
Caerleon Lodge Hill Primary School

Governors’ Annual Reportto Parents


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Chairperson's Introduction 5

Governor Information 6

School Terms and Holidays 7

School Times 7

Last AGM 8

School Prospectus changes 8

Links with the community 8

Review of School Policies 9

Progress Report on the School’s Strategic Equality Action Plan 9

The Curriculum, the organisation of education and teaching methods 11

Promoting Healthy Eating and Drinking 12

Special Arrangements for Particular Groups of Children 13

Use of the Welsh Language in School 13

Sport and Extra-Curricular Activities 14

Attendance 15

Toilet Facilities 15

Financial Statement 16

School Fund Statement 17

Pupil Performance 18

Target Setting 19

Comparative Information 2015 20

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Governors’ Annual Report to Parents 2015-2016

Chairperson's Introduction

On behalf of the Governing Body of Caerleon Lodge Hill Primary School I am delighted to be able write a few words to you as an introduction to the Governors’ Report to Parents, 2016. The report provides a wealth of information about the ethos, activities and learning experiences in the school and of the strong links which exist between the school and the local community. Of particular interest will be the detailed presentation of data relating to pupil performance which is of a very high standard.

Apart from attending regular meetings of the Governing Body throughout the year, we all involve ourselves in school life both when and where it is appropriate and possible. Each governor takes on the role of Link Governor for a particular area of school life and/or for the curriculum and liaises with the relevant member of staff. We each meet with the Subject Coordinators at both Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 and also have an opportunity to talk with the children and share their ideas and experiences. I think we all find this a very positive experience and one which enables us to participate in some of the learning experiences that are an integral element of school life. I certainly feel that I learn a lot from this aspect of my role and this would be true of all members of the Governing Body.

Another extremely enjoyable aspect is the opportunity to experience the music, song and spoken word at the school concerts, assemblies and performance which are always of such a high standard. Most recently, I attended the Harvest Festival celebration which was led by Pastor Phil Jones who is also a member of the Governing Body. The children performed magnificently, I revisited the story of Boaz and Ruth and it was wonderfully heart-warming to be a part of such a special experience together with many parents, grandparents and friends of the school.

We are particularly proud of the high levels of pupil attendance, i.e. 95.3%, which is very good and recognise that this is due to the strength and richness of the school as a learning community and to the innovative approaches which have been introduced by the Headteacher and her staff. It is also due to you as parents, to your many contributions, both through the PTA and individually and to the commitment you and your children make to the life of the school.

A final very positive note concerns the building of our new school. The developers have been appointed by the LEA and the work will be commencing soon. An exciting prospect for all involved with Caerleon Lodge Hill Primary School!

Caroline McLachlanChairperson, Caerleon Lodge Hill Primary School Governing Body

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Chair: Clerk to the Governors:Mrs C McLachlan Mrs A PritchardCaerleon Lodge Hill Primary School Governor SupportLodge Hill South East Wales EASCaerleon Llanwern High SchoolNewport NP18 3BY Newport NP18 2YETel: 01633 422322

Representation Name End of OfficeClerk Mrs A Pritchard N/A

Co-opted Governors Mr Phil Jones 13/01/2017Mr Phil Kenney 13/01/2017Mrs Judith Evans 03/05/2017Tony Szary 25/11/2018

Headteacher Mrs Helen Power N/A

LEA Appointed Mrs Caroline McLachlan 31/12/2016Cllr Gail Giles 31/12/2016Cllr Paul Huntley 31/12/2016Vacancy

Non Voting Co-opted Linked Gov

Mr Nicholas Smith N/A

Parent Representatives Mr Simon Mayor 31/12/2016Mr Adrian Davies 03/11/2018Mrs Lisa Davies 03/11/2018Mrs Emma Watson 03/11/2018Mrs Natalie Evans 24/11/2019

Staff Representative Mrs Kathryn Brown 31/12/2016Teacher Representatives Mrs Julie Saville 31/12/2016

Mrs Laura Isaac 21/09/2018

Governors’ Responsibilities

Throughout the year the governors meet on a regular basis at school. They receive termly reports written by the Headteacher concerning the school and its work. In addition, governors meet for curriculum, finance, premises/health and safety, pay review and appointment committees.

