  • 7/31/2019 Before Calling It Quits


    Before calling it quits 2012

    Before calling it quits, consider.!Being the essential potential retirees guide

    Billy C Sichone

  • 7/31/2019 Before Calling It Quits


    Before calling it quits 2012

    All rights reserved

    Billy C Sichone 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Before Calling It Quits


    Before calling it quits 2012

    Chapter 1

    Introduction- over view

    In life, the inevitable must be faced head on at one point or the other. It maybe difficult, hard and painful to face but it will come any way, hence the need to be

    well prepared long before the crunch arrives. This preparation will mitigate or reduce

    the pain that you will face. In as much as some situations and events can be averted

    or avoided, others cannot be no matter how we try. In this category of the inevitablemay be included death, sickness or the passing of a loved one. We have an

    appointment with these regardless of how smart we hurtle along in this life. However,

    what will differ is how well prepared we shall be to meet these and our resilience once

    these strike. We could helplessly succumb to these tyrants or reduce their impact on

    our well being unless we prepare long term. He is most prepared who thoroughly

    trains for a long marathon. Similarly, she most likely excels in an exam depending on

    how much adequate prior quality preparations she put in prior to the exams.

    The same holds in the game of life. You could either end your life as a hopeless loser

    or a triumphant well prepared and prosperous individual in matters to do with your

    physical well being. They say that the highest flying bird at some time landssomewhere before it glides away to the next point. In life, things do not come easy;

    some level of sacrifice is needed. Depending on when or at what point you sacrifice,

    you will be building a strong foundation for future prosperity or setting yourself up for

    a disastrous ending when you are forced to sacrifice at the end of your life. It is

    therefore a prudent idea to sacrifice early and at the right time so that you reap the

    benefits not only for you but yours as well.

    What we are here talking about is what we should do first in life so that we in a great

    measure safeguard our latter end of life, having left the corporate world, settling on

    our private ranch, house or indeed business. Much of where we end depends on the

    prior decisions and actions we make along lifes journey. We have met countlesspeople claiming an illustrious career in their younger days who have been reduced to

    abject poverty. Their bright glittering past is only a faint distant dream beyond grasp.

    We have equally met people who in one day were from very broken, poor back

    grounds but today are shining stars and hopefully will end well. Not all that shines

    today will forever be so and as they say, not all that glitters is gold.

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    Perhaps the question that begs answering at this stage is: Why do people end up

    differently in life? Is it intelligence, fate or what? Why should one lick the dust the rest

    of their lives while another spends the rest of his life effortlessly touring the world,

    golf courses or have abundance of this lifes goods? The answer is not easily givenbut one suggestion could lie in the past decisions that each of them made at some

    point in their lives. But more than that, they went ahead and either implemented their

    aspirational dreams/plans or kept them neatly tacked away in the secure catacombs1

    of their brains without any action. While one exerted themselves to hurtle to the top,

    another was either content with the status quo or indifferent to opportunities that

    swiftly passed them by for which they paid heavily later in life.

    We may further ask, what causes some to retire early, while in their prime with truck

    loads of wealth while others crawl along to the very end until the formal employment

    system literary ejects them? Why do some become financially independent at a

    tender age while others take an entire life time to get anywhere near financialfreedom? If these are your enquiries, then this short book is for you.

    We hope that at the end of reading this work, your mind will function outside the box

    and be able to be less risk averse as well as voluntarily take the plunge TODAY not

    tomorrow. Let us get started then!

    1 These were safe underground tunnels curved below the city of Rome where the persecuted

    Christians lived and met in the first century- Refer to SM Houghtons Sketches from Church

    History published by the Banner of Truth Trust.

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    Chapter 2

    The ideal state

    The best wish of any rational and right thinking person is to have a healthy,fulfilling high quality life style where everything is readily available without much ado.

    While self exertion is a spice of life, people generally want to have a trouble free life

    having tangible required results after a given effort. Often times, this is not the casebecause what results at times is not exactly what one intended or wished for.

    Chances are that they will get far much more than their wildest dreams or not at all.

    This can be frustrating.

    In an ideal world, people should reap directly proportional to what they sow. By

    ideal we mean what would be in a perfect world where everything works out and is

    up to expected, desired or imagined standard, yea, an impeccable benchmark. If they

    make good decisions, all things being equal, what they get in return should make

    sense both to them and others. Further, it may be said that in an ideal world,

    everything is in the perfect sense, exactly as one would have loved it. Idealists often

    use the ideal as the bench mark or standard by which they judge everything else. Inour consideration in this book we largely revert to the ideal state though we are

    cognizant that the actual may not exactly much up. That said, the ideal is a good

    gauge and reflection of what we aspire after and should therefore be used to help us

    size up to what we dream about.

    What is the ideal life style? What exactly is the best case scenario of a person that

    has retired properly? What do we expect to see now that they have cut away from

    that which once hosted them, the system we mean? What is the profile of the well

    prepared retiree? In this chapter we briefly describe the ideal life style and state.

    The ideal life style is one that is relatively free from hurdles and troubles common topeople. Although it may not be entirely free from challenges and sudden adverse

    occurrences, or indeed pleasant surprises, it is none the less a joyous, comfortable

    normal life that evokes much comfort, satisfaction and well being. A good quality life

    is one that has the following in place readily available without much ado:

    1. Good health as far as it depends on your genetic makeup.

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    2. A life full of supplies at every point enabling you to do or decide what you

    please to do with the enablers around you such as liquid cash, property or


    3. A life in which family is cohesive, well catered for and freely able to aspire after

    their dreams without any hurdles. This includes academic and career dreams.

    4. The ideal life is one in which you have sufficient wealth and liquid cash that

    would last you a life time, whether you are in formal employment, informal or

    retired quietly somewhere.

    5. The ideal life is one in which ones aspirations and fulfilment has been met.

    Among this would include self actualisation, high self esteem, and self

    confidence and greatly networked with family, friends, associates and business

    partners. Most likely, this individual is on various Management Boards whether

    for profit or not, hence is heard and contributes to society. There is great

    fulfilment derived by that token.

