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By: Jennifer Rawlings10/9/2011

Campbell UniversityEDUC 455


Page 2: By: Jennifer Rawlings 10/9/2011 Campbell University EDUC 455

Introducing Jennifer!

My Story Begins on Sunday, November 28,

1982 At 8:06 am In Riverside Regional

Hospital, Newport News, VA

Given Name:Jennifer Diane


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A Little Peek Into My Life

As you may have guessed, my name is Jennifer Diane Rawlings. I am 28 years old and happily married to an amazing U.S. Army officer. I am a senior at Campbell University, majoring in Special Education for grades K-12. In addition to being a wife and a full time student, I am a mom to three cute and cuddly four-legged fur babies. Although I love my pets like children, I do not have any human children yet. Most of my friends and family would describe me as caring, sensitive, fun loving and loyal. I enjoy watching movies, playing board games and spending time with friends. I am a fan of football and my favorite team is the New England Patriots. I absolutely despise the Eagles, Giants, and Colts.

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Basic Information & Interesting Facts 5’ 3” Tall Blonde Hair Blue Eyes Sign: Sagittarius


Favorite Colors: Blue, Green, & Purple

Favorite Foods: Anything Mexican or Italian, Steak & Potatoes, Pumpkin Pie & Mom’s Home Cooking

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Immediate Family Husband

Darren Rawlings Father

James Harvey Mother

Crystal Harvey Sisters

Saundra JamesBeth Harvey

NephewJamie Whitten

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The “Kids”

I can’t forget the pets!

“My Boys” (The Dogs) Scruffy Charlie – Named after

the German Shepard in “All Dogs Go to Heaven”

The Sweet Little Kitty Baby Girl

Words can not express how much my pets mean to me!


Baby Girl


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All Dogs Go To Heaven“Charlie”

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Primary & Secondary Schools

Asbury Elementary

(1986 - 1991)

Benjamin Syms Middle(1991-1996)

Kecoughtan High


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Post Secondary Schools

Christopher Newport

University(2000-2002)Go Captains!

Pikes Peak Community


Go Aardvarks!

Campbell University

(2010-2012)Go Camels!

Majored in Biology, did not graduate.

AA Degree in General Studies. Graduated with High Honors.

BA Degree in Special Education. Will Graduate Summa Cum Laude.

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Childhood YearsGrowing up with me must have been quite amusing for my siblings and parents although at times I am sure it was difficult. I am known to be pretty accident prone and this has provided many hours of entertainment for my family over the years. Where do I begin? Lets start with the time that I got my tongue stepped on. Don’t ask me how. It just happened. According to my mom the story goes like this:

Sandi and I were playing “house”. It was naptime and I was laying on the floor while she was laying in her bed. I accidentally feel completely asleep instead of just pretending to be asleep. Sandi rolled over to jump out of bed and her foot landed square on my tongue.

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More Childhood FunAnother story that my family LOVES to tell is the story that

has been named “Swamp Thing.”This story takes place in the next door neighbors backyard.

They had a cute little pond with fish and turtles and pond plants. The pond was right next to the sunroom addition. Since I was a gymnast, Sandi dared me to walk along the edge of the pond and pretend it was a balance beam. Of course I took the dare. The story wouldn’t be called “Swamp Thing” if someone didn’t fall in. Well… that person was me. While walking along the edge closet to the sunroom on tippy toe, I lost my balance and began splashing about.

Once I was able to catch my breath I climbed out of the pond to find that Sandi was gone. She had already ran home laughing at me and told my mom what had happened. I slammed open the front door and while I stood there soaking wet covered in pond scum and slim, I demanded that they stop laughing. Well needless to say they continued to laugh until I got out of the shower.

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College Years

I began college when I was 17 years old. I was absolutely sure that I wanted to become a doctor, so I majored in Biology. Well, this plan was soon foiled. In the middle of the first semester of my freshman year, I was involved in a terrible car accident. I broke both of my arms and was unable to attend classes. I had to take a medical leave of absence and was not able to complete the semester. In the spring, I retook all the same classes, but one important thing happened. I met Darren. Darren was amazing and way more fun than studying so eventually I left college to be with him. However, before I dropped out to be with Darren I had one more major hurdle to overcome in my attempt to become a doctor.

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More College MishapsThe final straw in my decision to drop out of college

at 19 years old happened in the fall of my second year at college. I decided to go visit Darren in North Carolina in my new car. On the way the car engine overheated and the car blew up. Yes, I said it blew up! It was like a movie explosion. Luckily, I was able to exit the car prior to the explosion, however, my car was now a smoldering car kabob on the side of the interstate.

So now at this point, I had lost 2 cars, I had to redo 1 full semester of work and I was losing my focus on my studies. Since I was so young when I started college, I decided that I needed to mature before attempting it again. Now, years later I am becoming a teacher and loving it while maintaining an outstanding 3.97 GPA.

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My Life with Darren

Darren and I have been together for 10 wonderful years and married for 7 of them. We met when I was 18 and in college at Christopher Newport University. I know that the “love at first sight” cliché is cheesy, but that is what is was for us. We met each other on July 2, 2001 and have been together ever since. Neither one of us has ever looked back.

After 3 years of dating, Darren and I got engaged on Valentine’s day. We were married at the Justice of the Peace 3 months later. On our first anniversary we had our formal wedding.

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My Love Bug

As I mentioned earlier, Darren is serving as an officer in the U.S. Army. He is currently participating in his 3rd year-long tour to Iraq.

Our life together is wonderful. Right now I miss him dearly each and everyday, but I know that he is doing an important job for his country. I am just counting down the days until I get to see his handsome face again. Even though the time apart is difficult, I wouldn’t change a thing.

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Future Goals & Aspirations

Become an excellent teacher! Eventually have 2 kids. Earn my Master’s degree. Move back to Colorado.

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Special Thanks To:

My mother and father for always supporting me and loving me no matter what.

My big sister for being a loyal partner in crime and for loving me even when I am difficult to love.

My amazing husband for being my personal hero. You are my strength and my rock. I don’t know how I would live without you!

All my friends and loved ones for supporting me and loving me.

I am lucky to have such great people in my life!

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Young Childhood Pictures and the Family Portrait are courtesy of James & Crystal Harvey’s personal collection

All other Photos are from Jennifer Rawlings’ personal collection

“All Dog Go To Heaven” Video is obtained from

Clip Art is Courtesy Mircosoft

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