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Behavioral Problems in


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ContentsIntroduction.....................................................1Behavioral Problems in Toddlers..................3 Hitting and Biting...........................................4 Interrupting ...................................................5 Running Away.................................................5 Pulling Hair.....................................................6 Throwing the Objects.....................................6Common Behavioral Issues that Children Exhibit and How To Take Care of Them...................................................8 Ignoring You...................................................9 Showing Rudeness.........................................10 Seeking Attention ........................................10 Lying ............................................................11 Teasing...........................................................12Reasons Why Your Child May Have Behavioral Problems.....................................15 Genetics.........................................................16 Disabilities.....................................................17 Financial Strains............................................18 Communication Problems.............................18 Internal Stimuli..............................................18

A Desperate Call............................................19Best Solutions for Handling Toddler Behavior...........................................21 Talk to Them.................................................22 Interrupt........................................................23 Maintain an Eye Contact .............................25 Set up Some Rules........................................26 Be Receptive.................................................27How to Deal with Conduct Disorder in Children ..................................................27 Unjustified Aggression.................................28 Destructive Behavior....................................28Tips to Give Your Child a Happy Lifestyle .........................................................38 Control Your Nerves.....................................28 Focus on Long-Term Productivity...............23 Find the Positivity........................................29 Use Rules and Rewards/Punishments Strategy ........................................................30 Two Ears and One Tongue – Appreciate the Ratio! ....................................................32Conclusion ...................................................34

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Introduction.....................................................1Behavioral Problems in Toddlers..................3 Hitting and Biting...........................................4 Interrupting ...................................................5 Running Away.................................................5 Pulling Hair.....................................................6 Throwing the Objects.....................................6Common Behavioral Issues that Children Exhibit and How To Take Care of Them...................................................8 Ignoring You...................................................9 Showing Rudeness.........................................10 Seeking Attention ........................................10 Lying ............................................................11 Teasing...........................................................12Reasons Why Your Child May Have Behavioral Problems.....................................15 Genetics.........................................................16 Disabilities.....................................................17 Financial Strains............................................18 Communication Problems.............................18 Internal Stimuli..............................................18

A Desperate Call............................................19Best Solutions for Handling Toddler Behavior...........................................21 Talk to Them.................................................22 Interrupt........................................................23 Maintain an Eye Contact .............................25 Set up Some Rules........................................26 Be Receptive.................................................27How to Deal with Conduct Disorder in Children ..................................................27 Unjustified Aggression.................................28 Destructive Behavior....................................28Tips to Give Your Child a Happy Lifestyle .........................................................38 Control Your Nerves.....................................28 Focus on Long-Term Productivity...............23 Find the Positivity........................................29 Use Rules and Rewards/Punishments Strategy ........................................................30 Two Ears and One Tongue – Appreciate the Ratio! ....................................................32Conclusion ...................................................34

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Introduction.....................................................1Behavioral Problems in Toddlers..................3 Hitting and Biting...........................................4 Interrupting ...................................................5 Running Away.................................................5 Pulling Hair.....................................................6 Throwing the Objects.....................................6Common Behavioral Issues that Children Exhibit and How To Take Care of Them...................................................8 Ignoring You...................................................9 Showing Rudeness.........................................10 Seeking Attention ........................................10 Lying ............................................................11 Teasing...........................................................12Reasons Why Your Child May Have Behavioral Problems.....................................15 Genetics.........................................................16 Disabilities.....................................................17 Financial Strains............................................18 Communication Problems.............................18 Internal Stimuli..............................................18

A Desperate Call............................................19Best Solutions for Handling Toddler Behavior...........................................21 Talk to Them.................................................22 Interrupt........................................................23 Maintain an Eye Contact .............................25 Set up Some Rules........................................26 Be Receptive.................................................27How to Deal with Conduct Disorder in Children ..................................................27 Unjustified Aggression.................................28 Destructive Behavior....................................28Tips to Give Your Child a Happy Lifestyle .........................................................38 Control Your Nerves.....................................28 Focus on Long-Term Productivity...............23 Find the Positivity........................................29 Use Rules and Rewards/Punishments Strategy ........................................................30 Two Ears and One Tongue – Appreciate the Ratio! ....................................................32Conclusion ...................................................34