    6. The person has greatly and deeply invested into other business ventures such

    as the securities market or some partnerships where they are sleeping

    partners but reaping great dividends for themselves or their posterity.

    7. Has a functional Trust functional to safe guard their empire whether they live

    or die, this guarantees continuity of their accumulated assets, wealth and

    empire. This will also cater for their progeny there by offering the much needed

    psychosocial support of sorts.

    8. The person is engaged in what they love to do at any given time rather than as

    a work of necessity to put bread and butter on the table. In other words, they

    have gone past the vulnerability point to a self mastery and determination


    There could be other areas which make life worthwhile and once attained (which is

    possible though not always to the exact degree of expectation) will make life all the

    rosier. One fact however is that a few scattered manageable challenges make sense

    and add spice to life. Always leave room for eventualities but the well adjusted and

    happy people aim for the best at all times.

    So much then for the ideal life, we need to descend to the real world of experience.

    The next chapter addresses some salient points and situations that lead one to step

    out of the normal mode of existence of the masses in order to live the dream life. A

    clear mind is needed before taking the plunge over the precipice of life.

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    Chapter 3

    When you decide to quit

    The best time to quit is not easy to tell. Largely it depends on ones personalobjectives and motives for quitting. That said, it is best to have a structured, pre-

    planned and rational reason for taking the leap into retirement or quitting from one

    job to the next. This means that each individual should have a personal career planand time frame for which they are to work for another all the while raising capital and

    the necessary invisible benefits such as experience, ethic, discipline and networks.

    After a given time frame has been exhausted, the person should evaluate whether

    they have reached their targets and in the event they have not, an alternative

    strategy must be crafted which should ensure success to the next level in as short a

    time as possible. Remember that organic strategies, time frames etc can and do

    change though the goal may not necessarily.

    Below, we offer what we think could be rational pointers that would point to the right

    time to quit. Hang in there and follow us through, reflecting on each point as we go

    along. Here goes!

    1. When your personal objectives differ or are at variance with the organisational

    goals. Many of us have sentimental attachments to the organisation that bred

    and built us up to the extent that we feel reluctant to consider leaving. We feel

    indebted and somewhat regard it is a comfort zone which secures us from all

    possible harm. And yet, ironically, we feel stranded or frustrated in some

    sense! Further, we seem to have lost the fire and zeal to progress further

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    within the system thus contributing very little to the overall goal congruence.

    We are just getting by, merely existing waiting to collect the next pay cheque.

    Our dream is long gone, and interests gravitating to other things, occasionally

    at variance with the organisational goals. This is a strong indicator that it istime to pack your bags and tangent. This point of departure will catch all of us

    at one point or the other although in some cases, it comes earlier while in

    others it almost never catches them to the retirement age. Note here that not

    every frustration necessarily means that you quit, but if this desire persists for

    many years, it may be an indicator that time has come. One more point

    though, this presupposes you know what you want in life, where headed and

    the time frame for you to clearly determine whether your objectives are not in

    sync with your present employer.

    2. When you have achieved your objectives within the given time frame, at times

    long before your personal set time frame, it may be time to leave and seekfresh challenges. However, if you have not reached the minimum threshold,

    consider readjusting your parameters and strategy so that you head towards

    your goal. This may not be easy, especially if you are all fired up to quit like

    yesterday but carefully consider the implications of your actions. Would it hurt

    to linger around a little longer only to fix one or two other plan and then take

    the plunge?

    3. If you get a better offer that is value adding and greatly aid you to achieving

    your vision, then consider seriously taking up the new job offer but ensure you

    have a pocket agenda or plan to quit concentrating on your own thing at the

    right time. Sometimes, we under value ourselves and thus earn far less than

    would have been the case if we effectively marketed ourselves, earn as much

    and then retire earlier than anticipated. It must be noted here that wealth,

    good cash flow/riches are not necessarily the same. In addition to having a

    good present cash flow, you need a productive asset that will feed into that

    same cash cow. In other words, you need to have a source for your continued

    great cash flow. The cash cow must be milk-able long after you have quit

    your formal job.

    4. View yourself as a consultant rather than as an employee. You are offering a

    professional skill and service at a given price. If your mindset does not changetowards this kind of thinking, chances are that you will forever be held in

    bondage to the tyranny of the employer. Aim to be your own boss and this

    begins in your mind long before you effectively actualise things. Without that

    perspective, you are most likely cut out for and therefore safer in a formal job,

    but know that one day you will be kicked out as irrelevant, hence the need to

    work smartly hard now so that when the crunch comes you will be relatively

    safe. It is only true that not all of us have or will have the nerve to survive

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    outside the safety of the corporate walls but one thing however is true, you

    and I will be irrelevant one day. As the going says, no matter how high a plane

    flies in the sky, at one point it will land. Consider carefully what we suggest and

    begin planning for your future to avoid crash landing.

    Having considered the above salient and most important points, the mind may

    make an informed decision taking responsibility for whatever results. Life

    demands brave decisions and to a greater measure, some risk, if not great risk.

    Chapter 4

    Decide what you want you to do next

    When the crunch comes or indeed you want to voluntarily take the leap into thelife abyss, it is very important to be very clear from the start. Many years and months

    of prior mental preparation should now go into live application mode. The mindroaming to life in a potentially different context can be debilitating at times but like

    we have already hinted earlier, prior preparation will mitigate, if not enhance ones

    chances of success. In this short chapter, we highlight what we consider important

    points to meticulously look at.

    1. Before quitting though, know exactly why you desire to quit and what you will

    do next. It is pointless to abruptly quit what you have been doing all the while

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    to do nothing! You must have an exit strategy, transition plan and quickly

    change gears as soon as you step out of the corporate walls. Further, you need

    to be clear whether you will get another job, where, what type, expected

    income range and for how long you will work for others. If you take theentrepreneurial route, ensure that you have stocked up enough hay while you

    garnered capital which will most likely be already at work. Know whether your

    little business that you now devote yourself to will be able to sustain your basic

    minimum needs.

    2. Having decided what you want exactly, set a rough game plan of what you

    want to accomplish and how. This is some kind of short or long term strategy.

