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    (18:44:17) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.(18:45:37) Kinkyclawz: Howdy all! *waves at Willie* Hmm, I wonder if waving at aWillie is considered bad form in some chatrooms? *settles into the invisible chair... and falls on her backside because it wasn't there* Did you move the invisible chair, Willie?! *rubs her bruised bum and searches for somewhere else to sit*(19:21:33) Willie: keepmakingtea logs into the Chat.

    (19:21:45) keepmakingtea: Hello?(19:21:54) keepmakingtea: Hello...(19:24:28) Kinkyclawz: Hello!(19:24:34) keepmakingtea: HEY!(19:24:36) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, was seat hunting.(19:24:41) Kinkyclawz: Are you well?(19:24:41) keepmakingtea: *HUG TIME NOW!*(19:24:48) keepmakingtea: Yeah, I guess I'm well.(19:25:03) Kinkyclawz: *HUG*(19:25:13) Kinkyclawz: You only guess you are?(19:25:32) keepmakingtea: They haven't given me a lot of hours at work since I got back.

    (19:25:54) Kinkyclawz: Oh no. Thats why you're sort of glad they're giving Sunday hours a go?(19:26:08) keepmakingtea: Yeah, because I need them.(19:26:33) keepmakingtea:(19:26:51) keepmakingtea: But now to cheerful stuff. California pics? Kinkyclawz: Is this Sam?(19:27:12) keepmakingtea: Yep.(19:27:23) Kinkyclawz: *waves* Hi Sam!!(19:27:24) Kinkyclawz: LOL(19:27:33) keepmakingtea: And that might be the moon shining through the curtain.

    (19:28:17) keepmakingtea: Willie: Fang enters the channel.(19:28:47) Kinkyclawz: Or a ghost orb? LOLOoh, a pirate!! Is he an Oz characetr?(19:28:53) Fang: hi(19:29:00) Kinkyclawz: YAY! Hiya Fang! Look who joined us!(19:29:09) keepmakingtea: He's an Oz author.(19:29:10) Kinkyclawz: Are you well, m'dear?(19:29:10) Fang: a pirate?(19:29:27) Kinkyclawz: *****(19:29:27) keepmakingtea: I'm back, Doctor Fang

    (19:29:38) Willie: Degnne logs into the Chat.(19:29:48) keepmakingtea: DEGNNE!(19:29:53) Fang: wb JD, and welcome back Deg(19:30:00) Fang: how was Oz fest?(19:30:04) Kinkyclawz: Bimey! Welcome back Deg!! How are you hun?(19:30:15) Degnne: Hello everyone(19:30:18) keepmakingtea: Oz was AWESOME.(19:30:55) Fang: I had a feeling you'd have liked it, good job too after all those hours travelling(19:30:55) Kinkyclawz: Aww, all our friends are coming home! *sniffles appreciatively*(19:31:13) Kinkyclawz: *****(19:31:15) Fang: *hands KC a tissue*

    (19:31:50) Kinkyclawz: *takes the tissue* Thnks Fang.(19:32:02) Kinkyclawz: Thanks rather.(19:32:03) keepmakingtea: That pirate was cool. Wanna see what he made for us Sa

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    turday night?(19:32:14) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, please!(19:32:19) keepmakingtea: Fang: yeah it's a nearly new tissue too(19:32:42) Kinkyclawz: Whassat? A little fire person in your drink?(19:32:50) keepmakingtea: It's a mermaid.

    (19:32:51) Fang: what is it? a glowing firey man?(19:32:55) Fang: girl(19:32:57) Kinkyclawz: Nearly new?(19:33:12) Fang: damn gender mix ups(19:33:19) Fang: only used once!(19:33:22) Kinkyclawz: Oh cute!! A fire mermaid! LOL(19:33:34) Fang: what's it made out of?(19:33:35) Kinkyclawz: Oh, thats ok then Fang. :F(19:33:37) Kinkyclawz:(19:33:49) keepmakingtea: It's called an Aquareine. It's named after the Queen of the Mermaids in The Sea Fairies(19:34:03) Kinkyclawz: Just read back, the pirate is an Oz author too? Outstandi

    ng!(19:34:07) keepmakingtea: The mermaid's plastic. I don't know exactly what the drink was, but it was GOOD...(19:34:10) keepmakingtea: Yep.(19:34:20) keepmakingtea: Kinkyclawz: And you kept the mermaid and enjoyed the drink.(19:34:41) keepmakingtea: Well... the mermaid broke.(19:34:50) Fang: it is a cool mermaid, I'm fasintated by it's glowingness(19:34:57) Fang: aww poor mermaid(19:35:05) Kinkyclawz: Aww.Now then, who're these chappies?(19:35:25) Fang: does he have "Wanker" written on his shirt?

    (19:35:34) Kinkyclawz: there's something fishy about a broken mermaid... we might ahve to investigate, Doctor Fang!(19:35:41) keepmakingtea: Left to right, Eric Shanower "the pirate," David Haines, Joe Cascone, and Sam.(19:35:52) Kinkyclawz: LMAO I was being too polite to ask that one.(19:36:13) keepmakingtea: Um... I believe that's "Wicked", Fang....(19:36:40) Kinkyclawz: David Haines? The name sounds familiar for some reason. Idon't think I'm thinking of Tim Haines, the primeval writer though.(19:36:44) Fang: the doctor and the broken mermaid, sounds like an intereting episode(19:37:03) Fang: oh, it's hard to read at that size/angle(19:37:13) Willie: kcoop76 logs into the Chat.(19:37:22) Degnne: so that's Eric Shanower(19:37:25) Kinkyclawz: LOLDeg, how've you been m'dear? We missed you! *hugz*(19:37:38) Kinkyclawz: Heeey, hiya Coop!(19:37:38) keepmakingtea: Hey, Coop!(19:37:40) Fang: another return? Hello coop(19:37:41) Kinkyclawz: How goes it?(19:37:48) Degnne: I've been good(19:37:53) Degnne: Hello coop(19:37:58) kcoop76: took a while....I had forgotten my password!(19:38:04) Kinkyclawz: Its reunion week, Fang! It must be.(19:38:04) keepmakingtea: Yes, Degnne, that's Eric Shanower. I finally got to meet him!

