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Page 1: BPM2012

Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes, Irene Vanderfeesten, Hajo A. Reijers, Jakob Pinggera, Matthias Weidlich, Stefan Zugal, Dirk Fahland, Barbara Weber, Jan

Mendling, Geert Poels

Page 2: BPM2012

Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 20122/16

The Process of Process Modeling

Modelers were asked to construct a process model of a case based on a given informal textual description

Properties of textual description

Properties of modeler

Properties of modeling process

Properties of resulting model


Page 3: BPM2012

Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 20123/16

Cheetah Experiment Platform

Page 4: BPM2012

Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 20124/16

Replay model construction process

Page 5: BPM2012

Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 20125/16

Event Log









Page 6: BPM2012

Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 20126/16

PPMChart: examples

Create activity

Create AND gateway

Create edge

Move activity

Rename activity

Page 7: BPM2012

Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 20127/16

PPMChart: examples

Create activity

Create XOR gatewayCreate edge




Page 8: BPM2012

Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 20128/16

PPMChart: examples

Move objectsshort after creation

Page 9: BPM2012

Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 20129/16

PPMChart: examples

Move objectsat the end

Page 10: BPM2012

Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 201210/16

PPMChart: examples

Move objectsregularly

Page 11: BPM2012

Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 201211/16

C1: Structured modeling is positively related to the understandability of the resulting model.

C2: A high number of move operations is negatively related to the understandability of the resulting model.

C3: Slow modeling is negatively related to the understandability of the resulting model.

C1: Structured modeling is positively related to the understandability of the resulting model.

C2: A high number of move operations is negatively related to the understandability of the resulting model.

C3: Slow modeling is negatively related to the understandability of the resulting model.


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Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 201212/16


UnderstandabilityMeasured by perspicuity:

“a model that is unambiguously interpretable and can be made sound with only small adaptations based on minimal assumptions on the modeler’s intentions with the model ”

Calculation Correct syntax errors/ambiguities if possible Transform BPMN model to WF-net Check soundness of WF-net

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Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 201213/16


Structured modelingCreating blocks ‘as a whole’ (before moving on

to the creation of the rest of the model)




Page 14: BPM2012

Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 201214/16


C1: structured modeling – understandabilityperspicuity

C2: number of moves – understandabilityavgMoveOnMovedElements perspicuity

0,049*percNumElementsWithMoves perspicuity


C3: speed – understandabilitytotTime perspicuity 0,031*

totCreateTime perspicuity 0,014*

see statistics in the paper (*) statistically significant values at the 95% confidence level

maxSimulBlock perspicuity 0,028*

percNumBlockAsAWhole perspicuity 0,030*

avgMoveOnMovedElements perspicuity 0,049*

percNumElementsWithMoves perspicuity 0,648

totTime perspicuity 0,031*

totCreateTime perspicuity 0,014*

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Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 201215/16


Goal Understand process of process modeling to improve


Conjectures C1: Structured modeling is pos. related to understandability C2: A lot of moves might be neg. related to understandability C3: Slow modeling is neg. related to understandability

Further work Zoom on structured modeling Investigate other conjectures

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Tying Process Model Quality to the Modeling Process: The Impact of Structuring, Movement, and Speed

Jan Claes - BPM‘12 - 4 September 201216/16


Jan [email protected]

http://www.janclaes.infoTwitter: @janclaesbelgium

Stefan Zugal

Dirk Fahland

Barbara Weber

Jan Mendling

Geert Poels

Thank you for your attention!Do you have any questions?

Jan Claes

Irene Vanderfeesten

Hajo A. Reijers

Jakob Pinggera

Matthias Weidlich

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