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Bamford Chapel

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Mission/Vision Statement





We believe as a congregation that our worship should be

wholehearted and meaningful as we join together in praise and

thanksgiving to God. In response to God’s love, we wish to

express our joy, to open our hearts to God’s voice and to respond

to His word.


Recognising our need to learn of God and from God, we seek to

provide an environment within which learning and teaching can

take place. We would want to enable each person to accept God

into their life and to have the ability to discuss and share their

faith with all.

PASTORAL We are joined together in our faith by the Holy Spirit. As a

loving fellowship we wish to deepen and extend our care for each

other encouraging everyone to use their gifts, as they are enabled

by God, to show tenderness and compassion in a spirit of



We accept that we are called to make Christ known in our

community at Bamford and in all other places. We would wish to

influence others by example and comment, accepting that God

will speak through us as we maintain a relationship with Him.

We recognise the need for the Church to participate in all aspects

of the life of the world, and proclaim God’s will, as it is revealed

to us.

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Sunday 1st July 10.30 am Family Worship with Holy Communion led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley

Time to be advised

Afternoon ramble followed by High Tea back at Chapel in aid of our young people.

6.00 pm Evening Worship led by Margaret Ogden

Thursday 5th July 7.30 pm Elders meeting

Saturday 7th July 10 am till noon

Coffee Morning & Tools for self reliance & Local Councillors Surgery

Sunday 8th July 10.30 am Family Worship led by Joanne Ackroyd

6.00 pm Evening Worship led by Ken Greer

Saturday 14th July 2 00 pm Garden Party

Sunday 15th July 10.30 am Family Worship led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley

6.00 pm Evening Worship with Holy Communion led by Ken Greer

Sunday 22nd July 10.30 am Family Worship led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley

6.00 pm Evening Worship led by Joanne Ackroyd

Wednesday 25th July Please note no Mid week service

Sunday 29th July 10.30 am Family Worship led by Margaret Ogden

6.00 pm Evening Worship led by David Watson

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Sunday 5th August 10.30 am Family Worship with Holy Communion led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley

Olympic Fun Day and Barbecue Details of evening service to be advised

Sunday 12th August 10.30 am Family Worship led by Andy Platt

6.00 pm Evening Worship led by Margaret Ogden

Sunday 19th August 10.30 am Family Worship led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley

6.00 pm Evening Worship with Holy Communion led by our Minister Rev Richard Bradley

Sunday 26th August 10.30 am Family Worship led by Joan Warner

6.00pm Evening Worship led by Andy Platt

Further Details may be found at

Advance notice!

Heritage Open Days

Following an encouraging first opening of

Chapel on Heritage Open days last year it is planned that we will open again this

year. We will be open on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th

September from 1pm - 4pm. Please put the dates in your diary. Volunteers are once again needed - so, if

you feel that this is something which you would like to get involved in please watch out for notices appearing in July and August.

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Message from the manse

“2By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. 3And God blessed the

seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.”

(Genesis 2:2-3)

I don’t know about you but I like holidays! I like the break from the work of ministry even though I love the work God has called me to do. As we enter the summer (yes it is the summer even though as I write it has been throwing it down with rain!) it is a time when traditionally holidays are taken. Holidays and rest is good for us – God intended it that way. Holidays and rest is needed from the day to day work that we do (whether school/college/university work; paid employment or retirement) But what God did not intend is that we take a holiday from Him. Our spiritual lives continue. Our need of God continues even in the holidays. So I hope and pray that if you have a holiday planned either in the next two months or beyond I hope you have a great time relaxing with family, friends and God.

I wonder when you pack for your holiday this summer (or whenever you go away) will you pack your Bible? Do you have Bible reading notes? Do you have pointers for prayer? I use all three in my life. I take all three with me on holiday as well. I don’t do that because that is what a minister should do – I do it because I am follower of Christ. I hope this summer you will take yours as well. (If you don’t have your own Bible and want one then I think there are still some of the Good news Bibles that we had in Church available in the Church Office.)

If you need or want further information about Bible Study notes then please speak to Richard (or Ray and Auriel) and we will be only too happy to offer any suggestions.