    (19:38:27) kcoop76: been wanting to return for some time now(19:38:50) Kinkyclawz: Great to hear, Deg. Have you been keeping busy?Aww, bless ya. Glad you're here now Coop!

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    (19:39:08) kcoop76: I'm glad too!(19:39:14) Degnne: more like lazy, KC(19:39:18) Kinkyclawz: Please excuse my ignorance, who is Eric Shanower?(19:39:25) keepmakingtea: Oh, Eric autographed my copy of his book The Giant Garden of Oz for me, and then asked me for an autograph.(19:39:33) keepmakingtea: Eric Shanower is the pirate.(19:39:47) Kinkyclawz: I know the feeling Deg. Relxation is needed though, some

    times.(19:40:07) Degnne: what did you autograph?(19:40:26) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, sorry, of course you said. My head's not quite in the game tonight . Sawreeee!(19:40:55) Fang: blimey I've just looked on Wikipedia, there sure are a lot of Oz books(19:40:56) Kinkyclawz: Oh wow, so you were autograph hunted? Sweeeeet!(19:41:00) keepmakingtea: I made a submission to the Winkie program book about Baum trying to reinvent himself as an author in 1911 and 1912.(19:41:13) keepmakingtea: Mwahahahah...(19:41:19) keepmakingtea: Okay, onto a BH-ish topic.(19:41:26) Kinkyclawz: AWESOME!

    (19:41:39) keepmakingtea: San Diego Comic Con this weekend.(19:41:40) Fang: I don't think my ego could take being asked for an autograph(19:41:44) Fang: that sure is cool(19:41:52) Kinkyclawz: BH-ish... we like that. We've been narrowly missing thosetopics for a few weeks now. LOL(19:42:02) keepmakingtea: For the first time since the series started, no BBC BHat Comic Con?(19:42:10) Fang: one day we'll hit that bullseye(19:42:13) Kinkyclawz: So glad you enjoyed yourself JD!(19:42:27) Degnne: probably because Buman has one(19:42:29) Fang: probably scared of being staked by Mitchell fan-girls(19:42:35) keepmakingtea: OR...(19:42:42) Kinkyclawz: Nope, no BBC BH, which makes you wonder whyt hey're not b

    othering promting stateside.(19:42:46) kcoop76: there really wasn't any BH at the con?(19:42:49) keepmakingtea: Since BBC America aired it earlier this year...(19:43:23) Fang: maybe there promioting budget has been cut right dow, the blogisn't exactly a hive of activity either(19:43:33) keepmakingtea: They decided to put more emphasis on Doctor Who?(19:43:47) Fang: I'm sure we would have had a read-through video by now if thiswas last year(19:43:49) kcoop76: maybe. DW's bigger than ever here(19:44:10) keepmakingtea: (Don't get Coop and I started on the SDCC Who exclusives.)(19:44:24) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, not much promo or info this year. Maybe its the budget or maybe things are winding down?(19:44:25) kcoop76: noooo(19:44:33) Kinkyclawz: Not a nice thought but a potential one.(19:45:06) Willie: Fang leaves the channel.(19:45:17) keepmakingtea: As Degnne said, Buman was at SDCC, so maybe they wanted to avoid confusion as well.(19:45:24) Willie: Fang enters the channel.(19:45:29) Fang: yeah didn't Amreica have their own cut of Dr who with additional voice-over at the start(19:45:29) Kinkyclawz: Oh no, come back Fang!(19:45:38) Fang: stupid lack of keyboard skills(19:45:38) Kinkyclawz: Ah, you did!(19:45:40) keepmakingtea: Yes, they did.

    (19:45:45) Fang: shut the window by accident(19:45:52) keepmakingtea: We had an annoying intro with Amy added.(19:45:53) kcoop76: a terrible one, we should add

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    (19:45:57) kcoop76: yeah(19:46:10) Degnne: I really hated that intro(19:46:11) keepmakingtea: Not that Amy's annoying, but it's stuff we already know!(19:46:19) kcoop76: right(19:46:23) Fang: *tries to think of an across the Pond joke but can't manage it*(19:46:29) keepmakingtea: We just wanna watch the episode!

    (19:47:01) Kinkyclawz: Thats a fair point, if Buman is there, maybe thats one ofthe reasons. shame though, nonetheless(19:47:08) keepmakingtea: And yeah, that is a thought I keep coming back to, KC.How much longer does BH have before Toby (or the BBC) says, "I think we had better end our story here."(19:47:43) keepmakingtea: Because love BH as much as we do, it's not going to goon forever.(19:47:58) Fang: but the voice over is for new viewers right which suggests theywant ot promote it more(19:47:58) Kinkyclawz: I'm looking for a DM I was sent on Twitter from Tom In Oz, apparently there's somethin Russell said that made him think BH is on its final series.

    (19:48:10) Kinkyclawz: unless I misunderstood?(19:48:21) Degnne: It will live on forever in our hearts(19:48:25) Fang: yeah it has to be winding up in it's current form(19:48:36) Kinkyclawz: Seconded, Deg!(19:48:47) keepmakingtea: Well said, Deg!(19:48:47) Fang: however I have a feeling they may try to keep it going with spin-offs, books etc(19:49:11) Kinkyclawz: I've not seen the Dr Who you mentioned, mostly because Idon't generally watch it, but sounds like adding things and changing the UK format hasn;t gone down well huh?(19:49:13) keepmakingtea: No matter what SyFyllis gives us in Buman, the original BH will always be THE BEST.(19:50:01) Fang: lol @ syfyliss, I haven't heard that one before (again no sarca

    sm meant, everything I type seems to go sarcastic evenwhen I don't want it to)(19:50:04) Kinkyclawz: LOL Also agreed JD!(19:50:31) Kinkyclawz: I suppose I can't really judge til I see it but don't like what I've seen of Buman so far (on You Tube(19:50:41) Fang: bbc america should have added an extra voice over to the original voice over in BH S1(19:50:45) kcoop76: I've hated it(19:51:04) kcoop76: so is that what we're calling it, Buman?(19:51:07) Fang: you're on the internet KC, you can hate things without good rason(19:51:08) Kinkyclawz: you think, Fang?(19:51:08) kcoop76: I missed that(19:51:09) Kinkyclawz: LOL(19:51:21) keepmakingtea: To me, the first season finale of Buman said all it needed to about how they wanted to take the show.(19:51:28) Degnne: I think I made it to episode 5 or so, but I've deleted it offmy DVR now(19:51:30) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, to save confusion with the awesome original.(19:51:55) kcoop76: can----can you tell me what happened in the first finale?(19:52:10) kcoop76: I made it 5 episodes as well(19:52:14) Fang: it was a big musical number(19:52:18) keepmakingtea: On Twitter, I once said I was missing SyFy's BH to watch RAW with family. I said it as "Guess what I'm not watching? Begins with a B ends with uman."(19:52:21) Kinkyclawz: You got to the finale, JD? Impressive!