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IntroductionThe behavioral disorder has turned out to be a great issue in the present era. It initiates from the time your kid starts to crawl and roars up to the stage of adulthood. Although it gets decreased when one hits the adult stages, but the behavior gets developed until then and it becomes difficult to override and habit at that time. It demands prompt action from the side of parents, whenever they observe any anomaly in their kid's behavior.

This book caters to the problem of child behavior and its impact on our society. With a concrete overview of the definition of behavioral disorders, it provides an array of guidelines forthe parents (or any elder!) to conceive and act on the behavioral changes of their kids.

Apart from just focusing on the symptoms, various chapters also enlighten the importance of digging the roots of every symptom if you really want to overcome it forever.

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Behavioral Problems in Toddlers

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Behavioral Problems in Toddlers

Among all the life stages, childhood is the most honest one. Whatever the kid utters or tries to say is either the truth or the symptom of an underlying truth. Parents might get reluctant to some of the overwhelming and unusual activities/habits of their kids and that is natural as well, but it should not go unnoticed.

Hitting and BitingGetting angry is not a big deal but if the toddlers are drifting towards aggression, then the condition must alarm you. It means that either he has developed or he is developing a behavioral problem that is urging him to go rough with the people who interact with him.

Although they seem small, but even the toddlers want to enjoy independence. You might have noticed that once they start growing, they don't like to be carried, instead, they want to control their maneuverability.

Any form of aggression is not typically a problem itself but a representative of an underlying problem. That must be identified and dealt strictly by the parents before it turns out into anything harmful. While dealing with the toddlers, you should use several ways to calm them down, but be very clear about your unacceptance of

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InterruptingNow interruption is very irritating for the one who has been interrupted. Toddlers are very amateur to think on this frequency and they assume that everything in this World, exists for them and is bound to cater to their needs. This assumption is not even wrong because that is what the parents inculcate since the very day of their kid's birth.

Toddlers also assume that whatever diverts someone's attention from them is a potential threat to their independence and luxury. That is the very reason why they never hesitate to walk you back into their domain, regardless of whom you are talking to and what you are saying or doing. They want you back and that is it.

Running AwayThis is exactly what puts mommy on the charge. As soon as the kid jumps out of the stroller or the lap, he tends to embrace the Earth. Why is that so? Is he defying you? Does he want to get away from you? Is he showing any aggression?

NO! This is utterly an outcome of an overwhelming feeling of independence. With each day of toddlers' life, they learn a variety of new things and gradually, their bodies help them to exhibit that as well. It means that whenever a toddler lands onto the ground, he is most likely to run away with joy. That is because he is so confident with his legs that he wants to charge them with his lurking feeling of luxury. I know it becomes irri-tating when you want to feed them, but even you have done the same!

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IntroductionPulling HairToddlers are very authoritative. Not only that, but they want to make you realize as well. There is no harm in that, but when they do not find you cooperating, then the stuff might not go well for you. Whenever they feel, that their authority is declining or the environment is being ruled by someone else, particularly another toddler, then they might start pulling your hair, start biting your skins, start shouting and a lot more.

Apart from this, it might be as simple as a symptom of an aggression where the child does not want to be governed or feels possessive about something and just wants to mark his presence.

Just take an example. For example, you have put some pieces of cake in front of your children but the elder one takes away the last one. You would notice one thing. While he is taking out the last piece, the younger toddler would certainly pull his hair, or at least nudge him to put it back. What would be the outcome? Well, the outcome is not very unusual. Even if the elder one gets away with the cake, he would think twice before doing the same again.

Throwing the ObjectsAs mentioned before, this is the stage where your toddler’s physical skills are developing and he knows it very well. Now he wants to enjoy every inch of that luxury.

