  • 1. Past Tense Questions
    Negative Past Sentences
    Julia Bollinger

2. Review of Asking Questions
To form a question in English, we often use the words What, When, Where, Why, Who, or How.Sometimes you will also use a form of the verb to do.
Some examples of questions in English are:
What is your name?
When are you coming to my party?
Where is Lucas?
Why are you here?
How are you?
Do you study English?
3. Practice with Asking Questions
Match each question in the box to answers below.
Where is my book?
Why are you going to the mall?
Who is my teacher?
When is my next class?
What color is your car?
What color is your car?
My car is blue.
Your teachers name is Mrs. Andrews.
Your next class is at 10:30 a.m.
Your book is in your locker.
I need to buy new shoes.
Who is my teacher?
When is my next class?
Where is my book?
Why are you going to the mall?
4. Review of the
Simple Past Tense
For many English verbs, we add ed to make it express an idea in the past.
There are also many irregular verbs that youve learned.Some examples of sentences in the past tense are:
They played outside.
She walked home.
I went to the store.
The students studied.
He was in school yesterday.
You brought your lunch to school.
5. Practice with the
Simple Past Tense
Change each of the following sentences into the simple past tense.
She ran.
She runs.______________________________________
I walk to the store.______________________________________
They swim in the pool.______________________________________
You practice soccer.______________________________________
We go to school.______________________________________
I walked to the store.
They swam in the pool.
You practiced soccer.
We went to school.
6. Asking Questions
in the Simple Past Tense
Sometimes you may want to ask someone about something they did in the past.In order to do this, you will need to combine two things youve already learned:
1.)Speaking in the Simple Past Tense
2.)Asking questions
When asking questions in the past tense, many times we need to use the verb Did and a present tense verb.
Here is an example:
Past tense sentencePast tense question
She borrowed the keys.Did she borrow the keys?
7. Another way to ask a question in the past tense,
Is by using a question word and changing the verb to the past tense.
In present tense, we would ask Who plays baseball?
To make this question past tense, we still use our question word, Who and change the verb plays to played.
The present tense question Who plays baseball?
changes to Who played baseball? in the past tense.
In present tense, we would ask When do you sing?
To make this question past tense, we still use our question word,
When and change the verb do to did.Note that the verb sing
does not change because we already changed the verb do.
The present tense question When do you sing?
changes to When did you sing? in the past tense.
8. Changing past tense sentences into past tense questions.
Did they see the movie last week?
They saw the movie last week.
Anna wrote him a letter.
He bought a new car last year.
I arrived late for class.
5.He walked to work yesterday.
Did Anna write him a letter?
Did he buy a new car last year?
Did I arrive late for class?
Did he walk to work yesterday?
9. Practice with Past Tense Questions
Before we can answer these questions, we need to identify the verb we will use in our answer.In each of the following questions, which verb will we change to the past tense to form our response?
1.Did you look for the dog or the cat?
2.Did he drop the bowl or the cup?
3.Did he smoke the pipe or the cigar?
4.Did you practice the guitar or the flute?
5.Did she play with the fish or the turtle?
6.Did they wash their hands or their feet?
7.Did you speak to your grandfather or your cousin?
8.Did you drive your BMW or your scooter?
9.Did you feel great or did you feel terrible?
Did you hurt your leg or your foot?
10. More Practice with Past Tense Questions
Now that we have identified the verb we need to use in each of the sentences, lets answer the question.
I looked for the dog.
Did you look for the dog or the cat?
Did he drop the bowl or the cup?
Did he smoke the pipe or the cigar?
Did you practice the guitar or the flute?
Did she play with the fish or the turtle?
Did they wash their hands or their feet?
Did you speak to your grandfather or your cousin?
Did you drive your BMW or your scooter?
Did you feel great or did you feel terrible?
Did you hurt your leg or your foot?
He dropped the cup.
He smoked the pipe.
I practiced the flute.
She played with the turtle.
They washed their hands.
I spoke with my grandfather.
I drove my BMW.
I felt great.
I hurt my foot.
11. Using the Negative with the Past Tense
Sometimes when we will want to answer questions with a negative response.
In the present tense, we answer these questions with the phrase do not or does not, which can also be used in the contraction forms dont and doesnt.
Do you swim?No, I dont swim.
Does Jim read everyday?No, Jim does not read everyday.
In the past tense, we will answer with did not or the contraction, didnt.
Did you swim?No, I didnt swim.
Did Jim read everyday?No, Jim did not read everyday.
12. Practice with negative responses.
Answer each question with a negative response.
Did you study?
Did I walk the dog?
Did she practice the piano?
Did we know him?
Did they go to the beach?
No, I did not study.
No, I did not walk the dog.
No, she did not practice the piano.
No, we did not know him.
No, they did not go to the beach.
Today we learned how to
1.) use past tense questions
2.) create negative past sentences.
-Use Did with the present tense verb.
Example:Did he study?
Did you call me?
-Use the question word Who and the past tense form of the verb.
Example:Who called you?
Who took the pen?
-Use did not or didnt to express the past tense.
Example:I did not study.
I didnt call you.

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