
Reduce reuse repair recycle

Reduce reuse repair recycle By charlee

RepairWhat you can repair. you can repair... Books/cloths/bags/cars/computers

Recycle Do you know you can recycle paper there is a kind of bin you can put your paper in. It goes to the recycling centre.

Littering STOP LITTRING!!! Littering is bad for our city. Everyday people litter all around us. Clean it up and use it againClean it up and use it again. Using things that are all ready broken, that's ok!

Clean and green!Clean and green that's what we want!! We don't want a messy city, with rubbish!

PlasticPlastic makes up 11% over average house hold waste. Plastic is the a real problem!

landfillsA landfill, also known as a dump (and historically as a midden), is a site for the disposal of waste materials by burial and is the oldest form of waste treatment. Historically, landfills have been the most common methods of organized waste disposal and remain so in many places around the world.

DumpsDumps are extremely bad!! it smells. The things that are in their....plastic ,cans ,glass

Zero waste tipsMake your house zero waste !(Tips) No...plastic/paper/cardboard/cans/bottles.

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