In throwing objects specifically, the child does not have any aim of harming someone or to show any authoritative

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aggression. It requires five major locomotive skills to simply throw and object and an overwhelmingly deal of eye, hand and brain coordination is required. The toddlers just want to put it all on trial and let others appreciate them as well.

So just test it at your home, when a kid throws something and you clap for then, they would go for another try!

These are some of the things that might turn out to be a problem as well, for some parents. But generally, if you just let it happen while ensuring that the violence and aggression are constantly checked, you are doing a great job.

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Behavioral Problems in Toddlers

Common Behavioral Issues that Children

Exhibit and How To Take Care of


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Common Behavioral Issues that Children Exhibit and How To Take

Care of Them

Kids share a lot of common behavioral issues, let’s have a look at some of them.

Ignoring YouChildren are most likely to disobey you or just pretend that they are not listening to you. It is their favorite habit after all, and probably the only weapon that they have if they want to show resistance towards something. It might come in several stages with a variety of symptoms. For instance, if their room is messy and you ask them to clean it up, they would never say ‘NO’ straightaway, instead, they would rather affirm you and ignore you for a while. If they do say ‘NO’ straightaway, then it points towards another issue that we shall discuss later on.

You might also experience this behavior when they are doing something that they like. Let’s assume that your kid is watching cartoons and you ask him to come over. What do you expect now? Usually, he would just say ‘Coming’ and then forget later on. It is just a way to ignore you and carry on with the regular activity that he likes.

This is not something that you should just allow to slip under your nose. Come on, your kid is ignoring you and you are unable to bring it to a halt? Just be firm in front of them. If you ask them to do something which they do not, just say it a few

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more times, and if they do not, then simply go ahead and talk to them. Be sure not to beat them up. It would just create a gap between you.

Showing RudenessSome of the kids tend to indulge into fights, but most of them do not. Instead of fighting, they go for a mediocre way but that too is least acceptable to most of the parents.

Rudeness has an array of perspectives and could be a result of many background activities. But typically, the children tend to show rolling eyes or high pitch screams when they want to show rudeness. Of course, they cannot dare to beat the parents and if they do so, it is not rudeness. It is simply violence which needs to be dealt with strictly.

Firstly, you need to understand the reason for their rudeness. Once you are done with that, the strategy could be altered accordingly to design something that drives your kid away from being rude.

Although you should not show any aggression, but if polite-ness does not work, then the rudeness should be dealt with rudeness.

Seeking AttentionEverybody loves attention and kids are way more particular about it than anyone else. They are very sensitive to changing behaviors and can be very jealous at times.

This is absolutely natural, but what comes as a symptom is not quite entertain-able. As the foremost reaction, kids tend to talk

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rudely to you or disobey you at various instances. But if they still do not feel ‘special’, then the situation might get worse and as seen in most of the cases, they could even start hurting themselves.

This is absolutely natural, but what comes as a symptom is not quite entertain-able. As the foremost reaction, kids tend to talk rudely to you or disobey you at various instances. But if they still do not feel ‘special’, then the situation might get worse and as seen in most of the cases, they could even start hurting themselves.

As a parent, you should manage your time in such a way that not only you fall in a position to balance the equation, but the child also sees you working hard and balancing your time for everyone in life. This is not something that should be dealt with strictly. Instead, you should just talk to them and spend more time with them to assure, that their position in your life is not compromised.

LyingHere comes the children’s hotspot. They are not programmed to lie, and you might have experienced as well, that none of the kids lie during elementary years. But as soon as they start nourishing, they tend to lie.

This is because their fantasy World is propagating at such an incredible rate that they consider every thought to be rational

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and want to pursue it. But when they do not get the required response, they pursue their dreams under the carpet and lie to the elders.

