Page 1: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda


By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez,

Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda

Page 2: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda

Metamorphic rock informationMetamorphic rocks are rocks that are shaped into another type of rock, by heat and pressure.Metamorphic rocks that change from one form to another.The word metamorphic means “to change”.Most of the earth’s crust is made up of metamorphic rocks.Metamorphic rocks have been changed over time by extreme pressure and heat.

The background of this slide is metamorphic rock.

Page 3: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda

Igneous rock information

Igneous rocks is formed when a volcano erupts and lava comes out, then after a while it cools down and becomes igneous rock. Igneous rocks are the only type of rocks that form from molten magma. Igneous rock is the oldest of all rocks. Igneous comes from a Greek word that means fire.All igneous rocks do not cool the same way. That is why they don’t look all the same. They don’t contain any fossils. The background of this rock is igneous.

Page 4: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda

Sedimentary rocks information

The background of this slide is a image of sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rock is where igneous rocks are weathered and eroded. What is weathered and eroded you ask? Weathered takes place when rocks are broken down into small particles or pieces by weather. On the other hand eroded means worn away by water or ice. Sedimentary rocks are formed, and sediments are pressed and cemented together to form sedimentary rocks.

Page 5: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda

More Information

Here is some more information about the rock cycle. Rock pieces, called sediments drop from the wind or water to make a layer. The layer can be buried under other layers. After a very long time, sediments can be cemented together to make sedimentary rock. (in this way, igneous rock can become sedimentary rock.) Metamorphic rock has the ability to form crystals. If it has crystals already, it forms bigger crystals. This rock changes, it is called metamorphic. This rock forms when lava cools and makes really pretty crystals. Magma is hot liquid stuff that comes out of volcanoes, this rock is called igneous rock.

Page 6: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda


Page 7: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda

Does a rock cycle ever stop?

A- sometimes

B- Never Stops

C- Once a year

D- None of the above

Page 8: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda

True or false

Metamorphic rocks are rocks that are shaped into another type of rock, by cooling down?

A- False

B- True

Page 9: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda

What is the Definition of Igneous Rock?

A- Where igneous rocks are weathered and eroded

B- When a volcano erupts and lava comes out.

C- Rock formed by heat and pressure.

Page 10: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda

How is Sedimentary Rock formed?

A- By being pressed down and cemented

B- By Heat and pressure

C- By Magma

Page 11: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda

True or False?

Metamorphic rocks have the ability to form crystals?

A- True

B- False

Page 12: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda

When a volcano erupts igneous rock_________

A- Cools Faster

B- Changes into metamorphic rock

C- Cools over time

Page 13: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda

In Which Order is sedimentary Rock Formed?

A- Melting→ Magma

B- Weathering → Erosion → Sediments

C- None of the above

Page 14: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda

What is the Meaning of Metamorphic Rock?

A- Change in Shape

B- To Make People Happy

C- Heat and Pressure

Page 15: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda

True or False

Igneous rock transforms into sedimentary rock?

A- True

B- False

Page 16: By: Anay Castro, Leslie Martinez, Kristen Chadwick, Kundi Zenda


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