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School Terms and Holidays

Please find below the school terms and holidays which have been approved for the academic years 2016/2017. Within this year there are 5 days designated as Training Days as follows:.

Thursday 1st September 2016 Friday 2nd September 2016 Monday 31st October 2016 Tuesday 3rd January 2017 Thursday 4th May 2017

Term dates for 2016-2017Autumn Term

Thursday 1st September to Friday 16th December 2016Half Term: 24th – 28th October

Spring TermTuesday 3rd January to Friday 7th April 2017Half Term: 20th – 24th February

Summer TermMonday 24th April to Friday 21st July 2017Bank Holiday 1st May 2017Half Term: 29th May – 2nd June

School Times

JuniorsMorning 9.00 am - 12 noon

with a break from 10.45 to 11.00 amAfternoon 1.00 pm - 3.30 pm

with a break from 2.15 to 2.25 pm

InfantsMorning 9.00 am - 12 noon

with a break from 10.35 to 10.50amAfternoon 1.00 pm - 3.15 pm

with a break from 2.35 to 2.45pm

NurseryMorning 9.00 am – 11.30am

with a break from 10.00 to 10.15amAfternoon 12.45 pm - 3.15 pm

with a break from 2.20 to 2.30pm

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Last AGM

An AGM was offered in Autumn 2015 by governors but no parents chose to attend.

School Prospectus changes

General updates on teaching and support staff A revised list of governors An updated description of the curriculum / school structure where

appropriate An updated list of extra-curricular activities Updated equalities information Amendments to the organisation of teaching Amendments to additional learning needs Updated attendance and punctuality guidance Information regarding the new breakfast provision Latest pupil performance data

Links with the community

The schools’ Police Liaison officers have worked with all classes focusing on age appropriate topics ranging from keeping safe on the roads to e-safety

Strong links were enhanced last year with the local Lodge Farm Church with visits to the church for Harvest and Advent. We have similarly strong links with St. Cadoc’s Church in Caerleon village and held our first joint infant and junior carol concert as a primary school

Children and families donated Harvest parcels to those in need in the local community

Links exist with a variety of training institutions-University of Wales, University of Bath Spa, University of West of England and Coleg Gwent and a number of staff train here ranging from student teachers to NVQ students

Pupils sang to the elderly at Abbeyfield Nursing Home at Christmas time Pets as Therapy-staff and dogs continued to come to school weekly working

with particular children to improve reading and motivation Local fire service visited to talk to the children about fire safety and the work

they carry out Regular articles about school activities were written for the monthly publication,

the “Caerleon Times” Members of the local community have visited and worked with the children to

enhance their learning experiences in topics such as Opthalmology, Dentistry, and the Hindu religion

Pupils entered and won awards in the Caerleon Arts Festival. The winning pupils were presented with awards at the Celtic Manor.

Creative use was made of the local Roman sites with children and staff visiting the area.

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Review of School Policies

During the last academic year the following policies were reviewed and revised by the Governing Body.

Additional Educational Needs Anti-Bullying Behaviour and Discipline Child Protection Drug, Alcohol and Incident Management ESafety Health and Safety Performance Management Restrictive, Physical Intervention/Positive Handling

Progress Report on the School’s Strategic Equality Action Plan

Phrases in bold in this section indicate the strand of the plan that is being addressed by the preceding point.

Objective One – Record and monitor one off equality related incidents and incidents of bullying, against the protected characteristics.