May we all return ready and willing to be used by God to further His kingdom here on earth so that those who don’t know Him will come to know, love and serve Him.

God Bless, Richard

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News of the family

Concerns continue to be expressed for Auriel and

Ray Atkins, Fred and Margaret Riley, Alistair Linden and family, Helen and John Baillie, Geoff and

Margaret Ogden, Laura and Megan Davies, Irene Miller, Len Platt, Gordon and Sheila James, Jean and

Eric Lumb, Beth Glover, Margaret Frain, Jack Roberts and Lydia Wright.

Jennifer Lee has had further treatment in hospital

and Dinah Francis is going into hospital for an operation on her foot. Vera Morley has moved into

her new home and welcomes visitors.

The holiday season is here again and we pray that all

who are travelling either at home or abroad have a

happy and relaxing time. We give thanks for the

drivers, sailors and aircrew who work to make our

journeys comfortable and safe.

VSO Ceilidh

Thank you to everyone who supported our fund raising ceilidh. We raised £350

for VSO to help their work in fighting global poverty. Also thank you to Steven for providing the music and

calling the dances.

You will be pleased to hear that our friend and returned

volunteer Gill, who dislocated her knee, has recovered and is back at work after a 3 week absence.

God bless, Addie and Barbara

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Just a quick thank you to

all at the chapel for their kindness, calls and prayers.

I really appreciate them.

Below is quick update on my progress.

I am now at 83 days post transplant and fast

approaching the critical day 90 when I have to have my bone marrow biopsy or big needle in the bum time! This will determine how successful the treatment has been!

As for myself I am doing ok. Appetite is good but that could be steroids, blood counts excellent and apart from

a collapse 4 weeks ago due to an infection and another week in hospital I am remarkably infection free.

I was bald but have now progressed from coconut to a kiwi fruit hirsuteness. Shade and texture of the new rug

yet to be determined, it needs to grow more. The main bug bear is being trapped in the house or goldfish bowl

as I call it. That is why next week is important. The more successful the transplant the sooner I escape. However I can't complain too much. It hasn't been nice

but on the other hand not as bad as I expected. Today I was reduced to 1 visit a week to the clinic so that is

progress. On the other hand it's another day in the house. Yin and yang again.

I transgress from the message. I do that it's an age thing or the drugs. That is where I am up to. Next

Wednesday is D-day then a week after that I get the results. Collective good vibes and prayers please!

Hope to see you all at the Chapel soon.

Alistair Linden

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Some miscellaneous observations on our Christian faith and life...

Be great in little things. St Francis Xavier

The grave is but the threshold of eternity. Robert


The search for happiness is one of the chief sources

of unhappiness. Eric Hoffer

Inner healing is concerned to bring to light the

causes of the inner pain; to help the sufferer to

interpret them correctly; to release the person from

the emotional grip of the past. John Townroe

Humility is to make a right estimate of one’s self.

Charley Haddon Surgeon

If we would judge rightly of any man we must see

how he bears good and bad fortune. John Calvin

God-like character is both the fruit of the Spirit as

he works within us and the result of our personal

efforts. We are both totally dependent upon his

working within us and totally responsible for our

own character development. Jerry Bridges

Knowing God is your single greatest privilege as a

Christian. Sinclair Ferguson

Nobody can call himself a Christian who does not

worship Jesus. John Stott

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at 2.00 pm


A list of the usual stalls we run is under the clock in the coffee area please put your name

against the stall you wish to organise.

Lots of help will be required with the catering.

Donations of all sorts are most welcome, see

below. Also, if you have a gazebo which you

are able to bring on the day please do so.

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Source unknown

POSSESSION: The Lord is my shepherd

PROVISION: I shall not want

POSITION: He maketh me to lie down

PRIVILEGE: in green pastures

PRESERVATION: He restoreth my soul

PROGRESS: in the paths of righteousness

PEACE: I will fear no evil

PRESENCE: Thou art with me

PREPARATION: Thou prepares a table

PLENTY: My cup runneth over

PURSUIT: Goodness and mercy shall follow me

PROSPECT: I shall dwell in the house of the Lord

for ever

Found in the English Church, Benidorm

Shared with us by Irene Lucas

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Three cheers for the Junior Church Staff! Julie Platt, Andy Platt, Gillian Galloway, Sarah Finnigan, Barbara Redmond, Gillian James, Karen Dunn, Louise Aspinall, Jean Fitton, Lyn Jefferies, Lesley Ashworth, Janet Crompton and Michelle Unsworth We are so indebted to these people who nurture our young people each Sunday throughout the year. To show our gratitude, we have formed a group to take over in the month of August and give them all a chance to rest and worship themselves.

