Page 1: C-Series Fiber Certification Testers · OTDR is located. Results automatically populate the same Route/Cable starting with fiber 001. Results Manager indicates type(s) of test that

Opternus GmbHoptische Spleiss- und Messtechnik

Opternus GmbH Optische Spleiss- & MesstechnikBahnhofstr. 5D-22941 Bargteheide

Tel. +49(0)4532-20 44-0Fax +49(0)4532-20 44-25

Büro Süd:Wäldenbronner Str. 2D-73732 Esslingen

Tel. +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-0Fax +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-99

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E-Mail: [email protected] - -

Specifications and descriptions are subject to change without prior notice.

SpecificationsTest and Inspection

Save Time, Save Money

• Start by referencing both SM and MM for loss testing, then proceed with SM and MM loss tests (C860 and C880) and OTDR tests (C860) in any order - no need to bring the equipment together for re-referencing for these fiber types

• Perform dual wavelength, two-fiber loss testing in two directions and OTDR tests for each fiber with one trip (C860)

• Assure fibers meet ISO/TIA standards, applications or customer expectations before leaving test site by setting up pass/fail criteria for the Tier 1 and Tier 2 loss tests

• Communicate via built-in text messaging functionalities during certification testing

• Reduce test time by as much as 50% when testing MM and SM fibers allowing users to bid more competitively and win more jobs

• Supports visual inspection per IEC 61300-3-35 using the DFS1 Digital FiberScope

Tier 1 and Tier 2 Testing and Documentation

• Tier 1 - report loss, polarity and length on both MM and SM fibers with one kit

• Tier 2 - OTDR test at both MM and SM wavelengths

Intuitive Touch and Test™ User Interface

• Reduce technician learning curve

• Touch screen speeds access to test functions

• Auto OTDR test modes

• Apply Industry Standards (ISO/TIA)

• Pass/Fail feedback reduces need for return trips

Powerful PC Analysis and Reporting Software

• Generate professional acceptance reports

• Integrate OTDR and OPM results

• Batch process OTDR results

• Include end-face views

• Create Certification Results (ISO/TIA/EN) from OPM data

C-Series Fiber Certification TestersSpeeds Testing • Saves Money • Improves Accuracy

Page 2: C-Series Fiber Certification Testers · OTDR is located. Results automatically populate the same Route/Cable starting with fiber 001. Results Manager indicates type(s) of test that

Opternus GmbHoptische Spleiss- und Messtechnik

Opternus GmbH Optische Spleiss- & MesstechnikBahnhofstr. 5D-22941 Bargteheide

Tel. +49(0)4532-20 44-0Fax +49(0)4532-20 44-25

Büro Süd:Wäldenbronner Str. 2D-73732 Esslingen

Tel. +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-0Fax +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-99

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E-Mail: [email protected] - -

Specifications and descriptions are subject to change without prior notice.

SpecificationsTest and Inspection

C880 OLTS Testers

C860 OLTS and OTDRPerform Tier 1 and Tier 2 Tests

Additional Key Features • Use OTDR function to

– Fault-locate

– Document network including Pass/Fail event analysis

• Easily set up to test fibers using OTDR or OPM bi-directionally

• Inspection capable

– Supports visual inspection per IEC 61300-3-35 using the DFS1 Digital FiberScope

• Create results by cable to assure Loss measurements and OTDR traces for fibers are easily combined simplifying documentation

Certify and Perform Tier 1 Tests

Key Features • Bi-directionally measure link loss and length

• Save time simultaneously testing two fibers at two wavelengths

– MMF 850/1300 nm

– SMF 1310/1550 nm

• Verify polarity

• Certify SM and MM networks to industry standards (ISO/TIA/EN) and applications

• Inspection capable

– Supports visual inspection per IEC 61300-3-35 using the DFS1 Digital FiberScope

• Find faults using integrated Visual Fault Locator

• Create and test to user defined rules

• Review immediate Pass/Fail status including comparison of results to standards and applications

• Review fibers by cable and retest fiber pairs if needed

• Create professional certification reports

Complete fiber specific test set assures that when you need to test a fiber job, the test set is available - no need to wait for test equipment to come in from a copper job. Kits available with cleaning and testing accessories (fiber rings and test jumpers).



Page 3: C-Series Fiber Certification Testers · OTDR is located. Results automatically populate the same Route/Cable starting with fiber 001. Results Manager indicates type(s) of test that

Opternus GmbHoptische Spleiss- und Messtechnik

Opternus GmbH Optische Spleiss- & MesstechnikBahnhofstr. 5D-22941 Bargteheide

Tel. +49(0)4532-20 44-0Fax +49(0)4532-20 44-25

Büro Süd:Wäldenbronner Str. 2D-73732 Esslingen

Tel. +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-0Fax +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-99

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E-Mail: [email protected] - -

Specifications and descriptions are subject to change without prior notice.



Test and Inspection

C-Series Results Manager Unique FeaturesResults organized by Jobs simplify use saving time and money from testing through documentation

Job Settings Results Manager

Rich file naming allows users to perform multiple tests and organize them into Jobs, Routes, and Cables. Create a Job, Route (End 1 and End 2), and a Cable to clearly identify the location of the tested fibers.