    I remember you saying that you didn't bother afer the first few eps, Deg. Makesme certain I'm not going to enjoy it.(19:52:38) Fang: all the vampires clicked their fingers at each other

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    (19:52:42) keepmakingtea: Quite simply, Aidan (Mitchell) kills Bishop (Herrick).(19:53:12) kcoop76: hmmm....anything else that was series-changing?(19:53:17) Fang: having Mitchell and Aidan around that way is still weird(19:53:20) keepmakingtea: I saw they definitely wanted to make a cool supernatural show over a show about being human, being friends.(19:53:37) Fang: at least they didn't call it being friends(19:53:45) kcoop76: totally. It isn't a show about relationships like the one we

    love(19:53:48) Fang: with chandler as a vampire(19:53:58) Kinkyclawz: LOL They should have, saved any cross contamination withour show. LOL(19:54:15) keepmakingtea: Heheheh....(19:54:41) Fang: it still seems strange that they even called it being human ifthey were going in there own direction(19:55:09) Fang: ah nearly top gear o'clock, no Eileen to stop me leaving this week(19:55:15) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Now that might be a presmie wirth watching, 6 different supernaturals as friends? Or is that stretching the supernatural permise a bit?

    (19:55:40) kcoop76: heh(19:55:42) Fang: actually that would be closer to our show(19:55:59) kcoop76: at least it would focus on relationships(19:56:19) Kinkyclawz: Nope, she won't rip your pants off this week, Fang. Heehee. That was funny though.(19:56:30) Fang: and Rachel could work on vampire fashion, fingerless gloves arein this year(19:56:46) Fang: I wore trousers and two belts especially(19:56:54) Kinkyclawz: LOL Fingerless gloves and torn shorts.(19:57:09) Kinkyclawz: And shes not here. Tsk. the best laid plans, eh?(19:57:17) Kinkyclawz: *****(19:57:20) keepmakingtea: Chandler's the werewolf, Phoebe's the ghost, Joey's the vampire.

    (19:57:44) kcoop76: heh, Phoebe would definitely be the ghost(19:57:46) Fang: they have an etch-a-sketch on there wall as they have no need for mirrors(19:57:48) keepmakingtea: Ross and Rachel are ghouls and Monica's a zombie.(19:57:58) Fang: if would have to be a tea house though not central perk(19:58:11) Fang: right time to go, I'll probably be back at 9 but if not goodnight(19:58:20) keepmakingtea: Peace!(19:58:20) Kinkyclawz: Slightly Left Of Central Tea?(19:58:37) Degnne: bye Fang(19:58:43) Kinkyclawz: Bye bye Fang! *hands you a towel in case Eileen finds youaay from the chatroom*(19:58:54) kcoop76: have fun, Fang(19:58:55) Fang: oh yeah say hello if she turns up(19:58:58) Fang: and goodnight(19:59:05) Fang: and a bad joke(19:59:13) Fang: goodnight again(19:59:16) Fang: *tardis noise*(19:59:19) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat.(19:59:28) Degnne: stop it all of you. You're giving me ideas and I have enoughstuff to draw as it is(19:59:30) keepmakingtea: *VWORP! VWORP!*(20:00:46) keepmakingtea: Found that DM, KC?(20:02:18) Kinkyclawz: Found the Dm but the link is to tom's blog not a specificpost so I'm reading back.

    (20:02:26) Kinkyclawz: LMAO @ Deg. Sorry!(20:03:48) keepmakingtea: So, if S4 is the final series for BH, speculate on howit will leave them?

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    (20:04:06) kcoop76: hmmm....(20:04:15) Degnne: they're all gonna die(20:04:32) keepmakingtea: Annie can't die. She's already dead.(20:05:14) Degnne: she'll be brought back to life somehow only to die again(20:05:21) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, not sure what might happen. Haven't really thought much about it to be hoenst.(20:05:25) Kinkyclawz: As a finale I eman

    (20:05:34) kcoop76: who were the characters that were returning next series?(20:06:04) Kinkyclawz: Who's left TO return? We have Owen, erm...(20:06:29) keepmakingtea: I want to see Owen back as a vampire.(20:06:48) keepmakingtea: Returning characters: Annie, George, Nina, Tom, Adam(20:07:10) keepmakingtea: And the old vampires.(20:07:21) kcoop76: ahhhh(20:07:37) kcoop76: that's what I was asking: so, tom and adam are definitely returning.....(20:07:50) keepmakingtea: From what we've heard, Toby's writing them in.(20:08:15) keepmakingtea: Craig Roberts said he was coming back.(20:09:04) Kinkyclawz: Ah, but not so many from the first two series other than,of course, the ain cast.

