
3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000

MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995. Subseries 4: Administrative Files, 1945-1994.

Box Folder 42 2

Israel Emergency Fund. Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. June 1967.

For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website.


..Tale s. 1967

CJP\iP 6/3/67 - 8 P.11. (HILmR HOlBL) aut: LOUIS STIUUf

ls i SPMKiR - WUIS PHCUS Bod " H.A.P.



••• two c~ats. Pirst, to 11ellbera of the press, if

there ue any ia the room, this aeetiag is strictly

off Use record. lbere are to be no Q110tea. Secood,

to tbose of yoo lfho are here, let 11e apologize for

the ery tlpt fit we have in this room. We were

origiua117 achedated, as most of you know, to be in

a mcb larpr rooa at l'be Waldorf. etber it••

due to the realdeot• arri•iag, a meeiing at that

botel, or 11hate•er - u &DJ case, we wre summarily

disposed and had to scr&Jlble for space. It's very

difficult to fbad la Nev York. e're .ery forta..-te

to be bere. I auppoae a llOHDt like tbi a a chair­

aa o£ tbis kind of a •etins if he had eaoap

"chutzpah," could aake any kind of a speech giTiag

cllilla. I bave oo such pretensions. The aaiure

of tbe neats that brought us here, t.he d&nctiYes

in wbicb the counmitiea of America are obviously

going through. are in Ulemelves eaoagb of an open

statement. L~~ me at tbi• point reallf ci•e JOU

- 2 -


wr, quicklJ wba t ttae •&•Dela for ua to al.&fa" is:

io bear fir•t a ataie.e.t of tlae ~ of t.he •itwatiea

iia la~ael froa Loaia A. Piaca• Wo i• ttae Claa!raaa

of tbe J.~atlw Treanrer of tile Jewlab Aseacy -

JOU are to bear a very br f.ef •ta temeat fr• Jtach­

Shaair die Jlc-1.c JliDlster of Israel CO tbe Ualted

State• - Md JOG are to hear tbea fr• Rabbi Herbert

Priedllaa the .bec:ati•• wke-presideat of OJA &boat

tllbat .. do cgpaip-vlse to •et tbe aeeda Uaat

Jitr. Pincus i• Pi•a to de.scribe. (IJrlRODtCTICll OP



Mr. cball'll&D ud frieada. I baw beea _,,fr.

larael - ffllllr cta,a. hawiac left it -. TaeadaJ

moniDa. AJld I __ , ceof••• (B.B ASXS QU.BSD<M ABCDT YOICB

(SliATJJIG PJIJPLB) Xie bere &DJ aeata at all la tbe



Bold yoar h•Dd• up. Cb&ckCl'OUDd talklaa)



•••• ••• h&we certa.1D1J lac:reaaed the teuloa. Asad

'dle ai1aiflcaet ••••• fr011 otber quarter• i• dobl&

eathiasr to diahlrb Mhat la at best a taasicm- It

- 3 -


•ald appear tbat the crea t powrs baYe Dot yet -Se

ap :their •illda - tboae n. 11e co11aider our frielldl

haYe not 1et ..Se up ttaelr •:lads mn ud bow aad

U ih•J are prepared to act. ADd I had a very

c:arleas aenaatioD few dap. I aa sure t.bat,

U I were in lsrael duriaa ibis ti.lie. oa tbe s&11e

text, I would •t be u fearful u I aa whn I

a ouiaide Israel. Maybe your trellelldoaa ia• er .. "

of propapada aad lafon:aation wbicb glw you DO pace

and ao qalet do dia tarb one far more thu llbeD JOU

are li•iog ia Israel aad you aee tba t people are

goiDg aboat tbeil' bualans and akl•I their pre­

paratiou aDd deia1 •bat tbef ba•e to do. ADd

aliboagll I h&•e been buay Uaeae foar da19• ud the

kind "of activity appareatly is aot .. aatl•f1l•a as

di.- oaea a11d tJae tllia1• uat I would do lf I wre

iD Israel itaeU - alld ao frieads w aeea to be

moiria1 al ... t iae•itably to a crasbf.aa pllea1•e110•·

Ia a sense, it'a al.-i dreaa-like. To watcll these

event• d&J by day bappeala1 before our eye•. 1u11owm1

the ead to llblch the)' 11ast lead aDd yet aot1ala1 cm

be done to •tep tbea. Aad everr oae of us - eHrJ

Giiie ef yoa, aot becaaae you •re the leaden of tlle

Jewlab co uaiq- - J should aay not oDlJ becnM

ven•r• 'tbe lead~• af the Jewish community -- but

- 4 -

ner7 Jew iD aDd oat of Iara.el ia aa actor iD tbls

11"9&t blatorical process, actiYe or pa.8aiwe, for of as

pod or for nrit e•il. Bach oae/bu been ca• t 1•

role .taiCb at some •tap fro• 11ow be will bave to

Uk bimelf "did J or didn't I play tbe part tbat

I abcriald bave played, h•torically apeakiaa?" Bow

this may soaad like bigb-fallatia' words. It's 1IOt

true. Ii• s ao t trae. I te 11 JOG 91 is wbo mow tile

Israel poai iloa u .ell as tbe J'e•iah poaitioD in

t:tala &ad iD otber coua tries - aever la stada a cle••

forewaraiag - aner,at a ti• When Ulere ... aacb

ability &ad poteatioa iD -che JC"Wiala people botb iD

aa:I oat of Iarael9 b&Ye •••••• beeD 1.ayed down aad teea

offered to tile J'ewa to play tbeir part. ADd U ym

really •at to lmcllr, that's al110•t all I •Dt to

.. , to ,.... ua i• rNaiDI -- beca11ae I'• goiD I tO IO

OD - bui- tJaia is ttae ••• (!•audible) -aad. the feel-

1DJ &lld the aill of e•err word Uaat I ••Y ls to

arouse wltJaia ,.ea the coucioaaaesa Cb&~ '°" aot

Giily ban a direct stake - 'that bas already bell•

,_r COD'trol of interest - bat tbat JOD have a

direct part ao lea• tbaa we iD Israel, aad we now the vital iart that n play iia tbe 111aole dr .... To

boll it all d- and atrip tbe •tor)' of ••er71bl•1


that'• around i~ - it'• a very sU.pte atc.ry. A ~my

people is now .U.la1 oae Of its great claiu - plllC iD1

lt all la risk - Its P'••t clam to sunival - that'•

U. atory - tbat'• wtaat w waat - tbat'a vbat I

laelle'fe the sreat Allerlcu Jewish c .... aity -t•. ADd tile qaestloa that will arise la 1dletber yoa

will f lad die way ce expreaa that iaatiactiYe desire

for aarviwal - wlle'Cber you will f lad a _, to llake

the coatrlbatioa tbat could

Use scale? And here it la. I a11 t&l.ki111 to leader•

of ttie .lewlah cc uaity who kDOW aad aDderat&.s the

thiag. Tllerefore. ldaen I say tbat you could at a

glwen malleD~ tllTQ the scales• I u aot exagera~1ag

it by oac iota. Let•• uaderatalld tbi• i• ..taat w

are figbtia1 for - tba't i.8 tbe aplrit tlaat ls

aabaaila1 tb• people of Iarael - tllat ls tbe tbia1

Ulat b be~ ttae price of uytiala1 tb*t tbe eae.,

cu f illd to coa•terbalaace - 111eapo• be cu llaYe -

atmbera lD -•~r be cu ba•e - in spir J. t he will

lack. ADd w bawe it tlaer•. I pray wl da JOU tlaa t

,..a will a-. tlae .... -ifeatatioa i• tbe days

t!lat lie ahead - a1ld I AJ d&J• ad'fiaedlxJ becaue

I on• t belieft tllat w bave 11Uch loapr tbaa that.

ADd uke no ala take about l t, ! ~ l• pl&Jilg

- 6 -


... aer take• coauol of tbe Arab world - .Jordu,

Saeli AJ.>al>ia, Euwalt, and tlle •ery p:ecloaa oil

resoarcea la int area, res•rce• wlakh -ld do •

mcb te "" ..... r fr. die .c-k. tbe deplorable

ecoa1•lc pli&b t ill wtalch •SYPt f im• 1 tMlf. I

coald say mre lNt lllaat i• uae use? tbat JIUaer'•

comtrol of tbe lllddle Bast will dlat.rb •lbJ.ty

ttae balaace of 1llDl'ld order. Bat w, la our pMratlea,

aet eace,

aacrifice 1.beir on lateresta in u (laaadlble)fubloa

ud QOt oace ud aot twke 11ere the Jftl8 tile f!ctil •

of thoee snat blaioric••·· Aad lt -- to

• tbai,if I •re aot a Jfttf aDd I were DOt u

Israeli and coald talk to tbia utter 111 a cc.pletely

celd &Dd obJectlwe £aMon, I could explaia to tlae

America people daat iJu1of ar u tiler He tbeaael.a•

behs tile decl.a1w-e force l• cl•illZed tlfe la Uae

1!11r1d tllat ttal• laawe tltai la ...., brewla1 cu twn

the scales ia tlleh f •tlln awl deteni• Uaelr fate

dec!al•ely. Bat tlaat'• wot ., comcen ttals neaill1.

Jly coacera Ulla ••e•l•1 b tO .Ue It c tear Uta t

Ulla la aa .__,. Uaat i• deteralaed to •••lllitaw, anibllate ua, if pcM•iblJ wlUaeat ••r laar11 to

billself •••• (iuodlble) -- t1ai.s la all for •co-lcs --

...... _ ---- · - .S• ...__ -·- ... ..._ ... ___. ....... ....._. ........ ....... 48_ -

- 7 -


ad 'tbe.H ba•e ben lluaer•a tactlca. AQd I -ld

like each and nerf •e of yoa to 10lderata.S tllat

llben we talked aboat the Stral ts of Tiraa &Dd tbe

cloa l.111 of I. of ~· O.lf of Aqaba we are talkl•• aboa t

a •1 t&l h terea t tlaa ~ w1 tl»oat 1lla icb .e ll&Ye ao

•••k •labill cy lD I•r•l. It'll take looser bat

lt caa bri•1 • a a srllldla1 balt la all dae buk

plan tllat • bave foe tile • deyelop88a t la omr

c:.atrr. Alld w baYe DO c lalaa alld we b&Ye • h­

tares u Ja 1uct 110t •itbiD uae boaDdarlea of Oft -·

co•a'lrJ• tllllat doe• it ••• la c..-creie term? Let

11e gl.Ye JOG ._. elqlllplea. 011. oil t.bat' coma to

.llat aad is p ... oed bJ tile plpellaea web to ou

bubora - DOt"tllWard to dae Med!terr-a aa4 lllea

(laauctlble) •••• tbe ed .. of tbe contrf• Buser b•

btea led to tbeae an-aie1lc aaterlala - u I read

tbe list tbe oDer d&J - aOd be'• a1-t (lUlldlble)

:tha~ atrateglc .. terial. Bat that i• Uself - tbe

•it qHat• b ltaelf ... ld be a deYutati•• bl•

to Mr plaaMd eco-lc process. Tbe lad• tr lat

reaourc•• ia tile llepY - arouad tbe Dead Sea - aad

tbe plMMpbatea - Oen are - tbe )'ort ef •lat ud

the JDdiaa Ocea• h U. Par Ji.ut are Yi tal 1f tbe••

1:• are io be exploited 'to tbe full beaef it. Alld

_.. ~~ ahnttfrur J th• Sb'a! b I• ...,.Hiia•

- 8 -


Ulat • u a state aDd a people C&llDO'& poa•ible aacept.

