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What is S.I.R.?

S.I.R. stands for “Soul Integration and Re-Creation”. This healing and transformation tool was created in 2003 by Master

Eva. It includes a number of different programs we will attempt to explain. All programs are done with the 56 page

report and treatment called “The Works”.

Karmic Program Release

All people have karma and that is not the issue but what programs are there and how many. Yes, we clear karma for good and in turn you elevate in levels and abilities. We clear karma for your spirit then your spirit leaves your body and returns to God. Here it learns the lesson behind hundreds of

programs we release.

Karma clears undesirable tracts, bad habits, poor relationships and blocks to love, money issues such as blocks to

wealth and blocks to recognition and prestige, plus health problems. We had an agreement or contract to experience the bad in our lives and God grants us to clear them. We are then

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cleared subconsciously from blocks that cause disease, failure, pain, stress, trauma, drama, loss, mishaps, and accidents.

Soul Integration and Body Rejuvenation

After each S.I.R. session you get 5-8 years younger in biological age not birth age. This healing has brought people back from being in the 50’s and the 60’s to being in the late 20’s. Your skin is the first to get young, following with the attitude and

vitality, then fertility and all internal organs.

Soul Integration and Brain Enhancement

We measure and then elevate ones IQ, EQ, SQ, which stands for intelligence of the mind, emotion, and spiritual areas. We

do brain cell repair, cellular restructuring and cellular repatterning. This helps our clients focus better, concentrate, remember more, create and solve problems better. We have

clients whose IQ went from 122 to 281. The average brain use goes from 3-6% to 100% in a short time.

Soul Integration and Cellular Reactivation

On a very small cellular and physical level we heal people. For instance we test and correct atom rotation, DNA repair, Gene

replacing, blood energy correction, DNA string alphabet reorganizing, all these procedures rid one of genetic diseases,

create human perfection, and help us to heal easier and faster.

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After the session DNA strands and genes get activated in the hundreds to thousands.

Soul Integration and Emotional Restoration

Using IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) we heal negative emotions on a very deep level and release them. Then we in

turn integrate the positive opposite quality. Sometimes emotional detoxifying is experienced so to prevent this anger, fear, resentment, frustration, greed, sadness, hate, emotional

pain and hurt plus sorrow are cleared instantly then we integrate love, forgiveness, peace, joy, healing and security.

Soul Integration and Miracle Healing

When ones body system is ill and organs malfunctioning we try three different methods to heal. One is nutritional, energy or miracle healing or finally karma based programs to suffer.

When organs malfunction, we ask the higher self and angels to heal that organ and clients admit that they feel me work on

them thousands of miles away.

Soul Integration and Energy Interferences

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One session tells us if you are bothered by spells, hexes, curses, entities, geo-pathic stress energy, ELF energies, and portal

holes. Etheric cords can be connected to the chakras by enemies in other dimensions and silicon net entraps us for

them to keep tract of us and bother us any time they wish to.Micro-chips and alien implants were use in a more active way

in 2000-2005. Chips and implants spy and keep tract of subjects for either aliens on earth or in other realms. Extra

souls are beings in our aura that past life issues were not solved and these beings kept incarnating in our aura lifetime after

lifetime. Walk-ins and transfer students are spirits that inhabit us either to hinder or spy or even learn from us.

What can I Expect?Perfection!

This booklet was written to aid you to understand the 30 page report and treatment. Since most everything here is covered on

the 4 page report you may find it useful for that report.

The S.I.R. Procedure!

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All sessions can be done in person or long distance. You do not need to stop your daily activity. Please feel free to do anything healthy and reasonable. Also listen to your body when tired or

thirsty. It is recommended you drink 8-10 glasses of pure filtered or spring water from now on. On the last three pages

of your 30 page treatment you will find instructions and expectations of the procedure. Repeated sessions result in continuous rising of levels in hundreds to thousands even

millions. There is no standing still you either go forward in leaps and bonds or backwards. Your goal is for you to reach

the level of being karma free. Becoming karma free happens in about 3 to 6 sessions and beyond.

Explanation page by page

• Page One

We need your full legal name, full birth name, birth date, address you wish any mailings to go, address you reside, billing

address if different, email address, date of session. All information is kept in most secure and private way and Master

Eva only has access to that information. Our screened Staff members of our Spa’s and our S.I.R. therapist occasional need

the information.

Spiritual Race

This can be human, alien, good alien, Indigo, or crystal being. Many people have had their memory of origin erased. Evil aliens comprise up to 67 different breeds, while good aliens

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only 4 breeds and Indigo which are humans with special wiring and ability. The crystal being is an advance light being with

open mind and gifts of all kinds.

Universal Lives

The universal lives can be alien, human, plant, animal, angel or another being since the creation of your spirit.

Earthly Lives

These are lives on earth since the beginning of the creation of the earth. It could have been animal, plant human or alien


Bodies Healed

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The percent of emotions healed before one can start to get percent. We recorded the before number and then the after

number. Then we test your percent physically healed, mentally and spiritually. What influences the percent are karmic

programs, illnesses, emotional baggage, and energy repair needed.

Energies needed to be Released

Entities and Discarnate

These are spirits that did not make it to the 8 th realm for the dead or back to heaven. They get stuck or stay willingly in

your aura or enter your crown chakra and inhabit your body. These beings create a burden and the situation is very

dangerous at time.

Extra Souls

These are dead soul spirits that are in your aura and they come from your past life. These beings needed too conclude things

with you and you with them. So each incarnated life time their

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would come back and hang on. In turn they too are a burden but not as dangerous as entities.

Walk-ins and Transfer Students

Walk-ins are spirits from either live or dead souls who inhabit your body due to damaged aura. These beings are very

dangerous and use you and wish harm. Most are demons, satanic forces and evil aliens. The transfer student is a being with an agreement with either good or bad beings to learn from each other and is a burden and distraction from your

soul’s mission. The contracts and agreements and beings need to be returned to the right and proper place under God

Yahweh’s direction.

Energy and Devices that harm us

Evil spells, hexes, curses and vexes are just that; evil attachments that cause harm. A being in the invisible and on the earth can cast spells that bind to others. Fat spells, death

spells, ill health spells and hundreds of others exist to be used. We clear the spell and reverse the harm in minutes.

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Page Two

Micro-chips and alien implants

These are devices that are attached inside our bodies. The brain, ears, eyes and sex organs are the most common sites but

may be anywhere. The chips are very small and some are naked to the eyes. Over 80% of all doctors, surgeons and X-ray

techs are alien so that is one reason it is easy to hide the fact from patients.

But since 2005 few if any new ones are implanted anymore. But we at The Energy Centre test each client for old ones. We can

with angels deactivate and remove all devices and have done so on hundreds of clients in the last four years.

Silicon nets and Etheric cords

These cords and nets are attached to our body and energy to keep us captive to aliens and we remove these devices in an

instant. Plus crystals on the crown chakra have been planted to prevent client from accessing the heavens and God. We test

and remove those crystals as well.

Aura Cleansing

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We clear mucus, leaks, spots, tears, irritations, negative thoughts and emotions, illnesses, imprints, implants, viruses,

bacteria, soul/spirit fragments to mention only a few. The aura has four layers of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers. Your aura can go into the ground by hundreds of feet and receive micro-organisms underground from water and

ground sources. We test and clear all. You will feel very light after a session.

Environmental Interferences

Geo-pathic energies are underground and can affect our health under your home into your body. The only solution was to move. We test if you are being bothered and then clear all

affects from it for good never to be bothered again.

Portal holes are invisible from other dimensions. They can be over our bed, in our car, anywhere in the home. We test for

how many and close all of them. Portals holes allow aliens and dead good or bad spirits to enter.

ELF interferences are low energy frequency from high technology appliances and equipment. Also the HAARP

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project by the government can and does send ELF waves to areas and people of their choosing. We can clear that and sell

decals that are programmed to filter radiation and have magnets to reverse the waves from the body.

Heart beat of the earth affects everyone health of mind and body plus emotions. The heart beat should be 7.8 to be ideal.

But readings in the 40’s and 50’s have been in 2006.

Also Feng Shui of your home and office will influence your personal energy and success. We state in general what

direction is best suited for you.

Data of Family Members

We list all pets, kids, mates, and friends you live under the same roof with and we clear the aura energy of all. This helps you stay clearer longer. We recommend a healing in the future

for your families since the higher self of all people give me permission to heal them. When you take the course you will be

able to heal your friends and family.

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Page Three

Spiritual Realm

We measure the level your spirit travels to. This measure begins in the 4TH realm to over the 150TH realm. Then we

measure the dimensions your spirit exist in while traveling in heaven also where it learns, grows, works and guides the soul

here on earth. The common dimension most people are in is the 3rd to 6TH dimension. After a few sessions the highest you will go

is the 890TH dimension which is the outer rim of Yahweh’s universe.

Soul Level and Advancement

Soul consciousness levels tell me what ability your soul has to understand and use its gifts for healing and enlightenment.

There are countless levels on the earthly plains and heavenly ones too.

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For advancement and having a close relationship with God we fill clients with light and unlimited potential. Then thereafter we can fill with Holy Spirit which dedicates our life to God to

use the fruitage of the spirit spoken of in the Bible book Galatians 5 : 22, 23.

