




VOL No 6-No 23 GROSSE POINTF \llCHIGAN, FRJDAY, MAY 13 1932 By Mall $200 per year, Smgle 5 Cent.

Sacred Heart Semlllary s se tlorclass IS now preparlOg to stage OI1\.eTGoldsm~th s ll1comparable eo m e d yShe Srtoops to Conquer The sde'C

tIon of th1S dramatIc comedy IS 111 aceordanee With the ~e111lnary s tl aclltlOnthaJt every senIor c1a~s g.tagL some dasSIC work of Englllsh lltelature It willbe rproclluced three tlmes '1 mat necSaturday May 14 and a matlOee andeventng performance Su lday May 15They v. tll take place III the SemInaryAudt,rtortum Clueago boulevard <l.t L1n\lood

Despite ItS earty l11ueteenth centUl ysettlllg She 5toops to Conquer ISesscntIally a modern play udofar as ~tC'onstarutly appeals to an readers of theEnghls}1 cIasslcs and followers. of thele.'5'Ltlmate stage Adept a.t characterIzatlOn Goldsmith has gIven to Englt~hlIterature two characters 10 tr"lS playwho rank WIth the mo:,t famous 111 allLlterRiture Tony Lumpkll1 and MISHardcasde The f01mer \\111 be plaYedb} LOUIS Evon and the latter by MaurICe McLoughlIn

The play IS under thc -dIrection ofRev f< mmett Hanmck PP D ProfesiSor of Enghsh lItera.ture m the collcge department 9f the E111shas charge of th ... "1cke <1.1

rarngements and Andt't,w M cEniee %S

the busmess manager

Dad. of All comedies?The first romedy ever wrItten ac

cordIng to record was produced b,two Greeks 660 B C for whic.h theyrecelved a basket ot &gs and a quartot wine

A gigantic festIval mIl he b1ven bythc Madonna OUlld S:l!turday aftelnoonand eVtUlng "fay 14th at tit Na''llArmorv 011 East Jefferson and BelleIsle bndge

The afternoon program w1ll srtart ath' 0 0 clock "Ith musIc by the C""tlohcBo) s and GIrL&' Band anu laJter 1hevVebster Hall Boys Band v.lll play1 here wIll be entertainment by ~ellknOVl11 radIO performers and HerschelHart and Ole Foersch will app<,ar per"onalh And of &peC'IalImp01 tance tothe women will be an elaborate styleclto, ... 5taged by SIege1s featu~tng thetrown mod'Cls and a i1U"1lJer of s'OClaIlypromment votmg \\Omell

At Ight a 7v!ardI Gras spmt WIllpre'd I w1th many Cdrtl1\ a1 eventsD1.1iClI g '\\ 11start <liteight 0 clock andco 1tlnUe Ulllt1 Olle thIrty MUSI.c 1SbC.1tg contr~buted 1y Be'l't Stock sweM known rardlO 01 che<;tra From nmeuntIl ten there will be an mterml,:,slonl1l the danIC1l1g and four boxmg boutsMil be staged One \\ 111feature PeeWee Wlison formel bantamweIghtchampIOn who IS makIng a very -promIS1.tlgcampaign for further titular honor<; Another bout wlll feature the moSrtuntq'lle performer tha.t has been c.eenm DetrOIt nngs WaJlace Gamber whocombtOes boxmg ablhty pro" e,:,'5 anda genIUS for corned) HIS odd s<tyleand ta;ctlcs have made him a venrtablesensartlon durmg the past severalmOMhs

Not only WIll the Spnng FrolIc beone of the blgges.t enLcrtal11ment features of the season but a mo~t lughlvcommendable feat'l.1r IS that aU theproceeds WIll be t1:.ed to fepd needyschool chdldren The tntertalnmentwh1ch IS of the highest order has beendonate<1 because of the wuhng'1ess ofe-n'tertluners- to opetfot111 for the benefit of ht-tle ones

For twenty months the MadonnaGUtld a non sectanan orgalll7artlon1as been carrymg on thiS work MrsJames S FIsher 1S pre<;1denL t\SSlSt109 Mrs F~sher ~n the -program arrangements are Mrs Carl r Ht-S5 chalrman of the entertall ment cOllmltteeMrs Adolphe A Callie Mr.., HowardM Gl ant Mrs Wtr B Brady MrsClaude W Filer Mrs John Marklemvrrs Lee Fecteau Mrs Jules BunsMrs John F Ackerman Mrs Leon EBastendort' M ISiS' J eamllle BasJtene:tori\frs C M Ross Mh::> T RhmehardtMrs L ~hork Mrs C J Redly "ndfifty other workers

Col James M Pa,t' () Dea IS honorary chaIrman Commander ThorMonBloadlhead and Ralph H Gl aham .honOI"ary Vllce chalrmen and Phelp.., N ew~berry treasurer

Seminarians In SeniorClass Stage English

Classic May 14 and 15

Madonna Guild FrolicSaturday At ArmoryGamber in Exhibition

Dance and Card Party

C. M. T. C. Band StagesConcert at Orchestra

Hall: Public Invited

•••Mr and Mr. Theodore Hall Fuger

(VIrginia G Doyle) announce the birthof a son, May 5

Mr and Mrs Arthur J Rohde ofBeaupre road Grosse POinte Farmsare leavmg thIS week to spend thesummer months ~t Algon-alc wt thehome of Mrs Rhode s fa~her EdwardVer Lmde>n

On Friday evenmg the Young Lad1es Sodality of S-t Paul SWILl .,pon'lora card party and dance m trhe St Paul sschool audtttortUm 130 Grosse POInte1)Oulevard An mvlltatlOn has been e"Ctendeu to a.lq Grosse P01.l1Ite reSJdel1tsto attend as the committee In chargehas prepared a vaned rprogram that msures a good tIme to Rill m attendan"CeAdmtssIon pnce Will be 35 cents

• • •Mr and Mrs Gerald Hahn Will en-

tertain a few friends at cUnnerThurs-day evening In their home on Berk.shIre road, Grosse POinte

• • •

Byo-hy Deo

• • •Mrs H Rohert Stoepel of Lakeland

,avenue" Grosse POinte Vll1age, WIthher children arrived home jSlaturde.yf"om Palm Springs, Cal, where theyhave been making an extended SOjourn

• • •

• • •Mrs Henry E Bodman of M'CKmley

place Grosse POlnfte Farms Rind herdaughter Mrs WJJNlam R MUIr ofTourame road are maklOg a twoweek s SOjourn at Wh te SulphurSpnngs

• • •Mr and Mrs D DWIght Douglas of

Lakeland ave, Crosse POinte Village,arrIved. home Thursday after malanga short European trip

\.11' and Mn Joseph B Schlotman where she attended wt Y W C Aof Stonehurst Lake Shore road convenhonGrosse POinte Shores rcturned lasltv. eek a.fter spendIng the WInter monrthsat the1r home m Bellealre H-ellghts Flla


Women's Class

Page Babe Ruth

~ eioh b()("h()()dClub At::tivities

Alumni Stage FirstDance Saturday In

Gym at High School__ Defer Delegates AreOn Saturday mgM May 14 an Arm Selected: Will Visit

1St co \\111 be called on the depr-s- H. h D. W ek"Ion when Grosse POlOte H1gh slGhool 19 urlng ealumnI and the1r fnerudis gather In theboys' gymnaSIUm of ~he High schoolfor the first Alumm dance of '32.

Staged as part of tlhe new Aitumm.program tihe dance IS expee,ted to drawa .capacity crowd lured to the ICOmibilID-ahon of an excellenrt oficheJStra and alow a'<imlsslOn pnce

The danc>eJcommlibtee htnlts a..t some-thmg unus'Ual 10 the way of decora-(tons The dance WILl begm aJt 8 30and all are tnV'Ited The C\JdmtsslOnpr1lCe wtJI be 35 cents

Mr Et'lben of the Grosse PonllteMeat Market 15125 Charlev{)11Xavenrue'has offered a iPound O'f Ltttle Joe PorkSausage for every home run made byfhe players of the Grosse Pomte VIlage basebdill Iteam at thelr game Sunday

I. ". '" \'">I< WEEKt y CHAT,


Commander R-dfuert Butts of theGrosse Potnte :f1~st 15 to be 1lldeedhIg~b complltmelflVtd .for hIS endeavor

VegetabJle gardens for boys 11 to 15 ~roup will be held In connectIOn With m promotlOg an <l'nterprlse that mtglhtyears of aige are now bellng' assrgned the Gardien \larket May 16to Eaeh I bnng sttfficle'!1t r~uneratlOn to eqUipb) Mr S monsen of the NelglhbortlOod entrant may enter as mall) i:Xhlblts a.s I the locad post WItJt enough bugles andCl-ulb Plots and seCldis are furnlshrd deSIred pro'\Ided one ha.., bee"! made drums as 'Well as", -other eqUlllpment tofree of charge by the l\elghborhood aocordmg to the plans and <;p"clflca establIsh a well ~ig.antzed drum andClu.b These gardens are Judged tlons of t'he boys handcratt c1a::.s at bugle -corrps It;ls a credit and anweeldy from standpo1ll'ts of neatnLss the NeIghborhood Club Three ca~h honor to the v1llage and the organlzaorrgmahtv Improvement elt-c and nb \ pn.les Will be awarded bon WhICh It rePte-se11tsbons awarded for first se'Cond and * • • The bl~ paradf'i la'9i year Wh-en thethird places At the clos" of tl e cea 'Dh~ Bl1.H.-BIrds hdve taken up pl<1.v Amer cra.n I eglOn{held Its coruvenrt10nson prizes of cash ann merchandIse grounn ball and '\\111pIa) on Saturday n DetrOIt IS stlll fresh m our memoare awarrned to the three boys havlllg morning on the <;mall dlamoll1 rles The colorfuf -appdl of tbhe vanthe most pomts * *' *' orus drum and b-ttfle .corps from every

AJ;ly boys 1nterelSted III gardemng and Those girl<; ,V'ho have reserved gar <;ta1f:ewon the a~'tl11ratlOn of 3.111whodesirmg to enter the contest nay do dens should call for t 1e~r seed" a~ 'Altnessed the b'l~ -paradeso by seeing Mr SImonsen elt the soon as poss hle ann beg n prepar1!1g _..~Netlghborhood Club at once the ground ACCidents are b7commg more preva

*' * * * * * lenlt a<; the weath~r ge'ts warmer TheThe NasIkl Camp Fire last fhurs May 21st IS the date selec"ed by the motOrlsts SiCemto drIve most anywhere

day gave a Mother Daughter tea In t\ 0 C gIrls for theIr dance llckets and everywhere ~ytltih any and everythe Tower Room A toast to the Moth are now on sale at the NeIghlJorhood lmd of a motor dr'lVen veh~de dangerers was gIven !by Jane Martmdale and Club for 25 cents lurks at every srtreet corner So l't ISa poem Motlher Love <1) Lhzabeth tImely for greatet preca'Uhon and forNash Punch and cookte::. were, sened Cadieux School Boy every poss1ble sa~e1:Y measure to -pro

On Tue5day evenIng \fay 17th th s tect the youngsters that have no reagroup IS sponsormg a bunco and eard Wears Pointe's Colors bzatIon of the great danger thart the la.t group actIYlty of 'he In Metropolitan Bee them when they "e roUer sk>ahng orseason The proceeets from thiS Wll1go pia" ng on the streett'Sto pav the~r nattonal 'Clues Pr zes Will The champIon speller of the Gros'Sebe awarded each table Admls51Oi'i IS Po nte dIStriCt IS MIrcea Rad'U Sfart:25 cents 11 the s xth grade at t'he CadIeux

* * * lad who .came !toThe WaokIya Camp Fire 1S gOll g on thiS country when

a nature h1ke Fnda) alftel noon }'l ay he was a baby allld1311:hfor a couple of hours I a,:,t Frl IS now but 10 yea.rsday four Woodgatherer::> s<.rved sup of age wl1l earryper to the e11ltlre S{roup G r 0 sse Pomte s

* '" • colors In the MetA bIrd house conltest fOi merners ropolltal1 Spehlmg

of the Nelgooorhood Cub handcraft Bee Fnday <littheState FaIr GroutliGs

To V.1l1 thIS diSMlrJ:e.a Radu Sfat school Mttrcea a

young RoumaU1.antll1ctlon Master SfaJt worked diL11-gently for the -dlstnct champlOnslb1lpspellIng continuously for two yearS'

1vflrcea receIves eX'cellent marks 10

hIS subJeC'ts n school and 1S regardedas tale tted on the VIol 11

Due to the late recc pt last week ofthe report of Mlrcea s watory lilt wasImpOSSible to publish same m lasrtv. eek s Issue of thc REVIEW

Regular Army PilotsStage Demonstration

in Military Training

Henry B Joy J r will leave d:odlayI brmg fresh showers for t'he thlrsltmg for New York and from t'here w.l1l go

flowers from the seas and the to '\lbany where hIS boat I Flappers1reams II IS entered 10 'the outboard race's

! bear hght shade for the leave:. when wFnch WIll be run on Sunday down thelaId In thelr noodiay dreams Hudson from Alrbany to New York

From my wmgs arf" slhaken the <l:ews Owmg to the lOJury 10 hIS qe w'hichthat waken the sweet blrdrs every Mr Joy suffered recently art skeetone shootmg he 1S not aJble to dnve hiS

When rocked to rest on their mother'S own boa"" and has asked Arthur Grolzbrea$lt as she dances a!bout the s'Un Jr of Mt Clemens to dI1lve iJltfor I[um

I WIeld ttJhe flaIl of trhe flashltlrg harl and The Flapper II was the wmn'C'r of liswh~ten the gr~en plams under class last year m bhIs race• • Announcement wa.s made Saturday