It is utterly your responsibility to combat this genie. Firstly, you must ensure that you do not exaggerate and you are always honest with everyone. It automatically set a role model for the children. But if that does not work, you should talk to your kids indirectly about the advantages of honesty and the sheer disadvantages of lying. If you are cursed and that does not work even, then you should talk to them confidently about the particulars. Ask them the concrete reasons for lying and do not let them lie this time. You should rather set up small traps to capture your kids while lying and then you could prove it to them that every time they lie you are updated about it.

TeasingWe all have teased someone at least once. What was so exciting about that? Well, certainly the fact that the counterpart is feeling cornered and you are in a winning position. Same is the case with growing children. They tend to tease the kids of their ages, or even younger. Particularly when the kids start advancing in school life, they are most likely to explore a variety of stuff. It accumulates a variety of obsession in their minds that they know a lot more than the juniors. As a result, they find it fun to tease the younger ones with their authority. In order to battle it up, you should allow your kid to communicate and interact with other children. Only then, he would be able to gauge that it is only him who knows a variety of things and has an upper hand over the younger one, but there is someone else as well who could bring him down

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Common Behavioral Issues that Children

Exhibit and How To Take Care of



Whatever the problem be, ultimately it is your responsibility to confront it and identify the root. If you keep on rubbing the surface, you would never help the children.

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Reasons Why Your Child May Have

Behavioral Problems

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Reasons Why Your Child May Have Behavioral Problems

Behavioral issues are one of the most obvious things that the parents face while dealing with the kids. Typically, these are the representatives or symptoms of an underlying personality issue and it is absolutely natural. Although behavioral issues are common to all types of people belonging to all departments of life, but the ones related to children must be concerning for their parents. Being a child is the most natural phase of one’s life. At this natural and crucial phase, whatever the children say explicitly, or through a behavioral problem, points towards an underlying issue within their enclosure.

GeneticsSince all behaviors are directly related to different tempera-ments, genetics play a key role in behavioral nourishment. Temperaments are classified into three broader categories, easy, sensitive and feisty.

Children with easy temperament are considered to be the calm-est when it comes to behavior exhibition, and they have proved it as well. However, the ones with sensitive temperament are not very aggressive but are way more possessive about certain belongings than anyone else. Instead of fighting and going aggressive, they are more inclined towards crying and isolating themselves whenever an unlikely event is triggered.

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Behavioral issues are one of the most obvious things that the parents face while dealing with the kids. Typically, these are the representatives or symptoms of an underlying personality issue and it is absolutely natural. Although behavioral issues are common to all types of people belonging to all departments of life, but the ones related to children must be concerning for their parents. Being a child is the most natural phase of one’s life. At this natural and crucial phase, whatever the children say explicitly, or through a behavioral problem, points towards an underlying issue within their enclosure.

GeneticsSince all behaviors are directly related to different tempera-ments, genetics play a key role in behavioral nourishment. Temperaments are classified into three broader categories, easy, sensitive and feisty.

Children with easy temperament are considered to be the calm-est when it comes to behavior exhibition, and they have proved it as well. However, the ones with sensitive temperament are not very aggressive but are way more possessive about certain belongings than anyone else. Instead of fighting and going aggressive, they are more inclined towards crying and isolating themselves whenever an unlikely event is triggered.

Among all these temperaments, feisty kids are most likely to be aggressive. Not only are they aggressive, but have proved their limbs at various instances, hence harming a number of children under their nest.

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DisabilitiesThis is pretty rational to understand. When someone, especially a young child, is unable to enjoy an optimum state of existence, he gets jealous and angry about that.

Of course, it is like a punishment for a child when he sees children of his age, playing in front of him but he cannot do anything about that. This leads to a chaos within their personalities and they feel deprived.

This deprivation sparks jealousy and in some of the cases, the over-excited children who want to exhibit their skills go aggressive as well.

Financial StrainsParents usually think that they could possibly hide the financial strains to help their children stay on the track. Although it is a fantastic approach, but never forget that children do smell any strain. Particularly when it comes to the financial strain, they get overwhelmed by the feeling of this very condition and react to it in their respective ways.