If you would be willing to be part of ‘ART’ (August

Replacement Team), please see Margaret Ogden, Angela Smith or Joan Warner. The programme will be prepared in advance, (although we’re open to additional suggestions). You can help on any or all of the weeks. We say a big thank you to those who have already offered to be involved, both men and women. We hope to have an initial meeting straight after church on Sunday 8th July to give you an idea of the plans so far.

If you’d like to be a PART OF ART but can’t make

that meeting, don’t worry. We’ll make sure you know exactly what will be happening and what your role will. So, please think about it, pray about it and let us know.

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We had hoped for a lovely sunny evening in the middle of summer. What we got was rain of the

vertical and substantial kind. Perhaps our most profound thanks for a

successful night must go to the car park volunteers and the door stewards, who got very wet on our


There are many others who merit our most sincere gratitude, including those who helped with refreshments – too many to name – and Louise Aspinall, who must be

named for the huge amount of work she did in devising and printing posters, tickets and programmes, and

Elizabeth Greer who prepared a beautiful floral display for the front of the Chapel as well as the bouquet presented to Kathryn Rudge.

It was in June 2011 that I first asked Kathryn if

she would sing here. She was just finishing her time at the Royal Northern College of Music, and Michael Lucas

had commended her to us as a singer of exceptional promise. She very properly asked for a fee rather greater than we can offer our Midday Concert artistes,

and so the idea of an evening concert was born. We agreed a date in May which subsequently had to be

changed because of a quite remarkable development in her career. She was invited by Decca to join Noah Stewart on a 5-concert tour of the UK which included an

event on our date. She insisted, though, that she wanted to honour her promise to come here, and a new

date was agreed by the Chapel. For our part, seven of us went in May to The Lowry to hear the two singers in concert, and were highly impressed.

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We believe our event may fairly

be described as a huge success. Kathryn brought us a programme

of songs in French, German and English, whilst her accompanist, Daniel Browell, gave her a break

in each half of the programme with some superb piano solos.

The discerning in the audience seemed to agree with what the national music critics are saying

– this is a young woman on the brink of a wonderful career. It

was hard to remember that she is only one year out of College. We believe we were fortunate to

get her to come to us. She has some solo engagements in the next month, and after

that goes on tour as a soloist with the Glyndebourne Opera Company.

Thank you from our committee to all who came

and to all who helped with publicity and ticket sales.

There were over 250 in the audience, many travelling considerable distances through terrible weather to be

with us. We are delighted to be able to hand over £850 to the Chapel Treasurer as the profit on the evening.

Just a reminder that the first date in our autumn/winter Midday Concerts series will be Tuesday 9th

October, when, as it happens, Amanda Eloise Kay, who turned the pages for our pianist at this concert, will be our guest. The whole programme for 2012/13 is now

complete and will be published in the September magazine.

Walter Brisk

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Spiritual Fitness Lending Library

You may have noticed that some

books have appeared in the corner of the lounge. This is our

new Spiritual Fitness Lending Library.

We are very fortunate that some of our chapel members have donated books which they

have found helpful in their spiritual journey. Among these thanks go to Ray and Auriel Atkins and also to Gillian Galloway who brought some books from Synod.

Please feel free to borrow the books, read them and return them when you have finished with them. It would

be appreciated if you would record that you have borrowed a book on the sheets on display so that we can

keep track of the whereabouts of the books.

If you have any books at home which you would like to donate so that others can have the benefit of them please

bring them in. Add the details to the sheets.

It is hoped that you will find this a useful resource for

your spiritual journey.

Seen on a church notice board:


Ladies bring all the unwanted things lying around your house. Why not bring your husbands?

