
In the namc of God, !\lost Gracious, !\lost .Merciful .

]\Jonthly Bulletin of United Submitters International n• Proclaiming the only religion acceptable to God

October 1989 [No 58] Rabi I 1-110

Editor. Rashad Khalifa, Ph,D.

BS & nAf'H * Why did the Arabs fa,il to understand the Quran's


overwhelming, simple-to-understand, mathematical miracle?

Their own confession: Arabs could not count the number of letters in Basmalah, the first verse of the Quran (they decided that it consists of 18 or 21 letters!!!)

* If the Arabs were able to understand the Quran's code, they would have used their vast resources to convince the world that the Quran is indeed the word of God.

* Proof of divine intervention: While many f'eople from all nations of the world understand ,1e Quran's superhumc:;n mathematical code, not a single Arab understands the Miracle.

Tucson.Yiednesday.Augus19, 1989 FITZ - . -·

One of the most amazing phenomena of this century is that the Arabs have failed to understand the miraculous, simple-to­understanJ-but·impossible-to·imitate, mathematical code of the Quran. The Quran·s mathematical composition is one of the greatest miracles (74:35) and as such, is destined to overtake the world, sooner or later. Thousands of people, from all nations of the world, ha\'e al­ready been blessed \\ith this awesome miracle; but not a single Arab.

Divine Intervention The mathemalical miracle of the Quran is so simpk, so vast, and so intricate, that a child in grade-school can easily ap­preciate it. Thus, it t:ikes no kss than divine inter\'ention to prevent anyone from understanding and fully appreciat­ing the miraculousness of this extraordi­nary mathcmalical phenomenon. I

God has indeed blessed us with physical, inconlro\'ertibk e\idence that Lhe Quran is His Final Testament to the world. Anv J\luslim would enthusiastically presen


such an overwhelming proof to the world. So what JiJ the Arabs Jo?! They actually budgcieJ millions of Jolbrs every year not to promote the Quran's miracle, buc lo fight it. The result is continued success for those who believe that the Quran was fabricated by J\luh:immaJ.

What is wrong with tile Arabs?

TheyJiJ not believe God when Hcst:itcd n.:pcatcdly that 1hc Quran is compktc, perfect, and fullyd.:1;.iikJ (6:19.3S, lH). Cl>nsc q 11 en1ly, they abanJoneJ the C)ur;m in favor l•f �;itanic s cri plurcs

calkd "J/adith" ;ind "S111111.1." Th..:v thus incurn.:J c;,1J\ �-ur�.:. ;1r.J h.:i.:;im� i.<v­bted frum th<.: <)ur;in - l hev Ctn ncvi.:r umkrslanJ an: l hing ()ur;tni�

.. C:;..·;�i\H :ia'.'o. prnt:i:1inu:<l :; .. ( �1�i' ttw�<: "' h•l l'O>•�·!\� ini-:llic.cncc I:'•� .. . {;,,,,; .. I ;�.::l,· �··!Ol'l' 1}•._· .\-r·1i'<: .. _, .... � ....... .._. · - . • • • . 1 • ' • � .•• :;.,u; ;,:-;c:::-:i,.n.s. n;1•.i; i;iil..:J l\J lakt.: .. �. ::li� r::i1:.: .::1 � ; h<:ir J-:grcc of intd­

..:r:-.::. T:-.(' i:��=-��i;�,.n s.?:P":.\"rl ''n rag.t: 1 . . . � . ;:-: :.:�:''�i ·:Y,:ty r:�\\'::pap�r Hl �·:::c .. : !l ""'•·�c:;:im;; 1h;11 the ,\rahs

.:::·»:!'::Sis 1foinc intcn·cntim1 !\l kt the 'rlJ know that the Arabs ha,·c failed to dtrst:rnd His ma1hema1ic..1l miracle.

Unaccrptnh/e Excuse

me Aral:-.c; h:ivc �tatd that they reject ; Qt:ran's :nathcmatic:i.l miracle bc­;;.sc it proYcs Ra.shad's mcs�cngership c roct word "Rashad�·· occurs in the

Jr::m 19 ti:ncsl. This is nunscnsc. be· t:sc my first

, announcement of th..:

iradc, for 5 years. was cntitlcd:"The erpetual Miracle of Muham­:ad."

