
By S. E. Hinton The Outsiders CLASS CONFLICT SEARCH FOR SELF LOYALTY FAMILY PEER RELATIONSHIPS PREJUDICE/STEREOTYPES Behind The Outsiders ONE OF THE FIRST MODERN WRITERS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE WANTED TO WRITE REALISTIC FICTION FOR YOUNG ADULTS BEGAN WRITING THE OUTSIDERS AT AGE 15 BECAME ONE OF THE FIRST NOVELS TO TELL ABOUT SURVIVAL OF AN OUTSIDE GROUP PORTRAYS THE WORLD OF YOUNG ADULTS IN THE 60s AND THEIR ANXIEITES Loner Left Out Unaccepted Mistreated Different Non-conformist Excluded Rebel Detached Rejected CORVETTE STINGRAY The 60 s : a time of TRANSITION Movies ranged from teen rebellion to beach parties, fast cars The Beatles vs. Elvis, Four Seasons Greaser look to preppy look to hippie dress Dropout rates increase America is torn by political unrest and race riots. Teenage gangs are a menace. Gang confrontation occurs outside of school. Family unit changes from stay-at- home moms and obedient children. Tuff - Cool, Sharp The Cooler - Jail Dig - OK with that Lone it - Doing something alone Jumped - Attacked by the Socs Lift - Steal Hacked off - Angry Rank - Not cool Weed - Cigarette or Cigar Cancer stick - Cigarette Lighting up - Light a cigarette Rumble - Fight The Fuzz - The Police Heater - Pistol or Gun Broad - Girl Boozed up - Drunk Read chapters 1 and 2 Fill out character map.

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