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Bypass Surgery

What is Bypass Surgery?

▪ Bypass surgery is recommended when either one or more of your coronary arteries are blocked.

▪ These arteries are small blood vessels that perform the function of supplying nutrients and oxygen rich blood to the heart.

▪ When one or more coronary arteries are blocked totally or partially, your heart is deprived of adequate supply of blood. This is known as coronary artery disease, CAD, or ischemic heart disease. This condition can lead to angina-heart pain.

▪ The coronary artery bypass surgery improves flow of the blood to the heart.

▪ At the start, your doctor may prescribe you some medications to find out whether the condition can be resolved using the medicine.

▪ Sometimes your doctor may recommend diet changes, exercise, and angioplasty with stenting.

Other Recommended Procedures

▪ The complications related to coronary artery disease in each patient is different and hence the treatment may vary according to the diagnosis.

▪ Hence, bypass surgery is not only the only treatment when there is a coronary artery blockage because it may not be right for all the patients.

Other procedures that are also advised include:

Heart bypasses surgery that is minimally invasive.

Stent replacement and angioplasty.

Mortality Odds against Bypass Surgery

▪ Research suggest that irrespective of the type of surgery chosen around 99 % patients having moderate heart condition live only for a month, 96 percent live for minimum one year and those with 90 % heart condition continue to live even after five years.

▪ Angioplasty is although less traumatic as compared to bypass surgery, it is less permanent.

▪ And even the bypass grafts cannot give you permanent relief and more blockages are reported within the next ten years of treatment.

Latest Alternative to Bypass Surgery

▪ Nowadays, the healthcare experts are advising Enhanced external coutnerpulsation (EECP).

It is considered comparatively safer than bypass surgery and is a non-invasive treatment that overcomes the heart problem in two different ways:

▪ It passively exercises the heart and strengthens the vascular system

▪ It targets the inflammation, which is the main cause of damage to the blood vessels and limiting the flow of the blood.

▪ Over 100 studies have exhibited that this latest alternative treatment is highly effective and safe in improving the flow of the blood to the heart in patients suffering from heart disease.

Live Long Happily

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