    (20:09:08) Kinkyclawz: main even(20:09:39) Degnne: I hope it wasn't all just a dream(20:09:42) keepmakingtea: Yep.(20:09:53) kcoop76: yeah everyone from the first two years seemed to just die off...(20:10:21) keepmakingtea: All the "new" vampires aside from Adam seemed to be dead by the end of Series 3.(20:11:20) keepmakingtea: Wonder if Adam will survive S4?(20:11:45) kcoop76: I'm still unhappy there was no 'becoming human' on the series 3 set(20:12:29) keepmakingtea: I've yet to get S3 and the soundtrack CD.(20:12:58) kcoop76: I think he should. We don't want it to be predictable that we know every single vampire we meet will die eventually

    (20:13:04) Kinkyclawz: Its not on the DVD, maybe Becoming human will get its ownDVD release?(20:13:20) kcoop76: maybe....I was hoping it would be on series 3, but no(20:13:36) kcoop76: series 3 has it's own soundtrack?(20:13:55) Degnne: I still haven't seen Becoming Human(20:14:09) keepmakingtea: They did a soundtrack CD for 1&2, so I'd imagine S3 will get one eventually.(20:14:50) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, I know what you mean.Its not good though, its almost liek there was a mass cull at the end to make SURE we have no ties to earlier series. And combining that with the seeming lack of Russell & Sinead presence on set (they've all been off filming elsewhere in fits ans starts for months) I wonder if the show is heading off in a new directionand our main characters will become minor ones?(20:15:04) kcoop76: It's not that I loved becoming human exactly, just that thecompletist in me wants to own it, hehe(20:15:22) Kinkyclawz: Deg, the episodes have been on YouTube, dunno if they'restill there but InkBlurBoy was uploading them.(20:15:26) Kinkyclawz: If that helps/(20:15:40) Kinkyclawz: LOL Fair point Coop I have the same feeling.(20:16:00) kcoop76: oh no...I really hope it isn't like that(20:16:10) kcoop76: that our main characters will bcome minor ones(20:16:25) kcoop76: I'd really dislike that(20:16:29) Kinkyclawz: Degnne: Thanks, KC(20:17:12) Kinkyclawz: Its not the best, but it does seem like they've not been

    on set much, though who knows, they might ahve crammed a whole lot of filming into the first month and a half then were let off to do toher prjects?(20:17:23) Kinkyclawz: NP Deg.

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    (20:17:41) kcoop76: are they busy with other projects?(20:18:37) Kinkyclawz: yeah, Sinead's been on Edinburgh for ages, Russell's beenfilming Sherlock, off on hol to Amsterdam, and is curretnly filming something called Tower Block so...(20:18:54) Kinkyclawz: perhaps they're handing the baton to Adam & Tom?(20:19:08) kcoop76: I like them, but I hope not(20:19:08) Kinkyclawz: Maybe Adam & tom become alsomst like the new Mitchell & G

    eorge?(20:19:35) keepmakingtea: Adam, Tom, and Annie?(20:19:40) Kinkyclawz: In a different way but still 'friends', I mean(20:19:49) Kinkyclawz: hehe, perhaps?(20:20:02) Kinkyclawz: Or maybe if something happens to george & Nina, they endup caring for the baby?(20:20:11) Kinkyclawz: who knows?(20:20:18) Kinkyclawz: *****(20:20:40) kcoop76: oh..that's interesting!(20:20:55) kcoop76: for them to become the new george + mitchell(20:21:48) Willie: Kinkyclawz logs out of the Chat.(20:21:55) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.

    (20:22:02) Kinkyclawz: Back!(20:22:07) Kinkyclawz: Did I miss owt?(20:22:56) keepmakingtea: So, image share by link only then!!(20:23:35) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, for the moment. It akes my system cling to the pics so I have to keep on scrollign down if anyone replies. I was putting upwith itfor a bit but ran out of patience. LOL(20:23:53) Kinkyclawz: I was missing the conversations.(20:24:07) keepmakingtea: That explains it.(20:24:30) keepmakingtea: Being Human Series 4: The Search for George and Nina?(20:25:16) kcoop76: that'd be random(20:25:38) Kinkyclawz: LOL It would,but might be an interesting twist to the plotlines.(20:25:44) kcoop76: I suppose they could all still be main characters, but since

    there's 5 of them they'd just each have slightly less screen time(20:26:02) Kinkyclawz: yeah, so paring down might be the order of the day afterall.(20:26:03) keepmakingtea: The Old Vampires capture G&N, so Annie gets Adam and Tom to help her find and rescue them.(20:26:24) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, spread that plotline over the 8 episodes (I presumeS4 will be 8 eps)(20:27:53) Kinkyclawz: Bleugh, still looking for the info Tom Mentioned but thiswas the message he sent me on the 12th July, ambiguous perhaps?Tom_In_Oz_Toves has all but said it's over re BH...he's now shooting a new movie starting18th July Kinkyclawz: Does "all over" mean "ALL over" ie no more Bh or "all over" as in his part in filming is done. Not sure.(20:28:45) Kinkyclawz: Trying to find the info as Tom likes to be a bit misleading in his titles for news.(20:28:53) kcoop76: whaaa----the WHOLE series?(20:29:00) kcoop76: have they done the whole series?(20:32:33) Kinkyclawz: :/ No idea. Found the posts but still none the wiser. I think fiming might still be on for BH, but my mind read it as BH end of, over, nomore to be had. hope I'm wrong. Here's the two posts for that day on the Russell tovey blog, guys, maybe you can find the info I've obviously missed. Kinkyclawz: Might jus be Tovey's involvement is over and htey're film

    ing the otehr scenes that he's not in.(20:33:14) Kinkyclawz: and oh boy do I ned to rememebr how to type!(20:34:09) Kinkyclawz: Ah, found another one for that date. http://russell-tovey

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    8/21 keepmakingtea: That was a SHORT filming block, then!(20:34:49) kcoop76: it did sound like over as in, finished completely(20:35:13) keepmakingtea: Maybe my idea about the vampires imprisoning G&N to see what their baby would be like is correct. (And a lot like KC's fanfic.)(20:35:15) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, tell me about it.(20:35:24) Kinkyclawz: LOL Perhaps.

    (20:35:24) kcoop76: *is scared*(20:35:41) Kinkyclawz: Or maybe with Aidan's departure, Sinead, Lenora and Russell are getting tichy feet too?(20:35:45) Kinkyclawz: itchy sorry(20:35:54) kcoop76: It would really disappoint me if they aren't in the full series(20:35:58) Kinkyclawz: though their feet might be tichy, ie small.(20:36:09) kcoop76: but there's no news of Lenora, right?(20:36:36) Kinkyclawz: Aww, don't be scared, Coop, we're only speculating basedon the minimal information given. I thought they'd been filming since May so whoknows?(20:36:55) keepmakingtea: Sinead and Russell are on Twitter (Russell a LOT), so

