




Belgrade, 2012.



Based on article 38. and article 53. paragraph 3. item 1. of the Sports Law

of the Republic of Serbia (“Official gazette of RS number 24/2011), the Founding assembly of the Belgrade Association for sports animation and sports recreation on

the assembly held on April 2nd

2012. has adopted the


Of the Belgrade Association for sports animation and sports recreation

I Basic provisions

Article 1.

The Belgrade Association for sports animation and sports recreation

(hereinafter: Association) is a voluntary, nongovernment,nonpolitical and nonprofit

sports-reacreational organization –the Association of the city of Belgrade. The Association joins with the city’s sports associations that have similar

programmes relating to the field of of recreation and sports animation, the city and municipal sports and sports-recreation associations and sports centers .

Other interested organizations that contribute or can make contribution to the development and improvement of sports, sports recreation and sports animation can join into the Association.

1. The name and headquarters od the Association

Члан 2.

The name of the Association is: Belgrade Association for sports animation and sports recreation. The abreviation for this is: Belgrade Association for animation and

recreation-BSAR. In a foreign language (english): Belgrade Association of sports animation and sports recreation * Headquarters and in blegrade, ул. Азањска 27а**.



2. Area of activity

Article 3.

The Association does the work and activities at reaching the goals of the statute on the entire teritory of Belgrade.

3. Legal status

Article 4.

The Association is a legal entity with rights, obligations and responsibilities established by the Law and this Statute.

4. Stamp, seal and flag

Article 5.

The Association has a round shaped seal, with a circularly written title and

in the middle is a stylized hallmark of the Association. The Association has a rectanglular shaped stamp with the name on it and a place designated for the numbers and dates. The Association has its symbol, logo and other insignia, whose appearance

is determined by the Assembly of the Association. The Association has a a flag, the appearance of which is determined by the Board of Directors.

5. Membership in other associations and alliances on the national and

international level

Article 6.

The Association can enroll itself into according national and international sports and sports-recreation organizations and associations according to goals and

tasks decided upon by the Board of Directors.

6. Representation and presentation

Article 7.

The Association is represented and presented by the President and General Secretary of the Association.



By decision of the Board of Directors other persons can be chosen to present and represent the given authorizations with all the rights and responsibilities in the determined limits.

7. Prohibition of discrimination

Article 8.

Every kind of discrimination towards persons within the jurisdiction of the Association is prohibited, in the cases of personal attributes, status, orientation or belief, in accordance to the law.

Freedom and human and citizens rights violation is not permitted within the Association and its members.

II Goals and content of the Association’s activities

1. Goals

Article 9.

The goal of the Association is to:

- Through its work to contribute to the development and promotion of

sports in Belgrade; - To increase the number of citizens that participate in sports, sports

recreation, sports animation, and especially children, young people, women and people with disabilities;

- To promote the educational function and upbringing function of sport, fair play, understanding, tolerance and responsibility through sports;

- to do work that ensures conditions for monitoring, developing and enhancing mass-recreation sports, school sport and disabled persons sports;

- to create conditions for continual growth and enhancment of the

programme of sports recreation and sports animation in: sports-recreation and other organizations and institutions, local communities and enterprizes, childrens institutions, schools and universities, sports-recreation fitness and wellness centers, mountaneering, sokolskim,

youth groups, scouts and tourist-catering organizations, as well as the organizations involved in hunting and fishing;

- do other work in accordance to the Sports law, Strategy ofsports development in the Republic of Serbia, city of Belgrade and this Statute



2. Content of activities

Article 10.

The Association realizes its goals through: 1) creating conditions for the development of sports in the city of Belgrade; 2) organizing massive sports-recreational manifestations and competitions; 3) supporting the constructing and maintaining sports facilities;

4) permanent proffessional education and the refining of sports experts and experts within sports recreation, sports animation and sports;

5) providing assistance to its members in the improvement of their proffessional training;

6) encouraging the work of its members by giving awards and recognition for extraordinary sports results and to the contribution to the development and enhancing of recreational sports in city of Belgrade;

7) coordinating the activities of the members of the Association;

8) representing the common interests of its members before the city and state bodies and bodies of local self-government;

9) self publishing and supporting other noted publishings for the growth of sports in Belgrade and the advancment of sports science and technical

research in sport; 10) achieving international sports cooperation; 11) popularising sports in the media, educational institutions and other


