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abstraction, 7advanced planning system (APS), 196aggregation, 72, 74, 212algorithm– branch and bound, 138– evolutionary, 153– genetic, 153, 157–160, 226– iterated local search (ILS), 152– local search, 150, 152– progressive hedging, 180–185, 230– simulated annealing (SA), 154–155,

226– steepest descent with random restarts

(SDRR), 153– tabu search (TS), 156–157, 227AMPL, 84–95, 232APS, see advanced planning systemargmin, 152arrival rate, 165aspiration criterion, 156ATP, see available to promiseavailable to promise (ATP), 197

backorder, 52, 203backtracking, 161bill of materials (BOM), 19, 22– convergent, 205– divergent, 27binary variable, 136binding constraint, 73bit string, 157bit-flip neighborhood, 150BOM, see bill of materialsbottleneck, 73, 167– sharp, 167bound– lower, 138– upper, 140branch and bound, 138–141, 148, 161,

225– tree, 138branching, 138

– direction, 138, 142bullwhip effect, 197

capable to promise (CTP), 197capacitated lot sizing problem (CLSP),

203–204, 207capacity, 31– constraint, 3, 35, 36, 39, 51, 68, 211– planning, 4, 166, 177– – rough cut, 79center of a neighborhood, 150changeover, 38, 38–43, 46, 76– sequence dependent, 41clearing function, 215closed loop supply chain, 191CLSP, see capacitated lot sizing

problemcoefficient– production, 208conditional decision, 178congestion, 164connected neighborhood, 151consolidation, 67constraint, 13–14– binding, 73– capacity, see capacity constraint– integrality, 17, 142– requirements, 35constraint programming, 160–161, 225,

232constraint propagation, 160contingency plan, 175continuous flow shop problem, 212contract– supply chain, 198CONWIP, 174, 214cooling schedule, 154cooperating solver, 161costs– changeover, 46– fixed, 67– holding, 45

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– marginal, 45, 46– sunk, 46– tardiness, 52CP, see constraint programmingcrossover, 157– one-point, 157, 159– uniform, 159CTP, see capable to promise

data, 9, 15, 168DE, see deterministic equivalentdeadline, 51decision vector, 147deterioration, 210deterministic, 16, 174– equivalent (DE), 180direct sequence, 148disaggregation, 72, 213discount– all container, 69– marginal, 69, 221– transportation, 69discrete lot sizing and scheduling

problem, 208distribution requirements planning

(DRP), 193diversification, 157, 226domain reduction, 160DRP, see distribution requirements

planningdue date, 51

empty summation, 11end-of-horizon effects, 64enterprise resources planning (ERP),

27, 37, 192enumeration neighborhood, 151ERP, see enterprise resources planningevaluation function, 150, 151evolutionary algorithm, 153execution, 5

facility location, 70, 221–222family– part, 74feedback, 5FIFO, see first-in-first-outfirst-in-first-out (FIFO), 156fitness, 158fitness based selection, 157flow shop problem, 212flow time, 164forward logistics, 191function

– evaluation, 150, 151– objective, 37

GA, see genetic algorithmGAMS, 96–105, 232general integer variable, 142generational replacement, 159genetic algorithm (GA), 153, 157–160,

226GRASP, 153, 228greedy heuristic, 147greedy randomized adaptive search

procedure, 153, 228

hedging, 175– progressive, 180–185, 229heuristic, 145– greedy, 147– meta, see meta-heuristic– search, 145–160hierarchical production planning

(HPP), 213holding costs, 45horizon, 64, 208HPP, see hierarchical production


ILS, see iterated local searchindicator variable, 24, 203information technology (IT), 191– analytical IT, 192– transactional IT, 192integer, 17integrality, 17, 142integration, 189intensification, 157, 226inventory, 48, 66, 209– ending, 65– minimum inventory level, 66– negative, 52– tolerance, 65, 82– work in process, see work in process

inventoryIT, see information technologyiterated local search (ILS), 152

JIT, see just-in-timejob, 148, 211job shop problem, 212just-in-time (JIT), 20

Kanban, 174

lead time, 19, 164

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– load dependent, 167–174, 214– nominal, 82leaf, 180LHS (left hand side), 14linear program, 136linear programming, 136load dependent lead time, 167–174loading, 166, 167local minimum, 152local search, 150, 152location, 70logistics, 70, 188–190– forward, 191– reverse, 191long term memory, 157lost sales, 47, 203lot sizing, 19, 29, 202–208low-level-coding, 23lower bound, 138LP, see linear program– relaxation, 137LP solver, 148, 225

machine scheduling, 211macro, 47make or buy, 4manufacturing resources planning, see

MRP IImarginal costs, 45, 46master production schedule, 24, 28, 194master SKU, 60materials requirements planning, see

mrpMaximal MPL, see MPLmemory– long term, 157– short term, 156meta-heuristic, 152, 226MINC (a cost minimization problem),