J\nd then agam I d1ssolve lit m ram *and laugh RS Dpass In thunder Early In June the MIsses Betty and by Phelps Nev.beuy AIde to

~~ Jane Burke" pf Waslungton, Ne.c~ of fthe Secretary of War, that the G111:1-Thalt orbed ma1den WIth white fire Alvan Macauley, will arrive to spend z-em' 'tvftfitary 1 I"'~ll1l:i.Dg Camp Band

laden whom mOf\t~Js call the moon part of the summer WIth Mr and Mr. recently orgamzed from srtudents mM 1 h h

the hJlgh school of DetrOit and VICinItyGlIdes glImmenng 0 er my fleece-lhke aeau ey at t elr ome In Groue w1l1 ~Ive a concert at Orchestra Hall

~~:n by the midnIght breezes POinte • • • Fnday evenIng May 20th

And wherever the heat of her 'I.1nseen Mr::. James T Keena w1l1 return to The concert WIll begin at 8 30 andfeet ",~hl1chonl) the angels hear '-ler home on Lakeland avenue Grosse last unltill 10 30 It wtll be broadcastcd

May have broken the woof of my rt:ents POInte after a ViSIt 10 Mlllneapo!l1S by WWJ from 10 00 rto 10 30 TheI1:hmroof the stars peep beh11!ldher ID f P TAT M concert '\'\111be open to the pubhrc byand peer e er _. 0 eet nV'Irtahon &rom members of CItizeniS

""d I laugh to see th~m wlu<1 and Tuesday: Program To Mlhtary Trammg Camp Post No 1fl 1k &. ThIS band wh1ch 15' the first of Its

IWhe:\ wI~e: ~~:r::n~f ~o~; ~I:e; Include Demonstration kmd to be organized m the! DmtedbUilt tent tltl the carlm rtvers ~ake\S States MId the first band to be sent toand seas The monthly meetIng of the George Camp Custer from Wayne County was

L kDef"r Parent Tea ....her ASSOcIatIon hIll srtarted arbou~ t}1ree !"'ont~s ago by C't

I e stops of the sky fallen ltIhroughh

be held on Tuesday even ng Mal 17 lzens' M1lItary Trammg Camp Postme on hlg are each paved W1Ith

The students lelavmg the Defer the moon and these at 8 0 clock 111which a ~'Plencbd gym 'N'o 1 of Detr01t It has !been underschool to enter Hrgh school In Sep naSlUm demonstratIon w1ll be prese.nted the dtreotIon of Lleut George W Vantember have chosen theilr del ..""'Ritesto from the dIligent v.ark of Mr LOUl<&Dusen Infan1:ry Reserve and .l-wen.v-

'"'0 I am the daughter of eaflt!h ailid water '. l

V1S1tthe High school !rJ..e~'tweek The and the nurslmg of the sky, ' Vedder and Wanda Da.nIe1s w1tth every tw'o of the foremoS't banft 1e1aders andddegates mc1ude Jaquehne Houck h class In the school repre~en"ed The teachers of musIc 10 the srchools of

I pasrs It rough the pores of ~the oceanCharles Fneberger J eaneJtte Henkel prog.ra.m IS as follows WalYlle coun.tyand shores I .cha'Ilge bUit I call11dtGlen Flora James Weafuerup and die 1st grade IB-Smgmg and athlehc Although newly organIzed 1Jhe bandAnnabelle Stenzel F f h games Looby Loa, Muffm Man lS pronounced by exper's to L one of

or a ter If:. e ram when w1th never a IJ't:.Thev v.111be gIven in oustody of a 2nd grade 2B-Speclal 'irtunts Al the V'ery best boy'S~oonds. 10> the counstam the paVIlion of helaven IS7B student m the Hlngh school to VISlt ibare bert Luftv GlorIa Lumby BIlly Wcr- try The boys have be-en <seleoted from

all c1asiSes held 111 the mornmg «t[ter A.nd the v,mds and s'Unbeams w~t!h net Harold Karl among the most talented mttslc1tans 10

,,\hlCh they WIll lunch togetther In the h 3r<! grane 3B-Blekmg (EnglIsh +he hug'h schools and each ThurSrday'tl elr convex .gleam.. MuM u-p trhe

cafetena The afternoon w1ll ibrmg a blue dome of atr drll1 ) evel11111gthey have been undergomg IIIcontInUatIOn at the class vlsltmg and 1 3rd grade 3A-Hinsel and Gtetel tenslVe InstructIOn and prRiottce work

I 51entJly laugh at my own cenotaphthey Will be <!Ismlssed at the regular (German SkIt) III me audl.torlUm of the Cass Techmoaland out of the caverns of ram

tIme WIth the other srtudents 4th grade 4B g1rls-Dances ~even H1Ig'h ~cltoolThe Grosse Pomf:re Women s class Litke a chlid from the womb like a J (D hThe report of their 1mpress1ons and umpo ants) A ven v~gorous The bad whIch 1S 'Composed of 125

n the extension dIVISIOn of the Mlch ghost from t'he tomb I anse and ..1 dOne of the greatest air demon5tra reaCDlons to their class room 1S always unbul!d It agam uanCe an vel') ImportlRnt thilit not a --elected from 210 applicants IndudesIgan State College WIll go to P011lttac h f h .~ f memb f th ~ h ft10ns ever seen In ChlC'<NgOWiLl be t e source 0 mUD comment anlU. un er 0 -e group move \lurmg t e members rom practlca.lly every senIorfor then annual Achtevement Day on k d d h h -Shelley second part h gih h Isotaged bv regular army pl1ot.o as a ma tn~ an 1S antt'Clpatte Wle muc I 1 SC 00 m the CIttes of DetrOIt

feature of the George WashIngton Bl Wednesday May IS glee by those eleoted to make thiS 111 5th grade SA Rind 5B glr!s---Chlbo Highland Park Hamtramck DeartbornT

h • d • t Lacked ExperiencecentenmaJ M1litary ttournament to be IS mee~mg en IS a very m~eres mg spectton tour gar (Hunganan sketch) Fordson River Rouge Wyandotte Mtd f I k f h

That Berlin author who said Amerheld at Soldier Fletd from June 2," an <;ueces::.'t1 year s wor or t e -------- Amencan circus-Stunts by 5th and Olemens Berkley Ferndale RoyalG p h 1 lcan women are so beautiful that the:\-to July 4 It was wrunoulllced today by rosse omte group W 0 are ookmg Ideas can wear any old thmg evIdently 6th grade bovs Oak PontIac as we41 as crrom the UOl

forward to continUing thetr studies d A I d h h th d fMajor General Frank Parker com Our Ideas are transformed sensa. never marrIe one of them -Newark c own am:e y t e tJ gra e vers~ty 0 DetrOit and the Normal Colmandlng the Sncth Corps. '-\rea More next year tlOns-Condlllac 1I{ews girls lege of YpsIlantl

than 100 army atrplwnes w111take part r-------------------------------~------"------------- -- --------,~::Et:1;~::7i~0;:;:::~~~e~~~:~,I Farms Scalps Village in First "Battle Royal", 12---10 Inament the outstanding smglt feature Iof the Washmgton B1centenmal cele" By JOHN E ALLARD VIllage c1ulb to four h1lts and one run VIllage Farms *BaJtrted for Sl ell 1n the 3rdbr(lltlOn 10 the Umted States AlthO'U$th the Village blue tore mto for the balance of the game AB RHO A E Score by mnmgs

The army airplanes for the tourna- the offer ngs of EddIe Snell m the Smce the Village runners were un AB RHO ~ E VIllage 702 010 ooo-tO 12 6merut WIll come from Selfridge beld, opemng 1nmng w1th the asrslstarce of able to sohe the offenngs of the reud Smith ss 3b 4 3 3 3 2 1 Tuttle cf 5 0 0 1 0 0 Farms 025 401 OOx-12 12 3Michigan Scott FieLd Il1mOls Chanute two bad errors by shortstop Jacobs Ito Farm<; to ler to regaIn thCilr lead Cap rCmg 1£ 4 2 2 1 0 0 Labad~e rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 SummarvField I1!mOls Wnght FIeld Dayton amaJss a lead of seven runs the Far~ tarn Bebrmger -drasrtlc changes I.n Louwers c Gardner lb Three bag.e hIt-TavagIaOh1O and Barksdale FIeld LOUISiana olub iorged their way to the front off hIS lineup startmg tihe sevellrth 5 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 1 7 0 1 Two base hIts-Tremble Louwers'Sefffn-dge F1eld wull send 7) pursu1t Rudy Isola re.cently acqutred by rt\he amongst whIeh he sent rehable Joe Yam KeLlv cf 5 1 0 0 0 0 '\nder<; 1£ 4 1 1 2 0 0 Haye~ Clark and TavagIaplanes Ind'UdlOg four pursu squad V111age clUib before the fi£th tnntpg BecCilaere to seeond and the vers>ClitlleCrandall 1b p 5 1 0 6 2 1 Tacobs ss 4 2 0 0 3 2 Stolen baoses-SmIth 2ron5 and group headquarters }tach had opened Rudy was also aSSisted Bob ~ewcom to firsd: who reslponded Hilgendorf rf 4 0 1 1 1 0 Double play-Kaatz to Hl1llz<;qu<lidron will have eIghteen planes by errors from members of hls dub mosrt: commendably by sIngltng In sue Ne""com Ib 1 0 1 2 0 0 Hayes rf cf 4 3 3 3 0 0 Hlrts off Snell-8 m 3 Inntngs OffThe 18th 27 941;111a11ld 36th Pur:.Ult Snell paved the way for ;'IS club s cess~on In their only time at bat how BehnI'ger 3'b 3 0 0 3 1 2 Clark 3b 5 2 3 3 0 0 Isola 9 In 3 2 3 111mngs 11 runs 10

Squadrons a.11 Selfndge Field un ts sconng procl1vlhes !by smghng two ever these boys d1d not enjoy the fuJl Tavagla 2b 5 2 3 0 0 0 and one on base Off Kaatz-l 10

have been selected to put on the naJor runs home for the first two Farms rU11lsvalue of theJr success In that they were Van Becelaere 2b 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 1 3 ml1l111gs2 runs mporltlOn of the e"Chtbutlon here bgnrty 10 the second although he was out left stranded Tremble 2b 3 1 1 2 0 0 Reed c 4 0 0 11 0 0 Base on balls-By Snell 2 Isola 2Dve officers will come here as p1lots trymg to Sitretch It ml1:oa double hex" ::,unday the VIllage cJlUb W1ll Hmz ss 2 0 0 1 1 0 Snell 11 1 0 1 0 1 0 Kaatz 4and 79 enhsted men mosrtlLymecha1llcs EddIe seemed to have the SItuatIon emerta.m a fast ball team ['rom Fern Isola p 2 1 1 0 lIS B

11 b IC 1 0 0 0 2 0

truok out- y Snell 2 Cyr 5 Isola

W1 e brought to Chicago to look ....el tn hand III -the second but before dwlc 'M1ch1gan, 10 theIr first battle a.t yr p 1 Kaatz 1after the planes 'Dhe army p(anes tthe th1rd l11lll1ngwas over he seemed home Neighborhood Clu!b Neff aIt Kaat7 p 1'£ 3 0 0 1 4 0 *Stokes 1 0 0 0 0 0 Hlit by p1tohed halil.......By Cyr Behwl11 be seen 111 form3ltl0n fl.ymg every to waver <ligam Star1mg the .four Leo Waterloo game startlng at 3 p m - - - - - - - - - - _ ..... rmgel" by Kaatz Reed.UlgM Cyr was sent to the slab and held the The box score 42 10 12 24 12 6 37 IZ 1= t7 6 3 Loft on bases-V,Uage 8 Farms 10

The cen.ter of the garden market w1ldbe a heautlful Dutch tubp garden thebuLbs for thlS exhlbutlOn havmg beenplanted and cared for by the GrossePomte unemployed und-er the rnlreotlOTIof dub members The varIOUS boothsal1 artls.ttca1ly arranged under ibrJ.ghtcolored awmngs wrll be groupedaround the Dutch ga'tden eenber andw1ll have on sale, among many othergarden deltghts, annuals, pereDl!ltwl'S,cul1: flowers m vaS'es, potted plantsvegCttalbles and bird houses

Another feature of <the faIr w1I11bethe roadSIde market whufu Will s<dffherlbs, vegetables and plants and \~nt1llanovhcr mtereshng exhl.b~t wI11 be thedemonstrart:lon of the work of ehe 'Con.-servaf:1on eomm'1ttee, the detaIl& ofwh1ch wI11be announced later

Mrs Frank W Brooks J r m chargeof publicity <for t'he Markert explamsthat the Garden dub 5 plan 15 to ra,15€

money to enable the Jobles\5 m the outlymg dl&trlcts of Deltr01t to plan.t farmsaI11-d gardens An OVeTSeeT' QII:l'Pol11'tedby the...-.elu'btwill be m charge of tbesethrift gardens m an aidvulOry 'Capa>Clty

Mrs Edwm S Barbour IS chaJ.rmaJ11of the market assisted by Mrs DougLas Campbeffl IW v~ce chalrman MrsBrooks wtLl have as her helpers MrsKtrkland B Alexander Mrs Robert. 0Lord amd Mrs Hawld F WaNlwel1Officers of the dulb are Mrs Fred TMurphy 'Pres~denrt Mrs Edwm HBrown, Mrs Wilham T Barnour MrsFredenck C For<1, Mrs Ernest Kanzler Mrs Allan Shelden Mrs John WDyar, Mrs Allen F Edwards and MrSrHarry N Torrey MISS Sarah Hendr1eliS chaIrman of the- !board of gardenm.g'ass'l&ted by Mrs Joseph G StaJt1Idiart