    that's how we know about them. Lenora is not on Twitter.(20:36:57) Kinkyclawz: Nope, though othes have said she has been on set the most, though not sure where they got that information.(20:37:41) Kinkyclawz: Well, they are on Twitter but have said nothing about BHfor ages and ages. Its almost like the BBC is gagging them, stopping them sayinganything to keep the fans interested. Quite bizarre(20:38:23) keepmakingtea: Well, the BBC did have that clamp down not too long ago.(20:38:38) Kinkyclawz: We're used to being treated with respect and given lil teasers, but this year its all change. MAYBe its because those who kept us informed and cared about teh fans have been removed? Barry Pilling and Marcus Whitney?(20:39:40) Kinkyclawz: Ryan the runner, @tmxghost on Twitter, is still talking abit but I've not been on enough to catch what he's been saying - thogh even he'

    s been a quiet lil mouse about information lately, by all accounts.(20:40:04) kcoop76: what is his involvement?(20:40:20) Kinkyclawz: He's a runner, runs about bringing and fetching and carrying things.(20:40:26) Kinkyclawz: So he sees all of it.(20:40:48) Kinkyclawz: A busy job but helps keep him in the loop.(20:40:59) kcoop76: ahh(20:42:21) Kinkyclawz: OH! Toby Whithouse is at SDCC! keepmakingtea: But he's there for WHO, not BH.(20:42:47) Kinkyclawz: Just found that on SFX magazines Twitterfeed(20:42:55) Kinkyclawz: Thought so, but woo anyway!(20:43:00) kcoop76: yeah....Who-tastic-ness(20:44:18) Kinkyclawz: No Who-spoilers but...@SFXmagazine Huge cliffhangers will be resolved in second half of season, says Smith. #sdcc #doctorwho(20:44:50) keepmakingtea: And I just discovered Karen Gillan says she'll be backfor Series 7.(20:45:01) kcoop76: where?(20:45:02) keepmakingtea: We better have some Rory, too!(20:45:07) keepmakingtea: kcoop76: WHERE?(20:45:10) Kinkyclawz: Hehe(20:45:39) kcoop76: wow

    (20:45:40) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, the title of the link tells you the story. Niiice work Zap2It!(20:45:45) kcoop76: I was not expecting that!!!

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    (20:46:00) Kinkyclawz: Not expecting her to come back?(20:46:01) kcoop76: that is going to make a lot of people mad(20:46:04) kcoop76: yeah(20:46:10) Kinkyclawz: Why, was she looking like being illed off?(20:46:11) kcoop76: seems everyone wants her one(20:46:14) kcoop76: gone(20:46:18) Kinkyclawz: killed rather

    (20:46:21) kcoop76: yeah(20:46:25) kcoop76: everyone hates her(20:46:31) Kinkyclawz: Ah. What a shame, she seems nice(20:46:34) kcoop76: I don't though..she's my favorite(20:46:38) keepmakingtea: I like Amy!(20:46:46) kcoop76: yayy(20:47:02) Degnne: I like Amy, too(20:47:10) Degnne: (but I like Rory more)(20:47:17) kcoop76: but if it's just her and not her other half, I would be verydisappointed(20:47:32) Kinkyclawz: They're a bit of a double act, huh?(20:47:40) kcoop76: yup

    (20:48:18) kcoop76: can this be some sort of misunderstanding?(20:48:30) Kinkyclawz: that she's coming back?(20:48:35) kcoop76: because I thought they were only coming back for the christmas special(20:48:40) kcoop76: and nothing after thatr(20:48:43) keepmakingtea: Only companion I would want to write off this series is River Song. Not that I don't like her, but let's see her story close.(20:48:48) kcoop76: or not even that at all(20:48:50) Kinkyclawz: probably not if she's been told she is and has announcedit. Ah, possibly(20:49:05) kcoop76: really?(20:49:17) kcoop76: I'd like to keep seeing more of river(20:49:35) Willie: Eileen enters the channel.

    (20:49:44) Eileen: Hello(20:49:47) Kinkyclawz: Eileen! Hallo! Fang says Hi!(20:49:48) Eileen: How are you all?(20:49:53) keepmakingtea: Well, not WANT, but if we had to say goodbye to one companion, I'd prefer River over Amy and Rory.(20:49:54) Eileen: thanks(20:50:00) Eileen: sorry couldnt come earlier(20:50:05) Kinkyclawz: And that he was wearing a pair of trouserrs with 2 beltsto make sure this week. LOL(20:50:15) Eileen: had to follow the SPN panel at Comic-con via twitter(20:50:20) Degnne: Hello Eileen(20:50:23) Eileen: lol(20:50:25) Kinkyclawz: Glad you came, no matter the time! *hugz* I'm ok thanks ,are you ok?(20:50:28) Eileen: Hello Deg(20:50:30) Kinkyclawz: LOL Fair dues!(20:50:37) Eileen: I'm good ty(20:50:40) Kinkyclawz: We're discussing some news from SDCC too.(20:50:47) Eileen: i see(20:50:48) Eileen: lol(20:50:49) keepmakingtea: News and lack of news.(20:50:55) Eileen: so the same topic(20:50:57) kcoop76: oh, Hi there!(20:51:00) Kinkyclawz: yeah, both.(20:51:03) Eileen: i have alot of news

    (20:51:04) keepmakingtea: Lack of news being more like lack of BH.(20:51:09) Kinkyclawz: Not SPN news though, Doctor Who stuff.(20:51:10) Eileen: but not dr who related or bh

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    (20:51:11) Eileen: lol(20:51:20) Kinkyclawz: LOL(20:51:24) Eileen: the panel is going now for dr. who(20:51:32) Eileen: hey Kcoop(20:51:40) Eileen: hello JD(20:51:43) Kinkyclawz: they are? Ah, no more revelations for a bit then.(20:51:48) Eileen: and I have good news in my private life

    (20:51:49) Eileen: lol(20:52:01) keepmakingtea: Oh, good to hear, Eileen!(20:52:07) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, is it something you'd liek to share? *is interested*(20:52:16) Kinkyclawz: *is nosey*(20:52:26) Eileen: I finally got the permanent job(20:52:28) Eileen:(20:52:35) Eileen: no temping anymore woohoo(20:52:42) Kinkyclawz: Oh wonderful! *massive hugz*(20:52:43) Eileen: *rubs KC's nose*(20:52:49) Kinkyclawz: Good on you!(20:52:56) Eileen: *hus*(20:53:00) Eileen: or *hugs*

    (20:53:02) Kinkyclawz: Hee, my nose is all shiny now! Thanks!(20:53:06) Eileen: but husing is fun, too(20:53:39) Kinkyclawz: *looks worried* I'm not into that kinky stuff, husing ansstuff... despite the name, I'm quite a good girl. honest.(20:54:18) Eileen: lol(20:54:18) keepmakingtea: SURE you are, KC....(20:54:44) Kinkyclawz: See, my Twusband believes me. *missed the sarcasm by a mile*(20:55:12) Eileen: sure he does(20:55:13) Eileen:(20:55:28) Eileen: KC's a good girl that likes to take over the world(20:55:30) Kinkyclawz: Aww, and Eileen believes him too! *feels loved*(20:55:44) Kinkyclawz: Hey, every girls gotta have a bit of an ambition.

