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Beth Israel - T~e West Temple

BULLETIN January 1999 * Tevet/Shevat 5759


TheB~ard " of Directors met;. on Wednesday, December 9, 1998. The key discussion topics included the following:

RABBl ALAN S. LETTOFSKY It was a pleasure to announce that Rabbi Lettofsky will be working with our congregation through the beginning of the summer. The rabbi will conduct services, and Torah study and will work with the Confirmation class.

, \ ,

We know that all members eagerly welcome Rapbi Lettofsky' s involvement ' with Beth Israel. He is very busy with his work at Case Western Reserve University as well as with his commitments to other congregations in the region. We are extremely happy that the rabbi has found a way to include us in his schedule of commitments.

TREE OF LIFE FUND David Bamberger and Harry Lader have set down in writing the parameters for use of the funds generated by contributions to the Tree of Life Fund. To summarize, the funds may be used for capital expenditures that enhance the environment for teaching and learning at Beth Israel. A


tremendous vote of thanks goes to Harry and David for their excellent work and ~ttention to this, very successful fundraising effort. It will continue to benefit all learners at Beth Israel into the future.

45 YEARS - , ALREADY?l It is hard to believe, but Beth Israel - The West Temple will be 45 years old this year. There are so many wonderful ways that we can celebrate. Please do your part to mqke this an exciting year ot remembrance and renewal. Volunteer to plan, organize, and implement some of the anniversary events. To volunteer, call Shellie Sedlak or Susan Wagner.

SEMI-ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The date of the next General Meeting will be Sunday, January 17, 1999 at 12:30 p.m., right after the conclusion of Religious School (so all teachers can attend). As has become customary, a pizza lunch will be served for grown-ups and kids alike . BITSY members have volunteered to provide babysitting for the kids so parents can attend the meeting. This important meeting will , present the latest information

on the work of the Riibbinic Options Committee, the outcome of the election on the Constitutional Amendments, new steps toward Jewish Outreach (see below) , etc.

JEWISH OUTREACH The national head of Reform Jewish Outreach, Dru Greenwood, was in Cleveland for a series of weekend activities late in November. She was able to give a sizable chunk of her time to a meeting with Enid Lader and us. Dru is expert at dealing with the outreach issues and concerns of all types of congregations. She travels the country, meeting with temple members and leadership. Through discussion, Dru was able to help us pinpoint many of the issues facing Beth Israel as we move into the future. She offered concrete, practical suggestions to help us: a) grow the congregation

b) address the needs of current and future congregants - Doth Jewish and non-Jewish

c) gain a better understanding of our role vis a vis those who wish to corivert to Judaism.

To implement her suggestions, we would like to expand the ranks of the Membership Committee to make it possible for Michael Palnik to keep up all of his current responsibilities while addressing the needs and concerns encompassed by Outreach a?d our congregati<:>n.

BULLETIN Published 12 times a year by

Beth Israel-The West Temple 14308 Triskett Road. Cleveland, OH 44111

Phone (216)941-8882; FAX (216) 251-8444

Co-Preaidents: Maryellen Kohn &: Barbara Schwartz Dir. OfCongresationaJ and Family Education: Enid C. Lader

Religious School Administrator: Rhoda Rosen Editor: Linda Kramer

Production <:;oordinator: Doris Rieff

DeadliDe for February islue: JaD. 10, 1999


Please call Michael to join in this vital activity.

So, another New Year! We wish you and yours all the best, and look forward to a wonderful, fulfilling 45 t h year .


Maryellen Kohn and Barbara Schwartz Co-Presidents, Board of Trustees


ENID LADER, our director of congregational and family education, has been reelected to the Regional Council of the Northeast Lakes Council/UAHC at its biennial recently in Detroit.

More than 300 delegates attended the biennial, which represents congregations in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, western Pennsylvania and western New York. Dr. David Davidso'n of Temple Beth Zion, Buffalo, N.Y., has elected president.