Angelic status

Angelic status is when our spirit learns and graduates up to different angelic levels of responsibility. You can either be assisting, patron and guardian angel to Planetary or Arch

angel to seraph or cherub. The time is quick to learn and you change status rapidly and down here on earth your interest

will change and reflect what you doing in heaven.The percent of your body turning to angel changes according

here on earth until after several sessions it could be 100%. That means you are still visible and physically up to the 7TH

dimension while your spirit goes to the 9TH up to the 57TH

dimension. When my clients reach beings creating other planets it goes from 110TH to 140TH dimension. The other dimensions are there for our spirit to learn even more.


This is basically your mental intelligence, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence all added up together.

Most people start at around 250-550 total score for ones IQ EQ SQ. The IQ can go from 110 to over 280 with S.I.R. sessions.

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The total IQ EQ SQ can go from 500 to millions. The emotional and spiritual realms raise much higher and a lot

faster then the IQ. You will notice a difference; things will bore you easier, answers come instantly, creating easier, focus and

follow through, success, and one very quickly learns everything. It is just amazing the benefits from S.I.R.

Spiritual Association and Family

We all have angels, spirit guides and Masters. But many have only a few and because of karma will not be helped in time of

need. That is why some people escape harm and are saved while others are not. Because your aura one day after S.I.R.

session will be endless the amount of angels serving you increases. You could go from having 4 angels to millions of

them for protections, insights, and to help you heal others. We measure the before and after amounts of all angels, spirit

guides and Masters. You also have a higher self while most people have one or a few members in the committee. After a

few sessions you may get millions of them. Occasionally we test them to replace any sinning members. Because of their higher

levels and large committee sinning occurs on occasion but never often. God gladly replaces them.

Other Recommendations

With psychic protection we determine if you do need it and what is needed. It could be pray, meditation, incense or more

heavenly hosts. We determine from dozens of different

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meditation which is best for you. We test and see if color therapy is needed. The colors we list for you can be worn as

clothing decorate with them or eat foods with that color. You could meditate with that color candle as well. Nutrition is

tested as to what nutrition and how much. It could be vitamins, minerals or glandular.

Page Four

DNA, Gene and Body Water

DNA is tested to see how many strands are activated before each session and then afterwards. The average person at birth is 4 -9 DNA strands activated. When DNA activation occurs and makes a copy of itself it unzips to expose its nucleotide bases. Through the mechanism of obligatory base-pairing,

coordinating by the enzyme DNA polymerase, the new DNA nucleotides bind to the exposed bases. This forms a new “Other half” to each other half of the original molecule. DNA consist

of two polynucleotide strands, a sugar called deoxyribose and a base pair of Adenine-thymine and Guanine-cytosine. DNA is activated in the millions along with genes in the millions. We activate all junk strands and then at a certain level we reach eternal life. Heat is required to activate at this degree so the body may feel hot for hours or even days only for the first

session. In turn the energy and heat makes one very thirsty. We recommend one drinks 8-10 glasses of pure water during and after the session from now on. All light bodies need more

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water and less dense matter. The average person is 70% water in the body so we measure the before and after level.

Amino Acids

Amino Acids are building blocks of polypeptides as protein.

Proteins in cells

Proteins in hair, skin, tendons and nails consist of albumins that combine with fatty acids to transport them in form of

lipoprotein. Massager Insulin communicates with all cells while antibodies and immune globulins defend the body against harmful agents. Hair lose, nail breaking and skin immune

breakdown to outbreaks are due to low protein in cells levels.

LipidsBad and Good Cholesterol

Are stored fats and can be broken down for energy. Some serve for insulation and others for protection. Lipids are a

combo of phospholipids and cholesterol. HDL is high density

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lipoproteins with high protein in other words good cholesterol. LDL is bad cholesterol.

Cell Salts

Tissue salts or cell salts are 12 basic mineral salts that feed your cells and keep you healthy. Below is a description of all 12

cell salts and the condition it corrects.

1. Calcium Fluoride helps calcium bind to teeth. Helps give strength to veins and muscles.

2. Calcium Phosphate helps growing pains during puberty also with bone growth and teeth.

3. Calcium Sulphate helps the liver to remove waste products and benefits with dairy allergies.

4. Ferrum Phosphate is for good healthy blood. Also aids inflammation, congestion, fevers and strains.

5. Kali Mur aids sluggish and chronic conditions. Helps with colds, cough, discharge fever and allergies.

6. Magnesium Phosphate affects muscle and nerve endings. Good for muscle cramps, leg spasm and menstrual pain.

7. Natrum Phosphate helps the digestive system. Take right before eating to improve digestion.

8. Natrum Sulphate is for strengthening the pancreatic functioning.

9. Silicea if for the hair and skin.10. Kali Phosphate is for anxiety, fatigue, irritability and

poor memory.11. Kali Sulphate corrects the function of oils in the

body. Helps intestional disorders, dry skin and inflammation. Mental worry and lack of judgment is due

to a lack of this cell salt.12. Nat Mur helps with enema, headaches and sensitive

skin due to heat and sun.

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Page Five


Chi is prana, breath of life or life energy force. It is not your spirit or the Holy Spirit. With S.I.R. we can increase a low level

of Chi instantly.

Yin Energy

The female energy which is intuitive, receptive and the nurturing side of us.

Yang Energy

The male energy yang it is the masculine, strong and forceful side of us.

ChakrasThe Basic Seven

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1. Crown 7TH opens to the heavens and is the highest vibrational energy at an average of 450 Hertz. It connects us to truth and light. It influences our spiritual gland the

Pineal and the upper brain area.2. Third Eye 6TH opens between the two eyes and aids us in

psychic and intuitive abilities. It influences the pituitary which is the master gland for all other gland hormone

function. The lower brain, nose and nervous system are also affected by this chakra.

3. Throat 5TH opens there so we can speak truth, express, communicate and create. It influences the thyroid, throat,

lungs and vocal cords.4. Heart 4TH the ability to love yourself and others and it is

connected to the heart, blood, thymus and circulatory system.

5. Solar Plexus 3RD creates the ability for personal power and self-esteem and self-worth. The organs that it

influences are the pancreas, stomach, liver, gallbladder and the digestive system.

6. Sacral 2ND creates desire for sex, control and power. It is associated with the reproductive organs and here we

process fear.7. Root 1ST is where we ground ourselves and empower

ourselves. The adrenals, kidneys and spinal column is influenced here.

Page Six


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Meridians are energy pathways were qi or Chi travels to various organs to maintain health. Acupuncture is a common

way to open the blocked ones. But S.I.R. instantly handles that task. The twelve major ones half are Yin meridians that travel

upward and Yang ones that travel downward.

Page Seven

Brain Waves

Healing with S.I.R. influences your brain waves to enter a balanced Alpha mode of reflecting and a meditative state.

• Beta is 14-40 for alert and working• Alpha is 7-13 for relaxing and reflective

• Theta 5-8 is for ideas to flow or drowsy states• Delta 1-5 is for deep dreamless sleep

Brain Definition and Functions

Sagittal Brain Map

Fornix – connects hypothalamus to the cerebrum

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Pariental lobe – part of four sections of the cerebrumPineal Gland – imputes from the eyes information to tell other

organs how to respond.Aqueduct – passage for cerebrospinal fluid

Cerebellum – controls movement4 th Ventricle – provides spinal cord with cerebrospinal fluid

Spinal cord – primary for all nerve functionOptic chiasm –near pituitary/hypothalamus where optic nerve


Coronal Sections

Putamen –part circuitry of the basal gangliaCallosal sulcus – at the base of the longitudinal fissure

Frontal Gyrus – by the frontal lobe of CortexCaudate Nucleus

Corona Radiata – collection of nerve fibers within the corpus callosum

Claustrum – mostly visual sensory connectionsLongitudinal Fissure – separate left and right hemispheres

Neuron Map

Nucleus – control center of cellCell body – carries nerve impulses from….

Oentrities ?Axon – carries nerve impulses to…..

Myelin Sheath – coat of white fatty tissueAxon terminals – allows impulses pass through a synaptic

connection into another neuron


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Anxiety is when extreme chronic fear controls you and your reactions. Anxiety and depression is the most common

emotional disorder in U.S. today.


Depression occurs when anger is not expressed and stuffed and then turned against you.


ADD or ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Some symptoms include being distracted, unfocused, not following through, disorganized and having trouble keeping your attention on



Defined as mental, psychiatric disorders or emotional maladjustments involving the nervous system or personality

disturbances but not organic in nature.

Total Brain Usage

The average person uses 3 to 5% of the brain during the wakeful state. Using S.I.R. create a connection on all levels of

consciousness in a wakeful state in turn using 100% of the brain. This increases ones intelligence, response time,

understanding and balanced mental function.

Brain Mass Missing

Due to surgery, injury or even alien experiments or karma ones brain could be missing mass or sections. I have found in a

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few clients that from 5% to over 20% of the brain mass missing and the client being totally unaware of that. The angels

within 1-6 days grow it back and I continue to use cranial sacral to adjust to a need of increased space. Many in mental wards have decreased mass and lack of connections and could

benefit from S.I.R. in a big way.

Page Eight

The Endocrine Glands

• The pancreas secretes a hormone to control glucose by the body.

• The adrenals are your stress glands for fight or flight. Also they aid in metabolism and blood chemicals.

• The pituitary is the master gland that influences all other glands.

• The pineal your spiritual gland is involved in biological cycles.

• The thyroid stimulates metabolism and influences heat and the bones.