    (20:56:01) Kinkyclawz: everyone does, methins(20:56:01) Eileen: *sees the sarcasm miss KC's ear by 2 miles*(20:56:03) Kinkyclawz: methinks also(20:56:26) Eileen: yeah a bit(20:56:38) Kinkyclawz: *feels a rush of air as the sarcasm flies by* Its a bit breezy in here. Is the window open.(20:57:05) Kinkyclawz: Coop? Deg? Still with us lads?(20:57:30) kcoop76: yes! I'm here(20:57:37) Degnne: yep still here(20:57:43) Kinkyclawz: YAY!(20:57:56) Kinkyclawz: Deg, just seen your character designs on twitter - nice work!(20:58:19) Kinkyclawz: Are they for something you're working on now?(20:58:23) Eileen: yay(20:58:33) Eileen: yeah the window IS open, but no idea why(20:58:34) Eileen: why?(20:58:43) Degnne: thanks, KC(20:58:53) Degnne: yeah something I'm working on(20:58:57) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, I think the plotties jumped out of it again. Tsk.(20:59:23) keepmakingtea: Those plotties line up at the window and take turns jumping...(20:59:36) Kinkyclawz: Great stuff! They'll be as crisp as WAM when they're done, I'm guessing huh?(20:59:47) Kinkyclawz: they do JD, its so sad.(21:00:50) keepmakingtea: What Comic Con SHOULD be about: http://a1.sphotos.ak.f Degnne: I agree, JD(21:03:10) Kinkyclawz: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

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    (21:03:13) Kinkyclawz: So cute!(21:03:47) keepmakingtea: And I completely approve of this booth: Eileen: awwwwwwwwwww(21:04:42) kcoop76: I wanna go there sooooo badly...(21:04:51) Eileen: and i dont know what this booth is about

    (21:04:52) Eileen:(21:05:00) Eileen: me too(21:05:00) kcoop76: neither do I(21:05:08) keepmakingtea: Well, that booth is run by friends of mine.(21:05:12) Kinkyclawz: You 'n' me both Coop. Its a bit too far for me though. :/(21:05:24) Kinkyclawz: Tiger Press?(21:05:32) Kinkyclawz: Do they publish Oz Books?(21:05:50) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, Hungry Tiger Press(21:05:53) keepmakingtea: Hungry Tiger Press, and yes.(21:06:10) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, only Oz books?(21:06:16) keepmakingtea: Nope.(21:07:13) keepmakingtea: Though just about everything they sell has some Oz rel

    ation. Like Eric Shanower's Trojan War retelling AGE OF BRONZE.(21:07:26) keepmakingtea: Since Eric's done Oz stuff, it's Oz related.(21:07:48) Kinkyclawz: Ah, gotcha. Hmm, not gonna publish any of my stuff then.(21:08:08) Kinkyclawz: Oh hey forgot to say, I read your stories! Really enjoyedthem (a full chat about these later, yes?)(21:08:19) keepmakingtea: Oh... Yeah...(21:09:01) keepmakingtea: One of my proofreaders, Marcus Mebes, put my book in alist of suggestions for new publications by the Oz Club.(21:09:37) Kinkyclawz: Awesome! Soyou might be published among the elite of Oz writers? Maybe you'll be giving a talk at the next Winkies.(21:09:50) Kinkyclawz: Congratulations!(21:09:56) keepmakingtea: I'm already doing the quiz, so...(21:10:00) Kinkyclawz: On nomination, don't fret, I'm not jumping the gun.

    (21:10:14) Kinkyclawz: Why not?(21:10:40) kcoop76: that's rather impressive(21:10:44) Eileen: i see(21:10:46) Eileen: interesting(21:11:18) Kinkyclawz: Is Winkies a fan run convention?(21:11:22) Eileen: i have a question, does any of you know a person that wants to go to the SPN con in Paris next year and wants to buy my demon pass?(21:11:34) keepmakingtea: Pretty much!(21:11:48) Kinkyclawz: Aww, are you not able to go?(21:12:12) Kinkyclawz: I dunno, my sis might but she'd want someone to go with her.(21:12:21) Willie: Fang enters the channel.(21:12:24) kcoop76: what is SPN, exactly?(21:12:40) Kinkyclawz: Looks like a successful Con, JD. I just went ot one yesterday, fan run for another of my fave shows and LOVED it!(21:12:41) Fang: hello again, or in Eileen's case hello(21:12:46) Kinkyclawz: Supernatural(21:13:00) Kinkyclawz: Hello Fang! All Top Geared out?(21:13:25) Degnne: hello again Fang(21:13:32) Fang: almost actually, it's increasly bad(21:13:40) Fang: what con did you go toKC?(21:13:41) kcoop76: Supernatural? as in, the series?(21:13:55) Eileen: yes Supernatural(21:13:57) keepmakingtea: Yep.(21:14:02) kcoop76: ahhh

    (21:14:02) Eileen: Hello fang!!!(21:14:10) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear! I thought it was gaining in popularity. though perhaps its the reruns that are doing well.

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    (21:14:23) kcoop76: I had no idea it was popular over there!(21:14:25) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, Coop. Its a convention just for it, right Eileen?(21:14:30) Eileen: I need to find someone who would take my Demon Pass. I wouldeven sell it for less than 160 euros.(21:14:38) Kinkyclawz: I went to idealcon in Manchester. It was ACE!(21:14:47) Eileen: yes a convention in Paris(21:14:59) Kinkyclawz: Has your new job made it so you can't go?