In most of the cases, they either get way more reserved than their counterparts or in some of the cases they react befittingly and may become a source of street fighting.

Communication ProblemsNot being able to deliver your talk, is an overwhelming depression for people of all ages. Particularly when it comes to the toddlers, who cannot even speak properly, it becomes irritating. Since communication cannot be halted under any circumstances, how do you expect your kid to behave when he cannot communicate properly but wants to convey desperately?

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Well, he could start yelling and get arrogant in order to convince you to agree with his point and if you still cannot resemble the frequency, he might develop the issue of frequent crying.

This particular issue is also categorized into autism and frustration.

Internal StimuliThere is a sea of potential inside every child. When there is any obstacle in its flow, it often comes out as a behavioral issue, unjustified aggression mostly.

Moreover, some children have a very sensitive neurondistribution which exposes them to significantly high level of emotional attachment to a variety of triggers. Thus, enabling them to respond to certain triggers in the most obscure manner.

A Desperate CallWhenever we are not feeling upright and want others to notice our stance on something, we use actions. Some of us do use words as well but the dependence on actions at such moments is relatively high. The cases are not so different when it comes to children.

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When a child is upset or wants to raise a cry against something, he is most likely to exhibit that through his behavior. Suppose that your kid feels insecure from an elder sibling. How do you expect him to react? In usual cases, he would certainly start beating him or start crying when he comes in front of you. That is the trigger where you must realize his problem.

There are a variety of triggers for an obscure and even explicit behavior by the children. Some of the behaviors have apparent triggers while some are just the representation of an underlying reason. However, the most obvious reason is the environmental factor, where a child does not find himself as the best fit for a particular environment, or rather he cannot settle in an environment. This leads to an over growing frustration, highly responsible for depriving him off a sensible behavior.

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Best Solutions for Handling Toddler


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Best Solutions for Handling Toddler Behavior

Toddlers are innocent, yet they are very sharp when it comes to exhibiting their emotions. Since it follows a particular pattern and is systematic, therefore the parents are also bound to treat it in the same way to deprive their kids of possessing any poor habit(s).

Talk to ThemLet us take an example and then proceed. Consider that your child disturbs a lot while you are on call.

In such cases, parents either tend to ignore them or hand over a toy so that the child stays busy instead of disturbing them.

What does that do? It merely stops them from paying attention to you, but the behavioral problem is never sabotaged. In order to encounter such problems, you should talk to them, or rather instruct them in a very well-defined tone.

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Let’s relate the example once again. When you are about to get on a call, talk to your child and tell him that you are about to talk to someone, which is important and they must not interrupt. The tone matters a lot. So, it should not be buttery.

InterruptRemember, you are the parent and the only one responsible for molding your child’s aura. If he is showing any aggression, you are not supposed to let the thread slide. Instead, react in the most appropriate and befitting manner to bring it to halt.Suppose that your kid fights while playing and is a potential threat to someone else’s apple of the eye. Would you just watch it happening? You are rather bound to confront and scold him at that moment. Once it gets over, then talk to him politely, while explaining the negative aspects as well. But intervention from any of the parents is very important under such circumstances.

Maintain an Eye ContactKids notice a lot. Particularly when it comes to reading facial gestures of the parents. Whenever you want to prohibit your child from doing something, or even if you want them to do something positive, do not just throw orders on the wall. Walk to the child, take them into confidence and then discuss whatever you want to, while maintaining a concrete and comprehensive eye contact with them. It proves them that you certainly possess an upper hand, which is very important.

Set up Some RulesProvide an atmosphere of ‘nest’. Children learn ethics and elementary code of conduct from their home. If that is absent, how and why do you expect them to be responsible and mannered?

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Therefore, you have a sheer responsibility to set up some miniature rules within the house and make your kids abide by it. Talk to them about the importance of each predicate, and the value of rules in general as well.

They should be made aware of the penalties that they shall face in the case of violating any law. Now, you are not supposed to start beating your kid as a punishment. The punishments should be least strenuous, and the aim should only be to make them realize the importance of following the rules and be a good human being.