Aid Mry of tea tlbeD diplomats •it road ibe table

dleJ arpe •Jbe at 11 ttle here aDd a 11 ttle Uaere

.. alld let'• set peace ud qaiet. If • wre to do

It, or we wre to be c•pelled te do 1 t, let 11s

kDOW daat w are deacro1hg oae of tbe bUlc ec.._ic

l•llCSat1- Of...,. f•tun, aad tbat I ba.e p-aw

doabts a• to .taeU..r Israel coald Ulea re•la •iable

ud ec-lc. Bat so 9ICla COllCeDtratloa baa beea

glwa te ttae Tlru St:ra:ita tut w ha'fe '-c- n­

aladfal of uoilan' upect of llaaMr'• tactics - bis

ptberia& of bia forces ill Uae Slaai Pnlmla -

tlae remwal of U.e U.lted 11atloaa Peace ia

puttllig ua back to 19S5 aDd '56 .. I• pattiag ua

la the respect tllai Ollr aoutbera bondary - h DO

diff ereai poei tloll f ro11 uae oae 'tba t we bd la

np.rd te ~ BO!'tbera aad easter• -...Sary. Ia

1955 aad '.56 tbeJ were called Pedabeea. tllaea tlaeae

sabotnra w iafiltraiora aade life illpoaslble te

1 l•e •tt• ia ttae _. t pepalated ud dew loped area•

i• Janet. Aay .t 1°" tlbo kaew •111 r••llber tu.e daff llbea daey (lu.adlble ) •••• a f•ll7 ll•i•s la a

beaM - f ._d kilted. We bow 111aa t I.a bappeaiag

• tbe llOl"tben border bf !af lltratora ft'08 SJrU

- 9 -


eweo if it wre to lead to war. •uld •aa It ,.._1d

be ihe cradle fr4111 Wbich tbe iDf l1traiora coald caae

ud ao - and it ~ld be blpoa•ible to atop tbe11

completely. A.Del ttaerefore thi.a ••• (hudlble) of dow article

suaaaulation. lllere _. once aa/a•tl• wrlttea ii

aa hrpertaat Brltlah aewspaper some ,ear• •Co - UDf

years ap - called "Dea th By Slow lllmter." Tba t,

coupled wiill 9ae em11011ic atraa11ebold of ala•ttlag

the Gulf of Aqaba could brl•1 our ecoau 7 alld ow

life to a ataadatill fr• aay pol•t of vlew of aa

ordered alate11Ce - aDd t bttefore tbeae •take• elda

llaaaer u flpti•1 are Uae very •takes ia a Deptlve

snae ap.lut tdalcb we are fiptla1. We cauot ID

oa liYiDJ aa a people and aa a atate if tbeM coa­

dltiou are peraitted to c•tlaue. ADd dlat la Ule Jeople of Israel, fr• tile blp•t to u..

1-st, tbac b my w are ao detenahed that Uae~

•111 be • givl•a h to Ula. lu tile •mDrJ of

wi of the people of Jara.el, as la f011.r •nory.

(1u11d:ible) ••• ia silll cw should a'till be tile dllag

that Ciaaadlble ) •••• Aad tllat la tfhf we i• Iarae,l -

aad I -.ald 1 ike to tell 199 aa.e tb ill1 ef tla la -

four days ago aeeiu aa ap ago, bat I'd llk~ co

tell you somethiag of UMt people el l•rael. a.ell

._ -- -- • ....._ • _ _.. .Jr.- • -•-a....A .,.,.... +i..

- 10 -


aura of glocy that aurreaads aa Iarull - .._bedf

aaid the otJaer day, IDd I :cblak Jae traS :rijbt, tlaa~

men tbe goiae is cood that aura is a little tarttisbed.

I caa aay 11aat DOW tbe aoh& is roap aat p-bt &lld

bitter tile people of Israel are ••• (laaudl•le) It

bu beea provea by tllo •lllioa dlree hundred 'tbouud

per-.a• UDderataDdlac, williaa, able, dewoted aDd

deter11l11ed io see thla tbh_e tbroap 11> the bitter

end if aeed be. Aad mea JOU go i11 Israel 110W yoa

will f J-.d • ··~* totallJ mobilized. ., ......

•lJ la&Ye a c011pUatl•ely a-.11 •~aadlaa ar.,, bat

tbe •at JoD aa a 16ole h tbe army. Alld -.. JOU

ID iato die au.eta of T•l Avl•, atl ,.. fiad u a qal.etaeu •••• (lPadlble) ••• aa abstmeace of young

-· 1D th• •treeta - ud t11at is ua.e of Haifa alld

that's true of Jerual••· Alld if you ao 1a't0 die

ee1t1e••ta. ,..- will fiad ... rou ael"tl-ac. ritb

& b&Dd-f•ll of 1111a atilt .. rkiag thOee areaa - &ad

JM wlll fiDd 'CW J9DllJ c.bildreD of •cbool-piq

qe dl"i•& •lit tnDChes, pattla1 up aaadbap,

CS..1111 It aot ia tbe apirit of fn - I haft •eea it

- l have see• 1 t 1D the •ltla~ tba t I live - l

have .seea tbe ,_... children, all U.!•1 iba t aaybe

a fearfal 8Utcvr i• awltlDI Ule• - tnlt it la

,... • • •ni•l t that I wl•b I could co••Dkate io ,.a.

- 11 -

t.ncus Becauae •ittlag ••• (iaaadible) •••• very of tea it ls a

thia1 that bas mde tile .,. t iaportaat lmpressf.oa

oa •• tbia quietaeu. lliben I compared tbat qalei.

nesa - lllbat • an doiag - with tbe Arab (iuadlbte)

that yoa listen to - ud tbe Arab atatea aDd :the

mr;tial mu J.c tlla t lta&sH keeps playl111 - alld his

Hebrew ( baaudlble) - hoping to wia ewer IMM m­dgraata - tboM nceat imaigruu 11160 bave com

fr• Moslem atate• - be ls pla1 to fail la that

(iuucU.ble). I vaat to quote a yon1 Sabra ill

regard to that tut bit ot lf - a JOUDI bOJ of 11

- &lld yoa now I bawe apokea to die Aaerlcaa 3e•lah

c~aity, time out of aallber, about tbe t.J laraela

ad ._ w deapentelJ want to aolv e tbat 1Woble..

It'• aot a eu7 pft»blea. A1ld oae of ttae t1li•1•

ttaat ~ Ute young Sabra there felt la -Jbe Uaeae

new J.maisraata i.D a time of eris la ._' t s tam fin..

Aad this ,.aaa boy had ben ill .... of tile Klbbatzla.

Aod thea be waadered ewer tlMt wbole area - a

wbn ef aew 1-lgraai:a. I •poke to hill aad

be aald - JM kllalr• I ased tO thi•k that if tbtt•

-ld be ttoahle tbey wouldn't - dleJ .... 1da' t be

like • are. (iuudit>le). ADd t!Mty doe't aderstUd

llllat all tUa •••• to aa. Be said. I ade a aistab.

IL. .. _ ... __ \ .aw1 th!• is mat it meaaa - botb la •• peeple.

- 12 -


Am if w•ye acbleYed a tbat exteat, tbea tlaat ls

some Of yo11r achieve•ats - Oat the experieJaee of

ibat process bas DOt beea c.-plered, let's cbalk it

up u 01ut of tile biatorlc: faltarea of aot acthg rewber ii

iD :tiae and let'•/sd•uxx iD the better d&JS •

c..- that tbat too will be corrrected ••••• tater •••

(iD&udJ.ble). But 1'1lat b what aplri~ Maas. I

.at to tell JOU sometbl111 about JmDI .J- tlbo aie

fouad ira la~ael wbo are aot Llrae11. la a Riase.

nn •re ••• (iaaldlble) Because when ttlat J8UAS

Sabra thlaks be as bona and bred •i tb oar love aid

u Ullderatalidl•I Ua&t lie vu but' U. f lrst pHtatioa

or die sec-4 &e'lleratloa, i~ i• (lnaadibl•>•••• M9

there at tbe -nt ·- therefore ha.adreds of yoang

peop1e ••••• a11 kiDtts of pri•lle,es ••••• (laaudibla)

••• at the malY•rsitJea ••• (iaawdible) - ud I waat

to R 11 )'OD Ce a tor, of dafte of Ulft 1daO b&ft pat

ill for senice to ibe people ••• (i...Sible). Tlaere

were JOUDI Allericaa• Who were tae• fr• Cbia coaairy

ID give a year of serwlce to belpJ111 tbe aatt1ln1

se-ttlaents pt.ably iD tbe educa'tJoaal field - they'ff

been workh& cbere for four 1101uhs - in a aettl._ t

ri&bt OD tile border. lfe declded, becaa•e tbb who&

program w.s a progna of tlMt Jewiab Apac:r. tbat •

- 13 -


cnttal part ef the coaairy - all kl.U of people­

• ade Uaat (8batidit>le). Ve picked oae of tbe

couselora (laaadlble) to speak ••••••• Tbey aanered

tboee thlap. 'Daey aaid ""cw laere to aene the

l'f'9Ple• POr foar Wltlaa w•-.e beea Cla•+f•lll•t•

ll•l.a1 wit:b u. ...... (lu.Slble). Well, 1bat too ia

Ille •plrli of tbe .;Jewlab people. lfaJbe Uatte ls

SOMthla1 la. tbe ai.o.pbere tlaat -ke• •• all oae

at a tiM like Gia? Dae other was a coneraatloa

ibat I •JMlf had wltb a JOGlll glrl •••• (illaudlble)

Sbe b.S u. ••• (landlb1e) ••• repea'tlag dalsg•. (laam Ible)

Sbe _. a ,..., prl 1llM» coe to UM! al-.eralty •••

(iaaucU.ble) ud •Jae •aid io •, f011 k- I -. aew r

a Zlealst. I c- lriere. J dldo9 t qui• Inlow tlllay.

A8d oe ••• (l...Slble). I aald well .... , d•'t '°" IO bKk? &ad abe •id .. - I cu•t tell yoa 1*y eltlaer.

I c .. ld•''t So back -· Alld I ... t to work. ADd

all •t11deata - alt •t"lldewu, apart: froa a lludfal. be•ieaua

are/h- *l•a Mr doon •ltd ttae C lU1ld lbl•) doer•

•}ia1 co - - pit .. - llOl'k - let .. take the

places of itao .. 1lbo are la the &l'llf aad .... ldlo

ue iD tbe fnat •lae ••• (laaadlble). And tJaat i•

lllay J tell ,.. dlla •plrlt ••• (1D&Ddible) coaacry will

.. u lllnaP 1-ofar u spirit ud ••• (laamible)

--9•• -- --- -··~- .a---·-·-- I•-----•--•-'

- 14 -


Prem Nay a. 22Dd atll atctay • llaYe ben ll•bs

acler tbeae comltiou of :total .itilizat'-• ADd I

tblak, too, ,_ tlloald kllOW llllac dais la dolD1 1o

_,. ec-7. o.z. 11&ne•tl•1 baa bee- •l•'- -

ad ... fl tbe best ,ears we•ye ner llad Jaas aot

bee.a •• ,.

aadi mere tb• tlfat,-f Ive per ceat. Our faetOrles

are 'WOl'klag at a mxlllaa ader Ute clrcmatueu of

part mpozer. Oar foreip curreac1 b dollll --tOurlsta doa1 1 ~ ai tbls of Ule ,..r. Owr

e•11Wt• an aola1 doma because of tbe productivity

dae io the aher'tap of aanpowr. Vader -.r c--

dltioaa our blporu are aolD1 up. Aad ti. ••te of

oar ec--1 Is behc ll'bakn. As we •taad todaJ -

aid I Jcaow I aa for oe --•t talk.1111 nly - •lJ

of 1ile c•i of De mbllizatlea DO~ t1le ec:o.-, Claaadible)• •t &e (i•19dil»bt)-tou of forelp

etarre11e1 • DOt tile (luadf.bte) - It'• coat.las ..

t1M •1111- dollars a da7. The ottaer -le coat

w caa•t Mk• aad • t1011't k.w f« a little wblle

aDd tbat ls wbJ tiae ia ao 1"11111tla1 aplaat ••· am

daat u 11111 tlae da,a are so 1._,.,.taat not oaly for

ua but for all of JOU wbo are detend.aed 10 •tud

bf as. l"bat ls •1 pa are ao ilapQrtani to u actara



no days to coaat, DO (i•adlble). nae apeed wltll

•lcb w pat tJMt Wbole coantry allder mbitlzatloa

... witbia fort7-elpt boan - sboald be •ome kl9d ef

•a.aare of i2ae •peed •lcla JO• will do -. I' ,_

baft tO do la respect to all tile efforts. .,. till•

ec-lc crials l• J•t bei•J i•teull led fr98 itae

cme ttaat •slated prior to .Ma7 11rie 22ad. Toa 1aMMr - are puala1 :dlroap a ... , difflc11lt period

- w (f.D&ad!ble) lD Israel. I'a 110t awe tlaat any

Iaraell ••• (iDaUdible) ••• the wrd (iaatldlble) - it'•

been •ach a lcmg tlM •JO• 1 me told Amtrlcao

J~J for tlMI lut i.o or tllree ,.ars - &Del cerula­

lf la tile lut •lx -tba - that tJle jeb of U.00-

iDg JewlaJI i.-i~&DU into Israel •Jaeald MMr UW

been placm apGG tbe back of tbe I•raell UXpaJ9r.