13minimum– local, 152MIP, see mixed integer programMIP solver, 225mixed integer program (MIP), 135– binary, 136model, 2, 7–18, 123, 223, 231– deterministic, 174– linear, 17– multi-criteria, 223– multi-stage, 202– multi-stage probabilistic, 178– multi-stage stochastic, 178

modeling language, 81–133, 135, 231Mosel, 123–133, 232move, 150– construction, 150– evaluation, 151– insertion, 151– k-opt, 151– kick, 152– swap, 150– transformation, 150movement– product, 66–70MPL, 106–113, 232mrp, 19–29, 49, 86, 99, 107, 116, 126,

200– relaxed, 137MRP II, 31–38, 49, 78, 89, 99, 109, 118,

129, 200–201multi-criteria optimization, 223multi-stage model, 202multiple routings, 59, 209mutation, 157

nearest neighbor, 225neighbor, 150neighborhood, 150–154– bit-flip, 150– center of, 150– connected, 151– enumeration, 151nervousness, 28network design, 201notation, 9notational variable, 47

objective function, 11–13, 37offspring, 159operator– crossover, 157– mutation, 157OPL, 114–122, 232optimization, 2, 15, 223–225– multi-criteria, 223optimization model, 2, see modelorder management, 193, 196ordered set, 84, 123overtime, 49–51

part aggregation, 74part family, 74, 212partially explored (variable), 139passing, 169period, 178perishability, 210

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permutation, 148pilot method, 229plan– contingency, 175– stable, 62planning, 4, 193– aggregate, 213planning horizon, 23, 65, 202, 209policy, 163, 164, 209– reorder, 210population, 157positional sequence, 148priority rule, 225product movement, 66–70production coefficient, 208production planning, 4, 70, 175, 200– hierarchical, 213production tree, 126program– linear, 136– mixed integer, 135progressive hedging, 180–185, 229– integer convergence, 183, 185, 230pull, 174pull system, 214push system, 214

queue, 164, 167queuing, 164, 166queuing theory, 164

random, 16, 154, 163– yields, 163relaxation, 137– LP, 137reorder point, 163reorder policy, 163, 210replacement– generational, 159– steady-state, 159representation, 148, 151– direct sequence, 148– positional sequence, 148– sparse, 98requirements constraint, 35resource, 31, 32, 165, 166– bottleneck, 73– critical, 168– non-bottleneck, 74resource constrained project scheduling

problem, 212reverse logistics, 191RHS (right hand side), 14

root, 138routing(s), 31, 70– alternate, see routing(s), multiple– alternative, see routing(s), multiple– multiple, 59, 76, 209

SA, see simulated annealingsafety stock, 66, 210scatter search, 227scenario, 16, 174, 175scheduled receipts, 19scheduling, 4, 5, 211– machine, 211scheme– solution representation, 148, 151SCP, see supply chain planningSDRR, see steepest descent with

random restartssemi-continuous, 141sensitivity analysis, 225sequence dependent changeover, 41sequencing problem, 148, 212server, 165–167service rate, 165set, 11– ordered, 84, 123– special ordered, 143setup, 46shipping, 67short term memory, 156shortage, 66simulated annealing (SA), 154–155, 226simulation, 230– discrete event, 230single minute exchange of die (SMED),

42, 201single-stage model, 202SKU, see stock keeping unit– master, 60slack, 74SMED, see single minute exchange of

diesolution, 3– current, 152– representation scheme, 148, 151solver, 15, 225– cooperating, 161SOS, see special ordered setsparse format, 123sparse representation, 98special ordered set (SOS), 143–145– SOS1, 143, 160– SOS2, 143, 160stable plan, 62

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stage, 178steady-state replacement, 159steepest descent, 152– with random restarts (SDRR), 153stochastics, 16, 163stock keeping unit (SKU), 19strategy, 4subcontracting, 60, 209summation, 8– empty, 11sunk costs, 46sunset constraint, 91, 101, 110, 130supply chain, 1, 70– closed loop, 191supply chain contract, 198supply chain management, 1, 4–5,

187–200supply chain planning (SCP), 4, 55, 192supply chain planning matrix, 195swap move, 150symbol, 9

tabu list, 156– length, 156tabu search (TS), 156–157, 227tardiness, 51–55, 65tardiness cost, 52temperature, 154time bucket, 178transformation, 150transport, 66–70, 219– discount, 69transportation problem, 220traveling salesman problem (TSP), 211,


tree– branch and bound, 138– root node, 138TS, see tabu searchTSP, see traveling salesman problemtype, 213

uncertainty, 15, 163, 175upper bound, 140utilization, 32, 165–167, 175

variable, 9– binary, 136– free, 139– general integer, 142– integer, 17, 135– notational, 47– partially explored, 139– random, 178– semi-continuous, 141vehicle routing problem, 221vendor managed inventory (VMI), 210VMI, see vendor managed inventory

waiting line, 164WIP, see work in process inventorywork in process inventory (WIP), 48,

62, 174

Xpress-Mosel, see Mosel

yields– random, 163

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