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Breakthrough Lesson 3

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Series at a Glance for Elevate

About this Series: Elevate will be joining the Konnect crew on an incredible space adventure! The mission of Konnect space

station is to broadcast the story of Jesus all around the world. Throughout this series, we will learn who

Jesus is, and what it means to follow him in our galaxy and beyond.

Weekly Overview: Lesson: Topic: Big Idea: Memory Verse:

Lesson 1:

July 22/23

Lesson 2:

July 29/30

Lesson 3:

August 5/6

Lesson 4:

August 12/13

Lesson 5:

August 19/20

Lesson 6:

August 26/27

Lesson 7:

Sep. 2/3

Through Love

Lame Man Healed: Mark 2

Through My Life

Tabitha: Acts 9:32-43

Through My Story

Paul’s Story: Acts 24-26

Know Jesus

Seed Parable: Matthew 13

Follow Jesus

Rich Ruler: Luke 18:18-30

Copy Jesus

Jesus Catches Fish: Luke 5

Make Disciples

Peter Heals: Acts 3

I can show love to share

God’s good news.

I can live like Jesus to

share God’s good news.

I can tell my story to share

God’s good news.

Disciples know Jesus.

Disciples call Jesus

teacher and Lord.

Disciples copy Jesus.

Disciples make disciples.

1 John 3:18

Romans 12:2

Romans 1:16

Philippians 3:10

John 13:13

1 Corinthians 11:1

Matthew 28:19

Large Group

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Breakthrough Lesson 3

August 5/6 3

Breakthrough Series at a Glance for Elevate (continued)

Lesson 1: July 22/23- Through Love

How can you break through to someone who doesn’t know or love God? Through the story of Jesus healing

a lame man, we find out how our love can share God’s good news, the story of Jesus!

Lesson 2: July 29/30- Through My Life

The way you live can share God’s story. This week we’ll learn about a woman who was known for living

like Jesus, and think about the things our actions say about us.

Lesson 3: August 5/6- Through My Story

Paul loved to share the story of how he met Jesus. In fact, it’s told three different times in the Bible. One of

those is the story of Paul talking to a group of important leaders. He wanted everyone to know about Jesus.

How can your story help others learn about Jesus?

Lesson 4: August 12/13- Know Jesus

Once you are following Jesus, you are his disciple! The question is, what does a disciple do? Jesus tells a

parable, or story, about what it means to be a disciple. He compares his followers to seeds! Why? Find out

in Elevate, or check it out in Matthew 13, in the Bible!

Lesson 5: August 19/20- Follow Jesus

When Jesus was on earth, many people wanted to follow him. When a rich young man asked Jesus to let

him come along, Jesus told him that it would cost everything that he had. It’s not easy, but following Jesus

is worth whatever it costs.

Lesson 6: August 26/27- Copy Jesus

When following Jesus, it’s important to do what he says! Peter and John found that out the first time they

met Jesus. We can still copy the things Jesus did today! Whenever we serve others, are kind, or show love,

we are being good disciples of Jesus!

Lesson 7: September 2/3- Make Disciples

The mission of Jesus’ followers hasn’t changed since he was here on earth. The goal of every disciple, is to

make more disciples! To complete this mission, every one of us is important. This week, find out how Peter,

one of Jesus’ first disciples, accomplished this awesome mission.

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What You Need to DO and KNOW Each Week

Opening Do This: Encourage everyone to gather near the stage, and have FUN! Give high-fives, welcome

the kids by name, dance to the music, and let kids know we’re going to have fun today! Interact with

the crowd! Create a buzz about what is going to happen.

Know This: This is intended to be a fun time! You as the leader need to set that standard so kids

can feel comfortable. If you’re not willing to open up and be silly, they won’t either. It’s ok if some

kids are shy or stand-offish, but YOU should model what we’d like to see!

Welcome Do This: Greet the kids with enthusiasm without being overwhelming.

Know This: During this time you are working to gain the kids’ trust. Something as simple as telling

them what is going to happen during the hour can help relieve some anxiety that they may have. We

will also gain their trust by showing them that this is a place that is not weird or different from what

they see in other places.

Worship Do This: Perform the provided actions to the songs and demonstrate enthusiastic worship for kids.

Encourage kids to join in, but don’t force them to participate. Read aloud any verses that are on the

screen (unless the song features a voice over). Direct the kids’ attention towards God. Call out

upcoming lyrics when appropriate and help the kids engage in singing.

Know This: It’s okay if some kids don’t sing or do actions to the songs. They may worship by just

reflecting on the lyrics and listening. Our music set is generally made of high-energy songs to help

kids get engaged in worship.

Media Do This: Sit or stand to the side of the screen(s). Watch the media and appear engaged using

appropriate non-verbals.