I waraed that tbe ratio of two tll lrds to •• tb lrd

- :the Iarael tupa,er p&)'lDI two iblrd• alld U..

3 ... of :the llWld payia1 _. U:aird of tbe c•ta of

real a~tioa could DO l•ger be bora bf tlae

~r-at - ud I •• talkias ol prior to Ma1 22ed.

I tell you tba't M! ha1'e laad eotlce froa thli p•r-Dl

that f.t cUQOt aad •111 not accept tbe obti1atl•

to pay for &nJ al:Nlorpti.OD Wblcb bylaw la •t illp1•ed

upoD it. Bee••• it ...... t pt it. Dae __ , that

- 16 -


It •111 bawe •• rill be to keep tbe barelf

eleMD't.arf aee:ts -' die comanlty and 1 ta war eff wt

geblg. And ao I hJ to you ~&ke charge Ud let Ill!

ae ••• (haudlble) •••• of tllat frODt Wbkb in tbe 1ellg

run ls no less lllportant -Chan the froo en tile

boltDdarie.s la Slat &lld Oll the aea. TalkhJ about

the edacatloa - tile children of the aew ml1ranta

- I'• talkiag about abaorptioa u •.. (laaadi!»le) I'•

tal.Jd.111 aboat healtil ••• (!naudible) - I'• talk.ill&

about She tblsaa• tlaat hawe to be done for ••• Ciaaudible)

~ the clllldrea - 1'• talJd.q about tbe boD•lD1

•J.d:a ia so f.a-4eqaao•t huadreds of tbousande

of the people tbere. 5-etime• I ask •yaelf~--lo

11 ttle had been due ia tla ia areq. be iwea ,.,a aad d!d

a.a - W:rere/t.he splr l t of tbe one people COiie to

tdaicll I refernd in my ~lier rnaru? Bat tbese

are tbe ibi.Dp that le1itiaatelr - &ad I ontr -.r to use that ..we:! oece - becaue I -Dt to •1 1ha'C

these are tbe Uliap that morally are tbt bllrdn of

me Jewleb people outa!de Israel. We'll atud fut'

wit.ts ewrytbiD1 that w bft pt. It la my feneat

pra,.,r - alld la SOiie MUare tbe J- of tbl• coa•ttf

(laud Ible) ••••• •111 ndwn tud tbe urpacy and Ge

obllgadODS ud ibe atakes uaat are robe decided

- 17 -


uw te de It. .J•t u tbere bu beell a fJi

t:lae .r .. all 9'lft' Uae ._.ld. eo.u., lien • •t U.

le9derablp el tlae .r .. lab ••• ·• 'l'aesd&J ••• a. alrps t

f• few Jawa - t:laeJ' cw i la frm nerr ••epe• -try a. _, wi.U. Jllabter SWll' ..r 11JS•1f •

.., tt.1 an dolq -ttana tu.t la ••• (l•tld1"1•)

la *Mir - .Jewlala 11111..-y. A Pruce daat •ed 'tO

be a bJ11rd fer •••• (lu-.tlble) JewUla actlYlty ud

a ,.ar - lllalda ••ld be cempan.ble to ,._ WA -

aau JlrMC• .... pi.ct,.ct lt..lf - .. a111• dollar•.

-.lad. Dat Uri rabed blweea i.. ud iw. ud a

blf 11111-. •1-lllta. lau pl.Mpd It.elf i. i.ntr

lllll• •terllq. n1a 1.a a kbd el ital•1 aaat J

-.t c. t.11 ,_ la '*at tlleJ an clolaa. Bat ena

U die)' do u.. mL •••• Cbamlltle) ill De pn-t

d'&11&U. - •lafltJ per c .. t •••• (faa11dlb1e) ••••

.... la &W"i-8 cta,. .•• cmmlbi.) ••• 1111.a ..-UJ

- • f l.pna .n.cs .. i. llal• 19 .. Jtbd ., 1111111

1Mi 1" ia•• to I do apt.II t.c- ,_ an f In

... a M1f u11-. •tr•1 Ud.,... an ... rkbat

3ftlab Cl lltf la t1a9 llM'ld, ud ,.. MYe a Jal•

-- el J..-. •lidarltJ, ud ill ...... dap lt • 11

lie ttae-... ef Uaat aolldulty .._,*Ill •tera• -t 1111at w will de wl tla en tataktl ..a air fwce t..t

- 18 -


will deteraiae tbe soclal fiber of the ~le that

ID ap tO make 'the Staie Of Israel. And so we ba•e a

demarcatiou at oar fuctions. I beg of you 1:oaigbt,

-.hen JOU go back to JOUr coramualtle•• Ult ner7

Jew not iO c:ouat tbe cost • tell eyery Jew t11a~

eat be did in 1948 - Md tbls c01m1111i tJ has • prmd

record - or agaia 1D 1957 - u o relatiouhlp to

~ a!ze. tbe apeed9 the dllinsioa of t:M probleaa.

It ls •'f belief, ad I'a •are tba t It .la JOU!" be-

lief• that the am"YiYal of Israel la •ital to u-e

nrwivat of tbe .1ewlah people. Aad I cu' t i.asiltci

uftlllq that aboald aake - aaytbias U.t could

mate a llOl'al deuad of the ai.oat effor:h la e'fer,­

UaiaJ tha't you have to do - orgaalzed 3ewry wltbf.D

its ow ruts ad wltb tiw .Jewa 1fbo are oauide i.'A

ranks oagbt co aabt la llJ opinion ttle total 11Dbl1 ized

effort tbat w baYe to .ake in Israel. We are

•l ttf.q ia Iara.el tOday becaase - ••ted to ai•• la

tile reqaest ef tlle iulstcace of otber parties/tile

wld a ~tmity to flQd a peacefal sol•tlaa to

12* ptoblell - tbe probleaa ~o Whicb l referred. Bat

we are aittiac there - our aoldien are aittiq ia

i!ae Regev t 1D Ulat bot, dr1, ar Id •se• ... oar people

are barely able to do their dally babe•• •ltboat

- 19 -


apeildiag their ti. - they are c!viliau - taklal

tile preca11tiaas tllat w. h.we to take - whetbe.r lt's

apiuat the bmb1a1 ia 1'tbe alt' or ps warfare whlch

we DOlr kllOlf 1a part of• a propu. Alld w are

•lttlug ' as a coiled apriag, as Abba Bb&D pat

1-t, as a celled spriDg. Oae of oar ..,.t iaportaat

lactars i11 .. J.iataiq.la1 ovr morale - b mauta1Dia1

that klad of a apklt la the deep ianer feella1 tm t

w are aot aloae. Prleiada, Ul:la i• I ... t tO

tell JOU• I a here toaighc, and I ca 11ve 111

ilapnssioa of mat Uah •eting •ans to.,, :that

by your dailf actlYit:y it woo.ld not oaly 'be (landlble)

11111& ilqjortuce - it •111 be JOU!' i:teatificatW •Sb • an doing that •111 g!we JUS tbe will, tbe

pis, ~ deteralaatl.Oa to see it tJarougb. ADd Ul6s

p-eparedae•• of oara - nea before a sbot u f lred

- !a tM _.t powerful Political wapog Uaat - la&Ye.

And t.iate ls nmahg oat - the ls rnnlag out fr•

all pri.a ts of Yiew. llleailODed ia •J oPe•la1 re­

.arks tbat the poll tkal sitU&t!oa HellS ~ bave

chanpd SOlleW!aa't for dae WOl'$t. 'l'bese are precious

d&J8 tllb!O,U w do not do tdlat we bave tO dO today•

UJbe • God f orbJd• JOU wl11 aeYU be able to do aa.. qaia. Yoa kaow our hiat:0r1. ud it'• bem a loag

.bistnrv • ther~ have been werv eaD

- 20 -


Daue _. a time •n we foapt the ttmaaa. 'lbere

wu the tme lfhea those three Uloualld people oa

JIUsada said. after three years of boldln1 oat.

w 1 11 die by oar CllllfD baDd ntber t!laa fall capilve.

BDUalng like the poa i tioa tba t w • lJa tbday

!s comparable today. (illaad lb le) •• , .what the

bolocust •aaa. We Jlave ••• (iaaudlbte) ••• wbat the

lfaran ~ito •au - we :ba~e ••• (f.llaudlble) going

to alaapter like abeep •au. 1fe 111 Jaraet are

•t plag to do ei 'tber. Pr• tbe best •111 tar1

mal.JSla - not br'q1lng - not boutfulae•• - w

believe that tbla war will be a bitter, brutal,

costly -.r la w,_.,r Ud ill aacerlal - b1it our

.Uitary people bell.ew tbat w caa v1D tba t •r -

Ud I bellne it too - alfbollp I._ aot a a11itary

aa - I !Jellne Glat w JLaye it •191liD as to do.

8a't yoa parbera- and tod•J for tbe f:lnt tbae I

c .. •• the 1IOr'd partDers la ibe .f allest way - roa

are called llpllD to atud by a - )'911 are called

~ te 8ll• as that eaera ud &bat 4eVot1- *<>

lllblch I ta ff referred. Maybe we wilt aeet la

brigbter daya to COM? I .. 09CODYillced we •ill.

We •ill Jaeet, If every oae of us lit tbe days tbat

lie ldimt ahead, pea &!Joa t tbe bosiDesa of a tancH.•

..... t'..b• la AA11Ata•l*-- T•• ~ dt•e ..., wit1 rGll9

- 21 -


•t Of tbl• 11».illc •t •ly vlctorloaa mt a f her,

better Jewish "9Ple• (~plane)


Sl'.BIUI ..... Bin'b Prlectea•• ttae Jixecu~lw Vlce-Presldnt of

lUA tllbD "111 talk ce J'Oll about lllaat lt la ireciselJ

Ula't • u Amal.Ca J- caa ad shoald do. (applane)


tadiea ud ptatlaea. Mr. Pf.Jae•• med ti» wrda -

ud tbose WI> 1111N'da iladkate tJae dUea•!cia• Of tile

~1• - be 'med Use MDrd Jhmich - be ued tbe 11Wd

war. 1:boM are me altemti•••• .._lei. ••• that

aomeoae elsa decide• JU'll' face for Joa Md cab.­

up - and yoa ue -•till.DJ le.. Ulu JM wre befOre

- ud ,.. are a paa la a ftrJ large s- ud, lf

•ltiaaielJ J91I &19 dOwD ti. drala, H oae cares or

wees-. Daai•a tbe t -1a1 of Ute wwd. lfar

_ ... a. met GppOllite. It mew ,_ attnapt bf

JQUr .,. •~racth ud ,... - dlplty, '"1'W ow

ffaSe of Ill• tor:k COllYlctloll that ~ will f !pt as

beat JOll cu ud refae i. •arnadu. If 'tile days

are tkklD& my daria1 llbicb tile llOl'ld ls acpected

io try to fhd aome other •oluiioli to tbh tbaa ellbff

- 22 -PllIIDJWf

• progreu - aDCI If each puaiD1 day brlDp aa

cleser to e1tber ol tbe tw.altlmate1y, alteraatlwe••

then ibe iODe •l tb Which Nd. Piacus •Pok• sboatd

rake it crystal-clear aQd olWlous llblch ol Ce i.

al te.naatin• Uae Jewiah IJ!oP1e wf.11 ctla•••· Of

def la lag the el'lltf Of tbe people ID Israel, tbea

1a AO question - Gf the will and De ..,ale alld

Ule capacity 1a ao c;zuestioa. We are - a:t

that --•t la ,.ar de•tbJ. h our biatarJ. llere~

lllbere It .. t be able tO be •aid of aa Uaat tllere

u • qwatloa eliMr &boet oar will. oar c•rap •

.... capacity. the elecirlc!ty wtalcb l• la Ulla roam.