• The gonads are your female and male sex glands and influence the sex organs.

• The thymus is for immune function and decreases in size and strength as one ages.

Digestive and other organ systems

• The small intestine is 20 feet long and is where most digestion occurs. Food is absorbed there. Glutton allergies

affect this area the most by striping it of most of the lining.

• Large intestines are 5 feet long with six separate parts for the absorption of water and excretion of solid waste.

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Bowel pockets can be very common. That is when the lining gets small and large causing pockets along the way. The waste gets impacted for many years causing a toxic

condition of the blood.• Liver is the largest organ at over 3 lbs. The liver lies on

the right side beneath the diaphragm. The liver breaks down fats, sugars, makes amino acids and stores vitamins

and minerals. The liver produces 80% of your good cholesterol.

• Gallbladder is connected to the liver by a hepatic duct. The gallbladder measures 3 by 1 inch in diameter. It stores bile which emulsifies fats and neutralizes acids. Disorders could be gallstones or inflammation of the

organ.• Digestive enzymes help to digest fats, sugars, proteins,

dairy and carbohydrates. The names of them are Amylase, protease, lipase, invertase, malt diastase and

lactose.• Lungs – your two lungs are separated by mediastinum.

This is where respiration of an exchange of gas and carbon dioxide occurs.

• Heart is a pear shaped organ about the size of a fist. This organ beats 100,000 times a day with 2000 gallons of

blood each day. Blood pressure is the pressure on your veins and arteries that occurs with each beat. Your heart pumps 5 quarts of blood every 60 seconds. Disorders that

are common are heart attacks and strokes.• Red blood cells carry oxygen to the cells and organs.

• White blood cells carry cells to fight infections.• T-cells are produced by the thymus. These killer cells are

armed to kill cancer and virus cells.• Spleen is involved with the immune and circulation. It

removes damaged and dangerous cells from the body.

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• Lymph nodes are for fighting infections and transporting fats from the small intestines. Lymph contains plasma

and white blood cells.• Tendons are fibrous cords that connect muscle to bone.

• Joints are a place where two bones meet. There are three types of joints; immovable, slightly movable and freely

movable.• Skin is used for protection, excretion and vitamin D

production plus insulation. Two layers one is the epidermis and the dermis (nerves, hair and oil glands)

• Hair each strand consist of layers of dead keratinized cells.

• Nails are plates that are derived from the epidermis that contain keratin to make them hard. Nails grow out from

the matrix.• Sweat glands have two types one is Apocrine which is

where we get our unique body sexual scent mostly in the groin and armpits. Eccrine in the armpits, hands and

forehead. Sweat is mostly 99% water and 1% minerals plus waste.

• Kidneys are where we remove waste and urea is produced by the liver.

• Ureters from the kidney tubes that enter the bladder.• Bladder is a muscular organ that holds urine and expels

it.• Urethra contracts and expands at the end of the bladder.

Personality, Attitudes and Feelings

• Frustration is anger and irritation in life not meeting your expectations.

• Cowardice is the ability to handle fear induced situations.

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• Independency is balance of depending on us for everything.

• Giving is how generous you are.• Honesty is how upfront and how truthful you are.

• Trustworthy is the ability to follow through on promises made.

• Loyal is the strength to stick it out with a person or project.

• Pride is admiring and holding in high esteem.• Spiritual pride is concerning spiritual matters

• False pride is a false fence of esteem that is extreme and non deserving.

• Self-righteousness which is when we are righteous in our own eyes according to our own standards without being

humble.• Courageous is courage and guts in face of all events and

danger.• Dependable is how much a person can depend or count on

you.• Eager is how excited you are about life and do things in

the same manner.• Happy is joy in the heart.

• Unconditional love is what Jesus taught love without condition or return.

• Fear to be afraid. To hold back and not go forward. Panic is extreme fear.

• Resentment is anger held in and over time is dwelled on.• Anger is hate in action or non action.

• Appreciation is gratitude in action.• Gratitude is thankfulness.

• Praise holding someone in high esteem and voicing your fine words concerning them.

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• Hate is a strong dislike coupled with judgment and anger.• Grief and sorrow is stored emotions that are trying to cope

with loss.• Sadness is the opposite of happiness.

• Emotional hurt and pain is in the past someone harmed you emotionally hurt your feelings and did you wrong.

Which feelings of hurt you store deep inside of you.• Ego is a false front of protection mixed with pride and self

importance.• False pride is similar to ego to protect and seem better to

others.• Distrust is being unable to trust.

• Shame is your should in your life made to make you fell bad.

• Threat is supposed harm or actual harm coming your way.

• Should is a shaming action that is self-defeating.• Heartache/betrayal is to disappoint and emotionally harm

someone usually in love relationships.

Karmic programsPages 16-18

We clear as much karma as the body can stand. Each session will clear from 30-600 programs and your cells elevate in the

hundreds and thousands with levels and activations. Some programs can be cleared without research in the hundreds and

some need to be researched. All programs can be read but most be forgotten so there are not reactivated in the conscious


There is a variety of different karmic programs and some are; money, love, health, relationship issues, personality faults, God

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blocks and themes, challenges, qualities, archetypes, motivations, blocks, and interferences.

Page 19

Who you are?

What species or race are you?

• DNA strands that need repair

• Genes

Sometimes we need to replace the defective genes with healthy ones. These genes are programmed to be defective and can cause current or past life genetic diseases. Thousands of genes

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that are defective can cause mental retardation, crippling disorders and deformities.

• Birth age is when you were born.• Biological age is the body’s actual age. This includes

organs, skin, fertility and attitude.• Feet aura is in the ground – with a S.I.R. session your

aura and chakras go up to 5-700 feet into the ground. This aura and chakra filters need cleansing as they pass by dirt and water ways under ground.

• Kundalini energy is a serpent like coiled spinal energy that awakens when spiritual practices whether mediation or yoga etc. is done. This energy enhances enlightenment and empowerment if it is released at the right time.

Emotional Brain

• Thalamus is an area of the brain that helps process information from the senses and transmits it to other

parts of the brain. Serves as a relay station to the cerebral cortex and function in arousal and sensory


• Hypothalamus regulates appetite and body temperature. Influences parts of the brain that controls

the release of hormones from the pituitary.

• Hippocampus is for learning and memory. It stores memory and recalls things when needed. It is buried

deep inside the forebrain which regulates emotions and personality.

• Amyadala is for memory and controls fear and anxiety.

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• Putamen controls motor skills and is nucleus of the basal ganglia.

The left hemisphere of the brain is for speech, math and language and is the dominant brain the also analyzes details. It controls the right side of the body.

The right hemisphere of the brain is concerned with visual, music, shape, and colors. It controls the left side of the body.

Verbal areas of the brain

• Motor cortex influences motor movements.

• Broca’s area is for speech production and is on the right side of the frontal brain.

• Wernicke’s area is for auditory word center ability.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter or chemical that functions as an inhibitor. It has been associated with schizophrenia and pathological gambling. It regulates emotions, motivation, feeling and pleasure plus movement.

How do you deal with stress?

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The Phlegmatic type individual is calm, unemotional, slow, relaxed, withdrawn and sensitive.

The Melancholic type is quiet, gloomy, sad, restless and filled with despondency.

The Choleric type is optimistic, youthful, excitable, impulsive, nervous, angry and bad temper.

The Sanguine type is cheerful, optimistic, confident, carefree and lovely.

DsoshaThe Ayuvedic Types

Vatta is thin light with Air-Ether elements and dry, light and bitter.

Pitta is medium build with Fir-Earth elements and hot, spicy and light.

Kapha Earth-Water element and the moon, fluids and taste. Large and powerful build individual with oil, heavy and sweet.

What elements are you?

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Wood types are generous, self-confident, compassionate and elegant.

Fire types are warm, brilliant, decisive, lucid and innovative.

Water types are receptive, flowing, communicative, passive, calm, restrained, wise and aspiring.

Metal types are hard firm, clear, pure, active, and outward going.

Earth types are responsible, practical, honest, slow, self-disciplined, hard-working, nurturing, solid, stable, balanced

and peaceful.

Page 20Numerology

Numerology is using numbers to interpret a person’s character or to divine the future. It is based on Pythagoras that all things

are expressed in numerical terms.


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It is a nine sided diagram of all life claimed to have been used over 4000 years ago in the Middle East. We carry all the types.

As we become unbalanced or stuck with a few then we can become unbalanced or unhealthy and perhaps even neurotic.

Filled with Holy Spirit

After the client reaches perfection in body, mind, spirit and with the emotions then sometimes God permits that person to

be filled with Holy Spirit. It is like a spiritual dedication to God because it is his personal Spirit that he enters the person after clearing all blocks. It makes one more responsible to God to

practice the fruitages of God’s Holy Spirit mentioned at Galatians 5: 22, 23.

Filled with Light

This event of being filled with light comes up after a person reaches a certain soul consciousness level and needs to be filled with unlimited potential and growth. The light can make some

people feel very light headed so we do grounding along with being filled with light. This as with everything is done long


The Death and Aging Gene Turned Off

After reaching perfection God will in most cases grant a turning off of the aging and death gene. The only way it is

turned back on if a client has more karma that arises or ones health on any level of the mind, emotions, body or spirit occurs

and is not healed.

Gateways and Markers

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These are pathways to cross over that sometimes get stuck and need to be applied or cleared. It is associated with the Star of

David transformation tool included with our course.The numbers and pathways correspond with organ systems

that may be involved if stuck.