Shared with us by Ray Atkins and also by Anne and Ian Newman

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In the June edition of the magazine (and my “message

from the manse”) I asked for any comments about prayer meetings in general or the

prayer meeting at Bamford Chapel in a more specific

context. I have had a very limited response on the subject. I only hope it is because people

are still thinking about the issue or that people have forgotten or what was said in the article about lack of

confidence is why I have had so few replies. I am not wishing to force the issue, however, I do feel strongly that prayer is vital! I have two questions;

1. Do we want to see people come to faith?

2. Do we want to see the church grow (spiritually and numerically)?

If the answer is yes to these questions (and I sincerely hope it is!) then we will not see either in any great

depth. Please, please ponder and pray about prayer (might sound odd to pray about prayer!) and let me have any comments/queries/questions about the topic

and we will together learn more of what God is saying to us as a church.

The greatest gift of all - to this strife torn world.

A baby born in a stable who was to become the light of the world.

Shared with us by Alice Lister (Auriel’s Mum)

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Ten fun things to do during boring sermons

1. Pass a note to the organist asking whether he/

she plays requests.

2. See if a yawn really is contagious.

3. Slap your neighbour. See if they turn the other

cheek. If not, raise your hand and tell the


4. Listen for your preacher to use a word

beginning with 'A' then 'B' and so on through

the alphabet.

5. Sit in the back row and try to take the handbag

of the lady in front of you by putting your toe

through the handle.

6. Using your church bulletin to make a paper

airplane. Test-fly it.

7. By unobtrusively drawing your arms up into

your sleeves, turn your shirt around


8. Twiddle your thumbs.

9. Twiddle your neighbor's thumbs.

10. If all else fails, look up at the ceiling, point,

and scream.

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Bamford Chapel

Saturday 7th July 2012 10 am - Noon

Coffee Morning &

Tool Collection

Join us for a cup of coffee and a biscuit

£1.50 All proceeds to church funds

Tools for self reliance

An organization which trains people in

Africa in the skills needed for them to

become self reliant.

Please bring along your unwanted tools

They particularly need -

Carpentry tools, saws, chisels, vices, planes

Bicycle repair tools - especially spoke spanners

Shoe repair tools, lasts etc

Engineering and metal working tools

Auto-mechanics tools

Electrical repair tools

Arc welders

Industrial quality power tools

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Biblelands Sponsorship

As many of you know, we first started to sponsor

children in the Biblelands as a Junior Church initiative over twenty years ago, at the suggestion of Ivor Rees, our minister at the time. Money was raised by Lesley

Sutton, through the collection of pennies in Smartie tubes and various other fund raising initiatives. When

Lesley resigned as chief fund raiser Patricia took over the responsibility of raising money each year for our two sponsored children.

We have sponsored many children over the years,

some of them from the Cedars Capability Centre and others from various educational establishments in Lebanon. Each sponsored child now costs the church

£216 per year, all of which money has been raised through penny collecting, selling of second hand books,

fund raising activities at the Summer Garden party, Christmas Fair and various quizzes.

One of our current children, Vana, attends an Armenian school and we have received a letter from Biblelands to

say that they will discontinue support for this school from December 2012. They have also decided that from December this year they will focus on supporting

disadvantaged children from a larger number of schools, reaching more children with disabilities and

learning difficulties, often from the poorest families. The scheme will be introduced in the West Bank and in East Jerusalem, where the need is most pressing.

Consequently, our current sponsorship will finish at the

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end of this school year.

We are encouraged instead to transfer our support to

the new “School for All” project, funding educational programmes for women who have missed out on education in childhood, vocational training and capital

grants to schools for items such as new buildings and equipment. This of course means that there will be no

more correspondence with named children, but we will receive feedback about children who benefit from the project and details of the schools they attend. There is

no minimum donation requirement for the Education Programme, but we hope to be able to send a similar

amount, that is around £400 each year. We will still be collecting pennies, selling books and doing other fund raising things, and will continue to

display our yearly accounts and any information we receive. Thanks to everyone who has supported us over

the years.

Please continue to support this very worthwhile project and to remember all the work of the Biblelands society in your prayers.

John Lapworth and Angela Smith

STOP PRESS: Apologies from the editors as this

article was missed out of the printed version.

