
Jointly published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Scientometrics,

and Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest Vol. 50, No. 1 (2001) 83�98

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Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Universiteit Leiden,

Leiden (The Netherlands)

Despite the promising introduction of bibliometric maps of science in a science policy context

in the nineteen seventies, they have not been very successful yet. It seems, however, that only now

they are becoming acknowledged as a useful tool. This is mainly due to the developments and

integration of hypertext and graphical interfaces. Because of this, the strength of such navigation

tools becomes obvious. The communication through the Internet enables the field expert (as a

kind of peer review) as well as the user (from a science policy context) to contribute to the quality

of the map and the interface. Moreover, the interface can provide suggestions to answer policy-

related question, which is the initial purpose of such maps.


In this paper, we discuss the bibliometric maps of science as a research management

and science policy supportive tool. This particular application of science maps seemed

very promising in the nineteen seventies and eighties. Due to technical, financial, and

possibly also cultural aspects, the tool seemed to become neglected in the nineties. New

opportunities of the Internet, new methodologies, as well as promising projects

performed at CWTS, led to a revival in the late nineteen nineties. But this was only a

beginning. We outline the way we cope with the problems that bibliometric mapping of

science suffered in the early days. As we try to keep up with the latest scientific and

technological developments, we hope to be able to mould the tool appropriately in a

science policy context. Meanwhile, new opportunities arise for (science) mapping in


* Based in part on a previous publication by the author (Noyons, 1999).

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E. NOYONS: Bibliometric mapping of science

Science maps: description and short history

A science map is two or three dimensional representation of a science field, a

�landscape of science�, where the items in the map refer to themes and topics in the

mapped field, like cities on a geographical map. In these maps the items are positioned

in relation to each other, in such a way that those topics that are cognitively related to

each other, are positioned in each other's vicinity, and those not or hardly related, are

distant from each other.

The most well-known maps of science are those based on bibliographical data, the

bibliometric maps of science. As scientific literature is assumed to represent scientific

activity (Ziman, 1984; Merton, 1942), a map based on scientific publication data within

a science field A can be considered to represent the structure of A. It will depend on the

information (elements of a bibliographic record) used to construct the map, what kind of

structure is generated, and how �good�, i.e., to what extent the structure is recognized

by the field expert.

Most science maps are constructed by the co-occurrence information principle, i.e.,

the more two elements occur together in one and the same document, the sooner they

will be identified as being closely related. The science mapping principle dictates that

the more related two elements are, the closer to each other they are positioned in a map.

Many different elements of a bibliographic record may be used to generate a

structure. Each element reveals a specific structure, unique in a sense, but always related

to the structures based on other elements.

A bibliographic record contains a range of elements. The important ones are:

� Author(s) of a publication;

� title of a publication;

� source in which the document is published, e.g., the journal, proceedings or book;

� year of publication;

� address(es) of the (first) author(s);

� abstract of the publication.

In specialized bibliographic databases, other information may be included as well:

� cited references;

� publisher information of the source;

� keywords provided by the author or journal editor;

� classification codes added by the database producer;

� indexed terms added by the database producer.

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In principle all these elements can be used to build a map. As mentioned above, it

depends on element used, what kind of structure is generated. A map based on

co-occurrence of authors is more likely to unravel the social or informal structure

(c.f., Peters and Van Raan, 1991) of a science field, than a map based on co-occurrence

of classification codes.

One of the most frequently used information elements in science mapping, in

particular in the seventies and eighties, is the cited reference. A most intriguing aspect

of the �publication to publication relation� by citation, is its variety. Apart from the

reason why a particular publication is cited by the other, the formal relation has at least

six different ways of linking publications. First, there are three elements in the formal

citation of a specific journal article to another that may be used to define a relation:

� the cited publication as such;

� the cited journal;

� the cited author.

Furthermore, a relation between publications may be defined either by their direct

citation relation (c cites a), or by the fact that a and b are both �co-cited� by other

publications (c as well as d cite both a and b). In view of the latter relation they are

considered to belong to the same part of a field�s intellectual base (c.f., Persson, 1994).

The relation between c and d may also be determined by the fact that they cite to the

same publication(s). In that case they are �bibliographically coupled� and these

publications are considered to belong to the same part of a field's research front. In such

terms, the base relates to the past and the front relates to the present.

