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Search engines of 2018

Search engines are software’s that

are developed in order to extract

information from the World Wide

Web. There are many search

engines but the most popular one

is Google. Whenever we have to

search for anything on the internet,

we also think about Google and

nothing else. Well, there are many

more search engines that are not

very well know but they are the

best too. Today we will go through

a list of search engines for the year

2018. Before heading to the list, let

us see the importance of search


The importance of search engines

is not explainable. Without search

engines there would be no search

engine optimization and probably

would make no sense creating a

website too. The blogs, social

media accounts, and online ads

would all be absent without search

engines. When any business

website comes on the top of

search results, there automatically

get more leads and website


Online ads and relevancy of

websites are all that comes under

it. Search engines also help

customers and searchers to get

the right information on the net


There are three types of queries

that searchers ask for and they


● Information: when the user

wants a particular information

on a topic.

● Transactional: when the user is

about to make a purchase

online or wants to buy


● Navigational: when the user

wants to visit some other URL

and wants to get redirected.

The search engines in the history

of the world were ‘Archie Search

Query’, ‘The Atlantic Online’, etc.

All these search engines are

unknown and are not being used

now in the current world. The world

has improved digitally and now

search engines have become

more advanced than they were

back then.

Now let us look at the search

engines of 2018.

1. Google

Like mentioned before, Google is

the most used and famous search

engine. It is ruling the search

engines game since its launch and

it is very difficult for any search

engine to overcome it. Even

though it does not provide with

features like Yahoo and Mahalo

that are famous for shopping

centers and human curation

respectively, it is still the largest

and most used search engine. The

greatest thing about Google is that

it has the power to track

information deeply that people do

not even realize have given. The

other features that Google

provides are the Google maps,

images, news, videos, etc. these

are also used majorly. Google

maps help in locating a place and

gives guidance while traveling to

places by giving the right


It also has many ranking factors for

SEO. Read up our guide of

Google’s 100 ranking factors.

2. Duck Duck Go Search

The interface of this search engine

is very neat and clean. It looks like

Google but it has many different

features. It has many smooth

features that Google might not

have. This search engines also

helps in clarifying what question

the searcher asks. The interface is

cleaner than that of Google and

very fewer ad spams.

3. Bing Search

This search engine is currently the

second most popular search

engine after Google. It was

launched by Microsoft in order to

defeat Google that couldn’t be

possible and may not be possible

in the near future. Bing was

updated in the year 2009 before

which it was known as MSN


Bing is proclaimed as the decision

search engine because it offers

many suggestions that are useful.

There is various search option too

available on the left side of the

interface that is very useful, like

‘related searches’, ‘wiki

suggestions’, and ‘visual search’.

4. Dogpile search

Before Google took over the

search engines game, Dogpile was

the most used and the choice for

searchers. After 1990, Dogpile

slowly started fading and that is

when Google took over.

Well, Dogpile has again come

back with a bang. It is a search

engine that has a very amiable

presentation, and one should try it

definitely this year.

5. Yippy search

There is something called as the

deep web search engine that

provides information which other

search engines cannot provide.

They basically search other search

engines for you and it gets difficult

to locate them.

Yippy is a deep web search engine

that makes it unique and is very

useful. In case you are looking out

for information that other search

engines cannot find for e.g. blogs

of hobby interest, mysterious

content or government information,

etc. then Yippy is the best search

engine for that.

6. Google Scholar search

This search is a very special

version that Google has. This

search engine helps in extracting

data that can help in winning

debates of serious topics. The

emphasis of Google Scholar is

based on scientific and research

studies that have been inspected

by well-known scholars and

scientists. Topics related to legal,

academic, physics, economics,

court, world politics, etc. are


Google also has information but

Google Scholar has more valued

information that can be discussed

with highly educated people.

7. Webopedia search

This search engine is the ultimate

solution for people who are no tech

savvy. Webopedia provides

definitions and acts like an

encyclopedia for the world of

computers. It explains

terminologies related to computer

and technical data is a very simple

and efficient way. This way it gives

aid to people who are non-

technical and have no sense of the


8. Yahoo search engine

Yahoo stands third in the world of

search engines and popularity

amongst them. it is not only a

search engine but it is also an

email box, a new feeder, shopping

center, games and horoscope

center, etc. these are the many

options and choices that it gives,

which makes it an extremely

helpful website. Many of them

have set their default search

engine as Yahoo because it has

everything. Search engines with

many other features make it

perfect for beginners.

9. The Internet Archive Search

The Internet Archive is a most

loved goal for long-lasting Web

darlings. The Internet Archive

search has been taking depictions

of the whole World Wide Web

throughout recent years, enabling

you and me to make a trip back so

as to perceive what a website

page looked like back in the years.

You will not be able to visit the

Archive every day, similar to you

would Google or Yahoo or Bing,

yet when you do have a need to

move back in time, utilize this

inquiry site.

The above are the top search

engines that one should definitely

use in 2018.

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