12) taking measures to prevent negative phenomena in sports (doping, violence and misconduct, falsification of sports results);

13) taking care to protect the health of athletes; 14) encouraging participating in sports, especially women, children, youth,

the elderly and disabled within in their field of activity; 15) supporting preschool and school sports; 16) activities to strengthen ethics in sport and sportsmanship among its

members and the establishment of rules of conduct in their relations;

17) assisting its members in the areas of marketing, networking with businesses, introducing new methods of work and business, obtaining business information, etc.;

18) monitoring whether the work of members of the Association are in

accordance with the law, Statute and general acts of the Association and their statutes and general acts and helping the members to address shortcomings in work and resolving disputes that threaten the accomplishment of the objectives of the Association 's members;

19) organization of joint services; 20) proposing the annual and special programs for financing from public

funds and budget, in accordance with the law; 21) organizing professional training for sports experts and experts in sports

recreation and sports animation, for needs of the Association and its




22) specialized sports-recreation programmes for children, youth, women, disabled and handicapped persons;

23) other activities and measures that contribute to the realization of the objectives of the Union and achieving the position defined by the Law

on Sports and Sports Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia. Achieving the objectives of the Association shall be regulated by the

appropriate general acts passed by the competent authorities of the Association in accordance with this Statute.

The Association can, in order to achieve the activities listed in the first paragraph of this Article, establish a company, institution or other statutory form of organization in the country and abroad, alone or with other legal entities and individuals.

3. Proffessional work

Article 11.

Professional work within the Association and the members of the

Association may only be conducated by persons who have the appropriate sports title in accordance with the Law (sports experts and professionals in sport).

Sports experts in paragraph 1 of this Article are obliged to develop professionally in accordance with the law and general acts of the Union.

4. Engaging in sports activities and sports work

Article 12.

The Association and all members of the Association in performing sports activities and sports work, are particularly engaged in the affirmation of the spirit of Olympism, encouraging fair play, improving the educational and professional work in sports, promoting and giving affirmation to voluntary work in sport, fighting

falsification, supressing violence and doping in sport. The Association and members of the Association achieve their goals and

perform sport activities in accordance with the law, sports rules of the Association and to its bylaws.

The Association and members of the Association are required to ensure that the practice of sport is a humane, free and voluntarily, healthy and safe, in accordance to the natural environment and social environment, fair, tolerant, ethicaly acceptable, responsible, free of abuse and objectives that are contrary to the

spirit of sport and accessible to all citizens on an equal footing, regardless of age, level of physical fitness, degree of possible disability, gender and other personal characteristics.



III Membership in the Association

Article 13.

The Association and members of the Association operate as a unified system of Sport in Belgrade and the Republic of Serbia. In achieving the goals and objectives, members of the Association

independently govern their internal organization and work, make and implement development programs, organize competitions for which they are responsible and accomplish other goals and tasks set out by their plans and the plans of the Alliance.

The organization and work of the members of the Association shall be regulated by their statutes, in accordance with the Act and the rules of the Association. Membership in the Association can not be transferred.

Article 14.

Only another sity sports Association within a certain branch of sports can

become a member of the Association. Organizations who deal in a wider or narrower form of sporting activity in the territory of the local government (city, municipal and private initiatives levels) can become involved with the Association.

With the same territory, only a city Association can become a member of the Association.

Article 15.

Membership within the Association can be achieved provided that the organization is registered in accordance with the Law, if it shows a written statement that it accepts the Statute of the Association, and if it fulfills, by the Law

and its bylaws, the regulated requirements for the performance of sport activities.

Article 16.

The Association has the following types of membership: regular, helping and honor.

- Regular members are entitled to participate in the selection in choosing

the body of the Association and being elected into that body - Helping members of the union have the right to participate in the work

of the Assembly of the Association and to express their views, opinions and suggestions;

- Honored members have an advisory role



Article 17.

Regular members of the Association are sports organizations in the Association that are actively involved in the organization and implementation of the

programme of the Association and engaged in sports and recreational activities for which the association is registered, experts involved in the Association (sports professionals and experts in sport), and persons elected into the bodies of the Association and the workers employed by the Association.

Article 18.

