Page 1: Bingara Central School NEWSLETTER · 1 day ago · experiencing cold and flu like symptoms. If your child is sick, please keep them at home until they are well enough to return. Siblings

WEEK 7 | TERM 2 | THURSDAY 11 JUNE 2020Bingara Central School

This year we have the opportunity to begin our Visible Learning journey with Corwin Australia. Our staff will have their first Professional Development Day on Friday 24 July 2020. This will start the three year development process and change the model for our school, based on the research of John Hattie. John Hattie has provided more than 100,000 teachers and leaders across more than sixteen countries on four continents with strategies to assist in the implementation of Visible Learning in the classroom and across the school community. Visible Learning is based on one simple belief: every student should experience at least one year’s growth over the course of one school year and is broken down into

GET IN TOUCH55 Finch Street BINGARA NSW 2404

P: 02 6724 1606 E: [email protected]

NEWSLETTERWe are a Positive Behaviour for Learning School. Our values are Honesty, Pride and Respect.

INSIDE THIS WEEKImportant Notices

Kaitlyn to be a Published Author

What’s Cooking?

Stars of the Week

Weekly Awards

WHAT’S ONFriday 12 June

Preschool Transition

Friday 3 JulyOrange Picking

Monday 6 July - Friday 17 JulyWinter School Holidays

Monday 20 JulyTerm 3 Begins for Students

Friday 24 JulyPupil Free Day

Brooke WallPrincipal

Page 2: Bingara Central School NEWSLETTER · 1 day ago · experiencing cold and flu like symptoms. If your child is sick, please keep them at home until they are well enough to return. Siblings

In consultation with our P & C, the approval of a change in date to the Staff Development Day/Pupil Free Day on Monday 20 July will be moved to Friday 24 July. This will mean that students are required to attend school on Monday 20 July for their regular pattern of study, whilst Friday 24 July will be the scheduled Pupil Free Day for Term 3. Thank you for supporting these opportunities for our teaching staff. Please contact the school if you wish to discuss these changes further.

MYALL CREEK ANNIVERSARYThis year marks the 20th Annual Myall Creek Memorial. We were asked to make a recording of students reading memorial Plaque 1. Giirr ngurrambaa, walaaybaa nhalay Wirrayaraaygu Gamilaraaygu. From time immemorial, the Wirrayaraay tribe of the Gamilaraay lived here, caring for the land and harvesting the animals, fish, root crops, grains and fruits in a seasonal cycle. The identity of the Wirrayaraay derived from their spiritual relationship with the land.Ngiyani winangay ganunga. We remember them.Thank you to Erica and Zoe for their contribution.

I woke up like this!

four key strands: visible learners, know thy impact, inspired teaching and feedback. In addition to this and in accordance with our school plan, we hope to be able to develop a consistent language of learning from Years K-12 for our whole school community.

Page 3: Bingara Central School NEWSLETTER · 1 day ago · experiencing cold and flu like symptoms. If your child is sick, please keep them at home until they are well enough to return. Siblings

Does your child have


This week we have had students experiencing cold and flu like symptoms. If your child is sick, please keep them at home until they are well enough to return. Siblings of students who are sick are fine to attend school as long as they are not showing any signs of illness. Unfortunately, we are entering into the period of time where the usual flu season begins to hit. As this year is significantly different to any other year, we need to do our best to keep everyone healthy.

Attention all bike and scooter riders


It has been brought to our attention that a number of students have been riding their bicycles and scooters to school without a helmet. Please make sure that if your child is going to ride to school they wear a helmet. In NSW, failure to wear a helmet can incur a $344 on the spot fine.



Earlier this year, Kaitlyn submitted an entry to the short story section of the Australian wide competition, Write 4 Fun. She has recently received word that she has made it through to the next round of judging, with the final results announced on Wednesday 24 June. Regardless of the final results, Kaitlyn has been offered the opportunity to have her short story, ‘Empty Heart’, published! This is a tremendous achievement for a Year 9 student to become a published author. Well done Kaitlyn, we are so proud of your achievements!

Page 4: Bingara Central School NEWSLETTER · 1 day ago · experiencing cold and flu like symptoms. If your child is sick, please keep them at home until they are well enough to return. Siblings

Stage 5 Food Technology

WHAT’S COOKING?As part of the Food in Australia unit, the Food Technology students have been looking at the multicultural influences on Australian cuisine. Last Friday, the students cooked their multicultural dishes as part of their practical assessment tasks. Migration has had a dramatic effect on the food eaten in Australia and Australian cuisine is now of an eclectic multicultural nature. Each student selected a meal that was culturally linked to a specific country to plan, cook, present and of course enjoy! Some of the choices were, paella from Spain, sushi from Japan and pizza and pizza scrolls from Italy. Well done to all students for working safely and efficiently and producing some very tasty results.

