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World Scout Committee – Comité Mondial du Scoutisme

Case Postale 241CH-1211 Genève 4Suisse

Rue du Pré-Jérôme 5CH-1205 GenèveSuisse

Tél: (+41 22) 705 10 10Fax: (+41 22) 705 10 20

[email protected]

CIRCULAR Nº 8/2003

To: International Commissioners

May 2003

Call for candidaturesfor a new Secretary General

Dear colleagues,

I refer to my Circular N° 6/2003, announcing the launch of a search for a new WOSM SecretaryGeneral, to be appointed by the World Scout Committee at its 25/26 October 2003 meeting andto take his/her position on 1st April 2004.

You will find enclosed the text of a call for candidatures which indicates the responsibilities of the

position and the desired profile of the candidates.

I draw your attention to the deadline for submissions of candidatures (15 June 2003) and I inviteyou to approach any potential candidate and encourage him/her to address himself/herself toMr Martin Heuberger at "Amrop Hever Global Executive Search", whom we thank again for doingthis work « pro bono ». Should anyone have the name of a potential candidate who may not applyon his/her own initiative, but may be approached by “Amrop Hever”, please give the necessaryinformation to Mr Heuberger.

I trust that this process will produce positive results and thank you all in advance for yourcollaboration.

Sincerely yours,

Marie-Louise CorreaChairmanWorld Scout Committee

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World Scout Committee – Comité Mondial du Scoutisme

P.O. Box 241CH-1211 Geneva 4Switzerland

Rue du Pré-Jérôme 5CH-1205 GenevaSwitzerland

Tel: (+41 22) 705 10 10Fax: (+41 22) 705 10 20

[email protected]

The World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)

is looking for a


The Secretary General, as Chief Executive Officer of the World Organization, representsWorld Scouting within and outside the Movement. He/she is appointed by the World ScoutCommittee of which he/she becomes a member. He/she exercises his/her functions in anenvironment of youth, voluntary service and non-formal education.

His/her main tasks are:

– To promote and safeguard the interests of World Scouting (which has 28 millionactive members, youth and adults, boys and girls, in 154 countries), and to represent 

it both within the Movement and in its relations with national authorities andinternational organisations (U.N., IGOs, NGOs, etc.).

– To direct the work of the World Scout Bureau, which has its headquarters inGeneva and of which he/she appoints the staff. (A dozen executives in Geneva; some20 executives in regional offices corresponding to the 6 Regions of World Scouting).Total budget of approximately CHF 10 million.

The World Bureau serves as the Secretariat of the World Organization. It

• assists the World Committee and prepares the Regional and World Conferencesof Scouting;

• helps national Scout organisations in the implementation of the world Strategy;

• introduces and develops Scouting in some 30 countries where it does not yetexist or is embryonic;

• organises regional and world Scout events (Jamborees, Moots);

• maintains relations with other international youth organisations and otherinternational agencies, governmental and non-governmental.

– To contribute to fundraising which is indispensable for the good operation of theWorld Scout Bureau and of the World Scout Foundation, in order to better serve theNational Scout Organisations.

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To fulfil this essential function of Secretary General of World Scouting, the World ScoutCommittee is looking for a man or a woman who would ideally have the following profile:

– proven capacity in important positions of management and staff leadership;

– high level of intercultural experience in an international context;

– strong personal commitment for a cause; sensitive to the challenges facing youth;able to work with volunteers within a non-formal educational movement;

- awareness of the importance of democratic leadership at all levels in WOSM andability to implement this personally at world level;

– good communicator; good linguistic knowledge (English and French required; otherlanguages are an asset);

– available to travel extensively throughout the world.

- Deadline and address for submission of candidature in English or French:

Mr. Martin E. Heubergerc/o AMROP HEVER – Global Executive SearchMorgental 35CH-8126 ZumikonSWITZERLANDe-mail: [email protected]

Deadline: 15 June 2003

AMROP HEVER is conducting this search on a "pro bono" basis, e.g. without chargingany fees

- Date of entry in position: April 1st 2004

* * *

- More information

For more information or if you wish to draw the attention of the Selection Committeeto a possible candidate, please contact Mr. Heuberger or a member of the SelectionCommittee.

Marie-Louise Correa, Chairman WSC, e-mail: [email protected] (French)Habibul Alam, Vice-Chairman WSC, e-mail: [email protected] (English)Ferran Guimaraes, Vice-Chairman WSC, e-mail: [email protected] (French)Walter Hofstetter, Member WSC, e-mail: [email protected] (English/French)Henning Mysager, designated by WSB Inc., e-mail: [email protected] (English)

May 2003

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