Know This: Although this is a good time to catch your breath and gather your thoughts, you are

still technically “on.” Kids may be looking at you to see if you are watching the videos, and if you

don’t look engaged, they may not choose to engage either.

Prayer Do This: Ask the kids to be respectful and quiet; you will pray out loud, while they pray quietly in

their hearts and heads. Sit or crouch down and engage the kids as you pray.

Know This: We want the kids to learn how to pray by seeing you model this. Feel free to say your

own prayer – this one is simply a suggestion, but do keep it short.

Bible Verses & Memory Verse Do This: Read any verses from the side screen aloud. Make the memory verse fun! After you’ve

read it, do something silly like challenge the boys to be louder than the girls, jump up and down,

add actions, or have the kids recite the verse using different voices.

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Lesson Outline for Elevate

Lesson 3: Through My Story

Lesson Segment Total Running Time

Opening Song (2:00)

Welcome and Opening Activity (8:00)

Song 1: Jump (5:00) 0:00 - 15:00

Bumper Video (1:00)

Lesson Intro (1:00)

Video Part 1 (11:00)

Share your Story (3:00)

Song 2: Let it Be Known (5:00)

Video Part 2 (6:00)

Application Activity (6:00) 15:00 - 48:00

Review Activity (7:00)

Song 3: Let the Praises Ring (5:00) 48:00 - 60:00

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Opening Song 2:00

Welcome to Elevate! It’s awesome that you made it here today, I’m super excited to see all

of you. Come on up to the front, and throw away your popcorn on the way!

Welcome and Opening Activity 8:00

This is going to be awesome! Today we get to play games, hear an amazing story from the

Bible, and join the Konnect crew for a space adventure. To start off, I have a fun activity for

all of you!

This is an activity that all of us can play! I’m going to choose one person, and show him or

her a picture. He or she gets to use only two words to describe everything that is happening

in that picture. Then, we’ll put four pictures on the screen, and you’ll have to guess which

one that person was talking about. We have four rounds of this activity, so I’ll need four

volunteers! Do This: Select four volunteers. Have them come up on stage.

Know This: You may want to choose older kids, as they will have an easier time coming up with

descriptions of the pictures quickly.

You volunteers should know, this may be more difficult than you would think. The most

obvious thing in the picture may not be what you should use your two words to describe.

Think about the colors, what’s in the picture, and what is happening in it. Let’s get started !

Player number one, what is your name? ________. Alright, here is your picture. Do This: Show the first player the paper airplane picture.

Think about the two words you would use to describe it. Do you have them? Alright, what

are your two words? Do This: Allow the kid to answer.

Game Title Slide: “Two-Word Story”

(Roll when directed) Elevate Opener

(Auto advance) Elevate Slide and Underscore

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Vote for the picture of your choice by going to the corner of the room that matches the

number of the picture on the screen. For this first picture, you would come to the corner right

up here in front with the number one. For the other top picture, you would come to the other

front corner with the number two. The same goes for pictures three and four. You have about

ten seconds to get to your corner!

The picture they were looking at is:

If you picked this picture, you were right! Let’s try again. Player number two, what is your

name? ______. Great! Here is your picture. Can you think of two words to describe it? Do This: Show the second player the mushrooms around stump picture. Allow them to think for a


Alright, your two words are ______, and ______. Let’s see if you all can guess what picture

he/she is talking about!

Choose your picture quickly, and go to that corner! Let’s find out what the answer is.

These are tough, there is something similar about all of them! Let’s see how player three

does at describing this next picture. What is your name, player three? ________. Here is

your picture. Do This: Show player three the picture of the man releasing stars out of a cage.

What are your two words to describe this picture? Alright, let’s see if you can all figure out

which one of these it is!

Four Pictures: 1. Pink Plane, 2. Eco Family, 3. Paper Plane, 4. Rocket Flying.

3: Paper Plane Picture

Four Pictures: 1. Mushrooms around stump, 2. Magical stars, 3. Mysterious Cave, 4.

Fairy Tale Small Bridge.

1. Mushrooms around stump picture.

Four Pictures: 1. Child holding balloons, 2. Man on boat in space, 3. Boy running with

flare, 4. Man holding starry cage.

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Do you have a guess? Run to that corner, quick! Let’s see which picture is correct.

That’s a neat picture. If you guessed that one, you were right! We have one more to try out.

Player four, what is your name? _______. Alright, let’s see how much you can tell us about

this picture in just two words. Do This: Show player four the picture of a man on a mountaintop, looking at another planet.

What two words have you got for us?

Alright, you have your words, choose which picture you think he/she is talking about!

Have your guess? Let’s find out if you are right!

It was that one! Thank you all for playing two-word story!