All pupils are educated about what bullying is through SEAL (Social and Emo-tional Aspects of Learning) lessons and how they should report related incid-ents. Employee and pupil training

There is appropriate access and competent understanding of how to use the SIMS recording tool to report incidents of bullying. Employee and pupil train-ing

Staff utilise staff meetings to discuss serious incidents of bullying. Communica-tion

SMT monitor the frequency and seriousness of bullying incidents. Leadership

Objective Two – Monitor and analyse pupil achievement by gender and act upon any trends or patterns in this data that require additional support for pupils.

Actions have been taken to reduce the gender gap, particularly in writing, and these were outlined in the School Development Plan for the academic year 2015-16.

The quantitative targets set for Year 1, Action 1 were:

F/P-To increase the percentage of boys attaining 06 in writing to 40%. KS2-To increase percentage of pupils attaining L4+ in writing to 89%.

The actual percentages achieved for Year 1, Action 1 were:F/P - percentage of boys attaining 06 in writing = 40%.

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KS2- percentage of pupils attaining L4+ in writing = 97%.

Staff are informed about the best approaches and initiatives available for devel-oping boys’ writing. All staff to use the ‘Excellence in Teaching Framework’ to aim for “Excellent” teaching. Employee and pupil training

All pupils have equal access to the curriculum and all children regardless of their gender are supported in their learning. Employee and pupil training

Training has been provided to Teachers and Teaching Assistants about how iPads can be used effectively to develop writing skills and these strategies have been introduced and embedded as part of the school’s day to day provision. Employee and pupil training

The SMT meet on a termly basis to discuss progress of learners, particularly those who are a cause for concern. Books and planning are scrutinised, along with lesson observations, in order to ensure that all children regardless of their gender are supported in their learning and all staff are aiming for “Excellent”. Leadership

Data is scrutinised on a termly basis in order to match pupils to appropriate in-tervention groups promptly. The progress of children who are underachieving is monitored more frequently. Monitoring

Pupils’ attainment is shared by teachers using Assessment Manager. The All Wales Core data sets is shared by the Head teacher with all staff and the Governing Body. Publishing equality information

Objective Three – Continue to deliver an up-to-date and relevant curriculum that encourages children to value diversity within the school and wider community.

Pupils are given opportunities to speak about their achievements, celebrations and beliefs during class and assembly discussions. Children are encouraged to explore and celebrate the diversity of the multifaceted society in which we live. Communication

Mrs Power ensures a wide variety of traditions and beliefs are explored in as-semblies throughout the year. Monitoring

There are good links between staff members and teachers use their knowledge and understanding or contacts in order to plan events and activities which could benefit the whole school. Staff team-teach (where beneficial) during special events e.g. International Week. Leadership

The SMT ensure, through planning and book scrutinies, that children are given a varied education which encourages them to value diversity, not only within the school, but within the wider community. Monitoring

School articles are published in the Caerleon Times to inform the wider com-munity of our success in this area. Publishing Equality Information

Achievements of the school are shared via our Twitter account. Publishing Equality Information

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The Curriculum, the Organisation of Education and Teaching Methods

Foundation Phase-Provision

Teaching and Learning in the Foundation Phase is based on the seven Areas of Learning as laid out in the Welsh Assembly documentation. These areas are; Language, Literacy and Communication, Mathematical Development, Personal, Social Development, Wellbeing and Cultural Diversity, Welsh Language Development, Knowledge and Understanding of the World, Physical Development and Creative Development.

Teachers carefully plan learning opportunities for all the above areas, ensuring there is a focus on Numeracy and Literacy skills as well as ICT and Thinking skills. These Key Skills are explicitly evident in the planning and delivery of learning activities in Foundation Phase.

Outdoor provision is carefully planned into learning activities, providing an additional stimulus and enhancing first-hand experiences for the pupils. The outdoor provision can assist in the development of a wide range of skills including problem-solving and communication as well as enhancing pupils’ understanding and appreciation of the world around them. The development of pupils’ creative and physical skills can also be enriched through the outdoors. A very well presented and interesting Forest School also contributes greatly to the children’s learning experiences.