Be ReceptiveHere is the core skill that the parents should master. Instead of focusing on their productive skills, parents should rather focus on their receptive skills. It gives them an opportunity to listen and comprehend to what their children are signaling. They do signal at regular intervals and if the signals are ignored, which happens most of the times, the kids do feel it. If it continues to happen for a prolonged time, it stimulates them to go aggressive or confine themselves within a specified territory.

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Be bold with your children and take them into confidence over all matters. They do have special needs which need to be catered by the parents. Never underestimate their power, for they notice even more than the teenage spies. If they do not get attached to something, they would start banging everything around.

There is yet another thing that parents need to confront. Children often lie. That’s natural when they do not find the environment suitable to their needs, but it is not encouraged at all. Once again, it could be confronted by taking them into confidence. If you leave it on them, they would lie once and then even if you try to intervene, the habit would persist.

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How to Deal with Conduct

Disorder in Children

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How to Deal with Conduct Disorder in Children

Blame it on media, technology, lazy routine or the over occu-pied schedule of parents, but the conduct disorder is one of the leading problems in modern societies. What strikes your mind when you think of the word ‘conduct’? A behavior? Yes, you got it right, and what comes into your mind when you think about ‘disorder’? Certainly, an anomaly in the behavior.

So, let us put it straight now. A conduct disorder is an anomaly in behavior that sets a person away from social activities and he develops an array of symptoms which hinder him from mingling in different communities.

Since it is gauged upon the impact of your behavior on society, the conduct disorder has a variety of perspectives.

Unjustified AggressionWe often get angry, and that is perfectly natural. In fact, if we do not get angry on particular events, then that must be an alarming situation.

But when the aggression has no apparent root or the cause is lame enough to be explicitly termed as ‘stupid’, it is pretty safe to browse such conduct in the dictionary of disorders. Whether you are harming humans or animals, it is an utterly insane act which cannot be justified, whatever the reason be.

It does not end here. Even if you violate someone’s privacy, it

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is considered as a mistake or a crime at first but if it persists, then there certainly is a behavioral disorder with you.

Another form of aggression is seen when the kid starts going to the School. Bullying is a norm in our society that we must overcome before it eats the talent. It is particularly practiced by the children of grade 6 and 7 where they are hit by puberty.It should be dealt with at elementary stages. Parents should not wait for their kids to exhibit such attitude. Instead, they must cultivate the habits which force their kids to stay away from any unjustified aggression.

Destructive BehaviorBehavioral conduct is not only related to harming the living beings. Even if the kids harm someone’s property, it is very safe to assume or even conclude it as the symptom of a behavioral disorder.

Think about it. Why would a normal person ever want to harm someone else’s property? This is highly unethical, and it must be dealt with politely. But if the situation persists, then there is no harm in dealing with the kid strictly. The foremost practice in this niche comes from the house. Parents should talk to their children about maintaining their belongings and everyone else’s belongings as well. While you stop your kids from doing something, be sure to give reasonable logics to prove yourself right. Like in this case, they must be taught about some serious criminal offenses that might be filed against them.

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Apart from these two major categories, there are a variety of other problems that could be classified as conduct disorder. For instance, skipping the school is considered very ordinary nowadays but that is the trigger point which leads the children towards exploring more loopholes. There is something that urges them to leave the school and the frequency is also a noticeable factor. If a child skips his school occasionally, then it is not absurd, but if it has become a routine, then the parents must implement some checks to halt it down.

Another great issue that has nourished parallel to modernism, is the excessive use of drugs. This has soaked down the kids. Even sixth graders are pretty much intro drugs, and this leads them towards a dead end. They do not only harm their health but get so much dependent that their studies are also affected.Surveys have shown that not only boys but the girls have also developed a variety of conduct disorders. However, there is a considerable difference in the patterns of disorders in both of the genders. Where boys tend to show aggression, the girls usually go for mood swings, class bunking, school-skipping. Although some of the symptoms are very ordinary, but the parents should pay attention to all of them before the monster starts nourishing.