•lib &be people cf'Oll'db1 in a. back to COM ia,

ls syllbolic of tbe elcctrici9 wblc• l• 811ffpla1

the streets of t1)1a aatiOD ill wb!cb nae .Tnlu

co•ualtles of tbi• c:ouatry are waltla1 for • to

lead the•. I aa p-.ltlTe that •l th Yery rare

aceptioa our people will GO *fbere • will Ake

ibea. U Uaere b f alterlag of tbe will oa IH

part of ae lemerulp. notblag better caa be

expected of the rest. U there le clarity ud

precisloa • Gae part of tbe leaderslalp, tM J ...

"111 folJ.oW. 1bere is o~lf oae kllMf of falteroa

that J b&Ye beeD able to detect, falwrla1 l• teiwa

- 23 -


t1'0 altbaates - U.t's the only ind of fatteria1

which 1 have i.ea able to dlacena. I bave .ade

aeons aad scores of telepboae calls in t e last

fart,y-elgb1t bGara. I 1&ave bad o. ansatiafactor1

telephone call and I abOald like to deacrlbe it ii see• tO • Ulis call repreae11ts t1le

_,, poQibi.11ty 'Of W•kelliDg iD our rants. I

.-poke • a au and I utr.ect bill for a tarp •ua of

lllMlef• I •Poke to bla la ahorr.,sucat'tO ,...ds. I

anlilled that be a a Yery :latelllgellt - aact u

a fairly larp coatrlbutor is foll•ills the aewa

ad •Dders1&11d.a the illpllca'tlons • so pe~baps I di!

DOt take tile t• to flesh •t all 'die detalta

clearly and Ulat alpt have beea a ct.feet OD 11J '*'" -bat I waa ~atlas aplut tbe c:tock, as all of

ua will wbea 'Gae days tic:k away. Ilia respGDM to

•was, 11uJlber •e, don't be h7aterkal. l'fmlber

tw, f0«1 are pressariag and telliag • tblaga whicb

I don't believe. limber three. if I eee lhat t1ab

-rpmcy will dnelOp next week or la tw ween,

1tbe11 I wilt itliak of tbe nature of. 11J response.

Yoa cu•t coat on me .... ADd I ••f.d fine., lfe

will aenr comt on you. Aad I s•••a1d u.e PbOae

dGllD la auger. Perla.ape tba't wu iateaperate? Bat

uat he was aawin« ls aa bdicatiDD to - of the aa1Y

- 24 -


prObla w face. uaely that Chis aaper-clever

CJD le ls• iD 111bicb SOlll!OAe said 11e11. I'• not qui t:e

ao aure tbat: w are st&DdlDg before the .,...,t of

ruth. Ladlea anr.! pati..ea. Tbb la th~ Gilly oa.

thbg we ast .ake perfectly clear, Cbat we are

sta'Dd1Dg before U:ae ul tiaate of Muakb or var and,

lf Manlcll is an i11C011Ce1'1ab1e aolatioa for ua. as

lt la, tbeo Gle Gilly otber solutloll f.a tlbicb ..

have beeD fw fearteesa days - we hne been in -.r

lor foarteeD daJS - lb&t baa failed to ptiteft'ate

bim - &bn9 be will aot respoad •ad be will say

Check - oat. 1•11 wait. r &tress lt becuse lt

seem tO me tba t ia teBS of oar work UJls b tbe

Gae factor w aaat clear up. It'• aot Chat a

aulea of sitaatlau will dnelop diffeNntlf frm

Cc way. we caa 1111ders1aad tbe1I DOW and pro_"llOSticate.

Stmtn.l Uli•I• uve bappe11t!d Wllicb I •bOUld like

to re~t to JOU• Pint' of a11 - Ud I'• aot -

aot doh& thia ia • pcrrlaactotf wa1 - l -.or to

thaak in t1le -t profOUDd and sincere &Dd grate­

.fut way tbe Coemc11 of Federatlou aJld Lieu Pox

Phl1 Bematela for the ab.lotute !aatant.aneoas

reactloD to an Ullderatana of Wbat _. bnolwed

1be Cowell of Pederatloas acted u a uasive

- 25 -PR!m»M

aad feeliag. I't dews trated that ltls not alllpl)'

a letterllead bllt Ulat itta an apparatus. It de..a­

atrated statemDShl.p. lt demonatrated ita COlt­

p:ebeuioD. It de.:mstrated i't' -lftaeas. I abaold

like. aecoad1J. nd ibis also ls aot perlac:tory in

&be allghtest - IU.ld like to thank Eddie Giasburs.

wbo's beea the ac:ti•e General Chairau Of the UJA

in these ectic d&JS• llho tOOk his coat off aad

cme to fJew Ton a 'Mtek aao aod b.&a11' t been ~

sf.ace, &ad •o called together a group of - ldao

aat an4 called iadef&tlp.b1J - and many of UM!ae

aea are lo ttais roo. - they will ac"" • if J:

don't meutiOa d1.a iDdlvldua1ly by a- - thef bolr

they are - u.,. foagbt •itll me weapoa ia their

baada wbkb na the teUpb01lf! - tea of tbe• laataUed

OMr•l1$t i.D U»e bDud•rooa of the WA • ad ther

-~ ucS t11e.J ~la!Md alld they pernided for tea

and :twlft boar.& a day over tt1e - aetecd.H

calla mere aade for larce amounts of mDeT· I baw

la front of • a lla t contaiahg fo.rty-four aift•

ta11iag ••• •illioa d011ars - for a awerage of

a.-x 160 1:1touand doltua per gift. is tbe

be 1111d.os of tbe cogprehensioa of the di•ta•loa of

:ttd.• probln. ADCl you mast unde~s:taad 1:bat aayU.fllg

- 26 -


cal to a a&D 1lbo cave five thoaaa:nd or ten thomm d

aDd sro-u ask !ala for fifty. you talk to a 11AD

"'10 gave e11 &Dd twnty or twnty-flve aad ,,,. ask

blm for a huadred. Aad you talk tO a -.n who s4n

tblrty or forty ud ~u ask bl• for i. '1alldttd. Tbl

la a ShOckiag thiaa for ~le ln tbe first

few aillutes. 'lbere•.s a reco!l and yet tbere•a an

hstaat reboaDd. Am time after time 11e•ve teated

W1 tb tbeae words lllben w 've de tbese t"eqaes ts -

d you U:ab1t ~ are crazy? lbe au aaya ao. And

• say do you tb!Dk there' a moral rlgbt to issue

tbis call ~ JO&lr capi'tal, roar aaset:a. your aet

worth? Aud t'bls au says yes, there 1s a llOl'&l ri'1 t ..

the ques'tioa 'tbea ouly becomes ooe of - does he

bave the capacity and does e Choose to divest ha.

ee1f Of some lliaute fraction of bl• aet ._.t.b or

bis assets? Ladies aad pntle11e119 we•re aot uklq

aie ..Jed.ab people of Aaerlca to ~a tbelr treaa•riea

- DO oae • :la aellin& his or llqaldating

bis fortvae. Ally ll&D iD this coan try, of --. •

baYe asked a a.illloa dollars - and Ille baye asked a

d0ze11 •A for that aDDef - is not beia1 asked for

more than a fraction of at ons - &lld tberefare

tbls ls a concept el boldness aOD-iuanlf1 -

- 27 -

m ........ - ,.n

pule asking for itbiDgs icb are aot possible.

lbere•s a clear togic ia every request that's aade.

I ay ese tblq:a because start of ibe pume-

calts that bad bea made. Which bave sroduced these

results la taieaty-foar or :thirty-six hours. illdicate

that ls .. a.sure of re5POt1se 1s perlect:l7 feasible

and poasl.ble - l~'• realistic. .A11 tbe year•

•'Ve argmd &bout ldlat's realbtic aDd What ia11•t

realistic. I tell you tbls is realiatlc. One

8":fln ls belDc called. Our aha la to ur to

conduct this campaign in the aontb of June. l1o

al is being set. lbere are very SOUlad, Political

&1ld psyc ological .reaaoas y ere hOuld be DO

GNl• The dimeJlalou of this proble• •111.aOt be

eatabliahed bf ibe -~ting of a goil. ne dillenslous

will be establisbed by tbe asure of tbe respoaae •

that •11 111 ccme forward •i • a •i11ioa d011ar•

a a balf ja!l16oD aad a quarter •lllioa - that

detenallaes the dimeulou. so tbere w111 oaly

be ihle ID the oae llODtb of Jane for oae -tlag,

on a aa tional baa la, tO a t oe :1 tO set pace. 1'he

aeetlns 111 be held a wee f% nd&J - Jne 12th

- here 111 Bew York a tile ricua Hotel. To

Ulat .-etin will be inited all coatTlbutors "110

ritv h the catmal rtiveo ten tboms&Dd

- 28 -


dollars or ower. Tbeae are the •a lib o ca come

w1 tbe· fifties and lbe forties and tlae eiptles

and aae bvndreda. Aad till is trba t ney ms i come

With. lhere'a a """k to prepare tbia ID all tbe

cammun1~ies of tbe coaatry. 1b ri!apGDaibillty•s

;roars. ladle• and patle•a• to utilize tlaat week.

hllowlq Ulat - or before eat - or slnlt&DeoUs

Id di Us& t tbere mac be tbe •au in tlOD of a cu-

pa lo nerr c-111 ty to 1lve ••err ai1111e 3ew

• chaace to reapGad to t.1Jis - Utt here I llake a

point quite dlffereiat: fro9 Ute •lllloa dollars and

undred ~sud dollar•. Ewerr lad l•ldaal b•

the rilb t to be called epoa or to come f onrud -

end !a DAY casea be will have tD came .forward

•ltbout behg called upQl:t because llO cupalp orpa­

iZatlOll cu be set ap so -lftly as to be sare tbU

It ••14 ellbr.:e eYer,oae and rla1 r1erroae•s doOr­

beU.. Toa eboald11 1 t wait for :tbe doorbell *O be

run • "Very aoe ,of ,.ar •bould :we JOUr glf t iD

~ ltlondaJ, bJ Ttlesd•J• Alld y01a will f Ind, at tile

1-er lenla 'Of. ~ ~p, thtt ~le b&Ye been

1lYla1 a lbulldred dottara f IYe hundred doltara

"111 coae forward •itb a. tboaaaads lf you •bow

ftO that Ulese are the diM:asJ.ons expected. A


- 29 -


looked vp the lis • l"be 1.Ut regular

DD seat a

cbec for twnty..,..ix tbOaaaDd ollara. Be couldn't

DDC!era' It. Ille looked ap faDd fOUDd tlaat bla

regulat gilt 11as oae. &Dd be as add lo; weaty-f 1'Ye

to Ute one. "lbla is not abnormal. Dais ls aot

exceptioaal. This iS not usaal. 1'bls ltl aot

be.role. Be aaderstood. lbe t:echllical orp•lz•'tlm

of tills ia tba't :the ExecatlYe Board ;of tbe VDlted

J'ewlab Appeal oa Jlaa!ar of tbls -•k "YOted to

create tbe Israel Jimer~)' had - idaat ls the aue

of i:t - that b tile ume la nk b tbe bank acoont

haa ben Gpeaed ap - the Israel EllerlftCJ PuDd is

to respolld tO tbe eMraeacy !D - tbe word•

are exact and litnal. 7bis Olanc 11 •ill •ote oa

at Ud Tatlfy &'J:Lat aad approve tbat CJ.a weaDd

- that la the purpose Bf your deliberatloaa - Ud

I l&Ye doubt u io llbat JOU •111 do. iNewpaper

ada •111 appear la iwent7 of tbe •Jor cl t In of

America on lloaday a11POUDcln; tbe fom'tioa of ttala

Israel rgency 'FancS .a rallylq 'tbe .J- to

coatrlbute t:e :It - aDd aot jmt tbe .Jews. becnae

there'a a WIOrd 111 llmre ~lcb eaya - e ask all

friend• iOf Iarael '• ixx people - and there •J.11 be

... ,...., frl@nda ef Israel'• !Dl!GOle wbo wlll want

- 30 -


to contr.1bute this fund. s ill and 1tbe

prof essiooal ~rtiae with wblCh you do ibis in

each c0m1:mu.ity wi11 be the determining factor iof

how auch money •ill be raised. If 700 realize ate

!mp1i.cat10n of Cb&t seatmtce, the you'll realize

tile· tnttdera bef.Dg pla.ced upon JOU• Bot the will of

the Jewish people ls at sta e bU't the skill of the

leadership. Rot the ui.11 bat the skill of the

leadership. lf 'tbe J.eAaer.sbip orgadzes we119

people itl reapODd well uickt7. And so Ju

every ~o:maaJ."1 aiere masr be the ••1.f t t orp.n­

,kati.oa Of a new campaip structure aild calling

for aew pledges. And I should like to taJte & aecand

to rela'te tills to tile effort .Cicb is golag OD ia

ewer1 community '*"• aD.1 bas been, Nt. Pincus, sise

the 22nd Of, •T - for the days titat Israel •bitiad • . -.. ~lian .Jewry mc>bilbed - and tbe f 1rst itea 011