Since the seventies, bibliometric maps of science have been developed for policy

supportive means. They were based mostly on co-citation and co-word data. The co-

citation techniques were developed in the seventies (Small, 1973; Small and Griffith,

1974; Griffith et al., 1974; Garfield et al., 1978). In the eighties, a series of projects was

set up to explore the possibilities and limitations of co-citation analysis as policy

supportive tool (Mombers et al., 1985; Franklin and Johnston, 1988). In the same

period, also co-word techniques were developed for policy purposes. Particularly, at the

École National Supérieure des Mines, together with other French researchers and

researchers from the Netherlands and England, Michel Callon made an important

contribution to the development of this tool with Leximappe (Callon et al., 1983; Callon

et al., 1986; Law et al., 1988). The reason for using words rather than cited references,

was that Callon and his colleagues considered the citing behavior of scientific authors

inappropriate for this task. They argued that a scientist may have many reasons to cite

an other publication. Scientists may cite earlier work for different reasons within the

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argumentation of the citing publication, while at the other side, in the cited publication

different parts of the argumentation maybe the reason for a publication to become cited.

Normally, a co-citation analysis does not account for such differences.

Scheme 1

At the end of the eighties, co-citation and co-word mapping of science suffered a

great deal of criticism. Data and method of co-citation analysis were criticized (Edge,

1979; Hicks, 1987; Oberski, 1988). Moreover, the results (the generated maps) were

rejected and the utility was heavily questioned (Healey et al., 1986). It must have been

this debate that has blocked the development of at least co-citation modeling during the

nineties. It seems that studies at the Leiden Centre for Science and Technology Studies

(CWTS) of Braam (1991), Tijssen (1992), and Peters and Van Raan (1993) were the

last serious attempts in methodological development for a longer period of time. Case

studies (with few or even no methodological developments) have still been published

after this period of time. At CWTS, the emphasis shifted to co-word analysis. One of the

reasons was the possibility to create maps based on other databases than ISI's citation

indexes. For instance, to map an �applied� field in which most research is published in

proceedings, co-citation analysis seems not appropriate, as proceedings papers contain

very few references. Moreover, other, more specialized databases, could be more

appropriate for such a study.

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An other reason for the shift from co-citation to co-word is the fact that co-citation

analysis complicates a combined study of field dynamics and actors� activity (see

Noyons and van Raan, 1998a). The idea is that a trend analysis of actors� activities can

only be combined with a study of the field dynamics, if a certain rigidity is applied to

the identified structure (delineation of subdomains by words or citations). For instance,

if we are analyzing field dynamics from period t to t+1, the subdomain delineation may

be determined by the t+1 data and this delineation is to be applied to t. In this example,

we would be able to compare the evolution of and interaction between during t and t+1,

as well as to investigate the activity trends of actors in a meaningful way. By using

citations, we may encounter severe problems as the citations used to structure t+1, may

not have been published yet in t. The citations are �replaced� by others per se, because

scientific progress is reported by publication. A word (being a building block of any

publication) does not have to be replaced per se. In view of the scientific

communication, the �invention� of new words is not preferable. As a result, an average

publication is likely to have a �shorter life� than an average word or phrase.

Since the mid nineties, bibliometric mapping of science seems to experience a

revival. Most likely, this revival was due to the increasing interest in information

technology. The applicability of new analytical software (e.g., neural networks, Grivel,

et al., 1995) and the availability of hypertext and graphical interfaces (e.g., Kohonen,

1990; Lin, 1997; Chen et al., 1998), provided new impulses for science mapping, in

particular based on co-word data. Now the applicability of science maps can be

explored more extensively. In particular the interactivity of maps (as navigators) is one

of its biggest improvements. The development of graphical browsers enabled us to make

the maps �clickable�, so that it can be used as an interface to explore research areas.

Finally, the visualization of the evolution of research fields (a film) appeared to add

an attractive new dimension to science maps. In particular this aspect appeared to add

value to the usual map as a structural representation of a field.

Mapping and its critics

As we discussed earlier, the enthusiasm for bibliometric maps (or co-citation/co-word

modeling) in the seventies and eighties was tempered in the early nineties. Reasons for

this might have been the high costs involved, the modest validity according to the experts

evaluating the results, and the inaccessibility of the method and results (the maps).

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If we consider the three parties involved in quantitative policy-oriented studies of

science, we identify at the same time three aspects to which objections to mapping are


1. Evaluated scientists (as objects): the results;

2. Scientometricians (as producers): the data and methods;

3. Policy makers (as users): the utility.

The first objection points to the lack of recognition of the map as related to the field

seen by researchers in that field. Particularly co-word mapping has suffered from this

(Healey et al.,1986). Rip (1997) states that co-word maps are sometimes hard to

understand. They would show �pathways� rather than a structure.

