Download - By: Mahesh Ahuja


Apr 19, 2023


Mahesh Ahuja


Towards Electronic Government

Why e-government?

“Every other country is doing it, so its probably important and useful”“Its hype”

“We don’t want to fall behind all


“We think it will provide faster, more convenient government services”

“We think it will reduce costs for

individuals and businesses to deal

with government”

”We think it will reduce costs for


“We think it will improve

participation of citizens”

”To reduce corruption

and fight poverty”

”We think it’s a tool for transformation of

public administration”


E-governance is more than just a government website on the internet. But..

What is it exactly? What are the benefits of e-governance? What can governments do to make it work?

e-Government more about “Governance” rather

than “Electronic”

e-Government is more about People and

Processes rather than Computers

e-Government is more about Transforming

rather than Translating the Processes

Vision for E-Government

It is not Computerizing the Existing Government Processes.

It is not digitizing the files and documents of the Government.

E-Government = Technology

E-Government = Government ( Change management and Transformation )


E-Government: What it is not


The use of digital technologies to transform

government operations in order to improve

effectiveness, efficiency, and service delivery


Use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to improve productivity and efficiency of processes within the government, bring greater transparency and accountability of pubic sector and enhance delivery of services to citizens, organizations and businesses.

Process Automation


Citizens, Organizations

and Businesses

Service Delivery

Defining E-Government

Work more

efficiently to

improve services

Work more

efficiently to

improve services

•……. Product of Public Sector Reform Agenda under New Public Management (NPM)

•……. Electronic Delivery of Information from Government to Citizens

•……. Effective means of Information Flows within Government

E-Government Concepts

New Public Management (NPM)

Concept emerged in 1980s

Reforming the Public Sector

Make the Public Sector more Efficient, Effective and Responsive according to needs of Citizens

Cutting the Cost of doing Business Operations within Public Sector

New Public Management (NPM)

The Main Advocate was USA under Regime of Democratic Government during 1990s

Political Agenda Work Better with Lesser Costs

“ ……… the Clinton administration believes it is time for a new customer service contract with the American People, a new guarantee of effective, efficient, and responsive government” – Bill Clinton










G2G: Government-to-Government, includes Provincial & Local GovernmentsG2B: Government-to-Business, includes all Suppliers as well as Businesses procuring services from GovernmentG2C: Government-to-Citizen, includes all Citizens of PakistanG2E: Government-to-Employee, includes all Government EmployeesIEE: Internal Efficiency and Effectiveness


Categories of E-Government


Appropriate infrastructure

Appropriate policies

Capacity development

ICT Applications

Relevant content

Towards e-Government

Basic Premise: Use of ICT to increase value of services

Proactive rather than Reactive

Effective as well as Efficient

Transparent as well as Accountable

Service Oriented; no more Function Oriented

Evolving Approach to Public Service Delivery

Towards E-Government

Fundamental Requirement Optimize Backend Processes to enhance Front end

Service Delivery

Eliminate redundant activities


Consolidate similar activities

Towards E-Government

Moving Forward with Principle #1: Digitize & Propagate

Shift the Data Entry to Customers and Digitize it

Make the Process as Paperless as you can

Make Information more Accessible Upstream &

Downstream to those who need it

Shrink the Distance between Information &


Capture Information at Source

and propagate throughout the Process

Towards E-Government

Moving Forward with Principle #2: Vitrify

Provide on-demand tracking information for

customers of the process

Design Standard Partner Interface Process for

Seamless Exchange of Information

Provide visibility through

fresher and richer

information about

process status

Thank you…

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