
Brooks, Charlene CI 8149

February 21, 2013

Panorama Observation Field Notes

Video starts at 1:18 The video is of a classroom and within the view of the camera there is a center table that has several file boxes and magazines sitting upon it. There are five computers in view with a couple of tables, desks, and chairs in front of them. On the back wall there are two corkboards that are brown and documents are clearly pinned on them. These corkboards are about six feet apart. The video appears to take place during the 1990’s based on my previous knowledge of fashion from this time period. The students and teachers are wearing baggy sweaters, baggy jeans, long jean skirts with white shoes, floral button-up shirts, and flannel shirts are all seen. Many of the men and women have short bull cuts. There is a man, a visitor to the class, who stands in front of the computer for several minutes at a time. He seems unaware that the camera is there. The male teacher in the blue shirt spends several moments speaking this this man. The man appears to try to acquaint himself by flipping through a magazine from the table and returning it back to the table. There are two male teachers and one female teacher. The male teacher are wearing jeans and button up shirts. The female teacher is wearing a long skirt and sweater. There are 3 students who are all sitting together at the computer station, one of which moves away and works at a table with another student. The two students who remained at the work space seemed to be very engaged in what is on the computer and their conversations with each other. 1:19 As the video goes on the amount of activity at the center table The first student arrives at the table, looks through some documents in the file folder leaves for thirty seconds and then returns. This student continues to flip through the magazines and then reorganizes them. Leaves again to go work with another student. The teacher engages in a bit of humor and mockery when looking over students sheets. Students are white, black, Hispanic, seems like more men than women. None of the students every make eye contact with the camera, which may indicate that they are either avoiding it or no longer take notice of it’s presence.

The center table seems to be an area of great activity and the distribution center for the assignments that seem to be the subject of frenzy. There is an assignment that needs to be signed and this fact is repeated several times by the female teacher. Looks like there is a crate on the table that is dark green and each individual file folder contains documents. Students are filtering through the crate of papers, each appears to be looking for something in specific. Possibly the five day contract is the document that they are looking for. A female student sorts through a folder of documents and sets on crate.Female teacher is standing near teacher speaking to students. Some students have been successful in having their contracts signed.Two male students sort through the box then three more not really talking to each other. All seemed focus on getting paper out of crate. This is the part of the room where the teachers and students are the most engaged with each other. Many of the students patiently wait for access to the file folder. There are a few students working together to finish a document. After a rush at the table the room begins to quiet down and students start to walk in the same direction in front of the camera. It appears to be the end of the day. 1:26- A tall, male student arrives at the table with hat and electronic gadget in hand. It looks like a cd player. He is now able to sort through the crate and takes out a bunch of papers and then returns a number of them. Blue shirted teacher approaches student and talks to him. It may be because the student may need to adding additional information on the document.Amale student ina white sweater is helping him andhe also writes on the documents. This may be another student who was working on the same assignment as a group.

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