The National Framework for Literacy and Numeracy is carefully adhered to with teachers building in the appropriate skills into medium and short term planning.


The National Curriculum Orders from 2008 form the basis of the provision in KS2. The Orders are in the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Welsh, ICT, History, Geography, RE, Music, Art, PE and Design Technology. PSE (Personal, Social Education) and ESDGC (Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship) are other aspects of the curriculum which are also carefully planned into the provision we offer pupils.

Planning takes the form of an overall framework across Y3-Y6 which notes the range of the curriculum covered (long-term plan). The Medium Term planning takes the form of Schemes of Work. These have been carefully created and reviewed over several years by staff and constitute an interesting, creative, broad and balanced curriculum. Key Skills have been intricately written into the Schemes of Work to ensure full coverage and to ensure a strong focus on these skills across all subjects. We are continuing the process of incorporating the Numeracy and Literacy Skills Framework into our planning, ensuring these skills permeate thoroughly across the curriculum.

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Organisation and Teaching Time

In Nursery and Reception, children’s learning is organised in a variety of ways. Continuous Provision is carefully planned with a range of appropriate and stimulating resources and activities provided. Enhanced provision builds on the children’s prior learning and small focus groups led by a teacher or LSA ensure children are taught basic Literacy and Numeracy skills as well as other skills set out in the Foundation Phase Curriculum. These groups are organised by ability to ensure more effective teaching and learning. In Y1 and Y2 the different types of provision, such as Continuous and Enhanced, are still an important part of the provision but the teaching of Literacy and Numeracy does become more formal and structured to enable the children to reach the required level in these areas. In these classes the more structured Numeracy and Literacy sessions normally take place in the morning.

In Key Stage 2, children are taught in mixed ability classes, with high level differentiated planning to ensure all pupils’ needs are met. Literacy and numeracy lessons are usually timetabled in the mornings while other areas of learning and subjects are taught in the afternoons. The literacy / numeracy framework is carefully implemented by all teachers ensuring aspects of literacy and numeracy permeate through the whole curriculum. For example, in science pupils use their numeracy skills to construct graphs and charts and in history, Year 4/5 children use their literacy skills to write a diary of a Victorian child. Many of the non-core subjects such as History, Geography, Design Technology have been planned in a cross-curricular way to provide a more stimulating and cohesive form of learning. For example, in Y6 in the Brazil topic, as well as finding out about the main geographical features of the country, the children learn about Samba music and design festival headwear such as that worn in the Rio Carnival.

Promoting Healthy Eating and Drinking

Pupils’ knowledge and awareness of healthy eating and drinking has been de-veloped through the delivery of Healthy Living assemblies, focusing on ways to keep active and healthy food choices.

Children also have access to water fountains in school and water bottles are kept in classroom areas.

A fruit trolley run by Year 6 pupils is available at break times, selling fruit to pu-pils throughout the juniors.

Gardening club is run during the spring and summer terms, for pupils between Years 3 and 6.

Cookery club was run in the juniors during the academic year 2015-16, where healthy eating and drinking was discussed with attendees.

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Special Arrangements Made For Particular Groups of Pupils

Special arrangements are made for certain pupils, depending on their individual needs.

Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs receive appropriate support which is tailored to their need. This can range from individual one to one support, to support within a group / class setting. It may also involve specialist support and advice from outside agencies. Staff ensure the recommendations stated in the child’s Statement are adhered to carefully with effective liaison across school / home / outside agencies.

All children identified as having a particular learning need are given appropriate support in a variety of ways. This includes careful differentiation and support provided by the class teacher and support staff and/or support from a professional service such as Speech and Language or Counselling.

Since September 2014, Mrs Isaac has taken on the responsibility for ALN (Additional Learning Needs). Mrs Isaac is supported by a team of experienced teachers and support staff. We have embedded Individual Development Plans (IDPs) and Individual Pupil Profiles (IPPs) in line with the latest Welsh Assembly guidelines on Additional Learning Needs.