Documenting bi-directional tests is as easy as changing test equipment location in one spot, in the Job Settings of the OPM or OTDR test mode.

On the Job Settings page of either OPM or OTDR test mode, toggle between End 1 and End 2 to indicate the end where your OPM or OTDR is located.

Results automatically populate the same Route/Cable starting with fiber 001.

Results Manager indicates type(s) of test that have been performed for each fiber

Bi-directional OTDR and Inspection

Trace icon indicates MM fiber and test direction, fiber end-face icon indicates fiber inspection results.

AT Results

AT icon indicates Auto Test OLTS Certification.

Auto Test OLTS Certification results

One direction OTDR End 2 -> End 1 and dB results

Trace icon indicates SM fiber and test direction, dB icon indicates OPM results.

SM End 2 -> End 1 results

OPM test resultsMM OTDR results

End-face inspection results

Page 4: C-Series Fiber Certification Testers · OTDR is located. Results automatically populate the same Route/Cable starting with fiber 001. Results Manager indicates type(s) of test that

Opternus GmbHoptische Spleiss- und Messtechnik

Opternus GmbH Optische Spleiss- & MesstechnikBahnhofstr. 5D-22941 Bargteheide

Tel. +49(0)4532-20 44-0Fax +49(0)4532-20 44-25

Büro Süd:Wäldenbronner Str. 2D-73732 Esslingen

Tel. +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-0Fax +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-99

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E-Mail: [email protected] - -

Specifications and descriptions are subject to change without prior notice.

SpecificationsTest and Inspection

Certify Fibers to Industry Standards and End User Specifications

Auto Test Home Page Shows Auto Test Rules Page Shows • List of Industry Standards (TIA/ISO/EN)

• Standard (ISO-11801 shown)

• User rule

• Application: select or create applications which can be applied to each test

• List of applications to be applied in next PG 2 tests

Auto Test Rule ParametersFiber Under Test Setup

• Define the fiber to be tested

– Number of connections (mated pairs)

– Number of splices

• View the selected Cabling Standard loss parameters (ISO-11801 shown)

• Define the User rule loss parameters

– Attenuation coefficient dB/km

– Maximum length

– Loss/mated pair (dB)

– Loss/splice (dB)

• User friendly interface simplifies test setup and test result feedback.

• Select from industry standards (ISO, TIA, EN) or define a customer specific rule for the first level of Pass/Fail indication

• Select from a list of applications or define a customer specific rule for additional Pass/Fail indication

• Two fibers are tested simultaneously at two wavelengths

Page 1 shows quick Pass/Fail for fibers tested to loss and length limits: measured loss and length by direction.

Page 2 shows reference and measured values in dBm.

• Test setup

– Fiber type 1

– Jumper length 2

– Test operators 3

– Equipment location 4

• Fibers to be tested 5

• Reference age 6

• Rule to be applied in next tests 7

• Graphics show when connected “Ready” 8

Immediate feedback for each fiber tested Choose results page for test view






4 43 3

22 1

Page 5: C-Series Fiber Certification Testers · OTDR is located. Results automatically populate the same Route/Cable starting with fiber 001. Results Manager indicates type(s) of test that

Opternus GmbHoptische Spleiss- und Messtechnik

Opternus GmbH Optische Spleiss- & MesstechnikBahnhofstr. 5D-22941 Bargteheide

Tel. +49(0)4532-20 44-0Fax +49(0)4532-20 44-25

Büro Süd:Wäldenbronner Str. 2D-73732 Esslingen

Tel. +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-0Fax +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-99

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E-Mail: [email protected] - -

Specifications and descriptions are subject to change without prior notice.

SpecificationsTest and Inspection

Review Test Result

Quickly review the measured values and review the Pass/Fail status to the link budget values of the selected standard.

Select a Cable to view a quick snapshot of overall Pass/Fail of fibers to a cabling or user standard.

Select a fiber pair to review loss, link budget and Pass/Fail.

Application Review of fiber PairCertification Review of Cable

Review User Rule and Application details

Certify Fibers to Industry Standards and End User Specifications

Text messaging between Main and Remote in Auto Test modes can speed testing and improve communication in difficult reception areas.

Speed Testing by Using Communications Feature

Select a User Rule or Application for more details regarding Pass/Fail status of length and loss values. Fibers may fail based on length, loss, or both. Review the results and determine if simple corrective action, such

as cleaning, may be taken. Use the OTDR functionality in C850 to see if the problem is connection, splice, or installation problem, such as too tight of a bend in the cable.