    The best strategists think long term while acting in the short term, each step

    adding value to what they hope to achieve in the end. Write down your

    strategy and follow through while evaluating as you plod along.

    3. Not only should right strategies be crafted but all possible hurdles and

    challenges to these strategies must be factored into it with alternative

    strategies if things go awry. In other words, there must be plan B or C in the

    event that the first fails to tick.

    4. Part of the strategies must be polishing the networks, revitalising the contacts

    that have lain long neglected or unused so that once you are on your own, you

    will not be calling people when in deep weeds but appear to be a mere

    continuation of the already warm relations. As you relate, wisely intimate to

    your possible body of associates about your future intentions of course being

    mindful not to jeopardise your present good fortune or employment. Always beaware that word gets round and may potentially harm your progress chances

    with your employer so there is need to be wise, discreet, neat and clever not to

    send alarms or wrong signals. That said, you must communicate effectively

    one way or the other.

    5. A further part of the strategy is to clearly stipulate the time lines, bench marks

    and steps you will take. Each step should trigger a further step until you arrive

    at the inevitable, deciding to tangent or stay on a little longer. Carefully

    consider the context, the times and happenings in your environment as you

    craft this strategy so that it is as realistic and near reality as possible.

    6. Lastly, when all parameters indicate that you have scored, bungee jump to


    As is evident in this short and brisk chapter, the bright future is to those who not only

    intend but act at the right time. Remember, intentions remain intentions and do no

    good unless you take the next step of faith borne out of conviction and right


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    Chapter 5

    What to consider before quitting or retiring

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    Quitting is not an easy task or undertaking as we have briefly highlighted inthe previous chapter. We stated that right strategy and acting are key to ones

    success and happy landing when they parachute from a formal job into retirement or

    some other meaningful undertaking. If one messes up in the final phases of their

    separation from what has hitherto sustained them, they may be plunging into the

    furnace where they instantly get torched, scorched and toasted! No one wishes that

    happens to them but how often do we witness this in every age. A person gets his

    pension or wins a lottery jack pot and instantly loses their head! Next, they turn up

    far poorer than they initially were, many times with permanent physical or mental

    scars they live to regret till they kiss the grave. On the other hand, if one is well

    prepared mentally, they will know how to transition and manage their spirits come

    what may gliding to further success for many more years hence. Before quitting, a

    number of things of necessity must be carefully looked at and considered which we

    have termed the basic minimums. We have tried our best to highlight these in pointform thought this may not be exhaustive.

    Basic minimums

    As you decide to quit, take careful stock of what you have in hand not the

    potential prospects per se unless that prospect is 100% guaranteed. Many people quit

    because of different reasons including frustration or a great desire to be independent,

    the latter which is good in itself but if not properly calculated may land in a terrible

    financial quagmire. Others hope that the severance package or some expected cash

    reward at the end of a contract will somehow pave the way into a brighter future.

    Indeed, this does happen at times if one has their entire act well and neatly puttogether but in many cases than one, it often back fires. Murphys Law certainly has a

    powerful insidious impact on many a plan. This author therefore strongly supports the

    idea that any person considering going it alone must have the following basic

    minimums BEFORE taking the leap of faith into the entrepreneurial abyss:

    1. The person must have sound and consistent financial cash flow or a source of

    that guaranteed cash inflow which can last a minimum of six months or

    longer2. This cash could come from properties or current assets that can easily

    be liquidated and not threaten that persons estate into the future.

    2. All the bills must be guaranteed to be paid in the period when you areindependent. This includes immediate school fees, water, phone and electricity

    bills, medical, insurance, rental, transport or any other expenses that

    contribute to life stressors especially in the city. In fact the ideal would be to

    first have your first debt free personal house in place so that you eliminate this

    major life stressor.

    2 Though some strongly suggest a minimum of three years

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    3. Commit to strict budget adherence in the period outside formal employment or

    regular cash cow income source. Train yourself and team members to buy in

    as well as commit to the success of this plan.

    4. Ensure you have sufficient cash flow generated from performing assets so that

    you avoid the strain of painfully selling off productive assets in the event of a

    serious personal financial crunch.

    5. Make sure a mechanism is in place to guarantee future financial cash outlays

    to secure your familys continued development and further investment growth.

    That may include college fees, future studies, purchase of other assets to

    increase the cash flow streams etc. This means that at the time of quitting, you

    should have short, medium and long term assets in place, the latter being

    strengthened and buttressed more and more as you go along. In other words,

    the short term must be fully developed while the medium and long termmechanisms must progressively but surely be put in place. This will enable

    your family to meet not only the erratic life eventualities such as terminal

    illness, loss etc but also afford your family to potentially travel the world. What

    may be included in this sphere could be having factors of production such as

    land (on title) in your possession, a farm, shares and securities, a Trust fund,

    long term assets such as timber, special plant plantations needing minimum

    attention (e.g. Moringa, Neem tree, Acacia, Jatropha etc), fish ponds,

    indigenous and exotic fauna and flora among many. In other words, start early

    and grow with your investment to avoid may pitfalls that many well meaning

    people have grounded into. Sadly and tragically so, many neglect this long

    range perspective and focus on the current pleasurable and yet unstable cash

    flows. This is courting disaster because the day that the bag develops a hole,

    thats the day you go down the drain with it. It is best to diversify and have

    hidden stocks to which you can turn on the rainy day. As much as possible,

    have these assets in as best location as possible but in the event you cannot,

    consider even the far flung places where no one is even looking at that given

    particular point in time. It is only a matter of time when you emerge a winner.

    Consider the Abby Galaun case in Zambia. While people neglected land

    acquisition, the man amassed as much of it and today owns most if not a good

    portion of Lusakas prime land. His progeny are serious land lords! Have the

    medium and long term in perspective as you plan. At Kambule Holdings, wehave classified our properties into different categories and by that token

    diversified big time. We have a large farm where we hope to develop long term

    activities such as timber woodlot, bee keeping and ranching. Then there is a

    medium term farm where we do small livestock farming and crops. The last is

    an immediate set of assets that have both a short and long term perspectives

    to it-real estate and tourism. We run a botanical garden and are in the process

    of establishing our real estate empire. All these combined, all things being

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    equal, will lead to financial independence and security not only for this author

    but his entire clan! This is a very important aspect which you cannot afford to

    trifle away or ignore. Trust me; you will remember my words on this one!