The national biennial will be Dec. 15-19, 1999, in ' Orlando, Fla. The next regional biennial will be Nov. 3-5, 2000, in Rochester, N.Y.

TODAH RABBAH to Shirley Iuliano for expediting the December Bulletin. She sorted and mailed the entire press run single-handedly. Her hard work is much appreciated.

If you have newsy, interesting items for Temple Tidbits (a promotion at work, your kid made the Dean's List at Brandeis, etc.), contact the Bulletin Editor or leave a message in the Bulletin mailbox in the Temple office.

Education Notes As we enter the Cleveland

winter months ahead: If the weather outside is

frightful, And driving is not

delightful, And you're wondering if you

should go In the snow, in the snow, in

the snow •••• Please know we have a "Snow

Tree" to let you know when classes have been canceled. Our policy is to check the conditions in the areas around the temple and in our outlying communities. If classes are canceled on Sunday morning, you will be called by 8:45-9 a.m. Tuesday Hebrew families will be called on Tuesday afternoon by 5 p.m. Our concern is for your safety. Please drive with utmost care. If you have any questions, on sunday mornings call Rhoda Rosen (440) 234-9575 or Enid Lader (216) 228-9735. On Tuesday afternoons, call the temple office (216) 941-8882.

Family Education in January This month, we will offer a

number of special programs for our Religious School families.

*11 a.m. Sunday Jan. 17: Our confirmation class (10th graders) and parents will meet to begin their formal preparations and study for Confirmation.

*10 a.m. Saturday Jan. 23: 3rd-4th graders and their families will celebrate Shabbat with a special Shabbaton to include family Torah study, Shabbat Morning Service and a festive Kiddish luncheon.

*12:15 a.m ~ Sunday Jan. 24: 5th/6th graders and their parents will meet for a Lunch & Learn, part one of the three­part family preparation for Bar and Bat Mitzvah.

3 · -

*Sunday Jan. 31 will take us to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo for an informative and fun­filled Tu B'Shevat program. watch for - details.

Shabbat Morning Torah Study Continues

Join us each Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. as we explore the weekly Torah portion -through lively conversation and discussion.

"But- I've missed so much already ••• I don't know enough ..• What can I possibly add?"

Pshaw!!! This is a time for each of us to learn and make new meaning for ourselves. Each time we come to Torah, we come with our own unique experiences, which provide us with a new set of lenses by which _to read. And don't forget to stop by the "Torah Talk" bulletin board in Ratner Hall for a weekly summary and discussion question.

Jan. 2: Vayechi. Gen. 47:28-50:26. Jacob's last days: blessings for his sons and grandsons; Joseph's last days.

Jan. 9: Shemot. Ex. 1:1-6:1. Israel in Egypt; a new Pharaoh arises; oppression and slavery for the Jews: Moses -- cast in a basket, palace days, the Burning Bush, confronting Pharaoh.

Jan. 17: VaEra. Ex. 6:2-9:35. Aaron as second hand; the first • seven of the 10 plagues.

Jan. 23: Bo. Ex. 10:1-13:16. ­The final three plagues: Passover described; the Exodus: leaving Egypt.

Jan. 30: BeShelach. Ex. 13:17-17:16. The route from Egypt, the Egyptians pursue: crossing the Sea: the Song of the Sea (Mi Chamocha) and Miriam's Song: and already the children of Israel begin to complain.


By Bob Roth


A COSTUME FOR NOAH, A PURIM STORY by Susan R. Top~k. Ages 4-8. Everyone in Noah's nursery school class is busy planning cOstumes for the Purim parade. But all Noah's folks can think about is the arrival of a new baby, and Noah is feeling sorry for himself until •••

ALL ABOUT YOM KIPPUR and ALL ABOUT ROSH HASHANAH by Judyth Groner & Madeline Wikler. Ages 5-10. Each book features an explanation of holiday traditions at home and in the synagogue alternating with classic folk tales based on the themes of repentance, renewal and forgiveness. with words and music to songs and blessings around -the holiday table. Full- , color illustrations & gender­neutral language.