•hi<: we illzed was collec: tioza of Ule cash aa

the otd pledge• tbac ere outstanding f rr.:a prcY!oill

campai~1 mmey Uta t was a.ed on Ce caapaip Of or

1965 or ~66/a OlScurre t year Of '67. aad la a

very wift operation actlon as started to gatber

tba"t in ... Ulat 1.s oo - ttlat lldt go on - tba't

boald OD - ewcry man is Ob1i. a 1:ed to pay ap

- 31 -


- inc1Ddin1 before, •anlug t'he ISIODth of Pebraary

or the tta of March or ~ moa tti of April of

1967 en be just ude bis pledge a few llOQtbS a

l .

- b 't '&bat currea:t pledge llhlcb you Ordiur11y •idi t

t y for •e.eral mm tbs i uow due aQd payable -

aDC1 ao dlat operatloli goes bd that operation is

DOt be iukr.fered with. Si ltaneoaa tdth Uiat

the aew operatl.Oia •tarts - ill caapa1gn aura -

Gd JOU take JOUr YOte today - tonipt - iGmOrrow

Q :be mole board

11eets. AQd therefore, la the sequence of events,

the old pledge to be collec'ted h caah - am tbe

aw pled e t'O be made - and currea'tlJ the new pledge

o be translated into caah Jost aa quickly as posa:lble.

One re i"tem of lDfOl'11&tiaD. Senral Of Ule orpa­

tiations b&Ye been aeetbg ln order to try to clear

the deck on the A•rlc:an 3ewiab calendar ao that

ere may be ao obstruction or in rference •itb

ls. X'• ver1 b&ppf to aa ouuce to yoa t wta&t

tbe t ~rful orpzaizatloa la ter• of its

df.sc1p11Pe aD.1 the alze of its aetaberall!-p. B.aaua&b,

as met aDd bas aalc2 yesterd 1 afteroooa, la •

meetJD!l with Nt. SaplT, " lacua aacJ myaelf • tbat

1 · ld e tbeir enti~e - I s r~ed ~o ••J •aa~r -

I ;

( .

- 32 -

Pll1.EDJWI 6e1 .ald <take O•t••••lxa Deir eD'tlre -llpGI er. tbeir ea-

tlre eklll, U.elr eatlre devotion ud ttlrow it iDt>3

thls Israel Bllerpncy P1111d ttsrongh De orp.11ized

cllaaael of eney Welfare PUDd ia tbe coaatry, not

~ratlq as a D'Rrict aDd not operat:!og ~ate1y.

1bey'~• yoan. Put thftl iO •rk. They ca11 raise

may times tJ>.e a11Dtial tea 11llllo11 dollars a ,ear

A&i tlaey raise for tbelr own regular budget, many

tlllea t'lsat. A meetlaB was held tut algllt at ldd­

dlht with tbe offkers &Ad 1eadera of Uae Blatradruth

am! tbeJ did aiallarty - they put u!de elr on

lerk aDd they said that tbe7 -oald Ol"Plliz• t'be ir

lmlbera and Ulelr chapter• and their trade aaiolls,

and lR UJ circle• lllaerc the7 haft 1Dfl•ac:e, Gd

btlas the • ..,. 111 to tbe Israel nsersencJ

ID otber ~· there pows WI'}' qukkly ia the the•

Of crlala a raalty - alld let DO oae ••r tbat tllu

lt'MrfODe fall.a ID1D .-. --•1•• treasury. I'••

bffD lwn UDden'h.Dd tb& t Bra'lldels DDiversi ~

has canceled f DDd raialna meetings ecbeduled ia

ibe City of Beaton, and I b4)pC! Uaat tbeJ will do it

elseWhere. So Uaat for t."be llOll'th of Jvae or tbe

-tll -of Ju11. lf it talcea us tba t 1•1 to get this


- 33 -


' -

- fr a ozaestic pG!Dt Gf Vi DOt just &II Jsrael

p01nS' of view. I've l>eesa ~ld that the Eiastein

J.ledkal Col.tece • lllhicb bad a large meeting acbedaled

in York for fund raising - lts laraeai fuad-

nising etlag of tbe year for June tb 20th - as

Qrdered that io be c&Deeled. tbese are aot

tllDt"ld-sb 1ng th1J8a but 4111! are 11&Difestations

'Of f ct.s t'hat other tbln s can bet lald aside

ould be - tbese are goad and .me le

s. e wbole question f b Bond organizatlm

,.,........ raised and bas been disc ed In .-1:

UHlll:"OI~ fub.loo. At tbe iiag, es erday ~lng,

cutlve Dlrec rs. Leo Bcmsteia of e

,-.-~- orgaalzatlc:m ade ldlat I t gbt 'P-S a tirllliant

d terful aud friendly and belpfal IUld cooper-

of that quest •n of

at ezpected of Aaer1can Jewry - the question of

..i:aethcr free sifts, as n•re 1Da for. are expece.4

first, and t sale of Bonds .secoad? There will be

clatiflcatioo on that po!ot u Is meetla1 aDfolds

to i is t pre.sen ta tloa- I ld l lke to ead by

national W'A wf.11 work as

wlftly .s its toP lay leader bip and lta ptofess:lt'Dal

ta.ff can work. And dlis I. oi now a estion f t:leas cm111na ftt111J ah.ave - is is a aues'tion of

. ' ..... , ,;

- 34 -


iapro 1.satlon bat ltb professional control over

Wba t you improvise - and s lit es and •kill. Friends.

t: ever .forget ttaa t tbere i oalr one Iarael.

ne people lsrae 1 ia oae 'the UJ over. 1'ba a

Israel was cbosea for ibe land, -for the wtate. 7be

name Israel applle.s tO the pe ple tdlerewer tbeJ live.

U e State Of Israel goe dOWD, the people of

larael ao down - nn 1M ln tbe Ual ad States. Caw tame)

And so aa • Pincus said, that tllef .-td fight md

•ia, J · com:lac:ed,aa we are illful, we wl11

and wla. ADd if • flgbt and will, 11e protect

everytbins that'• dear to s - our our children.

the ideal:s w taupt fte11:. t e f altb aDd traditlom

w Cberlsb, our sense of

bis'tory and destiny for

past, our eease of

f ture - _, pro tee t all

that ln tbe people Israel 1f w protect U&e ta lamd U .. loae tbe oae. lose tbe o~r. So

that tills is tbe attlmate iCh f.s OD the table f«

us Ad daerefore the db ultimate reapoose 1s u,pec:'ted

of as. Io y own alud, based 17 • 1'PQll tbe la­

presalous of Che last seventy-two very hectic hours,

I have AO dOUbt as to t t coatcw will be. (11pplause)


- 35 -


To co lete the formal part of tbls evening I'd lJke

't o call now on Mr. Nacbu Shamir the Economic

Hiaister to the Dnited States for a brief sta'te­

aent upoa ·U:ae retatioDahip between •••• (laaudible)

(applause) • cbairua and friends. I bave a very difficult

tas today. Fir•~, as evcrfb9dy in tbis roo , I

am 1a0ved by what you have s:lid., aDd ma)'be 110re:s

Iba t remains unsaid but we alt feel in our hearts.

I ar:i here at the request of the •iaister of Pincce.

tar. pir. Be wanted 'Very ch to be witb you to-

nigbt but .ent to Chicago et wit!i tbe c01111ittee

therc ••• (loaadible) Soutb to m:et witb the

leaden; of the South uni~ from a11

couu~riea Utere. J can jua~ '11 in •J buable

beart tbat' tbe "tiaes t'ba t we ue passing DOW are

e 110S1t crucial tillea probably that we face aad,

as Phews said, it'• aot '48 and not '56. think

- we are determined - we are ure that this wou't

be a "•& .. ta Jlassada. Dd even sbea you bear tbe

aiscussiOQs ia the United Natious. and read the

papers, ad some~iaes get the feeling that yoa are

alone, sitting iu this rooia I l<:now we are Doi alone

bee use we are tosze:tber. Herb Friedman made an


36 -


anuouacemeut about the Israel E rgeacy Puad. Be

id there are ao ts. ere are ao targets. i'bere

ia oat,I would say. to s!st aa much aa yoa

ca Israel (landlble). at ]us~ 6o 1lve a d!•n•ion

log to our estbla1ea, the 9Pt•l•ts are .,atth1 the

ff.But'e •~ abDat •ix ! alllioa - 1f

tbere ls no war. 'lbe peaallllsts tbiak ic•a closer

to billion dollars. lbait•a the entire cost aD:!

tbe direct d ... ge to oar ecoaom7 - tbe los• of

tourists and tile loss• «. expqrca and tile •ad fact

of at we bawe worked bard for eleYen rear• tbia ti•. 11 t&l:e our ••••• "-d aow ittiag here 1'• ave tlat

JOU •111 also tau apora rour bOuldcra your put •d

fulfill JOUr reapouibillties. I -• asked to ad ...

w!ae 19a ~ t:he p05ltlon hat the pwer1me11't of

Iara.el regardla& tbe Israel E r ency Puild am alt

the other fund raf.aia1 or1aalza tloaa •Dd tbe Israel

BDDd ••• Claadible). "lbe Prble Minister of Janel

bas UDOtlDCed 1ha i tile Iarae 1 mr1eac:1 Pulid Of tile

United Jewish Appeal has fqll prbsacy to pravlde ta.

free dollar• the aala:tance tbat Israel eo ur1ently

reqalres to aeet Yltal buman aeeds. 2:be Prlae J&lnlsttt

bas called vpoa atl th Israeli social alld ed11eatt. .. 1

- 37 -


sup~rters to stop forthwit'b all special fuad ra!Siag

for eir iastitutloos aad to lve complete and n-

lirdtect ..,upport to t'be Israel

Unl~ Jed.ab Appeal. 'l"he l11 is r of P.inaace, in

is pe ch Y'S terday before .Execu tlves of tbe

Coanc:il, bas reiterated this pr!macy about al 1 foms

of aid. And as yoa have heard from lfr. Priedm.a,

all iastitutlom oot oaly !!Mdas and Che l&bOr

nt and 1be Blatrad.ruth caapalgn, but also

unl•er•ltr and vital instltutea and all other orpa­

izatlons have •topped all eir mttplH!f fuad-raWus

~ration and all are ;putting at your dbposa.1

tbeir mbera and officera :.- and I' sure ~ will

u of tb • Ia additiou to tt.e larpst

slbl.e glf~ ~le can conttibUte to the .Israel Israel

Bmerpacy Pund of ibe VDiTed .Jewlsb A~peal,/laa ....