    6. As earlier alluded to, quit only if you have at least one house ALREADY BUILT or

    bought so that any further proceeds will be ploughed back into productive

    activity not to settle bills or sunk costs. The mistake some people have made is

    to wait too long in the hope of building or buying a house at the last. They pay

    a very heavy price for their procrastination. Many parameters will have

    changed and in many cases than one, things will be far more expensive than if

    that particular activity had been done much earlier or probably over a long

    period of time.

    7. Do not wait to have a lump some amount before you commence your

    investment. Often, the enduring investments started small as a trickle buttoday are massive, and in some instances global. Your present salary (from

    your formal employment) itself cannot make you rich but at the same time, it

    is an opportunity for future investment. It is a potential oasis from which you

    can reap to finance your personal projects. Save as much and consistently

    invest a given amount per month, it will surprise you how far you will have

    gone after several months and years. Much like eating, the smaller the chunks,

    the easier to chew and digest but after the long haul, much will have been


    8. Have a dream and clear vision of where you want to go. Have the right dream

    and to some extent a strong internal locus of control although this should beproperly blended with the correct attributes and inward disposition. Always

    remember that you are mortal and the time is exceedingly short, hence the

    need to be diligent and urgent about your business. Without self confidence,

    resilience and determination to succeed, you may not go far before you trot

    back to formal employment, working for another yet again! Aim to succeed

    because it is the right thing to do and not to prove a point to any adversary. In

    that way, your motives would be correct and strongly fosters your resilience, if

    not diligence. Many start out with great enthusiasm but their wings soon grow

    weary and run out of wind, nose diving to a terrible crash landing, many times

    without any cash at all, worse than they have ever been before! Keep the focusand periodically review your progress as you hurtle along so that you sense

    danger from afar and thus take refuge. In that way, you will safely pass by in

    tranquillity, safety and security.

    9. Have a very strong, real time and effective network with people that matter.

    This implies having great networks on hand that will fill in and update your

    data base for timely decision making. Having insiders from different walks of

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    life is far more key than many people realise. These networks will afford you

    the ability to spot trends, know what direction the trends might be leading and

    appropriately lodge in your proposal or plan to fly to safety. Further, increase

    your network of associates and friends across the world having developed aglobal thinking mindset. The basic tools such as access to the internet, phones,

    addresses etc must be in place so that you constantly keep your lines warm

    with potential business associates. This is yet another very key ingredient to

    develop long before you hurtle away into the entrepreneurial wilderness. Apart

    from phoning or internet linkages, attempt to physically visit some of these

    colleagues where necessary or at least ensure you are placed where a high

    concentration of business associates converge such as fairs, shows or business

    seminars. You may sometimes have to sacrificially part away with a lot of cash

    but the returns are higher in the long run. In other words, effectively and

    aggressively market yourself including having a business presence on the

    internet, a regularly updated website would be a great idea.

    10.Understand the contextual life dynamics and ensure you float and safely swim

    around. Once you are out of the formal establishment, you are on your own.

    That is when the prior network become important. Otherwise you run the risk

    of being all alone, reclusive and even depressed to death!

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    Chapter 6

    What to look out for before you leave-tale tell signs

    When its time to leave, the writing will generally be on the wall, although attimes prove elusive and much mental anguish. This uncertainly is often the result of

    our sentimental attachments or fear of the unknown especially having witnessed and

    seen close allies or associates end up as vagabonds. The normal average person

    therefore is risk averse as a result and will do any and everything to keep within the

    safe and comfort zones. Well that may be good and right for a season but a time

    comes when it becomes inevitable to take a bold step into the dark life alley.

    The best way to leave an organisation is when one voluntarily elects to do rather than

    being vomited by the system, no matter in what form. We have heard of individuals

    who started great companies from scratch, sacrificing hugely only to be cast away by

    new a new board. The founders syndrome cannot help them at that point. Think of

    Steve Jobs (Apple) or Bob Pierce (World Vision) who had to make the painful decision

    to leave the organizations they founded because they were ejected by others, the

    former bounced back. Pierce went away to form the Samaritans purse and died years


    Similarly, we too must be always on the lookout for internal and external indicators

    that hint to us to take the right steps, in that way, we shall avoid grave

    disappointments that many have made. In as much as it is a great virtue to stick

    around and exercise some staying power, it is generally not safe to focus on lifelong

    employment because the stakes are just too high. In fact, we dare assert that those

    clinging to the hope of life-long employment in one organisation are the greatest risk

    takers because they do not develop sufficient survival skills outside their respective

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    organisation. Very well then we what are the internal or external indicators which

    should cause one to move on? Here they come!

    Internal indicators

    Internal indicators are more intuitive than the external ones. The external ones

    largely depend on your physical perceptions and interpretations of life data but

    internal indicators border on the inward disposition of a person. Here are some of

    them! The first is when your pulse for the job that you have held for some time dies.

    There is no energy and drive to push any further. The second is when all interest

    disappears or quickly goes away unexplained. Thirdly, when the function that you do

    is at variance with your values or hindering something that you consider more highly.

    Fourthly, when you struggle to do things that you once did with ease, agility and

    pleasure, it may be time to get going! Fifth, when you cease to feel a sense of

    belonging and worth in a given context, it could probably suggest that you haveoverstayed. A change of context may help as a test case to determine exactly what

    may be the issue at hand. Finally, when you feel inadequate or even bored doing

    what you once did with great pleasure. There could be other intuitive indicators but

    the ones listed above should suffice.

