

To the Editor of " Tub Indian Medical Gazette."

Slit,?I shall bo much obliged if you can tell mo tho botanical names of the chief pulses and peas used as food by the inhabitants- of India.

Yours, &c., NOVICE.

[The following gives the botanical names of the chief pulses, &c., a* given in Church's

" Food Grains of India":? Horse gram, Dolicos biflorus, Hindi, Kulti. Pigeon Pea, Cajanus

indicus. Hindi, Urhur. Haricot beaus, Phaseolus vulgaris, Hindi, Loba, Bakla. Mungbean, Phaseolus mungo, Hindi, Muny. Moth bean, Phaseo- lus aconitifolius, Hindi, Mut. Lablab bean, Dolicus lablab, L., Hindi, Sim Chick pea, gram, Cicer arietum, Hindi, Chana. Vetch, Vicia sativa, Hindi, Anhuri. Vetchling, Lathyrus sativus, Hindi, Kcsari, Teori. Pea, Pisum sativum, Hindi, Aluttar. The lentil, Lens esculenta, Hindi, Slatur. -Ed.,/. M. 0.]

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