    (21:15:05) Eileen: Jared P. is the first confirmed guest(21:15:13) keepmakingtea: eBay it, Eileen!(21:15:16) Eileen: no i want to buy a different ticket(21:15:33) Fang: idealcon? it sound a bit like the ideal home exhibition, was itselling the big pink house/(21:15:37) Eileen: but they say i have to find a person for the demon pass before(21:15:43) Kinkyclawz: Ohhhh, so selling for a good reason! Ace!(21:15:44) Fang: Paris? in addition to the one in B'Ham?(21:15:49) Eileen: yes(21:15:55) Eileen: yes Fang(21:16:16) Fang: Paris is probably much nicer

    (21:16:41) Fang: what are the other pass names? I like the sound of a demon pass(21:17:01) Fang: seriously what were you at idealcon for?(21:18:04) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Fang, Not quite. More for the Manchester-based showIdeal.(21:18:32) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, demon passes sound awesome. Hmm, dunno if sis wouldwant to go alone, as I say. Want me to ask her?(21:18:35) Fang: oh, that makes sense but I've nver heard of it(21:18:42) Kinkyclawz: Celebrating the TV show, Fang.(21:19:55) Eileen: lol yeah i want the angel pass(21:20:00) Kinkyclawz: Fang: Ohhh, its awesome! Johnny Vegas plays a Manchesterdrug dealer (its not as bad as it sounds) and has a precession of hilarious andscary characters scomign to his flat to buy off him. Its just finished its 7th series, which is impressive. I got a set visit to watch the series filming in mar

    ch this year.(21:20:02) Eileen: lol(21:20:05) Fang: lol, just googled it and found out it's been on for seven serieseseses, that's some good advertising from BBC(21:20:18) Eileen: yes please ask her KC(21:20:19) Eileen:(21:20:24) Eileen: i have posted it on FB too(21:20:25) Kinkyclawz: Thats minimal BBc advertising, more the fans anding together to promote it.(21:20:33) Kinkyclawz: Okies, BRB.(21:20:34) keepmakingtea: Trailer for new Whithouse-written WHO: kcoop76: that's JD(21:20:56) Eileen: The other names are: Angel Pass, Hunter Pass, Demon Pass andMonster Pass(21:20:56) Eileen: lol(21:21:00) kcoop76: i mean(21:21:03) kcoop76: THANKS(21:21:08) kcoop76: not that's(21:21:10) kcoop76: thanks(21:21:13) Fang: nice names(21:21:37) Fang: although they sound a bit like road names(21:21:43) Eileen: lol(21:21:58) Eileen: angel pass costs 100 euro more than i have atm(21:22:16) Eileen: so i hope i can sell the demon pass quickly but im not allowe

    d to do an auction(21:22:17) Kinkyclawz: Back! just asked her, she's not interested but she says thankyou anyway, suesse! She says she won't be able to affor the ticket and the t

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    trip to/stay in Paris(21:22:26) Kinkyclawz: Hopefully FB will find someone who's interested.(21:22:41) Eileen: okay, thanks for asking, KC!(21:22:46) Kinkyclawz: Oh heck. Thats part of the rules of sale?(21:23:12) Fang: would you dress like an angel?(21:23:15) Kinkyclawz: No worries hunny.(21:23:26) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear... piccies.

    (21:23:40) Kinkyclawz: *****(21:23:47) Eileen: damn! Fang how did you find the pic of me during last year'scarnival?(21:23:48) Fang: or a demon?(21:23:49) Eileen: lol(21:24:05) Fang: oooh, then maybe I will go(21:24:13) Fang: oh sorry KC(21:24:19) Eileen: and KC!(21:24:19) Fang: keepmakingtea: At Winkies, the only differing registration prices they have are if you're staying nights off grounds, staying nights off grounds and

    not having meals with the group, sharing a room, and a single room. All get youthe same Con.(21:24:43) Fang: Fang: there's your links(21:24:59) keepmakingtea: Naughty, naughty Fang!(21:25:10) Eileen: KC! He found your pic, too!(21:25:32) Fang: maybe KC she dresses like a crack whore(21:25:41) Fang: er... at the idealcon, not in every day life(21:25:43) Kinkyclawz: *****(21:25:48) kcoop76: you know what the best part of that trailer was?(21:26:31) Kinkyclawz: LOL Gled you added that Fang, or I may ahve had to hurt you.(21:26:31) Fang: the wheels?

    (21:26:47) Fang: good to see you getting into charachrer KC(21:27:02) Fang: Eileen =(21:27:21) Fang: sorry it would have been easier but less visually appealing tojust use the smilies(21:28:29) Fang: er sorry I've killed the chat again, what were you on before Irudely interupted?(21:28:35) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, thanks for the links Fang.Eilaee: Yes! Demon woman! And you're the angel?(21:28:53) keepmakingtea: KC is an Angel.(21:28:53) Kinkyclawz: Whats the best bit, Coop?(21:29:31) Fang: awww, you know just what to say to your twife JD(21:29:44) Kinkyclawz: LOL Sorry, was just saving - pics tend to bugger my chatscreen up. It seems to ahve settled this time. Hopefully.(21:30:21) Eileen: Yup, FAng: Eileen =(21:30:22) Kinkyclawz: Awww, he does. *smooches JD*(21:30:25) Eileen: KC =(21:30:54) Fang: better the devil you know(21:30:55) Kinkyclawz: Heehee, Eileen might have it closer to the truth though.I suspect you have rose tinted glassed, JD.(21:31:14) keepmakingtea: I believe my glasses are green tinted.(21:31:35) Kinkyclawz: Are they? Ohhhh...(21:31:35) Fang: nah KC just types in that colour, well here at least, she sold-out on the forum(21:32:08) Fang: not that there's much money in the green colour text market butyou get my point

    (21:32:17) Kinkyclawz: I had to, green isn't visible on the new forum colour scheme. I'm thinking of others... honest.(21:32:55) kcoop76: ok...a bit behind. I was going to say the best bit was Karen

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    wearing a skirt again(21:33:12) kcoop76: there's also trailer for the rest o the series all together(21:33:15) kcoop76: that was shown(21:33:29) Fang: oh you went to it coop?(21:33:44) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Coop. Ah, so you were a bit ditracted?(21:33:44) Fang: orsaw the coverage online?(21:34:10) Kinkyclawz: *****

