALLOTTINO, M., The Etruscans (J. A. Philip)PALMER, L. R., The Latin Language (Edward L. Bassett)- and JOHN BOARDMAN, On the Knossos Tablets: The Find-pZaces of the


Knossos TabZets; The Date of the Knossos Tablets (J. Walter Graham)- The Interpretation of Mycenaean Greek Texts (Oswald Szemerknyi)PARKE, H. W. and D. E. W. WORMELL, The DeZphic Oracle (M. E. White)PEARSON, LIONEL~ The Lost Histories of Alexander the Great

(Truesdell S. Brown)


Penguin CZassics (Margaret Getty)PEROSA, ALESSANDRO, MichaeZis MaruZZi Carmina (W. Leonard Grant)PERRY , BEN E., Aesopica I: Greek and Latin Texts (Thomas G. Rosenmeyer)PETTAZZONI, RA F F A E L E, La ReZigione neZZa Grecia antica$no ad AZessandro



(Francis R. Walton) 8.43PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, SIR ARTHUR, TZie Dramatic Festivals of Athens

(M. E. White)PIGHI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, CatuZZo Veronese (D. F. S. Thomson)PLATNAUER, MAURICE, Latin EZegiac Verse: A Study of the MetricaZ Usages


of TibuZZus, Propertius, and Ovid (J. W. Scrivin)---.--- Aristophanes: Peace (C. J. Herington)PONCELET, ROLAND, CicJ’ron Traducteur de PZaton: L’Expression de Za Pen&e


compZexe en Latin cZassique (D. F. S. Thomson)POST, L. A., From Homer to Menander (Gilbert Norwood)POULTNEY, JAMES WILSON, The Bronze TaHes of Iguvium (Jaan Puhvel)PRITCHETT, W. KENDRICK, Marathon (W. G. Forrest)- Studies in Ancient Greek Topography I (C. W. J. Eliot)- Ancient Athenian CaZendars on Stone (Malcolm F. McGregor)QUINN, KENNETH, The CatuZZan Revolution (A. Dalzell)RABINOWITZ, W. GERSON, AristotZe’s Protrepticus and the Sources of its




Reconstruction I (J. A. Philip) 14.111RADT, S. L., Pindars Zweiter und SecZtster Paian (D. E. Gerber) 15.50RAVEN, J. E., PytZiagoreans and EZeatics (J. A. Philip) 6.117


RICHARDSON, EMELINE, The Etruscans: Their Art and Civihation(Ellen L. Kohler)

RICHMOND, I. A., Roman Britain (F. M. Heichelheim)RIEU, E. V., Homer: The Iliad (G. M. A. Grube)RITCHIE, WILLIAM, The Aut?aenticity of the Rhesus of Ewipides (Hugh Parry)ROBERTSON, GEORGE, An htroduction to Greek Reading (David Breslove)ROBERTSON, J. C., Latin Songs and Carols (A. G. McKay)ROBINSON, CHARLES ALEXANDER, JR., The History of Alexander the Great

1.1, 2 (A. R. Burn)




--- The Spring of Civilization: Periclean Athens (M. E. White)ROBINSON, DAVID M., A Hoard of Silver Coinsfrom Carystus (C. M. Kraay)ROBINSON , HENRY S., The Athenian Agora V: Pottery of the Roman Period:



Chronology (Frances Follin Jones)ROBINSON, RICHARD, PZato’s Earher Dialectic (F. E. Sparshott)ROCHE, PAUL, The Orestes Plays of Aeschyhs (C. J. Herington)ROEBUCK, CARL, Corinth XIV: The Asklepieion and Lerna



(J. Walter Graham)- 1onian Trade and Colonization (M. E. White)ROOY, C. A. VAN , Studies in Classical Satire and Related Literary Theory


(William S. Anderson) 20.255ROSENMEYER, THOMAS G., The Masks of Tragedy: Essays on Six Greek

Dramas (D. M. Shepherd)Ross, S IR D A V I D, EVato’s Theory of Ideas (F. E. Sparshott)- Aristotle: Parva NaturaZia (J. A. Philip)- AristoteZis de Anima (J. A. Philip)- The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle (M. D. C. Tai t)- Aristotle: De Anima (J. A. Philip)Roux, GEORGES, Pausanias en Corinthe (Livre 2, I d f5) (Wallace E. McLeod)ROWELL, H. T., Rome in the Augustan Age (S. E. Smethurst)Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology, Picture Books 1, 2, 3 (M. E. White)RUNCIMAN, W. G., Plato’s Later Epistemology (R. S. Bluck)SAMBURSKY, S., The PhysicaI WorZd of the Greeks (J. A. Philip)SAUNDERS, DERO A., The Portable Gibbon: The Decline and Fall of the Roman