SAMMY SPIDER'S FIRST ROSH HASHANAH by Sylvia Rouss. Ages 3-7. As the New Year begins, Sammy finds himself knee-deep in honey and eager to celebrate Rosh Hashanah. Preschoolers alre'ady love Sammy and are sure to delight in hearing about his first New Year.

SAMMY SPIDER'S FIRST PASSOVER by Sylvia Rouss. Ages 3-6. Sammy Spider watches longingly as the Shapiro family celebrates Passover. He wants to help'Josh find the afikomen (hidden matzoh), but his mother reminds him, "spiders don't celebrate Passover. Spiders spin webs." And his first attempt at spinning a new web yields some surprising results.

SAMMY SPIDER'S FIRST SHABBAT by Sylvia Rouss. Ages 3-8. Sammy watches as the Shapiro family prepares ,for Shabbat. As they gather to light the candles, something unexpected happens.

Neal M. Kaufman, D.D.S. Specialist in Child & Adult Orthodontics

The Atrium, 30400 Detroit Rd. #303· Westlake· 871-:1173 215 Miller Rd., Across from Aquamarine· Avon Lake· 933-9555

6909 Royalton Rd. Suite 202 • Brecksville • 838-1194 or 475-1194

(440) 871-1173 or 933-9555 ~'


THE GREAT ANCESTOR HUNT, The Fun of Finding Out Who You Are, by Lila Perl. with lively anecdotal writing, Lila Perl guides young readers on an ancestor-hunting quest. She includes details on how to create your own direct-ancestry chart, how to gather information from family interviews and memorabilia, and how to write for public records.

WHEN A JEW CELEBRATES, by Harry Gersh. For grades 5 & 6. Revised edition of a popular book most have read and are ready to read again.

GOD IN BETWEEN by sandy Eisenberg Sasso. This is the magical, mythical tale of a poor village at the foot of a hill -­a topsy-turvy town with no roads and no windows, where people sneeze through tall, tangled weeds and trip over rocks as big as watermelons. Surely God will help them, they decide .•. but how can God be found and where should they look? They soon find that the answer is much nearer than they thought.


YOU 'NEVER KNOW, A Legend of the Lamed-vavniks by Francine Prose. The town of Plotchnik hasn't had a drop of rain in 40 days. Lakes are drying up and the thirsty cows give no milk. But a humble shoemaker, Poor Sch~uel, the townsfolk call him, has "the power to command rain and much, much more. The rabbi and the town elders are asto'riished. Schmuel can't even read the prayers in the synagogue. What makes him so extraordinary? Nobody can explain it until one night the rabbi has a very strange dream. with their unmistakable talent for bringing Jewish legends to life with wit and flavor,


Francine Prose and illustrator Mark Podwal unravel the puzzle of Schmuel and the holy Lamed­vavnika in this delightful, timeless tale for all ages.

NINE SPOONS, A Chanukah Story by Marci Stillerman. Despite the hunger, the cold and the danger, a few brave souls in a Nazi camp are determined to gather nine spoons to make a menorah for Chanukah. Years later, one of the women who lived it tells the touching story to her grandchildren.

CELEBRATE! STORIES OF THE JEWISH HOLIDAYS by Gilda Berger. Holidays come and go too quickly these days but, if you are Jewish, you'll always be prepared with the new "Celebrate!" In this handsome, new book, Gilda Berger retells the biblical stories behind eight of the most beloved Jewish holidays" including the weekly Shabbat.

HOW TO EXPLAIN JUDAISM TO YOUR NON-JEWISH NEIGHBOR by Rabbi Edward Zerin. This book is written to reach many diverse populations: Jews who want to upgrade their minimal Jewish education, non-Jews who want an introduction to Judaism, college students who want to explain Judaism to non-Jewish friends, parents of bar/bat mitzvahs and new members to congregations.