Helping members can be persons and legal entities that are ready to

permanently assist the Association in acheiving its statuatory goals and tasks. Helping members have the right to use objects and services of skilled

workers of the Association, under the conditions sipulated by the Decidion of the Boards of Directors of the association.

Article 19.

An honored member can be a person who has contributed with their work to

the work and development of the Association, as well as a person who has considerable merits in the enhancing of sport and recreation.

1. Way of becoming a member

Article 20.

Application for membership into the Association is submitted in written form to the Board of Directors of the Association. With the application one must enclose: A decision about joining with the Association, a copy of their Statute, a copy of the copy of the decision on

registration with the state body and the completed questionnaire to the members of the Book. The admission to membership in the Association is decided by the Board of Directors at the next meeting of this body.

In the case of rejection of application for admission, an applicant may file a complaint with the Court of Arbitration of Sports Association of Serbia, whose decision is final.

Members rights and obligations

Article 21.



A member has a right to:

- Bring up and consider all questions regarding the completion of goals of the Association;

- Use the help, support and services of the Association, to a degree that does not harm the interests of other members of the Association;

- To partiucipate in activities and get insight into the work of the Association and its bodies.

- To participate in the activities of the Association.

A member shall:

- Fully respect all its general acts as well as the acts of the Association; - Participate in activities of the Association within the limit of its

possibilities; - Harmonize its Statute and other general acts with the Statute and

general acts of the Association; - Protect the reputation of the Association, its members and its own

reputation; - Ensure transparency, give objective membership information and

cooperate with other members of the Association in accordance with the law and their statutes.

2. Manner of participating in work and decision making

Article 22.

A member participates in the work of the Association, and a regular member participates in the deciding in the bodies of the Association through its representatives.

Persons representing the Association must posess a written authorisation sealed with the stamp of the Association and signed by the authorized representative.

3. Book of members and other records

Article 23.

The Association and its members keep records of their members (book of members), and other basic records, in accordance with the sports Law.



4. Termination of Membership

Article 24.

Membership from the Association is dissolved by a cecasion of work, withdrawal or exclusion from membership. Ceasation of work of an Association member is based on the decision of the competent government authority with which the member is removed from the

appropriate register. Withdrawal from membership of the Association is carried out only on the basis of a written statement by the Association member. Exclusion of an Association member is possible of the member is harming

the reputation of the Association with its activities, acting in opposition to the interest of the Association and its bodies, violating legal obligations, the Statute and other acts of the Association and its own general acts and stops fulfillinh the obligations and terms stipulated in the admission.

Before exclusion the Association Board of Directors is obliged to warn members on the circumstances that may cause them to be excluded from membership, and to grant a period of 2 (two) months to rectify mistakes. The decision to exclude an Association member is decided by the vote of

majority by the Board of Directors majority from the total number of memebers and is announced to the Association member in written form with an explanation attached . With termination the Association member ceases to be entitled to

participate in the activities of the Association.

IV Bodies of the Association

Article 25.

Members of the association manage through their elected representatives in the bodies of the association in a way determined by this Statute.

Article 26.

Bodies of the Association are: - Assembly - Board of Directors - The Supervisory Board

- President of the Association - The General Secretary



The mandate of the members of the bodies of the Association last 4 (four) years. In the case of a mandate of an Association body has expired, and new bodies

have not been chosen, the previously chosen bodies perform the duty until the newly elected authorities assume duty.

Persons who have been convicted of crimes can not perform the functions of the Association for the duration of the legal consequences of the conviction.

Article 27.

Members of the Association are jointly responsible for the damage caused by the decision of the Association, if such a decision was made intentionally or recklessly, the damage does not correspond to absent members and those who were against the adverse decision or abstained from voting.

A member of the Association’s body does not have a right to vote in the cases when it comes to initiating or terminating the litigation pending against him in a conflict of interest in the affairs between him and the Association.

1. Assembly

1.1 Composition, election and term of office mandate

Article 28.

The Association Assembly is the supreme body of the Association.

The Assembly consists of one representative of the regular members of the Association (members of the Assembly). A regular member representative of the Association in the Assembly can be his representative or some other person can based on a written authorization issued by the Association member, that has been

verified with the stamp of the Association member and signed by a representative of the Association member.The authorization is issued for every Assembly session.

Participants in the work of the Assembly can be honored and helping members (one of each), as well as representatives, by invitation of the President of

the Association, other organizations and government agencies. 1.2 The Assembly’s authority and ways of convening

Article 29.