Empire (M. E. White)SCHLESINGER, ALFRED CARY, Boundaries of Dionysus (H. L. Tracy)SCHUSTER, MAURIZ, Cat& Yeronensis Liber (Luitpold Wallach)__- Sex. Propertii EZegiarum Lihi 1V (B. L. Ullman)SCRANTON, ROBERT L., Corinth 1.3: Monuments in the Lower Agora and

8.12118 -242


North of the Archaic Temple (F. E. Winter) 6.151; 17.275SCULLARD, H. H., Roman Politics, 220450 B.C. (T. Robert S. Broughton) 6.113_-- From the Gracchi to Nero: A History of Rome from 133 B.C. to A. D. 68

(J. E. A. Crake) 14.122SELIGMAN, PA U L, The Apeiron of Anaximander: A Study in the Origin and

Function of Metaphysical Ideas (Charles H. Kahn) 17.150SI~LINCOURT, AUBRE~ DE , Arrian’s Life of Alexander the Great

(Truesdell S. Brown) 13.130- The World of Herodotus (J. W. Cole) 18.160SELTMAN, CHARLES, Greek Coi’ns (W. P. Wallace) 9.195- Riot in Ephesus: Writings on the Heritage of Greece (M. E. White) 14.48SEVERYNS, ALBERT, G&e et Pro&e-Orient avant Horn&e (J. W. Graham) 15.47SHEPPARD, SIR JOHN, The Agamemnon of Aeschyhs (S. E. Smethurst) 8.117SHOE, LUCY T., Etruscan and Republican Roman MO&dings (James Russell) 20.355


SILVERSTEIN, T HEODORE, MedievaZ Latin Sciendfic Writings in the Barberini 1CoZZection: A Provisiona CataZogue (J. Reginald O’Donnell)

SIMMONDS, D. M. and R. R. TIMBERLAKE, Euripides: The CycZops(David Breslove)

SINCLAIR, T. A., A History of Greek PoZiticaZ Thought (Leonard Woodbury)SINNIGEN, WILLIAM GU R N E E, The Oficium of the Urban Prejecture during

the Later Roman Empire (Herbert M. Howe)S M I T H, H. R. W., P ro b2ems HistoricaZ and Numismatic in the Reign oj

Atigusttis (E. T. Salmon)SMITH, R. E., The FaiZure of the Roman RepuHic (G. L. Keyes)- Service in the Post-Marian Roman Army (E. T. Salmon)SNELL, BRUNO, BacchyZidis Carmina cum Fragmentis (J. A. Philip)- Scenes from Greek Drama (C. J. Herington)SociM RoyaZe d’ ArcMoZogie, AZexandrie, BuZZetin 38 (M. E. White)SOLMSEN, FRIEDRICH, AristotZe’s System of the PhysicaZ WorZd: A Comparison

with his Predecessors (G. Edison)SPARKES, B. A., and LUCY TALCOTT, Pots and Pans of CZassicaZ Athens

(Mary White)SPIRA, ANDREAS, Untersuchungen ztim Deus ex Machina bei SophokZes and

Euripides (D. J. Conacher)SP R I N G H E T T I, EM I L I O, SeZecta Latinitatis Scripta Auctortim Recentiam

(Saec. xv-xx) (D. F. S. Thomson)STAHL, WILLIAM HARRIS, Macro&s: Commentary on the Dream oj Scipio

(Robert J. Getty)- Roman Science: Origins, DeveZopment, and Influence to the IAater MiddZe

Ages (Arthur Stanley Pease)STANFORD, W. B., The UZysses Theme (Richmond Lattimore)- SophocZes’ Ajax (Bernard M. W. Knox)STILLWELL, AGNES NEWHALL, Corinth 337.2: The Potters’ &arter, The

Terracottas (Dorothy Burr Thompson)STILLWELL, R ICHARD, Corinth II: The Theatre (F. E. Winter)STOUT, SE LATIE ED G A R, PZinius, EpistaZae: A CriticaZ Edition (G. P. Goold)STRECKER, KA R L, Introduction to MedievaZ Latin (D. F. S. Thomson)Studi AnnibaZici (E. T. Salmon)SULLIVAN, J. P., CriticaZ Essays on Roman Literattire: EZegy and Lyric

(Niall Rudd)- CriticaZ Essays on Roman Literattire: Satire (Niall Rudd)SUOLAHTI, JAKKO, The Roman Censors (E. T. Salmon)SU S I N I, GI A N C A R L O, Richer&e stiZZa BattagZia deZ Trasimeno (E. T. Salmon)SUTHERLAND, C. H. V., Art in Coinage: The Aesthetics of Money from Greece

to the Present Day (W. P. Wallace)SyiZoge Nummortim Graecornm: The Burton Y. Berry CoZZection I

(J. R. Grant)SYME, RONALD, Tacitas (John Crook)