No admlssuon w1M be asked for Ithlegarden market but every kuul of ,Seedplant, seedling tools tubs pots trelhses furnIture, gardening c1-o.thes -eltcknown 11:0 thIS locahty w1ll be on -sale In

the vanous boofhs a.t low prices Thelocale of the market 1'S neXit door ItoMrs Barbour's be3iutlful estate an'C!asmall charge W1J1tJe asked to enterbeT garden'S, whIch wl14 art that time be8It the .cbmax of the .gprmg !bloom presentmg a gorgeous array of rtufuJpssprIng flowers anrd flowertng shrUlbs

A grOUp of hostosses has been Ilij>-

i'oIrutea ~o edi~d"tl<T~vrS1tot~ lhrons'hMrs Barbour's gard-ens, those 31gt'1ee-

mg to serve both cLaysbemg Mrs Har-ry M Jeweitt, cha1rman of !the group,Mrs. A Ingersoll LeWIS, wce cha1r-man, Mrs Edwm H Butler Mrs Wllham L Clements and 1vfrs W1lham PHamIlton

Garden Market May 20and 21 To Aid RuralUnemployment Relief

A garden market for the benefit ofthe rUTal unemployment rehd wILl be Iiiheld Fnday and Saturday May 20 and @121 on the lovelv estate known as number 116 whIcn bes beotween GrossePomte- 'boulevard and the lake In

Grosse Pomte Farms The GardenCl!\1b of Mlchlg<3.n 15 sponsormg !!heaffair


~b-} '" ",

J .. "'? "


Friday, 1V!ay13 1932::. : .w111 jlre'Ct armv maneuvers from Regnla, \ <\-rmy -t'-htlonal Guard and Rf'serve Officers of the Corps A.rea neatBMtle Creek Michigan t?n::. montv.lll leave Clll>cago for Camp Custer\1lchlgan to open h s hteadCjuartels onMav 9 It was announced today vVlthGenera Parker WIll go tht. regular.11 my members of hl<> staff l11cluduWColond VV II Lurt Chief of StaffT eLtcnant Colonel rrancls A. Ruggtle1>J I who had chal ge of pr~parmg theplans for the maneuver and L e'Utenallit Colonel J \V N Schulz who wll1be dlllef of the sectIOn deal ng wlth themo, ements of the 111vad1l1tg anmbthat 1rc supposed to have capture 1C'hlca~o a 1ld other mportallJt penn ':i 01

a oattle fro 1t extendl1g from nortlern \'vlscons n to south o[ the OhioI1Vcr

15135Charlevoix, Next to A & PH ERBEN, Prop

:: :::::::::::::S:E:

Inow up

_ ,.. _" __ •__ ~.._o, ... •• , ,.__ tt __ ~_Q~-

zs::::::::::: ESSE:::::::



Manufacturers of PURE SAUSAGESold by All Leading Dealers

The Home of "Llttle Joe's' 10831 SHOEMAKER

We DeliverPhone Tuxedo 2-1692

• I

PORK LOIN (Lean), lbLEG OF SPRING LAMB, lb.CHICKENS (Fresh Dressed), lbSmoked Ham (half or whole), lb

Harding's PharmacySuccessor to DeYonker


_, ... ... ...._ ..._ •• 0_I

?2( :____ -..>_u u u - ---"-- -- ...... - '"'i.

i Myra Confectionery & Grocery iI (Formerly FINK'S) II Full Line of Groceries and Lunch Meats I

Cash and Carry Ice Station Open Every Evening and ,I Sunday until 10 o'clock II Hickory 3930.W 683St. Clair Avenue I• j-----,,- ----------------------

Mal, Parker MobilizesMichigan to Defend"Front" in Mimic War

Although the hlgthways of llhnol~\Vl~consm a 1d \11(:h gan mav look Justtl-j,e 'lame to the avcraJge ot zen thC''>eclays as he dnves hiS last year s fI.lVverlong the concrete to officers ,11id, men

of "'he Blue armies part of \\-hlchare to mablllze an MIchIgan undcrGeneral Pal ker s wtllman-d every oneat these roads IS 'Cfowde-d wlth hostilesold1ers Infantry 111 1nlc~s artl1lerycavalry all marchmg east ll1 a greatnnve to overwhelm the Blues It ISo1'Jly a war game of cot1rse organlzcd by General Parker for the tram111g of commandl11g generah of dlVlSlons and higher unIts and thetr staff~but t~ert.. Will be a hold th~s ttnebattle around 8aJttle Creck Mlchlgan..tnd If the Blue hne does hold th"Blue~ hope to drive to the we,.,t to

("hase the J11vaders back across theMIS'SIIS~IPPlwhere they belong

General Parker s Blue for c e ~whIch arc now concentt'<ttmg 111 M chlgan are only part of the Blue arnileS nrgamzed 111 the campaIgn dra\\ 11

u-p by staft officers at He-adquarters6th Corps Area Chucago ttnder benera! Parker s dlrect!on Thl'l plan a~'> ume" that the 7v.!lSS'ISS'IPPIRiVer I~ theboundary between tv.o states and thatthc stwte wc~t of t11e nver got the j'ump011 the Blue~ being better preparedfor W1.r The forces of thIS ~tate('fossed the MI"&1SS1J.POPl last fall 111 se'\ral groups of armies and swept t:l<;l-S+

drl\111g back the Blues who could dondthl11g but delay the advance of thnvadcl s Chicago was captun~d by 1:hnorthern group of three ll1vadmg atTIles and hy May I f:lhese forces ha1dflven forward agall1 to~ ard Toledo

MaJor General rrank Parker com DetroIt and the Industnal regIOn1111,1 dung the c;Ix1h Corps Area \ he around PlttslYurgh Penrt:l<s-ylvatlil.a----~ :::: a::: J:::: ::2:: : : 3:: 2::: 2: : : : : :: E:;:: : : ::~,

Grosse Pointe Market

About Ourselves.....(>ver let \\h.dt Jon don t

..,t "hat '011 do know

How Old West Got ReaultsTbp rea<::on the oIel "est got results

WA.S that It smpended the b d mJn Instead of the sentence -Buffalo Evening ~ews"

Can MathemabcJans Reason?Plato .observes III the Rf'public

that he hardly ever met a mathem'aUclan ,,110 could reason ' ~o at leastJowett translates the message-not'l'perhaps without a spice of mallce-A W Benn In 'Revaluations'

BIg but Far A~ayBIg as it is the planet Saturn

rarely vJ,$lble to the naked eye


Formerly at 5525Haverhill N"wat 16131E. WarrenI ALL KINDS OF BEAUTY CULTURE GIVEN BY

I EXERT OPERATORS ONLYIf y-ou want .a natural lookmg permanent wave In one of the most

I modern eqUIpped shops} make an awomtment With LydIa, $M will giveyou a Personahty Permanent Wave

'II GenuInE' Gabrudeen Wave $7 SO Commmdtpn Wave 8 SONaturelle Croqulnole Wave 7 SO Spectal Wave 500

Also everytlung Included even Hal,l'cuts IM,xed Up I CALL FOR APPOIN fMENT - NIAGARA 4848

IJIght~e-arold Bl?ttj was havmg her ,_u >l "_ _ 11'. t •• _III

tlr"!t l'1.Lge party She bad been care . - It''''

~;¥?~:?:~~~~~y~ltaUd sighed ~ 'I never thought they'd ~gQ home so fast that I d get my 'thank ~ i~ou 13 and glad to see ~ou s so terri 1 ~ Have your Fur Coat cleaned before putting away for the suntmerble mixed up It ~ I win hand clean your Fm Coat and dry dean your linIng for $400

~t.'l!~~ Cold Storage ana World-Wlde Insurance for one year at 3% Summer IWrote There's Lfe- ~ storage an aU :repcu.r work FREE

Under l\!eXlcan law a stranded or Iwlecked ShIp cannot be bomded tor Low overhead enables me to do aU work at low prtces Just te ethe purpose of sah'1gmg arLJC'les for ~~ phone and 1 w111~laijly gIve estnnates on any work destred Imdlvidual ~in as long as thel e 1" ~!lfe aboard-e,en If It I. only the FURRIER G. J. Charwat LADlES' TAILO~ship's mascot

~ 1269 Eastlawn HIckory 6353-R e~ OPEN EVENINGS I

~ ~ t.'l!mrJP:dtdtl+i'z'mtz;ua~tuldtEitAt3rnataoppd.'h4*pata'lMp:ae:aP':lP:J~rzJI

Bus.lness No BarrIerA lad employed in a northern Indl

.allJ. fadoly has recpntls become quitepopular With the faIrel sex: NumNous phone calls" ere annoying the lad semplo'l, er and on one occa-SIODhe an<,wered a s\\eet ~OUllg 'VOlCes requestsa~Ing

'Bob IS bUSy just now"You tell him it IS Mary and he will

,\ant to tall;: anV\vav, was the reply-IndIanapolis Ne\\ 13

Speed of ThoughtA "reactIOn time" WhICh

measures the split seconds betweena stimulated thought and Its emotlOnall{'''lp(''nse is being used 10 the psychology laboratory of the Umverslty ofSouth (.al1fornlR in efforts to determine the speed of thought This Isqmte an ambItious undeltakmg Forour thoughts certal1lly travel mueh'u,tel' wan electrlClty or lIght It

tal (';; milliops of ~ears fDr hght toaa\el from some/nebulae to the earthvet "\Ve little prodIgles can send ourthoughts almost mstantaneously tothose nebnlae and let them dwellthere or leap bacl{ in the t\vmhllngof an e~e

Where the Moon Slune;s BestPromptly every mornmg at .el~ht

:;)clock tbe ",est WInd s'''ee:ps acros.,the Iblands of Jamaica with s\1Ch unf~uUng regularity that It is hnown asthe Doctor In the €\ ening thiSbeneficent \".est wmd dies do\\n ve-tween the hours of SIX and seven andthen tlOm the mQuntams a cool landbrCe7...8sets in WlllCh InSUles a comfortable mght s sleep The rainy season m Jamaica means that aroundthree 0 clock in the afternoon a buefs110\ er lasting a half hour or moreInVIgorates the atmosphere and makf'se' er~ thmg fresh and green agam AtnIght the stars gleam like lamps ina sl~y that resembles purple vel\E:.t.rhe moon Is bigger and whiter thanIt ~s further north and the moonlightf'1ll1ng on palm enCIrcled shores andcoral reefs is one of the most beautifulSIghts in the world

Great "Roman Hohday"Staged on Alban Lake

In the ~ear 51 A D the great tunnel which \\as to drain the Alban lake\\1113 completed and the Emperor(,IaudlUs celebrated it WIth a charac The pharmacy located on East Jeftenstle Roman spectacle He gave a fcrson Avenue at the 'Corner of AlterUHmIc naval battle on the lake rf' Road and formerly orperated a.;:; D~peating upon a much larger scale a Yonker s IS now known a5 Hardmg ss mllar spectacle Aug-ustus had glYen Pharmacy The new manager Tom LClaudms manned two opposmg fleets: Hardll1g has had 17 years of cxpenlWIth 19000 men Some of the gal ence 111 thc -drug Ibu-smess SpeCial atleJ s had three and fO\lr banks of oal sAround the shores of the lake troops tentwn IS gAve'll11:0 a fiLlmg of Doctor swere statIOned to see that none of prcsulrptlOll'S >by regIstered pharm<lJCIststhe na.val gladIators escaped TheIr stock 18 complete and founlta.1f1

A~ immense multitude of people service IS ma111itamed all popularfrom Rome and the neighbormg tbwns drll1ks and lrgh.t lunches ar~ servedgathered to see the battle The banks SpeCIal attention IS gwen to telephonethe slopes and the billtops ""ere crowd orders .. an-d .Q,e!lVeTleS are prompttlyed WIth spectators so that the scene m<lJdeby calbng Lenox 1868 Mr Hard ...resembled a vast theater The emper !l11g was formerly connected wlth t'heor dressC'd in .a splendId mllltarycloak and hIS wife Agnppma also I Schwartz pJ -armacy and has bee'l1 wlth\\ earmg a military cloak presided thIS c.1rug store for the last two years.rhe men ." ho dId the fiO'htlng were He lllvites your !patronage. - --------rrtmmals and slaves HIstory tells usthat in this sangumary conflict thecombatants pOSSIbly ammattid by e"'{pectatwns of freedom foug)1t bravel~It was they who come'" the famou"r utlll saInte Hall DmperOl I Wewho are about to die salute thee"


, Primitive Man Subjectto Many Pamful 111.

The feet of pumittve HllD UH~5thu\ebeen tOIture to lum i:'ltone brUisesthOl ns infectiOns and Chllbhlns combmpd to put lHrn m the mood to throwroel s at hIS feet so that they wOJ.ldhurt In a dlffel ent way

DOllbtless the prlmitlve unshod footVI as a strong bthe tough org'ln butalso It must have bOlD the brunt of agood aeal of tuuIDa In \\-arm cllmates on sandy beaches 10 the Southseas, they \\-ere better off than el::.ewhere but the ImmIgrant's into DuropeWIth the long cold win.tels must oftenhave envied the arboreal bl:r(]~

At any rate as soon as sandals orfoot covermgs were inverted they became inmedI9.tely popular in spite ofthe ad\ antages claimed for the natUlal foot On Saturday \1ay 7 a.t five 0 clock

PJirn!the mans Interest in hts eyes tn the e,nng \1r John Augusttneand teeth and 131m and feet howe\ er and MIS,> fr;ma Khppenlberg were ul11ted\, as diVided by hIS attentlOn to his In 111 mdrnage at GrM:e Eval1gel1caltern a] pangs One defimte th1l1g wel~now about him is that he had plent? Church the serVlce bell1g conducted byof rheumatIsm the Rev <\-rmlQlHaeussler 11 <the pres

Our knowledge IS so eel tam on this ence ~ of a group of relatives andscore because the only remams of most fnends \11S5 Vlrg1111a Drehmer actedprimItive men we have are the bones, a", ibndesmald and Mr Durward. Duanel the ravages of rheumatism are e"'{ Pont as heM manl'lbited m bony st! ucture -1 ogan A host of fnel1>ds I'l1 thIS commumtyClendenmg M D in the Forum and extend best \\-ishe~ to t'il1S young CO'll

Cf'ntnry 1 pIe \11' August1l1e IS tlhe own-er ofthe Augustme bakery

For the House PlantsCold tea IS a Jgood fel'tlllLier

house plants.

