
By The Chicken and Bacon Superstars

PGL 2014!!!

The Centre

It was a big villa with 17 bedrooms. Our room was number 15 and we were surrounded by teacher rooms – so no noise allowed! Our instructor's name was Ryan, but he said to call him Marmite.

The Food

Breakfast: Pain au chocolat, Croissant, Cereal and BaguetteLunch: More baguettes, Salad, Crisps and CakeDinner: Chicken, Gammon, Roast Potatoes, Soup and SNAILS!!

The Bakery

First we learnt how to make croissants. We also watched the baker make baguettes and pain au chocolat.

Den Building

We walked through a wood to get to the base for den building. In teams we needed to build a den using a blanket, some string and whatever we could find.

The Beach

It was a 10 minute walk to the beach from the centre. One activity at the beach was to see how long you could scream in one breath whilst running.

Midnight Hike – at 6pm!

We went for a long walk – hike! – through the woods. We played a game called ‘Camouflage’ and sang lots of songs.

Chocolate Factory

We went around and saw different chocolate being made. At the end we got to try and buy some different chocolates that were handmade at the factory.


Rachel dragged us all around the market looking at clothes and handbags! We all had a chance to spend some Euros.


It was AWESOME! The floor was so slippery that Henry and Ollie kept falling over. We were able to request songs we wanted to hear.

Selfies – Enjoy!

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