The Assembly:

- Determines the basis of the four-year programme of development of the Association and the guidelines for their implementation;



- Decides and changes the Statute of the Association and the Assembly Rules of Procedure and other documents (resolutions, decisions and solutions) in concurrance to this Statute;

- Choses and dismisses the President of the Association, Vice President

of the Association, members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board;

- Considers and decides on the Report on the work and the financial report of the Association, the Board of Directors and other working

bodies of the Association; - Names and dismisses the General Secretary on a four-year mandate and

also the Assembly can decide to transfer this onto the Association Board of Directors;

- Approves the balance sheet but can also transfer this function to the Board of Directors of the Association for a more efficient and rational operations;

- - Decides on the dissolution of the Association;

Article 30.

The meeting of the Assembly is convened by the President of the Association, and if he is unable to do so the Vice President that he has given authorization to at least once a year or when needed, on his own initiative, on the suggestion of the Board of Directors or on the demand of at least 1/2 of the

members of the Association, the meeting of the Assembly, at the request of the members must be called 30 days at the latest since the filing of the request. In the case of absence for any reason of the persons and bodies stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article, the session of the Assembly may be convened by the

Supervisory Board or the Board of Directors of the Association. The election session of the Assembly is held every 4. (fourth) year. Usually it is convened no later than 2 (two) months before the expiration of his term, and at least 60 (sixty) days after the expiration of the mandate of elected bodies.

Materials for the meeting will be sent as a rule 2 (two) weeks prior to the meeting, or at least 7 (seven) days prior to the meeting.

1.3 Assembly decisions

Article 31.

A valid Assembly decision is made if the meeting is attended by more than half the members of the Assembly with the notarized power of attorney issued by the Association. A power of attorney is issued for each session of the Assembly. If at the scheduled time for the start of the session of the Assembly half of the members of the Assembly are not present in accordance with paragraph 1 this

Article, the start is delayed for 30 minutes after which the session is held with the presence of representatives of members of the Assembly but the minimal number



of participants that must be greater than 1/3 of the Assembly to make valid decisions, except in cases where that is differently regulated by the Statute.

The Assembly decides by vote of majority of members present. For deciding on adoption, amendments or additions to the Statute requires

the majority of the total number of members of the Assembly of the Association. A work session of the Assembly shall be kept and signed by the President of the Association and recording secretary. Work of the Meeting of the Association is more closely regulated by the

Rules of procedure.

2. Board of Directos

2.1 Composition and election

Article 32.

The Board of Directors consists of the :

1. President

2. Vice President 3. 5 (five) members

President of the Association is also the ex officio president of the Board of

Directors. The Board members are elected and dismissed by the Assembly of the

Association, at the proposal of the President of the Association for a period of four years, so that the structure of the members of the Board provides representation in

all areas of sport andcorresponds to the structure of the Association’s members. The same person may be re-elected to the Board of Directors of the

Association. At least one-fifth of the members of the Board must be women.

Member of the Board of Directors mandate stops in the case of: death, resignation, dismissal and termination of membership in the Association through the Association member whose authority was included at the time of the election. The Steering Committee notes the conditions for the termination of membership of

the Board of Directors. President of the Association determines a specific charge for each member

of the Board of Directors. The Assembly of the Association may be prematurely discharge a member

of the Board and in its place choose another person. The mandate of the newly elected members of the Board's mandate lasts as long as other previously elected members.



2.2 Jurisdiction of the Board of Directors

Article 33.

The Board of Directors:

- Executes the findings and decisions of the Assembly and files the Assembly reports;

- Prepares and determines the drafts and propositions of development programs under the jurisdiction of the Assembly and makes operational plans for their execution;

- Proposes the Association Statute, Rules of Procedure and other

normative acts within the jurisdiction of the Assembly and amendments thereto;

- By jurisdiction of the Assembly adopts an annual program and financial plan and adopts the final accounts of the Association;

- Makes decisions on the admission of new members; - Adopts and amends acts of general importance for the Association

excepting the Association Statute and the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of theAssociation;

- Establishes and develops cooperation with national republic bodies and other organizations, and by submitting requests for more effective resolutions of the current issues in the fields of sports animation and sports recreation;

- Following the decision of the Assembly the General Secretary is elected for a term of 4 years;

- Organizes meetings, training and conferences of mutual interest; - Decides on the protection and security of the property of the

Association; - Makes decisions on membership enrollment and termination of

membership in the Association to other organizations; - Makes decisions on awards, honors and prizes to organizations and

individuals in accordance with a special general act ; - Performs other duties , under the authority of the Assembly, established

by this Statute and the Rules of Procedure.