CoZoniaZ EZites: Rome, Spain, and the Americas(T. Robert S. Broughton)- SaZZast (G. V. Sumner)TALCOTT, LU C Y, BARBARA P H I L I P P A K I, G. ROGER E D W A R D S, and VI R G I N I A

R. GRACE, SmaZZ Objects from the Pnyx (J. Walter Graham)TAYLOR, LILY Ross, Party PoZitics in the Age of Caesar (S. E. Smethurst)- The Voting Districts of the Roman RepubZic (T. F. Carney)






















THESLEFF, HOLGER, An Introdzution to the Pythagorean Writings of theHellenistic Period (J. A. Philip)

___- The Pythagorean Texts oj the HeZZenistic Period (J. A. Philip)THOMAS, P. H., Incerti Auttoris Epitoma Rertim Gestarum Alexandri Magni

urn Liho de Morte Testamentoqtie AIexandri (Truesdell S. Brown]THOMPSON, DOROTHY BURR, Swans and Amber: Some Early Greek Lyrics

(W. D. Woodhead)



- CataZogue oj Visaa Aids (M. E. White)- Miniattire Sctilpturejrom the Athenian Agora (Mary White)THOMPSON, HOMER A., The Stoa of AttaZos II in Athens (Mary White)THOMPSON, MARGARET, The Athenian Agora II: Coins, jrom the Roman

through the Venetian Period (W. P. Wallace)- sy/Zoge Nummortim Graecorum: The Burton Y. Berry Collection I

(J. R. Grant)




__-_ The New Style Silver Coinage of Athens (W. P. Wallace)THOMSON, D. F. S. and H. C. PORTER, Erasmus and Cambridge

(W. Leonard Grant)


THOMSON, MARGARET H., h Jardin symbohpe (Arthur Stanley Pease)TINH, V. TRAN TAM, Le C&e d’Isis d Pomp& (Maurice Lebel)TRENKNER, SOPHIE, The Greek NoveZZa in the CZassicaZ Period (Moses Hadas)TREVELYAN, R. C., A TransZation of the IdyZh of Theocritu

(Dorothy Burr Thompson)


TRUEMAN, JOHN, The Endaring Past (A. S. Nease)TURNER , J. W. CECIL, Introdution to the Study of Roman Private Law

(J. E. A. Crake)


TURNER, PA U L, Longtis: Daphnis and Chloe (Frances Norwood)TURYN, ALEXANDER, The Byzantine Mantiscript Tradition of the Tragedies

of Euripides (J. Reginald O’Donnell)UHLFELDER, MYRA L., De Proprietate Sermonurn vel Rertim: A Study and

Critical Edition of a Set oj Verbal Distinctions (D. F. S. Thomson)ULLMAN, BERTHOLD L., Sttidies in the Italian Renaissance

(W. Leonard Grant)




- Cohia Sahtati de Secti et Religione (W. Leonard Grant)- The hmanism of Cohccio Sahtati (J. Reginald O’Donnell)USSHER, R. G., The Characters oj Theophrastzu (Lionel Pearson)VALGIGLIO, ERNESTO, Ps.-PZutarco: De Fato (Margaret E. Reesor)VALLET, GEORGES and FRAN~OIS V ILLARD, Migara HyHaea II: La

Chamique a&a&e (Saul S. Weinberg)VAN DER WAERDEN, B. L., Science Awakening (S. H. Gould)VAN GRONINGEN, B. A., Trait& ZHistoire et de Critiqtie des Textes Grecs

(J. A. Davison)




VAN NES, D., Die Maritime BiZdersprache des Aisc?ayZos (A. G. McKay)VAN ROOY, C. A., Studies in Classica Satire and Related Literary Theory

(William S. Anderson)


20.255VENTRIS, M ICHAEL and JOHN CHADWICK, Documents in Mycenaean Greek

(Rhys Carpenter)VERMASEREN, M. J., Mithas: The Secret God (F. W. Beare)VERMEULE, EMILY, Greece in the Bronze Age (Wallace McLeod)VIAN, FRANCIS, Les Origines de TUbes: Cadmos et Zes Spartes (A. Schachter)WACE, ALAN J. B., Mycenae: An Archaeologica History and Gzu’de


(J. W. Graham) 4.27


- and FRANK H. STUBBINGS, A Companion to Homer (D. H. F. Gray)WA D E-GERY, H. T., Essays in Greek History (W. P. Wallace)WAERDEN, B. L. VAN DER, Science Awakening (S. H. Gould)WAL~ANK, FRANK W., The Dech’ne oj the Roman Empire in the WeJt

(C. D. Gordon)