The ChaIr In HIstoryChaIrs ar£' of exheme anilqU1ty and

were origmally for purposes of stateand l1Igl11tJ 1 ltner than for {)ldll1'lnuse fJ he' dId not bee€Hue commonunbl the Sl:A.teenth cenhuJl'~ Man~ ofthe cha.n 13of the anCI€'nt natIOns \\ el eot glf''lt rIchness They are replesented m ~Ollle of the eat !lest manuments of Nmev'1h The' were tno '\nto e"Clst 111Gleece in the rlfth 01 ~ .....tJ('entun P (, and 111Rome "It a 1'1.t(,lpello lOne of the most fa n 1113 ofthe ancient dlftlr<:; i" the lep Ited chaof St ?etm III ~t Petel s no 'Ill::

Turf for- AirportThe Umted States Department of

Commerce recommends an e, enl) proportIoned mIxture of the follo" inggrasses as a tough durable tLlrf for analrpol t Canada blue grass fancyred top meadow fi'lscue hard fescuesheep fescue led fescue and racy 13perennial rye gla-sS For the best r€sult'i/ the exact ml'tture should be determmed bv an e,\pE'uenced landscapegardener after a carefnl exammatlOl1of the SOlI For the c11eapest rum\ flysurfaces of reasonablv good qU'lllt\ jearth oiled wlth an a':iphaltlC base oilis probably the solution

CIty Typical of EastNorthern Afrl-ca Is the gatewav to

the Ouent ~()Whele else has theDast WIth ItS fusci'1atmg Moslem artan(1 ('u"'{oms iH1ulllced so far \Vest asIn 1 rJpoll Tums Algerm and ,IOIOCCOA tOUll&t can leave Palis at ll1&,ht 11\tIa n for MarseIlles and arrhe 3Bhoms later at A.lglers anlldst mosquesand sparl;:hng whIte Tound .rhe VIsions of ArabIan nightsbf'('ome reality for anyone VI'lItmglorthern AfrICa For not only ha' eold IslamiC to\" 11S remamed mt'1ctthue but the hfe and habits of thel\Iahometan population notchanged dur1Dg the centmles despitethe rrenr'b conquest

Statistics Provide NewPastime for Fat Folk.

Are you fat or lean? In e1thel caseyou will apprecIate these valuable statIshcs levealed by a magazme wrIterregardmg adIpose tIssue says the Detrolt l\ews New fat adxled to the

Vast Tracts ,set Apartas Gonlla Sanctuaries

The g011l1a alone amoIlg' auunal~has a conntrs

A 100 'l,quarE' In Ie aleR III the heattof Atl Ita constitutes GorIlla land ~cssentllllly a gCi1'iila natwn un ler a Belellll protectorate WIthin thIS count\, flom whIch outs del 13 are e:ll..clndedrIgj(n~ unless they are on sClentlflc1"....1 e( tlOns which meet the appro\alof the BelgIan government the greatanes \\ho genelall~ are recognIzed asman" close<:;t relatlves on earth arefree to their o""n affairs andme g "en probabl~ greater plotectionth'1n is accolded any abor!$inal tnbl:.-'lhpv ale upinune flom 1fuuters andcol'ectors !'{

'1 hIS IS Que of the two places oneal th \\her$ t1:Je gorilla still IS found'1 he other area IS a mountamousstletch of the BrItish Cameroon legIOnof '" e"lt Afnca Here although thereis no speCIal admlmstratlve provlsIOnfOI gOlllias the animals are: protectedbv the most stungent laws and it ISdoubtful wbether the British gO\ ernment would allow tbe kllhng or captme of one of them under any Clreum"tances

There are only two or three thousand gor111a5 at the most in thE>"orId Gorllla land has a pOfjulationof only about 1 COO In the past thegreat apes. who breed very slowly,Ihave been slaugbtered ruthlesslyFew have been brought into captlvltyIt would be impOSSIble to capture anadult and the eaptqre of an mfantusually has been pOSSIble only by theslaughter of the whole family Father mother and chIldren stIck together when danger threatens


AnImals Feel SorrowThere are ammals that fl?el sorrow

more keel}ly than man} SCIentIsts say

PermISSIon or Command'?'lhe first grade teacller 1ll Sbelldan

Iod Y\.aso..lilimg her pupllb 111tl).f' USflot mav and "can and ,"vas d 1u'tin:g a game wherem the pupIl deslgnated asked some one a question uslug either of the words a'S he thoughtbest

One little girl asked a ruddy tacedbov OPPOSIte her

• Jach may I \\-ash the dishes?"~IYes. you ma~ Jack retorted and

make it snapp~ I -Indianapolis News

ShIny Headed MonsterAt three 0 clock In the mOlIllng we

were awakened by a loud I nocl~lUg atthe door On loohmg out of the \'\IIIdow we saw a queer looling be'lstabout six feet lonf, h'1.\mg fou" If'p;<::no neck and a shmv head three feetlong Before ~e could get a gun ItdIsappeared in the dalknpss "Vetbought it an escaped annnal flom thecircus The next mornmg cautlOu~ly walhmg "e found a bIg shay p '"WIth its head trghth wedged m a tengallon mIlk can -rarm JOUlnal

Vtenna Old and BeautifulViei)Ua foundBd 2000 )eal::' ago bJ

the Romans destroyed and rebUl,lt s@\eral times, is still a queen among modern CIties although It is no longer theI eSldence of an ImperIal court It hasa famous opera bv many consideredamong the best in German spealnnglands It certalDI~ has the oldest tladltion datmg back into the Se, enteenth centu.ry ThE' publj(' buildm~:,palaces g.al1eues educatIOnal m"t tutIons thpnters and museums offer anme1..haustlble fund of beau'!J.y and i.nstrllction

Itaban Ctty Worth VlSltlllgOne of the most irnplesslve sights

In naly and one \'\hich 1:ew travelelss.el?U1to have seen 01 even heard ofcan b(>found III CUmae a plea-:ant rHleflom Naples Cnmae was the mostanclf'nt Greel colony 111 Italy Hi?lesat that great oracle Cumaean Slb~1and the subtellanean passa,..,f's leadll1,..,to hpr glOttO were descnbetl by Vergll

The Postgraduate WIfe and DanteShe ashs her husband occasIOnallJ Onlv in the last few years have

If lll~ thnl~s there IS any real danger SCIentIfic excavatIons been madeIII the polItical SItuation The tune among the (>'den1:lhe rums of thIS re-most f.-nOled b;; expmts for thiS qnes glQP I StIll the automobIles of tOuriStStion Is \, hen he ho..s only fi, e min speed along the m' roads ,,!thoututes in which to make bI$ tram pausmg to see the "onders that have

ShE' never lmfolds hIS morning pa been dlsclosed There is a Colosseum Inel Few eHm from the post gladu I second lD SIze and Importance only toate school develop sufficient techniqup that of Romefor thIS ~portant detaIl wlthm th e _years

She takes charge of reads and returns all books lent him by his frIendsand gn es hIm a few sentences "hlchenable hIm to talk about them if cornered -Kansas CIty Star

ManIla Up to DateVcmce Of the Ullcnt IS one of the

ames gh en to MatHla of the Phillpine Islands 'lhe nJme comes to it

)ecause 1t is Sltunicd on both bank:,If the Paslg In er and enjoys somea~al !lfe irom the rIver These ~a

cers provlde a lot of bl alges for theIty suggest1\e of the RIalto of th~Jld MrW

TIm tv five yeal's .ago the city had10 dnlnnge s'jstem and a heavy rainmade boats on the streE'ts a necessityA-roun,d the rnt~rn1UrOSl or walled city\ llich Is most typIcal of Its SpanIshlays were walls and a moat datmg1 R<'1. to 1590 tY\0 WIles long and 2r:lFeet high Today the moat is gIvenup to fine dnveways and only thebndfo,ed rl\er and canal<;; remmd thetOUrist of a city' of islands

Greek Legend Gave UsAugean Stables Story

In Greek legend Augeas "as a kmgof EllS ""ho pos<::essed a hel d of 3 roosacrea (xen whose stalls had not betnleaned for 30 years 'lhe cleamng of

these stables In a smgle daY was oneof the 12 difficult and dangerous labors imposed upon Hel cules by rut vstl1eus kmg of Argolls Hercules\,,\.ho \U1S promIsed a tenth patt of thecattle 10 pasment succeeded lD perLormm/;, the task WIthin the rtqUlrcdtl,.me by turning the: rIvers Alpheusmd Pencus through the stables Au,..,€'asrefused to turn over any part ofthe cattle to Hercules on the groundthat he had carrIed out the commls flame naturally has to be nOUrIshed<;ion m the service of Dur;\-stheus by the extenSIOn of blood vessels And\\ hereupon Hercules sent an army mto , a pound of fat saJs a writer requiresniS and destroye<l the msolent kIng Ism.lll vessels totahng 5 a of a roUe inand hIS sons I 1!pllatn ply cleanmg length When a man puts 01;130 poundsthe '\.l<$e10 stables means to cle1r Ihe mterlaces hIS system with 25 mIlesft,\ay 'In accumulated mass of corrup IOf new capillaries ,efns and art€'rlest10n or filth or to Ieform \Hongs al 'Ihl::' fact supplIes a very amuslngnost past the power of man to rem pastime for pel sons andlcted to laymgI'd) th ngs end to end and 113 supposed to

! l?xpl::un why fat folks are so contentedand iollv Every e\emng as theirwelght increa"les theJ can SIt by thefire and after domg the cross wordpu"'zle lay a fre"h supply of capl1lal Ie" end to end Or "ben losmgw€'lght they can remove them endfrom end It heeps the mmd mnocently and plpa"antly occupied and makeqfor happmess and good cItizenship

Bew'1re of us fellows WIth the lpananu hungl y 1001;: Such men are dangelous

Majo.rity of HeadachesTraced to Eye Strain

Seven. out of ten headac.hes arecp..used by eye strain due to neglect(If ordmary eye care pOlhted out 1\1 JJuhan of the Petter VlslOn instltnteIn a ::;peech lD Boston before a giOUpof eseslght specialIsts Other illssuch as m<;omma and lndH~estlOn fi1 eo.tso tlateable to thIS cause he pointedout and Jet 40 per cent of the peopleof thIS country need glasses and al etr~ ing to do Without them

.rhe e~es are such faithful servantsthat", e are mclmed to forget the bm(lens we put upon them said j\lrJulJan • PartlcUI'1rly in thIS agevhele men are pushmg their 1m estl~atlOns farther and fal ther mto thet ea11lls of stars and atoms and "bPI emost manufacturmg processes dependUPOll fine preCISiOn the tax upon theeyf>~ has become far g1,'eater than ~ ereali7e The nerVQUS energy pos..,essed by tl1e body is limIted, and theeve~ If the~ perform thls addltlonal1,\I)Qr unaIded steal some of the enf'Igy reqmred for other fu~~tlonsr en,&es e~peclfilly adapt~d to the wOII~10 hand are- necessary to relieve the-:traln on the E'~es and release the stolf'D energv through the mtended chan£leIs Proper eye care is more neededIn t1lis age than m any other II


Avoid DiecordBy utuon the ~mallest states thrive

by dlscord the greatest are destroyed_Sallust!

Ftrst Chlo1'1neChlorme was dIscovered in 1774 b~

Carl Wilhelm Scheele a S" edlsh selentist when he poured concentrated hydrochloric acid upon manganese dl0XIde

NothIng on UsA film 1DMassachusetts which man

ufactures pocketbooks ann<nlnces thatit has mor€' 0ld~l s for Jts pocketbooksthan it can fill 'VeIl we also ha, emore pocketbooks than \"\e can fill-Albany News

Thunde1"8tOtri18 at SeaThunderstorms occur at sea but are

generally of less violence than on landThe cause of thunderstorms IS '0' 81heated aIr at the bottom of the atmosphere, and there is less likely tobe much of thIS overheated air next tothe waves

Candle FIshA fish nathe to Alaska and kno~n

to Alaskan Indians as the • canQlefish IS used in the making of aClude sort of lamp ThIS speCies offish is BIud to be so Oily that a pitll-01' bark WIck passed through its drIedbody and lighted at the exposed endWIll burn for a long hme.

