
British School at Athens: Museums and Archives Online Programme Founded in 1886 (125 years in 2011) British School of Hellenic Studies Member of Community of 16 Foreign Schools in Athens Member of British Academy Basis funded Foreign Schools Research Institute Two courses offered per year A base for British and International Scholars of Hellenic Studies Hostel Library Archaeology Text and Letters Art and Architecture History and Society Knossos Sparta Lefkandi Keros Myceanae Stratigraphical Museum Collection Reference Collection from Private Donations / Travellers / Early Excavations Archaeobotanical Reference Collection Zooarchaeological Reference Collection Geoarchaeological Reference Collection Analytical Petrographic and Chemical Data Collection FITCH LABORATORY KNOSSOSATHENS MUSEUM ARCHIVES Excavation Records Personal Papers Byzantine Research Fund Corporate Records of School Art Collection LEGACY DATATYPES OF DATA Paper Records Digital Records (docs, spreadsheets, databases of all types) Notional Records (in peoples minds) Photographic Materials Digital Photographic / Scanned Materials Museum Records Archival Records Analytic Data Records Knossos: Stratigraphical Museum Catalogue Fitch Laboratory: Seed Reference Collection Archive: Byzantine Research Fund Catalogue Athens Museum: Museum Catalogue Determining Appropriate Fields (not a lack but a surplus, unfamiliarity with the system) Conceptual Jump of RDBMS Learning to Work Together Training of Staff and Interns in New System Post Migration Cleanup with New System Methods Development / Adoption / Implementation of Thesauri for Data Standardization Cross Linking of Collections Streamlining of Management Processes (eg. Permit processing) Field Archaeological Applications Digitized Notebook Obsidian Fragment Whetstone Fragment Archive Excavation Record Stratigraphical Museum Item Catalogue Site Record Unexplored Mansion Knossos Permit Application Registration of Person / Organization in Party Module Permit Application Entry in Rights Module Linking to Materials in Catalogue Module Processing by Appropriate Officer Creation of MM Records from Ministry Documents Link MM Documents to Rights Module Permit Issuance

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