    External indicators

    There are some indictors worth noting. Firstly when the context where you are

    working becomes sour and hostile, consider preparing to leave. Secondly, when your

    work is not appreciated and rubbished by a critical mass of your superiors, it could be

    a reminder for you to pack your bags. Thirdly, when you lose respect and appeal topeople that matter, then begin preparing for the worst. They may not publicly say bad

    things about you but be sure that you have no value and would be the first to be laid

    off in the event of a downsizing. Fourthly, when you are ignored in obvious things

    where you are clearly the expert, then know that something is cooking. This may not

    be true in all cases but it may well signify that you are becoming obsolete, irrelevant

    and at times a threat! Start packing! Fifthly, when you consistently get threats of

    being fired for any and every reason, consider tangenting because if you do not

    move, you may be hit by something you least expected as well as damage your self

    esteem. Your worth may be permanently injured by the terrible words and

    unconsciously cripple you the rest of your life. As a result, you may operate and live

    in fear, fear of the unknown! Admittedly, some amount of fear and caution is healthy

    but it also has a potency of crippling you! In short, when empirical data and evidence

    points against you, it is time to book out assuming you have already escaped the

    poverty trap.

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    From the foregoing, the person weighing their options must seriously and

    meticulously candidly examine themselves taking the right steps. This will save them

    a lot of heart aches and trouble, if anything, correct acting will add to their happiness.

    Chapter 7

    Advantages of retiring early

    No matter at what age one retires, it has its good and bad sides. Let us beclear here that the responses we are to give in this chapter are merely suggestive not

    a one size fits all kind of scenario. People retire for various reasons, much more the

    reasons for retiring at the time they do. Taking the leap is a serious undertaking andmust be taken with due care and meticulous consideration. That said, in this chapter,

    we suggest that retiring early has great advantages over retiring much later. By

    retiring we do not for a moment mean that you become idle, reclusive or even

    indifferent what goes on around you but that you stop working for another and in a

    sense become your own boss. Very well then, what are the advantages of retiring


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    As earlier intimated, retirement involves and touches on many aspects of ones core

    being. If they decide to leave formal employment, they forego a regular and

    guaranteed pay cheque which would have otherwise come their way. In effect, every

    pay cheque is a source of income and is foregone if one tangents. Looked at fromanother perspective, changing your pay point and source of income could suggest

    independence, marketability or some progress of sorts. If the pay point changes and

    by that token increases the amount taken in, then that may certainly be considered

    an upward movement. The reverse could equally be true. Below are some of the

    suggested advantages of early retirement and compelling reasons why you should

    consider this move:

    a. When you retire early, you have more leverage to do a lot more other things

    that you love and probably have wanted to do. Due to the tyrannical nature of

    formal employment, many of your projects and ideas may have stalled on the

    imagination table but with this new found liberty, you can further explore andfollow through your dreams.

    b. Retiring early affords one the luxury to do something else, re-invent

    themselves and perhaps take on a new interest or even a career.

    c. You can redeem the time of what is left of your mortal life here below. If you

    retire say at 40, then you probably have bought back 20 years of your work life

    in which time you can do something else you please.

    d. When you retire early, it gives you ample time to evaluate and reflect on your

    life so that you can redesign the rest of your life. Depending on how you viewyour life, you may treat it as a project or other and thus turn out more

    successful or even more effective.

    e. Like earlier alluded to, you can visit places, tour the world, attend conferences,

    meetings, symposiums etc contingent on how you prepared yourself in your

    prior times of life. If you have not done your homework well, retirement is

    never an option if not a dread. On the contrary, if you have done well in

    investment, you can leave off everything for some time and just rest or devote

    yourself to something else.

    f. Early retirement (assuming you have carefully invested) affords you theleverage and liberty to choose what to do, for whom to work or not to because

    you will be working not to earn a living but because you elect to do so out of


    g. If you retire early, then you can also discover yourself and more wise conduct

    yourself the rest of your life. It also teaches you how best to prioritise,

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    strategise or act. You will be better able to put your money where it matters, in

    value adding activities.

    The above points should suffice but a question that begs answering is, at what

    stage is it best to retire? The question is very dicey and certainly does not have

    one answer. Different individuals posit different reasons but our opinion is that a

    good range to seriously consider retiring is between 35 and 45. The reason is

    simply because one will have worked a while, amassed enough clout and

    experience as well as be realistic about life. Further, they will have most likely

    reached the peak of their careers or still be energetic to undertake other value

    adding activities of their lives. This is the prime time of life and yet a time when

    the mind is most fresh, budding with ideas, determination and the will to succeed.

    It is also a time when many find themselves in the mid life crisis, asking many

    pertinent questions as to the value of their lives, direction and to some extent

    casting an eye towards what will be after they retire, although admittedly, the lastbit does not cross many a mind. They are often engulfed in the present

    enjoyments and creature comforts, too busy to think about the future. But the

    mature think long term and will do everything to ensure they end well so they

    start preparing way before. Others start mobilising resources at this stage rather

    than thinking of retiring to enjoy what they have mobilised in previous years.

    So, the next time this question pops up in your mind, you better have a good

    answer for yourself!

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    Chapter 8

    Compelling reasons to plan retiring early

    In many senses, this chapter is closely connected to the previous in that theground we cover is similar and springs from the other. Earlier retirement has its

    advantages but far fewer people opt for that despite the leverages it affords. There

    are several reasons why many opt to wait until the maximum retirement catches up

    or they are ejected by the system they are in.

    The first reason why many are reluctant to consider early retirement is the fear of the

    unknown. As they scan around, they probably have a countless people on their

    catalogue that have made serious mistakes or made ship wreck of their wealth by

    some unknown terrible fate. They thus dread becoming a statistic themselves.

    Secondly, some are purely not prepared for financial independence. Many years of aguaranteed pay cheque has made them dependent and will do about everything to

    remain in a guaranteed gainful formal employment system. Any suggestions outside

    that domain is instantly rejected and discarded, a senseless suggestion! The many

    years they have worked have drained about every coin they have earned, so how can

    they possibly think about retiring? How can they surely develop a strategic thinking

    mindset? Who will pay the bills for the immediate house hold, childrens school or

    even the extended family? These and many concerns keep many submerged in their

    worries so that they scarcely have any time to think otherwise. Thirdly, some enjoy

    the safe secure life of the predictable life style as much and as long as they possibly

    can. The guaranteed pay cheque has created a very subtle dependence and comfort

    zone which inhibits some from venturing to eke out an independent existence.

