
Brand building with Corporate Website Design Services

Use of subtle colours, understated designs, and striking images are some features of well-

known corporate sites. These hallmarks of success must be remembered by all designers, and

incorporated in the sites that are created for portraying a positive corporate image for the

client company. A corporate site is one that is created to project information about a company

in a positive manner. It does not promote products or services, like in an ecommerce site.

Rather, the focus in such a site is to inform people about the following:

The vision, mission and objectives of the company, which are mostly included in the

about us section

Leadership team and board of directors

History/ legacy of the company

Brief information about products and services

Future plans and projects

News section, which contains various press releases and media information about the


Key suppliers/ vendors and partners in joint venture

Major clients, their names, logos and testimonials from them

Information about employment with the company in the Careers section

Contact details of all offices of the company, like postal address, email address, and

telephone numbers

Privacy policy and Terms and conditions of working of the business

The corporate website must be created by professionals and relying on amateurs for this task

will be a mistake. This is because the website is the brand building tool and people will access it

for all sort of information. Prospective clients, as well as investors, will definitely view the

website before making any decision. Hence, to facilitate their decision making process and

ensure a decision in favour of the company, it is necessary that you offer all the relevant

information in an accurate manner with clarity.

The navigation must be such that the visitors do not have any problem in finding the required

information. The home page must contain easy to find links to the products, careers and

contact pages, and the visitors should be able to find them quickly. There must be uniformity in

the look of the entire website; so the use of colours must be done cautiously. The look must be

in accordance with the targeted audience and the nature of business. Professional Brochure

Designing Services India must be accessed to ensure that the project is a success. The

placement of the logo must be done carefully on all pages of the site.

We offer skilled Web Designing Company. The finesse that is brought about by professional

designers is hard to get with amateurs.

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