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Page 2: birds (aritzacasas) 3*

Birds: Evolution Birds are a type of

dinosaur with feathers an archaeopteryx is a early bird like animal.

They were small, like running dinosaur. Also had well developed feathers covering most of it body, which makes it on early bird.

It also had a teeth in its beak, a bony tail, and a toe and claws on it wings.

There's still not completely resolved.

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Birds: Moveme

nt Birds maintain a constant body heat. They have an outer covering of feathers; two legs are covered with scales and are used for walking or perching; and front limbs modified into wings

Feathers are made of proteins and mostly developed from pits in the birds skin.

Feathers keep them stay warm.

The long bones are exceptionally strong and light because of cross-bracing and air, as pigeons, their chest muscles may account for as much as 30 percent of their body mass.

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Birds: Ecology

Birds are very diverse and interacted with natural ecosystems and in human society in many different ways and many birds migrate long distances which are seasonal (hundreds of kilometers of open see).

Because birds are highly visible and are an important part of the biosphere they can serve as indicators of environmental health.

Many birds are –especially predators such as eagles and ospreys- have returned from the brink of extinction.

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Work cited

Archaeopteryx. Photograph. Http:// Web.

Archaeopteryx skeletal Photograph.

Http:// Web.

• Photograph. Web. <>.

• Biology Prentice Hall. New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2002. Print

• Photograph. Web. <>.

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