SUl'''1ames at StandstIllSurnames are not multIPlymg at

any great rate at the present omeThe civ1ll7ed natIOns of the worldhave adopted surnames of the pastand changes are rnfrequent In thBUnited States forelgnelB who becomenaturahzed often change theIr namesor Anghclze them

Helmet Long In UseHelmets date back at least to the

ancient Egj'ptians and Assyt.lanswhen they were mane of strong fabriCor leather~ then metal trhe olde-stmetal helmets in existence are AssyrIan and belong to the EIghth centur~ B C'

You Have Equal ChanceYou Will hve longer jf you laugh

more It is good fOl the \vh9le bod\ toknow how to laugh Don t ~ou enjoyseemg others laugh') Then be the Qneto laugh yourself and help others toenjoy them-splvE's

Ahke but DifferentWords WhICh are spelled alihe put

have different meanings are homographs WhIle Identical in spellIngthey ale derIved from dlffelent rootsand ha,c d ffetE'nt meaDlngs as he topre\ allpate and he to reclme

Great Genius a Mar~yrPhldlRS the great scul~tor and arch

itect \, as born In Athen" B C 498and dIed there in B C 432 He dIedlD prison a martyr to his frlendshlpfor P~rlcles on whom hIS persecutorsarmed by thIS actIOn to millct sufferlllg

The Pent House Panther,., or 111

oiher worDS tne 12B 'base ball teamfrom Home Room 301 were victorIOUSover the 215 Home Room l2!\ teaml<lJst1ue~dav afl!:ernoon It IS the hrstpractIce game of the mtramural league'rf'cent1y organ zed by Fonest bearyThe score was 12B s 16 and 12' \. s 01he lineup IS as follows EdwardOhase plltche Raymond Forakernrst base John S'ChlTI1tke secondI}a<>e lawrence Slatkm short ,.,top\iVI1l1am Chase thIrd base Ju11an Km2"1e catcher Glen Trofast ./1dde JoeSmith fielder and Arthur Truetfie Ider

Hanne nan of Grosse oPmte ltl the100 va~d dash shot put a 1d brol,dump respe'Chvely

;( ;

Home Economics


High School News Briefs

In a NutshellJDhe xrl.anwho has no future is the

man who always thmks the future IstomQrrow.

Hard to CatchThe famlly was havmg spaghetti

l-or funner and four year old Ethelafter making numerous yam attemptsto get hers to her mouth with herfork, saId 'Mother, I cannot catchthiS spaghettI 6n e me somethIngelse to eat"

Brotherly RelattonshIpHalfbrothers have one parent In

common They are children of twomarriages of eIther the mother orfath~r Stepbrothers have n€ltherparent in common If a widower witha son marries a 'Vi Idow who has ason, the boys are stepbrothers

TunIng In on HeavenW-e ha\ en t any really construe

tive suggestions for the cure of ournahonal tendencIes to leave the nalrow path, but sometimes we thinltthat an amphfter for the VOice of conSCIence wouldn t do any harm -Boston Herald

Causes of RamfallThe weather bur-eau sa~ s that con

d~nsMIOn centers, or nuclei are ess-eIitial to the formation of cl1)uds andtherefore of rainfall These nucleimay be dust parhcles especIally ofcertain kmds such as sea salt or e\ enit IS beheved molecules of certamsorts that have great affinity as ~esnv for \\ater The alr alwa~scontains an abundance of such nucleI

What an Ear'The VIctim of a kidnaping plot lden

tlfied the resort to which he had b~enlured by the pecullar rhythm of theJa~s orchestra T'he1e is a sensitIveear for j'ou The average Us-tenerean't ~v('n tell when a Ja~,z; orchestrachanges tunes except by the length ofthe rest-Louisville Couri€'r Journal

W'Ould Move Around EarthAn alrplane rismg above the em th 13

surfaoe remams wlthm the eal th s atmOSllhere and therefore roO\ es Withthe earth Ther~forp even Wf're it posSIble for a plane to remam stationaryfor 4 hours It would be carrIed wltbthe earth as the latter turns on itsana and moves around the sun

Muddy Waterr:J;he CIty of New Orleans gets its

water supply from the MisSlSSlppi Infiltering this water an average of 36tons of debrls and mud is taken outof every] 000000 gallons Yet afterthIS Is done and it is chemically treated the \\'ater 1Smade safe for drmkingand <lther domestIc use thanks tomodern science-Capper s 'Veekly

Mold Character WeBE'Very man must llve w1th the man

he makes of himself and the betterjob he does tn molding his characterthe better compans he ~lll have-Exchange '"

The game room I have In mmd IS anold El1gll'lh room bUIlt on the b>asem<.-nfloor so one can make plenity of nOlse\othont belJng heard upstairs It IS alarge oblong room WI1:'11a wmdow at

A low bowl of flowers ha<> been the weSit end two at the east end andplaced 10 the middle of the table 1he two Oil t'he north s~de The room IS ofsalt and peppers have been pla'Ceo at cream TOUgO plaster and brown E11geaoh SIde of the table dose enocigh to Ish bo<trds wlth small windows nealbe eaSIly reached and the crean ""nd he cetlmg On the north sade thlresugar coptal11eIS have been placed near I':' a lmge red fireplace WhlOh ala mthe hostess the dnmmanlt lOterest of the reom

Each cover must mc1ud-e tv. 0 forks OtJhe'f from the fireplace 1ud evenone kmie and one spoon The knife IS Wltr. tihe firepl t'('e our room was yenplaJCed art the light of ~he co\er wlt1 dark cold and ugly Guests did nortthe 'Cutting edge 111 The spoon beslde enJoy go ng do\\n 'the ~talrs m{o thl~he kl1lfe The forks and the navkl11 Unl11Vl11l1groom so we fixe.d t up With

Iare placl-d at the left of the cov<"r \ lots of color and now IJt IS the favonteAlhove and at the right of the hosl'" spot of tIle housecover we see the servmg s1lver fm the We put three "t\avahoe rugs on the<;Ihlrred egg 1he water glaslS IS at the f1oor-d large red white and black oner ght adJovc the knIfe and ehe milk be In front of 'the fireplace The otherSIde It The frUit a-nd cereal are hoth two are of bnght roo greens blueson the table the cereal placLd above )-ello\\.., and black Just an front ofthe forks and the frUit 111 place be the firoplace there IS a cobbler s srl:a11tween the kmfe and fork accompamed by a huge easy chair

In th~s way the frulk and cereal may cushioned WIth red and whlte pia dbe served as the first course thus mak The curtams also are of red and wh tl109 serV1111g' caSler plaID Near the radIO at the \vest end

-Ruth Trombley 1" another easv chair cushIOned WIth-Della ThIbodeau dark gt "ens and blues At the eas

el1d there IS a soft couch hkew~se 'Cu~hlOned 1'1 green Bes~des tnl,g fur111turethere ale two mahogany taWJles anJeIght wLokeJ. ahalrs placed 111 the roomThe color has made a new room-onethM 1~ V. trtn and cozy and bngmt Its ...n Ideal faMe room

-Dorothy S hley

The Hlgh school track men wontheir durd meet from Southe<askt:ln bytwo P01l1ts last Tuesday The tot'llsoores were Grosse pOl11te 53 Southcaskern 51 The POl11ters took eightfirst places leavmg only four firsts f.orthe opponeruts r 0 r a k e r \1a~onBraund Rem Mason Wernet andRal1l11eman achleved first placL 111 the120 va d hurdles 100 yard da,.,h onelmle run 440 ) ard dash 220 yard d«.sh88 yard nm and pole vault re<;pechvdyGroce Rlitchle Fmke and Ma,.,on tookf rst 111 the one half mIle relay The220 low hurdles shot pUit hlgh llmpand broad Jump were won by Darhng\hller Bertnel and Sohnelder re,.,pect1vely of Sot1'thCJastcf'n Second placeswere taken by R tchlC GhesqUire and



"\)' cl .&0.....", , i"

.,,~ £'1-. dill 1r' "" $.

P..-e Three

sif:'aJteconference to be held at Bcnto 1

Harbor next October All bU~lIlt ~

matters WIll bc concluded £01 the n.,',ca1

year 1:0 dcar the way for a :>DLd.lmee1l:1l1g m June which WIll bL 1

Mothers and DaLghtel s' Day at thrDetrOlt Yaclt Club on June 1~'t.J..

fhe hostess comm ttee for th Mo:.7mect1l1g' \lrs J r Ch tmbula 1

\1rs Rav Sackett M1S f II <)

Schooley \1rs H [' Sneed and \1r~W R Waller

Phone Lenox 1162

They have learned throu~h exper-ience that to look In the GrossePomte ReVIew first IS to save timeand money afterwards They havelearned that advertisements in theReVIew £;JVC them the informationthey want, and thc places wherethey Celn make theIr deSIred pur-chases The Review 1'3 really a sortof cleating home of shops, thoseadvertismg m it steadJly come un-der the notice of the many womenreaders, and they come mto theIr8tOles, whtle those who don't ad-vertJse lose the chance of even be-Ing consldel ed as a prospectivemarket You have a business, whynot make It pay? Appeal to onewoman and you appeal to many,for WOll1en never keep a secretNelthcl does The Grosse PointeReView-the chance IS open to all,a ~uaranteecl area of women buy-ers


Iannua1 May Dance g~ven by the NatlVlty Young La.dles Sodahty on Wt.dnesdav eve11mg May 18th

Chlarles W1ggle formerly McCormack of tht. Detrot Pollce DepartmcllItWIll be preo:el11: to 'lmg accompd.ll1cdbv Ange Lorenzo w'ho 15 know 1 dS]a-ck of Jack and Jcrry from WJR

The Commlttec~Dons "trcb AnnSImon ch Dorothy Cava nary J olcttaKretz Magdalen Gross Kat! ry LurMan Sarah Gruber

Our wide circulation of7000 readers guaran.tees y<IUa reading pub.lie, and a buying areathat will pay tenfoldthe cost of advertising.

One Pomt of ViewI count life just a staff to try the

soul's $trength on -FxcUflnge

The Karmelkorn Shop Fort Pontchal'train Alta-Hazel Tea RoomIf you deSIre some good tasty dehc I On rnday afternoon \1ay 20 begm rhe A1ta Hazel Tea Room which

lOt s confectiOn we would sugge~t that 11111gWith a one 0 clock luncheo 1 the W<.~ formerly located at 14,18 f'l,',t\OU drop 111 at the new KARMEL members of Fort Pontchaf\tram Chap ]cffcl~on Aveme I~ now at a marLKOR\ SHOP located <it 14247 East 1ter Daughters of the Amu ca 1 Revo u tJ.bk and LOIH11lent lOLat on fl eJefferson avenue (ne'Xt to J akewood lutlOn w 11 assel"11ble for the annu'1j ca room IS now lonted at 10262)theater) and try some of the r prod mcetlng V1rs Osmond D Heaven I ku ew avcnUe (3 doors north ofucts KARMFJ KORN has made thou nch retlTlng regent w111preSide A Jefferson) wherc they havc largcr aIel"'ands and thousands of friends where nual reports of officers and ch'lllmu more pleasant dilng room Specl'llever t IS sold Karmelkorn has that of stal dmg comnllttees WIll be rC<.d table d hotL luncheons at 50 cents anIcrunchy flavor whl'ch ~s not found An ol.1Jtstandmg repol t WIll be 1at of hnners are served cvery day for 6:'1n any s mllar confectiOn You caJn buy \1:rs r H Hammer1 chaIrman of 01 cents and 85 cents on Sundays thcv

1 11 (1uantlhes from 5 cents to 40 ccnt:. s.ervat on and thnft who was re~pon ~ervc spcc al d n11ers at 85 cents 1.11<1a l)ag ThiS del'1C10USconfectIOn I~ ~llle for the splendid program at the ~1 00 Spec al 1l1v~tatlOn IS gIVen tomade fresh hourly GIVC KAR\1B.,L memoflal tree planil:mg all: Machl1zH. bridge and tea partlles molud1lllg banKOR'J a trIal school recenlf:ly quets ReservatIOns can be made by

Italian Garden Officers elected art the March meet qalhng Lenox 5729 All foods are prel\1g wl11 be confirmed and Il1stallld pared by an eXlperle11ced chef and you

The Ita11an Gardens of the Book. Delegates and alternates w 11be cJ osen are assured of pohte and courteousCadJlh:j.c H9tel w~ll be the ~celH of ~4et9 attend- tbe t'l;llrty second an 1t al .ser:vlce

H~~~~~~~.~m.~aa~~m~~~m~~~~~~TII~~~~~~~~i.on ••• n•n ...' .non •• n.n •• n ••• o •• n •••• n.n ••• n ••••••••

1Ii! ==

I ~:• •.-m EN' ~~~ iI •;'mili•••• __-__ __..m,-_ ill~ "'--_--J' ~ :3 ~

II ~I:;; I

~"0 I• "-'i~ .,~~


HAre-.••~IncreasinglyIAware oj theIJialue of Newspaper~m~m~~




Retrospect'It IS a good thing to remmd our

selves daily of our past pustakes saysa fnend 'It keeps us bumble Letthe dead pa~t bury ItS dead Dutvcalls to make the future gqod-anc1fill It wItb hope and la~bler-EX:c1lange.

Today Is the TimeYestelday is alleady a dr€a;m To

morrow is only a VISIOn 'lQdav \VeIllIved makes ever~ yesterday a dreamof happmess every tomorrow a \ ISlOnof hope Look well therefore to thisnay -rrom ihe -Sanskrit

air aCCOidlllg to the Holland Instituteof .rhermology of Holland MICh Wmter aIr of 32 degr~s F has capaCItyfor only one fOUlth the amount ofmOIs:ture that aIr of a temperature of70 degrees has, thel efore thel e is amOIsture shortage when the wmterall IS taken mqoors and warmed to70 deglees 'lhe result IS that mdOOIair is too dly 'lhe walffi dry aIrqUickly dries the mucoijs membranesIII the nose and thloat irrItating they:lcreatmg of them more actlve fieldsfor bacteria that cause disease

I'urthermore dry aIr IS usuallygerm Jaden dusty an and mOle gelmsreach thIS actn.e field for infection.rhe onl~ prd.ctlcal soluuon of thIS undeSIrable COndI1Jon bes 10 supplyingthe mdoor aIr Thlth suffiCIent mOlstureto ofCset the deficl.eney ThIS IS bestaccomph<;hed by me,ans of modern\\ al m air heatmg systems of the vaporall type m"hich a humidrfier that recelves its water <bupply direct from thehouse main automatH~ally iPJe-ets intothe home aIr the moi:ature from 3 to25 gallons of water per daJ according to reqUirements An -R\ el 'lge ofSIX gallons of water per day, or onequart per hour should be evaporatedto offset the mOIsture defiCIency 1n theaverage five-room house

Dr E Vernon Hill, Chicago, eminentaero[oglst and dean of AmerIcan airconditioning engineers, who statesthat home al r conditioning IS thebaSIS of an Industrial developmentthat Will revIve prosperity.