Page 5: Bingara Central School NEWSLETTER · 1 day ago · experiencing cold and flu like symptoms. If your child is sick, please keep them at home until they are well enough to return. Siblings

INFANTS Hudson PHudson is a wonderful student, who always displays a positive outlook and attitude towards his learning. This term, Year One have been learning how to write procedures. Hudson has shown great improvement with his writing and has produced a detailed procedure on, ‘how to make a robot’. Keep up the great work Hudson!

PRIMARY Izabella MIzabella wrote a descriptive summary on a chapter from the novel “Waiting For Anya” by Michael Morpurgo.She used sophisticated vocabulary and descriptive phrases to inform the reader of the events in the chapter. Very well written Izabella!

Jo saw Widow Horcada at the shops and knew straight away that he would have enough time to run down to the barn and house, so he did! Jo stood on the scrub line and looked around, making sure no one was there. As soon as he was confident, he hared across the flat towards the house and into the barn. He walked in and noticed how dark the barn was. He pushed the barndoor fully open to let some light in. Something caught Jo’s attention, it was a child’s shoe. He didn’t think much of it until he heard heavy breathing. He turned around and saw a little girl. He stared for a few quick seconds until he noticed Widow Horcada filling up a bucket of water. What? How is that possible? She can’t be back already, Jo thought to himself. He turned around to run out of the ban when he noticed Widow Horcada standing at the other end. Jo turned around to realise it was Benjamin dressed liked Widow Horcada to ensure no one was suspicious of Benjamin! After a while, Widow Horcada saw the boys. She was very cranky. The widow said, “Do you always tell the truth boy?” Jo softly replied “No”. With that, Widow Horcada took Jo inside and gave him a chunk of honeycomb. Jo walked in reluctantly. “So, I’m guessing you already know about the kids”, she said.


Equipment needed:A hammerA laser gunNailsSteps:1. Hammer the nails into the metal.2. Use the laser gun to stick the metal together.3. Fix the gun.4. Put the head on.5. Put the eye on.6. Put the legs on.7. Put the arms on.8. Flick power on the robot.

Page 6: Bingara Central School NEWSLETTER · 1 day ago · experiencing cold and flu like symptoms. If your child is sick, please keep them at home until they are well enough to return. Siblings

CLASS OF THE WEEK Year 3Year Three have been writing some amazing information reports about giraffes. They watched several video clips and read text to collect information prior to writing their report. They were fascinated to discover many interesting facts including that giraffes sleep standing up with one eye open.The students have sketched giraffes, focussing on its unique features and their patterned skin covering.Year Three are very engaged in their new science unit on ‘Forces’, investigating how things move and the influence of friction to slow things down.They have also learnt to effectively use Google Slides to present reports.

SECONDARY Katie DKatie has maintained her outstanding work ethic throughout her Preliminary and HSC studies this year. She has achieved some exceptional results in English in particular through determination and hard work. Katie has been a huge presence when fundraising for Stage 6 events and has consistently dedicated herself toward all tasks she takes on. Katie’s friendly demeanor is appreciated by all of her peers and teachers alike. Congratulations Katie and keep up the fantastic job!

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Henry, Torah, Luka, Kade, Abby, Lottie, Tyler, Sean, Edward, Liam, Cameron, Jed, Malunna, Xavier, Shaylah, Brooke, Ben, Sarah, Casey, Leilani, Kayla, Erica, Chelsea, Katie and Jacqueline.

Page 8: Bingara Central School NEWSLETTER · 1 day ago · experiencing cold and flu like symptoms. If your child is sick, please keep them at home until they are well enough to return. Siblings

What is the best thing about BCS and/or Bingara?The best thing about my town is that it is a small caring community, which values its traditions and its people. Our school may be a small one but the teachers and support staff are second to none, they make you feel you are worthy of whatever you choose to do in life, with a careers advisor who moves heaven and earth to get you into a traineeship or apprenticeship of your choosing. The smaller classes are great as you are given extra support you may not have in a bigger school plus the teachers actually care about you, probably because we are a small town and everybody knows and looks out for each other.As children we were safe riding our bikes, swimming in the river, or going to friends’ places and I can guarantee if you done something wrong, the news would beat you home.All of these things make me love where I live because it makes me feel safe and at home. Yeah maybe a small town is not for everyone but it has been for me my whole life. It gives me comfort knowing that I leave my home to go to another place I can now consider home as well. And you know what the best thing about this place is? The local people. Elderly or young, crazy funny, cool or kind, they’re your people!