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Tips to Give Your Child a Happy


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Tips to Give Your Child a Happy Lifestyle

Apart from all the therapies and an array of rehabilitation pro-grams across the table, there is always some room for the parents to take over the nurturing phase of their kids and help them groom well, by using long-term rational techniques.

Control Your NervesIt is a mess to handle naughty children. Particularly if they start misbehaving as well. Most of the parents tend to lose control and shout over the children. In a number of cases, they even beat their kids. Do you really think that it would stop them from doing what they desire?

NO! It would just encourage them to do the same thing while

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Apart from all the therapies and an array of rehabilitation pro-grams across the table, there is always some room for the parents to take over the nurturing phase of their kids and help them groom well, by using long-term rational techniques.

Control Your NervesIt is a mess to handle naughty children. Particularly if they start misbehaving as well. Most of the parents tend to lose control and shout over the children. In a number of cases, they even beat their kids. Do you really think that it would stop them from doing what they desire?

NO! It would just encourage them to do the same thing whileensuring that you are away. That is an even bigger disaster for the parents. Therefore, you should never be arrogant (be least arrogant) when it comes to the teaching process. Beware that the children might throw a number of justifications when you stop them from something. You should not be rude and accept their thoughts as well.

Focus on Long-Term ProductivityYou are literally dooming yourself and the kid if you specifically train his mind for a particular event. Think on a broader canvas. You are responsible for making him feel confi-dent and ultimately become a fairly reasonable human being. How would you achieve that? Do you really think it is conceivable by preparing him for a particular phase of life?

See, when you inculcate a habit or lifestyle within your child, it tends to last throughout his life So, it is always better to give him something concrete. Even if you have to skip and ignore a few things, just do that. It does not matter when you are going

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Find the PositivityNapoleon was a great warrior of his time, and once he said: "Give me enough medals, and I will win you any war". Provided that he was a man of great caliber and dignity. What does it imply? It simply means that even one of the strongest men in history required an appreciation for his productivity and positivity.

Same is the case with everyone, particularly the kids. No doubt, the parents are allowed to scold or be strict with their kids, but it just serves the time, not the child. As a bottom line, the parents should appreciate each and every positivity within their child. Even if is not relevant to the context, it must be credentialed to give them some boost in order to enhance their confidence and creativity.

Use Rules and Rewards/Punishments StrategyNow this is very important. Even at home, you should provide a very basic yet necessary level of social ethics. This is to ensure that the kids align themselves on the track before hitting the market of professionals.

The parents should incorporate a number of basic rules within their house premises and the children must be taught about their importance. If any of them abrogates or violates it, he should be given the punishment and if someone follows it, he

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In order to shape up the young minds positively, it is very important to focus more on the rewards and least on the punishments. This is important to prevent the development of any irrational phobia.

Two Ears and One Tongue – Appreciate the Ratio!Remember that the children would never follow your words. They would go after your actions. So, while dealing with them, you must be receptive, instead of being productive. It means that even though you have to teach them, but they have a lurking sea inside their innocent minds and loving hearts. That is why you should allow them to exhibit every inch of their creativity. It would not only show them that you care but they would develop a sense of importance towards listening more to others as well. As a result, you would produce peace loving and tolerant human beings.

If you really want to give your child a happy lifestyle, then working on small terms would not bring them any pleasure. It would merely enhance their timely skills, but the inculcation of a comprehensive behavior would be halted, which must be your very first priority under all circumstances.

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ConclusionIt is quite evident that the foremost responsibility of nurturings kid's habits falls on the shoulders of parents. Throughout the content, the focus has been to overcome the ‘roots' of any behavioral disorder instead of just suppressing the symptoms. Because the symptom is not the reason, but the underlying truth that triggers the symptom is a real trigger. It should be noted that the steps you take in order to eliminate any awkwardbehavior off your child, should be visionary.

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