In addition to children identified as having an additional learning need, there are also children who need extra support (which may be just a short term boost) in order for them to make the expected progress in English and/or maths. In these cases we provide extra intervention groups where children can learn in a small setting. Support staff liaise with parents to build up strong links between school and home, keeping them informed about their child’s progress.

Use of the Welsh Language in School

Incidental Welsh is spoken on a daily basis throughout the school. Basic commands and instructions are given in Welsh which are then given in English to support and develop the understanding of the lower ability children. Incidental Welsh is spoken in all areas across the curriculum. Teachers have been provided with resources to use language patterns appropriate to the subjects and skills taught.

Placements are a resource used to teach the basic conversational language patterns. These are used to encourage the pupils to converse in Welsh. The dinner register is taken in Welsh each day. Members of staff communicate with pupils through the medium of Welsh where appropriate. e.g. ‘Beth sy’n bod?’ may be used to ask a child ‘what is the matter?’ when they look as if they need help or have an injury.

The date is written in Welsh on the board each day alongside the date written in English. This is done to provide the opportunity to become more familiar with the written language. Each classroom has Welsh language and ‘Bocs Bendigedig’ words around the classroom so children can independently use them.

All members of staff have been provided with support and training in teaching Welsh second language. The Welsh co-ordinators provide staff with opportunities to develop their use of incidental Welsh in the classroom. All teachers have access to resources

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and language packs as well as guidance from the Welsh co-ordinators within the school.

Year 4 staff have attended training linked to the new Welsh pack led by the Education Achievement Service (EAS). Year 4 staff have the access to resources and language packs of the new Welsh schemes, this builds and develops on the Welsh scheme in Year 3.

In house training is provided by the Welsh Advisory Service when requested to ensure that all staff are aware of the standards and expectations of the Welsh second language curriculum and levels. Baseline assessments are used at the start of each year to allow teachers to assess the ability of the pupils in order to provide them with learning opportunities which are suitable to their needs.

Yearly moderation meetings are held within our cluster primary and comprehensive schools to ensure continuity in the teaching and levelling of work in Welsh second language.

There are no exceptions from the National Curriculum in Welsh. However, we do have many children who come from the private sector or from outside of Wales. These children are given extra support through work on the placement patterns before attempting differentiated tasks in their Welsh lessons.

Sport and Extra-Curricular Activities

Sports Curriculum

At Caerleon Lodge Hill Primary School staff use the Welsh Assembly statutory and guidance documentation in order to plan the best possible PE and sports provision for the children. A range of training and resource materials are used such as Play to Learn, PESS (P.E and School Sport) and Dragon Sports. Such resources and support enable staff to plan varied and appropriate activities for PE and sport within their entitled curriculum.

Major high profile sporting events are held each summer with a traditional but very inclusive style Sports Day on the field for KS2 children and an “Olympics Fortnight” for the Foundation Phase children.

We have also introduced a House Sports event where teams play football, rugby, netball and tennis. This is organised by Year 6 pupils,

In the summer term some classes trialled walking / jogging a mile each week as part of their games session. This is a UK wide initiative aimed at improving children’s health and fitness and will be evaluated to see if it will be continued next year.

In addition to the timetabled PE and Games sessions the children receive, there are also many excellent physical extra-curricular activities on offer for the children. These are included in the section below.

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Extra-Curricular activities

We are very proud of our extra-curricular activities and believe that giving children an opportunity to develop their interest and skills in areas such as cooking, tennis and guitar playing contributes towards a child’s self-esteem, wellbeing and confidence. We have many dedicated staff who freely offer their time to take these activities. These are the clubs we offered in 2015/16 were:

JuniorsArt Cookery Chess ChoirCycling Dance Football FrisbeeGardening Guitar Netball Tennis

InfantsChoir Cookery Country Dancing ICT Recorders Rounders Science

We continued for a fourth year with the Dragon Sport Multi-Skills project which involves pupils from our local secondary school coming in after school to coach Y3 children in various sports.