Unconditional Love

This love called Agape love is a perfect spiritual love that gives without the greed and selfish need to be rewarded. It gives and

gives and hopes to help the other with sacrifice. It is a perfected love mankind did not know till Jesus came to earth and demonstrated it. One way Jesus did this was to wash the feet of the Apostle’s. Unconditional love shows the humble

position of a teacher to his student or follower.

Page 21

What Body Type are you?

Endomorph – easy going and amiable, love of food, comfortable, relaxed, slow to anger and a need for affection.

Mesomorph – is a open, powerful, guileless power, dominance, bold and competitive person.

Ectomorph – is a lean, hungry-looking, self-conscious, private, introverted, inhibited, artistic, mental intense and emotionally

restrained person.

How do you learn?

Linguistic type – has good spelling and good with puzzles, rhymes and poems.

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Logical math type – good with abstract, logic and numbers.

Spatial type – good with vision, images and design.

Musical – music taste, has large CD collection, sensitive to sounds, birds and running waters.

Body-Kinesthetic – body sensations, dancer, skier, pottery and woodworking.

Interpersonal – relating to others, peers and a team worker

Intrapersonal – loner, own independence and personal experiences.

What Religion Type are you?

Traditional – Christianity- Ascetion, Orthdoxy and mystic with over 1,400,000,000 members

Hindu – Mystic devotie, meditation with 750,000,000 members

Islam – Mystic, devotion, pray with 1,200,000,000 members

Judaism – Orthodox, pray, Kabbalistic, meditation with 12,800,000 members

Sikhism – one God pray and service with 17,000,000 members

Buddhism – Teachings of Gautama rebirth. Tibetan sects and meditation with 450,000,000 members

Tai – Deity sects and original Tao for harmony and balance. With 35,000,000 members

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Shinto – Japanese ceremony worship mediation, Zen, Shinto and Buddhism with 40,000,000 members

What Worshipping Type am I?

Yogi – is sensing, feeling and thinking. (Body type) Restraint of the thought waves of the mind

Ascertic – is teachings of Budda. (Body type) Indian Vedas and Yoga

Dervish – Rumi a good example involves imagination a Sufi mystic in Islam (Body type)

Devotee – is Hindu mystic and Moslems (Feeling type)

Prayerful - is western religions (feeling type)

Lover – is from India Baul mystics no temple, no scriptures just song and poetry. Temple is the body. (feeling type)

Philosopher Sage – like Socrates, Greece and logic. (Thinking type)

Reality – Zen Masters with principals (Thinking type)

Split or Whole – Harmony with reality (Thinking type)

Are you Grail type?

This type is a balanced vessel serving God with mind, body and heart. Your body is the temple and your essence is God’s

attributes and your spirit is the core of life.

Are you an extrovert?

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A person who is socially directed outward and is people oriented.

Are you introverted?

An introverted person prefers to be alone. It is someone that keeps things to them.

Business Types

Maker –

Survivor –

Team Player –

Player of games –

What Type are you at Work?

Director –

Counselor –

Reviewer -

Dominator –

Karma ClearingKnow the past

Know you’re potential

Perfection is reached when the center circle of the Cabbala tree of life is conquered. That is the circle 6 right before the circle 7

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which is the crown going to the heavens. Devil/knowledge is the 6 circle and 7 symbolize perfection and completion in the Bible. Remove the dark and access God. Rid yourself of dark karma

and blocks and reach perfection.

The average client has 600 to 20,000 karmic programs from many universal lives. Categories include karma with God,

government, relationships, angels, money, health, and aliens to name just a few. Once karma-free in an average of 3-6 sessions

you them become all knowing and perfect.

Dark blocks/attachments and power/manipulation plus money blocks can be found in people with lots of old evil alien karma.

Octaves of learning

Here is the human realm of slow learningAwareness


WillingnessSet Goals

Do the workWe do the above in the midst of loads of karma and


Octaves of learning

Here is the spirit realm of LearningKnowledge



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Then the spirit reenters the human body and instantly educates us

Then we continue karma free, perfect and forever young in perfect health and life everlasting if we go back and apply

some things in the human realm of learning:

To remain elevated we must fill our minds with instructions in our hearts with proper desires and practices of good

principals. We must treat our new bodies as a perfected temple to bring glory to God. The way we do this is by going on the

perfected diet, becoming environmentally conscious and active.

Practices to remain Perfect

1. Read my web site at www.enlightenmentpathsir at least twice a week

2. Read the Bible or other books recommended on my site

3. Pray to Yahweh through his son Jesus daily 2-5 times, if you can.

4. Eat right, sleep and exercise to honor the body.5. Learn S.I.R. and heal others

6. Learn to reach out and help others7. Get involved with saving the earth and it’s resources

8. Practice unconditional love and faith daily9. Visit our spa at least once or twice a year to keep body

perfect10. Remain ego free, karma free and attachment free11. Heal your energy and emotions daily or weekly

To Increase in Gratitude

Record in a journal daily five things you are grateful for and why. Then in a very short time wonderful things will start to

happen without effort.

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To have Instant Manifestation

Remain perfect, check yourself daily and pray to God Yahweh through Jesus.

To Balance and achieve you’re Goals

Record positive affirmations in writing or record in your own voice on CD/tape positive sentences of change.

Start each sentence with I DO, I AM, I CAN , I WILL then say that one statement and sentence 7 times over twice a day for 72

hours (4 days). Results will be amazing.

Concluding Section of Physical Healing Recommendations of current Ailments affecting the Client

We here at The Energy Centre recommend various natural healing coming from four sources; food therapy, supplements,

herbal and body work.

“We are ONE with the Universe, once we acknowledge and accept this, and then we can start reaching human perfection

and heavenly potential”.By Master Eva


The Energy Centre by Master Eva has exclusive rights to use the name, “Soul Integration and Re-Creation” and full rights

and use of the healing form to be used with the Soul Integration and Re-Creation healing.


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All medical conditions and results should be followed by traditional medical tests and the client’s free choice of healing methods. The previous reference is to be used for educational

information. It is not a claim for mitigation of disease, but rather an adjunctive approach, supplying individual health needs that otherwise might be lacking in today’s lifestyle.

The Future of S.I.R

Career opportunities are increasing as the work load increases. S.I.R. healing by our students only can do 1-3 sessions a day. Because of our large workshops planned in 2007 and 2008 we will have many clients who are referred out to our students

who graduated, received diplomas and have remained active as healers. A refresher course would be needed to work for us.

You can contact us for further information on that.

The future of medical schools and hospitals will change very suddenly. Alterative methods coupled with high technology

along with S.I.R. will be realized.

Soul Integration and Re-Creation Spas will be on 3-4 continents starting in 2007. We will offer physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing and transformation. Stone massage with aromatherapy, herbal, S.I.R. sessions, water

therapies, acupuncture, yoga and organic spa cuisine the spa will offer. Classes to learn S.I.R. will be offered to weeklong


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Our own brand new radio show will be offered spring 2007. We will interview clients and professionals concerning science,

spirituality and environmental issues.

We have in January 2007 created a newsletter and mailing program of announcements to keep all our 4 million readers up

to date.

Join our staff for it is a privilege to work for the Kingdom of God, Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s way of bringing mankind

back to perfection.

God Bless and Love and Light may fill your souls!Master Eva

The Energy CentreDirector Master Eva and Jesus

Po Box 607 Ellington CT 06029

USARead: Email:

[email protected]

Call:1-860-871-6585 worldwide

1-860-906-7774 USA

Order a session right Now!

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Terms and Meaningsof "Soul Integration and Re-Creation"

Siamese souls

Siamese souls are nine attached souls, a series of them that need to be cleared.

Extra Souls

Beings in your aura without the rightful conclusions in the past lives that hang on and incarnated each time you do and wants to clear the karmic ties and

issues.Since after one SIR session we graduate clients up angelic status with their

spirit here are some of those levels:

Soul Families

These are people and souls we no longer need to be attached to now and need to be cleared. Such as a family with both alien and human beings interbreed

and married with families that once cleared of karmic ties needs the family soul cleared too. No need to incarnate again with them!

Multiple Souls

Souls of a addicted nature toward you and it can go both ways this type is a very strong tie that also can be cleared.

Field of Beliefs called "Morphogenetic Resonance"

Pre-programming of strong beliefs handed down many life times that can either be instantly cleared or may need karmic research to be cleared. Some beliefs

need to be worked out in the future. You could have hundreds or many hundreds of thousands of beliefs that need clearing.

Shields in the Aura

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Shields in the aura come in four types and strengths and are put in place without request by Yahweh himself.


Faith is the assured expectation jet not beheld.


False Evidence Appearing Real


That which makes sense beyond any doubt comes from a higher source and works for you.

