
Brian Garrett Joseph Etiwanda High School On

Growing Popularity of Online Schools

Brian Garrett Joseph Etiwanda High School is the online faculty member at the University of Phoenix. He provides theory and practice education through learner-centered instruction that will enable graduates to fulfill their career objectives. He instructs and facilitates a meaningful learning experience of the course competencies in the curriculum and pro-actively supports all facets of LTU online learning environment.

He also fosters and encourages an online culture of learning that values mutual responsibility, life-long learning, diversity, and ethics as well as personal and professional development. The creation of online high schools, an alternative means of education, is also an indictment on the current, traditional educational paradigm that exists in the American High School. While high school teachers may utilize varied instructional strategies, their instructions might not be as varied as they think.

They may differentiate their instructional tasks but they fail to differentiate their instruction sufficiently enough to support the academic needs of their students. Various online high schools have been created to offer an option to traditional high school teaching, curriculum and instruction, thereby meeting the needs of students who for a variety of reasons had not been successful in the traditional environment.

Brian Garrett Joseph of Etiwanda High School encourages the spread of online education as it offers a tremendous amount of benefits to a wide range of students. Online schools allow students to complete their studies at their own pace and under optimal conditions for that particular student. They also support the student who is socially awkward and apprehensive about interacting in the traditional classroom.

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