Download - Bonds

  1. 1. Sara Rojas and Ingrid Villa Sara
  2. 2. WHAT IS A BOND? A chemical bond is a bond between two or more atoms caused by sharing or transfering electrons to reach chemical stability. Ingrid
  3. 3. WHAT ARE MOLECULES? A molecule is a combination of two or more atoms. sara
  4. 4. WHAT IS A SUBSTANCE? A substance is matter which has specific composition and properties. There are two kind of substances: Pure and Not pure substances. ingrid
  5. 5. PURE SUBSTANCES Pure substances are elements and compounds which are already formed, and can not be changed. * Elements C (Carbon) * Compounds H2 O (Water) N (Nitrogen) CH4 (Methane) O (Oxygen) C2H6 (Ethane) sara
  6. 6. NOT PURE SUBSTANCES Not pure substances are classified as Homogeneous and Heterogeneous. Homogeneous: Heterogeneous: Gatorade Pozole Coffe Salad Soda Chapala lake ingrid
  7. 7. WHAT IS A COMPOUND? A compound is a substance formed when two or more elements are bonded. sara
  8. 8. COVALENT BONDS A covalent bond is between two non-metals. In a covalent bond, the electrons are shared. ingrid
  9. 9. IONS When an atom gets a charge, either by gaining or loosing electrons. If it looses electrons it will become a positive ion and if it gains it will become a negative ion. sara
  10. 10. IONIC BONDS The ionic bonds are bonds made by a metal and a nonmetal. In ionic bonds there are gain and loss of electrons, they do not share electrons. The metal will always lose and the nonmetal will always gain. ingrid
  11. 11. POLYATOMIC IONS Polyatomic ions are bonds between two or more atoms with a charge. Sara
  12. 12. POLYATOMIC IONS Some examples of Polyatomic ions are: Ingrid
  13. 13. PROTONS Protons are the positive charge of an atom. Protons are in the nucleous. If the atom has more protons than electrons it becomes a positive ion. Sara
  14. 14. ELECTRONS Electrons are negative charge and they are in the orbits. If the atom has more electrons than protons, it becomes a negative ion. Ingrid
  15. 15. VALENCE ELECTRONS Valance Electrons are the electrons in the outershell in a atom. They determine the elements behavior. They can share or exchange. The valence electrons are the only ones that can make a reaction happen. Sara
  16. 16. VALENCE ELECTRONS Metals usually loose their valence electrons and nonmetals usually gain valence electrons in ionic bonds. Ingrid
  17. 17. PERIODIC TABLE The periodic table is divided into families which have a similar chemical properties. Alkali metals Alkaline Earth metals Transitional metals Hologens Noble gases Sara
  18. 18. Ingrid
  19. 19. PERIODIC TABLE The periodic table is organized with its atomic number, and the Electron structure. * Atomic number: Number of protons in an atom. Sara
  20. 20. PERIODIC TABLE The periodic table is divided into groups and Periods. Periods = Rows Groups = Columns (Number of its valence electrons) Ingrid
  23. 23. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 71/tx71.html

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