The Board of Directors can, for the sake of better execution of programme tasks, form Comissions and other working bodies of a proffessional and advisory nature.

2.3 Meetings of the Board of Directors

Article 34.



The Board of Directors meet and make decisions in meetings convened by the President, or if he can not attend the Vice President who is authorized by the President or another member authorized by the President.

Meetings of the Board of Directors, are held usually at least once every 4 (four) months. The Board of Directors can make decisions if more than half of all members are present, and decisions are made by a simple majority vote of members present.

In the case of a divided vote, the vote of the President breaks the tie. In the event that the Board does not have a quorum needed for decision-making, the President or Vice President shall, in the case of emergency, convene, no later than 3 (three) days, a new session with the same agenda. The Board of

Directors may when reconvened decide by majority vote of the members present. The Board of Directors can, in accordance with the Rules of Precedure, make decisions on urgent matters, except for the adoption of general laws, and at the meeting held in connection with the use of electronic means of communication

(ie electronic sessions). The Board of Directors can, in accordance with the Rules of Precedure, and on the written proposal of the President decide outside of the meeting, except for the adoption of by-laws. If a member of the Board does not respond to the proposal

of the President's decision within the prescribed period, it shall be deemed he gave consent.

3. Supervisory Board

Article 35.

The Supervisory Board is a supervising body of the Association that that monitors the use of funds and the legality of activities and reviews the draft of the final account of the Association.

Article 36.

The Supervisory Board consists of three (3) members appointed and dismissed by the Assembly of the Association.

Members of the Supervisory Board elect the President from their own ranks. The mandate of members of the Supervisory Board lasts 4 (four) years and may be terminated prior to the expiration of resignation or by impeachment.

Members of the Supervisory Board may be re-elected to only one more mandate. Meetings of the Supervisory Board are convened and managed by the President, and the Supervisory Board makes decisions by majority vote of the members of the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board shall submit to the Assembly an Annual Report on their four year work.



Article 37.

The Supervisory Board may appoint an auditor with supervisory authority

specified in accordance with the accounting and auditing.

4. President of the Association

Article 38.

The President of the Union is the ex officio Chairman of the Board and elected by the Assembly for a term of 4 (four) years with the possibility of re-

election. President of the Association answers to the Assembly with his work. If the Assembly does not adopt the Association's annual report on the work of the Association, they shall have a vote of confidence (removal) of the President

of the Association. If the President of the Association resigns or is removed, the Vice President assumes operations and shall, in no later than 3 (three) months, convene an emergency Election Assembly.

Article 39.

President of the Association shall do the following:

- Represent and present the Association; - Convenes and presides at meetings of the Assembly and the Board of

Directors; - Take care of execution of programs, plans and conclusions of the

Assembly and the Board of Directors; - Make contracts and performs other legal actions;

- Is the financial legislator for the realisation of the financial plan of the Assocation;

- Determines the proposal of general acts and decisions of the Board of Directors of the Association;

- Submits to the Board of Directors and the Assembly a Work report and an Annual Report, which includes his work and the work of the Board.

The Vice President of the Board of Directors, authorized by the president,

replaces all the rights and duties of the President during his absence.

Article 40.

Persons who, through their work in the sports animation and sports

recreation in the Republic of Serbia deserve it, may be declared honorary President



by the Assembly, with the right to participate work of the Assembly and the Board of Directors of the Association, without the right to vote.

5. General Secretary

Article 41.

Secretary General of the Association shall be appointed and dismissed by the Assembly of the Association if by Assembly decision these responsibilities

have not been not transferred to the Board of Directors, and if it is not otherwise regulated by this Statute. The General Secretary is chosen from prominent sports experts or specialists in sports with extensive experience in and knowledge of the orientation program of the Association, on the local, national and international

level, and who has a university degree and knowledge of a foreign language. The mandate of the Secretary-General lasts 4 (four) years and he may be reappointed. The General Secretary is responsible to the Assembly for his work and to

the Board of Directors in accordance with paragraph 1 this article.