What is your favourite BCS memory and/or tradition?There are many fond memories of school tradition, one being Thomson Cup. There was always a buzz of excitement of who was going to win the march and who would

come up with the best theme, although Mr McGowan and marching practice was a total killjoy but we appreciated it in the end, especially when Laver won every year!Anzac Day was very traditional, being able to march with pride as a school on the day and going to the RSL for a memorial service. This year was very different but the school still made it memorable. I was very proud to be able to share my thoughts of Anzac Day.No student of BCS will ever forget Orange picking day, heading down to the RSL to commemorate the fallen but not being able to sit still, waiting for Mr Cole (or your principal) to give the ok to GO! Very exciting when you are young and just as great when we were older as we got to help all the infants climb up the trees to get the biggest, juiciest oranges. We would also collect baskets full to deliver to the hospital and the elderly in town. No one else does this anywhere and the whole town guard the oranges with their life until Orange picking day.A great memory would be the high school trip to Tassie, a double decker bus loaded with Mr J, Mr McGowan, Ms Smith, Mum and accompanying (brave) parents, we headed to Tasmania for 2 weeks. We covered a lot of ground, seen amazing things, and laughed until tears ran down our cheeks. Who could forget someone eating Mr J’s specially prepared lunch! Or someone (dad) not only touching but picking up the stuffed Tasmanian devil with a clearly marked label DO NOT TOUCH next to it plus naming it “Stuffy”. We returned as a family for Lucie’s 18th and would love to go back, it is a beautiful spot in our own country.

Page 9: Bingara Central School NEWSLETTER · 1 day ago · experiencing cold and flu like symptoms. If your child is sick, please keep them at home until they are well enough to return. Siblings

Where are you now? Occupation?Currently, I am in Richmond Sydney working for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) as a Plumber, leading air rescue crew.

What are some of your achievements? My focus at school was footy and at the time I thought this to be a good idea; I played on the Westmont shield, Buckley shield, in the Schoolboys cup and North West side, also representing Group 19 for 4 years running. I was also on the School Representative Council through secondary. In year 11 I gained an apprenticeship with Geoff McCosker plumbing being school based, Geoff gave me a good start and for this, I am forever grateful. I completed 6 years of trade plumbing with TAFE New England covering all areas of specialty plumbing, roofing and draining. During my apprenticeship, I also worked for Paul Hagen and sons, contractors building the hospitals in Bingara, Warialda and Tingha. This gave me a good start in commercial plumbing, which became my focus. I have worked on many big projects in Tamworth, Brisbane, and the Gold Coast.After finishing with Lazer Plumbing in Tamworth, after 9 years, I decided to travel to Scotland and work. I stayed over there for 12 months returning to Brisbane to work again on commercial projects. From a young age though, my heart lied with joining the defence force, so I applied for the RAAF as a qualified plumber, was successful with gaining entry and am now in Richmond.

What is an interesting fact about you? I love History, both ancient and modern, but I am passionate about ancient and this was my best subject at school. Mr J and I would talk for ages on different topics, he was an absolute legend of a teacher and I absorbed all he knew like a sponge.I have travelled to Tasmania, Scotland and England and if you love history I would highly recommend the highlands in Scotland, and Tasmania.

Do you have any words of wisdom for our students?Find something you like doing or want to

do, grab it with both hands and have a go. Your teachers are there to listen to you, and to guide you, and believe it or not they get great satisfaction out of your achievements. One of the most important traits to develop when you’re in school is dependability. If you say you will do something, do it. Make it impossible to forget things, like submitting homework, bringing your book to school, or asking your parents to sign a consent form. Use a diary, a sticky note or an app to ensure that you don’t forget. Be dependable. I have found these are great tools and you will soon learn that not only at school but also with work, your diary is your bible and dependability is priceless (thanks mum).

Is there anything else you would like to share with us?Don’t feel as if you need to have it all figured out at a young age you will be old soon enough. As a teenager, I used to think that I would have everything figured out by the time I finished school. But I still don’t feel as if I have everything figured out, and I don’t think I ever will.

Life is a continual journey of learning and maturing so my advice would be,

learn to enjoy the journey.Jacob Boyle

Page 10: Bingara Central School NEWSLETTER · 1 day ago · experiencing cold and flu like symptoms. If your child is sick, please keep them at home until they are well enough to return. Siblings

What impact does drought have on Society?This form is to conduct a study as a Year 12 student in Society and Culture. This study is to focus on the impacts of drought on health, economic and social well being. This form is written based on the rain that has taken most places out of the center of the drought so it is written in past tense. By filling out this form your information is confidential and will be used in a non-biased way to draw conclusions based on different research to what impacts the drought can have. Some questions may be hard to answer but your responses are appreciated in support of this research, as they further allow me to draw conclusions to gender comparisons and the impact of time. Your response is very appreciated as without your help I would not be able to conduct this study. Please click the link below to start survey:

As a Year 12 student in Society and Culture

I am required to conduct a Personal Interest Project (PIP).

I have decided to do mine on the impact of drought and how

gender and time can change these aspects on individuals. I acknowledge that this topic

contains sensitive content and understand if you do not want

to complete the form, however it would be very appreciated and

helpful towards my overall study.

Thank you Jacqueline



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