Assisting angels:

• Anael concerned with marriage• Itqal concerned with Harmony• Jelial concerned with passion

• Tezalel concerned with Fidelity• Theliel concerned with attracting a lover

• Habbiel concerned with commitment• Tahariel concerned with Chastity

Angels of Birth and Death:

• Armisael concerned with Childbirth• Lailah concerned with conception

• Samandiriel concerned with Fertility• Yehudiah concerned with bereavement

• Sandalphon concerned with Child's gender

Angels of Grace:

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• Haamiah - spiritual knowledge• Sagnessagiel - wisdom

• Achaiah - patience• Seraphiel - peace

• Terathel - freedom• Vasiariah - justice

• Rahmiel - compassion

Angels of Mercy:

• Zamiel - hurricanes• Lahabiel - protection against evil

• Riddia - drought• Suiel - earthquakes

• Asda - famine

Angels of healing:

• Och - heart• Mahzian - eyesight

• Ariel - general healing• Sabrael - curing diseases

• Zachariel - memory

Angels of the World:

• Teoael - business ventures• Raphael - exams

• Rochel - finding lost objects• Camael - sports

• Habuhiah - Gardening

Patron Angels

Rochel, Risnuch, Raphael, Zadiel, Behemiel, Vasiariah, Rehael, Terathel, Tezaiel, Arinisael, Moriah, Oriphiel, Aftiel, Amitiel, Makitiel, Gargotal, Zaruch, Nahariel,

Radueriel, Cassiel, Shalgiel, Zafiel, Tahariel, Matariel,Laileh, Asda, Jeliel, Achaiah, Sachluph, Temeluch, Librasis, Lahabiel.

The Guardian Angels

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People have from one to several serving them.

Head of the Guardian Angels

The Planetary Angels

• Michael - ruler of the Sun• Gabriel - lord of the Moon

• Raphael - angel of Mercury• Hagiel - ruler of Venus• Camael - angel of Mars

• Zadkiel - ruler of Jupiter• Cassiel - regent of Saturn

• Asariel - Neptune• Azrael - Pluto• Uriel - Uranus

Angels of the Zodiac

Aries - CamaelTaurus - Hagiel

Gemini - RaphaelCancer - GabrielLeo - Michael

Virgo - RaphaelLibra - Hagiel

Scorpio - Azrael and CamaelSaggitarius - ZadkielCapricorn - Cassiel

Aquarius - Uriel and CassielPisces - Asariel and Zadkiel

The Archangels



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Hebrew name for Almighty God creator of earth and mankind including Elohim Nordics

Only God that can grant everlasting life in perfection


Yahweh's only begotten son his most favored offspring created when Yahweh had a wife before evil aliens destroyed her. Jesus is both son of God and son of

man ready now to exercise God's kingdom and Rulership over all the earth.


As many as 67 different breeds have visited the earth in history and some have lived here full time since 1940's.Now most or all have been put in the abyss, killed or kept at a distance awaiting Jesus and his Rulership. The dark energy

has lost its hold and power only from a distance some victims are still kept track off and influenced by old chips and implants from aliens. Many in power

still work under them aware or unaware of it's influence on them.

Holy Spirit

Is a council of many members that impart light energy internal or external with individuals on earth. After a SIR session most who reach perfection are filled

with Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:22, 23 - John 14: 26, - 2 Peter 1 : 21

Spirit Guides

Beings that guide and direct us in anything we need. We may have 1 or many of them the more we have the better. Just one SIR session increases many of



Karma is learning lessons carried over from the past lives that need to be experienced. Now that incarnation is no longer we need to have this karma



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You can vary in the amount of Masters you have and they are at the same level as spirit Guides but with different responsibility. Masters make things possible

and put things in motion. Masters can sin and make sure that all your are in righteous standing with Yahweh. Masters increase with SIR sessions too.

Higher Council

Decision making responsibility is what the higher council members do.

Higher self

Your higher self is a part of you yet separate to travel and retrieve data from the cosmic records in the 26 th dimension. Your higher self is someone you will get real close to after your first SIR session and has all answers past, present

and future about all beings.


Entities are a broad term used for spirits that attach to auras and get inside people by the crown chakra. Entities include ghosts, demons, satanic, dead souls, and alien spirits. Most are evil but the rest that are good are stuck and

need releasing back to the right and perfect place for them, and the higher self knows where that is. I have tested people having many attachments and these

people are totally unaware.

Extra Souls

These souls or spirits are in the aura of my clients 100% of the time and are spirits that were with them in past lives and things/issues/events were not

concluded and so jump on at each incarnation.

Soul mates

Soul families that work together and have things in common and are drawn to each other. These are meant to have a productive relationship either romantic or not. We can have more then one soul mate per life time and a Twin Flame is a part of another soul on the same petal so to speak and even more intimate and

vital to the whole. I am the soul mate of Jesus and his twin flame. Once chosen for such a high office there is no failing or turning back in god status.

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Subconscious clutter

Subconscious clutter is current life memory over load that affects our dreams. Uses a lot of memory bank in our subconscious and needs to be cleared. This

program when needed will come up with a SIR session.

Spirit Guides

From person to person the amount of Spirit Guides will vary. Spirit guides can be from one to seven million for each individual. Just count them with your higher self after a SIR session and bringing your soul consciousness up the

desired level.


Imprints are carried over karma that happens due to injury, disease and mishaps and leave an imprint on your emotional and mental body.

Extra Souls

Extra souls are past life connections that need to be resolved. After they are cleared from your aura they are free to go back to God to learn and get the next

assignment. You will feel lighter when they are released.

High Council

One High Council is assigned for all beings and consist of many members 4.4 million members strong.

Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, what is it? It is the breath of God and creates movement. The fruitage of the spirit at Galatians 5:22, 23 is needed by us to practice not to sin

against the Holy Spirit and bring honor to it. After a S.I.R. client reaches perfection in one or two sessions, we fill the person with Holy Spirit and it is a considered a commitment with God. The dove on Jesus head during baptizes is

the same Holy spirit we are talking about.

Higher Council and Council of Seven

Are groups of higher ascended Masters to serve as council members. They can

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at times be needed to clear karma instead of the higher self.

Heart Vows

Hear vows are strong emotional and spiritual vows made in the past and are carried over to this day. These all need to be released with S.I.R.

Cellular Memory

Cells are mini-computers which contain complete records in the past, present and future. Your DNA, RNA, and Genes need to be increased, activated and defective ones replaced and others repaired. We do this during each S.I.R.



A station of in-between lives in heaven just before incarnating again.

Black Hole

The Black Hole is where the decaying universe matter goes to be recycled and ends up through the White Hole at the other end. This hole is many light years

away and feeds on explosive energies. If a massive nuclear war on earth happened it would make the earth be swallowed up within the Black Hole.


There is NO DEATH! There is only transformation. Death has been used by religion to instill fear. Fear of the unknown is evil to God Yahweh and leads to

sin. Because it holds us back, judges, creates false front of ego and creates a wall of ignorance. There is a second death and God only executes that at a

certain time in the future. All other so called deaths and ends of life on earth are incarnated again or resurrected in the near future under God's Kingdom.

Master Eva’s Web Site Most read and respected web site with 4 million hits in 4 years from 47

countries around the globe.

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What are and “The Energy Centre?”

A web site and Institute for healing, learning deeper truths, enlightenment, transformation and increasing ones gifts.

We are a mixture of spiritual, science and environmental topics. We are the headquarters for communication with the creator Master Eva. This book will examine what offers that no other web site

or institute can.

We have over 36 buttons or departments and 24 video movies. Let us examine each one closely.

Home Page

The Energy Centreis

The Institute of enlightenment, spiritual transformation and perfected health.

What is this site all about?

• We offer the unique and very powerful S.I.R. Soul Integration and Re-Creation healing with 4 page and 30 page reports & treatment

• We offer in person or long distance training to become an advance S.I.R. therapist worldwide.

• We offer free Phone consultation with Master Eva.

• We offer a free web education site for enlightenment and truths that are normally withheld.

• We offer a referral free healing program, so refer three people that use it and I will heal you for free.

• We offer green global education and motivation

The Mission Statement

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• Our mission is to achieve rapid human perfection, mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

• Our mission is to impart insights, wisdom, and gifts to heal the hopeless with miracles.

• Our mission is to turn off the death and aging gene for everlasting life.

• Our mission is to rid people of negative attachments

• Our mission is to heal everyone of deep negative emotions and enhance the positive ones instantly

• Our mission is to raise the people's intelligence, brain use, dimensions, and consciousness

• Our mission is to bring people peace, unconditional love, higher learning, to heal themselves and the world.

Back in 1985 the book "Quantum Reality beyond the new physics by Nick Herbert he states:

Is Consciousness a Type of Quantum Knowledge?

On page 249-250 the book quotes; Albert Einstein states:

"A human being is part of the whole, called by us "Universe", a part limited by space and time. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as

something separated from the rest-a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our

personal desires......Our task is to free ourselves from this prison......"

"If only Einstein would have known about SIR it would have changed our world earlier and made the difference between total ignorance, selfishness

and destruction in the small 3rd dimension of each person. With karma clearing and using SIR we are bringing mankind to global awareness. The

answers come then through enlightenment by shedding the veil and accessing the Quantum space called zero point or the Akashic records in the

void that is filled with invisible knowledge!"By Master Eva November 2006

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Web department #2

Ask Eva

Picking the brain of Master Eva with over 111 questions

1. Is the book of Enoch true and supported by Jesus?2. Will Jesus second coming be in the flesh?3. Are Buddha’s human or alien spirits?4. What can you do for obese people?5. What different consciousness types are there?6. Why is Mary so high in heaven and is she involved in God’s Kingdom

on earth?7. Is healing more important then teachings?8. Do evil aliens ever come to you to be healed?9. Why are referred to as the healers for all healers?10. Is there a female God in heaven or on earth?11.Why do I get so thirsty after you heal me?12. What is the higher self?13.What beings can sin as free moral agents?14.What about the Holy Spirit?15.Where does wisdom come from, Eva?16.Why were chosen as special?17.Is there a book that supports spirituality and science as one?18. Tell me more about good aliens?19.Who can have the death and aging gene turned off?20.Why do you call yourself Master?21.What are some things that hinder us in darkness?22. Why do Christians use the fish symbol for Jesus?23.I do not believe in aliens are there any books that convince me

otherwise?24.Were Adam and Eva the only humans who originated on Planet earth?25.How many people are on earth?26.What was done with Jesus body when he left the tomb to ascend?27.Who were some of the people that Mary Magdalena and Sara

incarnated as while on earth?28. What is the largest faith on this earth?29.Is there one true faith or religion out there?30.Who were the Apostles?