"ThIS unit likewise makes the heatlUg system avaIlable for coolIng purposes dUllng the hot perIOds of summer The aIr motlQIl ellffimates thestagnant air conditIons tlat charactei'"!ze home interlOrs in hot weatherand by keepmg the air In constantcirculatIOn through the cool basementtends to modIfy the temperature Itsmost ImPOItant benefit however isthe gentle aIr motIOn whICh producesa phYSIcal comfort commensurate wlththat obtained b~ lowerlllg the temperature sevelal degree~

• 'lhermostatically controlled homeaIr condltloDlng s~stems now avwlableate depend'1bly efitcJent moderatepl'lced a.nd praetiwUy fool proofIbell use In conJunttJon With 011bUl Ilmg eqUIpment gas burners orautomatIC stol{etS for coal vlrtua.llyelIminate all of ():Ie dl ul1gelY uibcomfort aod incom Clllence that hJ?reto10le ha"e chmacteri7ed home heatmg

ObViOusly he saId in concluslOnpt.blIe demand for (lomest c all' con

ultlomng wiH be almost unlnn tedfor 1),11' condltlOnmg systems arB mdlSpensable to sound health and the)Impart a ge.Q:1JInellldoor comfort thafis now e'{perienced III but few homesor places Publl-e acceptance of thenew Idea in year round air condl tlOnmg, WIn In effect, render practIcallyall eXIsting housmg ooso1ete

; 5




rt!!iJ"'"i 1 \~It liJould Yl?l/lllre gom! • I eVeYlI .0 V2~through the bouse ~ houy 8, 6'


ROnJ&Jl$ R.ellshed OyateJ'-5Excavatl0ns at Cael'leQn Wales dIS

closed a Roman oyster bar In theancient town have been found beautiful houses haVIng 40 to 50 rooms andPiil.mer{)us .shops In one of the $hops"as a pIle Of oyster shells and al:ftJ alaJ'gi. uwnb~r of unopened bivalves,

Proverb as R\!!vljlede'As you make vour bM. ) ou must

he m it --unless you are a profeSSional polItiCian in which case you makeyour bunk and he out of it -BostonTranSCript

Two colds a year are the Jot of thea\ erage pel son and these are

usually contracted dUllng the wrnterheatmg season that perlOd when weCDOP ourseh es mdoors Because ofthe fact that respIratory dIseases become epideuuc commencmg wlth thestart 0f the heatmg season it If;! theconsensus of promment health ,authol1ties heatmg and ventl1atmg engmeers ana mr conditlOlllng expertsthat the super dry aIr that characterIres most homeh and pla-ces of wOlkdurlllg WInter is in lfllge degree responslble for colds mfuenza and other t eSplratory alIments

,~rmed indoor aIr IS 'dry f.or thesunple reason that willter (cold) lllris more dense than warmed aIr, andcontains less moisture than warmed

Two a Year Average Per-son's Lot as Result of

Dry Indoor Air.


Twenty.Five Million American Homes in Needof Its Benefits, States Dr. Hill.

nq! G~OSSE POINTE REVIEWUJ:l.iuiiUjitU1iWuOb.w.J.J.u jj ..-4 >.llJl

HOME AIR CONDITIONINc. BASIS Too many p~;'~:.J~:lie".- tb.l lbe

OF INDUC!TRIAL DEVELOPMENT other tellows job offers belter ebanee.,;:, for success ThIS 1<5 a fallacy It Ian't

THAT WILL REV1lVE PROSPERITY lhe olher fellow. job It. tbe otberI fellow hImself Remember that the

man makes the job, not the job theman-GrIt

CIUOAGO~ILL - 'TraU':lltlOn of tile!mnace ~ntQ an ail condluonmg

plant makes lesldentml heating systerns now used as much out of date .usthe old fashIOned ice bO}, or hltchenrange' declared Dr E Vernon HIll,uean of Amencan all' conditlOnlDg~cle:ntIsts and editor of the Aelologlsta nahonal publIcaiIon de"oted to thescience of heatmg) ventilatmg and aIrconditioning

Air conditlOnmg for the 23 000 000homes 1D AmerICa as well as the almost mnumerable commel Cial publicand mdustrml bmldmgs i$ the newlnoovatlOll that fills In the parlanceof the business man, a felt but unj{no'\}n want' It IS the baSIS of aIlew industrml development that willbe lllstJ;umental III revivlllg prosperItyand whlcll w111be a balance w4eel thatwl.ll keep prosperity on an ev~n keel~or many years to come '

TlllS statement is based on the factthat the ArperlCall pubhc has becomefamiliar WIth the comf&ts and benefits of aIr condltwning through the perfected systems now used 1D the bettertheaters public bUildings and in manyhnes of industry "This has resulted'he said) I ill demand for aIr condItIOning in the borne and he expressedthe -opinion that when the Amf>rICanpublIc funy lecognizes the benefitsImparted by air condltIomng from thestandpomts of health and comfort au"COYJdltiollmg WIll b'e looked upon asmore of a necessIty than the raillo oreven the automobl1e

1\!o home need be WIthout the comforts and healthfulness of all' CQUditIQnmg Doctor Hlll contmued 1hereIS now available to any home ownerwho .can afford the usual type centralheaong plant a heatmg un conditioning s~stem that automatically perf 01illSthe Important functions of air conditlOnmg 'llleiOlostatiC'1l1y contlolledthese systems In addItIOn to suppIvIngthe \\armth essentIal to \,Inter comfort al 0 automat cullv sup )ly the hon1f'air \\ tll sufhclent mOlstme to offsetthp mdoor dr~ ness chat actelistIc ofwmter heatrng

They also meet anoth-er VItal rl-quu ement of air cond lIOll1ng namelvCOnSl1.nt atr cllculatlOn bv metins ofa thermost/lt~<.ally conti oIled nit cllculatlllg umt Ihls alr urculltlOD isdlaftless yet of sufficient force tokeep the aIr III e,ely loom constantlymoving chanbwg it from four to s1"'::tImes per hour An outstandlllg bene1it of this air motion IS the development of an IUU()Ortemperature that isprac Ically Ulliform III e\ery room atfloor and ceilIng levels

Sod .carried ~ OceanThe MiSSissipPI fiver carnes year

ly to the Gulf of MeXICO 418000 000tons of silt On tIle basJs af the chf>D1leal analysis of SOlIs over tbe Ul1ltedStates generally, th~ follo\\ mg estlIU'1te has been made of the CO'1tent'1of thiS -SlIt Phosphoric .aCId 621000tons mtrogen 418000 tons potash6479000 tons In addlbon the '11~81SSIppi rl\ er carlles apro,\uuatQh200 000 000 tons of dlssoh ed matt<\\inch cannot be anal)'zed in thIS manner

Many Possible ShadesAbout 2000000 tints or shades <-an

be derIved from the three prImarycolors

~conomy Hurt Golf G.-meA story about .woodra" W.llson was

told by Joe HQrgan golf caddy WllO\J.~d to c~rx:y tP.e President s clubs atDeB.} Beacll N J HThe PresIdentwas:p'~a g()C1!i; ,golffll' ' Horgan ;l{ t:&e A,merIC$.n Magazine 'lbut heseern€'d to enjoy the game th('}voughl~He laughed and Jok,ed a iot aDd oncetwhen be: almost .mIssed a ShDt complei€'ly he blamed it on the fact that\\ hen be first took up golf he had toplay Without a caddy for the sake ofeconomv He said that \\ as when helearned to 11ft his head with each shota fatal balnl t<>r golfers"

USbqJ'~hand" •The OrIgin of bl'1.ef \U'itlllg is cloud

ed in mystely No authentLC record exIsts establishmg Its practical us~much before the""FIrst centu'l'Y B CFrom that perIOd unbl about 800 A Dthe art .ffourlshed throughout the Ro~man empire The secretar;y and 11brarian or .c~cero Marcus TulliusTlro, was the piOneer of Roman sh01thand The chief use of shorthandin R( man times was made by theleaders In the church and by government offictals Church digmtaries whomade conspicuous use of shorthand"ere Sf Augustme,Origen St JeromeAU the J;toman emperors employedshortllund secretimes Se\ eral emperors attempted to learn it For centuries the art of shorthand fell intodiSUSe 1YIodern s.horthfllld dates from1588 wben D, TJlJIotby jlrJght produced a system to WhICh lle gave thentle Charaeterle

Church and Palace OneWhen Wori<1 Was Young

'" orsJ:J.1pIn early- bmes, Prof DavldMOQre Robmson of Johps Hopkins um\ ersity says took place Ih the palaceswhere the klDg was also prIest andm the palace of King Minos as early as1600 B C there were anlComc imagessuch as the Greek cross which is usednow In the Gree~ church After tpe di'!strijctlOn of the Minoan cIVltlzatlOD,he contmued Greece was plunged into a dark age from 1100 to 700 B Cand had to de ..elop aU over 3gam fromhumble orIgms The church was separated from the state and the templescame to be separate buildings from thepalaces'

Profe):,sor Robmson saId that in theearly tlme!$ In Crete and elsewhere mGreerp (ayes wer.e used as shrines and\C'U"e on:erm~.s were (lep-oslted In thec'1ve$ Such use of ca:VRS was cnnlinued througb the cLassical and meIlH\,al ages' he added 'and stlll exists at Iourdes and otner places

l"he earllest Greek tpmples \\ hlrLl~ ere separated from the p"Rlaces hedeclared \Vere of stone foundatlOM"ith walls of mud brick ~nd columnsof wood such as that of Hera atOlYmJ?Ia Other,s lLke that at CormthIJad rrOll9hthJc colnmns of limestonecov,E))eQ wltb But the gleattemple~ of the Fifth century B Cwere bUilt of marble

Famous Eulogy Said toHave Been Spontaneolls

Th~ case in which Senator Vest dttIivelcd IllS ell-logy on the dog occmredshortly after the: Ol}11 war Cbarl~Burden of Kmgsville Mo I Q\\ued ahuntmg dog c'llled Old Drum of" hlehhe was Hry fond HIS neIghbor Leollidas Hornsby had lost a numberof sheep whioh had been h.illed bv dogsd1lrmg the summer and fall of IBMBe threatened to kill the first dog whowas found on hJ.s place One day hehad been huntmg Vi lth Dick Fergusonand after they returned home a dogwas heard outsIde Hornsby told reI'gl1son to shoot The ne~t mormngOld Drum was found dead and BurdendecIded to mflke Horn~bv suffer ;Hetherefore, sued him for $50 damages.the first Jury disagreed The ;:lecondJury ga\ e hIm '$20 damages He appealed the case According to Vest sfamily he was asked i.}yBurden to asSISt hiS lawyels at the trIal for a stlpulated sum of $10 He tool~ no partlU the tnal until the closlng appeal tot'le Jury whep. without eIther noticeor preparatwn he made the wellkno\\n appeal Tears were In theeJ es of rp.any members of the jury anda verdict of $500 damages was at10" ed but the court stated that thisamQunt was In excess of the petitiOnand could not be allowed

FrIday May 13 19324

$3 00 and up 1035 lvlarlborougb To!ejJhone Lenox 80li

DR SALE - All hMd m~de qU11rtS,reasonalble price Mrs Leo £goo,

235 MaryI~nd H dkory0254 J

Furniture for Sale-FUR1'HTURE for sale-Green lacque;kVlllg room 3 pIece green lacquer

telephone stand an>d.thaqr gl een la"C""quer tnagazme rack 75 lib Ice Eo",ApppIy Aloma theatre, Oharlevolx andWay!>urn

For ExchangeSPA'IISH Speakll1f! UnweM,ty grad,

ua1e des1re~ board and room m ex~cllange for hg11t serv~ces 1ll p.!'lhvatehome -can <do 1:utormg 1ll,good Grosse POlDitereferences< P<lirra.Euchd 2136 R --WllntedWOMA l\J of \;uLtuI'eand refinemel}t to

caU on dlscnmj,n>aing bUYjers Wlth.expllllslve l~ne of made t.o order hl1lgeneNever before lThtroduced in Clty Expenence Cllot necessary H1ckory3435 W

WorkWutea. ,FAMILY WASHINGS- Bundle work

cur tams blankets guaranlteed 819Notre: Dame FlJckory0532DRFSSMAKER-Have your ward ..

ralx: re~tyled or ne-w <1r-es<sesmadeat your own home ReQis-on-aiMe Bestof refereruces HICkory5545 VvEXPERIENCED Gardener wants

work by the day or hour Call Hockory 3255 REXPERIENCED woman wants work

for FrIday or SatuI'day of each weekE:xlpert on sh~rts Clhildren s oloohesGrosse POinte references prIce rea~sonable Phone Tuxedo 2 1029

WOMAN wants steady dlay work orhousework by the week 5750 Ken-

smglton Road

OLD HATS com?letely remodelod ,$100 New hats made on the head


PIANO - Be<liutdufKimball Grand 1St of Asia in Italytwo tone walnut case perIod design pin

J years .oJd no rea.snnalbile offer re'" .It wight b~ said of more places than Ifused P.honc HIckory lOG-SO one that whf;lre It~lians hve today the_______________ spirIt of ASIa permeates everythingF but of Palermo in Sicily it always

seems to be speCHllly tr-ue Its lovelyand strange cathedral itself cOl).veJst4is to the m1pd as if the East andnot the 'Vest had reared It for a glOIyother than that of Rome

ByzantIne, Nor~n!Frenchand Spamard have come here torPlgn but they seem to have left onlyl)O.Aes the splnt which lives afterthem ;1J$ Saracen and PhoenicianA~lft. sits on t~ thr~me ulvislble andrules evely understandmg healt whic1lcomes WithIn its influence

HeaVIer Than LeadThere are at least twelve metal;:;

heaner Ulan lead and ~.en of themare more preclous than gold Tbeyare palladmm platInulIJ IrIdIUm mercury asmium rhodiUm, rubldiuQlruthenlUJD tantalum thallium, tungsten .n~ uramum ",mium almosttwice as heavy as lef~ l.q the heaviestknown substance.