    Quitting is unthinkable and in a sense an insane idea! But fourthly, some enjoy the

    prestige and derive immense pleasure or esteem from being associated with some

    sort of stable organisation. Even if they may not get the cheque on time, they still feel

    great to be connected to a given entity. These and many fine sounding reasons seem

    to hold true for many a person.

    The question still lingers, what are the compelling reasons why a person should retire

    early? Here are some of them:

    1. Contrary to what many believe and hold, financial independence is the best

    though risky at first. A year or two would be encountered of erratic cash flow as

    you transition but after that, you will get over to better things.

    2. Another thing is that when you do things for yourself, you derive immense

    pleasure and delight as you see things unfold.

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    3. Thirdly, retiring while still young, energetic and strong gives you an edge over

    others that are old, sloppy and tired. You can run further and endure far much

    more than the rest.

    4. For another thing, early retirement increases the chances of enjoying yourself

    while you serve your maker rather than being restricted by the dictates of your

    employer. You are in better control of your life, time and destiny. You thus do

    not blame anyone.

    5. When you retire early, you have the esteem and pleasure of being in the

    driving seat of your career and life. You develop and stronger sense of internal

    locus of control rather than a high external locus of control that depends on

    fate. You are solely responsible for how far, fast or destiny of your life. That is

    surely something to motivate one.

    6. When you retire early, having tried many business options and all, you are

    more adventurous and can better handle risks or even take them than when

    you are aged and relatively more risk averse. That apparent lack of wisdom,

    exposure and to some extent responsibility affords one the ability to take more

    or less calculated risks for which they either pay heavily for or emerge as

    victors with greater rewards. In life, the greater the risk, the higher the returns

    in many a case. Youth affords those risks.

    Retiring early is certainly a good thing and should seriously be contemplated upon by

    every sane project minded person. At the end of life, they will obviously look back

    with great satisfaction that they made the right decision to take a different routewhen they did unlike those that waited until it was either too late or ejected from the

    comfort zone when they could have done something while it was still day.

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    Chapter 9

    The hazards of retiring early or late

    While early retirement may sound a very plausible option, it must not be taken

    without meticulous prior thought and planning lest one lands in a lifelong quagmire.

    The life experience is strewn with many a casualty whose debris many of us can see

    today and perhaps take a lesson or two. However, in the same breathe, life is full of

    great potential which many of us have seen, noticed and even admired. Many times,

    we have wondered how some people went to higher orbs and just how exactly the got

    to that admirable position. We in a sense have envied them or even attributed their

    success to chance, fate or luck. We rationalise that they were at the right place at the

    right time, hence their apparent success. But is that really the case, at all times? It

    may be but it also depends on how prepared they were when opportunity knocked ontheir door, which they grabbed with both their hands. Today, they are the tycoons, far

    beyond recognition of what they once were.

    What are some of these hazards so that we may avoid them or mitigate their impact?

    How may we detect danger from afar and thus avoid it? A hazard by definition is not

    bad in itself nor can we say one has landed into a serious quandary already. It is

    simply something that has a potential to trigger a catastrophe, disaster or calamity.

    Used in the sense of the context we are discussing here, we may say that a hazard is

    a warning sign of sorts which if not well handled or avoided may cause untold trouble

    on the subject. Here are some of the hazards of early or late retirement:

    Early retirement

    Early retirement appears plausible (and our preference) but calls for careful handling.

    Here are some of the potential hazards:

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    1. As a young person, your propensity to take risky decisions is higher and may

    land you into serious trouble. Some realise too late but still pay heavily for their


    2. There is a danger of wishing for something when you are not entirely well

    prepared, such as the cash flow or first house that we talked about. In fact,

    having one house still makes you vulnerable because how will you pay the

    bills? A strong impulsive desire to be independent may land you in problems

    eventually. Let us make one point clear here, never needlessly short circuit

    your career! Count the cost not be dictated by emotions only.

    3. Youth is a time of self discovery and adventure but over looks many things

    such as the impact your decision(s) will have on the wider community,

    including your immediate family. The big picture view is often not formed and

    much later in life although it may also form in some younger wiser youths.

    4. If you quit your formal job early, you run the risk of not having formed strong

    and sufficient networks, linkages and business associations. You may have the

    cash quite alright but without the linkages, there is potential trouble for you

    because you need other people to help you to the next level, at least the right

    customers are essential!

    Late retirement

    If you retire late chances are that:

    1. You will be old and too tired to successfully try out new things.

    2. As you grow older, you will most likely become more risk averse. With age

    comes wisdom, experience and therefore carefulness generally.

    3. The stakes will be higher when you are old and every coin will matter because

    the steady income will be no longer available as before.

    4. Your support system from friends, relatives and colleagues etc will have

    significantly reduced and so likely to feel more isolated faster. Many will have

    settled elsewhere or even died. Chances are most of these will have retired or

    not have influence in society, many times battling with their own challenges.

    5. Since your regular cash flow will have been disturbed, reduced or cut off, your

    ability and power to do exploits will have been reduced by that token. Your life

    long desires will still be there and the pressure may be there to fulfil your

    promises to children, spouse or relations and thus use up all your retirement

    benefits to meet these, hoping somehow more money will trickle through.

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    6. Because your thinking and agility will have reduced, chances are that you may

    be more crushed if you lose any coin, let alone your entire lifes earnings. Had

    you retired early, you could have been hurt for sure but your resilience levels

    are most likely much better to bounce back in the game.

    7. As we grow older, our bodies begin to decay, needing more medical attention.

    They are far more delicate and less agile, not able to handle some of the tough

    dynamic rigours which a young body is able to withstand or absorb. Chances

    are then that you will run the risk of spending all your money on health care

    instead of building your empire.

    As can be seen, each of these has its own dangers which may be within or outside the

    grasp of the organisation or may we say the subject. The decision entirely depends on

    the person concerned and how they think. The choice is entirely in your court and

    ensure you do not blame anyone at what becomes of you at the end of your career.

    Chapter 10

    Signs and indicators on when best to quit

    The best time to quit is when you feel the time has arrived contingent on thefollowing:

    1. You have achieved your aspirations or are certain to with or without a formal


    2. You are tired, bored but have done your home work well.

    3. Have the necessary networks, linkages and contacts around your potential

    area of business or retirement.