REVISIONS: SEEING TORAH THROUGH A FEMINIST LENS by Rabbi Elise Goldstein. This book offers new and meaningful interpretations of the Torah to help women shape a new understanding of Jewish life and thought. Women whose lives are woven through stories in the Torah -- Eve, Leah, Rachel and all the women of the Exodus story -- reveal how they existed within the power structures of biblical society and how they

transformed those structures toward the formation of the Jewish people.

A SHABBAT READER: Universe of Cosmic Joy edited by Dov Peretz Elkins. Join renowned author and spiritual leader Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins as he takes you on a journey toward the magnificent universe of Shabbat. "A Shabbat Reader" covers the gamut of Jewish experience via this collection of spiritual essays, poems and meditations exploring multiple dimensions of the Jewish Sabbath.

We have added five Doug Cotler audios: three CDs ("Echoes," lilt's So Amazing" and "Whispers in the Wind"), two cassettes ("Listen" and lilt's So Amazing") •


with links to many other sites, this provides a wealth of information for all ages. Music, animation and cartoons enliven the fun and games used to transmit the teachings of traditional Judaism to children. The brand new and promising Web site of the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland is useful not only to educators but also to adult learners and parents. Shamash calls itself the Jewish Internet consortium, providing links to Jewish information and discussions on the Internet.

For Jewish genealogy research on the Web, ' all paths lead to JewishGen ( Founded in 1987, this site has grown to include 26 searchable data bases and 68 shtetl Web


sites as well as links to family Web sites, SIG mailing lists and other genealogy sites. JewishGen sponsors the Yizkor Book Data Base, which is still in development. Links to obituary indices and the International Cemetery Project have been added . recently.

NOTICE: To all you Web users, we are adding something to this column for you. We will list Web sites we think are of interest and those of you who want us to continue, leave a message, either by phone or with a note in the library.

ISRAEL TEEN PROGRAMS FAIR if? set for noon to 3 p.m. Jan. 10 at the Mandel Jewish Community Center, 26001 S. Woodland Road, Beachwood. The fair will offer information about travel to Israel and financial aid. Teens will be eligible to win $1,000 toward a trip to Israel. For mOLe information, call (216) 514-TRIP.

A TESTING, TUTORING and counseling program for children with Attention Deficit Disorder and Learning Disabilities plus gifted children from pre-school through 12th gr·ade is being offered at the JCC, both locations. The program is a joint project of the JCC, Jewish Family Service Association and Tree of Knowledge Learning Center.

For more information, call (888) 670-6600 or (216) 292-3999.


Friday, Jan. 1: Laura Folkman & Kenneth Robinson, ushers: Carol a Bamberger, candles: Barbara & George Rolleston & Valerie & Joe Tate, oneg hosts.

saturday, Jan. 2: Jillian Altus & Sarah Brehn, ushers: Don Bogart, aliyah; Joel Rutchick, hagbah; Beryl Palnik, galilah: Altus Family, oneg hosts.

Friday, Jan. 8: Michelle Bloom & Paige Goodworth, ushers: Adrian Apar, candles; Roberta & Ted Provder & Mike & Beryl Palnik, oneg hosts.

Saturday, Jan. 9: Daniel Chait & Andrew Eilberg, ushers; Nathan Jacobson, aliyah; Bernard Eckstein, hagbah; Dee Lazarus, galilah; Chait Family, oneg hosts.

Friday, Jan. 15: Becky Cooper & Amanda Schoen, ushers; Ruth Schochet, candles; Betsy & Stephen Bagstad & Dee Lazarus, oneg hosts.

saturd~y, Jan. 16: Megan Abady & Jason Abady, ushers; Charlotte Feldman, aliyah: Scott Machol, hagbah; Susan B~tton, galilah; Abady Family, oneg hosts.