I would like to thank everyone who showed me great

concern during my recent accident, the lovely flowers I received and provided me with trips to the fracture clinic.

- A reminder that we belong to a CARING COMMUNITY

Kathleen Friend

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An evening with Francis House Children’s Hospice

On May 17th Francis House

Children’s Hospice came to Bamford Chapel, to present a talk and video about their work during an evening of cheese and wine. The evening formed part of their mission to spread the word about the hospice and invite support. To an audience of approximately 20 people, Revd. David Ireland, Chief Executive of Francis House and Minister at Oldham’s Union Street United Reformed Church, explained that Francis House helps over 230 sick children and their families a year from all over the North West. The evening started with a video of moving interviews with some of the families that use Francis House. Many of the parents of children and young adults with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions look upon their stays at Francis House as a holiday and a break from their 24 hour a day role as carers. This enables them to do the simple things in life like going to the cinema, having a meal out or spending time with their other children. Meanwhile with a range of play facilities and therapies, their sick child is able to benefit from unique experiences, while in the safe hands of the dedicated care team. Following the refreshment break, David went on to describe the increase in demand for nights respite from children that are now living beyond sixteen years of age. To address this growing need, work is underway on the construction of a new seven bedroom extension, due for completion Summer

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2013. This will double the size and enable the hospice to provide adequate respite for each young person. A model of the new building was available to look at and literature to take away. With running costs for the existing hospice of £3.3 million a year and the new building costing £3.5 million, David and his team then invited anyone who wanted to help support the hospice by organising their own fundraising, to get in touch. Francis House Children’s Hospice would like to express their sincere thanks to the Elders and members of Bamford Chapel and to everyone who attended the evening. In addition it greatly appreciates £120 in donations raised on the night. If you would like to find out more about helping to support Francis House or require more information please call Karen Flower on 0161 443 2200 or visit

The Ladies Fellowship evening this year was at the Bella Vista near Hollingworth Lake.

34 ladies enjoyed a lovely meal. In fact, I don’t

think I had any complaints. The food was excellent and we had tip top service. A very pleasant evening

of friendship all round.

My sincere thanks to Joan, Angela and Anne for making all the arrangements.

Long may they reign.

Margaret Entwistle

Ladies Fellowship

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Doubts about the Christian faith? –

take action now!

Do you have doubts

about the Christian faith?

July is the month for you

to decide what to do

about them. This month

the Church remembers

Doubting Thomas, and

there IS action you can

take, either way.

You know the story: Thomas was the only apostle

not present when Jesus appeared to the disciples on

the evening of his resurrection. When the rejoicing

disciples later told Thomas that Jesus was alive, he

flatly refused to believe them. He had seen the


The gospel goes on to relate that a week later Jesus

indeed appeared to Thomas, and invited him to put

his hand into the holes in his hands and feet.

Thomas was utterly overwhelmed. His response was

‘My Lord and My God!’ He saw, he believed.

Then Jesus said something which is relevant to us

today. “Blessed are those who have not seen and

yet have believed.” (Jn 20:29) Jesus KNOWS it can

be hard for you, who have never seen him, to

believe that he is indeed alive, and Lord of all.

Which is, of course, where we are today. Perhaps

you really struggle with doubt. Well, there are two

courses of action you can take.

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1. Don’t read the Bible. Begin to forget what

Christianity teaches. Don’t go to church. Don’t

ask God, or anyone else, for help. Your ‘doubts’

are perfectly honest questions, but stop looking

for answers. Assume that because you have

questions, there are no answers.

2. Look for some answers. Find out what the New

Testament actually says about Jesus - by

reading it! Do not be confused into thinking

that you ‘doubt’ something which you may not

even really ‘know.’ Pray – remember that Jesus

said that those who believe without seeing are

‘blessed’. So ask God that, if he is there, please

would he ‘bless’ you by opening your eyes to

spiritual realities. Go to church. Yes, the

Christian faith demands that we take God at his

word, with no evidence other than his Word.

But though we believe in Jesus without seeing

him, we do NOT believe without considering

him. Faith is not blind credulity and unthinking

naiveté. We have faith in the historic person of

Jesus Christ.