�I t'!:ie Ar;:;bs still failed !O sec or undcr­·r:J t�e miracle - they arc still Cf•Unling

. .:: l;!!te:sof Basn:alalr. This proves their ��uine d i sbel i ef in God and His Jranic God's infinite v.isdom ·::sented the truth gradu;:illy.

Arahs from God\ Grace

This is by no r.ic:m!\ my personal opinion; this is Ci1)<l\ asscrti0n and promise in the sura cntitlr.:J "Muhammad" (Ji:3;·n. C1�1J has warni.:d the Arabs that if thcv turn away, He will <lismiss them fro�1 l lis grae!.!. an<l rnl'sti�utc bt:ttcr pcorh:: in !heir pbcc. Th�rc :, nn quc�-lion that :h..: ·A::ibs h:n;; ,1bam.k:nc<l thc Ouran ia favor of S;mm's Hiiditll & S111111a. The Quran specifically prophesies that the Arabs, specifically, have abandoned the Quran (::5:30).

A Simple Qui:. Lest you may think that rhis is a racist editorial. just :isk any Arab the following questions: 1. How manv letters :ire in the first ·:ersc oiQuran? [After 7 years of counting, they cl:iim that the Basmalalz consists of either 18, 21, or::: lcncrs, never 19! Thus tb�v confess that they do not knO\v.J

2. Is the number of sums in th:.: Quran a multiple of 19? I Hint: 11_. = Elxri] . 3. According to "H:;dith" :ind "Sunna" God instituti!d 50 prayers a day (they Moses helped Muhammad bargain with God until He reduced them to 5).


:-.tuhammaJ. thcy claim, accepted the 50 prayers per day. The question is: "Do you know how often you ha\·e to pray the 50 prayers?" [once every 28 minutes. day and night, no sleeping or eating, etc.!!] 4. According to the Arabs' shari'a laws, anvonc who cuts a \voman's finger must pa;• her 10 camels. 20 camels -for two lin!!crs, 30 camels for 3 um::ers, and 20 ca�cls for 4 lingers!! Docs this mean that

, if nnc cats three fincers. he should cut i nn..: more finger for ; ch�aper penalty?

5. Do you know on what day Ramadan will begin in 1990/1410?

6. According to the Arabs' Hadit/1, "the prophet had-9 wives, and the sexual drive of 30 men!!!" The question is: What did he do with the other 21 drives?

7. According to Arabs, Ibn Hanbal memorized 1,000,000 Haditlis, including the chains of narrators.! How many books docs this equal? How long did it take? What happened to those Hadirhs? S. The Arabs claim that we must strictly fol low the example of the Prophet (Sunna ) . They also clai m that the Prophet was an illiterate man. Arc the Arabs following the illiteracy example? Is this why they are mathematically il­literate? Do they know that Abu Lahab also had a beard? Read 7:146. 17:45. 18:57. 27:82-84. 47:38.

CTOR "' Christians. Jews. 1Uuslims. Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Bahais, etc. hare one thing m

commo11: they all worship God. ·

': ;.\lost wars were fought in the name of religion, because of the Human Factor. i: Idoli:.ation of "The Human Factor" (Jesus, ilJulwmmad, Alary, the saints, the scholars,

etc.) dfrides the human race. * If we derote our worsJzip to God ALONE, andforgct the Human Factor, we will be united

wto uze human famzly. J: Jesus, .J!ary, Buddha, ,Huhammad, and tlte real saints wan; .. : us to worship God ALONE.

God guarantees a happy peaceful life for those who worship Him ALONE.

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QURAN: THE FINALTESTAlVIENT [Authorized English Version]

With the Arabic Text ..................................................................... Tr:mslatcd hy Rash:1d Khalifa, Ph.D.

-ckphl'nc: ......... ........................................ :············ .. L1ci:urious gold-stamped Hardcorer 752 paoes, JS Appen-( .!()CC D iscc•unt for 10 or more copies) • G / · ' · " · · $- 00 �t:1:'.!!_d Tucsnn. 9_,7 E 6111 St. Tnrson. AZ ss719 -!,!tees, lossmy, comp re zeusn·e Index. List price lS :> 7.

Some people, including of my closest and most ·beloved friends, have asked: "vVhy did Ras,1ad make that announcement? Why can't we just worship Gcd alcne, withcut making anybody a messenger of God?!"