Article 42.

General Secretary of the Associations - Represents and presents the Association;

- Makes contracts and performs other legal actions; - Is responsible for the legality of work of the Association; - Gives the financial warrant for the implementation of the realisation of

the Association’s financial plan;

- Takes responsiblity for the preparations of sessions of the bodies of the Association and execution of the decisions and other acts of those bodies;

- Organizes and controls the professional activities of the Association and

takes measures for the improvement of these activities; - Takes care of managing the minutes of the sessions of the the

Association; - Decides on the individual rights, obligations and responsibilities of the

employees of the Association; - Approves official travel within the country and abroad; - Participates in the work of the Assembly and the Board of Directors;

Performs other tasks assigned to him in accordance with the Statute and other general acts of the Association.

Conflict of interest and prohibition of competition

Article 43.



The General Secretary , members of the Association and bodies are obliged to act diligently, carefully and responsibly towards the Association, in accordance with the general laws of the Association.

Persons referred to in paragraph 1 this article, who have a personal interest, may not use the Association for personal enrichment, or personal needs. The General Secretary, an employee and members of the Association shall not directly or indirectly engage in a competitive organization in the field of sports.

Settlement of Disputes

Article 44.

Association disputes are resolved through peaceful means.

If the dispute can not be resolved in the manner mentioned in the preceding paragraph, an arbitral tribunal shall be appointed, consisting of three members

consisting of one representative participating in the dispute, which appoint the Arbitrator who is a lawyer, and in the absence of agreement the Arbitrator is appointed by the President of the Association. Material-financial disputes, if not resolved by arbitration, shall be resolved

through the normal court route in accordance with law.

V Forms of organization and work

Article 45.

Forms of organization and work of the Association are: boards, committees,

and other sections. Scope, jurisdiction, composition and operation of individual organizational units and forms of work shall be determined by general acts adopted by the Board of Directors, and be carried out by:

1. The programme Director 2. Boards and commissions appointed by the Board of Directors.

Article 46.

The Association can have the following boards and committees:

- Expert Committee

- Committee for urgent matters - Committee for International Cooperation - Commission for the development of sports and animation and recreation

sports - Commission for Propaganda and Public Relations

- Commission for Legislative activity - Committee for Marketing and Public Relations



The Board and the Commission consist of: - The President appointed and dismissed by the Board of Directors of the


- Two to four members of the Board of Commission -appointed and dismissed by the Board if Directors of the Association on the proposal of the President of the Board of Commission

The mandate of the President and members of the Board of Commission is-4 (four) years.

VI Professional Service

Article 47.

For the performance of professional, administrative, financial and ancillary activities, the Association has Proffessional Service. Professional Service business is managed by the Association President and

General Secretary of the Association. Persons engaged in the Professional Service of the the Association, in accordance with the work they perform, are entitled to adequate compensation or wages and other benefits if they are employed in the Association.

Performance of specific tasks under paragraph 1 of this article, the Association Board of Directors may be delegated to appropriate professional institutions and organizations, and individuals.

VII General Act

Article 48.

General acts of the the Association are the Statute, regulations and decisions which, in general terms, regulate specific issues.

Proposal to amend the Statute must be submitted to the members of the Assembly at least 15 (fifteen) days prior to the meeting of the Assembly. The amendments to the draft Statute or Statute amendments and additions shall be submitted to the Assembly in writing no later than 3 (three) days before the

meeting of the Assembly. The Statutes changes or amendments will be approved by a majority of the total number of delegates to the Assembly by a vote. The decision is made if the proposal is positively accepted for the majority of the total number of members of the Association.

The manner of making the Statute, Statute amendments and additions shall be specified in the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly.



General acts issued by the Association’s Board of Directors are adopted by vote of majority of the members of the Board. Public hearings shall be conducted only on the Draft Statute of the Association.

Article 49.

The Statute and other general acts of the members of the Association shall

be in compliance with the Act and the Statute and general acts of the Association, for they are otherwise invalid. In the case of conflict between the provisions of the Statute and other general acts of an Association member the provisions of the Statute are directly

applied, or the general acts of the Association.

Article 50.