It’s hard to tell a story with just two words. The last couple weeks here in Elevate, we’ve

been talking about how to share the most amazing story of all, the story of Jesus. We have

talked about telling that story through our love, and through the way we live. Today we get

to think about how to tell that story with our words. To get started with our stories, let’s go

to the question of the day!

Would you rather hear a story about the past or the future? Tell some of the people around

you, and listen to their answers, too!

4: Man holding starry cage picture.

Four Pictures: 1. Sandstorm hiking, 2. Top of Everest, 3. Man on Mountain looking at

planet, 4. Girl on hill.

3: Man on mountain looking at planet picture.

Game Title Slide: “Two-Word Story”

(Auto Advance) QOTD Slide: Would you rather hear a story about the past or the


Question of the Day Video

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Lesson Intro 1:00

Do This: Emcee as the kids are sharing their answers. Encourage them to share with those around

them. This question time is meant to give kids an opportunity to talk to one another, so encourage

them to interact with each other!

There are so many stories we can hear every day. Some of them are sad, some are funny,

and some are just strange. There is one story that everyone in the world needs to hear,

because it’s the story God wants to tell all of us!

Worship 5:00

One way we can share God’s story is by singing and praising him! Praise is what we call it

when we sing to God, talk about him, or show people who he is. This is a great song to

praise God with. Let’s stand and sing it together!

You can sit down. I love praising and worshipping God with you. We’ve been singing to

God, and take a minute to talk to God too. You can talk to Him about anything, any time.

Here in Elevate, we close our eyes and fold our hands to show God respect while we talk to


God, we love you. Thank you for sending Jesus here to earth. You are amazing, the one who

made everything and knows everything. You are really wonderful, God. Amen.


(Auto advance) “Worship”

Song 1: “Jump.”

Elevate Bumper Video

Run the Bumper Video as the prayer ends.

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Share Your Story 3:00

Video Part 1 11:00

This series is called “Breakthrough.” A breakthrough is a moment when something changes

in a big way. When a rocket flies off into space, when a scientist figures out the secret to

their discovery, and when an explorer discovers a new civilization, those are all

breakthrough moments. When God sent Jesus to earth, it was the biggest breakthrough in

history! Jesus’ story changed everything. He gave us the chance to be close to God again.

Part of our mission is sharing Jesus’ story with others, but that isn’t always simple. Some

people who love Jesus might wonder: What if I don’t know what to say? What if someone

doesn’t want to hear about Jesus? How can we break through to someone who doesn’t know

how much God loves them?

The Konnect crew is learning about how to share Jesus’ story, too. Let’s see if they can help

us figure out how to tell others about Jesus. They’ve got a verse for us to learn, then we’ll

see what is happening on the Konnect station!

That sounds scary. It’s not easy to talk to a big group of people. I can totally understand why

the Konnect crew is feeling nervous.

The thing is, telling others about Jesus is important, even if it is scary. Jesus can help us be

close to God, and it makes our lives so much better when we follow him. Do This: Share an engaging, relevant, age-appropriate story about a way following Jesus has

changed your life. This may be a behavior change or a knowledge that you are closer to God. Either

way, point out how that change happened due to your following Jesus and growing to love him


(Auto-Advance) Series Title Slide: “Breakthrough”

(Auto-Advance) Series Title Slide: “Breakthrough”

Konnect: “My Story” Rehearse the Verse and Story Part 1 (11:00)

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Video Part 2 6:00

Worship 5:00

There isn’t anything you have to do or memorize to be able to tell someone about Jesus.

When you are excited about a story, you won’t have to spend a lot of time remembering or

practicing it. It’s easy to talk about! If you have decided to follow Jesus, it’s as easy as

sharing the story of how you got to know and start following Jesus. There’s always more to

learn about Jesus and God, so after you share your story with someone, invite that person to

come to church with you and learn more!

You’ve been listening for a while, I think it’s time to get up and sing to God! Let’s sing “Let

it be Known” together!

Great job! You can sit back down. I want to find out how the Konnect crew does on their

mission to share Jesus’ story! Let’s check out their broadcast!

Application Activity 6:00

That was a really great point they learned. Can we see that again?

(Auto-Advance) Series Title Slide: “Breakthrough”

Story Part 2: (6:00)

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: “Breakthrough”

“I can tell my story to share God’s good news.”

Song 2: Let it be Known

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I can tell my story to share God’s good news. Once you decide to start following Jesus,

you already have an amazing story. You’ve learned about how much God loves you, and

you know that Jesus died for you, and came back to life! Everything the Konnect crew

shared reminds us of that one thing: Jesus loves us.

That’s the most important part of Jesus’ story. He came to earth, did a ton of amazing

things, died on a cross, and came back to life, all because of how much He loves you.