Belief in God requires believing God. When you believe in God and worship Him alone; you must believe everything God says. For example, God has told us that there are angels. Therefore. we must believe God: we must believe that there are angels. God told us that He sends messengers; He told us that Moses, Jesus. Muhammad, etc. were His mes­sengers. Therefore, we must believe God, and we must believe in His messengers (2:235). God told us that there is a devil named Satan, and we must belie\·e God. God told us in 33:40 I hat Muhammad was the last prophet, a message-bearing mes­senger (Sabi), but not the last messenger (Rasool). Therefore, we must believe God-we must know that :Muhammad was not the last messenger. Specifically, God told us in 3:81 that a messenger will be sent after all the prophets ha\·e delivered all the scrip­tures. This messenger, God's Messenger of the Covenant, is to, consolidate the missions of all the prophets into one mes­sage, and unify all believers under the banner of worshiping God ALONE and upholding the word of God ALONE, not the words of humans. If we truly believe in God, we will believe what He says and, therefore, we will believe in God's Messenger of the Covenant. In fact, God tells us in no un­certain terms that those who do not believe that God's M cssengcr of the Cov­nant will come after Muhammad do not belong with the believers, and are no longer Muslims (3:81-85). In 49:14 we see that the true believers arc those who "belic\;e in God and His messenger, and harbor no doubts." What docs this messenger look like? What arc his quali!ieations? Is he a su­pcr human with wings? God's mes­sengers, we arc told in the Ouran, arc humans like y{iu and me (5:75. 14: 11. 18:110, 21:8, 25:7, 25:20, 41:6)

It is a mercy from God that we do not have to speculate or guess. God has spelled out the name of His Messenger of the Covenant as "Rashad Khalifa." And God's e\idcncc is not subtle at all. As detailed in Appendix Z of m�;�new trans­lation, the evidence is O\'Cr\vhclming that Rashad Khalifa is the messenger.

JJ'hy the A11110w1ci).,U!11l?

Announcing my messengdship was not mv idea: it was a command from Al­mic:htv God. For eic!ht vc�rs, I had main­tained the same �·ie\�·s as those who believe th:it an announcement was not necessary. I used to think: Why is the :innouncemcnt necessary? Why not preach the word of God, uphold the word of God ALONE, and preach the worship of God ALONE, without announcing an}1hing about the messengership? In those d ays of ignorance, I resisted making such an announcement. Finally, I was told that I was too coward to carry out the duties of God's messenger. I was tired. It took <i whole night of repenting, crying, apolo1:,rizing, and pledging. When I reached a solid comiction that I must make the announcement, e\·cn at the cost of losing my own children and my best friends, I was restored. The following night, I spoke \\ilh my daughter during the prc-da\m meal of a Ramadan night. and I was trying to be as diplomatic as I

· could be. My daughter interrupted. "What arc you trying to say, Dad? I knew all along that you arc God's messenger.'' I received the same response from all the believers around me. They had kno\\."TI me for a long time, and !hey knew that I was not a crazy man. They realized !hat a person who lies about God or claims mcsscngership falsely has to be a person who docs not believe in God or the Hereafter; a person who docs not cxp..:t:l to stand before Ged on the D:.iy of J udg­ment to answer for his adinns. The announccmi.:'nl played a crucial rok:

in distinguishing the true believers from those who have another god besides GrJl:i. We learn from 45:23 that the ez".l ·he god of many people. It i� the �;. ...<1: prevents people from bclie\ing God :i::·.! heedinc His teachini:s. It is the e::o :i:..::t prevents reople fro.; accerting l�i.Other human being as God's mcsscnzer (l'J:.S-9. 11 . . '7 17·9'

-"'1"" 1'=<·4 <.t·"'.t-, 'T'I.� ,.--,,_ t � -+,. __.. .. _"'-+, -·- - .. - ·- • .. ··- "'"•&.

nounccm::nt was nccess;u:· to �ift ::.·.1.·a:• those who v.:orship th:ir e;os of God. It was necessary to sift away chos.e who say wi:h their :ips. t!'::::t :b::-· U! believers, while doubting or rejecting God's C\idcnce that Rashad Khalifa is Gnd·s �.kssen;;:::r of the Ccve:;;i:::.