Decisions as individual acts that are adopted by the bodies and the authorized persons in the Association shall be in accordance with the general act of the Association and the Law, on the contrary they are null and void. Decisions as individual acts brought by the bodies of members the

Association shall be in accordance with the Act, general regulations and general acts of the Association, otherwise they are void.

VIII Statute changes

Article 51.

Decisions on statute changes are made in accordance with the Law on Sports, the Assembly of the Association, on the proposal of the Board of Directors, and by majority of the total members of the Assembly.

The Board of Directors of the Association can with a two-thirds majority of all its members, decide on a status change by direct vote (referendum) of Association memebers. On the direct vote on behalf of the Association a member the Association, a representative of the Association member or a person with a

special power of attorney certified by the stamp of the Association and signed by a representative of the Association thas the right to vote. The decision is made when the majority of the total members decide to keep the draft.

IX Anti-doping rules

Article 52.



Doping is contrary to the fundamental principles of sports and medical ethics.

Doping is forbidden, both in competitions and outside competitions.

Doping is considered to be any activity specified in the Law on the Prevention of doping in the sport of the Republic of Serbia.

The Association's Board of Directors determines the anti-doping rules, in accordance with the Law on the Prevention of doping in sport.

All direct and indirect members of the Association are bound by the obligations under the Act on the Prevention of doping and anti-doping rules of the Association.

For violating anti-doping rules, the responsible entity shall be given an

appropriate sentence in accordance with the Law on the Prevention of doping in sport and general acts of the Association. Doping Control is conducted by the Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia, in accordance with the Law on the Prevention of doping in sport.

X Property and assets

Article 53.

The Association gets funding to realize its goals from:

- Revenues from its own activities;

- Sponsorships; - Donations; - Public revenue; - Immediate performance of economic and other activities in accordance

with the Act; - Revenue of companies, institutions, agencies and other organizations

with which the Association works or is their founder or co-founder; - The entry fees;

- Membership fees; - Budget of the Republic of Serbia through the Ministry of Youth and

Sports based on the programs offered, as well as funds from non-governmental organizations for development projects in the field of

their activities; - Other sources in accordance with the Law.

Facilities and resources available and attained by the The Association are its

assets. The President of the Association is the financial principal for managing the

funds of the Association. The Association has a domestic and foreign currency account and operates

independently through its accounts.

Profits realized by the The Association during the financial year are solely used for the realization of statutory objectives of the Association.



Article 54.

The Association manages and uses the facilities and resources available or are are made available for use.

The Association can change the purpose of the sports facility which it uses only in exceptional periods and under the conditions stipulated by the sport.

The Association's facilities and resources may be available to, or used, by the members of the Association, under the conditions stipulated by the Board of Directors of the Association.

XI Responsibility for caused damage

Article 55.

Body Members the Association are jointly responsible for the damage, by voting for a particular decision they caused the Association gross negligence or it was with intent to cause damage. Damage from paragraph 1 of this article does not correspond to the

members who were absent were against or abstained. The provisions of paragraph 1 and 2 this article shall also apply to the decisions of the General Secretary.

XII Public work

Article 56.

The work of the Association is open to the public, in accordance with the Law and this Statute. The public work of the Association is ensured by public meetings of the

Body, publishing the decisions of the Body and timely and accurate informing of the public and members of the Association on the activities of the Association. A representative of the Association, who provides data and information concerning the work of the Association is responsible for its accuracy.

The views of the Association or its organs and bodies may be represented only by elected officials of the Association.

Article 57.

The Association has a Web site (page)and an electronic journal which publish information about the work, decisions and general acts of the Association.

The internet presentation and electronic magazine are official publications of the Association.



XIII Termination of Work

Article 58.

The Association will cease to work with the decision of the Assembly of the Association, adopting a two-thirds vote of the Assembly delegates. Decisions about termination of registration shall be notified to the competent authority, for removal from the registry.

In the event of termination of the The Association, the assets of the Association pass to an organization that realizes the same or similar objectives as the Association, and if there is no such organization, it passes onto the regular members of the Association.

XIV Transitional and Final Provisions

Article 59.

General Acts of the Association established by this Statute shall be made within 3 (three) months from the date the Statute enters into force.

Article 60.

This Statute shall enter into force 8 (eight) days from the date of publication of this Statute on the notice board of the Association.

President of the Assembly _______________________________ Ruzica Vjestica

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