    (21:34:30) Eileen: interesting trailer(21:34:37) Fang: that should be or saw, orsaw is probably a place in Poland(21:34:42) Kinkyclawz: BRB gotta restart the chat(21:34:48) Fang: oh dear soory(21:34:54) keepmakingtea: Hold on!(21:34:57) Fang: I've been a bad fang(21:35:03) Fang: yeah is it saved?(21:35:18) Kinkyclawz: LOL no worries Fang, I thought the prob had sorted itselfbut apparently not. :/(21:35:59) Kinkyclawz: Back! Yeah, all saved. Cheers gang!(21:36:01) Fang: I'll be a good Fang for the rest of the chat(21:36:15) Fang: just nobody mess it up

    (21:36:24) Kinkyclawz: Aww, you're suually good. Honest(21:36:46) Kinkyclawz: LOL It only seems to be Eileens and my connections that bugger up when pics come in. Weird. Are you on a Mac, Eileen?(21:36:59) Kinkyclawz: MacBook not a raincoat, before anyone says anything, LOL(21:37:10) Kinkyclawz: *****(21:37:24) Fang: I couldn't say anything as I'm being good(21:37:34) Fang: another rubbish spin-off "being good"(21:37:52) Kinkyclawz: LOL Being Good, an Angel tries to rehabilitate a Demon?(21:38:02) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, actually, might not be as rubbish as it sounds.(21:38:03) Eileen: lol that was warsaw(21:38:29) Eileen: *hugs good Fang* There there(21:38:44) kcoop76: Fang, the trailers are online(21:38:52) Fang: damn being human has ruined teh word "being", fingerless gloves

    , tea, pink houses, doors/the phrase deaths door(21:39:03) Fang: I could go on but that's enough(21:39:10) kcoop76: Kinkyclawz: Not ruined, brought new meaning to.(21:39:13) kcoop76: there it is(21:39:13) Kinkyclawz: LOL(21:39:15) kcoop76: Fang(21:39:26) Fang: yeah that was the wrong word(21:39:28) Kinkyclawz: Thanks for the repeat of the link Coop, I lost it when Irestarted.(21:39:35) Kinkyclawz: Reinvented?(21:40:01) Fang: the missing link?(21:40:15) Fang: the angels in that trailer don't look as nice as Eileen(21:42:15) Fang: where was the skirt?(21:42:20) Eileen: *winks*(21:42:43) Fang: we have a smily for that now(21:42:45) kcoop76: the skirt was in the other trailer (the one for episode 11)(21:42:52) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, I sense a trip to the gutter before long, its driedout in the sunsine after last week.(21:42:59) kcoop76: THAT was the one JD posted(21:43:01) kcoop76: umm...(21:43:22) Fang: dammit, sorry that's sarcastic not being good at all. Unless Ipretend I was bein helpful.... another spin-off?(21:43:31) kcoop76:

    (21:43:34) kcoop76: that's the one(21:43:38) kcoop76: JD posted first(21:43:39) Kinkyclawz:

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    d-complex-trailer.html Think thats the right one(21:43:49) kcoop76: yup(21:43:51) kcoop76: that one(21:43:53) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh... you beat me to it, Coop!!(21:44:07) Kinkyclawz: lol(21:44:18) Fang: thanks...well everybody(21:44:52) Fang: no gutter KC, I'm being good

    (21:45:01) Kinkyclawz: Heh,e you're overloaded, Doctor! This'll be like a history lesson for you, reminding you what you did in your 11th incarnation.(21:45:01) Fang: quick a being human topic somebody?(21:45:28) kcoop76: uhhhhh(21:45:41) Kinkyclawz: LOL Ohh, don't be that good, Fang, we like you just a little bit impish, right Eileen? Right JD? Right Deg? Right Coop?(21:45:43) Kinkyclawz: ::(21:45:48) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, have you got one Fang?(21:45:49) keepmakingtea: Lenora's hot?(21:46:03) Kinkyclawz: Will George still ahve checked shirts this time around?(21:46:08) Kinkyclawz: lmao(21:46:11) Fang: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yes, that would be the weather, nice and wa

    rm today and she can't change clothers(21:46:38) Eileen: what??? What did i miss?(21:47:27) Fang: oh the blog mentioned a shocking death who do we think that will be?(21:47:52) Fang: or does it just mean somebody gets electrocuted?(21:47:54) Eileen: awww i missed embarassed Fang?(21:48:23) keepmakingtea: What would shock me is the old vampire getting killedin the first 30 seconds of S4.(21:48:26) Fang: eh? what do you think you missed?(21:48:36) Kinkyclawz: LOL(21:48:54) Fang: that would be interesting(21:49:01) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Could be a clever play on wirds just like that Fang.

    (21:49:04) Fang: I'm guessing the new trio are safe(21:49:11) Kinkyclawz: words also(21:49:26) Fang: well maybe not if it is the last series(21:49:30) Kinkyclawz: Possibly(21:49:48) kcoop76: if they're even main characters to begin with!(21:49:48) Kinkyclawz: We don't know yet, though it does have a feel of windingdown, doesn't it?(21:49:55) Kinkyclawz: Esp with the lack of information etc.(21:50:00) kcoop76: sorry....earlier we were wondering how much of a role they play(21:50:13) Kinkyclawz: This is a good point, Coop. We know very little t this point.(21:50:53) Fang: I suppose Adam would be shocking as he has his own series(21:51:11) Kinkyclawz: lol(21:51:14) Fang: or George's parents(21:51:29) Kinkyclawz: not sure the character could hold a series on his lonesome though.(21:51:32) Kinkyclawz: lmao(21:51:52) keepmakingtea: Herrick coming back and George killing him again wouldbe shocking.(21:52:01) Fang: interesting, I can't see them bothering without the main trio(21:52:01) kcoop76: hehe(21:52:13) Fang: true JD(21:52:15) kcoop76: I think his return would define jumping the shark(21:52:23) Fang: vampire shark?

    (21:52:39) Fang: they do already sense blood(21:53:19) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, ghostly shark!(21:53:33) Fang: ^

  • 8/6/2019 BH Chat 24th July 2011


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