Finally, we mulit reflect on verses !7:13-14: "The hypocrite men and wmr.en .,..rn tell the believers on :he Day or J u<lgrner:t, 'Were we not \l.ith you?' The be:ic•;er:; will say, 'Yes, but you dece!·;ed yoursel­ves. you waited and lingered too long. j«1U harbored doubts. and you were decci..-ed by wishful thinking (lip ser.icc).' -

Suppose you hccomc iii and you go to :, person for ad\ ice, and he or she giYcs /OU some medicine. If this harpens a few times, �u will begin to trust that person as a doctor. But you wiil continue to har­bor doubts :rnd worr:Cs ab0m :"'.)'Jr <kc­tor, unless he makes an announc::;:;c;a th:it he is a quali(jcd physician, .,.,;th an official certificate. Similarly, an an­nouncement or mcsscngership assures the bclie\'ers that they are not failing \ic­tim to some charlatan; they v.ill be as­sured th:it they arc following God·s guidance through His pro\'e n and declared messenger.

/low to 01·ercome the Doubt?

Ask the 3 crucial questions: 1. Dues he advocate worshiping Gud

ALO!\"E? �.Doc� he ha·;c a God-gi·:cn proof: J. Is he m:ikir:g any m•m:.::: from 1hi,;C:



1: I ·

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:i Edi Yuksel

The Salman Rushdie Con11ectiu11

i �=�..: ,_;[ lh� major events uf l9b� '-"'a� the I �..iim:in Rushdie :iffoir. for six s0lid

·. ::::�· -'· Rushd:c :.ind his book were in the . :::.cJ:;:-.t:: uf :.II ncw£p:ipcrs, TV and ... �;u nt·;. :;, throu;!houl the world. \Vhen :. • ..::id this nc•..i;s i� Turkey, 1hc firs.I 1hing ·.:it t:im.: tom\· mind was and his

· .:: ;. rr;:.:-,>.l:.ti(;n of 1hc ()ur:rn, and the t tm::ii::iu �iscmer\· of !he two satanic \'Cr­.:� 9: 12�-129. I� one of our Quranic : �Ji.::, !:. hl:.inbtll, I told lh:: hclic\·crs �,;..t 1h;;rc is definitely a plan here,

1 �.d :.i Jc:fini1e S\mbolic connection be-j .•::::n R:i;,h::d :i�d Rushdie. Both names , :,;\ t 1he s;:ime roe•! which is menlioncJ in : . ..: Our:.i!'l 19 times. Both Salman Rush-1 . .: ;,nJ R:.shad Khalifa have the same 1 1.


·mhcr of !';U.:rs in thcir n:.rncs, both i.n

�r.:.::fah fl 3 h.:ttcrs each) and in Arabic (9 . _ :l�rs e:.d: ; . The 1i1k of Rushdie·s book

>:.ilanic \-::rses) has been lhc main sub­._ .::1 of research bv Rashad since 1985. rb;;h:id pubfo.hcd that '):1�-1�9 arc 1 :i t :. nic Ver ses i n t h e :-..tCSLIM ! ERSPECTIVE onfarch 1985).

. :old 1hc group that s:itan wants to con· ;.-,(.; th:.: pt:<Jpk :ind h.::iJ th(.;m to mix : .. �h:..J with Rushdie (jusl like dairning '-Jt th.: l')-has:cd miracle w:is a Dahai

' . ,1 ). R;d1 .... J ·,i.a� pbnning to publish 1he _·.1. 1r:i:1<b1ion with the Ar:ihic !ext , �r:i'i..:J. ;if:.:: rcrnm·al of the Satanic

.r::.cs. �. : r i.::;.;, Jid Ml d\ c 1his matter any �i.·u� :.ii:..:nti,m. f,�ur <lays l;itcr. hi>w­..:r. r:w 1h::,H\' was cnnfirmi.:d. 3S s,,_

;;_ j ;.l..;�li; ' C km a rnd in S;iudi �;,,:;..i i.;i:J..:r 1h;.: th;tirman�hip 11f thi.: : . :i ..:� '\h..:i�.h .-\1,Jul .-\1i1 b.:n n.1/ hl

discuss the Rushdie disaster, and ended up c o nde mning both Rushdie and Rashad, and calling for killing them!!