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31.What is the difference between faith and belief?32.Now that I have had a healing by you and raised my levels way up

what is next for me?33.Can you help me with my lack of abundance?34.Here are beliefs in numbers globally?35.Why do people seek a faith or religion?36.What is our biggest threat of dark energy today?37.How does the S.I.R. report differ then the first one that came out in

2003?38.Today even thou you are not yet with Jesus, are you considered

married to him?39.Is Yahweh the creator of all known universes?40.When ones spirit is raised to the 800th dimension where is that in

relations to Gods throne in 30th dimension?41.What does EQ and SQ mean on your reports?42.Did Yahweh have other offspring other then his only begotten son,

Jesus?43.Are other universes or planets being created by God right now?44.Was earth in the 3rd, 4th, or the 5th dimension when Adam and Eve

were here?45.In numerology, worship of idols or images and seeking planet

movement for predictions wrong with Yahweh?46.Do you Eva; ever get contacted by other people’s dead relatives?47.What are the most universal incarnated lifetimes one can have?48.Can humans incarnate as aliens to learn?49.Are Nordic grays and Elohim Nordics related?50.If only one person has an alien parent, how does that affect ones

genes?51.Are the Nag Hanmadi scriptures an accurate account of Jesus

teachings?52.What is the most common brain problem in people?53.What are the major tests on our spiritual path that we can remove?54.Eva, you have a background in Iridology what is that?55.What healing methods have you tried for yourself before S.I.R.?56.How have you helped people exposed to Chemtrails?57.How do crystal children differ from Indigos?58.Whose face is on the Shroud of Turin and how did it get there?59.Why are you the most hatred and misunderstood individual as Mary


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60.There was an adept during Jesus day on earth is that true? Was this person mistaken for Jesus?

61.Did Yahweh create all aliens?62.What is the Rapture?63.What creates crop circles?64.Where did you find the 67 different breeds of aliens?65.How will Yahweh destroy evil aliens?66.What factors determine ones aura size?67.I do not want my aura very large, is there a reason I should?68.Out of all beings how many are God consciousness beings and Status?69.How can I trust a given healer?70.What is involved in brain restructuring?71.What is homotoxicology you do with S.I.R.?72.What is the transformation and enlightenment steps to healing?73.What qualities are needed for spiritual transformation?74.Is there a greater meaning to the 12 Apostles?75.What does angelic status mean on your reports?76.What are the 48 extra souls you cleared from my aura?77.What are walk-ins and transfer students?78.What do you mean my blood energy is rotating in the wrong

direction?79.Why would you clear spells if some are love spells or good ones?80.What are the Etheric cords and silicon net you clear?81.What is the bad Geo-pathic energy you cleared?82.What is meant by soul consciousness levels on the report?83.How much do we depend on light energy?84.So what blocks and interferences do we face today?85.What are the shining ones?86.Why does the Bible state that the Church is the harlot riding the beast?87.What are God Consciousness beings?88.What is our divine code?89.Do aliens have god’s that created them?90.Why do people act so numb and crazy, confused and busy?91.What happens when the death and aging gene is turned off?92.What is your most asked question?93.Is this mankind’s last incarnated lifetime to experience?94.What is the ascended Master level?95.What is true and false about the Gnostic teachings?96.What dimensions are our dreams?97.What does androgynous mean?

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98.Do dreams come from the higher self?99.Why do people have weight issues?

100.What is the correlation between the brain, mind and dimensional 101. How many types of brain waves are there?

Department # 3

Who is Eva?

The average person is third dimension, 3% of brain use, 31,000 genes in the genome, karma filled with thousands of programs and blocks, stuffed

damaged emotions, 4 -8 DNA strands activated and loads of toxins, attachments, and unbalanced damaged energy.

Eva's S.I.R. checkup

Human IndigoAncient soul

IQ was 122 after healing with S.I.R. 281 EQ emotional intelligence average human is 870 and now I am 17


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SQ spiritual intelligence average person is 30. I am 6 billionMy birth age is 52 in May 2007

Biological age of cells, attitude, skin and organs is 25Christ consciousness always rising now 81 million

Dimensions that my spirit goes up to 899thDNA strands activated 36 million

Genes activated 56 millionAura now endless

God consciousness and status since January 2006Uses 100% of her brain

Has 900,000 righteous Masters in her aura

Eva's Experience from 2002 to 2005In my own words:

Nothing was conscious just pure intention coupled with channeled information. Everything comes gradual when God thought that I could handle it. One of my soul mates that became my roommate almost 2

years ago created many experiences that have helped me help others in similar situations. Call it first hand experience that speaks louder and

clearer then volumes of books and classroom of instructions.

Even though evil aliens have been gone since July 2005, here is what lead up to it. My roommate Chris had hundreds of family past lives with evil aliens which at the time I did not realize. He was a human but had a

lot of unfinished business with them. He also was very popular with them, his genes and DNA was in demand. He was in a past life Jesus

younger sister. Also Chris was my soul mate too. So before I knew I was considered married in Jesus eyes as Mary Magdalene's spirit. Chris and I

dated and he moved in. Things went quite well until a new neighbor moved in. She was Irish and with red long hair something Chris really liked. She would hit on him the first time she walked past him in our

apartment complex. She seemed sweet but very curious about him and me. One day I needed to use her phone and knocked on the door after 5-10 minutes she finally opened it and this was about 2 months after she

moved in. I saw no furniture just small stuff on the rug she let me use her phone outside and did not let me look inside. She also worked at night

and slept during the day. After months of her trying to get Chris attention and not succeeding she started dating the young guy next to us on the opposite side. At this same time Chris and I would walk my pet in the

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corn field next door. Non-human foot tracks, weird ones were found and large landing round dirt impressions plus my pet was spooked by the

area. Then impressions like bodies being dragged to the big circle. I knew a lot about aliens and suspected it. We both heard footprints on our roof

about the same time at night. Also this young girl once a week like clockwork would drag a sedated guy pass our sliding glass door right past our bedroom around midnight. The shadow of her body outline showed alien impressions as she went by. With S.I.R. at the time I tested her as a hologram Reptilian that was assigned to get Chris to come back to them.

She in one night with five other female aliens ganged raped my roommate. His sex drive and body needed healing after that. Almost

daily implants and sometimes brain repair I had to do. I remember being on spaceships and seeing experiments on my clone in a large 6-8 foot

tube of water. Twice I was pregnant between 2-3 months then lost twins and a single child even though I had all signs and symptoms. The day of the doctor visit always showed nothing. I looked five months along with

twins ate for two and had movement. S.I.R. told me they were alien fetuses. I knew with research that aliens have fetus born at 3 1/2 months.

I was the righteous heir of Christ and my seed was in demand so to speak. After some time God and Jesus had a war in heaven and cleared all evil alien spirits from the earth and put some in the abyss. Now we

have loads of bodies minus any spirits roaming the earth. These energies chakras aura etc will last about 18 months to 5 years depending if any have walk-ins or transfer student spirits in them. Satan and his demons are also locked up. I went through a lot and have learned what I need to know. Since then many months ago Chris moved out and his spirit was kidnapped by aliens and his body too. He is an empty clone. There are 360 clones on earth today and some in take-charge positions. Sad it is,

that there has been since the beginning of time duality of light and dark. Since we are at the threshold of God's Kingdom with Jesus, dark is no

longer welcome. They are stored up in the abyss of darkness in the 900th dimension for the day needed to test mankind just one more time. Now is the time to restore mankind back to perfection and restore the earth while

we can.John 8: 32

”You will know the truth and it will set you free”....Quote from the Bible

Eva's Childhood Memories

I was born over a half a century ago in a beautiful town of Coral Gables,

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Florida. I was an only child of a professional PH.D Professor of Science at a local college. He was very smart and my mother always told friends I had his brains and her beauty. I have fond memories of a rich and classy life. My mother would often entertain Doctors and Professors from the University because of my Dad's business connections. My mother was German born and bred and knew little English. She always said crossword puzzles helped her learn English but did little for pronouncing the word correctly. Yet in time my Dad had her correct the homework and exams from students. Grandpa who I called "Opa" lived with us too; he was very well off because he never lived on his own and saved everything.

After my mother divorced my dad it was my mother's constant love and attention that brought me up to be a very stable and secure individual. At age four my mother was heads with me to New England and later to California to remarry. Just as I make friends we move again, yes I was a Navy child to my step dad, who by the way hated kids. By age 10 my mom had enough of my step Dad and we leave for a new life in Germany. This is the beginning of life educating me and not just a book. I went to German schools not knowing German and half the courses were in German and half were in English. I learn language on a fly no wonder my English is not strong to this day. I remember most of the time either being my mother's best friend or only having one child as a friend or being alone a lot. We lived in Holland for a time as well which was a lot of fun and adventure.