    4. You have at least two houses free of any debt or external claim. These will

    serve as your primary sources of income for some time while you wiggle your

    way around.

    5. When your personal values fundamentally differ from your employer or borders

    on conflict of interest. Further, it may not even be conflict as such but your

    drive differs from the corporate goal, it may be time to leave.

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    There could be other signs such as being ignored in the work place (despite your

    superior competence), lost interest, fatigue, ill health and a whole host of other

    things that would force a person to quit. The best is for one to voluntarily walk

    away while the audience is still clapping than being forced or hounded out by theorganisation. Walking away with honour should be the aim of any sane individual.

    Chapter 11

    What about life long employment or late retirement?

    As earlier highlighted in the chapter on the merits of early/late retirement, we can

    safely say that lifelong employment or late retirement is not desirable. While tenable

    in some countries today, lifelong employment is fast giving way to the contract and

    rightly so because we are all professionals offering a service of sorts. What we earn or

    get paid is what we probably are worth for the services we render. It therefore means

    that we must rightly price ourselves in keeping with our personal objectives. On theother hand, retiring late limits ones abilities and potential to rise to the higher orbs of

    entrepreneurship. While some are serious and successful entrepreneurs, others are

    better at entrepreneurship where they thrive on their own independent of the

    organisation, forming their own empire.

    In a nutshell, lifelong employment is obsolete and out of step with the times. It has

    given way to contract employment meaning that a person can and will most likely

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    work in more than one organisation over their professional career. This calls for a

    broadened skills set than hither to has been the case. Secondly, waiting till you reach

    retirement age is not desirable or advisable because of the limitations you may

    encounter. It is better to be your own boss at an earlier age and reclaim some of yourfree life way before you seriously begin to decline in age as you pass through the

    valley of death.

    What should be done and in what order/sequence (Chapter 12)

    Before launching out onto the high waves of the entrepreneurial seas, it is prudent to

    know yourself thoroughly well and then craft a strategy that will get us where we

    want. Below are some crucial points worth considering:

    Self SWOT analysis- know yourself in respect to your strengths, weaknesses,

    opportunities and threats. The only would you realistically etch out a good


    List-Of the available business options or avenues to take, list all of them,

    possible futures.

    Prioritise-High Priority Areas (HPA) first-Prioritise and sequence each of them in

    order of importance. No everything is important so discard the irrelevant but

    focus on what is key.

    Set bench marks and objectives-Having prioritised, set targets and measurable

    bench marks which should pace you as well as help you know what is key or

    not at any given time.

    Craft strategies and time frames- Strategy is everything! as some have rightly

    quipped. A good strategy factors in all things possible and yet gets you to

    where you want. In fact, the best strategy is invisible to the foe but none the

    less works wonders for the crafter although they have to be consistently

    organic. In short strategies change but not the goal.

    Monitor your progress pace-The bench marks, monitoring, periodic evaluations

    each helps you check yourself at all times.

    Periodic self evaluate- An evaluation should take place say after every three

    years or so. In the early years of your strategy, evaluations may be more

    frequent depending on the nature of what you are about.

    Redesign your organic strategy-Should your plan crash or potentially so, re-

    craft your strategy and remain open to learning. Your agility should not mean

    directionless but ability to learn and change as need arises.

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    Once you do the above, using emotional, business and intelligences, we have no

    doubt that you will hit the target some day. The key is to watch and move at the right


    Chapter 13

    Lessons from people-case studies

    The cases here briefly given are of live individuals that took the leap at somepoint in their lives and in many senses have moved on.

    C K

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    This gentleman runs a world class successful business specialising in medical

    equipment. Within two years of formal employment after college, he developed

    powerful networks, left and started his own successful business. There were a

    lot of risks and mistakes along the way but this has surely paid off.


    Another young man that quit his job when people least expected to start a

    successful book shop which he runs with his wife. The business has grown over

    the years and contacts increased both nationally and internationally. The book

    business continues to make inroads in the local market stocking some of the

    essential texts rarely found elsewhere. This couple made the plunge at the

    right time and will not turn back, not soon at least!

    M M

    A very strong and resilient gentleman rising from obscurity to an eminent

    business man. He was disappointed several times by colleagues he trusted,

    failed partnership deals before he went it alone. A three year leave from his

    government job gave him leverage to discover himself and eventually resigned

    to begin his own budding solar and other equipment business with multiple

    contracts and networks. It is a lucrative business but fraught with corruption

    but with patience, he has wiggled his way round to be a renowned business


    G M

    A seasoned business man of many years starting off as a lower operative

    mechanic and now a very successful business man running a high profile

    international freight company. He is very generous and comes across as a very

    simple gentleman and yet extremely complicated and networked whether in

    political circles or otherwise. There is no descending with this great tycoon.

    One lesson however is clear, high education only is not what makes the


    P M

    Became a senior executive on one of the big corporations in the country but

    was deposed from his lofty seat because he was perceived as a threat and

    blocking people from yielding personal benefits from scandalous contracts.

    Since he would not budge or join the corrupted procurement team members in

    their shoddy deals, they hatched several plots against him and had him thrown

    out in the cold. One day he was a boss the next he was a potentially a

    vagabond scrounging for an existence. His enemies thought they had

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    vanquished him but they were mistaken because in his short tenure, he has

    invested extensively in real estate such that he survived for the next five years

    without a formal job. He still does not have one but lives a very good quality

    life. How is this possible? He invested early and in a sense retired to dosomething else. Always prepare for the rainy day, for we have no clue when it

    may come, as surely it will some day.

    C M

    Very well educated and exposed individual. He rose through the corporate ladder

    at lightning speed and was tipped to be the next Managing director of a huge

    prosperous organisation but then he was not politically correct with the powers

    that be, they did not like very honest and principled people. He left a broken man

    but now has thrown away all the corporate talk and is a serious and successful

    farmer with multiple real estate investments dotted around the capital of thecountry. At scarcely 50, he had reached his peak and has been on his own since

    growing from strength to strength.