A similar kind of aggregation would occur naturally when research

group leaders would report on the state of the field and ongoing and future

work of their groups in relation to it. Co-word maps are thus suitable to

purposes of tracing connections and locating work strategically.

(Rip, 1997; p. 17)

This passage particularly points out the utility of co-word maps for research

evaluation or monitoring. In that sense, one may wonder whether �pathways� differ

from, (or are inferior to) a structure. Moreover, Rip pleads for the independence of

scientometrics where the results are concerned. Once data and method have been

validated, the resulting maps show a point representation of the field, i.e., a

representation generated by the creator (the scientometrician) on the basis of approved

data and method, and as such robust. It will depend on the expert, evaluating/validating

the results, whether the structure is �recognized�. It is, however, important to notice that

the validation of data and method in scientometrics often comes down to the validation

of results, the generated maps. As a result, objections of the first and second kind are

closely related.

As to the objection of the third kind, it is important to distinguish between the utility

of the map as a representation of research areas and the utility of the map as a tool to

address policy related questions. With respect to the map as a representation, we should

ask the question as follows: suppose we are able to identify subdomains (or themes) in a

research area by clustering publications and suppose we create maps on the basis of the

(cognitive) relationship between these subdomains: what do these maps add to the

information we already have about the individual subdomains? What is the use of their

relation as depicted in maps? In several studies we experienced that users of our results,

focus primarily on the division into subdomains, rather than on the added and typical

�mapping� information of the positioning of the identified subdomains. They evaluate

the structure first without using the positional information. In such cases, characteristics

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of each subdomain are compared to those of the others, as if they were all �equally

different� from each other. For instance, by comparing the activity of actors (countries,

institutes, departments) in the identified subdomains, strengths and weaknesses in terms

of activity of an actor can be determined.

In a study presented in Noyons et al. (1999), we visualized the activity patterns of

four departments of a research institute within the mapped structure of the field

concerned. It appeared that the formal institutional structure with different research

departments nicely fitted into the structure of the field as obtained by co-occurrence

analysis. We observed that, next to the identification of subdomains, the two

dimensional positioning accounts to a large extend for the activity profile of each

department within the evaluated organization, and was as such useful for the study. That

was one of the first evidence that the positional information could have an added value.

In an other study, for the EU, we mapped the field of neuroscience. Furthermore, we

indicated in the map the activity characteristics of the EU countries on the one hand and

the US on the other. First of all, we found that in the map we could discern a clinical

area of neuroscience as clusters of subdomains, positioned in each other�s vicinity, and a

fundamental area. Furthermore, it appeared that EU countries focused clearly on

specific subdomains, which were all located in the clinical area of the map, while the US

focused more on the fundamental area. These results clearly showed the added value of

positioning, as a combination of the map with the information on EU and US focus,

allowed us to draw a general conclusion with respect to the activity characteristics of the

EU and US.

Finally, we mention the added value of adding dynamics to the maps. By presenting

them on a computer screen instead of on paper, we could present a film of a field�s

evolution. By visualizing how subdomains in a field are growing or shrinking, and how

the relation between them changes, as indicated by the changing positioning, we provide

useful information about the shifts and changing relation within a research field. If we

agree on the structure as generated by the analyses (as a �point representation�), this

kind of information is useful (in particular cases) to see how this structure has evolved

to the present situation or how the structure has evolved after a particular point in the

past. This may even render useful information about future trends.

As to the issue of utility of the map as a tool, it should be noted that we create an

interface around the map. Thus, the map can be used as a navigation tool to explore the

landscape of the mapped research field. The information available behind the map (to be

retrieved via the interface), determines to what extent it is possible to address a policy-

related question or issue. In other words, the user of the maps should be able to phrase

the question or issue very clearly, so that the scientometrician can determine which data

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should be available (or combined) behind the maps and in what way this information is

disclosed. For instance, if one is looking for the most active actors in rapidly growing

areas in a field, for instance, a map with indications of growth, and with the possibility

to �click� for a top ranking of most active actors (countries, organizations, authors)

would do. If one is looking for the �best� groups in certain areas of field, we could

include impact data as well. Obviously, these examples are relatively simple. In

practice, these questions can be much more complex, and therefore, the interface will be

more complex.