Eva's Adult Life Experience

I left the 35 years blank from age 15 to now. But to sum it up I was attracted to truth, wisdom and healing always in an unusual way. First I got degrees/certificates in Nutrition, bodybuilding, anatomy, herbal medicine, Iridology, Acupressure and every healing method you could think of. That was 24 years ago but now things have changed. At first during my teens and twenties I took course and degrees in healing modes. Then I got my Reiki I, II, III, and Master certificate in 1999. My IET therapy degree was achieved in 2002. Before my mothers death from Cancer she disowned me thinking Reiki is demonized and also blaming me for losing a court case to keep my 2 year old son from his criminal father. At that time my mother dies, my child dies too in his fathers care

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after the courts did not believe me that he was dangerous. I have a 2 set CD called "Pandora’s Box" that goes into my 4-5 year ordeal with this guy and his 11 crimes against me. All I ever knew this life time is love and how to lose it. My karma thank goodness is 100% cleared and my life is peaceful no longer with trauma, abuse, lost, failure, drama and pain. Someone needed to suffer to know how it is to heal others so now my heart is filled with compassion as I hear people’s ordeals and issues. But how did I get this way, enlightened, very gifted and very powerful?

I was living in Ellington CT all by myself just me and my cat Miko. I started an internet business to do Reiki and nutrition. The year was fall of 2002 then in December my web site was created at and slowly over two years I have been doing it full time. My apartment was open to small workshops. Now my readership is almost 4 million hits in 47 countries and 4 years later and after 1837 healings I have perfected this healing method of "Soul Integration and Re-Creation" that came very gradual and inspired from God himself.

One day about six years ago my friend Patrick paid for me to have a healing done about involving karma removal. After that healing I was a believer because for one thing just after 8 programs were cleared a bent rib was made straight that I had since birth. That made me a believer but I lost interest and had no thought about it again. Then one day I walk into a new age gift shop and pass by a book, a deep book about recreating the soul. At that time, spirit guides and angels were very active in my life and guided me everywhere and to people I needed to speak. I guess I was at the level as many new age healers are today. That was over 5 years ago. Since than I have been removing karma on myself many times over to get to the level with my spirit being of angelic status, then a being creating other planets finally to Saint level and since January 2006 God Consciousness and God Status. Only five beings since God has been creating has he made God Consciousness and one being is Jesus and RLEE a friend whose spirit was SARA which was the child I had with Jesus and another God Consciousness level of Mary Magdalene's spirit in me. Yes 2 1/2 years ago I found out I was Mary Magdalene which was secret to the world and now I know why. Her spirit is so hated by many people's spirit today because these spirit's in the past that kept the truth hidden now wish I was not here. God has revealed to me that karma clearing was for him and me to do only and we are the only ones to teach

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it. This process will bring people back to perfection as his second coming is upon us. Yes, others do some form of karma clearing and I test all healers to see what source and what level and if they are truly the good seeds/heirs of Christ. No one is more then 34 % righteous blood line other then I. One secret that no one knows today is that both a good heir line and evil heir line has developed from the blood line of Jesus heirs on earth. I stay away from the evil heirs who have powers to heal, to rule and impart control. Jesus was different he taught by example in a humble way the truth and we welcome him back this time with the balance of the female energy of MARY MAGDALENE in the kingdom of God here on earth. Now I am 121 million Christ consciousness level (as of January 29, 2007) which is equal to Jesus and speak directly to God and his son and have instant manifestation when healing. That is why my miracle healing is so very powerful and 100% successful.

Department #4Testimonials and letters form our clients

I treasure all communications with my dear clients and take a personal interest in the wellbeing of them all. Because of the personal nature and content all last names, all pictures, and all detailed locations are kept out. We honor the privacy and trusting relationship we have formed. Master Eva 2007

From M.K. in CT A woman in USA writes the following:

Dear Eva,

First of all, I would like to start with thanking Yahweh for directing me to you, your web site and also towards enlightenment. It has been a long journey but here I am and it feels so good that I can and be a better human being: so much to learn but what a delight.

Since I have spoken to you Eva, my life has changed completely for the better, even more so caused everything that I ever hoped for has become a reality.

So many things to list, but most important thing was for me to validate

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my hopes into faith, by that I mean, the most beautiful thing is to know that I am worthy and that somebody so pure, great, beautiful and with unconditional love someone feels that way toward me and is always there to guide me and protect me. I could of never imagined that it could have been possible but now I can, and it gives me so much comfort to know and feel that everything is real. So many things are now clear, and where before I would have fear to know them better it is, to know the truth, for it makes me content. I feel so much love for Yahweh that as I am writing this and every time I pray I can not stop crying, but these are tears of joy and love. What a gift I have been given too. I now believe how God Yahweh has always wanted for us human beings to be, with all the blessings and the ability to enlighten ourselves so we can be in bliss. Since I have taken the course I have learned so much and understand so much that my question is:

"Why has this been stolen from us humans by evil forces and other beings for so long?"

I believe it is because Yahweh made us such beautiful beings that when perfect we radiate our beautiful soul and spirit to the universe for everyone to see. I can not think of something more beautiful then that!Yahweh, thanks for giving me the opportunity to meet Mary Magdalene within Master Eva! What a great gift.

She is now my friend who I am honored in knowing her and so understands of me and situation, where she has been mentoring me and never judges me but instead is always there to help. I know I can be better and that is a joy.I can not wait for our beautiful enlightened life time ahead,Love your friend MK in CT

Dear Eva, What does Thank-you really mean?When it comes from the heart and deep insidethe nicest feelingsand the most special thoughtsThank-you means so muchIt means thank-you for taking the timeto show that you care

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It means "you really made my day"and sometimes it means that youreally make all the days so much betterIt means you make me feel so niceand I wish I coulddo the same for you...just letting you know how muchyou mean to me. Thank-you means you didnot have to..but I am so glad you did.Thank-you means that you've done something special that I will never forgetThank-you so much for taking the time to spend with me, teaching me one on one. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it and enjoyed myself with you. Love Jennifer D. USA 2006

the following is from Jennifer D. USA 2006Verbal recorded testimonial

S.I.R. has profoundly changed my life and my families for the better. A little background about myself. I have a degree in marketing and gave up a high paying job to stay home with the kids. Been married for ten years and have three children. Made a decision to go back to work part time this is where S.I.R. comes into the picture. My husband had been abusing me both emotionally and verbally for ten years. A light bulb went off in my head that I do not deserve to be treated this way and this was the beginning of my spiritual awakening. So returning home I realized just how bad my condition at home was and considered leaving my husband. He begged me not to leave and even consented to therapy to save this marriage. At this time I found and and read the web site and what Master Eva said and had a free S.I.R. checkup. She said I was human Indigo and one of the 144,000 chosen ones. She discussed my karma, health issues and emotional/mind state. I had no idea what any of this meant but my intuition told me to proceed with this so I emailed her. I was interested in a S.I.R. session after further reading her web site also decided to take the course. I firmly believe God lead me to this and what I need to be doing. I cannot tell you enough how much my life has changed. When I first gave Eva my payment information and started the process I was an anxious wreak. I was in so much pain and ready to divorce my husband I

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really gave up all hope. After I had S.I.R. done on myself and my kids and my husband in only 3 weeks I went from wanting a divorce and giving up on life to working things through and having renewed hope and positive results. I was able to give up my medication prescription for depression and ADD. My husband, I can see a BIG difference in him. There is a big difference in my kids, very much so my three year old (tears) he went from fussy and screaming 60% of the time to 100% happy and a joy after only one session. Eva explained also how my child's solar plexus was wide open and damaged concerning processing feelings. It has saved my life and my marriage. YOU CAN NOT ARGUE WITH RESULTS, PROOF AND THE FACTS. I've learned to keep an open mind and heart when reading and learning anything here and what their is to learn about S.I.R. I know this is where God wants me to be and can not express my joy enough for S.I.R. for Eva and everything S.I.R. has done for me and my family. I must add that immediately after my families first S.I.R. session we had an unexpected arrival of $2500 in the mail (cleared lots of money blocks and karma). When I first started my sessions I was not sure how I was going to afford it. But I knew it had to be done. We had a lot of karma blocks removed by Eva, almost instantly we had enough to pay for S.I.R. plus much more left over. I am so grateful that all blocks were cleared. S.I.R. does not only work on mental, emotional, physical and spiritual issues but money as well!