Baby Leads the W.,.Accol dlllg to Afnca s travelels who

have been m the country frequentedby the so called whIte rhinocerosthe ~oung "hite rhinoceros has a curious trait not found n an~ other animal It alwa;ji'; \.,.all& ahead of itsmother As the CQWmoves along withlowered head it gUides Its offspringwIth Its horn WhIChISoften laId alongSIde the ~oungster s flank

W~ter as FoodThe l\:atlOJ1al Instltute of Health

says that it IS necessary to defiite theword before atfemptlllg to say whetherwater is a food or not If by food ISmeant an element WblC!lnourishes thebody water would not b(> considereda food It defined as an element ne<..essary to malntam hie in the bodv,water is a food


BUlinelS DirectoryMiscellaneous

Grosse PointeResidential Police

so HJ1lcrest Avenue

<>rosse Pointe Fanns, Mich.

Owned and Supervised by


Special Pollee Day and NightPhone Niagara 4532

JACOB VAN ZANENGeneral Carpenter Work

We Specialize ID Repair Work

14 Ridgemont Niagara 0786Gr... Pointe Farms, MICl:h- ,MarYland Electric

CoDtraeting and Rep.iring

l.E:no" 5Z84 1009 Maryl .... dGros.e P~te Park,

~ ,I ,

Tuxedo 2.3305 3100 M;lIusbqueFRANCES C. ~ROWN

Astrologe1"'A complete astrologIcal reading ~ of

the present and future $1 00 byappomtment

Parties 9£ four 9)' mOTIi' at l'~.d'uc.edrate.


All kmds of repatrUlg done

15122 Mack Ave Tux,.do 2-2125

Bungalows For RentEAST JEFFERSON 17153 - 6-room

oemen.t bungalow baph .stove- heat,large lard








Fnday, May \3, 1932

Balance to Suit

$10 DOWN

Telephone Lenox 4125



Ritzi Tea Room

Anowance for old refrigerator


Has a food storage capacity of Dear"ly five cublCfeet I Heavy steel body t

With glIstemng, white duco exteriorSeamless porcelam, InteriOr, con-cealed refrigerating \JnJt, suspendedon sprmgs, elImlnatmg ordinarynoise and VibratIon FiLStfreezmg.Fully guaranteed


A big. handsome, up_to-the"mlnutemodel •• priced at only -

If you're looking for a fine elec-tric refrigerator at a sensation-ally low price, here it is •••


Strong Cast AppearsIn Bold Screen Drama

At the Michigan

The RltZ1 Tea Room that has beenopened for 1msnness <lit 500 Eastlawnavenue (near Jefferson), InVItes yourp-atronage Vv e 'Serve the best of foodswh1dh IS stnotly home cookmg properly prepared Speclal noon-Jday lunches are served for 25c and -compJelte evemng dmner tuc1uchtng Home M<lide PIesfor 40c Full -cours<e chtcken drl.nnet'on Sunday for 50c Lf you want to en~JOy a real home cooked good meal, gIVethe RltZl Tea Room a trtal

John J Powe!. Mrs W R CarhnMrs C F Holmes Mrs Dean GrayMrs Mtlton 0 Gross Mrs C E. FergUSO'll Mrs Frede1'1ck L WyckoffMrs A W Fair Mrs Ja-cob WHammerl Mrs Fredenck McM urtrle ascommtttee chairmen and Mrs Wlh11amF Ca.>thn senIOr preSl1<dent of Ca.dJtllacSOclety Children of fue Amencan RevolutIon the JUn10r orgamzatlOn affihated w.1th Fort Pontchartram ChapterD A R


14127E. Jefferson Ave.






At Newport Avenue

Why is Leaf Mold theNatural Fertilizer?

D A R Regent

Rwgs and Window Shades Cleaned by Our Improved MethodAre 100% Cleaned T PNOX 6500


FERTILIZE WITHFor sale by Leachng hardware dealers, floriSts and n,urserles

Grosae Pointe Hardware, 16915 East Jefferson AvenueR. E. Beaupre Hardware, 326 Grosse Pointe BoulevardFred C. Dery Hardware, 15029 East Jefferson AvenueR & H Hardware, 16018 East WarrenV. R. DePetris, 202 Grosse Pointe Boulevard

Leaf mold consists of 70% organic matter which cauaes a bac-terial action in the soil. This bacterial action reconditions theground by making all elements in the soil available to plantlife in the form of gases. FERTILIFE contains 57% leaf moldin addition to 27% plant food.





O;"..C::>...,.;7.> c:R:>..C::>...,.;7.> c:R:>..C::>...,.;7.> c:R:>..C::>...,.;7.> c:R:>..C::>...,.;7.> c:R:>..C::>...,.;7.> c:R:>..C::>"'-:

~ FD~(;';.'~LDBArffiEitSHOP'" t~ 12936 EAST JEFFERSON AVE., at Dickerson ~Q; Has agaIn made It pOSSIble G

~ If you appr~~e~h~~l~~ ~lX.~;}U~C~e~2:~ou and you ~A need us Now lS the tIme to keep a Barber Shop 1D your community that ~~ WIllfit your pocketbook these hard times @I: OPEN 8 TO 10-SAT 8 TO IZ \;~ 16 BARBERS-3 SMes NO WAITING :Y~~~~~~~~~~~G':>~~G':>~~~~~


Norse MythologyThe names of the Three Fates in

Norse mythology are WIth (Past) Verthandl (Present) snd Sl~nld (ruture)They are simIlar to the Greek rates-(llotho Lachesis and Atropos

Enghsh AppellatIonA Idown is an expanse of h1gb. roll

mg ground destitute -of trees The termIs occasionall~ used for a smoothrounded hl11 The system of chalk hillsIn England is known as the Downs

Few Chau8'es In StatureTo judge by such skeletons as have

been recorded so far even the statureot prelllstoric man presents ltttle difference from that of the modern 1nhabitants of the same areas

Mrs Osmond D HeavennClh relt1r111Ig regent of Fort PontchalitramChapter Daug'hteI's of t'he AmefbcanRevolution who enrte.ntalned the Ohatpter at a br1dge tea on Thursday cufternoon of thIS week wlll also be hostessat her fhome on Pemberton road

IGrosse P-omte at a farewetll lunrcheon011 Saturday May 14 for her exe'Cu.tllveboard and t1te chalrmen of comuuvteeswho have served WIth her The lunch-eon WIll be at one 0 clQck

Her guests Will be Mrs Russcll V The inSide story of the lnvestlgatIonAllman \1rs A W Tv.[yers Mrs K G that rocked all Amenrca and a darmgSchairer 1vIrs T L Damelson Mrs Iexpose of .crooked and corrupt judgesRobert M Toms Mrs Raymond that barter tlhelr office for power IS

Foulkrod Mrs W L Nutten Mrs E the theme of 'l\Jlght Court the feartJ Sa, age Mrs H B Kellogg MISS ure screen attra-ctlOn now current atPearl E lockhart Mrs A L Welbb the Mlchlgan theater Waltel Hustonand Mrs K I Guest of tfue executive Phllhps Holmes LeWIS Stone. andboard and Mm A J Barnum Mrs .l\mta Page comprJse the cast

I ~

For Safety's SakeWhlle the stars may mfluence one's

11fe, we feel that it is more praet1calto pay attention to the traffic Ilgiltl.-O\uo State JourIlsl

"Fools' Gold"The prlncipal uses for pyrite, or

fools' gold,' are in the manUfactureof sulphuric acid and sulphlte woodpulp Pyrite is used in smelters as afluxing agent to furmsh lron for theslag MLDor uses of pyrite are inradIos jewelry, vermilhon paLDts, ortor the manufacture of copperas,whIch is used in dyes writmg inkwood preservative<ll dls111fectant andcertain kmds of tertihzers

Largest Sea BirdAs an mhabitant of the southern

seas the albatross was discovered incomparatively recent years probablyin the concludmg years of the Fifteenth century, says "'\ature :Magn.7me It soon after became wellknown and haS proved to be the largest sea bird now e"{lstlng snd is considered to be the baStS of the myth1cal roc traditlOu

Development of MapsThe earllest maps are not accurate,

but are based on the knowledge 0(the world as it was hnown at the hmethe maps were made Only those countrles whose inhabItants were known\\ere depicted some parts weremarked unexplored and some boundaries were left unfimshed As maritime discovery progressed maps developed Later actual surveys andmeasurements '"\ere made Regulartopographic surveys wel e begun inmany countries about the middle otthe Eighteenth century

That'. the Pond"My famlly relates a Nashville fa

ther I pave the technic of makingtouches down to a T, but" he asks theBanner, 'what s the rime or reason otcall1ng such pickings Ipin money"IIThey call it Ipin money, " elucidatesthe editor • because the man of thehouse gets stuck for it"

Or a Fountaln PenI In a certain featured, picture de

pictmg a Blbheal perLOd' relates areader from the Hoosier state, I I noticed what appeared to be a :flashlightDid the Israehtes have :;uch contraptions during that time'l' "Absolutelynot I' instructs the American LegionMonthly I What you saw was p;robably a thermQS bottle '

Patience RewardedA sportsman who had been havlng

consistently bad fortune upon the deerforest WhiCh he had rented came backto the lodge one day wearing an expression of gr1m satisfactIon 'IAnyluck today deal 'I asked his Wife • Ican t say for certain yet' he replIedhopefully but I believe I baggeda brace of hikers -London Sportingand Dramatic News

Thunder and LobstersThe lobster is greatly afraid &f

thunder and, when the peals are veryloud, numbers of them drop thelrclaws and mm away for deeper \Vater Any great fright may also induce them to drop their claws Butnew claws begin at once to grow. andin a short time are as large as theold ones and cO\.ered with hard shellS.rhe lobster often drops 1ts shell whenit hides until the new shell 18 hardenough to protect it

Oldest Famtly Btble FoundAubigne sur Sarthe, France, claims

that it has a Blble older than the onediscovered in Texas and declared tobe 333 years old M Legeay has afamIly Bible which was completed onMarch 27. 1569, and therefore is 29years older than the one in the LoneStar state

Liner'. Wlrina SystemSo great a part does electnclty play

in a modern ShlP that the Empr~s ofBritain and similar big liners havehundreds of miles of w'ire connectingup the telephones, hght signaling, andpower devices Henley cables installed in Empress of Britam reacha length of 175 miles But there areover 200 mUes of electrlc wire in thevessel

Heavy Heads Hang LowThe same hath happened to the truly

wise which befalls el;lrs of corn. theyshoot and raise their heads high andpert, WhIlst empty, but when matureand swelled with grain. begin to :flagand droop So those men who havetried and sounded all things. and d1.8covered nothing sol1d and firm, havequitted their presumption and acknowledged their natural condition -:Montalgne

Helmets of WiCkerIn the course of their rescue wort.

the eoast guards of Great Britain arefrequently compelled to descend highcliffs to reach the shore beloW and inorder to protect thelr faces from the~arp rocks they make use of a helmet made of wIcker which completelycovers the head, back and front Thehelmets are also of value 10 protecting the wearer from the attacks ofbIrds whIch make theIr nests on therocks and which resent the lDtrUS10nsof the guardS

Fort,. Lambs In Lan'Farmers lD the Dolgelly distriCt of

Wales have Buffered Ser10US losses oflambs and poultry through raids byfoxes During a hunt on the Tal y llynPass a fox and vixen were shot Afarmer was lowered by ropes to themonth of the laIr, and terriers killedseven cubs The lair contaIned tilecarcasses of 40 lambs.

1\ J'l- DLs~in~tio!,Walte~ ~ Symollds is credIted wltl;

blowlnr the bull> fot'thti first tnngstenlamp made In Amenca.~ ,

F li

Fasting the Best Way.11l0W to lmprove the appetite was

the theme of a recent medIcal addressthat consumed more than half anhour s bme We could tell it quicI erPass up your breakfast dmner andsupper and repeat the saDIe second dayif necessary Your appetite Will 1mprove -New Orleans Tlmes PIcayune

Earl,. AqueductsAs early as tb:6' year 312 B C Ap

PlUS Claudms Caecus constructed anaqueduct whIch brougpt in a supply of"ater to Rome The second aqueduct.h~own a,s the Amo Vetus was constructed 40 ye~r$ late~ Toward theclose of the First centpry A. D therewere Ulne aqueducts Some of thestructures still remalO both in Italvnod in other parts of the former Roman empire examp1fS eXisting atNimes lV'rance. aug at Segovia, inSpain

Poland's Scenic BeautyPossessing a wealt4 and great va

riety of scenic 1:)eauty, Poland appealsstrongly to the lover of nature Especlally alluring are the romantic andrugged peaks and the valleys andlakes of the Tatra mountains, whichPoland shares wlth Oz:echoslovaklaand which on both SIdes of the border are now studded wlth tourlst centers possessing every modern comfortin the midst of virgm forests Thecountry is a huntsman s paradise withalmost every variety of game, includlog wild boar ind bear,.