Mapping and the issue of validation

As mentioned above, studies like these, with a clear application (i.e., for science

policy) need validation from three perspectives: one from the scientometrician (of data

and method), one from scientist of a studied field (of data and generated structure), and

one from the user (of the utility). The validation debate with scientometricians takes

place in the scientific literature. The validation by field experts has to take place in each

mapping study again, and focuses mainly on the generated structure. Therefore, the link

with peer review seems almost inevitable. The validation by users is often mentioned as

an important point but seldom applied in mapping studies, and focuses on the results

(the maps) and other information connected to the maps. The fact that these studies are

evaluated from, at least, three different angles makes it such a complex matter. We will

therefore propose an analysis in which each validation can be applied to the most

appropriate part of the study. Furthermore, it will become clear how the presentation via

the Internet, simplifies the validation for such studies.

The three parties could be arranged in a triangle (Figure 1; Rip (1997)) calls it the

�eternal triangle�) with at least two linkages where validation of the bibliometric maps is

concerned. Healey et al., (1986) introduced the integration of both �internal� and

�external� validation of maps of science. The internal validation is aimed at the

structure as a representation of the field, the external validation at the utility of the map

as a policy supportive tool.

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Figure 1. Visualization of Rip�s �eternal� triangle of scientometric evaluation, combined with the

positioning of internal and external validation

As the validation of methods by scientometricians concerns the scientific debate, we

will only discuss validation from the scientists and research management and science

policy (RM&SP) point of view here.

The expert input (internal validation) can be used at different stages of the mapping

analysis. Before the data is collected, the expert should provide information about which

database to use, or which keywords to delineate the field. At the stage of the keyword

selection for co-word analysis, the expert should provide input in suggesting essential

keywords. This input will prevent words to affect the structure for reasons not so

obvious to the scientometrician (see Figure 2). Most likely in due time, this validation

part in mapping studies will become obsolete. Once enough input from experts on this

matter is collected in different research fields (and different projects), we should be able

to discern patterns. If we are able to �translate� these patterns into (bibliometric) rules,

we should be able to make these selections automatically. A third stage concerns the

results after the mapping analyses have been conducted. Here, the expert input could

evaluate the reference of the structure (the map) to the �real world�. The maps and

additional information are evaluated as representation of the science field under study.

This will probably always be needed to be able to address policy related questions.

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Figure 2. Example of an Internet feedback form to check candidate field keywords

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As to the validation by users, we emphasize to apply this at the end stages of the

analyses, or even better only to the results and the report. They should determine

whether the provided tool (map plus interface) is appropriate to address the relevant

issues. This does not mean that the user cannot be involved at the starting point of the

study. Obviously, scientometrician, scientist and user should agree on questions like:

can the issue be addressed on the basis of bibliometric data? and if so, can this be

accomplished with the proposed interface?

The process from data to results and interface, is depicted by Figure 3, going from

scientists, as the publication producers, to RM&SP, as the end user.

Figure 3. Scheme from science output to maps as a RM&SP tool

The first three stages are clear. Starting with a selection of publications, representing

the field under study, we extract a list of field keywords, which are supposed to

represent the core topics of that particular field. A more detailed discussion of this

process is found in Noyons (1999).

Then, we distinguish between two types of maps: the network and themes map. The

former represents the network of topics on which the map is based. The other type

represents the structure of the field on a higher level of aggregation (a thematic map, cf.

Law et al., 1988), in which the themes are clusters of topics. Technically, in the latter

type a clustering analysis is performed on the data, which is directly input for the map of

the former type. The identified clusters* are mapped in relation to each other, thus

providing a thematic or general overview map. The distinction between the two types is

by no means trivial. If we consider science maps as a tool for research policy, each type

can have its own function. In the network map, the position of topics takes preference

over the clustering of topics, whereas in the thematic map, the identified clusters

(themes or subdomains) take preference. The former will refer more directly to the work

of the scientists, responsible for the publication output, the latter should refer more to

the utility of the map, rendering an overview of the field and trends.

*Callon refers to them as themes. We refer to them as subdomains.

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The digital maps can be explored interactively via a graphical interface. As a

2-dimensional map of 10 items represents in fact 9 dimensions (10 minus 1) needed to

depict all relations, it is necessary to check each position and each position change

thoroughly to be able to draw conclusions. The interface provides the possibility to do

this, for instance by allowing a user to investigate the structure from the perspective of

one individual item in the map. Note that such explorations are possible on paper but

practically undoable.