Peter writes some real encouragement in his first

epistle, “Though you have not seen him, you love

him; and even though you do not see him now, you

believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible

and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of

your faith, the salvation of your souls”

(1 Peter 1:8-9).

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Keeping on Track

The London Olympics is about to begin. Around the world

athletes have been undergoing intensive training

programmes, striving to prepare to be best in the world

at their chosen sport.

The apostle Paul was familiar with the Olympics, and in

his letter to the church at Corinth he had in mind the

Isthmian Games. These were only second in importance

to the Olympics, and held in the suburbs of Corinth every

couple of years.

Paul’s readers would have seen for themselves the

rigorous training the athletes went through to be in the

Isthmian Games. He made the point that contestants

could only win the prize if they were completely

committed and focused.

Paul wanted believers to be totally dedicated to Christ.

He described himself like an athlete running for the

finishing line, and like a boxer not wasting his blows. He

used these sports to emphasise that he was living to

attain an eternal prize, and wanted all believers to be

winners also.

This month we shall see the Olympian winners receive

medals, along with accolades. In Paul’s day, the sporting

awards were less prestigious, and more temporary:

crowns of olive or laurel leaves. Although worn with

honour, these prizes soon withered and disintegrated.

Paul challenged his readers that they were not working

for a perishable crown, but for one that would last for


Millions of people will be watching the 2012 Olympics on

TV. While we may not be contestants, Paul reminds us

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we are still in a race! He urges us to think about our

spiritual lives and what we are doing to stay on track.

Are we disciplined in our faithfulness to Jesus?

If we are to reach the finishing line and receive the prize

that God gives, we need to be devoted to Christ and

what he demands of us. It’s not an easy road, but Paul

was not requiring anything from believers which he was

not doing himself.

We too may need to sacrifice immediate gains for

eternal rewards, and immediate pleasures for eternal

joys. What a challenge for each one of us! But what a

prize lies ahead!

Sunday August 5th

Olympic Games event

and Barbecue

Join us for a day of fun and games and a barbecue on the

chapel field.

Games of all sorts will be played in mixed teams to suit all ages,

Participants needed for games and

experts in preparing the perfect barbecue are also required.

Keep your eyes open for notices - this one really should not be


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The following have all appeared in church magazines

Next weekend's Fasting and Prayer Conference in Whitby includes all meals. -------------------------- Sunday morning sermon: 'Jesus Walks on the Water'. Sunday evening sermon: 'Searching for Jesus.' -------------------------- Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help. -------------------------- Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation. -------------------------- For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs. -------------------------- Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get. -------------------------- Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days. -------------------------- At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice -------------------------- Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones. --------------------------

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Scouts are saving aluminium cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children. -------------------------- The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility. -------------------------- Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow. The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon. -------------------------- This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin. -------------------------- The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday. -------------------------- Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use the back door. -------------------------- The school drama group will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church hall on Friday at 7 PM. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy. ------------------------- Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance. -------------------------- The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new campaign slogan last Sunday: 'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours!'

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EDITORS: Louise Aspinall 01706 719449

[email protected]

Martyn James 01706 868885

[email protected]

SECRETARY: Joan Ashton 01706 360395

[email protected]



Articles to be handed in by: Sunday 19th August 2012

Magazine to be completed by: Thursday 30th August 2012

Magazine distributed: Sunday 2nd September 2012


This edition of the magazine covers BOTH JULY

AND AUGUST. This change will mean that there will be a

magazine in September. This will ensure that we are able to include details of the many and varied

activities which always occur at this time of year.

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BAMFORD CHAPEL United Reformed Church

Charity - Reg’d No 1128387


The Manse,

Norden Road,



OL11 5PQ

Telephone: 01706 369622

Minister : Rev Richard Bradley

Email: [email protected]

Church Secretary: Mr Ian Sturrock

Telephone: 01706 653109

Email: [email protected]

Wedding Secretary: Mr John Lapworth

Telephone: 01706 632460

Lettings Manager: Linda Kerford

Telephone: 01706 624256

Email: [email protected]

Times of Services: Family Worship : 10.30 am : Holy Communion 1

st Sunday in month

Evening Worship : 6.00 pm : Holy Communion 3rd Sunday in month

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