Attendance 2015/16

Sessions* %Attendances 95220 95.3Authorised Absences 3775 3.8Unauthorised Absences 932 0.9Possible Attendances 99927 100

IncludingApproved Educational Activity (trips) 638 0.6Late 862 0.9

*1 session = ½ school day

Toilet Facilities

The toilet facilities on both infant and junior sites are in a good condition with daily cleaning taking place to a high standard. The quality of the cleaning is carefully monitored by managers.

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Financial statements for year ending 31 st March 2016 CAERLEON LODGE HILL PRIMARY



569,724 Teachers 551,663161,766 Support Staff 175,38621,071 Midday Supervisors 20,320


11,979 Supply Insurance Premium 13,40637,522 Agency Staff 64,034

57 Lunch Time Meal Entitlement 550 Foreign Language Assistants 00 Exam Invigilators 00 Advertising 00 Interview Expenses 00 Misc Employee Costs 0

ENERGY10,439 Gas 8,8148,018 Electricity 7,433

0 Oil 042,924 CAPITATION & ICT 32,31247,937 SCC, SEG, WEG & PDG Expenditure 61,704

PREMISES RELATED662 Hire Of Facilities 911

13,954 Rates 14,21914,157 Building Maintenance & Alarm Lines 11,8575,352 Grounds Maintenance 5,6357,462 Water 6,02315,369 Building Cleaning-Contract 17,0141,748 Refuse Collection 1,9234,808 Misc Premises 7,506

COMMUNICATIONS197 Postage/Fax/Telex 221

1,658 Telephones 4,926720 TRANSPORT 1,3900 EXAM FEES 0


INCOME0 Telephones 0

-7,700 Lettings -6,5800 Photocopying 0

-6,495 Music Service Income -6,425-4,568 Donations -10,534

0 Miscellaneous 00 Sales Income 0

-16,438 Supply -33,2540 Exam Fees 00 Under/Over Banking 0

-226 Interest -1200 Rental Income 0

-88 Coaching Fees -660-3,987 Energy Compensation -4,369

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-7,286 After Schools Club -6,205-142,248 Contributions to Initiatives -148,542833,372 TOTAL NET EXPENDITURE 838,373838,802 TOTAL FUNDING 859,0285,430 Current Surplus / (Deficit) for year 20,65545,177 Previous Year's Surplus / (Deficit) 24,02050,607 Accumulated Surplus / (Deficit) c/fwd 44,6756.0% Balance as % of funding 5.2%

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SPF Accounts Statement

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Pupil Performance

The following pages provide you with information about pupil performance in Foundation Phase and KS2 at the end of the academic year 2015-16. There is also a section showing the performance targets which were set by teachers for Y2 and Y6 pupils in the Autumn Term of 2015.

Pupils are formally assessed at the end of Y2 and Y6. For Y2 pupils. The expected Outcome for pupils by the time they leave Y2 is Outcome 5. The data on the following pages tells you the percentage of pupils reaching the achieving the expected Outcome in the following areas:

Personal and social development, well-being and cultural diversity Language, literacy and communication skills Mathematical development

For Y6 pupils, the expected level of attainment is National Curriculum Level 4. Pupils are assessed in English, Maths and Science.

There is also comparative information provided showing how the pupils at Caerleon Lodge Hill Primary School performed in relation to pupils nationally, locally and those in the same socio-economic group (known as our “family schools”). Comparative data is also provided relating to pupils achieving above the expected levels at Foundation Phase (Outcome 6) and at KS2 (Level 5).