By distinguishing between network and thematic maps, we are able to direct the

evaluation of scientists on the one hand, and users on the other, to different stages in the

study. This is important because in such a way we can give the validation by users more

relevance. As Tijssen (1992) and Bauin (1991) state, there has been done very little

about user validation and determining utility of science maps. Only two (!) out of

thirteen case studies in the late eighties and early nineties are provided with a validation

round, included external validation.* In other words, only two of these thirteen studies

were evaluated by a policy-related user. If any reason was given for this, it would be that

it is such a difficult task to get utility feedback, because of the complexity of maps and

results. In almost all thirteen studies, however, experts provided internal validation,

agreeing upon (most of) the structure.

With an advanced interface, it is possible to direct the validation input immediately

to the proper issues, as well as to feedback the comments into the analyses. Thus, the

validation process becomes less complicated and it will be easier to attract users to

evaluate the tool. The user can focus on the parts that matter for him, being the themes

and the facilities of the interface, rather than to be overwhelmed by the enormous

amount of analytical information that a mapping study usually yields.

As depicted in the scheme, the scientist should be involved in the process of

delineating the field under study and the selection of keywords, relevant to the core

activities (see Figure 2). Furthermore, his opinion on the network of topics as derived

from their relations, is of great value. The user should evaluate the identified themes,

not as proper clusters of topics, but as themes relevant to the political or management

issue addressed in the study. If there is no proposed set of themes to refer to, than the

user has no task here. Furthermore, user input is important to determine whether the

interface disclosing the information behind and added to the map links up with the

purpose of the study.

* These studies have been reported in Healey et al. (1986), Oberski (1988), Turner et al. (1988), Franklin and

Johnston (1988), Law et al. (1988), Bauin et al. (1991), Braam (1991, 2 studies), Tijssen (1992), Peters and

Van Raan (1993). In the studies reported by Bauin (1991), Franklin and Johnston (1988), and Healey et al.

(1986) utility aspects raised by the policy related users were discussed.

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Figure 4. Schematic view on the validation process in relation to the mapping procedure

Bibliometric maps of science: present state and perspectives

If we want science maps to become an established and well-accepted tool in a

science policy and research management context, we have to make it a transparent tool.

This means that there has to be a clear and fixed procedure going from publications to

map interface. In the past science mapping has been hindered by the �black box� image

people had about it. By describing most carefully the methods we use, and the

procedures we follow to collect expert and user input, we experienced a more positive

attitude towards the results, in particular from users. The fact that we are now able to

provide interfaces to explore the science map and to provide suggestions (or even

answers) to policy-related questions, has meant a major improvement.

For collecting the proper data, a field expert should be involved in order to be able

to make a meaningful selection of publications and bibliographic databases. This is one

the most important parts of the study, but often neglected. In most cases, we experienced

that only after an extensive and highly interactive process, we were able to delineate the

field in a way that would render results to address the raised issue properly.

From the data delineating the field under study, we list candidate field keywords to

be used in the analysis to structure the data. These candidates are retrieved by advanced

methods developed at CWTS and described in more detail in Noyons (1999). The

candidates are checked by field experts. For this we provide feedback forms to experts

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through Internet (see Figure 2). He gives his opinion about each candidate and submits

the form. The output of this form is used automatically in the procedure to create the

map. With these keywords we provide network or thematic maps for the field expert to

evaluate. Thus he will experience almost directly the effect of excluding or including

certain keywords. We noticed, of course, that this is also a weak point in our analyses,

because the expert has such a direct influence on the structure. That is why we plan to

use the information provided in this matter for automating this procedure.

Once, the maps are created, we build an interface around it (see Figure 5). With this

interface, a user is able to explore the structure and the information behind the maps.

The combination of information about and information behind the map, provides useful

input to address relevant policy-related questions and issues.

Figure 5. Example of a CWTS map interface in the field of neuroscience

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Presently, we are shifting from a HTML-based environment to a JAVA-based

environment. This makes both the interface and the retrieved information more flexible,

as the results can be calculated real-time. Thus, the interface will be more suitable to

provide answers and suggestions to policy-related questions.

On the homepage of CWTS (, there are several

studies available at the WWW projects page (�/ed/projects.html).

We believe to have brought bibliometric mapping as a science policy supportive tool

back to life by presenting them as graphical interfaces to explore research fields.

Particularly, the fact that the maps can be accessed by common WWW browsers

appeared to be a positive impulse. It is easier now to get expert input to improve the

quality of the map. Moreover, the utility of the map has increased because users are now

able to focus directly and in a known environment on the relevant facts in the map via

the interface.

If, in due time, we are able to skip the expert input and still come up with valid

structures of publication databases, the map and interface could be used as an

information retrieval (IR) tool for particular (text) databases, as well.


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Received: November 28, 2000.

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