Friday, Jan. 22: ·Matt Friedman & Shaina Friedman, ushers; sally Lezberg, candles; Barry & Maureen Schoen, oneg hosts.

Saturday, Jan. 23: Ben Kaplan & Michael Robinson, ushers; George Rolleston, aliyah: Robert Brehm, hagbah; Kaplan Family, oneg hosts.

Friday, Jari. 29: Joel Pendery & Leslie Pendery, ushers; Ona Griswold, candles; Allison Winokur & Bernice Miller, oneg hosts.

7 .

Saturday, Jan. 30: Jessica Schecter & Alex Keller, ushers; Sylvia Wise, aliyah; Mark Wax, hagbah; Lona Gruber, galilah; Schecter Family, oneg hosts.


General Fund Jeff Forman in memory of father, Ralph Forman, and uncle, William Forman. Richard Feigenbaum in memory of his mother, Lillian. Ruth Pitrone in memory of Janet Feigenbaum.

Religious School The Telesman Family in loving memory of Maria Telesman.

Library Fund Marilyn & Don Bogart in honor of Joel Pendery's Bar Mitzvah. Lowell & Marilyn Grossman in memory of William Handler . Cecil & Martha Bruckman in memory of mothers, Sofia Bruck~an and Raquel Klipstein Hauser. The Eilberg Family in memory of Mike and Edith Benes. Harold & Ruth Friedman in honor of Marilyn Bogart's 70th birthday; in honor of Bernard Eckstein's 75th birthday; and Karl & Dorothy Lubitz's 50th wedding anniversary.

SUPER SUNDAY '99, the annual Jewish Welfare Fund Appeal, will be Feb. 7 and the program is looking for volunteers to staff the phones. Last year, the appeal raised $27 million.

For more information, call (216) 229-5400.

YAHRZEITEN Civil dates correspond to Hebrew calendar, unless followed by........ -

Saturday, Jan. 2 -~ 14 Tevet 12/27 Abraham Bruckman

Anna Goldberg Selma Bogatsky

12/28 Louis Beral 12/29 Bessie Schochet

Doris Selkowitz Goldie Slone Naomi Rutchick

12/31 Irving Priesand

Saturday, Jan. 9 - 21 Tevet . 1/3 Reva Clymer

Jack Oxman 1/7 Jerry Wolfe

Ellen Rutchick 1/8 Selma Jacobson 1/9 Francis Diamond

Hedwig Eckstein

Saturday, Jan. 16 - 28 Tevet 1/10 lIse Machol

Samuel Lowy Minnie Kimmelman

1/11 Earl Priesand 1/12 Rabbi Herbert J. Wilner 1/13 Melvin Schochet 1/16 Edmund Button

Saturday, Jan. 23 - 6 Shevat 1/18 Michael Knapp 1/19 Joseph Kapusta 1/22 Paul Rubin 1/23 Mary Brehm

Saturday, Jan. 30 - 13 Shevat 1/25 Margarette Myers 1/26 Murray Stamps 1/28 Art Rosenberg 1/29 Rose Kantor 1/30 Marion Silverstein

Saturday, Feb. 6 - 20 Shevat 1/31 Sarah Schwartzenfeld 2/1 Richard ·smilgoff

Linda Smilgoff 2/2 Ed Heller 2/3 Jack Palnik

Hyman Miller 2/4 Jack Ackerman

Mildred L. Sherrick*** 2/5 Ida Lebovitz 2/6 Leo Schecter



Saturday, Feb. 13 - 27 Shevat 2/8 Abraham M. Clymer

2/10 2/11

2/+2 2/13


Janet Feigenbaum ­Harry Miller Julie Kassel Charles -Rubin Elias Schochet Ruth Schoen Nita Zisser William Winokur Jeana Mandel Esther Rubin Alfred Zisser

Student Birthdays 2 Sarah Levinson Kukura 6 Corey Apar 7 Daniel Telesman 11 Alex Drippon 12 Andrew Brehm 13 Jordan Rolleston 14 Jessica Schecter 15 Daniel Chait 23 Mark Sudik 28 Mitchell Bandel

Wedding Anniversaries 8 Robert & Eileen Kaplan 9 Cecil & Martha Bruckman 23 Max & Pearl Quatinetz 27 Howard ~ Carolyn Moss


HEBREW ON ONE FOOT, a crash course in basic Hebrew, again will be offered at the Cleveland College of Jewish Studies, 26500 Shaker Blvd., Beachwood, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sunday Jan. 24. .