- Commentary on Podjdius I (J. W. Cole)WALKER, B., The AnnaZJ oj Tacitus (M. E. White)WALDOCK, A. J. A., SophocZes the Dramatist (S. M. Adams)WALLACE, W. P., The Euboian League and it5 Coinage (J. A. 0. Larsen)WAISER, GEROLD, Rom: Das Reich und die Fremden VcZ&er in der Geschichts-

schreibung der f rchen KaiJerzeit: Studien zur GZad wtb-digkeit des Tacitus(F. M. Heichelheim)


and T. PEK~RY, Die Arise des r6mischen Reiches (C. D. Gordon)WALSH, P. G., Livy: His Historica Aims and Methods (J. E. A. Crake)W A L T E R, GERARD, Caesar: A Biography (Malcolm F. McGregor)WARMAN, M. S., I. SUTHERLAND, and C. MA CDONALD, From PericZes to

CZeophon (M. E. White)


9.137WARMINGTQN, B. H., The North African Provinces from DiocZetian to the

VandaZ Conquest (S. E. Smethurst)WARNER, R EX, PZutarch: FaZZ ojthe Roman RepubZic: Six Live5 (T. F. Carney)- War Commentaries o/ Caesar (J. A. Philip)W A R R I N G T O N, JO H N, Caesar’3 War Commentaries (David Breslove)WATTS , A. E., The Metamorphoses oj Ovid (Geoffrey B. Riddehough)WAY, A. G., Caesar: AZexandrian, African, and Spanish Wars (L. H. Neatby)W E B B, ROBERT HENNING, Aristophanes: CZ0ud.s (Clement H. Stearn)- Peace of AriJtophaneJ (C. L. Murison)WEBSTER, T. B. L., Art and Literature in Fourth Century Athens



(H. L. Tracy)- Greek Theatre Production (F. E. Winter)- Monuments IZZustrating OZd and MiddIe Comedy (I?. E. Winter)- Monuments IZZustrating New Comedy (F. E. Winter)- Monuments IZZustrating Tragedy and Satyr PZay (F. E. Winter)WEINBERG, SAG L S., The Aegean and the Near East: Studies pre$ented to

Hetty GoZdman on the Occasion of her Seventy-Jfth Birthday(J. Walter Graham)


11.174- Corinth I.5 : The Southeast BuiZding; The Twin PaJiZicas; The Mosaic

House (F. E. Winter) 17.72, 275WHATMO~GH, JOSHUA, Poetic, Scientz$c, and Other Forms of Discourse: A

New Approach to Greek and Latin Literature (J. L. Heller)W H E E L E R, SIR MORTIMER, The Hindus CiviZization (J. Walter Graham)- Rome Beyond the ImperiaZ Frontiers (Clark Hopkins)WHITFIELD, B. G., A CZasJicaZ Handbookfor Sixth Form5 (J. Winifred Alston)WHITMAN, C EDRIC H., SophocZes: A Study of Heroic Humanism




(G. M. Kirkwood)- Aristophanes and the Comic Hero (C. J. Herington)W IESEN, DAVID S., St. yerome as a Satirist: A Study in Christian Latin


Thought and Letters (J. J. Sheridan) 19.171WIGRAM, W. A., HeZZenic TraveZ (J. C. Robertson) 4.117WILDER, THORNTON, The IdeJ oj March (W. H. Johns) 2.86WILDING, L. A., Latin Coursefor SchooZJ (R. E. D. Cattley) 9.186- Greek for Beginners (J. Winifred Alston) 11.171WILKINSON, L. P., Ovid RecaZZed (A. Dalzell) 11.178


- Golden Latin Artistry (Geoffrey B. Riddehough)WILLETTS, R. I?., Ancient Crete: A Social History jrom EarIy Times until

the Roman Occupation (F. M. Heichelheim)W ILLIAMS, R. D., P. Vergih’ Maronis Aeneidos Liber zuintus (H. L. Tracy)- P. Vergih Maronis Aeneidos Liber Tertius (W. S. Maguinness)W INNINGTON-IN G R A M, R. P., Euripides and Dionysus: An haterpretahon oj

the Bacchae (G. M. A. Grube)



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lVatura (Geoffrey B. Riddehough)_____- Lucretius and Scientz$c Thought (Elizabeth M. McLeod)WI RSZU BS KI, C., Libertas as a Poh’tica/ Idea at Rome during the Late Republic

and Early Principate (C. D. Gordon)W O O D, H. G., TX. Glover: A Biography (J. M. Macdonnell)WOODCOCK, E. C., A iVew Latin Syntax (D. 0. Robson)WOODHEAD, A. G., The Study oj Greek Inscriptions (Benjamin D. Meri tt)W OODHEAD, W. D., Plato: Socratic Dialogues (M. D. C. Tai t)W YCHERLEY, R. E., How the Greeks Buih Cities (Dorothy Burr Thompson)- The Aihenian Agora 111: Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia

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