That’s the story, but how can we tell it? There are lots of ways that we can share Jesus’

story. I want to see how many ways you can think of. There is a twist, though. We have to

think of ways to share his story. To help you out, I’ve got some props here. Let’s see.

There’s a string, a scissors, a piece of paper, a marker, a stone, and a piece of bread. We

could use one of these things, or we could use all of them together. How many ways can

we think of to tell Jesus’ story using these props? Do This: As kids come up with ways, act them out. If you are doing this activity in groups, each

group will be coming up with ways to tell others about Jesus. Try to make it around to each group

and hear an idea.

Know This: Feel free to expand upon a kid’s idea, but make sure to credit them with all of it. If

kids are having trouble coming up with ideas, you can make some of the following suggestions.

You could use the string to make important words like “Jesus” “Cross” “Sin” and “Love.” You

could tie the string around your wrists, and cut it to show how Jesus sets us free from sin. You

could talk about how Jesus brings us closer to God and tie the string to something. You could

make shapes from the string, like a cross, a grave, and a heart. You could talk about the stone

being rolled away when Jesus rose again, or discuss how Jesus said he was the bread of life. You

could talk about how he fed 5000 people with the bread. Get creative!

There isn’t one perfect way to share Jesus’ story, but we want people to understand us, no

matter what we are saying. Here in Elevate, we use creative ways to share Jesus’ story

because it is fun, and it helps us remember important things about Jesus. If you don’t have

a string and scissors, though, it’s no big deal. You can talk about Jesus, just like the

Konnect crew did! Speaking of the Konnect crew, Ray and Luke have a quick review for

you, and another way for you to share Jesus’ story!

Review Activity 7:00

Series Title Slide: “Breakthrough”

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Thanks, Ray. That is an easy way to remember what to say when someone wants to start

following Jesus.

We Admit that we have done wrong things, things called sin, and ask God to forgive us.

Then, we Believe that Jesus died, and came back to life to take our punishment for sin. Then,

we Choose to follow God with our whole life. If you have already made that choice, that’s

a great way to share Jesus’ story with someone. Just remember A, B, C. If you haven’t made

that choice, or you have more questions, any one of the adults in here would love to talk to

you about Jesus’ story. Following Jesus is the most important choice any of us can make.

We’ve learned a lot today, so it might be tough to remember it all! I can help you out with

that. We’re going to review with the game “One arm, Two arms, None.”

I’m going to ask some questions, and give you three answers on the screen. To choose

answer number one, you will raise one hand. To choose answer number two, you will raise

two hands. To choose answer number three, you won’t raise your hands at all. Let’s see how

you do! Your first question is: After Paul spoke to the important leaders, what city did they

send him to?

Raise or lower your arms, and get your vote in! The answer is… Rome! Rome was basically

the capital of the world in Paul’s day. It was the city where the emperor lived. Let’s try

another question! What is a “Testimony”?

Konnect: Review and Gospel Presentation (2:00)

(Auto-Advance) Series Title Slide: “Breakthrough”

A: Admit. B: Believe. C: Choose.

Game Title Slide: “One arm, Two arms, None”

One Arm: Athens. Two Arms: Rome. None: Philippi.

One Arm: Your story. Two Arms: A tough homework assignment. None: A spiky fruit.

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Closing and Worship 5:00

That’s a big word. “Testimony” means your own story about God. All of you have one! The

story of how you learned about God and what Jesus did for you is all a part of your testimony.

Your next question! The Point was: “I can _________ to share God’s good news.”

The point was… “I can tell my story to share God’s good news!” No arms, you got it right.

If you guessed “Show love,” that is a great way to share God’s good news, but it was the

point a couple weeks ago. I have one more question for you! Today’s memory verse was

from where?

Where was today’s memory verse from? The answer is… Romans 1:16! Two arms, you got

it right. The full verse is Romans 1:16. “For I am not ashamed of this good news about

Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes.”

Everyone needs to know Jesus’ story, and we can share it with them! Take some time this

week to think about your story about God. If you haven’t decided to follow God with your

whole life, come and talk to me or any one of the grown-ups here in Elevate. We would love

to talk and pray with you. In fact, we can talk to God right now. Let’s close our eyes and

bow our heads to show respect to God while we pray.

God, you are amazing and powerful. Thank you for sending Jesus, and for making us a part

of your great story. Help us to share your awesome story. Amen.

We have a few minutes left, so let’s have some fun and celebrate God with a song!

One Arm: Eat pizza. Two arms: Show love. None: Tell my story.

One Arm: Romans 12:2. Two Arms: Romans 1:16. None: Jeff 36:8

(Auto-Advance) Elevate Slide

Song 3: Let the Praises Ring

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I’m so glad you could all be here in Elevate. I hope your week is totally awesome! You can

hang out here until your adults come and pick you up!

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