
Best Buy. C


Digital strategy

HungWei Chang Chien

Best Buy

Founded in 1966 by Richar M. Schulze. Originally named Sound of Music.

selling televisions, computers, home appliance and phones

“the company of the year” in 2004 by Forbes Magazine.

Most admire company in 2006 by Fortune Magazine

with more than 180,000 employees in 4, 000 stores .

Goal/ Goal in Social Media


Expansion within current market

increase 10 % of revenue in 2015

(40.34 billion in 2015 )

trying to be the largest consumer electronic corporation in the world

- Goal in social Media

further relationship with current customers

Increase online sales

Target Customer



Average consumer age of best buy

shopper is 38

Age of core customer : 25-54

College Students – 40 %

Big Idea

Video product reviews and fully explanation of currently hot selling items

provide compare list

coupons and discounts will be given out after you signed up for Best buy memebers via official website.

Tool and Tactics

Social Media -

Print Media-TV Commercial-

Google Adwords

Best buy

Consumer electronic products

electronic retail stores

best buy 3C products.


Google adwords (pay per click )

$150(daily)*365 = 54750

Print Media

60k ( whole year )

TV commercial


commerical in social media


Total – 5.4k + 60k + 70k +50k = 185.4 k


Based on Annual report

Social media - retweet, share, and like

google adwords – pay per click

Time Line

Short term –

increase 10 % sales each year in the next 3 years

Long term –

100% revenue increased in the next 10 years and raise up the brand awareness to the world.

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