    C M 2

    Hailed from a remote part of the country and rose to that of Managing Director of

    many high profile organisations before quitting to go into private practice and

    later took an international job for several years before returning home to take on

    other neglected business opportunities. He and his wife are certainly a classic case

    of a successful joint venture team work and right positioning. They have a

    multiplicity of houses in Porsche areas of the capital. Hunger and poverty arecertainly far from them for many years to come!

    S T & K C

    The idea came as a joke when this set of friends one day hung their gloves from

    very promising careers to go into private practice. In those years, delving into

    consultancy was viewed a suicide step but they stepped in none the less, despite

    not having any houses of their own. Today, their consultancy is global in nature

    and can scarcely keep up with the never ending requests from all over the world.

    Their bold step has paid off several times over and has many private villas and

    homes between them.


    Started off as a very poor lad with no promise at all and little education. The hard

    years of street vending and selling flour paid off many years later. He is now the

    foremost business person in his district with many branches in other districts. E

    has highly diversified and boasts an unequalled corporate social responsibility

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    record. With a large national and international network, he scarcely is at home but

    travels extensively across the world. He is still not as literate as the rest but he

    certainly commands a presence and business genius. He certainly has better

    business sense and acumen.

    K progress (North)

    This gentleman has no formal paper at all but drives some of the best cars around

    town. He has businesses and houses all over the country and has proved a very

    honest and reliable business associate to man a corporation and individuals. The

    interesting thing is that he is very open about his inadequacy but never allows

    that to stand in his way of riding higher in the business world. The hardware

    shops, houses and other businesses have secured his financial future for a long

    time to come.

    These brief case studies have added flavour and show that it is possible to excel. We

    could have put in failure cases but suffice it to say that these demonstrate that an

    individual can and will succeed if they plan well as well as commit themselves to a

    worthy cause. The secret is that you start planning and implementing early while it is

    still sunshine. This helps you avoid the mid life crisis, wrong or rushed decisions and

    many a heart ache. Many are in trouble today not so much that they are not

    intelligent but started out late investing into the future. Remember, the righteous

    man leaves an inheritance for his childrens children-the grand children!

    A final word

    This short book is concluded. It is hoped that you go away with many valuablelessons that will help you on lifes path. We hope that you will be wise and elect to

    retire as early as possible of course bearing in mind your mental wiring and

    preferences. Catch you later!

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    1. A suggested personal self evaluation questionnaire or check list.

    This is short set of questions to be answered BEFORE you leap. Depending on

    your answers, you may or may not be eligible to assume financial

    independence at that particular time

    a. Do I seek self actualisation or merely follow others lead as I seek


    b. Do I have sufficient resources to sustain the same or better quality of life for

    at least the next six months?

    c. Will ALL my bills be serviced in the given period without much ado?

    d. Are ALL my current liabilities settled or there is ready cash to liquidate


    e. Do I have at least one house which is 100% our property?

    f. Do I have the necessary linkages and networks in the intended business


    g. Do I have sufficient liquid cash just meant for business? Are my other

    personal expenses independent of this liquid cash?

    Here is a suggested gauge interpreter:

    If your answer to all the above was a strong affirmative, then you are good to go


    If your answer to most of these (say 90%), then you may need to build a little more

    capacity. Give it at least a year or two while you work towards 95% or more.

    If you score less than 60% then you are certainly not ready to take the leap unless

    you are a serious risk taker. You may need to work, save and invest for at least

    another 5 years.

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    Analoui F. & Kakabadse A. (2004). Corporate sabotage, Jaico Publishing house

    Blanchard K & Muchnick M. (2003). The Leadership Pill, Free Press

    Building your business. (1998) Thorogood

    Cole R & Mishler L. (1998). Credit Management, McGraw-Hill

    Covey S. R. (1989). The 7 habits of highly effective people, Simon & Schuster

    Ferrell O. C. & Fraedrich J. & Ferrell L. (2000). Business Ethics: Ethical decision makingand cases, Houghton Mifflin Company

    Iverson K. (1998). Plain Talk, John Wiley & Sons, Inc

    Know the North: a guide to investment opportunities in the Northern Province of

    Zambia, Provincial administration, Printech (2008)

    McIntyre C. (1999). Zambia: The Bradt travel guide, 2nd ed, Bradt Publications

    Ndulo M. (1987). Mining rights in Zambia, The Kenneth Kaunda Foundation

    Owen A L & Pickering K T. (1994). Global Environmental issues, Routledge

    Roux A. (1990) Everyones guide to the South African economy, Zebra Press,

    Sichone C B. (2002). International Business, SCRID, available at:

    Sichone C B. (2004). International Marketing, SCRIBD, available at:

    Sichone C B. (2009). The quality Quest, Smashwords, Available at:

    Sichone C B. (2009). The Strategic Horizon, SCRIBD, available at:

    Sichone C. B. (2001). The rare jewel of effective leadership, available at:

    Sichone C. B. (2008). A letter to my Zambian friends, Available at:

    Trump J. D (). How to get rich,

    Trump J.D. (1987). The art of the deal, Ballantine books

    Welford R & Starkey R. (Ed 1996). Business and the environment, Universities Press

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    Wuorio J. (2011). Can you retire before 2013? MSN Money (published on internet,


    About the Author

    Billy Sichone trained as Accountant and has worked in various management

    portfolios. With over 15 years professional experience under his belt, his insight is

    loaded with great experience, insight and discernment. His near two decade program

    management experience makes him well placed to advise, mentor or offer leadership.

    Billy has authored several books (available on the internet in e-book form) on various

    key areas that include the following: International marketing, International Business,

    Strategy, Leadership, Project Management, and Astronomy among many. Among his

    interests are: Botany, Farming, Astronomy, research, reading and travelling. He has

    collaborated and founded several business ventures in real estate, ecommerce and


    Billy holds several academic credentials accumulated over the years. These include

    an MBA, a Master of Divinity, several doctorates (i.e. PhD, Litt D, ThD, Dr Apol [cand],

    DBS [cand] etc) and other professional qualifications.

    The author is married to Jane and they have two lovely daughters together.

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