Is calling upe»n its friends nvesi- Jn Uie State

of I rael BOQds aDd b& a.a ed the Israel Boa<I Or

!zaf:lo lateu•if1 its fforta.. 'Ibr lJai hd J'ewiC

Appeal and Iarae1 Bond Or anlzatlon, after loa1

deliberations aad discuss! as bad in tbe list

f~ days, baa qg • reed to cu111in te their ac 10ll9

fU11iD in ·eeping witb the bove statements of Oe

Prime hister ud GJe Minister of Finance. Ia order

- 38 -


to achieYe tbe lesalts essential Israel and it.a

opJ.e. the Uaited Jeldah ApPf.t•l• Tbe lfue PuDdl

aDd tbe Israel BODd orgaplzatioa .uald bave 'to

mblllze Ul.elr ·~r llDd reso rces for tbe .,.t

iat.elllgent and rapid activl ty in their bis mry.

I kDoW dla't aot nerytbln& see too clear and

a!mple. Bat w aay io J8lllll clearly, fir•~ get tbe

1lft - ge-c ille free ..aey fox the lad of expeaaes

a bave to c•er. can't c.-lt very mch to :the

alre&d7 Wr:J' nav:r hdeb~ llate ef Israel. B•t

-e east ••• (inaudible). Therefore Ute Seate of

Israel boads lla.,e to ao oa wlttl 3elr aales - and

i.n fact tbere are 11a117 po11slbllltie• - there are

mJ ave uea, bat we (iaaudible) •••• c.operate. The

f u t one gif ta - the aecoad e !Boads ••• ( f.aaad ible)

Dlat f1 ugb ceoperat!aa we caw awotd (la&11dib1e)

•• .and dl11CUSaioas ••• Ciaaadlble) 1'IMIW aad you

~ at ill ..-a places re are already jolat

aap&tpa. I kaow tl&at uoag off lcera aDd ttae

lear!era Of tbe Israel IJoDd orpalzatlOD are people

d:lat an wl11la.1 to cooperate nd '8rk for: fO'I•

l\Dd 1 9 • ave ttiat roa wlll atso be ready to -.n"k

fw BODd• U •ecessary. (BACmROOM> 7ALK) Tbe

1.eaderabip of. tbe three organizations-that M! haYe

- 39 -


(backP'__, tan) (baasi•g of pM1) ••• lllll: till• c• be doae and this ahoald be doee. Yoa jvat read Ud

beard that tile GOn.n.ea't of Israel bas beeia e•larfed.

e have la l•rael achieftd 'llibat tbe boar Jaaa reqgjred

- tbe alty froa •11 'to wall - nerr im-tf b toct.r npreaeJ1ted 1D die,. e bellew am we

MiJe U.t ,,_... IJe'oPle too will anlta ID tld.s oae

ieffort to be lp ill Ud.s (illaudlble) J:aan. l'lluk ,_

.err mch. (applaaae)


••• baa ben called on to tnve New Yark Clty ••• (Jaldlble)

am bu been & C011p&ratlYel7 SbOt:t perlOd of ti.- 8

to execute wlaat will pr.Ob&bly be Uae -t .... 1111

fmd t'abin1 c-..1p that Amrkaa J ... ba•e ewr

aeen. I tlaink it 1JOU1d be ODlJ QprOpriate tbat 111•

doQ' t leaW: '1:a la ~ uat!l you bad llad aa _, o£

,.,.ar qoestimas ...... na •• PoS•Jble bf ae people

llllO ude tkae pft.Sf:Jl'ta t!Otls. 1•• - .,1.. Co

.,_ :thb Metl.Di for que.stloas Md abnaaiGllla.

'1bere are •lkn bl tbe aisle. I •111 ask ~,

ll1ea JO'* cme io tile alke to ask 1'M ~•tloas • tO

lwe your IWle aad tbe CGllmlDltlea free Whkb ,_.. cw.


lbe oue J.aa't ~ta•t and t•• ao't aola1 tO uk a

- 40 -

VOEI (coat'd)

lta Welfare Pnd• b - •PDised ud ready te

kkk off t:llla •~lal ftlDCI • *-f•J• Ia tbe ....­

.tille, Ute Jewiab llelfare Pnd i.a Cbk._. •• (i•adlble)

.casb for a dlllom dellara. (applause)



Dle c•••ltf of llqlewood, ._ Jer•r erpilaed

• the ewaJ.q ef •1 ttle 23rd• .. day after U..

cria1-. lt9 Jaaye alnadJ 'U'IMC! la 'hlD 1HD:lrecl

Ut1•alld dollar•.- -.r c1 alt1•• apprsl.mtelf

m. U...alld f•llln - ud .. .... •'tarted a .... teletlaell • saisa1 - a ....... w laad/tel•pboe•

lJl• ..- replar five -• .. flfteea - • •..t aaree lllllldred 1"'1'P1• wwklac - calli•• -

.. llcltlag - k1ualla1 • doet• - plckla1 ap claecka.

We d14a't -it. • -re h &lie •Wdle Of ... drive

ad w dld it. We ceatlllmd • "-d&J. We bad

.... la .w CG •• •1'7 -.rk .. ertra -..u.IMI" bei:aw tbe bookkeeplll1 ls tr-ad-... _.keel

all day T•.oar. • daJ 'Of n•t f• may peeple, to

eo11tlne tlae drl•. We are ail1l .orti.c. A*'

lleacla1 aln-i 11e•n ha•l.D1 uou.r _,las te f lDd

- 41 -

\'OJCE (c:oa t'd)

flfteea hllladred faallie• already. Appeal b&Ye beea

llll4e f roa Uae pulpit by • of tbe "Ulree congrept :leos

!a Gm' c-.aalty. I b&Ye •Poken tO aelgbboriag

~ltlea i. get Ula llO'llllJ before tbis •etiag

_.. called. We are aolag to oar aelpbOriJlg eem­

mmltlea h Berea County io tell the• !Wbai we did

ad to aasi•t tbe1I f.n oar work. l'lae aelgb~i•J

c 1 sn1lties are cc.1aa 1:0 aa tomrrow to ae ear

pboaes - tbeJ doa't ban tbe set up - oar c~•--­

ltlea are laelpln1 eacb other. 1'hat 1a oar bbtGry.



Ny aaae la Du Keller and I'• from Miaai. Plorld.a,

aad I -.'t to direct tbb queatln 'to Herb becaaH

I tbillk • aeed ._.alp. and 1•a fearfal that the

espre••1-A laere aboat CMI!' free dollar• laaY!a1

pr-.CJ •1 not be realistic. ~ example, lf .e

nallJ •• --~ 11e say. tben 1 tbf.1* •-tbl.fta aeect. to be dOIM proate. ba'Ye already la IU-l

this we bad a bis Bead •etln1. T.orrow af t•rllOOlt

s ID a PrJirt1- of tlae city B ads are boldl .. a•tber

•etlag. Tomorrow ewalag Bond• has reared the

IU..I BeKb •Wltd'• Audlto~l-. JIOlw w•n Jaere

npreaeat1a1 1H Pederatio•. A1l4 b• •111 we be

- 42 -

ntraa (cont'd)

iD i-1 Cat la fact it .s tbe Je!nt declsioa

Gaat w b&Te PJ!Ucy? llo oae is lag 1e koaw our

•11 npt secrets. l"bere.fore. caa fOU 1lve •• some

dlrec:tlola? I fear tllat J'OU bow tbat tile platitudes

blire are •t nalbtic la t"er• Of what • to

t.r7 to de la oar - co1 t111lty. Derlt, can ~ be!p

•• pl eue?


D&Ja, I dOD 9 t tlllDk tbe Jews Of Niaal are coaflaMd.

And I don't thiak tbat at .a•ve eaid II.ere la

platitildboas. Speaklqi at ,oar BOsld -tlD& iD

Nm! i.oreow 111.Pt b General Challl Moakol Who

Is speakl ID Ute 1:0 daya :tba tie's 111 Ule United

siates at aine free-slft f Qd ra1-f.•s •etlll1• for

this %srael E•rgeiacy PaDd. If the r.atlo JW1ere dlf­

fenat &Dd Ile 11ere epeald.111 at alae DoDC! 11eet111s•

Md _. Eaerpacy Plhld -ii._., tMre WMld •till

be • coaf•iola. DIP Bead •etla1 Jau bee• called

b Klami aJl5 llMr 3c. are tMtbl asked to buy bOllCI•

lil:kb la te lud .acme .. ey to tbe State of Israel.

Aa - as :J9U can pt• 1ift •etia1 lag for ... the Iara.el MTpacy ua:S in Nlam., the :Jews •111 ...

came to "tbat. (awlaase) r l••"t the allp'test

coa.fu•ioa. If a au goes o .... <BACl:GRotK> TAU:)

- 43 -

l'R.IEDNAJI (coat• d)

becauae he _. ca11ed to • BOad 11ee:tl111 flrst, II!

rill bay llba tewer bGad.s be choo•e• to bay. Yev

beard tlle •ta temeat mde tODigbt la clear tens bJ

the Tepreaeatatlve Of tile Pl__,. lllal•ter Of Ute

State of Israel. 'Ibey prefer free -J!f tltaicb

U..1 aball aner baw to .repay. DMlt'• tbeir statt­

•at Of Polley -4 pe11itloa. U a ~ftfl ba,.. beada

aad on aot cmul1*ie uy ... .,. Jae la not dolQs

la full daty. l!uL't'a nat I IRU bJ AJlq there' a

coo£ laa. Becaa• eee .eetlD1 ceia •-.lze4 befere tbe otller •etl•g doeq't •u a.ere'•• CGDfuloll. Be'• beiq called upoa to do botla. e.•s

bli•• told Ulat '1111a~ la pnferred b ill bl• c!ft. Be'a be!., told Cba't be's beiad uked to telld. lie'• beiag asked io do two'•• Be•• belaa told •lcJa

of the iwo tblap 1a more lmi*'taat. A•d

coulda't be u1tlllll1 clearer. •1J otturr U-

pllcat• Of .taat ,..•re aay1n,s i• that be •IMalaldll•t

be aaked to 1.ead .. and J doa~t Diak•• corr•t

• fair ia tlaia •It.ti.. 1'bere .are ftrJ _,

1J99Ple lfbo •!Pt flad lt easltt to 1--.t Y&Si a11GUDta

ud lve -11er. J bellne tbere rill be •re

people 1lbo will be able to gift •••C 111a•t• aa!

leAd smaller. Bat Aue t.o ... ratlou nmah1 •

___ .. ·-· __ ... _ -- -· --~--"·· ~- +ha ...... __. ...... -

- 44 -PRilil»SA CcOGt'd)

- as 11e keep teylug ~o ex.plain thea. (applau.Se)



••• (name) ••• (lnaudf.ble) Mlaml. He will auwer e'ftrf

other c~lty be're &ad aubStaat.iate "11at Herb

Prledm baa said. tast NOaday nlglt" a co •ity

Jlbkh aomlly aella 3SO, f.ur hailclred Uaomaad

dollars m boDds lletd :its ~ ratly ud sold ?SO

thousand dollars. On1be daf - tbat algbt :the leaders

Of the cwau1 'CJ' ap-eed Ula t" as 'l'bursda y a:lp t ol comiDJI 'llffk • lllOQld lauach oar c•paip. lid*

Uatll e f ollaiillln~ l.u't SUDday aigbt 1'be leaders

ol tile ca-unity• a. huadful, pledged 8!d atarted

to -.Ice tmk .a comitmeata.aft:e.r ha•J.Qs bsoapt

tile boslde, tha tlu! allocatioos that • ..,14 'be

gf.vlag to Ce aeneral (inaudible) tDA tills par

"8&11d ., ..... acceM i:o the rseacr PGJld fovr

tkes what aar general allocatloa is - and tile

buslneaa already atuted 1D -&Del tbe dla•r will

be hetMl&y alld lburaday aipt J.ndlcaie, tut U&oafh

we b&Ye alr~adJ pledsea tlae largest amouat of bonds

h the blsiory of oar commnity ~ far, that tbe

eount Of ...-y !s ready, waliio& :for us

'tllrouahoJat' tbe •rld. abroad la this couatry. 1•

- 45 -

VOJC.! (cOQt 1d)

it'• up io u aa the leaders to mblllze &Dd p't.