Far-Eastern CIVIlizationsThe ctvllIzahon of China goes much

farther back than that of Japan AsII matter of fact, Chinese crrihzatLOn"*as introduced into Japan about theFirst centnry A. D In modern timeshowever, Japan has outstripped Chinain many respects. Japan having adopted western standards of living to amuch greater degree While Japanhas shown a capacity equal to thatof anv ether known people and whiletheir manneDB and customs and certain instttutlOns were modLfied in anc1e>nt times by Cltines,e culture theyhave kept pace WIth European andAmerican clvili~tion

A Modern Child Says.'.1 had a bard time keeping my faee

straIght today when I was sent outIn the car with f~ther and he told mehe had decided it was tIme for me tolearn to drive J;Ie pic-ked out a nicequiet road and sh..owed me how to startthe engine. shift the gears, set thebrakes and everything You can't imagme how muc!) he enjoyed showmgme It made me ashamed really, andalmost sorry that I had learned todrive three years ago in SkmnyBrown's car But you should haveseen how pleased and proud dad waswhen he stalled the engine on the railroad tracks whlle explam1Dg to mehow to aV01d it and I spoke up andtold him how to get oft He s tellmgthe neIghbors now how quick I pickthmgs up "-Kansas C1ty TImes

"First Citizen" WorriedOver Supply of Butter

That butter was used generously inthe George Washington householdbaCk in 1759 Is dlsclosed III Washington s diary Procurin~ enough butterwas a problem for Washington despitethe fact that several hundred cattleroamed hlS pastures. During the winter of 1760 he was short of this neeessary article for cookmg and tableuse On January 7 of this year hewrites

"Accompanied Mrs Bassett to Ale"'{andrm and engaged a. keg of butterof Mr Kirkpatrll::k, bemg quite out ofthat article' And the next day hesays I Got a Uttle butter from MrDalton" On Sunday January 20 henot only recelved more butter but othar supphes Listen to thlS <lMywagon, after leavmg two hogsheads oftobacco at Alexanurla. arrived herewith three sides of sole leather andfour of upper leather. two kegs ofbutter. one of which for Colonel Fairfax and 15 bUShels of salt "-Hoard sDairyman

''r j)

Eagle Long AssociatedWith Pomp and Majesty

The Persian monarchs adopted theeagle as a symbol of monarchy theAssyrmns carved it in stone alongwlth thelr other emblems of power,as dId the Egyptians also Poets ofantlqUity termed It the kmg of birusas the lion was dubbed the king ofbeasts

From the hme when a Tuscan embassy vIsited Rome, on a message ofkindlmess and encouragement to ayoung natlOn, bearing among othergifts a splendld royal scepter surmounted by a carved ivory eagle, suchmajestic figures, first of wood. then ofmetal. wers the standards borne bythe Roman. legions. Napoleon Bona.parte, in boastful emul~tion of thoseconquerors of the wovldj replaced theoriflamme and other battle flags ofFrance Wlth glIded e~gles, WhlChhowever. disappeared wlth the :Napoleonic dynasty

Russia, Prussia, SpaIn, Poland, SlClly, and Saxdmia had already madethe eagle theiD np.tiol,1al bird, as didlater the united States

Nor can the r~spect this powerfuland rapacious bIrd evoked from mankmd generally be wondered at, whenits size, its powers of flight and ofattack its dignity in repose and on thewing, its ferocity and its beautiful par-ental care of its young are taken intoaccount.



,j C

ChevalierAt the Riviera

Messiah Lutheran

Castle Now a MuseumSchlOSS Dyck one of Germany s old-

est Rhemsh castles. lS to be openedas a publlc museum The moated castIe is situated between Neuss andGladbach Rheydt and con tams an important collection of weapons as wellas fine gobeHns and manv rare books

BurIes Old AutoFor 30 years Francls Pearse Lon

don phYSiCian used tbe same automobile In making professional callsFlDding it necessary to dlscard it re.-cently. he had It burled in a cemeterywIth all the usual 1;0Ilorll,


Maunce Chevabe-r hM seored thebIggest h~1 1ll ~One Hour 'VVlth YOLlnow showmg at the Rlvler'a theater 10cated on Grand RiVer and Joy road

One Hour WIth You Ernst1 ubLts"h dlreoted presents ChevaIter 11

he rale of a doctor The beaut1fulJeaJne.tte MacDonald plays the ole ofChevalter s wlfe v..hl1e Genevieve lobmI~ s<een In tJhe portrayarl of hlS WIfe'sbest frlend

Meltro Gold\\yn Mayer & amazmgpIcture Freaks lS now showmg atthe Paramourut the<liter tn DetrOit In I

producmg thIS pIcture they have daredto 10uch upon a subject that nevel before found ltS way to the slh el scree'llHow the pu!bhc would respond to astory dear1tt'g WIth those abnormalcreawre-::. seldom seen outSide of a urC'US slde-show was the problem faCIngthe iProoolCers

Courtenay Terrett, farnom NewYork Ctrty newspaper reporter who hascovered many big stor1es llS the aut'lOrof 'The Famous Ferguson Ca~e JoanBlondell s new starrtl1lg pIcturf' which1S now sho\\ lUg at trhe Un1ted Artiststheater 10 Detro1t

"Famous FergusonCase" at United Artists

StartIng Friday May 13fh there wlllbe on the Flsher screen one of t'he blgsmash I1nts of the season The man-agement 1S prohlblted from revealmgthe title of the ploture and tthe stars'names flit th s tlme Howe," er lt lS apIlCture thait mos-t everyone has readabout and deCided to see The castreads like a Who s Who of Hollywood and the stars are among the big-gest names of the screen In SlpIte ofall that may be sald---<th1s pIcture Willp:ta.y t1he FIsher Watch the paper::r forannouncements you 11 get a b1g sur-pme

Anna May WongAt the Fisher

Southeast corner of Kercheval andLakewood avenues A H A Loelberpastor 1434 Lakewood avenue Tele-phone Lenox 2121

Next Sunday, May 15 !the congregatlOn wl~l observe Pentecost or Whnet-Sund1ay the festn al of the Holy SpllrltThe Importance of the Hcly SPlrLt

WIll be the subject of the sermon SerVlces will be held as follows Germanat 9 a m Ellgllsh at 11 15, SnndaySchool at 10 15

The Me-n's Club W111meert Tuesday'vfay 17, at 8 p m

l "Freaks" NowShowing at Paramount

13337 East Jefferson avenue cutLakeView

I When Dlsclples Fall" Will be 1hes'UbJe'C'tat the 11 00 a m worSlhnp ser-nce and The Ohutlch and Industry'Sunday lllght at 7 30 the pastor, RevWayland Z\, ayer preachmg at bol~hserVlces

An open forum on Pro1mbll1:1iOnwlllbe conduoted at 8 30 pm, when MrZwayer \-\111commerut on ques1t!ons leHby las1 Sunday mght's conigreg-Ml0nThe forum lS the result of the wtdeInterest taken m the recent poLl onthe Etg\hteenth Amendmel1lt

The Brortherhood plans a Sundaymoroll1@' breakfast alt Belle Isle Parkafter whlch the men wl1I come to thechurch for their usual class meetIng

Other serVIces <lunng the day mc1udethe Church occurrIng at 9 45 a m the]un1or Church and Nursery durmg t'hehour of the Mornmg WorsJlhp oodthe two Young People s Groups meetmgat630p m

It you do not have a regular ptRiceof worshtp the pastor arud membe1"sof the J efferson Avenue Ba>phst churchco,rdlally tnvtte you to make yourchurch home WIth them

Jefferson AvenueBaptist Church

she has labored under the a1.1::.'PlceQ'Ofthe Board of Foreign M1SS'10nSof thePresbyter1an Church for °a number otyeal'S She wlll ibrmg a number' ofcunos wtth her, speakmg 011 Ch111a-Her CUtStoms and Re1~gtons ' Mr JohnHornmg Bass S010IS<t from the 12thAvenue Church wIll brmg several muslcal numbers a'S wlll Mrs C E KIrcher The program lS a M1SSIonarv Rallyt.nder the auspices of tlhe Women sMlss10nary Society of the EaJSttmmsterChurch, Mrs Roszel Chia1rman





Grand boulevard and Preston


PAINT AND GLASSThat Good "Wallhlde Paint"

MIRRORS LEADED GLASSGlass Tops fot' Furmture

Auto and Sash GIBZlngDIAMOND ART GLASS STUDIO8725 Kercheval Lenox 2290


Upholstering RepairingDraperies and Curt8Jns Made To

Order-FIrst Class WorkWutdow Shades Boat CushIons985Barrington Rd Grosse Pomte

Permanent WavesGenume Eugf"ne $3.50FrederIC VIta TonIC $S00 Waves 01

Nestor-SpecIal one week $395Marcel and Shampoo 75cMarcel 50cHot 011 SIcShampoo and Fmger Wave-

Permanent Price 50eExpert Service and Highest Quality

MaterIals Usec\

Madame Korte Beauty Shoppe14940Mack near Wayburn

Tel, NIAGARA 7178

The Book & Gift Shop15300 Mack at Beaconsfield

We have just added 100 New Mayreleases 3c per day No chargeto Join Over 1,000of best books toselect from New and latest booksadded every week Books for everytaste

Gtfts, Lamps, Talhes, Books,moderately prtced

lc Greeting Card SaleSELECT one at regular prIce, g-etanother of lIke value for Ic Wehave pIcked out an exclUSIveselec"bon for thiS event, as we wanteveryone to know about our chOIcehne Cards for all occatuons.


Grosse Pointe Farmsoperated by Mrs R E James an"nounces a sprIng and summer open-Ing With all work reduced to fiftycents. ThiS Includes FaCials andtreatments, Shampoo and Waves 7Scents The same excellent work andset"Vlcewill be given under these

I prices as In the past Call Niagara2566 for day or evenings appoint...Iments.

New Hats Reasonably Priced

Lenox 8015 1035 Marlborough

Hats RemodeledF'ELTS



With a real guarantee, backedby 21 years of service.

Expert Saw Filing, GeneralGrinded, Free Pick.up and


WM. C. ORR3132 Chalmers, near Mack

Tuxedo 2.1459

Choir-Frtday at 8 00Confirmatl0n dass--Sarturday M 10

E.stminster Presby.terian Church

East Jefferson avenrue at MamstlqueCarll E Kircher pastor

The Ohurch s BIrthday' lS the subjeot of Rev Carl E Klrclher next Sunday mormng at the Eastmmster Presbytenan Church 11 00 a m At 7 30.t.-' m there WIll be a MlsslOnary Rallyaddressed by Mrs LoUIse E \VoHerdwho recently came from China where

Presbyterian ChurchOf the Covenant

Fas<:l1:ree1:No Sabbath means no Chure'h,No Church means no worshipNo worSih1iP means no relllgll'OnNo rehglO'11means no morallf1:yNo mora11ty means no SOCIetyNo society means no governmenrt:,No government means anarchy

_Bishop GoreCovenant Church mVltes you to ltS

~erVlces each Saibbath9 30 a m -BIb!e S<bool10 4l:i a m _Morning Worship Ser

mon theme The TrIumph of Patlence '

5 15 p m -SocI<lil hour for youngpeople

6 30 p m -Devottonal serVJiCes for..Dung people

7 30 'P m -Organ Reclta.17 45 'P m -Evemng Worship Ser

mon theme The Intrusted Talents


Plao... NIoa- -

Grace Church

15181 Qarlavolx A....(Wnw of Wa)'buns



"The Broken Wing"ZAZU PITS and


"Steady Company"

.. 4 Marlborou,h, cor. JefI'er.oaMadame Paulette

ShoppeD.... makin.

AJterlD.. Hemltitching, pleatiD.M~ams, ButtoD' COTel'ed

H1eko'7 0956.J DetrOit



"Strangers in Love"BEN LYON and


"The Big Timer"SATURDAY. MAY 14-


"The Heart of NewYork


"The Devil on Deck"Stage Attraction 8 30 P. M

SUNDAY, MONDAY.MAY I5-l6-Two Features


"The Gay Cabellero"SALLY BLANE and


"The ,Reckoning"SpeCIal Stage Attraction

Monday NIght Only



"Murders InThe Rue Morgue"


"Play Girl"Wednesday NIght Only-

"AllIed Prize Nlte"

Aloma Theatre

21835 Mack AveNiagara ZZIZ

Daniel G. Allor andSons Ice & Coal Co.

The Harper Method- Shop-

Shampoomg Scalp Treatment, Fa~ctal Masscage ManlCurmg Fl'ngerWavmg and Marcelhpg Call Tux-edo 2-377815319East Jefferson or Nottmgham

above GIlhgan S


DAYSHeavy mixed hard wood cuttinga

@ $5.00 per load, 60 cu. ft.Heavy mixed aoft kindling wood

@ ,4.00 per load, 60 cu. ft.While our atock lasta

LAMB'S WOOD YARDPhone. Lenox 1122 •


Dr. Lawson B. CoulterOateopathic Pbyaician

1SZQ4Mack Ave., at Lak ....... teTa"edo Z.IOZZ

Hour.t-l8, m. to • p m MOil, WecL,Fri.; , .. iii. to 6 p m t Tuft.,;• a.... to 12 p. m. Saturda,..

~_o_o_o_~a__ -..._0_ --Landscape Design and Cdnstruc- i

bon-Cholce Perenntal. andAlp1De Plants

Edelweiss Gardens

Kercheval avenue at Lakepomte,Grosse Pomte Park Armm HaeuslSaerpas-tof, 1132 Lake.po1nlte avernue PhoneLenox 2299

The festrval of Penrte-cosrt -or WhrtS'UUJday'"'''111be duly -observed at Gracechurcl1 next Sund.ay art: 10 4S A sermonon the tOPIC The Chnsthan ChurohwIll be followed by cele'brart:lOn of theLord's Supper ChruI'1chschool at 9 20

The fottowmg meetmgs are 1SK:'heduled for the v.eek

Boy Scout Troop No 142-Tuesdayat 7 00

Women's Umon fellloWSlh1'P and serVice meetmg-Wednesday aJf: 12 30 art:the home of Mrs R 0 May 13D Algonqum Pot luck luncheon

Evangeltcal Leawue - Thursday at800


Top Related