Angela wrote from the UK in February 2007

As a spiritual person I have always been open to different methods of healing, finding the Energy Centre seemed like the perfect answer to healing parts of me that I felt I didn't have access to. I have had three sessions now and I felt the benefits from it straight away. The detoxify effect was similar to the Kundalini energy rising with heat and flu type symptoms. The first thing I felt was the centre of my head had a expanding feeling which felt like pressure being released. It felt so good it was so healing and peaceful, then the following day I felt grounded and more focused which I never felt before. I sensed that the energy of my emotional and mental blocks were removed, and that connection to spirit much stronger. My heart chakra had opened and I felt my own sorrow and anger rising and being released but felt more powerful energy at the heart level afterwards. I continue to notice changes from S.I.R. "Soul Integration and Re-Creation", the greatest benefits of a session is the feeling of being released from the past life programs and energies that

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had been carried over. Which karma I tried to resolve before through meditation, visualization but was unable to heal. I have found as well that answers and insights come more quickly. I am not stagnating but ascending feels so much easier. It is a special thing to have someone cut the cords around you. I feel anyone who needs help in any area of life would have nothing to loose to have a S.I.R. session. To be able to pay to have karma removed is a blessing. It would not have been possible for me to have this type of healing done otherwise............. so I will thank-you and I will pass you on to all that I meet. Many Thanks from Angela from the UK

Hi Eva,In silence the world was built, and in silent intent/prayer, my mission will be revealed...thanks for your patience and understanding of my life circumstances. Ok, my friend, I will keep you updated. Love, __________

Hi Eva,I, as you, have had many tribulations in this life; many I think which have been chosen to accelerate my intentions to OVERCOME through mastership. I know who I was in a crucial past life...feel deeply connected to the LAW Of ONE. I was told by another healer my crown chakra is torn and needs sealing up and repairing. In a dream, he told me this was so but did not really tell me how to heal it. Can you?I got the pituitary supplements and magnet yesterday. Thank-you so much for getting those to me and sending them to me. I really appreciate it! I am glad to hear things are going well with you. All of these things you've been working on sound very exciting! I am happy that you are getting the chance to enjoy the beautiful weather.

B.L. from Singapore speaks about S.I.R. written testimonial January 12, 2007

Because God was answering my every prayer instantly, 3 years of schizophrenia which S.I.R. cured completely and which makes me a loyal client to you for the rest of my life. I worked with and released all negative thoughts and emotional baggage that no longer serves me. With S.I.R. I have been filled with Holy Spirit and my spirit status is Saint. I no longer have the goals I once had. My spirits content and has decided to stay that way. I become average in society's point of view and I will be

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contented. I use to read up about the stock market that the people who write these books on how to become rich are arousing greed and making empty promises in the first place.

Here is an email from Tom in MalaysiaWinter 2006

To Lady Eva,Just to inform you that I have just received the parcel from you yesterday morning. On the same day I listened to your CD, I felt cries within me...I felt your voice with the blend of the beautiful music awaken some from of divine inspiration in me...uplifting feeling within and mentally. WOW, it is really a lot of work you put into compiling and creating your new course. Thanks for telling me to get a hold of the book of Enoch by keep me inspired and thinking. Thanks so much for your teachings. Tom from Malaysia

Jason H from USA recorded verbal testimonialEarly 2006

Eva, since I got my first session done with S.I.R. Soul Integration and Re-Creation I could feel Master Eva working on me at a distance. When the session was complete I felt much lighter and happier. I had reached perfection in only one session. My negative emotions were released instantly and I was filled with positive energy. After taking the course I have been doing healing with this method for quite a while and I have found great results. My relationships are much better and my life feels renewed. I recommend this to anyone who needs healing spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Thank you Eva and S.I.R.Blessing, Love and Light Jason H.

Department #5

New Year's Resolutions

People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway.

If you do well, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Do well anyway.

If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies.

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Succeed anyway.The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do well anyway.

Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.

People who really want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt. Give the world your best anyway.

The world is full of conflict. Choose peace of mind anyway.



If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.If a child lives with abuse, he learns to hurt others.If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to be confident.If a child lives with fairness, he learns to be just.If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient.If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself.If a child lives with love, he learns to find love in the world.he learns to love the world and the one who made it, God.


Cleansing Chemtrails

From the divine Love within my beingI am one with creation on all levels of consciousnessI call forth all energies connected to Chemtrailsinterfering with my free will choiceand the free-will choice of humanity I defuse and render inactiveall programming connected to Chemtrailsin perfect sequential orderon all levels of consciousness

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I command all energiesInvolved with Chemtrailsas far as those energies extend,be transmuted into divine expression of Creative Loveto be used only as positive, productive energy

I command all tissues in my bodyand aspects of my beingthat have been damaged be Chemtrailsinterfering with my abilityto experience my divine perfection,whether it has been created with or without my permissionnow be restored to divine perfection

I command all damage created by Chemtrailsto all life forms living in co creation with humanity upon the planetEarth interfering with their ability to experience their perfected state of being, nowbe restored to divine perfectionin a manner that will restore peace, joy and harmony upon the earth.And so it is and so be it.

Alien Programming Removal

From the divine Love within my beingI am one with creation on all levels of consciousnessI command this proclamationreflect through all time, and space and beyondon all levels of consciousness

I call forth all individuals and factions of beings,regardless of name, rank or origin,that harbor the karmaor the initiated the process to enslave humanityon all levels of consciousnessI command a cease to all such activities. I command this intent and processplus all activities that have been put into motionbe transmuted into divine expression of Creative Loveand returned too the Creator Source

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to be used only as positive, productive energyin co creation with humanity

I command all energies that have been usedwith or without my permissionto create and perpetuate artificial intelligencein a manner that violates the free will of humanityand those life forms co creating with humanitybe reversed in perfect sequential orderand be restored to a statethat is in harmony with humanityand all life forms upon and within the earth

I call forth all individuals that have been compromised by this effort,to be enslaved and rendered less then humanand the totality of their soul to integrate in divine perfection,while at the same time the artificial intelligence and programmingbe removed synchronistic ally,one replacing the other in perfect harmonyin a manner that will bring joy and peace to all humanity.

I call forth each individual within humanity to speak as one in voice,one in consciousness,one in intent,as humanity declares its independenceas a sovereign species,claiming responsibility for its actions,and dominion over its creation.

I call forth all individual beings to stand before meas I stand before you, in loveI now offer you this proclamation to accept or rejectaccording to your free will choiceGo in peaceand so it is and so be it.

I Choose

As a spokesman for humanity

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I choose to walk through the veils of illusion,I will no longer live in a world that distorts the truthI will no longer allow another life form to manipulate,violate or coerce my efforts to exercise my free will, or experience my divine expression,I claim my free will and my sovereignty.I call forth all energies that have been blocked, distorted or manipulatedin an effort to control my life,my world or my creationsin any formon any level of consciousness,and transmute them into divine expression of Creative Love.I stand empowered.I chose to experience divine expressionI claim responsibility for my world, my creations and my choices.I call for all individuals within humanitywho hold this visionto stand as one in voice,one in mind,and one in intentto be whole, well and perfectin mind, body and soul.And one in consciousnessI dissolve the veils of illusionand transmute them into the divine expression of Creative Loveand return them to Creator Sourceto be used only in the divine expression of Creative LoveI command this to take place in a harmonious sequencefor all life form co creating with humanityI claim my spiritual truthas I honor myselfas I honor all othersin my words, deeds and actionsI am the divine expression of Creative Love!

Make God Glad

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Seek I sayto make his heart gladI am the instrument of Godmy body his templemy mouth his voicemy heart his desiresRelease me from darknessand from that which I have not learnedPerfect my sorry soulWithout you I am as nothingYou are the mere essenceof eternal perfected lifeand I am your museLet me return to that which you giveLet me make your heart gladTake delight in your peopleHow does onebring a smile to God?Seek I sayTo make his heart gladLove without conditionmake the heart of God gladexercise divine loveexercise divine wisdomexercise divine justiceexercise divine powerfor housed within mankindis the glorified essenceof God divine

Master Eva January 27, 2007

The Greatest Love Story Never Toldby incarnated Mary Magdalene to her beloved Jesus

My dear one, easy it is to love you

For it is easy to see your illumination across the horizon of our lives

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For that which lies ahead greets the new dawn

This new dawn sheds a path to follow for all those who like me love without condition

I could love you like dry roots love rainI could love you like the wind blows branchesI could love you like the roots feed my soul

Your spirit keeps me alive with hope I see you yet not beheld by eyes

but you have touched my soul so deeply

I will never say no

how can I disappoint you for what you want I want also

Let your heart fly for I will catch it

Break open the dam that holds back your yearning for me

With stretched out arms I embrace the flow of your love and hold it dear

For your cup is my cup

And we drink from the same source

Which brings us full circle back to love

My love unspoken but true and alive

How can I be so devoted and in awe of the mere thought of you?

For that is what gives my life meaning

A reason to cry.........a reason to rise

A reason to sing.......a reason to die

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For all that last forever is that which is true

The greatest love story never told is you

There is a warming that love sends

And the cost of it never is written till long afterward

The first kiss I kissed you lingers to this day

Speak to me how you miss me

Tell me of the long hours that slow

Speak to me of darts within my heart

The weight of all that which was lost and now shows

There is a place where love begins

No, I stand corrected

Love has no beginning and no end

For since the beginning of time

You were there

Like a petal of a fragrant flower alongside me

twins we are....Twin souls we will become

Like you, I am also

Like me , you are too

We become soul to soul

Breath to breath

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Separate but longing to reunite to know it will never end

What will never end?

The greatest love story never told!

As long as the rain and snow last

Will my love last and long for you

For it is with great yearning I extend

my arms with my heart worn tired

Upon the sleeve with a slow beat pumps life through my veins

To sustain the life you left me

The life within my womb for flesh to flesh we become

Later, we lift our eyes a new

Let my tired heart be renewed by you

My beloved jewel, my teacher, my love

You beat a song that makes my soul smile

And my empty heart and womb heal

A new dawn, a new chance

To give you the family you never knew

And richly deserve. As long as the sun shines and the moon lights the night may my love grow in you...

Composed by Master Eva on October 7, 2006 within 50 minutes time in deep reflection

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