And y1111i"' l1 get botla. (applause)


Is Leo Beraste.ID 1D tile l'OOll? Leo.


Doa'c cat ap a band - doa't cat up a .baas ale••

,_ cu f illd a •J to ab - laaDd do ae 110rlc ef

tw. llr. Bu.eafeld •poke el lllla't happfDed ia

Pr..,ldence. Mr. Jacob Feld!un, •ltih1 bere, fr.

Da11aa1 Texas, cu tell JO aaot1ler story. Be

attellded a telepb•e boek-llP Of De BoDd orpn­

izatm OA Tweaday• Nay 23• a gr...,of twelYe .a.

7.bey paid llODeJ. ibe made additl.Oilal c.Utmeata.

ney .eat to work. Nr. Peldaaa was Ja llfew York a

couple of d&p later ai- a meet!aa pretlalaary to

'dl:la .-etJA1. Be ca. back to Dalt.aa, 7exaa. Den

•• aJIOtber wtlaa. la Dose daya ID Dalla• Tans.

from tbea mtll .._, there bu !»ea deposited cl.Me

:to OM •1111oa ~ll&r• for e sale Of l•rael Boada

la me._ .. - mde oat to the S"tate el brael ud

anllaJ)le f« Janel to ... rlp1t _,. Dae • ._

••,mo dl4 this Glider Mr. Feld8aa"• lftderaJalp Ud

uae leaderablp Of o\'ber•. dl411 1 i find it diff lcalt.

dida•t find it illpoeslble to .obillze bup wanta

.. ~ - ----• ---- ..__.. ._ ..... _... .. -- _........_ ..

- 46 -


tOge't'her. Par aon ls belag raised as a resul:t

thaD could be rf.ised by either one &loae. Let •

Ut11 ,-. Mbat J regard as beiag r!ucy. 11ae primacy 1s Israel aDd tbe vast uoaats thai­

Whave to aake available. Ia actual epeo. "tiGD• U

a au were to aak the qaeat.loa - I laatt fifty

CoUaalld or a talllldred tboua&ad dOllar• to

make ••, llb&t •ball I do wltb l t? l'be uswr

la mke oat a claeck. to De Israel Jimttpacy PUDd,

OH Jluadt'ed per ceat of goes to Israel qilckly.

rapldly. pro11ptly. lbat'a the Ulitg ,oa do.

'Ibea,lf JM have resources avaiui:.1e. uke these

resources to Uae State of Israel bonds

tlibid likewise So to Iarael rapldlf ad promptlJ

ad Which is aaot a abort-'tft'll loa11. ~at'• priority

f.u crm Of llDllCY• llow I waat to talk to yoa for

a ••e•C: &beat prl.wl.ty lta i:em of effori. Doll't

featce !It &DJ effwt for lat:'ael. But .e •111 say

Ibis.. If tlllC Welfare PuDd ae1ec:ta uy date tdilcb

1" .ant g law a aeetlag of a ,eltta il'OUP• ,ou

will have t1aat d&te alld aot the tBOnd or-izatloa.

If the BeDCI orp.aiz&tloa bas set a date and ia

fnctieaiD1. aad is factiolli11a for a •etlag Uult

will prodace la.rp amounts Of for hraet. set •

- 47 -


Toa will haw first prefettace • uy epea date•

that ~ waat 'CO set a met1D1 fw. 11a t doe• 1tttt

•an - and it. I '11 a&J tbis to you Yer7 clearly.

wery frakly "'"' bluntly - tills does not •aa lb&t lf you want to set a •etiag for fOllJr weu

fr• aow - &Dd ....,_ cu be ia aDd •t ia f lft' c1&J9

• lia elgbt daJS or la :tea day• - tba t ,_ 1aa,,., a

.right t'o aak Israel to hold Boads back. Bat tlli! date

that ,_ ..nt - 'the date tbat you're readJ to aet

f• - the date 'that 100're •lllha io f•, 1911•11 ba.e pr.ler1tJ •• 1111• b llbat • _.a bJ'

p:rlorlfy. Prior! tr to say to ~le write the

largesc CJaec:k Ua t JOU can to the larael Blllrrgeacy

Paed - theo lou as melt u JOU cu to tJae State of

Israel·~ ~lorit)' Of effort. priority of date •aaa

cai • boUa ahoald be scheduling u 1111eb u • cu, aDd, 1 I MbeD a da 'te la open, you can bave lt- f Ira t. U

P1I need ~ tilley-ve _, be ID &Dd •t wer1

qa!c:kl7-U JDt1 -t tO IO rlpt • _,. •"11 come

ia after JOU• ..., let • say aomthllls aboat lftaat

Ma beea !lappnllla. I doll' t ka.r .... _,of. ~ la tbla noa are &watt - there are Ualrtea

ibua4red buka la dais COllll'll"J lfhicb owe State of 19 ru1 BOllC!a

- arad ma7 of tile people eo ade tlMr sates c. tile

-·-ao I 1 • , I t I

._.. ana•t I bolated Welfare ..... peepi. • 8-d

peeple. 1tae7•n pet1ple .._ felt *lab was utpf•l a Janel. J Clalllk n. a 11 ta mde aftli.a.te

.,_tut Du tile fact aaai a.. Beard el Dlrec'*­

Md De epialml mnn ... 1 1 -11, are • aae ...... c D!ncs.D - Oeee beRM 8Catta'ed ..........

•" 11ae -~ 11ne 1arae1 •••S• Iii u.1r .-t1eu .. ~ •t -17 llDe Janel •••I• la tllilk .-delle

.. t tbe7 U. wllat 1tae brael ll•b are f•. It

•J latere•t ,.. .. u. Uaat Im Uaia tut .. dap

- .. ., ..... _ SPtf te Mftllt)' _. pmcMMS "J

'•J:s• - of ... l• tJae HC.-cl Md aUd tm9

- fer De flnt tlm - • 1a ... llad flw r••••ta

fer Wlltl*nal Md w ef ttl•• baa •bee beell

.-cillded bJ ae -.Jt "8c••• peeple am • n.. .. aald .. ,.. ... ,.. _t ....... tll•d•

ndae•d? Y .. laa¥e IM r ... s. U Cilia la .._t ,_ -*• ,.a will llae It Jtlllt .. "-• •t U ,_

feel ,.. _, llO .... ,_.. f•t:Mr c..i.w.- b

1anei.. let 1:1ae ·•••r •'-J• Daat 1Ma1lk wltlldnw lu ftCIU••t ... •Id •11, let tM WJ amid. ...,

let'• talk .... t -•Illa el• I• a I Rt9 Ulat

w 9 n .. lte cteu - -.i :la De -'7 1111at la a. -- _...._,_ .. -- - _.,._ --1••"-•• ._ a -•• .... ~

- 49 -


could aot coaceivably be ll&de available ihroup

Qalted Appeal-Ura&! lillltrgeacy Pullds? Le:t

me cl a enapl • A •11 •11 bays a thousand

<!Ollar•, m gives a thoua&Dd dollars - aQd tbi• is

1n a ~s i d ty. Be seat ID a check for tweaty­

.f tbaaaaad dollar• from bl& cblJA•a trust lud.

... aald I caa 't si•e amay 110Dey 1D ay cb ild 's

rust fulJC! - I can buy Israel Bonds witll that ..,.,.

la a southern city mad ill a few Of tbe

ueaad the Virgiab.s tbere as bee11 cooperatl.e

action and cooperatiYe meetlugs - 1bere wre six

bUDdred tboasalld dollar• ralaed lD a aeeths, and

follow - I don' i L"DOW at the dlvialoa is

- I Ulink ! t rams &boot half nd balf la tba t par ...

-s:icular cue. One of tbe •n -aat to :the lailk to

bornw moaey to pay for bis boiada - aad tbe bOads

are the security for 't1ae txwrowlag Wtikh be is

las - aild Ule bdk prealdeat said to Ilia, you

U.- ~·re Use third fellow 0$ ill bere to borrow

llOllOJ to tell _,. that JOll"'.re teavla1 the boDcls u

tbe ecurity. Ullat•.s going ma? e told wbat .as

gola • 'Ille bauk is alreadr tbe 101111t!'r of State

- 50 -


foandatioas Vbkb give away earning• oa capital.•

:.londatlcms '61.cb glYe away caplta1 cu ftrJ wll

be a~acbed for & max!mm (>OSSlble Clft t:o tbe

Israel ~rpac7 PtlQd. PouDdatlooa wbic1' bold

aecurltles &Dd use tlae interest cm ~- aecuritle•

u a mearas of m01D1 coairD:nat!oDa caa ftry wll

be ••ked io aae Israel Bolld• u :t'be bolctlDg !a tbelr

"°"tfollo - as _, foaadatf.Olls already do. Then

are teos of al11lou of• lllllcll tile -• la

this rOOll cu belp at.e available to Israel •ery

rapidly and -.u7 qulcklJ - Ud we •lre.ty b • -.ctJ

..ae1 froa tbese .... rces. 1 1• alkla1 - Of. ccm­

maal orpalzatJOU la the .Jewhb c-.nltJ wlllch

bave '-s fuada lllblcla are AOt eded f• •hteaaa.ce9

Mllcb ue 110t •eded for oper.atloas, wbicla are aot

needed for cureat )lllrildiDe plan - I•• talkl•e

about ce•tary faa:ls - 1 1 • ta1klD.; abOut ead..-at

fmda - aad l'a ta1klD1 about f1111ds of t'lll• sort

.talcb for ODe reason or aaotber caaaot be -'le

ani1ab1e aa clfu •• If tbeJ caa be made available

as glfu. tbat'• wJaere rtbey lllloald Co firs-t. If

they c&ADOt be ude &Yall&ble u glf rte, ti. men ud

1'IOllC!D ln tills ~ can be 'Of enermous belp iu setting

rapid act1ea so that tbe money .. ill a•ailable lD

.. . • - - ~- ---• ..._. __ .... _ _.._.. s_...z_.. ~ ~ ...._ ••

- Sl -LEO B

'Cblrty to forty •lltioas of dollar• ..,. •Ydlable :i

ID State of Israel Baad• bJ alailar cc zaal •aaa­!za ions. J llOpe bat I ba'Ve dellOPtrated to Mlle

degree tile f-.ct Uaat tbeae are ho sreat wapo1as

th&~ larael baa &ad that ••t aae the•• sr••t weapons to the mxlatl. Aa a •tter of fact, s.n. If I MJ for a wnt, I .. 1d 1lke atao to raise a

qaestloa:J u a •tter of coacleace for ll)'Self.

He!b ref erred 'to tile order of. tbhee Ill priorities

withia e capalp wbich l• belni wapd. a.e. Uae

payment of outstaadiaa pledlff - e.Dd, aa t ••J. I

llake la a peraoaal comeDt - oae is Die p&J111Dt « •btWlaa r' p• pledps. TWo la u.e 1111c ws of

pled,cea fw the Israel E•rp:sy Fuad, CHiii! Jnmdred

per cot of tlhkJI pes to hrael. And thid ls tbe

pa,_..i: of. those pledpa :to the Israel E.erpnc7

!land. And •J ml.1. polll1t Of conscieoce, •ilda

treable• •• alld i't'• baaed oa a re.ark •kb a .aa ,e•terd&J "to•• Wbo la this year'• chalmu

of a bolld cup&ip ud taai ,ear'• Chalnn of tbe

elfan Pad c•mpaip ill of the bls cities Of

*be coatr1 - ad talkla1 to 11e be said lt•a rq

feell•J - it'• ay •tron& feellDJ Chat ldla t we are

d01n1 for Israel ~1eac:1 Fwd &lld lor Bond•

----- -·•·- •"-• .. _ .. - ii'.- T••••'I ,...t.Jr:lw a

- 52 -tJiO BEIUGl»IB

F pUy - aDd that our on- respGDSl'bllities

Sboald be • t iD ea oa-aohg •Y• l ••1 aau '70

AG ao Ulat meu roa have ur further deliberatU.

e deliberati.oas of your board toW"row you

11!gb t bear iD •ind tlaat to many people the klDd of

respoue ellaltb is bei•& ilade ls becaaae tlMr e '• u

argent. !mediate, drastic need for ewe~ possible

dollar aaat can go io lar,ael romptlJ ud qaickly.

nd that people are oot llU.lag these dollar• a•ait­

able ao Ulat tbey cara pre-~y their co.ltmeats.