• Communicate via text messaging, no phone or radios needed

• No need to wait or guess when to move to the next fiber(s)

• Remote user is informed when to move to next fibers

• Main and Remote users can initiate communication

• Main can inform Remote user to clean and re-test fibers

• Users informed when connected “Ready”

Page 6: C-Series Fiber Certification Testers · OTDR is located. Results automatically populate the same Route/Cable starting with fiber 001. Results Manager indicates type(s) of test that

Opternus GmbHoptische Spleiss- und Messtechnik

Opternus GmbH Optische Spleiss- & MesstechnikBahnhofstr. 5D-22941 Bargteheide

Tel. +49(0)4532-20 44-0Fax +49(0)4532-20 44-25

Büro Süd:Wäldenbronner Str. 2D-73732 Esslingen

Tel. +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-0Fax +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-99

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E-Mail: [email protected] - -

Specifications and descriptions are subject to change without prior notice.

SpecificationsTest and Inspection

The C850 OTDRs have Full Auto, Expert and Real-Time Test Modes

Select from Various Test Modes

Use the OTDR to verify the quality of and document the installation. Optical Time Domain Reflectometers (OTDRs) help find the location and cause of problems in fiber installations.

OTDR Home Page

Expert Auto Once Test Setup

Full Auto Test Setup

Use the OTDR to find the location of splices and connections and measure loss and return loss of the events. Graphic User Interface shows OTDR test setup on the Home page.

Expert Mode

Auto Event analysis simplifiesOTDR testing

In Auto modes in addition to the OTDR trace, an Event Table is created. Adding Pass/Fail Thresholds helps identify where problems in the installation occur.

Grey areas indicate that Launch - 1 and Receive - 2 cables were used in testing.

Pass/Fail Analysis in Event Table Pass/Fail Analysis in Event Table

Event Pass/Fail Thresholds

The setup allows users to set Pass/Fail Thresholds for Events and Links. Default values are set to ISO/TIA industry standards

Full Auto mode simplifies test setup for inexperienced users and automatically generates an Event Table and Loss Summary page. Full Auto always pings the fiber to adjust settings and will test at all wavelengths.

of 0.75 dB for reflective events and 0.3 dB for non-reflective Events.

In Full Auto mode users may turn the default values On or Off.

In all Expert test modes (Manual, Auto, and Auto-Once) users may turn the values On or Off, and can set more stringent loss and marginal values for Loss and for Reflectance. Expert Pass/Fail ThresholdFull Auto Pass/Fail Thresholds



User has full control of test setup in [Manual] mode or can use [Auto] mode to Full Auto test at one or two wavelength(s) or [Auto Once] mode to help refine the expert settings and test one or more wavelengths. [Auto Once] pings the first fiber then uses the same settings for next fibers.

Page 7: C-Series Fiber Certification Testers · OTDR is located. Results automatically populate the same Route/Cable starting with fiber 001. Results Manager indicates type(s) of test that

Opternus GmbHoptische Spleiss- und Messtechnik

Opternus GmbH Optische Spleiss- & MesstechnikBahnhofstr. 5D-22941 Bargteheide

Tel. +49(0)4532-20 44-0Fax +49(0)4532-20 44-25

Büro Süd:Wäldenbronner Str. 2D-73732 Esslingen

Tel. +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-0Fax +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-99

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E-Mail: [email protected] - -

Specifications and descriptions are subject to change without prior notice.

SpecificationsTest and Inspection

OLTS Viewer/Editor Application

• Select industry Cabling and Application Standards

• Quickly adjust applied rules

• View quick Pass/Fail or expand results to view by fiber and direction for each applied rule

PC Analysis and Post Processing of Test Results using Test Results Manager (TRM™)

Cable Pass/Fail Results

Test Details

Expanded Fiber Results

Cabling and Application Standards (ISO/TIA/EN)

Page 8: C-Series Fiber Certification Testers · OTDR is located. Results automatically populate the same Route/Cable starting with fiber 001. Results Manager indicates type(s) of test that

Opternus GmbHoptische Spleiss- und Messtechnik

Opternus GmbH Optische Spleiss- & MesstechnikBahnhofstr. 5D-22941 Bargteheide

Tel. +49(0)4532-20 44-0Fax +49(0)4532-20 44-25

Büro Süd:Wäldenbronner Str. 2D-73732 Esslingen

Tel. +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-0Fax +49(0)711-3 10 59 99-99

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E-Mail: [email protected] - -

Specifications and descriptions are subject to change without prior notice.


Authorized Channel PartnerCERTIFIED9001


Test and Inspection

Reporting Flexibility with Test Results Manager (TRM™) • Create custom cover pages with logos for end user, installer or


• Create summary pages of OTDR summary table and thumbnail traces

Certification Report Page

Certification report page shows overall report 1 to standards (ISO shown) - with Pass/Fail 2 indicated for each fiber as well as User Rule 3 and Applications for which the fibers have passed.

OTDR Cable Summary Page

OTDR cable summary page shows job information and test setup, Loss and ORL test results with or without thumbnails of OTDR traces (shown with Loss/ORL table and OTDR thumbnails).

Fiber Detail Results Page

Fiber Detail Results page documents equipment used for testing, job information, test setup, cursor information, OTDR trace, event table, summary table with Event map, end-face image, and OPM results with an overall Pass or Fail.

• Combine OTDR trace(s), event table, loss measurements, event map, and fiber end-face image in a single report

• Export jobs to Zip files or save reports as PDF files




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