That meeting \Vas held on l\larch 19, and the numb..:r of participating 'Ulcma was 19x2. The ir meeting made headlines :.ir0ur.J ih.: �fuslim -.•�•rlJ. Later dc\·elopmcnts rcmo\'cd all doubt regarding 1hc ccrincction, in God's pl:in, bc1wecn Rushdie's affair and Rashad's upcoming translation. A few days later, the international orl!anization called .. Article 111" laum:!1cd a campaign in­ddcn!\c of Salman '.{ushdic (Article 19 of the Human ·Ril!hH. Charter of the U.N. l!Uarantecs frc;dom of expression). The �hok world saw :n:iny famous wrih:rs defend Rushdie, with a great big poster behind them carrying nothing hut a huge ··19." All doubt was gone when we saw this. The Rushdie matter is ddinitcly a

diYine plan in pr eparatilin for 1 he greatest e\'cnt in this ccnturv: Publication' ;lf the purified Quran and fts ·;iut horized English version . As it 1urns out, Rushdie's birthdav is :-.tarch 19, and Rashad's binhda;' is !':1wemb..:r 19. Rushdie's Ql)OK sdb for $19.95 e1S= 19x.5), and R ashad's new translali\)n sells for $57.00 (19x3). The Iran vs Rushdie round has ended, ::ind now we await 1he Arabs.vs-Rashad r o u n d. T h e o u 1 c ome o f the Rashad/Arabs confroniatinn is alrc:idy prophcsicd in 1hc (Juran (Sec 37: l 71-l i3. 40:51. 58:�1. 811:15-1<1. 1 10: 1-3).

Quraish & today '.o; ,\loha111eda11s

I used Ill bclic\·c 1ha1 Our:iish wor�hipcd "l:llucs . .-\ cardul !>lt1dy of 1h c C)uran. h.,we\·cr. n:n:::b I hat this is a s;1tanic tr id.; fabrica1.:J by '.\l1lha111..:dans 111 ju-.tify I h:.:ir hr ;ind 11i id11l.l!r;... Thu'. they c:1n ":!\·. ··\\'l· d,1 lhll \\Or,hip -.talul'S. \\'c :ir.: 11.;1 idPI \\,,r,hipcrs." ..\, "tat ..:d in <}ur;1n

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tucson, A'L Permit #.?01

57:1�, 1hcy arc deceived by v:ishful think­ing. No where in theQuran do we see tha1 Quraish worshiped st:itues (As11aam in Arabic). On the contrary, the Quran tells the Quraishy idol worshipers that they simply "fabricated the names of Alla:it, Al-'Uzz::ih, and Manat" (53:23). Those idol worshipers fabricaied those names a n d considered them to be God's daul!hters (God be glorified). They beti'Z:ved in intercession by Allaat, Manaat, and 'Uzzah in much the sam e wav todav's Mohamcdans believe in :\t�h:imed\ intercession (Sliafaa'ah). The allcmpt by Mohamedans to re· define idol worship in order to justify their own idolatrv has hacklirc<l.

Their Most Authentic Haditli

It is the allc!!cd final sermon (!Om1ba) of 1hc Prophet (!01111bac A.1-ll'adaa'). This great and historic event is reported in many importan1 books of Hadith, indu<l· ing :\.luslim, Muwaua', Ibn Majah, Abu Dawud, Ahmed Ibn Hanbal. The big problem is: these books report three vast· Iv different doctrines from this historic ;crmon which was wi1nesscd by 100,000 witnesses (most Hadiths were supposcd­lv witnessed bv 2 or 3 people). In fact, the �ain topic in.that all-imporlant sermon gives three contradicting com mand· mcnts. Herc is what the Prophet alleged· Iv said: {1) "I am Jc;l\'ing for you two things that you must uphold, the Quran and my Sun· n;,ih" (:IL·cording lo t..tuwalla' .t6/3). f 2) ··1 am lca\·ing for you the Qura? and nw rcbtin;s (A.hi Al-Bai1)" (according to :--iuslim .w-1, #2-10�. lbn Hanbal ..t/366). l�) .. , ;1m ka\·ing for you 1he Quran; Y?U

"h:ill uph,,(J it" (according 10 :\fushrn 15.'19 . . 4 121�. llm !'>laj;ih 25/X-I, #307-1) . Which one of 1hc 3 is correct'!!! C;in _we

1ru-,t1h.:ir mn�t authcnt!c Hadith'! \\}11_1.:�

11 :idil h c:111\\i.:1 rusl hi.:mk Ou ran (-l:i.ti) ·


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