1r ledp• wblcb Uae1 Ordhuily WODld pa7 over

certain period ,,of ti• - those ledp• ab1Mal4 be

paid OYer that certala perloci Of time. or ad•aced

..if ai.ble ... bat tbe •• o are bOl."row1D1. the

ma Wbo ue di.ggi•I down• the J1llllo are reapoed-

1 to tbe crbu of Israel bould that the

dOllars tbey are llaklai &Yalta le are IODI 'tO

Iara :t t Uaia time. 'Dlma • JOU• (capplaue)

~r.~,~VV\ Ia every aeetla& - la nery • t!aa Uaai- w t.av• ba!

Ulrou tiae wekeDCI• atartllag with yeaterday mraiag.,

this queatloa Of ~ a WA aa coatlaaed to cme

.. Aa4 tbe reuo. ls aaat tbe're i.• anqaestionabl_y

a grea1; dul of coafuioa la •Gile cities - In some

- 53 -

<>Swww IT'~ -~a'-'-' the of pollcy on t'bc part of the highest

ioffkhls of tbe Ga.ern•at of Israel. 'foa'n

beard e agreement reached aa tioaall7 by WA ud

~ BoAds. Aod therefore let me state la Just f.!lree

or four se11tenc:ea •• succinctly ..a u l caa exact­

ly what oar UDderatudln1 b a8d tdaat • aa a

Coaacll 111 be .... .seadlaa io all of our cam•n-

itlaa oa lloaday ..,,. aid 1.t Is slmptr 1111• -

la terM of tbe lacliYldvat whO ca.ea eltlaer to the

Bond repr•aeatati¥ea or to the represeat:atiyes of

oar lf are PaDd OD bebal.f of Glia aeed and ask• -

I have dollai'• to pn tO 1 ~ael or dollars avail­

able to Israel, bow •111 lt belp mat? What •ball

l do •l it7 It ls tbe clear niterstUdiag. la .. oar discus ioDa w1Ul botb Bond• ud w:ltb ~•rael.

that be will be told - if you cu alve -1,l of tbat

as free dollar• to tile Israel .l!tierge11Cy Pl&Dd. 1lwe

i ere is cc.plete agree at oa llbat will be said

10 eacb ladi•ldual la teraa of aatiOIMl .baatractloa•

- la tetras of a coemmi t)'. It ls a fact Dea :tbat

some will ••7 that I uy be able to 1ive tbree

quarter• ol -*•'t I can axe aYallable and lou OM

qaarter or flf :ty per ceat. Shall I gi•e lt tiaat wy

U tbatta ttae beat I caa do? And of coarse tlu!

- :54 -

s :"l"i:'lllm

~ailable the m:n mxl • lbcn What zeuins io

be done - I aould sa1 that at bas already bappeno!

ia c lties be done • dlatcly on ibnday

In the otbera - &lid tbat ia 1tha lay le&deruip

and the profeasloaa1 staffs Of Bonda and our l'ielfare

PaDds it dOWD quic ly to icpt t this ~n.tioia

i ave.ry <: i tr so that each 111 kDOlllf What tbe

ther is dolag &Dd planning in rms Of meetiap

and approacbes. Aad I Ullnk •11:11 Uiis clear uuder­

tatac.!ing no. thai- w dlda• t :bav aud eich waa oot

atated until tbls wekeDd - vltb tills clear uadn­

tailding and witll the kind Of coope.ratioa wbieb has

already de'ftloped in so. cities. I think re is

reason y.except for aoae Obtea wbkb iDe•inlbly

will .crop up. the JIOr thrust a of this cannot be

carried out aloas :tbe tines '• lven. (applause)



(azme) fr Nd Jeraoy. (i lbte) I'• ure DI

lo6k aromld ••• (iJJ&adible)... ica is a ftrJ rich

country. (inaw.tlble) •••• make a oOd jOb ••• (iuaudlbte)

abbl Priedma.D ••• Ciaaudible) vou mve said ai each

and every 3ew ••• ' laaadlble) partners .... (i.Davdible)

haS tried o do ibe best. lie s uld be able :to malte

~.. _..__ .. -·- _.__ ...... ..____... IL-- -JL.. _ _ _. , _ ...._ _ - --- · - -. • -

• SS

\'OJCE (cODt•d)

of Deed - be 9boa1d •tam! by lmd help u 11acb as be

ca. d 1l!'G alao bave a sta'taleat tbat 1be pablk i tJ

(l.D&udlble) iD tweaty papera ••• (laaadlblc) I W&Dt •

to ask, Rabbi Priedua. if bebleea uaoae twenty p1pers

Ula't - dld ,_ take bto couideratloa '&bat • baYe

a lot of ~ewJ.ah cci a ua1ties ••• (lDaadlb1e)? Alld I

lllDGdtt lf ,.a ••• ( laauU.ble) l'bult JOU•


a. w •re tolDI f.D10 tile Yiddl.ab preu, 4bwl0asly.



Manla GotdsteiD from Atlanta, Geor1la-. ! Jaat

cue la toda.J. lfe 90b111.zed atartiDa Dmr.ctay ua

I'd 1lke 'Q» preseat,from Atlaata, Geor1la9 thlrty

tboaeaad dollar•· (appl&•e) (B.G. TAIXDG)

(BAHGia:; C:. GAVEL)



~ ue is Ba Rmelpb of Sarasoia. Plorlda. Wltbia

oar •palutiaD ••• Cilr&'Udible) •••• a little bl it of

a corner 1tbere to use tbe a moblllzatloa card

for b1oo4. (applause) Cb. • alklng)(bu1l•g of vel)

- 56 -


~ •aid like to Uolr lf UJ c• ... litJ l• pliaala1

• bavla1 a eo.bbed effort ._ UJA ud 8-4• for

Israel at tbe aw tlae, the aw aolkltora ••• (lulldlble)

(b. • t:alklq)


oa11 •e tb&t I ~ of at Ule -•t ls •

lleek ft'Oll Sud&J Oil the 11th :lD Loa Aaples• 1a die

11,.aiocl Bolf1 - ltlq're plaaaln co haft Uae wa. iJaa. I pesa tbere are ~tJ ousam .sea"ta b

11ae Bowl Ud • each ua-c there wll l be placed a

pledge card for a clft to Ille Israel EMraeoq Pnd

Ud • pledp car fw uae ••le of 8-d•. lit a •••

aeetlttg ttae •.lze iel twat1 thODS&lld people. dlere'•

no1'hlaJ ,_en do nieepc 1D pat pledp cum• tie

seaa - &al Gaerefwe at &bat ••tl111 - ad 1'• ao!ns oat to speak at it - there are aoill1 1le be

QIO c~ • each A& 't. ! doa• t kllOW U 'tbat••

la~ te be dame &D)'llber• elae9 bat u.a-t•• n. o.e

ua&t i•w lleard of.


• Cbalrmaa.



- 57 -


!bis is fastest general ass lbly c.:JAa? baa ball.

Becaase it•e rea11J a.ea a general assembly. t

bad to las e last one so J ope J'O'Al per•lt

ae, JI!'. Chairman, 1f I Just aalte bree or four

obsenatiows? May I? :ro.trrow noraia1, when our

Board Of DJ.rectors meet, l know that lit! wilt do

bave io do wltb tbe Board to start and

abow our upport for tbia I rael Eaerpacy P ad.

l don't tbhk there•a auy que.atlcm about it. en

'JOU caiae -wbea aomeoae rai Cl a ques"tloa &boat a

100d for Israel, t'be a r .as aot ~i. I

iliin :! t '°'ld be &ppn>pr late a i TOG know tlsa :t

addit!oa to J301ld• and i addltloa o fand ralsja s for is United hrael Appeal - and I bOW t.bai the

•rd d asloa wbkb has be a raaed bere toa!pi i.11

be ao ••• (laaudlb'le) itbat lt4 11 be beyoad aaytbh

.re e•er laaglaed - i DOW that• how accessf al

"111 be. t want you to Bait ot1aer rk is

ala• belaf.'9 done ... 'tbat, for exa le, on nesday

and 7'buraday of this 11eek e conference of tbe

presi4m ts of ricaa Jewish Or aoizatioD will be

tlag la asbi1gton tom. tbat abe wrk

that'a bebs done ill every co ale,, to uke aure

tb& nators aad Coasrcssaep and Gowenora alld ror•

- SS -

VOIC.S (cont'd)

f lflll our commlments to State o£ larae1

- that tbat WOl'k is contiau1ol: ad that • in our

Pedera ion, 8Dd oar lf are Pa :in all Of our com­

aual les will do ewrythiag at w pGSslbly can !a

Glat direc:tioll a 1W11 as raising the llODef tbat•s

so esaea tla"l. Jlr. Chalraau, ay I Just ake ho

oi:!ler Observatioas? Ibe day before yesterday I

cue tO New York to be present 1fhea oae of my

uephe , tbe oldest sOQ of 111 sister Who livea heft

ln Yor ca.e back f rOE Viet alter a ye r

bav!a bea a 1st Lieut :la infantry tbere. On

that ae day, I spoke to •Y bro'ther .wtao .ls prealdeut

e Essex CoaAty hderatiOD9 no tc>ld • that

his son bad started that da.7 - that even tbou1h

havin beea adllitted to a cour t Colombia this

e Uai ral ty of Mkblgan

- !as tead of piq to talte that cour,se ill advance!

w!tlng at Co la to lflOl"k for Isr

to serve DO a kibbutz. (ap lause) ADd tOllOl'row

1-&h at nine-thirty my brother 111 be brin1la1

ill ea df *> tbat be Ctn take a plane - El Al -

ri :tb a tlbole grou:ft Of o r.s - to do lfO:rk -:tba '• so at' lfODderful barvea /~ -. Plncus 9 prlct

casa csanned to the extent possibly by ~g

I •

- 59 -

VOJCE (coai•a>

for more. 1:be date.a of '4 • tbe date of '56 - let

tell you Goat • ho wry lmpo.ruat date• iD •Y

1lfe. . of. tllea •• Au t :as. 1914, a half hour

after J •• Geaenl Voe (UJ11e) •lsn a nrrender to

Geaer&l 1.eClalr.'Dat .a translated lato Preach,

GerMD &Dd .£qtbJl by a,_., Allerlcu C.poral

*-<I Cob.a - aad 1aOk place b ttae rail.road

statloD a:t (11&11e) 1D Parla. I wnt to (aue)

SJQ&ppe a Qd A 11'°"1> 'Of :Sew off the fr )'e 11.ow

bad ea with tbe ....-cf• •.Jalf" ea lt ud they recited

ther wl tla • (I.a Hebrew.) Several aoa tba later

- I as it waa abOut five l90Dtba later• - I ...

wlt!a aa d:lvlaioa - aDd I tann•c 1:old tbb

ebb groap before or ... a ilu poap - •lien

the Aaerlcu di•bloD liberated Dacbaa, Ud wbe11 a

of us. all J'e .. , stood ~Ger aad nc1Utd

the 4hh becaaae peOJ»le wre at111 dJlal la

froat of aa - aJld I rcmllber a abort llblle

later td:llle la Pub tbe flrai F•P of ,.... 3ewlab

Chlldna llbo'd iben ptbtted lopDer from tbe aap

wre as•elll>led tbere so tlaef co111d be seat to ll'bat

.,.. thea lntiia and mat bee Iarael. .Mr. mcus, • Shamir, Rabbi Pried-. WfJ .Jewi.ah Pederatioa

Gld 1fare Puna lo oar countey •ad Canada will

- 60 -

!llOICB Cconi'd)

bei lble be.fore. 're oing to do that not

onlJ because (in &br ) but b cause R believe iu

raso (in Hebrew) - tbe le of Israel li•e

aPCl rill COD tiaue to 1.f.v • (applause)



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