As a school we very pleased with the results pupils achieve by the time they reach the end of each phase of their education. However, we are never complacent. Our School Development Plan addresses aspects of English and Maths we believe we can further improve. This year we are focusing on improving boys’ reading in particular. ICT is also a major priority with Mr Smith and Mrs Davies leading staff in the implementation of the Welsh Government’s new Digital Competency Framework.

Our school is now part of the EAS Peer Review Programme, “sustaining and growing Excellence” and part of this will involve working with 3 other schools in order to continue to improve teaching and learning.

The school’s parent engagement work continues to flourish, making a positive impact on pupils’ attainment and attendance. We will be continuing with this work as well as looking at ways to further improve.

Finally, a major priority is the development of a plan for our new school building. This is all progressing very well.

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NCC Target Setting

School Targets for Attendance

Academic Year

Academic Year

Academic Year

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18Attendance (%) 95.70 95.70 95.70

Unauthorised Absence (%) 0 0 0Authorised Absence (%) 4.3 4.3 4.3

Foundation Phase Target Setting Review Autumn 2015

Information printed is taken from data supplied by the school to Newport City Council during the Autumn 2015 target review.

Number of Pupils2015/16

Year 2Boys Girls

15 15

Please note that all figures relate to children achieving Outcome 5 or above.

Targets for 2016 –Year 2 (15/16)

Language, Literacy and

Communication Skills

Mathematical Development

Achieving both LLC and MD

Personal and Social Development, Well-being and Cultural

DiversityNo. % No. % No. % No. %

Target 29 97 29 97 29 97 30 100

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Key Stage 2 Target Setting Review Autumn 2015

Information printed is taken from data supplied by the school to Newport City Council during the Autumn 2015 target review.

Number of Pupils2015/16

Year 6 Year 5 Year 4Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls

17 12 18 18 19 17

Please note that all figures relate to children achieving Level 4 or above.

Targets for 2016 –Year 6 (15/16)

English Mathematics Science CSI – Boys CSI - GirlsNo. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

Target 28 97 27 93 28 97 15 88 12 100

Targets for 2017 –Year 5 (14/15)

English Mathematics Science CSI – Boys CSI - GirlsNo. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

Target 33 92 32 89 33 92 16 89 16 89

Targets for 2018 –Year 4 (14/15)

English Mathematics Science CSI – Boys CSI - GirlsNo. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

Target 34 94 34 94 34 94 17 89 17 100

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Data for 2016 for LA and Wales comparative information

This report uses data for 2016 for LA and Wales comparative information

School comparative information: Foundation Phase Outcomes 2016 with benchmarkingPercentage of boys, girls, and pupils achieving at least the expected outcome (Outcome 5+):

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Data for 2016 for LA and Wales comparative information

This report uses data for 2016 for LA and Wales comparative informationSchool comparative information: National Curriculum Assessments 2016 with benchmarking

Key Stage 2Percentage of boys, girls, and pupils achieving at least the expected level (Level 4+):

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Benchmarking% pupils achieving Level 4+ and Level 5+ by position within the relevant FSM benchmarking group

L4+ English

L5+ English

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Benchmarking% pupils achieving Level 4+ and Level 5+ by position within the relevant FSM benchmarking group

L4+ Mathematics

L5+ Mathematics

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Benchmarking% pupils achieving Level 4+ and Level 5+ by position within the relevant FSM benchmarking group

L4+ Science

L5+ Science

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Benchmarking% pupils achieving outcome 5+ and outcome 6+ by position within the relevant FSM benchmarking group

Outcome 5+ Language, Literacy and Communication Skills in English

Outcome 6+ Language, Literacy and Communication Skills in English

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Benchmarking% pupils achieving outcome 5+ and outcome 6+ by position within the relevant FSM benchmarking group

Outcome 5+ Mathematical Development

Outcome 6+ Mathematical Development

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Benchmarking% pupils achieving outcome 5+ and outcome 6+ by position within the relevant FSM benchmarking group

Outcome 5+ Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity

Outcome 6+ Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity

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