
This summary is for general reference only and is intended to be referred to while meeting with a Shaliach. Differences in benefits may exist depending on circumstance. Benefits are given by various offices and may change from time to time.

Immediate benefits:1. Flight and baggage: (if Aliyah is arranged overseas) Arranged by: NBN- An Oleh organizing his/her Aliyah through a Jewish Agency Aliyah Shaliach while overseas will receive a one-way flight ticket and an incincreased baggage allowance.

2. Transport to first destination: (if Aliyah is arranged overseas)Arranged by: Misrad Haklita, Ben Gurion Airport- An Oleh is eligible to receive transport to their first destination in Israel.

3. Absorption Center: (if Aliyah is arranged overseas)Arranged by: Jewish Agency Aliyah Shaliach- Subsidized accommodations for up to 6 months in an Absorption Center

4. 4. Health insurance: Arranged by: Misrad Haklita, Post Office, Kupat Cholim- An Oleh who is not working is entitled to 1 year of free health insurance from his/her date of Aliyah. If employed he/she will be taxed in accordance with standard regulations.

5. Ulpan:Arranged by: Misrad Haklita- An Oleh is entitled to study in a full time Ulpan for 5 months for free.

6. 6. Sal Klita – The absorption basket:Arranged by: Misrad Haklita- Sal Klita is financial assistance paid, according to family size, over 7 months, to Olim who have been in Israel for no more than 18 months in the 3 years prior to their Aliyah. - The first payment is made at the airport, or at a branch of Misrad Haklita for an Oleh who does not receive a Teudat Oleh at the airport. Misrad Haklita arranges further payments upon receipt of bank account details.

Housing benefits:7. 7. Symbolic rental assistance:Arranged by: Automatically received at the end of first year of residence- Symbolic rental assistance is paid for 4 years directly to the bank account of the Oleh, starting at the beginning of the second year in Israel.- Single Olim receive NIS 223 per month during their 2nd, 3rd and 4th years and NIS 89 per month for a 5th year.- Couples receive the following: NIS 402 per month in the 2nd year, NIS 322 per month in the 3rd year, NIS 223 per month 4th year and NIS 99 per month in the 5th year.

Summary of Aliyah Benefits for Olim

8. Arnona: (Municipal tax) Arranged by: Local municipality- Olim are entitled to a reduction of up to 90% on 100 square meters of their Arnona bill for 12 out of their first 24 months as Olim. - In the event that they share the bill with an unentitled person they will receive a proportionate reduction.

9. Mortgage assistance:AArranged by: Mortgage Banks- Olim who are first time home buyers in Israel are eligible to assistance with a mortgage for 10 years from their date of Aliyah.

10. Mas Rechisha: (Property acquisition tax) Arranged by: Tax authorities, usually by a Lawyer- Olim are entitled to a reduction in the acquisition tax on a property purchased up to a year before and 7 years after their date of Aliyah.

Studying: 11. Studies:AArranged by: Student Authority (a division of Misrad Haklita)- Olim are entitled to assistance with their tuition fees if they begin their studies within 3 years of Aliyah, at recognized institutions and if age criteria are met: 23 Preparatory Program, 27 for Undergraduate Studies, 28 for Practical Engineer and 30 for Masters Studies.

Other tax breaks:12. TV tax:Arranged by: Broadcasting Authority- Free TV tax for up to 1 year, for each household with access to a TV within 2 years of Aliyah.

13. Income tax:Arranged by: Income tax authority or employer- - Olim are entitled to tax credits for 3 ½ years from date of Aliyah.

14. Customs:Arranged through: Customs Authorityi. Car benefits – purchase with a reduced tax within 3 years of Aliyah with certain conditions attached:• Must have a valid drivers license issued by country of origin prior to date of Aliyah, and, an Israeli license• Car cannot be sold for 1 year• Car cannot be sold without repaying taxes for 5 years, other than to another Oleh (“passport to passport”)•• Only Oleh and spouse may drive the car for 5 years ii. Shipping – up to 3 tax-free shipments of household goods in reasonable quantities for personal use for up to 3 years from date of Aliyah. Shipping costs are the responsibility of the Oleh.iii. Purchase of locally manufactured appliances - Tax-free purchase of appliances in reasonable quantities for personal use made by licensed Israeli manufacturers in Israel during a 3-year period from date of Aliyah.

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