Cost is $36 including lunch. This class is for absolute beginners and returning students and teaches students to read simple Hebrew prayers.

The course is sponsored by Moreshet: the Hebrew Literacy Project, a joint venture of CCJS and the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland.

For more information, call (216) 464-4050 Ext. 116.

• January 1999 Sun Mon Tue - Wed Thu Fri Sat

- -1 2 - , 8:00 PM Erev 9:30 AM Torah Shabbat Service Study

10:45 AM Torah Service

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9:55 AM School 6:00 PM Hebrew 8:00PM Erev 9:30 AM Torah

Welcome Back! Welcome Back! Shabbat Service Study

10:30 AM Tot Shabbat

10:45 AM Torah Service

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:55 AM School 6:00 PM Hebrew 7:30 PM Board 8:00 PM Shared 9:30 AM Torah

10:30 AM Caring Meeting Shabbat Service Study

Committee MIg 10:45 AM Torah

12: 15 PM School Service

Staff MIg I! -- ""-t·. . .

BlIlI~tin ~~adlin!< . . . " .. ' .

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9:55 AM School 6:00 PM Hebrew 8:00PM Erev 10:()() AM 3/4

11:00 AM Shabbal Service Shabbaton

Confirmation Fourth Friday in 10:45 AM Torah Family Ed RaIner Hall Service

UiJD PM CgDI:[1:1: MIl: " finl LIID!:b

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 9:55 AM School 6:00 PM Hebrew 7:30 PM Yiddish 9:30 AM Torah

12:15 PM BarlBat Conversation Study

Mitzvah Family Ed Group 10:45 AM Torah Service


31 9:55 AM School

* Beth Israe/~ The West Temple

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Service Sched·ule Friday Jan. 1, Erev Shabbat 8 p.m. Service Leader: Scott Machol.

Saturday Jan. 2, Torah Study 9:30 a.m., Torah Service 10:45 a.m. Service Leader: Shosh Ault.

Friday Jan. 8, Erev Shabbat 8 p.m. Service Leader: David Bamberger, Soloist: Maureen Schoen.

Saturday Jan. 9, Torah Study 9:30 a.m., Tot Shabbat 10:30 a.m., Torah Service 10:45 a.m. Service Leaders: Lou Rosenblum.

Friday Jan. 15, Erev. Shabbat 8 p.m. Service Leader: Shosh Ault.

Saturday Jan. 16, Torah Study 9:30 a.m., Torah Service 10:45 a.m. Service Leader: Shosh Ault . .

Friday Jan. 22, Erev Shabbat· 8 p.m. Service Leader: ~nid Lader.

< • •

Saturday Jan. 23, 3rd/4th grade Shabbaton 10 a.m., Torah Service 10:45 a.m. Service Leader: Enid Lader.

Friday Jan. 29, Erev Shabbat 8 p.m •. Service Leader: Enid Lader.

Saturday Jan. 30 , Torah Study 9:30 a.m., Torah Service 10:45 a.m. Service Leader: Shosh Ault. ,

Friday Feb. 5, Erev Shabbat 8 p.m., K/2nd grade Shabbaton Service Leader: Rabbi Alan B. Lettofsky.

Saturday Feb. 6, Torah Study 9:30 a.m., Torah Service 10:45 a.m.

Friday, Feb. 12 , Erev Shabbat 8 p.m.

Saturday Feb. 13, Matthew Friedman Bar Mitzvah.

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